STEPHEN TRIES | Sidemen, XO, Jez Lynch, and more! | JHHP #52

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stephen you are um a sketch comedian uh sketchy comedian is the phrase i don't want to suck his [ __ ] that's going in the trailer have we called kem kirk i'm a slug yet uh yeah yeah i got i think i'll take that box watch podcasts yeah not my own life's too short guys from exo to the e-boys okay they're they're a new collective on youtube why are you not in it um i don't think i'm just i'm not into that sort of content really i was making jokes brian was laughing yeah but then those two weren't the manager wasn't he's just oh yeah he's a slug i just look at the camera shaking my head like is this real he uh he just i'm sure there's parts of him that aren't likeable but in him just well you would have been you would have been genuinely happy if you went all the way to wembley and you didn't get on the pitch it like be a few youtubers and all these semi-pro knob heads who no one cares about yeah that's just the f2s team really i think me and lauren's gone really well uh i have a different relationship with brian we get on really well yeah i get on with will really well yeah cam again stephen tries admits cam kirkham ruins exo [Laughter] we did this all this writing coming up with ideas they got a week before the show we did the first run through it was a shambles um what why i met him and then he went oh i need to go to the toilet so first impression was well taken to steam and dump waiting outside the toilet i'll probably wait outside i remember a bloke came up to me in the gym and went oh you're the sideman guy do you think stormzy's ever ever seen it have you ever had a little dm from him i'm sure like someone that he knows will have gone oh look at this and lad bible were trying to set up a video with me and him so he would have been aware of me i'm sure it's the most rushed video we've ever made and by far the most successful i worked out a couple of years ago and it was collected if it was like 20 million on facebook so max's dream is unfortunately to live in an underground cinema what what did little steven look like i'm trying to picture it um so little stephen was uh i'm not asking to see your penis should go to meal deal stephen okay uh can't lie um i'm a fan of a boots meal deal um right that's a weird one i don't know if we've had anyone say boots before i was raised by a single mother hello guys and welcome back to jack makes happy hour uh stevie can't make it today because he's absolutely riddled from head to toe with covert 19. so we've got alfie indra filling in yeah we do we should introduce our guest because we've got a brilliant guest youtuber comedian fan of jes lynch it's um stephen tries how are you stephen thank you pleasure to have you on thanks for coming thank you for having me just been on a bill this will go out in a few weeks just been on a shoot haven't you how's with uh cal frieza yeah what was that like it was okay yeah he's a he's got this you know fancy flat right [ __ ] you know these millennials have no respect for property but if they are if the landlord is watching shut them down okay yes he was doing his cook-off video which is a little serious he's done little patronizing patronizing you just ubered across you're a busy man about town this is it yeah when i come down to london i get [ __ ] done that's how i am because i [ __ ] i don't know about you but i [ __ ] hate coming to london yeah are you a fan of it or no i have to get like a two-hour train and then just the time slows down for those two hours it's grim yeah traveling along you go by stoke yes oh my god do i get [Laughter] how come you never moved to london because you still live up north don't you uh max purely for max he's uh he's keeping me there yeah just all my friends and family are up north so i don't want to leave them sort of like having a i don't know a different style of video to people where i can i can film in a park and they don't recognize it and yeah i don't know it's it's financial reasons chad we always start with the same question you might know what's coming you might not what's your go-to meal deal stephen okay uh can't lie um i'm a fan of a boots meal deal um right that's a weird one i don't know if i've had anyone say boots before i was raised by a single mother so that's not gonna happen the case so i was a that's always a fan of a chicken salad sandwich god maybe maybe chicken pasta it's all right it's not wrong with that you seem embarrassed by that but it's absolutely fine this this stems from when i was on holiday in kavos um right i ordered a chicken salad and the waitress there called me a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh i thought you said you went on holiday with cavos it's an interesting grape so you get you're getting a cheat you're getting a chicken salad slash pasta yeah and then drink wise i'll probably go for maybe a water yeah i'm so plain well you like that yeah i was actually hoping you were going to say water reusable oh so you're buying it for the container rather than the uh the contents jesus christ environmentally minded so northern and then uh and then there's a snack oh sort of the beta male treat would be you know some sort of sweet flavored popcorn yeah i mean that is synonymous with our show our host stevie always gets that we do we do rinse them for it because we're in a bunch of lads is that your phone online who's the unprofessional here i don't get messages oh it's mine it's mine and it's fiona who's actually at fiona don't text me when i'm doing the show please surprise all right you okay what are you up to literally what you just said oh did you sorry man good start no ready stephen you're actually you're from my neck of the world woods aren't you yeah i was born in norwich lived there for four years oh only four years i did myself okay because i had a lot of questions about norwich i thought yeah i thought you lived there longer i was going to say what clubs did you go to but that one's right out so you you moved up to manchester when you were when you were four was it manchester or just saint helens which is in between liverpool and manchester united oh yeah is that why you're a liverpool fan well all my family live for all my family's scouts by me and my sister who have this weird accent where we were born in norwich picked up an accent there so it was like 99 sort of like that yeah and then moved to satan helens which is more like hey are you doing a 40-year-old woman who smokes 40 a day this is very much it and then and i don't know what happened to me but i'll meet all my family and i've just got this posh sort of yeah i don't think you've ever got a norfolk accent no i've not got a saint helen's accent yeah i can't place it did you go school in saint helens yeah it was a place called uh bleak hill which on the years later i realized sounds awful yeah jesus that's like when i went to america and i stayed in a hotel called the shady hotel oh no that's not what you want is it was it the thing is we tweeted about you coming on and i was expecting to get loads of like comments about jeremy lynch and about your comedy career most of them are actually about your school and what what what your school was like which was weird because i think i tried to think this we're having a chat about this on the way up i can't imagine what you were like at school like were you were you the were you the funny kid i was so weirdly enough when we had these we do this end of year awards a couple of times throughout my school career you can call it a career you did well mate [ __ ] me so so the the two times they did it i won funniest but i was never i was never outspoken i was always very shy like in my group of mates i was the quiet one all right just be on the slide make these comments maybe in drama class i'd i'd be funny then but apart from that i was never outspoken so you weren't you weren't a confident funny kid no i was always i was always in the fear of you know getting bullied for so maybe i'd make a comment they'd look at me who said that and be like little [ __ ] this is more of a pity vote yeah so who's voting for these is that just everyone's pupils yeah ever so ever so you must have been all right then if you're branching out of your little circle you're getting you're getting the communal vote there aren't i don't know yeah i don't know how i got away with it i think it was just i think maybe they had a year yeah i went give him that because there's no way i was winning that but that was i was very quiet yeah what did you what did little steven look like i'm trying to picture it um so little stephen was uh i'm not asking to see your penis good luck with that you can smell it though i wonder why that definitely it's a small room guys and so it was it was sorry i was uh i'd never put like any products in my hair until i was about 16 um a bit like a mormon in that sense um and it was just like this floppy sort of brownie ginger hair short fat and my ears didn't really poke out until i lost weight annoyingly so it was like oh my gosh get picked up for something what was the naughtiest thing you ever did oh i put a ruler in a fan once made a big noise really yeah yeah yeah what did they say just kicked me out she said stop [ __ ] around the school probably [Music] [Laughter] naughtiest thing i wasn't i was so so well behaved like i never left the house i didn't drink until i was 19. i was so so like scared of getting in trouble so what how old were you when like the youtube [ __ ] kicked off i was 21 yeah oh wow so i was gonna say did the drinking come with like the youtube life and stuff like that i thought i thought it was something around the area was saint helens oh yeah well they don't do that and said it's just it's just bottles of uh wkd yeah whatever the the russian version of of smelling off vodka is smelling the dodgy version of me the one that gives you a cough if you drink too much yeah so at 21 that's when i started to live my uni years because i've been to uni but i think i think i went out like three times in the first two years really i was yeah but uni is all about that in it yeah but i was so focused on comedy i was like stay in write my routines learn that i was so focused on doing stand-up i thought this is where i'll you know i can become a standard comedian i was just trying to make it and then quit uni as soon as i could right fair that never happened but uh but yeah because you studied this is a weird one i don't know if many people know this but there are actual courses out there aren't there for comedy writing and performance yeah that's a so there was one in southampton and then my dad i'd made my choices for uni and my dad said oh have you seen this course and peter k was sort of the face of it didn't see his face again for the next three years [Laughter] yeah so i did this comedy course um because i was just obsessed with being a comedian it wasn't what i expected because we were doing clowning and