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not bothered about the rest of the team people like Billy Billy's a nice flow no one knows the Roseate sir none of the team but Jimmy I was a pat man really did it set up as Batman [Music] on a Monday yesterday was Sunday that's how week's work and it was the Wembley car well it was free games was to semies and then a final and how finals only worked yeah basically that the story is the f2 who are obviously the FC freestyle as Billy Wingrove Jeremy Lynch they obviously won that won the tournament and were very very gracious in yeah really nice they were very nice but the charity they said thank you to everybody yeah upstanding sport the nicest part is when they started on Steven tries if you can tell would be in sarcastic Jeremy Lynch was an absolute [ __ ] ya know and I've got a lot to talk about in regards to mr. Lynch or Suave's Lynch as decade apparently it's just like the the most countries go off off camera yeah we're gonna start we'll start the beginning of we saw the beginning of the Wembley Cup is like people probably just saw it materialized at its peak on the biggest stage yeah but I hate my beer to prick for the entire tournament basically yes sir it's the too long didn't read version they were doing the most notable ones is XO and then played a game XO 1 1 now in the warm in the warm-up qualifiers even though they're all going so in the walk qualifiers a game literally didn't matter ya know is purely to hyper tournament Oh Bailey's one now excited a massive massive underdog yeah yeah way to play a game yeah how so perspective it just looks like some sad people who just upset that it lost the charity game I'm looking at like everybody's met them on Sunday like the guys who take themselves Oh Lucy Leslie I reckon he's the kind of guy that have like under 9 zid wear bright white boots and have his initial stitched into him yeah he can do it and he's the kind of guy that all wear his socks all the way up I mean he's an heel and he basically Jeremy Lynch learned to do keep e ups before anyone else so all of a sudden he thinks he's big man now he's got Callum best on speed-dial that's not a cool thing you prick they play the game and the referee apart knee blew it early at least that's what Jeremy Lin just saying I don't know if I ever got confirmed but it was the fit he threw yeah afterwards was ridiculous like he was so angry complain to the ref complaining that like like almost it was rigged everybody ends up in the final anyway yeah but obviously he cares too much about his pride in a charity football match then they go on to play and Stephen tries drops a district yeah on the FT and I just want to interject and say if Stephen tries it's dropping a diss track on you before you even hear it you know it's just gonna be a comical piece of light-hearted if Steve maybe like you should take the piss I'd love it I'd welcome I found that would be hilarious he's gonna be able to pick things at you that aren't too kunti and just make them like maybe that's what he did so justice like crazy video where he's got like contacts and the thing is because oh god Alex you probably know more about sort of YouTube laws than I can how much of this video can i play because I want if if Jeremy Lynch will be a prick if he tries to [ __ ] claim it but he's afraid no he is he is afraid he will probably try I so before we get on I just want to play a little bit of Jeremy Lin trapping in a Batman so I [ __ ] you not this isn't a parody this could be a Steve and try sketching itself what's the context so it was Halloween and Jeremy Lynch's girlfriend's got a vlog channel or something like that so she decides to switch out the content drop a music video and in the video Jeremy Lynch is wearing his rapping in front of his Audi I don't care about your past or your history everything that happened in the past I know somebody would be going this audio-only but it was wearing these contacts that basically I don't remember Batman looking like he just done a line of coke I just read some of the lyrics cuz they're on the train up I actually wrote them down so I had to keep pause on it and they're just so good so they the first the flashy lyrics is you don't need a mask when you with me I don't care about your past or your history when you're with me she's literally wearing a mask while she's with him he stresses Batman one lyric that is like a reference to Batman in some way or the superhero there's no you know running down the street and the things yeah and then it goes everything that happened in the past led us here were governed by faithful were governed by fair cream of the crop you're running in my head non-stop got me feeling some sort of way this is Steven tries to run down the way let's go to the rhyming couplets here yeah these are the rhymes that he's used me history here fear crop stop way play these are like year seven stuff think be tech English have you ever seen Louis furrow try and wrap yes my money don't jiggle jiggle it folds bless them bless them anyway so that's that [ __ ] quality video so first of all if you're gonna try and take yourself too serious and think you're too cool for anything I drop a video when you're wearing a Batman do that because you lost all you credibility when you upload obviously when you're playing it's the XO Hey the one team that you don't want to piss off is the one that's full of comedians ya know cuz hey going to ring [ __ ] yeah and you can't be Stephen tries in a one-on-one know you could nobody ever will Stephen will just destroy you and so he does this