Stellaris Nemesis Planet Management Explained

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Hey all, I've taken a look at planet management on an individual and empire-wide basis. Here are some of my thoughts. I hope you enjoy. Thoughts & feedback welcome!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ruphone 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
how do we manage our planets now in solaris 3.0 after a number of new changes from pop growth to automatic pop resettlement the way we manage our planets both on an individual and an empire-wide basis has definitely changed let's jump in and have a look just before i jump in i'd like to say if you've been enjoying this video and other videos on this channel consider subscribing it will help to get my videos out to other players just like you the first planet you'll have to manage is your homeworld and your homeworld is a bit of a special case the reason for this it is is your only world at the start and you have a specific designation for your home world which you can't change which is the empire capital unless of course you you move your empire capital but when you start with your home world you have no other worlds to deal with to manage and there are no other planets that your pops can move to so for instance i'm going to start here with a commercial zone which provides clerk jobs and i have some of my workers employed in clerk jobs now i really don't want them to be doing these clerk jobs i'd rather they were doing something else something more productive but i don't have other planets with other possible jobs right now that i could move them to so the first planet you have you'll be you'll be dealing with a little bit differently to your other planets i would recommend your first priority on your planet is to try and get maximum pop growth so at the moment we have a total prop growth of plus 4.87 we want to get up to six to do that we're going to have to increase our planet capacity so that we can get the maximum growth rate now if we clear tile blockers we'll get an extra plus four on this planet to our planet capacity so we clear these three we can get another 12. that plus 12 would put us at 68. we really to get to a good a good zone we want to be in the 75 80 80 82 plus kind of region if we build any other districts on our capital we'll also be reducing our overall planetary capacity because planetary capacity is number of unused districts multiplied by four plus housing so in this case a mining district only provides two housing whereas an unused district provides four to our planet capacities that's a difference of two so on our capital what we want going to want to do is build buildings for extra jobs and build city districts as well as clearing tile blockers the tile blockers are going to cost energy the buildings are going to cost minerals so i would recommend that you look at building either a research lab or an alloy foundry on your capital at the beginning probably not an alloy foundry because i don't want to push my mineral gain too low at this early stage below 30 is not somewhere i really want to be so i'm going to queue up a research lab and then i'm going to get to the end of the month and also queue up one of these tile blockers i'll keep the spawn sprawling slum just to get that extra pop something you are going to want to watch out for on your home world as your population grows is that you don't get workers in the wrong job so i do want to move some of my clerks over reduce the total number and i'll that'll push a worker into the technician job and now i have established my first colony it's complete and i want to look at what i want to build first so i've got two population there they're both working the colonist job but hopefully that job won't exist for very long once i get to 10 population i can upgrade the planetary administration and get rid of those columnist jobs and get administrative jobs instead so this planet's got quite a high planetary capacity 71 that's pretty good but it's actually something i'm not going to worry about until i get to around 15 pops planetary capacity is going to have quite a small impact on my pop growth and any changes there at 15 pops i'm going to start worrying about it but for now it's not such a big deal so what do i want to build well on my capital i really can't build mining districts generated districts or agriculture districts because they will reduce my planetary capacity at the moment i'm getting plus 2.61 pop growth from that planetary capacity being 64 if i were to build new districts on my capital i would decrease it so i'm going to build those districts out here on my new colony hades and i'm going to just queue up one mining district now something important to note as well as you queue up districts they reduce your overall planetary capacity so you actually don't want to queue up more than one district at a time because if you queue up multiple districts for instance on my home world if i queue up from i'm at 64 if i queue up an extra district whilst nothing's really happened my planet cap has gone down to 60 because the number of available districts has decreased by one according to the game and as i said i don't want to do that here i'm trying to get maximum pop growth i've finished my first district on my new colony and i have two empty slots now if i wait around i'm going to get some pop growth in 12 months and i'll fill up one of those roles but i want to get the i want to get up to 10 population on this planet as fast as possible so what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to go to my capital and make sure to unemploy one of my clerks leaving this club unemployed is going to mean it's got a chance of auto resettling to this planet over here with two free jobs not only that i'm actually going to at this point cue up another mining district on this planet because i'm going to want to specialize this planet in being a mining world in this in this edition of the game in 3.0 specializations are really a lot more powerful than they used to be so i'm going to focus on mining districts here and something so important to see here is that i no longer have unemployment on logics i'm still growing this part i'm now