oh yeah the first lesson with this certain teacher uh we're on all fours pretending to be a cat that's a [ __ ] how to take our shoes off when we went in and uh and there was a lad in my year um called jamali maddox who's now live in the apollo he's he's doing really well wow uh he just felt i'm not taking my shoes off uh and what [ __ ] off or just did it with your shoes on yeah that's the only time yeah i'm not taking my shoes off so there was people that would sort of had this idea of a comedy course like me and jamali was one of them who you know he he was already sort of making his way and i can get this on the side as a degree yeah but he he quit after first year and he was he was on to chortle community of the year winning that yeah he was doing well already but there was for the rest of us it was we i don't think we realized because it was nine grand a year and i think we were so obsessed with like because it had just come in at that point we're like nine grand a year for this i'm dressing up as a clown uh i want all fours meowing it's daylight robbery really isn't it so we're so what i didn't realize was you know you're surrounded by all these people you got the use of the cameras and all this equipment for free i didn't take note of that until the last month of uni right i was like [ __ ] i should have been doing this three years ago and that's when we made how to be stormzy just before that oh so did you so you met all the other like the max and tom and that they were they on the same course they're on the same course yeah [ __ ] even tom [Laughter] so so what so you did cl clowning tell me some other ones uh improv right okay oh yeah that's my nightmare no i love i love that i'd love that because you're really good at obviously sketches that's your kind of forte yeah well well improv was great but i was i was put with max right we practiced this for the week before it because we had this exam coming up right so the problem with max was he comes in and just takes over and we tried to drill it into him you just got to go along with the scene whatever's going on the whole point of improv we were taught was yeah whatever responses it begins with yes and so you just go along with it right so when it comes to the exam uh it's me and my mate just doing our stuff it's going nicely max comes in and he he just does this ridiculous character who takes over the whole scene i was playing a bartender for the next five minutes i just stood there pretending to clean the glass that was it just let max take the floor and uh yeah we all got [ __ ] with that but i got i got a two one in that module just like that wow you made your question yeah the course a little bit that's because it's one of them hard ones because like with art and drama i think one more so art like it's subjective isn't it so like the person that was judging you might have found you more funny or less funny than than someone else that could have judged yeah often it comes down to your relationship with the teacher really and i was okay with most of them yeah there's one or two that i just didn't get on with right yeah yeah your grade would suffer i think whether it were those teachers funny or not well this one was one in particular she she was a drama teacher so she was she was an actress herself and unfortunately her first impression of me was she was telling us what video project we were going to do and uh the drama group got told that we were going to make this it was a comedy video i thought that's great what were you going to get she went you're going to do a documentary with the manchester riots and i was so i was i was a meter away from i went like that and she's just like oh and then i sort of spoke to the class and went i don't think i don't think we'll suit this you know we don't want to do a serious documentary on a riot and they all went yeah i agree so then she changed it but of course for the rest of that she was like and in her evaluation of me she went you know your attitude towards my original idea was awful well it's not your fault the idea is [ __ ] exactly that's a comedy degree let's do the holocaust next yeah we did do that so he's a two one good then i know nothing about uni uh so it goes first two one two two i got first overall but for that for improv it was a it was a 2-1 right i think i blagged that yeah uh what about what did max get on there but max bullied [Laughter] max would have got a 2-1 yeah had he returned uh a dvd to the library but he didn't do that because you can't have any outstanding fines to if you're graduating because like you've got to pay everything up right so unfortunately because he didn't return midsummer murders he's never graduated wow so he still claims he's living that student lifestyle so he literally didn't get a no he like he's he's got to pay 50 quid i think to get his cap and gown and graduate right and he's not done it no instead he's you know he's invested in bargain buckets oh wow ps4 games but yeah i should i'll probably just have to pay for his graduation i think yeah he's waiting for at this point but he's he's not graduated yet bless him is he was he would you say he's the one the funniest people on the course he was ridiculous yeah uh so my first impression of max was he was walking with the bloke who had a a big bike chain around his neck and a padlock and i i saw that guy was like he's weird i knew he was straight away i saw max with him and thought oh he's one of his boys so i just ignored max for about six months but he's the muscle yeah but then we did this we did this character um we were about to come up with a comedy character and max did this spanish uh spanish secondary school teacher i was just ridiculous i love her it was it was amazing yeah so from that point on i was i was like oh he's he's brilliant and then he uh yeah he's just he's just always made me laugh i i think apart from yourself your fine self sir i think in the sketches he he stands out doesn't he yeah he's he's class what's hit what's his dream i've always i've always wondered that like when i look into his eyes i've only met him once i've only met him once but um yeah what's it what's he about what's i need to know inside his head so max's dream is unfortunately to live in an underground cinema what i'm sure that's that's feasible isn't it that's achievable it is but what sort of life is it for him you know she's watching mid-summer murders he's got yeah i i just hope he never does that because we'll never see him again but yeah that's his dream his idea of he's just being completely uh to be fair coronavir has has been a little tease i got a godsend for him a godsend he's loved it yeah just locked away so you where you at um did you say you was at college when you made how to be stormzy just just at the very end of it right we made a sketch show for our the equivalent of our dissertation we made a sketch show and i wanted to upload it to youtube because i thought other people in the class enjoyed it people online might so just before we did it i had sort of made some chili challenge based videos that sort of generic stuff at uni yeah and i thought i can't go from that to a sketch show i need something in between just to put people onto this being a comedy channel so did you already have your channel stephen tries yeah oh so that was is that where it came from tries chili challenge and stuff like that yeah exactly terrible content [Laughter] [Music] but then i uh so i thought right i'll make a comedy sketch so i just bought the adidas uh navy blue jacket yeah nice i could do the stormzy video yeah so it's it's the most rushed video we've ever made and by far the most successful yeah which is frustrating but uh that's just that's just how it goes that's that's how i first stumbled upon your stuff i think it was on facebook wasn't it because it was lad bible that shared it yeah lad bible uh unilad got it as well and then lad bible realized they had it i'd sent it off to them right i shared it and that got i got uh a lot more views than you know i ever thought it would yeah but he got a thousand views after a week and i was chuffed with it on youtube yeah yeah and then two months later i was in kevos [Laughter] and uh you know just been swilled by another girl and then i looked at the phone and someone had said oh mate your video's taking off [ __ ] off and it looked yeah that that had started to do well on that bible how many views has that got now do you know i really don't know i think i worked out a couple of years ago and it was collectively it was like 20 million on facebook [ __ ] hell mental and no revenue to you i guess no bastards that's the yeah when they first posted it i was i was saying please like tag my name in it yeah as in asda and it went live and i was like there's no tag there really so i was just fuming down the pastor aisle just caught messaging the guy about knew from love i was saying you got to tag me in this did you ever get your name in it i did yeah well yeah you prevailed in the end do you think stormzy's ever ever seen it have you ever had a little dm from him i'm sure like someone that he knows will have gone oh look at this lad bible were trying to set up a video with me and him so he would have been aware of me i'm sure oh wow how come that didn't come to fruition probably because i'm a knobbed i think you've seen me gone he's just a dick i'm gonna give attention to him which is fair enough but uh you're not you're not really kind of taking a piss out of him are you that's the thing in all of your sketches you're kind of taking the piss out of you it's my character trying to yeah be something that he's not yeah um and that's that's all it ever will be just me being a div yeah did you watch many youtubers before because you you just said you fell into it that wasn't ever anything that you tried to do yeah i watched a lot a lot of youtube especially during university right the people i used to watch would be would be yourself jj spencer fc yeah yeah yeah well that was before the hashtag days wasn't it yeah was that when he had all the stickers of all the footballers on the back yeah now we're talking spencer bring that back he's not watching a minute yeah so so i used to watch just the sort of people that you know were big in the uk i was very uh just watching that we're just watching that so they were the people i really enjoyed and then um yeah it's a bit surreal now when you you become a part of it and you're you're meeting these people and we're roasting the sidemen and yeah it's it's strange you gotta i haven't done it but i never sort of take a step back and go i've done this i've done that yeah you should do because you've done so much you're basically like the eight [ __ ] sidemen member at this point didn't you but well i remember a bloke came up to me in the gym and went oh you're the sideman guy i made a video for uh for at least a month and i was like oh god i've got to make a video did you just go with us did you just say like yes me yeah exactly my exact words