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jeremy lynch is the least likable person i've ever come across on youtube over the last decade of doing it and it's there is no close second you see you representing hashtag you see i think billy lawrence and um cow from from crucially not me there's a reason you don't see me the reason i would not be in that shot is it was a lie there was times where i was really annoyed about it i'm not gonna lie there was times where i was like i thought of him in the same way i thought jeremy and then what i learned i had to educate myself a little bit billy's not a bad guy billy just has a different um different goals to me jeremy has a certain response which is usually about how much money is in his bank what i heard was guys laugh at me all you want i'm a multi-multi-millionaire all right mate how you doing welcome back to another video it's a long awaited one since we made the last one talking about the wembley cup seb is back yes hello mate and we are talking about specifically today my relationship our relationship with the f2 freestylers yeah lack of these days and why it got like that because it wasn't always the case um i want to say a few things before we make this video something that i've clearly thought a lot about because really i could have made this video almost two years ago it was when the yeah we are bringing up old stuff here this is not current in my life there's no active communication between myself and the f2 um but let's talk about why that is i think one thing before i get into it is i want to say this is not a hat job this is not a cancel video this is not a everyone go and unfollow this guy i don't care i honestly do not care and i mean this whether you believe it or not good luck to them both yeah i hope they make lots more money they do everything they want to do with their lives okay i'm just going to tell you my version of events um because i as i mentioned the last video i haven't ever spoken out about about this i talked about why i didn't do it at the time you know what it's like life gets in the way things go on why are we doing it now the honest answer is i want to get it done and dusty because it's something that people still ask a lot of people still talk about it as well like a lot of other people made content about this situation and we've only really sort of touched the surface in that last video and i mean we obviously talked about this an awful lot getting to this point when it was all happening back then be honest we've completely moved on from it right it's long long in the rearview mirror but at the same point you've never really had the chance to properly give the people maybe what they um from europa's perspective specifically a lot of people have spoken about the spencer f2b but not you ever yeah and also i didn't like the idea that there was some kind of incriminating thing the fact that i hadn't said anything that we were in the wrong in some way which i think we're going to clear up but um also the main reason we're doing it is we are for the first time ever really starting to make this kind of content yeah it felt like a good one for us to start with we're going to get it done we're going to end it but as i mentioned i don't care if there's a reply to this i don't think i'll make another video about my interaction with the f2 there is some other things we've discovered that are very interesting that i will allude to in this video um we received an email very very interesting email off the back of the last wembley cup video which is a very wembley cup specific email and i think the relationship with myself and the f2 deteriorating is actually bigger than the wembley cup yeah but this email is like i don't know about you but when i saw it i was like yeah that's exactly the face i got so i got it quite late at night and i think i immediately sent you a screenshot and i was like spen this is big it basically changes everything but also nothing yeah it actually changed i actually think it changes nothing at all yeah but i think it's just very interesting it changes nothing towards the whole feeling in both camps but if anything actually reinforces something to be honest yeah the there's a personality clash there for sure there's nothing to do with the wembley cup it's something that we're going to get onto it was enlightening though this thing it is actually about a specific incident having the wembley car which i think not even just for the f2 and spencer fc actually for football we need to actually talk about it to be honest we spoke about whether it was right to discuss this but i think beyond anything like that that's a good point you make which is it's the right thing to do and i think that is what is a line that is underneath all our decisions around the wembley cup whenever we thought what's good what's good for f2 we just thought what's the right thing to do for a football tournament for all these things so we might talk about this email but we're gonna cover other stuff first um so as i mentioned i don't care about canceling people i think there's already been loads of videos made i saw a good video on jack mate's podcast recently with steven tries he talks about what happened particularly with him and the f2 some of the nonsense that happened in the bar afterwards there's a load of videos out there you can watch that are going to do a much better job of being 100 like brutally honest about people's interactions with jeremy lynch specifically because i'm really not in that game i'm not interested in like creating drama and i just want to speak with in facts that being said i do think it's important to say that it's very hard to say this not make it sound like i'm trying to create drama but i want people to know where i stand on it jeremy lynch is the least likable person i've ever come across on youtube over the last decade of doing it and it's there is no close second it is jeremy lynch and then like i don't know who would be number two there's a lot of space between them yeah okay i say jeremy specifically because billy is not like that in my opinion i have had some clashes with billy but there'd be much more professional clashes rather than personal clashes we'll go on to talk about them but equally there's some good things about both people that we should also talk about because if i've learned anything people are nuanced someone might do something and you think that guy's the worst guy ever but he has all his own reasons for doing those things and in there it's funnily enough he's on a david beckham fragrance advert i saw a really good line recently which is you know you get these weird like advertising slogans on on um perfume adverts or aftershave i really liked it and david beckham's thing he says something like um it took me a long time to realize that um there's no right or wrong there's just what's right for you interesting and i thought that applies to this i mean because i agree like this is the one thing that's frustrating and this is what makes the world go round a difference of opinion now what we believe to be the case may be very different to what jeremy believes is fair and reasonable the difference is in this case exactly is it's not us just saying it there's a lot of people a lot of people already come out and revealed stories all of which we've seen first hand there are a lot of other ones that i've seen personally you've seen personally i've heard from people um that are some of them even worse than some of the ones that have become public i don't think it's our place to discuss them but at the same point um it is important what you say is that um first and foremost i agree what he said about jeremy not being a very enjoyable experience to work with whatsoever but at the same point he's clearly a very talented guy yep um right now particularly he's absolutely killing it on tick tock is a very creative guy what he and billy have created with the f2 brand and their clothing rascal you know it's sensational it's very very impressive uh but that doesn't mean that it's nice to work with jeremy for example yeah it's a package sometimes there's lots of uh people that are very successful out there that you probably wouldn't want to hang out with you know and i think that um tick tock suits jeremy down to the ground because he's creative he's has the ability to make good videos and also you don't have to put too much personality into them 15 seconds long that's the case like i'm not i'm not like the thing is right i do want to say one thing though that i think is really important here and then one of the reasons i'm really stressing this i don't want to create this whole like everyone go and tweet him and do this like he's actually not on twitter anymore and i think that's part of the reason because other videos people was made he's had enough of that last year's probably anyway off the back of some of the other content that's coming up what i'm saying people have done this this is old news but what i really want to stress to people at home here because i know a lot of the people i think we've had some really good reaction to our wembley cup video people really enjoyed it and like we want to make more videos like this talking about owl business hashtag football whatever this is specifically about person person and it's a very dangerous territory and i am the much smaller youtuber in this case you know these guys are massive there's no doubt about that um and i've always been wary if i'm talking about someone that's got more subscribers or even less subscribers you don't want to be seen to be a bully