four months away but that one unemployed pop has made the move and jumped across so i'm now i'm going to force down another pop and i've now got five unemployed clerk jobs that i've reduced so i'm going to make sure to demolish this commercial zone i don't want it i don't need it and in its place i will probably build an alloy foundry or alternatively a civilian industries if i'm going to try and push into some sort of tech rush which uh i might do in this uh this particular playthrough it's important to note the reason i'm trying to push pops off my capital is that it's no longer crucial for me to have high pop numbers on my capital to unlock buildings buildings are now unlocked by city districts so i can push population off my capital and i'm going to keep actually pushing workers off my capital so i'm going to unemploy another clerk here to try and push them off onto this planet and now i have my second planet has been established i'm going to try and build a generator district here i believe because i'm going to specialize this into generator into a generator world now i've only got three districts here so that would seem like a bit of a problem but with the new technology that is available i haven't researched it yet but the the global power management the energy building that that will increase the number of technician jobs an additional one per district and two more from the building itself so just these three builder district slots will be able to provide 11 technician jobs which is almost double the initial number the specific district availability on a planet isn't so important anymore now i'm at eight population i i think i've only grown one pop in total on this world the rest has come from migrations from my capital where i no longer have any clerks at all which is which is something i'm quite happy with on this planet here though i have now got some amenities issues and that only minus two amenities my capital has minus two that's not really a big deal only four percent happiness change but on this planet with only eight pops that's an eight percent happiness change putting my stability down to 43 so what i'm actually going to do is distribute luxury goods just to offset that until i can upgrade my planetary administration it's now 2210 and we've managed to get this our first colony up to 10 population we've done that through a mixture of maintaining as high pop growth as we can on our homeworld we're a total of plus 5.92 before uh technology and an expansion perk and that's all been pushed out as emigration onto our other planet so we're getting here a total of 6.75 extra per month as well as all of the clerks we had initially on we we've turned quite a few of them into researchers but we've now got 28 pops on our homeworld which is roughly what we started with and we pushed most of that out onto this planet hades we have got uh some uh on the second or at four there but now we are able to upgrade the planetary administration now i've upgraded my first colony here i have the planetary administration i really need to start doing something about these building slots so i want to increase my alloy production for instance but i don't want to decrease my planetary capacity anymore 65 is we're starting to get below the limit of where we can even achieve maximum pop growth which is that you need to have a planetary capacity of 67 or 68. so my planetary administration is finished on my first colony i've still got 10 pops there and my amenities issues are completely solved with the new administrators i have so what i want to do really is use some of these building slots now i want to increase my alloy production i don't want to decrease my planetary capacity any further i've only got a planetary capacity of 65 at the moment which is really the upper limit of where you want to or the lower limit sorry where you want to be so i'm going to not build an industrial district i'm going to build an alloy foundry and now that my first colony has been upgraded it's taken the migration pressure somewhat off my capital and i'm going to start getting some proper pop growth there again now where possible you'll only want to build two types of districts on your planet the first being city districts to access building slots and to increase planet cap and the other being whichever specialization you want this world to be if that's generator mining agriculture or some form of industrial world now on this one you can see i built an extra agriculture district so the reason that is twofold the first i couldn't build another generator district i've already got the current maximum which is three and on top of that i want to make sure that i have jobs available to get to 10 pops if i don't have jobs available when a new population grows on my capital he they can't get pushed out and auto resettled to one of these worlds now to deal with a slight amenities issue i have in my capital i'm getting minus 9 happiness which is bringing down my stability somewhat i want to build either a holo theater or something which is now actually a really good building is the luxury residence it's going to give me amenities and it's also going to increase my planetary capacity because it's going to increase my housing at the moment though i'm doing fine with planetary capacity i am at a i'm in the goldilocks zone i'm now getting max planet uh pop growth if you want to see a further explanation on how to get that max pop growth and where the goldilocks zone is the link is down below in the description so i'm actually going to build a holo theater here all right now i've actually had lots of pops have now moved to this world uh hyperboredia and i can now upgrade my planetary administration there as well something you're going to want to take advantage of as well on all of your worlds as soon as possible is pop assembly to do that you either need to build a robot assembly plant like this or if you're a hive mind you'll need to build a spawning pool or if you go down the biological ascension route you can get you can get access to the clone vats uh the clone vats do give you pop assembly biological pop assembly but i would actually recommend going for the robot it's still the more powerful of the ascension paths