uh yeah that's a pathetic way isn't it [Laughter] so how do you make will because will's obviously somebody that you've worked with a lot you went on tour with him how did how did that come about who's who reached out to the other i think he reached out to me yeah i think yeah because i i wasn't really aware of of his channel um there you go will mug but he watched mine all right big fan of 25 things everybody hates guys you wouldn't be if you watched it back now one of the things that i put on there we were talking about this on the show one of the things was gays i have no idea why one was don white that's just a guy that went from a school remember that one another one was gays uh gays we all make mistakes well i just want to put it on record now i've never hated gays he loves graeme norton actually i don't i met him once he was a prick was he yeah he was a pretty i held a door open for him he walked straight but not because he was gay not because he was gay no at the time that's what annoyed me right so you re will reached out to you yeah and i think we spoke a little bit and then he he really started to take off with bg media and then we met at uh upload fest not festival upload the the sidemen's yeah convention we met there spoke to him really enough the first thing was uh i met him and then he went i need to go to the toilet so first impression was well taken to steam and dump waiting outside the toilet i'll probably wait outside [Laughter] we sort of met then and then we didn't film together until it was after his birthday right and i'd got very drunk due to um harry just kept pouring vodka when i wasn't looking nice spiking yeah might be illegal and then uh yeah we filmed uh what was his series that he did he did a series with a couple of people it was not the mastermind that was it yeah right so that was the first time we filmed together um and then yeah we just sort of just blossomed in a way yeah yeah and then you did um you did a tour with him 20 live yeah talk us through that what was the concept of the was it literally like the like the online show but in a stage format so it's i think a company had approached will right uh and he'd he told them about doing swatty and they're like yeah we'll do that live and he got me into it um just to you know someone to bounce off i guess yeah to write the show and then uh then i got max into it to write for me [Laughter] but i just thought i i'd be more comfortable having someone to bounce off myself yeah so uh so yeah we we did the tour but it was something like the the month before the tour uh i should point out i did make pennies vodka in uh cal freeze's video that's why i'm slowing my words emojis harry's been at it again uh so yeah i was so we a month before the show uh we we did this all this writing coming up with ideas they got a week before the show we did the first run through and it was a shambles um why just because we we we really hadn't practiced it and the the segments we were doing we weren't confident we weren't selling it we weren't performing at all so so was because obviously the series for anyone who hasn't seen it on will's channel was just him looking at things that had happened that week on the internet yeah but you're so the tour lasted what was it like a month or something like that yeah it was it was about yeah it was four weekends so we and was it the same show every night or did you change did you change it up with what [ __ ] you same show but there was yeah it was very much the same show but we we added little bits each time as we went through saw what worked yeah um yeah the uh the show we had a week before was just awful and then myself and max went into the hotel room uh cried we well we came up with we sort of had this back and forth with the with the makers of the tour because i had this just one drug joke and they were really stumbling with me about it just going you can't do that we've got a younger audience what was that um so i was doing a guide to a night out saying um something to do with he was like this is right this is wrong so it's you know buying a bag of coke for 40 quid i was like this is wrong uh darren down the road silent for three it's very very simple but it was sort of it's what i do really in videos you know that's my sort of humor yeah um i was like that's what the audience will expect and then we eventually got that passed and we were fine with that and then at that point we just thought we'll just write the worst things possible and see what see what they accept so we wrote about the mccann jokes just just the most the most edgy stuff we could and uh and weirdly enough that that joke we wrote that night was sort of the most nights would be the biggest laugh we got we yeah we got an applause for about the first five nights in a row we get an applause break in ipswich that was the one laugh we got really good it was it was just that it was quiet for the whole evening like interval were like [ __ ] hell let's just get this wow why do you think that was um just a [ __ ] crowd i can't blame ipswich it was it was maybe they just didn't get into it when there's more people uh because we did bigger venues people just into it straight away you could tell from the start yeah who's into it who's not well how many was the ipswich one probably about six or seven hundred right that's still [ __ ] pretty meaty isn't it yeah uh that excuse isn't working is it max was off that night no we yeah just some people didn't get into it i guess and then if there wasn't a big laugh at the start they just weren't into it so with with this show right at the end we have some more edgy jokes um i lay into jeremy lynch a bit we just sort of i think it was the top five rappers on youtube right and we there's just a lot of references that the audience enjoyed and yeah the amanda mccann stuff sort of won it round i think the the makers of the tour thought oh that's the audience then is it a different idea they've done like ali a people like that yeah yeah so we were very you know hitting a different demographic really yeah um it was it was really enjoyable doing the show um but yeah it was just just a different experience never thought i'd do it um i think the thing is when you when you sell to um a youtube audience because often they're quite young i imagine yeah it must be awkward because i imagine that they'll come with their mum and dads so it'll be like mum kids dad kid mum kid there so already half of the audience probably don't have a [ __ ] clue what's going on we did something at summer in the city i think it was telling someone about it on the show a few weeks ago but we didn't plan any show it was just going to be like happy hour live and we turned up and they were like your your room is like the most full we've seen so already i was like and i'm not saying that to brag i'm literally like oh [ __ ] like i didn't even know we were doing one until like two days ago and i turned up and we were like doing all the usual happy hour stuff trying to be edgy all that [ __ ] and i'm just looking in the crowd and just seeing like mums and dads just looking at me like what the [ __ ] is going on here yeah so when you so when you do your stand-up do you do that as steven tries now or do you do that as as as you so i i the last time i did stand up was when was it i think it was 20 no 18 it was oh was it i thought you were still like doing it like no i the problem with that was uh so i just got fed up with doing the same material realistically i should have written it occurred to more at the time uh and then it was just the nerves of doing the show because it at that time i didn't really have the videos that was my main focus and it meant so much to me like this is my only way of making it as a comedian right so i just built it up in my head and the pressure was just too much and uh it took away from my performance because uh i wasn't enjoying it right what did you do what did you literally just mean the nerves yeah the nerves were just just too much so i'll be i'll be in the toilets before doing a show just rehearsing my lines just going over and over again and i come out and just almost do it like a monologue really yeah um and if someone heckled i already had a comeback in my head ready for it because i knew what to expect um so it just wasn't enjoyable i just felt like i was you know that's mad you don't strike me as someone who gets nervous before that kind of thing because i remember when i think i last saw you when we both did the roast of the sidemen video and if anyone hasn't seen it i mean it's got [ __ ] loads of views it was quite a hit for them wasn't it i think um the weather concept was simple side men sit on the stage loads of youtubers go up one after the other and try and roast them simple as that and i remember i was [ __ ] myself and i came up to you just before you went on and you were just like chatting like and i'm just looking at you thinking you look so composed right now and i went are you all right with all this and you get you went no i'm absolutely [ __ ] himself i was just like but you don't you don't show that on the exterior yeah i think it's just the yeah this false persona i'm putting on yeah maybe it's it's just trying to distract yourself from what's what's going to happen mm-hmm then again with that road start i went into the toilets i think i think it was laurence who went before me whilst he was on i went to the toilet just read through i was like okay gotta do that yeah but yeah i think weirdly enough it was in my first year of uni i did i did some jokes and jason manfred had come in because he was an ex uh student and he was he was watching me do my stand-up and i just didn't smile when i did it i just delivered the lines he was like you got to look like you're enjoying it i just i didn't want to look like i thought i was funny because i thought i'm going to look cockier like i think i'm [ __ ] hilarious yeah i didn't smile but the last time i did it was for it was for joe.cody uk so they were doing like a um just making me do five different things and one of them was comedy so i had to do a gig a proper proper stand-up knight and was sean while she was doing it as well okay yeah uh friend of the podcast yeah not mine [Laughter] replies your email sean so i went on i just it went brilliantly so it was it was it was like a reassuring way and it was i was happy to leave that there uh maybe in the future i just don't think i've lived enough of a life so i'd yeah whatever my phone was i was writing material that was based on my family members exaggerating that yeah it was probably i'm sure the audience must laugh you know they can't really connect to it because it's making it up i'm so surprised that you haven't been like doing it like i thought that was just something that you did alongside i always saw you as that's why i introduced you comedian and youtuber because i thought do you prefer to do youtube now then because for me it was i always wanted to do stand-up yeah and youtube wasn't working