in any way for the bigger one you can look that way i think with the f2 has actually gone the opposite way whereas some people have kept quiet because they've been scared of what they will do but i do want to say this mental health is a real thing right i have no idea what's going on inside jeremy's head i generally wish genuinely wish him the best i have nothing against the guy i don't want to hang out with him or be friends with him or work for him again but i don't have any ill feeling towards him and some of the things he's done in my presence make me think he might not be the most stable person okay i could be way out of line here i could be wrong but i'm not prepared to take that risk so do not involve me in any tweets any bit i don't want anything to do with it okay i'm not trying to ruin a guy's life i think he's got his own issues if i'm being honest and again i could be way out of line but i'm not trying to create that sort of thing i'm not trying to get involved in that sort of thing i'm just telling you guys like it is because as much as i believe everything i'm saying now i also think people need to be held accountable and i also think if people are monetizing their personality if you like or their brand with books and with youtube videos with all these things you've got a right to an extent to know what sort of person they are and i also think no one's perfect i think about footballers all the time footballers we put on a pedestal because they're really good at kicking the ball and then we expect them to behave the best in their home life in their relationships with their fans all these other things like of course we want them to do that but that's not what they were ever good at the politicians are the one going out there and going vote for me i'm a good egg and that's when they're scandalous they should be exposed but when wayne rooney gets up to no good for granny as much as it is ridiculous and weird it's like when did he say he was mother teresa yeah yeah what i mean and to be fair jeremy lynch has never come out and said he's a hero like he has come out and said he's the best footballer in the arsenal uh invincibles era that should be her natural talent was it what was the most naturally talented on the ball or something i don't know madness absolutely madness but we've talked about this email let's talk about where it started with the f2 yeah and the reason you're in this well i won't do a lot of stuff with you talking like this but specifically you've been involved in most steps of the way with the f2 and me um gotta be careful what we talk about here we've got respect there's other people involved other parties involved um so i'm not gonna go into the salacious detail i'm sure some of you would like but ultimately for me the the um is a clear line in the sand where my relationship with the f2 started to deteriorate and you can see the line in the same because the relationship before this point was so good that i actively tried to get them involved in a business deal we were putting together it was if successful gonna be a very very big deal involving quite a bit of money and a football project we were working on i actively was talking to a third party who's also very well known and i tried to get the f2 involved in it and through the the things that followed the negotiations contracts et cetera et cetera i came to see they were quite ruthless businessmen it's not a surprise to me a lot of people in this industry are and they've had a lot of success as a result of being like that but for me personally i'm not that way inclined you know you're the business part of this enterprise in my in my uh opinion and i'm the sort of creative side that's how we work we obviously have both you've got a creative side i've got a business side but sure we know the line yep i don't like dealing with people like that so i decided i didn't want to work with the f2 as a result of some of the things they tried and again not to go into too much detail here feel free to shut me up if you think i'm going to get some job so far but like for an example within a very small amount of time in negotiations this idea that was completely our idea and our thing when the negotiations weren't going the way they liked it took them minutes to say oh if you don't do it like this we'll do it ourselves we'll do this without you etc etc and it was just like hang on we're supposed to be mates if we don't do the business deal that's cool but don't threaten me i don't like that so that was a problem for me so the relationship started to sour now i want us to be held accountable i want if we have done anything wrong and i have held my hands up with things like the smith and the palmer stuff and i've said that was 50 50. i think they did stuff wrong i think we did stuff wrong and we learned from it okay so i think we've got to do the same here now the first thing i did i think which attributed to souring our relationship something i did was after our relationship has started to break down or we knew we weren't going to get into business together i was presenting an esports event for fifa two and a half years ago in spain a lad you now know probably called tex won it 16 year old unsigned they f2 did a tweet saying we want to sign texts as soon as the event was one and i did some like i think i did some laughing emojis back loads of laughing emojis now they probably thought that was quite disrespectful and they probably was a few tweets that followed as well all of which got deleted subsequently but i was i was a bit disrespectful to them i'll be honest in my tweets and there was a reason for that i'm not excusing it i'm just painting the picture the first reason was i was actually at this event in barcelona they weren't and i saw the predatory instincts of actually other people not the fda towards texts i saw one guy from a team literally physically grab him so desperately to get him i think one team tried to meet him in the toilet but to try and get him to sign a contract to deal with him like he's a 16 year old kid i didn't agree with it some people have thought that i was bitter or something i'll be honest my hashtag was perspective we're very risk-averse so i was not interested in signing text to that we spoke about that quite early on didn't we the kid looked amazing but i was like this is fifa he could be rubbish in the next game it's like de bruyne i leave in chelsea yeah yeah but chelsea also got some money out of the point of going to wolfsburg so i had said look let's see what he does in a year from now they said someone else signed him in fairness the f2 they signed him he was great he is still great so they they gave him a big contract and it was worth it um so i wasn't interested in signing him but i didn't like the predatory instincts at that point and the other reason i was like that is because of this context i had with the f2 whereby i'd seen them in my opinion be a little bit unethical in our negotiations as a result of us being very open in those negotiations probably too open on my part i shared a lot of what goes on with hashtag and our ideas i saw them launch f2fc off the back of the wembley cup before that which part of our negotiation was we were going to use that that moment interview so launched a new project and they launched their football team with it they created something called the f2 academy after we told them all about our academy series uh they're now getting into esports and i was just like whilst all these things are free for anyone to get into i didn't invent these things it was like guys like were you going to do this stuff without me opening the door to you maybe they were but it was like that's why i was in that frame run so i was like course you have to want to get into it and then we had some tweets back and forth from a few dm's and it wasn't great it was obvious the relationship wasn't in a great nick and then the next wembley cup comes around there was a few instances here you know there was obviously the thing um at the game there was some stuff there was some stuff they replied to those tweets that i think equally both got deleted didn't they i think you deleted your oh no they did say something about this about about social blade or something yeah i think jeremy said something about like you youtube viewing figures and comparing things like that which is i mean it's sort of um to be fair i don't know who actually did those tweets no i don't know jeremy or billy but i do know that whenever they say something to me critical like if they want to basically i'm very good at insult matches i used to get picked on a little bit at school i did stand up comedy like i'm quite good at having the last word in that and sometimes i bite off more than i can chew and i take on people and whenever i had one of them whether it was through twitter or whatever and in person it happened on one of the wembley cup shoots in the draft if i ever criticize them and i'd only criticize them things that i think were criticized worthy the only thing i'd get back was about numbers this was about they've got more subscribers than me or they've got a watch a social blade saying it's like i couldn't care less so i don't need any more subscribers am i pushing to hit two i've been on nearly two mil subscribers about four years like it's more than enough for me i never had any ambitions for numbers i think jeremy particularly sees that as like cash in the bank or sees that cash in general he clearly values a lot more than i do and i think he sees that as a um something to to take mick out of people if they haven't got what