Stellaris - Unbidden Crisis Mechanics (Updated for 1.8)

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so the unbidden are an interesting buns they like to play a game of intergalactic or should one say interdimensional tag where they basically touch your planets and instead of you being it they sterilized the place welcome welcome to the mechanics video on the unbidden and their friends because yes there are definitely more nutty unbidden have been updated ever since the original video came out right after launch so I thought by myself let's do an update on the original one so first off how did he I'm going to actually spawn what is their trigger well it is attached to the jump drive technology as soon as you have the jump drive technology the trigger will begin 150 years average or a median will start where the unbidden can potentially spawn of course if the Praetorians or the AI spawn during that period they will not be triggered however if you add the side jump drive to your tech tree then you also have the potential of a spawn and young bitter a little bit faster to trigger shortens in addition to that if you have done the Wanderlust campaign it goes down to about 18 years in total from that moment onwards so effectively you can have the unbidden on your ass fairly early on if you go full psionic regardless of the trigger once it happens you will first receive the Galactic power search event and on top of that gifts will be followed by a B unbidden and a comm window will open based on your ethics and live your psionic you will be able to interact with the unbidden in various ways however the result will always be the same they want to feed on you and the rest of the galaxy in the case of being psionic you can ask them if they are from the shroud however they claim that they know of the shroud and they are from somewhere very nearby and whether or not from it the unbidden will spawn through a portal that randomly will be set somewhere within the galaxy now when I say randomly I do mean it can be pretty much everywhere it has the potential to basically start in the middle of a full an empire or your neighbor or in your capital system regardless you're going to be boned because well as soon as they come through they will be coming through with it for fleets for combat fleets that it's each weighing in at a base of 70,000 fleet power and my safe base here because in 1.8 there's a modifier where the where where you can set the total power of the crisis so it could be a 70k it could be significantly more now these combat splits will start spreading out from the portal a portal you will need to destroy in order to stop them however they will be playing and Galactic a game of tag your it and well by tag your it I mean whatever planet a day manage to bombard in submission they will cleanse of pops they will destroy all buildings annihilate all habitats in rec ring worlds however whilst these planets have been sterilized they will turn into terraforming candidates so you can bring them back into the fold after you've defeated the unbidden at the same time it will also have constructor fleets that will start building anchors which are special space stations that increase the territory of the unbidden and have to be destroyed before the portal becomes targetable again the portal is indestructible if anchors exist now in the past this was a problem with the AI however as of 1.7 this has been addressed then the fun starts once the unbidden controls a 15% of your galaxy and by 50% it is not territory related this is based on planets or these planets within their territory they will trigger a second faction they will spawn the aberrant which is effectively exactly the same as the other than with their own portal however they do come with more attack fleets to balance out the power difference the embedding will have at this point they are also very aggressive towards the unbidden on both factions will generally attack each other as soon as they know where they are this means you will have the opportunity whilst they're engaging each other to destroy the portals and of course the anchors once it happens you will get the extra dimensionals a fight each other event now this will start to little start a timer of 40 months which will trigger a third faction the spawn which is called the Hammond they're basically a copy of the aberrant in terms of spawning mechanics they will also build anchors like the other ones and they of course need to be destroyed before the portal can be attacked now of course they have more fleets they've got more ships belief they spawn with six fleet's or a fleets depending on the difficulty level that you're playing as now all you got to do now is fight through wave after wave after wave of spawning ships until you have closed the portal so how do we effectively defeat them so the unbidden solely use mass disintegrators which can be reverse engineered after you destroy a fleet they do a rather large amount of damage it will ignore 50% of armor and it will do a 50% additional damage to shields they have jump drives but they have absolutely zero armor which means are very vulnerable once their shields have been penetrated because of this a combination of energy torpedoes and kinetic artillery is incredibly useful you could also throw a little bit of plasma in there so you can attack the portal because the portal has a significant amount of armor the thing is is that you want to engage them from as far away as possible the battleships of the unbidden only have a range of 80 which means that you can out range them with kinetic batteries and basically destroy their shields and then their whole armor again you want to engage them on your terms and as from far away as possible extra dimensional invaders will get in reinforcements a lot faster than you can build them every single ship lost is a problem and one thing that you can exploit however is their lack of main tracking ability the craft have significant difficulty doing tracking due to the way their matter disintegrators work so in adding combat computers with high evasion is relatively here useful here finally for those of you who own utopia you can have an ascension perk called guardian of the galaxy where you will be able to do a 50% damage to all extra dimensional invaders and of course it also applies to all the other crisis's additional 50% damage is and not bad at all especially when you're outnumbered and outgunned so once you push them back to whatever hell dimension they came from you will receive a fairly large amount of unity and that's pretty much it much it congratulations half the galaxy is now sterilized but you managed to make it and it's now time to finish the game now if you want to know a little bit more about the lore and the back story behind these extra dimensionals down bidden the famine the aberrant go and check out the spit things brick channel is he's currently doing a series on lore so yeah more details about the throne whatever that is and of course if you want to see more mechanics and continue checking out the channel lemma we got a lot of them here we're currently working at about 40 of them and there are many more to come in the future if you feel free to subscribe that's fine by me if you like this video you know to be to drop it a like if not this like button is there as well and as always until next time take good care of yourselves and of course eat
Channel: ASpec
Views: 280,771
Rating: 4.9654894 out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, 4x, ASpec, Genetic Engineering, Europa Universalis, Tutorial, how to, Advanced Government, AI, Uprising, Dangerous, Technology, Synth, Unbidden, Crisis, Syth, Synthetics, Droid, Robot, a.i., Prethoryn Scourge, Prethoryn, Scourge, Invasion, mechanics, tutorial, Terraforming, AI Uprising, psionic, Hivemind, Mechanicum, Civics, Fallen Empire, The Curators, Contingency
Id: apFgnC2kxHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2017
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