for a long time and now i'm at a place where i'm happy with on youtube i kind of think well if i start comedy now i'm gonna have to start at the bottom of the ladder and work up when i'm already somewhere over here that's good so is that the same for you or is the dream still comedy i think the why what i enjoy about the sketches is i've got more of a control about what happens if i mess up you know it's just max that's going to waste his time you know i don't think his day i'm ruining he's got nothing on he does in some sketches yeah it's a cheap gag but then with stand-up the the feeling of that was amazing but the weird part was whether it went well or went badly i could sort of come home feeling empty it was oh really i'd be like either if it goes well that buzz is gone and you sort of have a dump of emotions you know and if it went badly like i'm a pathetic human what you doing on this earth have you ever did you have a bomb properly bomb oh yeah it was a i sort of cherry-picked my gig so i'd be like that'll be good that won't so it was it wasn't too often um but i did this sort of corporate gig my first and it was i was told it was a company in saint helens he says ah that's good i can do my material without saying helens i love that mm-hmm unfortunately i got there and it was a pharmaceutical company so all very intelligent people the one branch in saint helens was like the tiny table and about this massive room there's about 10 of them oh dear and then the guy came up to me and went so we've got a lot of muslims in so they're not drinking and so you might feel like a different energy in terms of like a rowdy crowd okay and then harry turned up and suddenly they were drinking this one yeah so so the guy the big boss went up and he he gave them a dressing down of their overall performance for the year saying you've not hit these targets oh [ __ ] i should have been on an hour ago just like and then and then the next guy goes up he does a reading of the quran and this this is essentially my warmer pact [Music] so that that wasn't helpful it was annoying that he was taking your show as well that was all you had planned i didn't read the quran from start to finish never took off that really didn't so so then after he read that then just introduced me so you know i go up to a mild applause you know people just waiting for the dessert oh my god and i start doing my jokes and it's instantly it's not hitting home it's it's really you know just people like sort of that yeah what you what's going through your head in that moment are you shaking oh yeah i just oh god oh god and then i'm cringing now five minutes in this uh the guy who's booked me just goes like that essentially saying just get off so i think i'll go off with what always works for me which was a a bit called ladminton so i just stephen you got to use lavender at some point pull out the big boy yeah so i so i go with this this bit about how my badminton coach was a people right thinking that's gonna that's gonna smash bring the house down uh awful so two minutes later i'm off the stage head in my hands and uh believe it or not the night ends pretty soon after that so the dj's packing up his decks going on before you were funny oh god helen's table comes over goes does he do weddings i'm like not now mate [Laughter] oh my god i went home that night and it was my sister's birthday so i popped around to see her i just sat on a living room flooring you didn't say that was your last gatekeeper that you ever did no so that was a that was a saturday night so on the monday night there was this um it was called like a gong show right so basically if the audience likes you you you'll last the five minutes if they don't if they're not enjoying your act they'll put up a red card if you get three red cards you're off the stage oh that's horrific yeah yeah yeah so uh this was called beat the frog in manchester so i thought i'll just sign up to that i've got to try and bounce back i don't know how you have the balls to go from a nightmare situation like that to go in onto a show in which you're so heavily heavily judged it's pretty much in my mind i thought it can't get any worse right no better time to do it so i thought i'll do that and because i backed myself in the material i thought this this should have worked so i went into the exact same jokes and uh has it i've won the show that night oh wow sort of redemption for me yeah these people jokes but yeah it was just it's just you can do the exact same material different audience yeah reaction get a completely different thing yeah since i did i was doing a few gigs a few years ago and then since i had that nightmare that i speak about all the time i never did it again it was just like that i just can't bring myself to do it so fair play for getting back up there and doing it i think the p people want to see us even try his tour are they ever going to get that maybe in the future i've just gotta live more of a life and i think my audience i need to have a slightly older audience right maybe um just because i don't want to go on and do purely youtube based jokes no because they'll just be waiting for me to you know make a joke about ksi or deji or something yeah um do you think it's super important when doing comedy to like draw from past experiences is that super vital to you i really enjoy telling anecdotes because i sort of enjoyed being the book of the joke and how tragic i am yeah uh that's why you know sort of comedians like that uh you know kevin bridges he'll do it in a way yeah but i think yeah for me being the book of the joke gets the audience on side because yeah he's not trying to talk down to us he's you know he's a [ __ ] loser [Laughter] the problem i had with standard was that i would make jokes about my family i'd be taking the piss out of them and audience members would be like oh you shouldn't talk about your mum like that so it's yeah but usually nine times out of ten like it's a made-up story isn't it yeah exactly who are they to tell you you can't take the pitch at your own moment it's a bloody respect for your mother my mum would love it you know yeah he's definitely to get a name out there um admit the you know the the vibrator anecdote that followed it but you know that was the that was the gist of it and that didn't work at a corporate event would you would you ever do stand-up valve um i i'd be too scared to bomb the closest i came was we were in that's exactly what i was thinking of and um i it's always been jack's dream to be a stand-up and i kept saying to him i'll do it i'd do it we were going to watch a gig later that night you know the um in liverpool the hot water comedy club yeah we were going there yeah i went i'd do it if they asked me to do a five minutes i'd do it and i was going that's the reason you're not going to make it because you don't want to do it and then about i'd had a couple of beers about 20 minutes later jack looked up and went you're gonna hate me and i went what have you done and he went i've just got you five minutes at the end and i shut i honestly shut i was for like i'm gonna fuming serious anyway i wrote this you just spent the night right in this five minutes it was awful i'm so i thank god every day i did not do that five minutes do the what about the rice box no that was bad i'd do that i was going to go on my opening this is not funny by the way it's really can i do it is it the the rise box no i'm going to do that yeah you can do that yeah i was gonna go on and say um i was gonna go right there the owner said i'm not allowed to make puns or cancer jokes but i just think he doesn't have a good sense of tumor [Laughter] well i won't say what the next joke is because it's quite racist yeah but yeah but the funny thing was i hadn't booked that obviously and um we was that we was in the taxi and i completely forgot that i told him he was he was doing it he was [ __ ] himself and i just looked over and i was like al what are you doing he's i'm just [ __ ] writing a set but imagine having the bollocks to do that if you booked five minutes for me at a comedy gig i've got jokes i've written before but i wouldn't just go oh okay then i guess i i guess i've got to do it i'll tell you the [ __ ] off yeah and you're sat in the taxi right and so that's why i was like i reckon you've got something in here if you could yeah if you could get up and do that i don't know i think i'm just debating a male so if someone tells me to do something yeah just out of politeness i wouldn't say sorry it was my mate doing a prank i would have become a stand-up comedian for the rest of my life i think you have to kind of be a beta male to be good at comedy to be able to draw on your own kind of insecurities and take the piss out yourself imagine if you get up on stage and you're like a big alpha dog and then like imagine like brian trying to do stand-up you know what i mean we saw her at the bloody roast didn't we i'm really joking brian are you joking right stephen you are um a sketch comedian sketchy comedian is the phrase you've done hundreds of sketches and that's how everyone knows and loves you your first one as we as we spoke about was um how to be stormzy what's uh what's your personal favorite on the old youtube channel um of mine yeah all [Laughter] oh i don't know um it it changes they're quite like educating eating is one where it's it's a concept it's like a sketch that you know if it was that done by proper actors it could be on tv sort of thing yeah it could work so i guess i guess that one is one that works well uh in terms of recent ones i i can't think this this next one i'm working on now one one i did enjoy was a the n-word which was yeah that was good that's brilliant yeah and i really enjoyed that it was it's very much sort of alan partridge scissor dial where he does this he picks on a topic interviews a few people um so i really enjoy those ones the camera where you you're making a joke yeah the one i'm i'm working on at the moment um is similar to that style um not sure if i'll get cancelled for it but we'll wait for that to come out um bit of context just it's to do with the quran bringing that one [Laughter] [Laughter] okay it's me trying to find the first gay professional footballer but it's to do with how my character handles it right the fact that he takes it upon himself yeah you know no one else is coming out i'll find someone yeah because i was watching i think it was graeme souness talking uh on sky sports what a character is yeah talk about going to watch uh no uh yeah went to brighton pride and then he's like you know it's a good time for k-pop to come out they should just come out i thought this whole conversation's about you out in a homosexual so i just thought i thought from that point it could be a funny sketch just you know someone sort of being a detective trying to find the first gay footballer but that is that's another thing that you're good at like take it like taking topics that are probably harder to joke about and then i