video and we're basically just does a diss track about like them being [ __ ] about the game and all that and he's obviously in jest yeah obviously in jest yeah Jeremy Lynch 2-foot sim the Wembley cap see I don't know how I missed this but this this I didn't see this but ya know how many shouts to him apparently nobody know what he said but then also there is like a rumor going around that they want a shared [ __ ] bus the Wembley car well before we get on to that yeah one thing I don't understand is all of the teams for all some of the teams I think it was all of them from the Wembley Cup I saw they got a coach there and coach back there all London based teams so glad you need to get a coach if you're just going down the road just hop on the [ __ ] change okay I think it's a case of they literally want to make it look like they're these big teams with yeah just so completely different to everyone else yeah I hate when they sit there and they got the headphones on and they're like in the zone so you're not playing the champion final what I want to do half half an hour against Stephen tries well in age spots and they had the Arsenal fan TV what they were on there for a second and you know that one dude with the headphones it was okay he's walking past the cameras like he's party like he's pogba and if you can and I don't think Stephen would mind me saying this at all but if you're gonna hack anyone yeah you want to look a little bit cool yep I'll take care Ryan oh don't go after Stephen tries to not remain he's got the body of a 12 year old guys yeah then there was like this thing going around that apparently like they were playing the diss track on the bus and the ft2 boys literally tried to start a fight over it what with with Stephen even tries the comedian is that after the match before apparently I think Ivy was before it may have been after I don't really know so why are they sharing a coach I got dosed saving honestly just sounds like high school [ __ ] to me yeah cuz I was like an outsider I literally of this sort of thing would would happen in like high school it's a charity match you know it's a charity footie match between you chief Hearst I mean after he folded the list not youtubers by the way oh and then they had the cheek to come out post match and go we're the best YouTube team and rebel of the second best which is just a digger hashtag they don't care about rebel you're the best out of four-foot yeah Congrats for youtuber team yeah and they played what how many youtubers were in their team two three yeah it was literally Billy just came out the day before it was love island FC basically yeah I know there wasn't actually any love island people but that's the caliber of people you get if you're getting Callum best in your team for [ __ ] sake it was a [ __ ] show and then they win and you know and he goes on to do a little rant about how expected to try to like rig it oh yeah he said I've got it here he said he said that's what happens when you get a Premier League refuse not on Spencer's payroll you wouldn't even be here mr. swales Lynch if it wasn't for Spencer inviting you yeah a few keepy uppies ones and now Spencer has allowed you to be on that turf and yeah okay they're the biggest channel and so forth but who are deaf to right after XO lost the views dropped by third yeah so it's like XO were the biggest were the people watching put the paper with me because they're like the way I see youtubers you shouldn't ever really take it too seriously you should have fun with it and that's what they do that's what they do if they're not going they're thinking oh a bunch of places and it's so funny watching Brian trying to do Follies and headers and stuff when you've got these two and it's like you know they never ever showed up in the Wembley Cup matches or anything before really no like I was always pretty disappointing that you of their performance cuz I was like they're the guys you should be taking it seriously and they never will Steven big big professionals they like to think they are JD Sports sponsor Oh reminds me over the bottom wants to borrow I get it you're paid to do it but you're not run out it's the cringy esteem and the way like if jazz Schwarz Lynch had the bottle did you see this what you've done with the bottle yeah yeah if he had just had it and was like strategically just drinking out of its like fine you've got Brown to the paper day yeah but the way he kept like looking at the camera and winking in that oh my god I have never wanted to a slag off you tubers all the time I've never physically wanted to slap one and then in that moment I was like yeah if I was playing I would have kind of son doli yeah and I'm like I'm going to snap your life yeah and any other cheeks are going to look we get it yeah with the f - people do want to go in on us not because you the f - because you're an utter [ __ ] only him bothered about the rest of the team people like Billy Billy's a nice flow no one knows the rules it was Batman really did it set up as Batman you know you should have worn the mask of the pitch to be fair it's ridiculous I mean at the other day I think he showed himself up yeah that's all he's done he hasn't made himself look like a good footballer and he's not like he's not like Ronaldo where you could back up the fact that he's a cocky bastard I know I do keep you up he's on YouTube with ex retired footballers mate because it's how it sounds this might sound like this coming from a place of bitterness and I don't think that I'm a very good footballer at all and I'm nowhere but it's a youtube football