he's got which is not my way of doing things but yeah there's been some tweets i thought were outlined from them but they were responding to a tweet that was probably out of line for me and that in that occasion you started that particularly i didn't start that yeah but they said this is not just we're not trying to paint a picture an unrealistic picture that like anybody is or should be perfect and it's trying to sort of write uh what's the word i'm looking for a rule a line under this whole situation and holding hands up to anything that maybe we should hold hands up to as well which i'm sure there are some things like that to be honest this isn't even an f2 thing this thing about numbers it's a youtube thing yeah there's so many culture things there and it's a big problem and there is a huge problem how um i even get it myself on my golf channel sometimes like i don't know hardly ever upload completely make sure you subscribe to seven golf if you haven't already if you like your golf why not we actually haven't shouted him enough out on the last few videos was my bad link in the description he's done a video of the sidemen recently he did indeed a little bit more here but i mean the point i make is that so i'm uploading a little bit more now i'm uploading maybe a video a week at the moment on there i've got over 100k subscribers which is pretty good in golf one of the bigger ones um but when you do upload a video and you know this more than anyone and maybe actually maybe you're more immune to it than some you you when you're checking the numbers like i i lit just not how i make most of my living from my golf thing right but you do sort of get like an emotional attachment like how many likes has this got how many views this got like and it's like validation and i think that as much as i try to like to feel like i'm also not really bothered by them things which really i'm not because like why would i be but ultimately a lot of people really really are and i think that's a massive issue with social media i don't get off topic here yeah but i think there's a lot of people that are living and dying by their numbers even if they're not professional youtubers if they're just people with social media accounts and i think it's very unhealthy i can instagram talk about removing the like button yeah i mean they're having something it starts with people at a young age now that growing up in this area that we didn't grow up in and people are putting way too much stuff on it like don't get me wrong if you have more subscribers or more tick tock followers or more ever you're probably going to get better brand deals you're probably going to make more money and you're going to monetize that and you're going to be better off financially we were just having a chat earlier about some big big youtubers right and i was saying to you and i made a case for why i would not swap places because for me personally i'm at a really good level where for what i want to achieve running a football club being in the football world getting football opportunities i've got a really decent following and thank you to everyone that's followed me over the years um if i was to get to 5 million subscribers 10 million subscribers i don't know how much more it would get me it'd give me some more money for sure but it would tie me more to that side of things it would probably not help me anymore in the real world of football which is something i do care a lot about and it would also come on along with loads of baggage loads of like getting stopped in the street like i'm at a nice level if i go to a football game yes there's a chance some people know who i am but most of my life i'm anonymous and i like that and if you get to 10 million subscribers that ain't the case i do think it's gonna affect your mental health and the what's worse though is if you start to really see your own value in that um so yeah i mean that's always come up with them that's so let's go back to where you work so cut you off there so we just talked about those tweets we got to wendy cup so so we're organizing the most recent wembley cup and we're still in a good enough you know relationship with them where we can ask them to be involved and they'll be involved it's not completely broken down by this point then we had the group stage shoot and it's important to probably know at this point as well that and there's a general point we did touch on in the last video where the wembley couple got such a point now where there were some of the people involved that seeing it more as a contractual obligation than had the initial excitement to be involved in this amazing series which i still think is amazing and has always been amazing and you started to find that you know people's what they wanted to do for the fee they were able to get from from ee got harder and harder to enforce them to do it and you were finding that f2 were becoming very difficult to get them to fulfill some of their obligations you know they didn't come to in both comes from the game previously the year before um and it was becoming difficult and that was uh that so it was like a they were involved it was enough to be involved but it wasn't light in the same it wasn't there they weren't buzzing to be there very much what can we get out of them for how much time have we got and they're gonna go yeah and so yeah there's just two things that are like i don't know if we'll actually talk about in this video but the the key there's there's there's this what's that group thing which happened in the final and there's the underlying thing in the world well that thing is big because it got given so much attention but it's such a mute point like literally we have that whatsapp chat and as we said in the last video literally the world is welcome to have that thing because literally nothing of that inks makes yeah i mean i don't want to make that video not because it's surprising whatsapp chat yeah not because it's got anything bad for us it really hasn't it's just like why do people need to see what such but i will do it like if it comes to it like the point is i'm bringing it up though is that the under as people will see if we do show it the underlying thing in that video the people had issues now what's up good people had issues with when we tried to keep to the rules we set rules for a tournament yeah not out of our interest out the tournament's interests and every other team at some extent probably apart from that apart from exo tried to break them at some point and we had to keep your please that's really important we might touch on that but we touched on the last thing this is the problem with those things is that the perception of some of the parties when we're trying to keep to rules was they had the perception that we were trying to circumnavigate the rules but you can't circumnavigate a rule by sticking to it it's there for a reason people ultimately i think some of the people involved ultimately couldn't get past the fact that they saw us as trying to have our cake and eat it constantly and the fact that the wembley cup was meant to be a stack deck in our favor couldn't be further from the truth we've talked about previous in the last video if you haven't seen that video make sure you check out we talk specifically about the wembley cup and our views on it and why it may or may not return but ultimately that's why i think happens when we were trying to stick to the rules people saw it as us trying to control too many things but ultimately the rules were there for the good of the series and that's the unique position that we were in is you're the founder of the wembley cup spencer fc is on your channel and also the founder of hashtag united hashtag united are a team playing in the tournament so you're the tournament host you're the the chairman or the captain of the team in the tournament and i'm also in in the team in the tournament and helping to exec produce the whole show and represent there are some conflicts of interest there 100 however what we can say is hands on heart is that we're always trying to do for the best of everybody um and the best of the show and ultimately people just um couldn't get past trying to drive their own agenda in that whatsapp yeah i mean the conflicts of interest are 100 apparent i know for a fact because of how rigorous i stick to the rules that i can do both i know i have no desire to teach other people accepting of that yeah i don't want to do both anymore i was prepared to do that we were a victim of our own success we created a scene that people were scared to play and so they were trying to improve their teams so we said look let's create rules this is when you can make a number of squads yeah exactly if you're trying to add players to it off this point now going for both of us that went for we didn't have some very key players and we did have people like me where's panzer all these guys that weren't playing in the first team by this point involved in the squad anyway so i'll bring up so what's up group thing and then before that there's this thing that happens at the group stage when their game was stopped early yes and that did 100 percent happen yeah we've never denied that nope the the the referee stopped the game early worth saying as well properly independent fa qualified referees that actually we had absolutely no hand in selecting even that shouldn't be saying you need to say the agency involved poke went to the fa got some local refs they were there we met him for the first time on the day yeah but here's what's really crucial and it doesn't really matter how much we