think because you do portray well because you are a comedian you can you can push the boundaries a lot more whereas if like i don't know some like if i'm alex who's just like a commentary usually but if he just came out and like randomly just slipped like a steven trial style like edgy joke in there probably wouldn't land yeah have you ever like done a sketch like done the whole process and then it's never seen the light of day because maybe you thought it was a bit too far no maybe i should have um no i was the one i was debating was we did uh so we did a joke about going on sort of sally telly if you will selling the madeline mccandles and the studios we filmed it and we're like yeah you can use it for free just tag us on instagram tag them on instagram so yeah that was one where i thought i i might get in trouble for this but it's it's that ridiculous that i thought it's it's okay so have you ever been have you ever like received any backlash for any other sketches um yeah a couple of times i think it's it's it's when it goes on to facebook you reach a different audience oh [ __ ] them lot though there's some amazing ones we we did a second channel video with me and max making cocktails oh i saw that yeah yeah lab bible said oh we'll put it on one of our pages so it's like okay and i was looking at the comments and uh and someone goes so at the start i'm just talking to the camera and i i have a shirt on and i wipe the the glass in my in my crease of your eye there we go and someone's like uh uh i i work at frankie benny's and that would never fly there a lot of people say i switched off at this point when he's doing that i'm just like you take take it so seriously and they're wrong about how younger look you know yeah imagine being served by someone you need to be id'd you should be id in them yeah facebook's a weird corner of the internet though yeah we were speaking to joe weller about facebook and stuff and i literally just use my page just to just put any old [ __ ] on now like if it flies on there like i don't go oh that must be a good video it's just like that's a that's a good good video for facebook i think what we'll do is we'll go for a little break there when we come back we're going to continue to speak to stephen about his sketches and um we're gonna have a little chat about the wembley cup oh yeah a little bit little bit of eboy's chat a little bit of exo and we'll finish on some hypothetical questions but until then go make yourself a cup of tea and come back after this hello guys welcome back to jack mate's happy hour podcast still here with not stevie selfie bloody indra do you like doing pods yeah i do like doing them i don't read the comments anymore after the fruit one yeah a lot but this is the thing we did that terrible video where we tried to convince you and annette you were fruitarian yeah fair few people saw it but they didn't see the podcast where we revealed that you aren't i know more people have seen the clip of me pretending to be a fruitarian on the podcast then they've seen the reveal video i actually looked the other day for the first time on the facebook comments and there's like people from school tagging each other in it yeah i think it got it got 800k on facebook which is mental of you saying that you don't eat uh fruit that's fallen what was it what was the the main premise i don't know [ __ ] wasn't it yeah i don't eat fruit that's that i only eat it when it's mouldy yeah because otherwise you're killing fruit basically that's what i thought and but like i said to stephen in the first half facebook is a [ __ ] minefield for karen's mate so oh there were some nasty comments in that one your youtube comments get you down um no they don't i they don't usually i usually laugh at them there was a couple after um because i hated our video because that stung they stunk we were smashed and i was like oh matey's put it in a reddit video i was like oh this could this could do well for the thing so we went upstairs we was like we had a house full of people it was like right alpha sneak upstairs we set a camera up and we were [Laughter] we were filming our reaction to his and i don't know if you've seen it but he absolutely just mugs us off and then afterwards we like sat down we'll uh we'll delete that footage and then we went back down everyone was like what did he say what did he say don't worry about it the worst bit was when my girlfriend just like patted me on the back that's all right you're making it worse he went this isn't a diss track this is a sidemen serenade and then he said something like it hurts to listen to and you're you're an actor you're an actual musician that stung me a little bit yeah [ __ ] it don't worry we can't all make beerus can we say steven do you let comments get to your mate or not um definitely used to especially with facebook yeah when that would be it gets shared on there um i just get torn down um but then these days i'm not too bad i always go to bite and then i think what you're doing if ever i've left a negative comment in the past yeah when i was young it was because i was jealous or yeah just some that would be the sole reason yeah uh sorry to joe weather if you're watching there's a few cassie comments so i just thought that's the only time you're ever going to do it is if you're sort of envious if you're in a good place in life you're not going to be going no oh you're a [ __ ] yeah i don't know if you saw my tweet i put yesterday but four lads on instagram have just added me to this group to this instagram group and four of them are just for for about a month now every day they are just giving me so much [ __ ] they're saying like i hope you get cancer fiona's really ugly and i just because i've seen it come up before but i've not clicked on it and yesterday i was like i'm just going to click on this because i'm sure this has been going on for a while i just scrolled back and there's messages every single day mental i did i did reply in the end i just i thought i'd do the lawrence mckenna approach of killing with kindness so i was just like i hope you do really well in life lads like i remember when i was a little angry teenager as well and they just put cancer that was that was all they put anyway let's move on from from that what a way to start the second half of the show with cancer that replied make their day though yeah that's the thing with them they're just they're just biting or not fighting they're just giving you bait yeah just please give me attention have you ever had it where someone gives you [ __ ] and then you reply and then they go sorry mate only joking you're a legend [ __ ] me off yeah it's the worst yeah so i just i just don't reply a lot of the time yeah fair play right stephen i want to talk a little bit about a bygone era exo yeah what exo collab channel true jewelry laurence mckenna will any quite a pro like a prominent time in your youtube life was it as a it was but it also um sort of took away from my own channel i think because i you know i was doing that once a week yeah there are six of the days in the week but uh busy yeah i think because uh i was getting paid from that i just lost the uh the will to not the world that the pout i lost there i lost the energy for my own channel thinking you know this there's nothing not much to gain from here so uh yeah exo was good but probably not the best time for my channel no did you feel that because something i'm going for at the moment i mentioned to you i think just before we came on about like my views have dropped recently quite like drastically and i didn't know whether that was because i i started a second channel during lockdown mainly because i didn't have this as my second channel as in happy hour and i feel like because you don't upload a lot there but when you do you get good views and people there's there's a there's a there's a hunger for it and i felt like i had that like people had that with me as well like people used to take the piss out of the upload schedule and whatnot but because i started doing the second channel and it was content content content when i then uploaded on the main channel people already felt like oh we've seen him four times this week already did you feel like that did did you know it was like a drop off of your own content when you were doing exo i think it was just a i didn't spend enough time writing and it would be i'd have one good idea maybe every two months and it just it wasn't happening enough and um yeah i was becoming more distance from my own mates so obviously the the chemistry we have for making the videos that was falling away um and we're doing all these interesting things on exo so i started to do the podcast on the main channel and i think i've done three podcasts out of the last four videos like this is becoming a podcast channel i was like oh yeah so uh after the tour i got back to sketches a little bit yeah i'm getting when i was coming up to a million it was like a a good goal for me to i'll just keep making content so i found that drive again and coroner's [ __ ] it a little bit but then yeah you know coming out of it i should be in a good place yeah did you did you not enjoy exo really then i i enjoyed i loved filming the the videos yeah it was just the effort of going to london and and maybe just yeah being distracted from my own channel but that was that was just me yeah yeah so towards the end it wasn't as fun because the video ideas um weren't what i wanted and it wasn't quite what we had at the start yeah it was uh still good why did it why did it end there's a lot of speculation online that it's that little slug cam [Laughter] it's tricky because i think with the tour well me and will came away from that and will didn't get as much out of exo as the rest of us um so he was he was thinking i'm gonna take myself away from that a little bit which is fair enough yeah if i was him i would have done the same yeah cam came in unfortunately with cam i wasn't i found out when the viewers found out that he was becoming a member i was like oh my god what the [ __ ] going on uh no offense to cam yeah that's mental yeah so i was i wasn't happy about that i think i yeah didn't take that well not because it was cam but i was it was more because am i part of this group yeah yeah um so there's a lack of communication there but um one cam came on board we did the the wembley cup after that that was you know that was a fun experience but i think we sort of peaked at that and then following the tour videos have been pretty sporadic yes me and will had gone away yeah and the yeah the content was a bit dry but my idea for videos would i always wanted to do sort of more challenges like take us in pairs put us against each other yeah i think that'd be that'd be more interesting but it was it became more sit-down videos and you're limited then and i guess what you're trying to say is you can't do pairs when there's a fifth member so it was cam's fault [ __ ] you that's the clickbait you got it yeah stephen tries admits