unfortunately that does mean that the psionic ascension doesn't allow you to have access to pop assembly outside of building robots and you're going to want to be wary of upgrading your robots too far as you build new city districts on your planets in order to increase your planet's carrying capacity you will get these clerk jobs appearing now you're going to want to make sure that you disable the clerk jobs as you'll want your population to move around your empire to other planets with available jobs once they spawn once they are created and as you expand further out and get more colonies for instance i've just picked up two new colony worlds here you're going to have pretty much the same process again the first building i'm going to really throw down is going to be my building that'll add pop assembly because i want to get that up quickly i'm going to choose one of the initial district types to specialize in this planet i think i'm going to go with a mining district as well again whereas on this planet i think i'm going to go with an agriculture district and of course the robot assembly first and i'm obviously going to keep in mind my features as i get close to around nine or ten pops i'm going to start trying to remove the features i have on my planet the tile blockers something to keep in mind is that as you increase the technology level of your empire and unlock certain traditions you're going to increase the housing you get from your city districts which will in turn increase the planet capacity allowing you to build more of the regular districts which will decrease your planet capacity and this should mean that you can end up with more jobs whilst keeping your pop growth at its maximum level so one of the big changes you need to really adapt to in the new 3.0 is no longer regat regarding planets of the same type as unique individual ecosystems but more you need to think of them as as all part of kind of the same complicated blob of planet and as you are making one planet better all you're really doing is taking a specific aspect of of an area that your population can live in and specializing it for one specific thing for instance this here is specialized as a generator world and i'm producing a net of 82 energy or in total 139 and that's just from 11 technicians there another planet here is a mineral output world i'm producing a total here of 100 minerals per month and and that's only that's only with 16 miners so it's really important to not focus on the growth of an individual planet but more kind of focus on a single planet at a time that you're trying to improve and and making sure your other planets are in the right place for their their growth values making sure that they have no free jobs so that when a new pop is formed they become unemployed and can automatically resettle to another place there are ways you can increase the chance of that resettlement that'll be for instance taking the democratic government type there's also the star based building which you can take the transit hub which will increase your automatic resettlement chance as well and as we get into the late game the mid and the late game what we're really going to want to focus on is some some key core worlds that we'll be building up to produce a lot of our alloys and a lot of possibly our research and we've got lots of external worlds with low levels of population that are producing our base resources like our minerals our food and our energy and we want to make sure these core worlds are things like an ecumenopolis or a ring world because they're going to give us much better bonuses well not only to our pop growth on the planet that's something humanopolis will give but but also to our resource output on that planet and as we have fewer pops in 3.0 each pop is more valuable and we want to maximize the output of those pops so having half of our population on the humanopolis is going to be really good if we can get really high output from that so there there's a lot of interesting things that you need to think about in the new system and a lot of changes you have to adapt to uh to to really kind of maximize the output of your empire no longer can you look at each planet and try to build up each planet to be this thriving world it's now more of an empire wide focus with some some central worlds and then some rural backwaters so in summary what we want to be doing across most of our worlds is not maxing out our regular districts that's agriculture industry mining and generator instead we want to be alternating between really building city districts buildings and individual districts of the same type so if that planet specialization is energy we'll be building generated districts there this will enable us to get the highest pop growth we can on all of our planets whilst maintaining the best bonuses we can for each individual planet we'll also need to make sure that we keep track of our unemployment on our planets actually having unemployment now is a good thing because we can start pushing some of our pops by auto resettling them off to our frontier worlds to build those up as well or later on in the game pushing growth to our core worlds to build those up overall i definitely think the new system is very interesting and it's one that we all are going to have to get to grips with in an entirely new way if you've enjoyed this video please leave a like if you've got any feedback or any questions please leave a comment and if you'd like to see more content like this please subscribe in addition you can also help support this channel on patreon thank you for watching
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 48,192
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Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris planet management guide, stellaris nemesis, stellaris gameplay, stellaris 3.0, stellaris planet, stellaris planetary management, stellaris planet development, stellaris planet management, stellaris explained, stellaris guide, stellaris 3.0.1, stellaris pop growth, stellaris planets guide, stellaris changes, stellaris tutorial, stellaris nemesis gameplay
Id: dT2S_2qgvLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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