Stellaris Competitive Multiplayer - 8 Tips To Survive

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[Music] no matter what comes through that gate you will stand your ground [Music] so you want to play competitive multiplayer games of stellaris but you're not quite sure where to start in this video i'm going to run you through eight great tips that are going to help improve your play so that you can take on other players in competitive multiplayer stellaris games let's dive in number one choose your flavor of meta civilization so you're going to want to choose an empire build that you're going to run with and there are really three flavors you can pick between void dwellers you're going to want to have your three habitats pump out a whole bunch of science and then alloys to get a big fleet up machine world hive mind robots you're going to be able to expand initially and get lots and lots of alloys and research in the early game to get you that fleet for 22.30 or the war start and finally where it's allowed necroids if necroids are viable you definitely want to go for that one as well that's one of the three choices you have available expand carefully a fourth world unless it's a guy world can be more of a drain on resources than a help so you definitely want to grab your two habitable worlds if you are playing a machine world robot or a necroid if you're a void dweller this isn't a problem you're going to start with three habitats by 20 to 30 you want to build a fourth habitat because you'll have built a kick-ass fleet instead specialize your planets you want to make one of your planets a technology-focused planet and of the other two you want an alloy foundry and an energy producing world now your homeworld will usually be a good candidate for a technology world the other two uh you just want to see which districts are available which has the most energy districts and you should probably make the other one your alloy foundry and when i say specialized i really do mean specialized on your home planet you're probably going to want to replace or remove all the other buildings you start with on that world consider your policies carefully at the start of the game your diplomatic policy is going to be set to expansion if you're a necroids or void dwellers that's pretty useless to you you want to change that over to something like isolationist the reason for that is you're going to find it a lot better to have an extra plus 10 unity production and a 15 bonus to admin cap rather than a slight increase to your colony development speed and a slight reduction to your expansion if you go back to tip number two you actually don't want to be over expanding anyway you're also going to want to look at your economic and trade policies the economic policy you're going to want to maximize the number of alloys you're producing whilst minimize your production of consumer goods whereas with trade you're going to want to convert that trade into consumer goods and therefore not have to produce them if you're enjoying this video please leave a like if we get to 700 likes covering the main three meta builds i mentioned at the start of this video and a general outline of the build order and strategy for those completing the supremacy tradition tree is an absolute priority you want to complete that before the war starts at 22 30 or whatever year time you have the war start so that not only can you use all of the bonuses but probably more importantly you can set your war doctrine policy which you also probably want to set to hit and run for that first initial engagement when destroyers and cruisers are going to be the main ship classes on the battlefield your first tradition is probably going to be discovery uh though you may open up the domination or prosperity for clear tile blockers or the plus 20 mining base output respectively even though you won't then go on to complete those tradition trees focus on your technology you're going to want to unlock and be producing rare resources not only for the edicts which you're going to want to set off before the war start for additional shields and kinetic weapon output for instance but also for your buildings they're going to require special resources or rare resources and the higher level weapons also require rare resources to build next you're going to want to unlock at least destroyer technology by year 25 that's going to be so that you can build up a fleet ready for that wall that will be coming at 22 30. if you can make it cruisers would be better but that does require quite a lot of technology output sometimes as well you might not get there with port rolling and finally you do need to focus on advanced weapon technologies as well that's advanced weapons computers reactors and sensors those are going to be much more important than your defensive technologies the reason for that is a small boost to your weapons output around 20 to 30 percent is much more impactful than a 10 to 20 boost to just your shields or just your armor given that a large amount of your hit points are going to be coming from your hull not just those defensive systems you should begin building your fleet about three to four years before wartime around the year 26 or 27. this will minimize upkeep costs and you're going to need to produce a lot of alloys to build this fleet if you can minimize your upkeep cost before starting the war you're going to have more alloys and therefore you can have an even larger fleet it's important to note as well you should have a whole bunch of energy saved up and or minor artifacts to carry you through the war because you're probably going to be running something of an energy deficit before you start the war because you're going to need enough ships and when i say enough ships i'm talking at least 10 000 fleet power by 22 30. if you can get 15 to 20 that's a very very healthy number the eighth and final tip isn't a tip for any individual strategy to use in your engagement or in the competitive multiplayer game instead this tip is practice practice makes perfect you want to get your build order nailed in single player using common multiplayer settings like 0.5 technology cost with two guaranteed habitable worlds and no ai around you you're going to want to practice until you can get a 10 to 15 000 fleet power fleet up by 22.30 this practice is what you're going to be drawing on in the initial part of your competitive multiplayer game because you really do want to survive those initial engagements to get to the mid game and the late game you don't want to be one of those empires that is eaten or gobbled up by a neighbor that wraps it up for my eight top tips if you have anything you think that i've missed if there's anything you disagree with please leave a comment down below i would love to hear from you
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 66,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Stellaris nemesis, stellaris gameplay, stellaris competitive multiplayer, montu plays, montu plays stellaris
Id: q7P3FB_kojI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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