cam kirkham ruins the exam no i like cam i like no he's a nice lad yeah he's a really yeah which one of them don't like no they're all good it's brian it's definitely brian no they're the thing with with the with brian and laurence they're just the dynamic of those two it's just yeah it works so strange isn't it yeah just the alpha and beta just which one's which but i think i think me and laurence we've got such a similar sort of style of humor yeah brentisms yeah yeah um but that yeah i think me and lauren's gone really well uh i have a different relationship with brian we get on really well yeah i get on with will really well yeah cam again i'm gonna clip that out that's going up as a clip i didn't i didn't know him as well but what the timer did spend with him he was lovely yeah he's a little bit like maybe like you're constantly giving your digs right so yeah you don't really get to know him as well yeah he's always sort of performing but uh from the time i did spend with him he was a nice guy fair play fair play you did mention in that um about the wembley cup yeah got the posters on my wall what was that like what was it like i i we've had a few people on here who have been lucky enough to play it at wembley yeah my invite's always kind of been lost in the post but um talk us through that day so like you know you're playing did you know how much time you were getting on the pitch was it all up in the air like um i wanted uh just no time at all in the picture really yeah because well you would have been you would have been genuinely happy if you went all the way to wembley and you didn't get on the pitch it was uh don't get me wrong now now i play football every week like five aside yeah i love it but this was uh it was so serious there was it'd like be a few youtubers and all these semi-pro knob heads who no one cares about yeah that's just the f2s team really purely then yeah some [ __ ] from a gq magazine or something going in going into foot in cam and i'm just thinking what are you doing you're plumb yeah uh you know we've already injured not another life come on so what you what you thinking the the morning of yeah [Laughter] are you are you you nervous the morning off a little bit nervous but that was because i had the night before i'd done the f2 diss track oh was that really the night before wow because the torrent said steven used to make a video to promote the tour and that was at the start of the week and i was like [ __ ] i need to make a video um so then uh i i did the uh the f2 diss track got that done yeah posted it on the saturday so how did that the diss track came about because was that the qualifying games where it all kicked off well even before that we filmed the exo's first video was me and brian and the f2 yeah meanwhile lawrence and will went to meet cavani in paris already you're a bit bitter about it [Laughter] so we uh yeah we had to go and film with them yeah and we did a sort of mix of football and then a few other games yeah jenga wasn't it yeah yeah and so whilst we were there we'd do mr and mrs although we wanted to call it mr and mr but i won't name names but someone took just got really offended at that god i said you're not calling us mr and mister um oh my word so it was it was just off-putting from the start and genuinely after that day because i i was making jokes brian was laughing yeah but then those two weren't the manager wasn't he's just oh yeah he's a slug yeah that's what because do you remember when um we read it in and um you told me to get that video up because i hadn't seen it i i'd this was a couple of months ago just before i made a video on on jazz but um you you were really excited he was like mate you have to watch it until the end and i was like no i've seen the football challenges he's like no it's the end bit and then yeah like like you were just saying you played jenga and you did mr and and misses and um so what what what was the joke where they they didn't really i was favorite sex position i think yeah you said something about uh dirty i called it the the hungry professor i meant the nutty professor but i accidentally put the hungry professor um and then i think i think bryan has put doggy style yeah oh is that where you pick up the [ __ ] as a little joke that is was that not an act then because i didn't know whether or not that was supposed to be funny no that was that was them just being this isn't on brand that was their whole vibe oh wow we can't be seen laughing at that that sort of thing and then afterwards you think it'd be like oh that was funny mate or whatever yeah that's just them what so the camera goes off yeah they're just like that you know jeremy's off to shaggy's audi all right exactly the first thing he did was he pulled up in the in the car park and then he's talking about his audi all right at the exo might have the footage i just look at the camera shaking my head like is this real he uh he just i'm sure there's parts of him that are likable but him just didn't click no because i think he just takes himself too seriously yeah if because it's edited you can laugh at a joke or be like mate you you gotta turn that down you could you can speak and but if you're just gonna sit there shaking your head yeah uh talking about how much how many millions you make from your adidas deal oh my god yeah talking about oh there was there's a question to do with a in a house fire save one item um he talks about one item in particular and then he goes and we can't put that in because people might work out where i live oh [ __ ] it's just ruining a video what was the item he said a ladder i think he completely misunderstood the question [Laughter] jeremy but i think yeah it was just we we clashed because i was just there to take the piss have a laugh and that well you are i mean if anyone's going to make a video where stephen tries you're going to know that you're going to come on the other the other end of it yeah it's what you do he yeah i just don't i just don't think he can he can be the of the joke or even be yeah i think where it's a little bit piss-taker he has to be in control maybe yeah so and then you made so you went on from that day and made this always sat with me because i thought [ __ ] you guys for not you know just ruined my day i felt so awkward you could probably see it in the video i was dying i thought i was performing a pharmacist i was just sat there again the best thing you could have done was leave it in though yeah because because they look like dicks yeah they i i watched it and thought you were just not funny yeah yeah no one looked at that and thought you was being a [ __ ] yeah apart from anyone connected with ft so her man like hacks maybe do you know about him alfie don't worry about that never heard of him no oh that's that's everyone there [Laughter] so you made this diss track which was very very funny um it was it was a big piss take but there's a couple of things where i thought i'll just a few jobs about him being on a britain's got talent that sort of thing and it was more aimed at jeremy because billy uh just an ordinary bloke right um so yeah jeremy was the one who i took a bit of a disdain to and he he came round us because we were it was on the sunday we were all in they'd put us in the f2s team together even though we're playing each other yeah and then he was walking around the table and everyone was sort of laughing as he came up to me and he was like shaking my hand is this sorry is this on the the on the sunday right okay so it they've gone out the night before and you haven't seen it she's like haven't you seen the video and he's like no so i just dashed and then later we're on the coach he had seen it um and then he was just you know livid i imagine he's he's on the coach with you so that's so [ __ ] awkward they put us on the same coach as them so we're at the back cool kids they're at the front one of the one of the players who's an instagram comedian uh he he came out with a quip and uh i said oh he's doing one of his funny characters so everyone was just laughing at him uh i think he he got angry with me what the comedian yeah mate he's not it's stephen's being nice when he said did you hear the oxymoron instagram comedian like they kind of canceled each other out there so i thought we played the game we lost jeremy got the better of me individually in the game but in the final you mean yeah not the semi-finals when we played them oh oh i got you i got you i got you i i actually at wembley though yeah yeah so uh sounds like fair play they've they've beat us so i was just like clapping to the people in the stadium and uh yeah one of the players comes up to me he's just mouthing off of me going you know you're like you're doing your stupid little videos or whatever um that's what we all do we're youtubers right i don't think he quite grasped it and he was just mouthing off threatening me uh just and we're at a charity football game he's threatening me genuine threats of violence and i'm just like i was so taken aback i was like what is going on we're still in front of young fans and he's doing this wow and he was he's mouthing off at me and again i respond that he's got no reply he just gets mugged off so easily i think he's supposed to be a comedian so as i'm walking pastors i'm like he said this to me just because i thought you know get my dad involved and lawrence was like what and then steps up to him and he's talking to him he's mouthing off at lawrence then i think i'm gonna have to get to my other dad so i go to brian explain to brian he's like all right if he if he carries on i'll have a word um so anyway it all calms down we're sort of in the the after party in the bar and um i'm stuck with kieran carlin just talking to him and um and jeremy lynch comes over with his little mate and oh god and they've got a camera crew with them so he comes around and he's going i think my mate's funnier than you so i'm like okay my dad's bigger than your dad so he's doing that and of course i've i've been saying to people like what what they did after the game and so my dad who was at the game to watch me uh just stands at the other side of them and i think they recorded it so they'll have the footage uh never been released i don't know why and then adam boltwood who you might know from yeah videos like a bolt with pegging compilation he was filming it as well but the cameraman for them like they were making these [ __ ] uh [ __ ] digs and he was like [Laughter] you're uh anyway they were just it was just the weirdest afternoon so what have they what they've come over to you to try and get this is mate to roast you what do they want from that interaction this is it i'm in my mind i think you've won the wembley cup this is what this is all about just celebrate it he was taking photos in hashtags like where all their players were stood in the middle of them taking photos they're all [ __ ] off with them yeah and he comes up to me because he's just trying to just get all these points off people