tournament and I've never seen that man do anything that great you know it's to do Detroit XO the way they did throughout the competition and then hashtag is well making various comments about Spencer sociable I drove a tornado it was a tragic display of sportsmanship in the day and that's what he wants to be seen as quite clearly yeah he wants to be seen as a spot man you know he actually made himself look like a youtuber yeah exactly I've actually heard a rumor so that this is obviously allegations yeah that he the f - got offered to go and train with Messi at Barcelona and they said yes and then they demanded a 50k so Jeremy it was like all right I'm not gonna lie but you know Messi should pay it's just that you know just imagine turning up and going most you ever done a rabona before [ __ ] Jeremy Lynch awful I normally say you know you've got a computer of Real Madrid but we're the best you should quickly - yeah yeah the one become so have you ever won the one bleak a plane out ever be treble yeah ever come up against Cal for easy I think and I don't know why I find this funny is probably not that funny but you know the Arc de Triomphe in France yeah big billion jezza's face got beamed onto that during the Euro did you ever see Billy and [ __ ] swears on this thing it was the best thing ever I hate it how much I love that but you know messy no no messy now use on the back of it the ship it but I mean it's not a European team what last thing I will say is there a lot of people probably think a lot of neutrals or people who didn't see this or f2 fans maybe maybe listening to this podcast or watching it thinking we're jealous we weren't there yadda yadda yadda even though we've all away no no neither am i oh you've got a lot of friends who are there who my friends horn exercising way enough but at the same time you know it's more like it's objectively funny because I didn't even know I just I just watched it like and to be honest I did think going into it that perhaps it would be hash tag that take it too seriously because they've made that little tea yeah they're the actual tea and you would probably think if you had to put money on it they'll probably be a bit their kitchen it but they won and they were when they went out they were respectful and they went round and sure people sounds a fair play to him it just seems like the only way I can put it is Lynch seems like when we're at school he would be like the cool older guy but you really wanted to be like and then when you leave school and you realize how the world works you think thank [ __ ] I'm not him but last thing I'll say is a lot of you a lot of big big youtubers messaged me last night I waited out like it's not even like a private thing is why it's like people have publicly slighted him yeah in in many ways shape or forms and members of the f2 team I'm gonna read some of the messages that I've got now I'm not actually gonna gonna obviously keep I'm gonna keep the people nameless who said I again I don't think these youtubers would care if I named them but I think I owe it to them not just to [ __ ] yeah but I got one message that said oh that's one from will a name no I got when it said honestly Jeremy Lynch is horrible one of the worst individuals I've ever met he's just awful absolute pair of pricks I think people filmed what they got up to yesterday I think that will come out and another top top youtuber wonder who I've actually never met message me and said you've got a spot on wheelchairs complete and utter [ __ ] he's the biggest bail on bail end on YouTube it's the best kept secret on YouTube that they managed to fool everyone into thinking their sound lads but every youtuber who comes across them gets hit with an ego the size of Texas Jess has it in for everyone always has and he's a stuck-up [ __ ] so it's just like it's not us just sat on our little slag off youtuber podcast and doing this this is the general consensus it's more the fact I'd heard these stories yeah just through various people exam then I watched the tournament I went holy [ __ ] they keep you up he's on the issue this is what they believe they are yeah it's just get over yourself you played for Aston when you were seven than the last person is a guy that is actually not a youtuber he's a he's a friend of mine he works in PR he's got a top top job what of all any any sort of celebrity you can imagine any YouTube you can nominate a messy go out in the 50 grand and he said he messaged me said please written to swears or a video so he's a [ __ ] biggest tosser in the industry he's just a terrible person will be super nice as the camera goes on then sit on his own and not give anyone the time of the day as soon as they're there off camera he loves himself never met anyone who actually likes him so Jeremy Lynch maybe if you're watching this if you got this far you probably turned it off when you saw the whole Batman think long as you can't sit through that again I think you realize what you've done it's actually about it's like run into the swash man if you are watching this Jeremy open up your eyes and realize that you're a [ __ ] little [ __ ] one ball [Music]
Channel: JaackMaate
Views: 2,439,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaackmaate, jack, dean, rants, jaack, maate, vide, f2 freestylers, f2 jeremy lynch, jezza, wembley cup spencer, wenbley cup, jez f2, billy f2, f2 spencer, wembley cup drama, jeremy lynch stephentries, jez stephen tried, stephen tries jezza
Id: Fj406k44N84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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