Stealth Camping Beside Police Station In SUV

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hey guys if you haven't figured it out by the title yet or by the thumbnail I got so many requests I'm gonna have to do this one police station right there I'm gonna park out along the other side of it and I'm just gonna camp there for the night this is completely blacked out no amateur hour this this week because I really you know I don't know if they stopped by who knows they're gonna be curious if they see so let's go looks like a good spot right here so gonna casually get into the back like it's no big deal and then I'll show you around back there and then we're gonna do some hunkering down secretly one thing I do and I know a lot of other people have done this for stealth camping is you get out of the vehicle and you walk around like you're going somewhere like you got something to do legitimate and that's what I'll do first does he view just get out of the car and then crawl into the back you're gonna wonder if anybody sees what you're doing so it's just a quick walk down block then I'll get back to the car I'll look like I'll act like I'm looking for something the backseat and I'll crawl right in and start the camping all right that should do and I go it is pretty dark in here it's extremely dark so I've got some extra lights just lose the door okay here we are all right not a lot of room but I've got two extra lights here no I'm not too worried with the amount of blackout that we've got on here I have these industrial garbage bags and I've got them taped up with torilla tape so there is no daylight getting through and actually if I turn these lights off maybe this one isn't turning off because the door isn't fully closed all right I don't see any light coming through if I cover this there's you know the occasional crack here and there but yeah this is the best blackout job I've ever done on a stealth camping adventure and crazy neighbor did that window I did this one so there's a difference in quality there but I appreciate his help great guy it helped out a lot so I've got four bedding I have a foam he it's like a 2 inch 2 inch foam and I put a little fitted sheet on there and I just got a sleeping bag on here it's not gonna be too cold tonight it's actually like 20 above right now and I am sweltering as a matter of fact so I'm going to get this thing a little more comfortably set up today I'm using a GoPro to film this because I don't have a wide enough shot when I filmed with the normal camera it is not wide enough it's better in low light but yeah I do what I can okay I think this is gonna be a walk in the park unless unless somebody says there's somebody suspicious around a police station you better go check it out so if anybody's wondering this is a Hyundai Santa Fe which was a wedding gift from beautiful wife's parents so it's the gift that keeps on giving we're putting it to good use stealth camping in it and just what they were built for now I am 511 never quite made it to six feet but I can comfortably lay down and sleep in here two people he probably could in a pinch but you you'd really have to love each other um its needs a little ventilation I should crack the sunroof because it's gonna get sweltering in here especially when the Sun comes up in the morning and it's hitting the black oak garbage bags and you know step two today outside of the police parking lot in a vehicle with the keys on me non alcohol Heineken because I can only poke the bear so much here and it was a lot of work to get this all decked out today and I could use definitely satisfying delicious hmmm it's not bad to be honest alcohol-free no it's uh it's something I've had worse alcohol free beers so I'm very pleased very pleased with this one anyhow we're gonna wait until the Sun drops down just a little bit and then I gotta walk around and casually see if there's any light escaping from the vehicle and I wish I did have a surveillance system on the outside because I got no idea what's outside who's walking by one of my biggest fears of being capped out like this somebody starts breaking into the car while I'm sleeping in it it happened to me once in the back of my truck I was laying there and the back door opened up and the guys are like looking around and then I sat up in my bed and I looked at him and I just said you know just woken up gravelly voice I said you're looking for something and they ran so fast but it could have gone a lot worse I could say that so security is a factor but you know being beside the police station I don't know who in the right mind would break into a vehicle outside a police station unless they're very crazy or brazen however a little more Heineken here and we'll see what it looks like as soon as the Sun dips down just a little bit more now the police parking lot it's like right there and I heard one just pull in so he didn't didn't stop I don't think but you know it doesn't look too suspicious I hope all right it's gotten a lot darker out so I'm gonna test this out I got all the lights blazing in here and I got the windows cracked for a little ventilation now if I close this off yeah I think that's pretty stealthy but it's not so stealthy with me walking around with a camera so back in hey it's actually a really good temperature in here things are pretty quiet outside I haven't heard too much vehicle traffic things are a little quiet right now so I'm gonna cook up an MRE encounter it is called IM PS this is canadian military shepherd's pie from the army surplus store and i figured in such a small enclosed space i really don't want to start cooking the flames or anything like that so I will go over what's included because I was in Air Cadets when I was younger and we did have these on an aircrew survival training camp it's been a while so you have your one pouch of the shepherd's pie if it were up to me this entire thing could just be the one entree of like shepherd's pie or whatever but silly shepherd's