right you're thinking you've beat us in the game that's what this all is about this is done yeah and you've had the last laugh but then he comes over to me and he's going blah blah blah so i just start picking at jeremy then going talk about his halloween video yeah because it's so easy to do yeah and then and then i start i think uh i think his other mate goes oh you're making the videos with your gay mates so i'll just go whoa gay mates why why are you being homophobic so he freezes up because he realizes he's made a mistake yeah and then game that's such a horrible like he's in his 40s oh god and then he comes out with a he's getting a lamborghini like what is going on anyway so a big circle's formed at this point um and everyone's just wondering what's going on i'm already i'm worried that my dad's gonna just hit someone because you're on about your actual dad now not brian right because they've been such knob heads either side of me trying to intimidate me yeah neither of them are bigger than me [Laughter] just sort of uh moses and the red sea brian comes through everyone parts and he just he just like says i think you need to shut the [ __ ] up and then takes takes me up not to me takes me at the back just takes me away from it which is perfect yeah and then uh whilst we're out there i can hear a bit of a commercial thing oh god what's my dad done glass jeremy photo jeremy how do you swatch it so well what's your lamborghini so i go back in and uh and i just see that you know as he's gone off the the f2 you know they've been mad enough i think will's will's come in max is coming max has had a lot of free beers so he's uh he's quite literally steaming at this point at the f2 but uh yeah uh more on the story is i don't know but you get kicked out of the uh the wembley stadium did they get kicked out oh wow what a lovely envelope embarrassing so embarrassing yeah you can kind of tell like if you had to predict how we would act in a situation like that you'd probably guess that wouldn't ya i mean the good thing about it is i think you i saw you tweet because on that day he was he was doing the monster drink was it yeah i was sat at home watching it thinking obviously i don't know at the time what's going on behind the scenes but that monster stuff was awful cringiest thing going i think i think you tweeted something about him and i just i messaged you saying he's awful yeah blah blah blah just because i thought uh yeah i was just bent into anyone that listened to me because i was so it just got to me so much yeah but then i think what what's come from it is people have mainly seen him for a bit more for who he is yeah you know he's he's not been a you know a nice person to me but i think it's just exposed him for the sort of twatty personality he has yeah and maybe uh he's turned that down maybe not but yeah well i'm not gonna like drop names and stuff but i've heard like behind the scenes that him and billy actually don't get on at all so it's like you can i actually bumped into billy at the ksi fight and i thought in the small like little altercation i had with my foot he seemed okay so i would hate to be imagine getting in like a multi-million pound kind of like duo with someone like jeremy that you just can't seem to break it because if they if they break that imagine all the money billy's gonna lose so i think we should start a little fundraiser for billy to try to help him out before we move on from that what was the um there's the famous little altercation on the pitch where he tries to go through you and then you push him he does go through me to be fair what what did you what did you say to him when you pushed him i touched the ball once and said three times in that game digit or every time to him so genuinely if he'd have just left it yeah i'm a [ __ ] loser you've won the ball off me floored me and just and you've won the game leave it at that i what can i do to that all i can do is have a bit of egg on my face saying yeah you won third place yeah i've just made a diss track saying we're gonna beat you at wembley you've just beat me yeah that's not enough for him and that's unfortunately the the downfall for him is you know he's not a happy man he seems like because i used to play uh semi-pro football when i was like 16. and they are the worst [ __ ] ever like they really like they come in they think they're like pros yeah but it's like mate you're playing for this town for 20 quid a week yeah what are you doing and uh yeah all of them they they were proper outfit this sound that was i played for this town mates do you not know this this is a place just outside of norwich it's amazing what a team name i've never actually thought of that before yeah that's well good yeah i remember um when i was a fanboy of example back in the day and he came to norwich on the train he took a picture of that i was like this is the best place in the world but the guys there that i i know i feel like i know what jeremy's like because i've spent time around people like that yeah they're delusional yeah there's a lot of lad culture in football isn't there yeah probably doesn't make sense some of the kind of things some of the they'd all come in and just talk about how they've had sex with their wives the night before i should have yeah you've got three kids you've got three kids clive i yeah i know you've done it at least three times the proof is in the pudding let's move on from that from pudding from exo to the e-boys okay they're they're a new collective on youtube why are you not in it um i don't think i'm just i'm not into that sort of content really dude i've i've never been one for the wheel style videos i'll jump in but uh i'm just i'm not very good at talking about these yeah i'm no good at it are you do you just have no interest in that kind of world or you can't be asked no i don't have an interest um it's just it's out of my sort of scope so i'm very mainstream with youtube uh like the people i watch the people i watch anyone outside of it i don't really care yeah so um yeah i just i just don't have an interest for who who do you watch now who's who's what your favorite channels oh um i don't know because i'd find it hard to say mine do you know what i mean so i know i do watch you i do watch your videos oh no i meant i i meant like i meant like i couldn't i couldn't tell you who my favorite ones no from time to time like i literally do yours i watch i watch podcasts yeah not my own life's too short guys i uh i watch yeah nico and then i watched the sidemen weirdly enough i watched chris md uh because i don't know what it is but there's something about seeing chris md in a thumbnail i will watch yeah i'll watch i i don't think i've missed the chris md uploaded ages there's something about his videos uh i catch most of wheels i do watch the e-boys to see what they're doing i quite like the group group charm videos yeah um you're quite tight with the outside men now aren't you i don't i wouldn't know i'm not tight but they i think they they like having me in videos which is nice and uh i like doing their videos because there's stuff i'd never do yeah talking to girls i think uh yeah they're just a nice bunch of people how many of those have you done you've done sidemen tinder well weirdly enough that harry was harry said it today because he said he's doing like a general knowledge quiz that's his general knowledge but uh he said how many videos have you been in i think it was seven in total oh wow but one of them was a narration and uh right people have heard my voice no that isn't a treat so talk us through that the dragon's den video that was one of my favorite little stephen tries cameos brilliant you went on with max didn't you and so so we we went on and i think we had a week's notice to do this product and so i was i talked to max i was saying like we've just got to go on with the worst product ever i like to think we achieved that and so we were talking about his knowledge of fleshlights and uh my knowledge of footwear i thought we combined the two with the with the coochie trainer um and so we it's just awful i mean my amazon order i have to sign for this this flashlight and then dismantle it and it was so degrading and stuff it into a shoe honestly i mean we ordered a kid's shoe as well for the joke it wouldn't fit in the shoe but uh yes we just went on and we'd rest on that side in suits rehearsing this uh yeah this pitch we're gonna do we're taking it so seriously we're getting we're going on there with a coochie trainer we got i think the video got demonetised because of us oh wow absolutely around as well so they blurred out in the video yeah probably a full day of just blurring that pink flesh like how did it go down on the day did the boys did the boys like well they were they were in character so it took a little while to break them yeah and then once we broke them um yeah we once they'd laughed it was like okay they see what we're doing and then harry harry's a big fan of max so he was going to invest i think we got the most investment on the day oh congrats not seen any of the money but uh seen plenty of the culture trainer but i've seen the calyx is bringing up trainers yeah i said it i said it today you know all the youtubers are saying oh this is great where was that energy for my shoe did max get nervous doing that or was he not did you did he he got he got he got nervous for the tour um my favorite memory from the tour is uh so he comes on right at the end he doesn't have that many lines um but one of the things was we're doing a eulogy for will um and max is a line and he completely forgot it so it's like just waiting for him just smiling at the orange looking at him waiting i'm like what do you think max and then he remembers his line but uh i think nothing more of it actually i just forgot his line fair enough so i go out in the wings and we're in oxford uh there's about 20 people in the audience anyway and he's just leaning against the wall with his head against it just going i [ __ ] it stephen and he did five red [Laughter] he does get a little bit nervous um but he used to do stand up as well but he'd just not rehearse anything and go out there wow really that takes big balls yeah yeah but then he did that he did one of those gong shows where you get carded yeah and after a minute he got carded off and some of the thrones when he beat it really has that got anything to do with why his name on twitter was gong gong no i don't know what that is an inside joke of himself you did um so you did the dragon's den one you had a few others you did uh was it side bend tinder or the or the youtubers one oh when you do that because obviously they get viewed by millions and millions of people so is it is that less nerve-wracking because they're all doing it with you um well i was what i was worried about was because i had i think there was i had exactly the amount of lines i needed for the the girls there was yeah so i was thinking if anyone says the same one as me yeah i'm [ __ ] up but uh