like try and argue to the officer like if we were cheats we would want the f2 to win all of their group stage games of course because the better you do in the group stage the harder draft you get and the heart you want to mean you get you get the worst team got better players in as a result the fact they did badly in the group stage i.e lost to xo and lost to us as well meant they got a better pick so we hurt ourselves by doing well the fact that we beat i would have rather lost three nil to rebel in the group stage and beaten them at wembley yeah of course but we out we it got harder for us at wembley because the other team got better picks so if we were cheating we were conspiring to hurt the f2 we would have done whatever we could to make sure they won the game okay yep second of all and then we never would have done that by the way we would never do that but i'm just saying if you're going to throw you spoke about you're going to call me a cheat at least call me a clever team well we spoke we built the rules with in conjunction with ee for the tournament to give parity to make it as fair and insane as possible those same rules that prohibited us from using our best players that were now smashing it in on leave but what's also worth saying though is is these were rules that every single team agreed to of course no if there was a feedback session how do we feel about these rules yeah but to work out the size of the squad everyone would have loved to have taken 30 mates to wembley the reality is we had a half an hour again so we had to find out what's the sweet spot of numbers that we can take and we're going to agree to that anyway that was fine going into the group stage that was fine everyone agreed yep um it was only then when realized some people's teams realized they couldn't get their teammates to turn up to certain things or i will say certain things like f2 rebel broke the rules more than the f2 did f2 actually did understand the rules they brought people to the group stage that they knew couldn't play at wembley and as a result of that they had a smaller squad at wembley and they never complained about that they never complained about that what happened at the wembley cup group stage specifically their game gets gets finished early now here's where i'm going to pull the curtain away a little bit because what you see if you watch that video is you see the game get called early a little bit of a kicker from the f2 going like what's happening what's happening then and then you see the heads of the families crucially not me there's a reason you don't see me you see you see you representing hashtag you see i think billy uh lawrence and um maybe cow from from where it was and it's everyone's there and we all go going listen there's been an issue their game has stopped early the f2 have been screwed over but the f2 are such good lads that we're going to not even replay the game and we're going to crack on and everyone's going thanks f2 thanks f2 i refuse to be in that shot the reason i would not be in that shot is it was a lie the whole thing was a lie there was hours that passed the f2 stopped production they threatened the entire wembley cup from even happening they said they were going to take everyone off because we're all cheats and we're all cheating against them except you i'm i'm i'm paraphrasing but that's essentially what they said they burst into the production room and said and i quote and i say quote because there is actually recording of it we are one of the biggest brands in football this is very embarrassing for us and it was embarrassing for them they lost dxo i wish they lost in the amount of time it would have taken which they may well have done we're talking a couple of minutes they missed out on injury time basically what they missed that one right the x01 knew up based on effort and well done to them now we're obviously trying to rectify the situation first thing we have to do are they right well you gotta understand how crucial what was happening there was how we've already spoken about how a limited amount of time you get with some of the creators in wembley cup how a structure is divided there's a shoot day there's x amount of time there's promotion there's tickets there's all these things it's all balancing on a fine line the whole time and there's dozens of people myself including working round the clock to make sure everything goes to plan we've now lost hours of time that means all the production team all of the other staff there all the creators they've all got other things they've got to go to they might have to leave if we lose them that day there may not have been a time where we could have got every creator from every team back together back together again it may have meant the whole thing was gone right and it was all being put to jeopardy over a minute and a half or two minutes away it is important that we stress this okay first thing we did was find out if they were right and they were right yeah it was right it was verified no debating that i came in i got involved in the conversations that were going on for a long time and i said look let me just make one thing clear i'm with the f2 on this i said that in front of everyone i said i would be fuming yes have them the hashtag i would i would want answers i wanted to find out what happened we didn't have answers because we genuinely didn't know why it happened by the way this email we received recently is about this issue specifically and there's no it's a it's a video in itself yeah i think it might have to be it's new information it's come up to us literally a week years later years after the event because of the last video we made someone saw it and gave us some intel we didn't know about so if you want to know more about this instance i will tell you but we need to concentrate on what happened in the day so we didn't know why they seemed to think we did okay the f2 were implying that we had said blow the whistle blow the whistle get the game done first of all i'm not going to give them any excuses here because the way they handle that situation there's footage of it people have gone into it before the way they handled it was really really poor but the whole set was laughing at them because what do you expect you've got exo who are like comedians guys who are not really footballers we're there on the side as well we're watching f2 are obviously the best footballers in the world and they've got these love island guys there and everyone's having a good time and they want to win i think they're better than everybody and then they play the team that are on paper you could argue the worst team and everyone was going nuts it was really really funny no one meant it maliciously it's like a bit of fun being the same if xo scored against us of course of course it wouldn't of course it wouldn't it's like if i go and filmed a golf video loading on goal for actually you know putting penalties thing i went out first everyone laughed at me because i went one round further yeah i'm going i look like a total idiot in front of everybody i meant to be this good golfer i got humiliated it's hilarious i played it up in my video i celebrated that fact right because ultimately i'm not trying to convince people i'm tiger woods i'm just trying to be a nice guy enjoying my golf career anyway so what i will say is with the the egos we know that they've got specifically jeremy's got you can only imagine how much he was grinding his gears you know having all these people going ah laughing hilarious everyone was going ham on it to be fair but that doesn't excuse the way you handle it but it does sort of help paint a picture maybe it does what it basically is though all this this instant did is highlight something so we knew from the first wembley cup dealing with the f2 you had to chat on each shelves we knew we couldn't upset and we knew what they were like so the last thing you want as an organized md cup is any kind of drama of the f2 yeah honestly you know it's bad what happened in that game was so bad for us yeah like no one wanted it to happen trust me that that ref blowing the whistle was did not help us in any way no one wanted them to do it and they just wouldn't believe that they'd know they've got literally hours of negotiations hours the whole thing's been stopped all the teams don't know what's going on and part of the reason i think people might have it too actually late to the shoot day if you remember this is what i'm saying part of the reason that people laugh a little bit more in the f2 losses that they don't laugh at themselves that is the difference between us and them well another story they bought a masseuse with them okay remember that yeah yeah so hang on there are some things so there's one little story that i will say cause it's a really harmless one there are many many more like this this is a nice innocent one but i think it's paint a picture a previous wembley cup shoot where we're at set and there's catering laid on for us and it's chicken and chips and beans and there's some salad and other options right no it was it was perry perry chicks okay yeah it was nice and basically there was um time was called for lunch and one of the f2 specifically made clear that that was it he's definitely got an hour no one's gonna interrupt him he's got his own time to have his own lunch and then time goes they decide not to come to have peripheral chicken with us in the canteen but to go and get a nando's from a deliveroo uh that ends up coming 45 minutes late especially the exact same so the whole set was delayed dozens of people so