pie and this thing is like a clown car there's so much stuff coming out of here oh here it is the hamburger bun or the pain hamburger the bread is something to be explored delicately with these got an ice sports drink I don't know what flavor ice is but along with that you have a little mixing bag that you can beverage bag where you add your water up to a certain point a peanut butter probably for the pain hamburger ketchup just because strawberry jam you could also use that on the pain amber get get cuz you know it's full of full of calories for hard-working men and women and combat unlike lazy guys that are just camped outside the police station Nescafe sweet and creamy make a coffee out of that there's a desert what is it today date square we need to work on their desserts last time it was fruit I don't know you got a book of matches in case you need to actually start up dick Tex for afterwards and it comes with the spoon little napkin and hand sanitary wipe so that is what is in you want to Emory tell how much of this am I gonna eat probably just the entree I don't like sweets very much I don't like peanut butter very much and I sure don't like eight squares you can no you can't even pull there they're just fine to eat cold what comes in this little this little pouch friend of mine in town who is a subscriber and in a local rock band here rockzilla al it's um working military and he has some of these kicking around so he gave me some of these flameless ration heaters I've never used one before so this is a learning experience for me and we're just gonna do that tear here that's the very first one insert unopened couch and open coach inserted add water to sleeve to the fill line okay it's actually a pretty low fill line on there the edge of the feeder sleeve well let's just wing it that's the way up to be fill line I filled it way past the fill line oh it's getting warm you let that travel because I got no plan B for for a meal tonight feels lukewarm I guess C 12 minutes okay now I'm feeling some heat there so it hasn't been 12 minutes yet yeah you can really smell the whatever chemical reactions happening that that certainly is not not very pleasant smelling but this will be a few more minutes we're gonna dig into this and see how that goes and I can hear the police helicopter you know they're obviously not looking for me with the helicopters anyway we'll let this trip up a little more dig in and then I gotta hit the hay it is been an exhausting day still you know dealing with all the house and everything and then also coming up to Nome the video which I love to do anyways but there's only so much only so much time of the day sadly I don't know if you want to see that or not but this is what the shepherd's pie looks like mmm but certainly it's convenient and better than granola and whatnot I have to say I like it better than those dehydrated meals with a properly blacked out vehicle you probably camped just about anywhere as long as nobody catches you rolling into the back getting out in the mornings a different story it may be embarrassing if there's a bunch of vehicles parked and people going to work and that type of thing but I showed up late you know rate as it's getting dark just pulled in I'm gonna be pulling out early tomorrow as well that's the worst thing you can do obviously yeah somebody was just walking by that'll give you ways that they hear you talking to a bunch of people on YouTube obviously they're gonna know the jig will be up and yeah in a vehicle like this step two is always the non-alcohol stuff cuz otherwise step three is gonna be jail your step four so we don't want any problems like that so I'm gonna boil up here for the night he's close by strangely peaceful right beside the cop shop I have to say there's a lot worse places than this I think my my excuse if they come around or if somebody questions me is I've just been moving out to the new acreage doing a few more runs back out there I was too tired to drive been working all day so I just want to catch a few Z's they may question the the setup but no I don't think it's mostly the embarrassment factor of getting busted like this but it hasn't happened yet inevitably it will however catch you guys and gals in the am good morning guys mission has accomplished that was too easy now that it's got that done pick up here Oh looks like some no parking signs went up really early this morning thanks yeah as soon as I'm done with the actual stuff process I don't have to be so stealthy escape to stayin up the bar too much of it coming down get out give it walk around and then probably call her a day that was a extremely successful adventure you know I really don't know how much they would care if they knew I was camping out here who's to say but worked out pretty good well the proof of concept works there it can be done whether or not it should it's a different story if any on the police where you are or the laws your mileage may vary you may not get off with such an easy little adventures that but yeah it went pretty good and I just had to do this one because people have been asking me to to film this and get this one up here so I'm gonna get out of here before I push my luck too much more and thanks for watching this week guys it's a little one this week because there's only so much I can do in the back of a blacked-out car to film video but I'll be back next Thursday and we'll have another another little adventure for ya it is getting to the season where there's a lot a little stealthy places I can go so thanks for watching and until next time the are camping was Steve
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 620,674
Rating: 4.9219317 out of 5
Keywords: camping, steve wallis, hunker down, step 2, stealth camping, police station camping, car camping, suv camping, camping with steve, urban camping, urban stealth camping
Id: cPiaf5wRaME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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