fortunately no one went down the weird path i did um i was really nervous just because you know it's talking to females that's yeah that's enough for me to be you know panicking but then i think once you get into it there sort of became this pressure around people were stumbling the lines and if they did everyone was like yeah so he's just trying to get through that without messing up um i feel like once once like in your head once you've done one you know which ones are going to be really good which ones might not right i think uh what was your best line the one that got clipped up was the uh the pancake day one [Music] and the girl has said it to ells that i felt so bad because i had no idea who was coming yeah and i just i just asked someone like who's he's the best for taking a joke i think uh k case i said hell else the witch is so i mean right i'll do that once i go because it's a little bit you know harsh so i said it and then you know she seemed genuinely like offended and then afterwards i said sorry about that i was i was just i hope you don't take it out i was just gonna say to anyone really yeah and she seemed fine with it but then it got clipped up and everyone you know was just commenting all these terrible things and i was like what have i started and then i may come over when she's getting a lamborghini she's funnier than me they're quite long days aren't they that's what people don't see like i know becky said to us that she was there for quite quite a while yeah that they would have been because i think they got there early and then oh right just that to get where's your the talent you come and go as you please i was there early as well the main problem with with that is uh yeah just getting everyone ready everyone miked up i think they needed 14 mics so [ __ ] out it says huge production goes into them so i'd be yeah it's like they definitely whether or not you're a fan of the content i think they do warrant a lot of views because it is a lot of really good as well yeah oh he's the best in the game i've been i've been we were speaking to i think randolph about him last week on the show but he is like have you do you watch some of his content yeah unreal unreal out of the boys at the side members which one who who do you get on best with would it be harry yeah harry just because we've done more outside of videos and stuff just from festivals um he's the one i've spent the most time with yeah also uh yeah i think they're just similar sort of sense of humor yeah not not quite but you know just similar vibe and then yeah they're they're all nice guys so the the rest of them sort of lumped together know yeah i think harry probably stands out on those on those tinder videos ksi is good because obviously he's just he just goes down the money rate just lobbing a lot of money at people and what's not to do [Music] 13 quid right i think we'll leave it there before we do um i'm just looking over me sheet just making sure we got everything done because a lot of people have requested you stephen over the months have we called kem kirk i'm a slug yet uh yeah yeah i got i think i'll tick that box um you can do it as well if you want that's your that's your camera so you can just look into that slug before we go um i want to go i want to do some hypothetical questions with you okay uh some of them are ridiculous most of them we wrote just 10 minutes before you came in the pub around the corner um so stephen would you rather watch we didn't write this one would you rather watch your parents having sex every night for five years will join in once to stop it oh um hi bro so the my thinking is my my parents got divorced when i was six but i'd be good i'm jack no it might be quite nice you're getting them back together this is it to see them together one last time for about five years yeah i couldn't join in you know but you're watching it every to be fair like you put this question down right and what you look embarrassed by that that was it that was i nicked it off for spencer spencer video spencer in video yeah i think you'd get yeah i think you'd get used to it after a while yeah like the first couple of months you'd be like that's rank but then i'm not saying you wouldn't you'd find it less rank but you become numb to it actually you become it'd be like watching the human centipede like for the fourth time you're like i'm not that bothered about it anymore they don't do it like that jack [Laughter] good authority would you rather [ __ ] yourself this is would you rather [ __ ] yourself every day in private or once a year in public uh once a year in public i think yeah yeah um because then people are gonna see that well yeah they might see it and smell it but do i get to choose when it happens or is it just not random i reckon at the worst time as well so like so i i'll tell you now um it would be at the roast in the side men too you'd do it on the stage maybe with that i just you know flap it out my pants lob it at one of them and go that's your [ __ ] channel mate now just go with it yeah that improv from uni is coming back max comes in as this sort of strange mexican character takes over the whole bloody scene would you rather give jeremy lynch little blowy but nobody ever but nobody ever finds out or that you know where this is going or never give him a blowy but everyone thinks you've given him a blowy i think um hmm i honestly if i just if i just had it over him i said i sucked your [ __ ] man every f2 video i comment that daddy wants another taste i don't i don't think it'd be uh yeah i don't think he could handle it no see i see you're going for it why not you would actually have to do it though that's the thing i wouldn't have to if everyone thought i did no but he would you'd know you hadn't done it and do so you couldn't hold on i love that this is the question you're thinking the most about yeah oh i don't know i don't want to suck his [ __ ] that's going in the trailer such as your answer as well was really like packs okay you just don't want to say all right okay interesting insight there stephen yeah i'll go i'll go not suck his [ __ ] but everyone thinks okay fair enough uh would you rather be stuck right so okay so you're stuck on a desert island you see a lovely mermaid okay you can choose whether the mermaid you're basically going to be shagging a mermaid at some point right would you rather have the notch of my bed that's two you can have she do you want half the bottom half of her to be fish and the top to be woman yeah breasts and face and shoulders or you know what a woman is or the other way around i'll get top half fish woman down there i go top half woman yeah that's the normal how would can i just say before you rinse me fiona put that one on that was all fiona but i think any nat any normal person's going to say top off woman i was i was raised on nuts magazine blink hill was a bad school i need to point that out yeah i think i'll go that way okay we'll finish with one more this is a happy hour favorite we've asked a lot of guests this we always get different answers you might need to jump in there off because i'm not sure i can remember all the details but there's a there's a slug full cam yeah little snail and it follows you around would you take what is it usually a million i actually don't know what you're on about mate i'm so sorry i just sit out there and play on my laptop right well i think there's a slug would you take five million quid but there's this little slug and it follows you around forever so they say snail snail follows you around forever if the snail touches you you instantly die and it will follow you around forever you can't put a little um like teapot over it or a bucket i don't know if i said a teeth right that's what you go through you can't put a bucket over it but you can sort of like move from place to place so yeah but if you fall asleep for too long and it touches you you're a goner so it's always going to be what is it meter away was it or no no no it's literally following you about so say you now got on a plane and went to australia it might take him six years to get there it travels at a snail's pace yeah because you can never i feel like you could never relax yeah i could never sleep then no i'm just gonna leave it because i know i'd see a snail that isn't that one yeah that's a very good point that's a very good point paranoid there we go that's the end of the hypothetical questions um steven's not going to take the deal with the snail but we've had many lesser men than you that have so you should be proud thanks guys uh how's your podcast doing because i know that's something that yeah it's it's okay don't read the reviews yeah well what we do with it is it's just more of sort of like what i used to love was the wreckage of asexual fm no way am i comparing us to that but it's more the sort of it's it's just mates picking on each other really yeah and taking digs um digs great audio there you and your gay little mates he was right she was right you don't need a mouse really with me come on if anyone's just imagine if imagine if people had skipped the middle part they have me saying about the 25 things everybody hates i put gays in it and at the end i've got megan and you and your gay little mates that is a quote it's just yeah we take on a different topic have some anecdotes about our you know uh whatever the theme is and then we do some horrific characters uh usually max will get a character it's a good laugh terrible pun yeah um for instance we we did one about crime his character was guilty [Laughter] yeah so it's just that it's just just fun i guess where can people check it out if they haven't already heard it um oh god he doesn't know his own channel name stephen this steven tries podcast there we go check it out if you haven't already stephen thanks for coming on today mate been absolutely pleasure having you and um yeah i guess we'll see you next week when maybe steve we will be back in the hot seat maybe it will still be you stephen we'd like to finish on the same question for series four what is the meaning of life oh um i think it's to be just be happy just do whatever you want guys that's nice i like it it's nice that's a cute answer and get a lamborghini yeah oh yeah that's the dream there we go guys see you next week for more happier you
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 930,792
Rating: 4.9525981 out of 5
Keywords: jaackmaate, podcast, happy, hour, jaack, maate, happyhourpodcast, jackmate, jaackmate, jackmaate, comedy, jhhp, stephentries happy hour, jaackmaate stephentries, stephen tries jaack, stephentries jeremy, stephen tries jeremy, stephen tries wembley cup, stephentries f2, stephentries sketch, stephentries stormzy, stephen tries jaackmaate podcast, happy hour full episode, stephentries willne podcast, stephen jaack willne
Id: 8DZhZP4arzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 33sec (5553 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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