they could have perry pro chicken nando's instead of coming to eat with all of us to have their own in the corner and be 45 minutes late so that those sort of behaviors that's another reason why when they then lose to all the people they're holding up like so where's the respect for people like cow or stephen tries or willingly or true geordie or me or you or any other people on set whose time they're wasting because they're not happy it's completely different when it's going and you're looking around it's not just cal freeze it's not just our boys it's the cameraman it's everyone there's a reason why guys that's even trying to drop diss track it's not just because they think they said some unquestionable things on youtube because he's disrespected him by things like this everyone on that pitch didn't play f2 wanted f2 to be embarrassed that's the fact i didn't want it to happen from the terms of helping us win a wembley competition yeah which is what i was implied by me of me but we all want to see the f2 born down to pay trust me because they deserve it quite frankly and the reason they have that brand that they they hold that brand so seriously is they do monetize the idea that they are exceptional footballers and they are and this is where you've got to give credit where it's due exceptional for one of a bit of phrase trick shot people okay they can hit the shots really well from a dead ball with a rubbish keeper and goal like they've played enough games now on youtube whether it's wembley cup or socrated or whatever you can see the level jeremy is a good semi-professional footballer he's probably no better than the league hashtag united are in now yeah that's the fact billy it's very hard to say because he's very injured okay he's very injured all the time but again they both had academy deals they were both good footballers that didn't make it but they didn't make it and what they do is they monetize themselves and they sell books saying how to be a pro they don't know how because they never did it that's the fact this isn't me trying to dig them out this is just pure facts so they have to create a facade just like dynamo and darren brown have a facade that they are actually supernatural when they're not there's tricking it's the same the f2 i'm not saying they're doing trick shots i'm not saying they're using camera tricks one thing i've always said about the f2 give them credit cause i've filmed with them a decade ago for copper 90 like not quite a decade but eight years ago known them for a long time since way before the level they're at if you give them a challenge they will do it yeah that's where i give credit for them if you say you kick a ball from there you kick the ball from there make them hit each other in the air they'll go all right give us an hour they'll get it done they might make the edit look like they did it first or second try it really took 100. you tell me and you do it we may never do it it may take us weeks that's the difference they're very good at that they're good on camera jeremy has got a lot of other talented things about him very good pianist a lot of people don't know that like fair play you don't become a good pianist by not putting a lot of practice in both of them have put a lot of practice in and certain skills throughout their life and they've made the ability and i do not begrudge them the ability to monetize i think they are industry leaders they should be like the heroes of all of us as well like look what they've done this amazing brand look what they've done lux's clothing brand uh all these things they've done um that should be really inspirational i think for an awfully long time they were held in that regard and i think it's only in more recent times when people have come out and spoken about experiences behind the scenes like we know of many brands that wouldn't want to work with them again because they've told us brands that we've worked with that have actually said i would know we wouldn't do that again after what happened previously and we don't know the ins and outs of those situations which is more stories that you hear yeah and i just think it's such a shame but the reality is like you said it is maybe a good point maybe it's that shared um uh mindset single focus mindset of jeremies that leads to him having these in my opinion unfortunate tendencies that means he's so successful it's like tiger woods is tiger woods if you take out the crazy guy that he is to be like the best golfer that's ever lived would he if he and then he's like maybe not in some periods of his life not a nicer guy if he became a nicer guy would have been as good at golf would jeremy been successful if he was a nice guy i don't know i think you probably can yeah you can you probably can do both but you shouldn't be expecting this yeah and i think there is you know there's a nice story i'm gonna tell about billy in a minute because i think it's important to show the different sides of yeah everyone's got a nice difference and like i say the german i knew jeremy for a few years before i started to really understand what he's like um and i think he just never showed that in front of me i don't know if he he bought in he got sucked up in the machine a little bit and started to believe in his own hype or if he's always been like this i couldn't really tell you but one thing i learned particularly with my interactions with billy which were different to jeremy's because billy and i have had a few clashes over the years but then we usually always come back where we've dm'd each other what not and i've gone look i respect you mate i apologize if i offended you and he says the same it's all right good good good we do maybe you know i've got a bit of a clash of personalities i see him as a bit more of a ruthless businessman than me and i think everyone should be a bit nicer but i'm also aware that that's not necessarily always realistic and you often say to me spend doesn't work like that so i get that um there was times where i was really annoyed ability i'm not gonna lie there was times where i was like i thought of him in the same way i thought jeremy and then what i learned i had to educate myself a little bit and what it was was billy's doing a lot of stuff for his family you know he's got young family and he's he's doing content with him and i was watching one of his instagram stories years ago and i saw him just doing some cool stuff with his kids and how happy they were and i realized you know what billy's not a bad guy billy just has a different um different goals to me he's trying to do whatever he can to ensure the health and the prosperity of his family and i as someone who doesn't have you know free kids and all those things going on i'm trying to build a hashtag united or i'm trying to build a youtube channel i'm trying to do it in the nicest way possible without upsetting anyone but also like also quite focused in my laser vision as well i'm not some philanthropist going around you know i'm trying to do something as well yeah and with clash and i'd be like and then i stopped and looked at this story and i was like no it's not billy just wants to do what's right by him i won't do what's right by me and sometimes they just seem to fit exactly right and i think to paint that picture more i can tell a story because i do think it's important to give balance i've saying that billy did once which i thought it's a small gesture but it's such a nice thing you know there's a cigar i've got my arm so if you guys can see it on camera there but when that all kicked off was during the second or third wembley cup i can't remember which one um but i was had this issue where the scar the the operation i'd had wasn't healing and it was minging and it wouldn't close i actually played the sidemen charity match with a hole in my arm i had a plastic base told not to play i had a plaster i went to play so much i could feel the wind going through my arm couldn't get it to heal anyway we were on these shoots and we had a an early morning no we had the night before we were doing shoots every day like week over a week which is short every day for wembley cup series and this one night i was telling billy about this scar that wouldn't heal and he said he told me about this oil i can't remember the name of it this oil that um pregnant women often use to help get rid of stretch marks it can help your skin heal he was telling me about it and i was ah i'm gonna make a note that i'll try and get it this is about 9 00 p.m at night right go home and go to bed i had a call time at 5 30 a.m the next day i arrive on set about 6 30. billy's there i'm literally half of staying on my right bill he goes right mate he brings me some of this thing he'd gone to buy it for me fair play don't even know where he went he must have gone to 24 hour shop but even though he i said yeah thanks for the advice but i'll get one he obviously stopped at some point i would be very interested but when the when you know the cameras are all off the relationship between the two of them because there is such a difference in personality and ultimately i think billy gets dragged into it sometimes but like even since then i haven't seen him in a long time now i've spoke to him a long time but even after the wembley cup incident we spoke about billy was the one who tried to be who later on would apologize he'd send me a message and say i'm sorry about how i went this way and equally he'd be the guy that might reply to um an instagram story of of mine or i still in i haven't maybe for a year or so but if i see a nice one of him his children being a father myself i can like take a lot of you know enjoyment from some of his posts sometimes what he's doing with his with his son roman and his daughter so i'll like drop a like on some of his posts still now and right now i would have no issue not saying he could be best of friends but i would have no issue if i saw billy at an event both went to the champions league fine i'd say hi bill how you doing agreed i definitely wouldn't do that with jeremy no so there's uh there's a project we might be doing soon that involves billy we knew they're going in and we've i've said that's fine no problem if it was jeremy it would be a deal breaker for me yeah that's just that and that's not because i'm like this but hurt guys like i don't want to see jeremy's it won't be enjoyable yeah exactly i do this to enjoy my life yeah yeah um so yeah billy has done some very nice things in the past and um we can't speak for this firsthand but i've heard all kinds of rumors about what's going on behind the scenes of those two like i think they've sold rascal i believe they've wrapped up some of their other businesses as well and at one point the f2 had like four or five at an agency they had the f2 academy which is like an education thing they had rascal they had a a another agency that wasn't footballers it was about young guys to be honest they got some stick and this is public knowledge they got some stick for that because there was a some people that were saying they were signing up young footballers as youtubers mm-hmm at 14 intermediary rules and then feeding them into their agency once they get old enough which is it pissed off a lot of football agents um there's rumors that they've got rid of a lot of those businesses and some of the reason that is rumored to be behind that is because they are not on good terms i don't even know if they're mates i think they've for a number of years and i've seen this firsthand then working together has been a uh a necessary evil shall we say i i don't know if i'd be that surprised i wouldn't be surprised about that surprise at all go back to the wembley cup the the really cringe interview at the end of jeremy yeah yeah watch billy's billy's so embarrassed billy's like oh and he does correct something afterwards and then two days later they decide to do an apology to me on instagram stories stories so if you haven't seen it it's because it's only live for 24 hours and billy does it yeah billy says the whole thing jeremy looks like he's so uncomfortable to have to be part of it and billy at one point isn't that right jeremy's like yeah yeah that's all billy i remember i remember i think laughing when i saw the apology and i just imagine thinking uh that's billy trying to sort of realize they're in for some flack and let's be honest they have taken a lot of flack off the back of the wembley cup yeah a lot of flack and we used that phrase um snatching defeat from the jaws of victory it very much felt like that was what happened there um i mean if they i definitely ever will if they did a podcast talking about the one we cut i'm sure they'd say they're never doing it again of course they can't be they can't put themselves in that scenario no yeah they've got they're playing in sakurai these days which is pretty cool right yeah and that's very controlled that's a tv show you know and they haven't got to worry about um being seen as divas because there's much more famous people than that than them there much more whereas in our world they they feel like they dominate it so they behave in a certain way but listen they deserve a lot of credit for the things they've done in business but one thing i do know and this is not an f2 unique thing this is across the industry uh they've been very ruthless they've been very in their business so we're not again going to go into much detail here but for example we know of a brand deal that we weren't allowed to do when hashtag first started because they had a similar deal with the same company and they had an anti-compete clause which meant that no other person in the same category as them could could get a similar thing to they were getting from the brand but i think they specifically said hashtag can't do it and that's not the first time they've done well there's other clauses we know where they've had anti-hashtag clauses aren't there there's there's um talent they've been associated with again i've got to be clever here not because i'm at risk because other people are a risk okay and there has been word from them in the past that they would follow through on these sorts of things like you know yeah there is some certain talent that hashtag may or may not at some point have been interested in getting involved um that the audience might be really interested in seeing hashtag get involved that the talent might have been interested in getting involved in getting involved all the pieces might have been there and that talent had been previously associated with the f2 and the f2 made a rule which said they could not get involved in hashtag united not this many clubs not the and this is in an industry that they're not even in i don't even know if that's legal if i'm honest what they tried to do there but it stopped us doing so it's almost irrelevant isn't it it's like some so many contractual clauses they are there to dissuade people or intimidate people um to not do certain things or yeah to but ultimately i actually i think you might be right that may not have even been legally enforceable so competitive it's under competitive in an industry they're not even in um so yeah i mean all these things that the business thing annoyed me a lot of the time everything the the deal we tried to do or just various things they do but i can get but i am a certain sensibility i know a lot of people in business are much more ruthless to me and that's as much my problem as theirs i get that if i don't want to come across people like that i shouldn't be in this game so i do understand that i don't really have any issue with them for it it means i don't want to work with them so yeah let's go back to that point because going back to the very beginning is that i can hold my hand up and say yes i wouldn't like to work with jeremy again but equally i don't wish any in on him at all um and i do wish favorably goodwill on billy specifically because i think he's a really nice guy and he's got a lovely family um i think it's very frustrating it's very regrettable ultimately uh this i feel like had to be a bit of an exorcism for us to be honest because it's getting things off our chest and i think it really gives people context to why what happened happened yeah um i think at the time i really commended you for not saying uh not going into this sort of thing at the time because it would have been done in the right way it went in the wrong way because it was still a bit raw there we were hurt we were offended we did feel disrespected we did feel let down a little bit and i think it probably wouldn't have been the right way to talk about it whereas now in the time to reflect we're able to maybe put things into a little bit more context but equally it's all water that's not just under the bridge it's very very distant away from the bridge you can't even see the water anymore um so things move on um wish them both well and as i said definitely no one's out to get anybody here but at the same point i think it is important that people understand something as significant as the wembley cup to you and me um one of the reasons why it won't be coming back or certainly is no plans to come back is because of things that we've been discussing this video and the reason for the wembley cup not maybe performing in some metrics as well as it did in the final year is very much got a lot to do with some of those things that happened behind the scenes that made it a very different atmosphere which ultimately changed how everybody perceives it and that's only going to leak outwards into the audience as well yeah and i think just to put into context how serious it was at the time because this is one of the reasons i'm making this video now as well is as much as i maybe should say this for you we were given we were obviously in talks with lawyers about many different things we have to do lots of contracts and things we were given advice that some of the things had been said about you would have enabled you to sue for significant damages in a very cut and open and shut case and you made the decision not to do that so if you really were out to get somebody you could have easily done that gone through got lots of money for it and had some compensation for what was defamatory comments made about you that were unfounded that's the important thing yeah unfounded defensively well what's worse about it it's unfounded for amateur comments like clearly can be proved their lies but also it was on my channel and he was being paid to be on that channel yeah so that's that i don't know he also not that this is a big deal but he also tried to advertise another brand i don't know if that makes it any more legally enforceable but it certainly makes it more much more disrespectful um but ultimately someone told us you should sue these guys you will get this money or this person i mean i'm not i'm not afraid to say that we were told i'm not sure whether i would agree with it or not but we were told we're looking at six figures oh yeah we're looking at six figures i might have received well we were told i would receive yeah we were told it was dumb like someone can't do that it's all out there it's video evidence like it's i know you people at home are probably like laughing like oh what do you think he is like when we get millions of views if someone's job is in a um uh industry that is about reputation and about and very much like i work very hard to have to make sure i have a good reputation because i try and do things the right way for someone to make potentially all your fans or all followers or anyone that knows about you question your reputation is is it's human graffiti is what they use it's literally just going over someone's persona and you could argue we're doing it now the difference is we're thinking we're talking the truth well that's the thing is and it's yeah that's the biggest difference the other thing i want to say as well you mentioned there billy you know have a nice family all that stuff another thing i have a lot of respect for billy for is the way he talks about mental health yes so we alluded earlier that we don't know what goes on in jeremy's head but we do know a bit more about billy because he has openly shared his own issues and i applaud him for that yeah even when him and i have been like not on best terms i have reached out to him a few times and said like i just want to say i've got a lot of respect for what you're talking about here i'm not going to pursue it but i'd happily sit down with bill and have a chat about any of this and like it's not great yeah i wouldn't let jeremy drive let alone there's a few reasons why is one is that he's not a very nice person to be in the company of based on previous experience he may well have changed since then who knows right but second of all it would not be uh productive because of what's happened but the clash and my understanding of his attitude towards things let alone us is that sense and logic would be irrelevant it would just be about ego and uh yeah it just we're a useless conversation one little thing is going back to that wendy cup group stage right so one of the reasons i've refused to be in the heads of the families this is what's happening it was i can act it i pretended about the whole manny thing in the first wembley cup to make drama it's fine the reason i was personally offended because you know what i'm like if there's an issue i'm like everyone out in the open let's talk about it let's get it fixed as soon as possible who's done what let's let's fix it that's my way i am i'm like what's the point in like him saying she's saying this let's just address it so i got everyone together off camera and i said right everyone's here all the time i said jeremy it's going to help us a lot if you in this forum when everyone's here to hear it explain exactly what your issue is and i can do my best to prove to you that's not real and he just looked at me and i said okay he's not going to talk much right jeremy is it fair to say you believe or are implying that we are in some way cheating that there's some sort of issue can you please expand on this so we can all talk about it jeremy looked at me when you don't always get what you want spence that's all he said so i was like okay i get it i'm not trying this is clearly not what i want i think is what i said and i said i'm just trying to fix this jeremy the best way i know how please let's talk about this and he went you don't always get what you want and that was it and so i walked off and then the issue was fixed you did a lot of that uh negotiating and diplomacy lawrence mckenna was pretty key in it as well and everyone essentially swallowed a humble pill and pretended the f2 were legends when really we're all talking about it and what's that ironically or in person like how ridiculous they are yeah that's it really there you go um it is water under the bridge it is over you know like i say it it's probably people watching these videos now because it's new information for them so it becomes relevant for them this is so far past relevant for us like we don't talk about this ever when we meet it's never something that comes up no well it's interesting when you saw like obviously at the time there was a lot of stuff came out from jack mate some of his content that came out um and steven tries and things like that it was interesting i don't know if it was a coincidence or not but when stephen trials went on the happy hour podcast recently after our video where it was brought up again whether it would have been brought up again anyway but it just like said when new information comes about it does sort of do it and that's maybe you know that we have had this new information we've had some new information um this email i've alluded to like i say it doesn't change anything we've said today but for the wembley cup it's fascinating fascinating um i'm not trying to it's probably people are thinking now spencer's just trying to get new views i don't care if we make no more videos about remy cup i've got loads of other stuff i want to do yeah me and you've got other video ideas we're parking right now because we're doing this yeah i'm happy for this to be the last one yeah sure but if there is demand for it i am trying to make interesting long-form discussion videos now people want to see it i'll talk about that because this new information is very relevant and very topical to an incident that happened during the wembley cup but it also spawns off into a wider discussion about football yeah that's why i think it could be its own video because otherwise this one's going to be four hours long yeah there is a few other examples of jeremy's behavior that i think is important so one thing is a classic example of like a jeremyism if you like that he'll do and has done in my presence multiple times and i've heard many other cases of it it's like if someone gives him an ag on a football pitch and trust me i know all about this i'm not talking about the same level i play sunday league every week when i play sunday league someone says something whether it was when jury and me and alex being broken up with some guy going you know your mysteries dumped you like random stuff that not necessarily even factually true but also um they know stuff about you yeah you don't know stuff about them so it is very annoying it's very annoying but obviously that happens to jeremy if he doesn't not make every single person he gets the ball someone's going to mug him off right unlike me and other people jeremy has a certain response which is usually about how much money is in his bank which is usually a millionaire mate how do you feel and these are direct quotes like guys you might be at one nil but i'm a millionaire that's what you said to someone after the xo game you might want but i'm a millionaire i think that's in the quote multimedia what i heard was guys laugh at me all you want i'm a multi-multi-millionaire yeah something like that yeah and i think he introduced himself uh to one of the hashtag players and i heard this from the said hashtag player who i won't name he's not fair to um but someone i've known for a very long time and there's no way to make it up is hi i'm yeah you know who i am uh sometimes you wouldn't even say people saying you know what i do get and some people might say oh it's just banter's just funny yes it is but when you in some people's minds that could be a funny thing to say right but when you put it with all the rest of the stuff that definitely isn't funny then you know where it really came from what sort of first impression are you giving off it's just like that's what it is why why he's got to a point in his life rightly or wrongly definitely wrongly where he no longer cares about first impressions with people that aren't famous or rich whereas we were brought up to you should care about everyone you meet not just because it's polite but also in your interest so you never know where that person's gonna be one day you know like it's just clever you know steven's made his video about what happened there's a lot of unsavory things that happen in that wembley cup bar afterwards there are a lot of other things that just i think somebody who had felt like he was um had everyone against him for the whole tournament they just won a tournament instead of having it with grace going out and trying to rub it in as many people's faces not just in a funny way but in many occasions really vindictive nasty um like premeditated where things would happen over one side of the bar he'd intentionally go to another area specifically to wind somebody up like not in a jovial way because there's no joviality left between jeremy and anyone else in the whole cast of wembley cup at this point and just just showed up quite like nasty streak i would like to think that if i give some faith to humanity that there are moments since where jeremy's been alone and he said oh no like we've all had moments right when you've grown up i say some silly things when i was at university playing in the first team football team like silly arrogant things you're like 19 years old you say anything don't no nothing nasty but just things like oh why why is that so cringe like what an embarrassing thing to say i really hope that he's had moments where he's looked back on some of the things he said and i'm bearing in mind we've had a lot of interaction with him but like in those realms of our entire careers very minimal still imagine how many other stories there must be out there i really hope that at some point as he's getting older now he sits back and goes oh god why did i say that i was so impressed i mean the difference is he's not a student he's 30 years old but yeah but it's true like if i even be critical of myself again right like i say i've been in those scenarios when you're playing football and someone is saying something to you and if they're mugging you off for your job what you do whatever they know something about you et cetera like the human mind does work a certain way they should say hang on well if they're taking the mick out of me because i have this what does this get me that they don't get yeah so it is natural to sort of respond yeah like i have had similar instances when i've played football and someone said something to me like like i say i my natural response if someone said something to me is to reply a rebuttal because that's how i grew up so someone said something to me like what are you going to do another fifa pack opening or something like that yeah right my response is usually like and then they'll say something like shut up spence why do you have a thief back up and i go oh you know my name's i don't know yours yeah i'll be like i'll be responsible i don't go around going everyone knows my name like it's just how can i do a response that hurts them because they've tried to hurt her equally you know that that that in the when you come out of that situation you know that like you shouldn't say that no i go home and i'm like why don't i just laugh and go right my cheers thank you yeah exactly i i do try to do that exactly it's still not perfect if someone does send to me or sometimes it'll be more physical they'll try and kick me not because i'm good because they might be funny if they injured me or funny if they got a reaction out of me and you know what i honestly would say and i probably i think i speak for you in this if it's a massive if if jeremy because bearing in mind what he's done he's been really annoying he's upset people disrespect people he's not killed anyone right there's nothing really that if he did sit there and he'd never do this for many reasons but one would be because like like there's just no need to wouldn't get anything from it it's not he's not i don't think having many things cost in his life from some of his previous actions sit there and goes you know what guys i was such an idiot i said this i shouldn't have and you know i'm really sorry if he did that i'd probably be like fair play fair play because that's all life is redemption like there's loads of things i'd love to be forgiven for i don't there's anything quite to this extent but at the same point if he really genuinely was sorry like okay i might still not want to be your best mate and because like you know i've got friends already who have never done things in the past but ultimately i would really be like just fair play massive respect and i don't think he'll get anything out of it which ultimately why i probably won't do it and all but i do really hope that some part of him does think you know one day i'll i'll uh i'll maybe say sorry to some people yeah this isn't a reconciliation video we don't need that no but i'm always open to stuff like that because i don't like the idea that someone out there that i know no he doesn't like me i know he doesn't yeah yeah i don't think i deserve it but i know he doesn't like me yeah it's not nice to have that out there and and you know again if i'm racking my brain the things that i've done that have offended him there is one other thing i've got to say which is at the on the draft today we did the draft day i was very much like pretty pissed off at this point and um i'm not someone that can hide that very well no you're definitely like i'm not a someone that's going to be like hello mate how are you doing you're not a different man i think this guy's a dick i'm going to be like that's the best you're going to get out of me that's just the way i am yeah and i do think he's a dick so that is how i felt on that day and the draft um we were talking about we were revealing what legends were available yep and to be fair this is me on the offense now yeah i remember and basically he gave me the ammunition we were talking about who to pick so it's like kafu uh tresergae esien perez we had perez right we got last pick because we won the group stage again it would have been better for us no actually not better because we've got perez sick we actually i was amazed by everyone's draft picks i thought they had a mayor yeah i thought we couldn't believe it yeah anyway that's not the point we just revealed who the legends are we're all talking about them lynch comes out and he says something like do you see that rainbow flick catholic did on the instagram the other day got two million views and i was just like you've just given me an easy home run here so in front of everyone i went oh yeah if you've got views you're going to love that because that's really means how good you are at football doesn't it or something like that and he got a bit of a laugh and i was just sort of like basically mugging him off saying all they care about his views which is true because bear in mind this is the same guy that said stuff about social blade or whatever to me in the past and then he did say something back straight after some i think he actually says that about social blade then as well something like um you could use the views or something like that and i was like i'm really i'm really fine thank you but i'm fine so yeah i said that that is one thing i did do which i don't regret it but i would i i'm just acknowledging that i played a part in the relationship right now if i hadn't said that they probably wouldn't not like me as much as they don't now or jeremy doesn't um i think really one of the reasons i was so content to not make my own video earlier is because i you have to remember the day it happened the days after it happened i'm like are people going to believe this i don't know do people think yeah yeah and what i will say is fair play to all the other youtubers that called jeremy out because it's a hard thing to do you don't understand this you're a youtuber to go after someone who's got that many subscribers you worry about what they can do to you like it's all not they would never had any ability to really do this but if they had made a video about steven tries or about someone like can cam kirkham who's a much smaller youtube at the time and said go and unfollow this guy they could ruin their career yeah so my knowledge they've never done anything like that and i'm not saying they would have and i think all those people making those videos kind of showed what i would have said anyway so that's why i was happy not saying anything at the time and i appreciate those boys for doing that because i think it took a lot of guts um i probably could have said something soon about the f2 i've known everything i've said in this video for years um and it's only now that i've been prepared to say it so that's my side of it really um yes there's two sides to every story of course always i'm just drawing a line under it now but in other news we're gonna make more videos like this we're enjoying these thank you for all the positive remarks and the wembley cup video i'm glad you guys been enjoying it we have two i'm still setting a few things up to do this to the best of its ability we're talking about maybe doing some of them live yep podcast wise people have been saying spence you should start a podcast i appreciate that i appreciate even more people that remember i had a podcast before i was actually number one in the uk yeah i know um i've got to say fair play to jordy and all those guys amount of podcasts have done unbelievable unbelievable and i'm a big fan of his as good as i am a good friend of his as well so massively rate them and i would be looking for inspiration from those guys even though i had one before theirs is re re-establish the mold for youtube podcasts um i think what's more likely is a hashtag podcast about football from the eyes of people that are running an actual club looking at the whole of football world including our own and then maybe same with me and you said yeah but also i'm not these aren't podcasts we're not on podcast platforms right now but these are like video podcasts whatever you want to call them longer form chats if you like them let let us know let us know what else you'd like to see in the comments below what you want us to talk about in the future uh make sure you subscribe to sebon golf sam's doing great things on his golf channel uh he said won't say this but i will say it for him it's the best golf channel on youtube okay he doesn't say that because he's mates of all the other golf youtubers i don't know any of them really i know something they're good lads to be fair there's a really good lads at the scene it's a good thing you don't even necessarily have to like go for that much to get involved to be fair so it does cool stuff like the videos got with the sidemen uh coming up and loads of other cool bits dude good one saunders the other day yeah saunders and tubes had some fun um doing a little bit of gaming and also real golf on the on the out on the course it's in the description for seb make sure you subscribe drop a like in this video if you've enjoyed it subscribe to spencer fc for more until next time don't go changing
Channel: Spencer FC
Views: 2,782,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spencer f2, jeremy lynch, f2 freestylers, stephen tries f2, wembley cup, spencer fc, billy wingrove, spencer f2 drama, spencer f2 beef, swaz lynch, truth about f2, football, soccer, hashtag united
Id: K68kWiibHlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 32sec (3692 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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