Boondocking - Home Made Truck Canopy Camper Setup, Camping In Winter -10 Degrees

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hey welcome to wintertime boondocking urban stealth boondocking we are in Walmart of course and even though yes I have an apartment now but I still get a kick out of boondocks so what I have here is my pickup truck and we're going to go on a little adventure here in the back of my pickup truck I have it set up for boondocking and we got a cot here on the left some storage room underneath of it got a little little table there got a lamp running in a table from the inside right now but we'll take a look at that later I've got this ground tarp landscaping stuff on the windows that may add a little bit of extra warmth but it also is I think the perfect match of me being able to see Oh - nobody being able to see in so check this out a second here well superstore is not place to park so we're gonna go to Walmart I just happened to be in the area and the reason I checked it out was there is a Motorhome boondocking here with a wood stove burning inside of it and that thing's been here for a few days now but it is a pretty pretty blatant move to be using a wood stove when you're boondocking but we'll find somewhere a little less a little less heat and good old Walmart here we are I noticed somebody else is doing a little winter boondocking themselves over there so I liked their idea of parking behind this cart Corral gives me a little bit more privacy and this is by no means light proof if I were seriously stealth camping I would have that right blacked out all together but in Walmart it's not against the law and they are not going to get me too much fuss so this is the back of the truck and we're going to climb in I'm going to switch to the GoPro and we'll see if we can get a better view and I'll go over a few of the things inside going to make a little dinner and hunker down for the night because it's going to be a cold one so this is the boondocking setup what we've got here is my light runs right to a cord I have an inverter hooked up and that just brings power in from the truck I could normally put in a battery a deep cycle or even a booster pack would do really nicely there in terms of getting extra power then I could run the laptop charge other things but I'm not really living out here I'm just out for for the fun of the night so you can see through this landscaping cloth on the windows I can see out fairly well I can definitely see if anybody's coming around and that's that's the big the big aim of this whole thing so I've got a thermometer out here just to check out the outside temperature and it's reading 16 Fahrenheit minus 8 Celsius and what we're going to do is let it come up to ambient temperature here in the RV or the the truck cap and we're going to see just how that affects the body heat in this cap holds it all together and it can make a huge difference I have I've actually gone outside to go to the bathroom and just shocked at how much even with no insulation that this that this setup will hold and before I was using actually just poster board on the on the windows but the amount of condensation inside would really make the paper deteriorate so yeah it's coming up to temperature here you probably won't be able to see this but 3.2 Celsius inside so 26.1 Fahrenheit that tells me we're keeping some heat in but in an ideal setup I'd be able to just crawl right through into the truck however it's a not that small so I have to go out through the back but I've got this caught here this came from I think Walmart and I fitted in I had two saw down one of the legs so that it would fit nicely but got a good sleeping bag it's a hot core I got it from Cabela's and actually even when I'm in my home I sleep with the window open and - 20-30 doesn't matter I like that window open so it's I know I'm going to be warm in this but I'm going to do something stupid tonight to cook in here which might make me cold and it's I don't ever recommend cooking in your boondocking rig unless you're properly ventilated because just a moisture inside it can get can get quite cold for you so I am going to hunker down watch a little bit of a movie then in a bit we'll put something on to the cook and I'll give you some updates here and yeah so this is just the simple setup all of it the the rug here that I put in not sure if if it's light enough to see this I just I trimmed an outdoor rug to the size of the of the box of the truck here and this is going to be a fun night camped out at Walmart okay we are you want to cook a little food and I'm going to do it up here because there's more light but first things first we're going to get all the ventilation we can going here secondly we're going to pull out our cooking rig and only do this in an emergency it really should be going to a campsite or something along those lines and or even add a picnic area it's all good now I'll see if I can find a lighter and we'll get this cooking operation going these are not quiet stoves as you can see so what we're going to do here is make some noodles with tuna because it's Ash Wednesday and we're not eating meat less things I need to add and worry about the better so then we go there and stir in this goodness here you know I could be using dehydrated meals they don't have to cook as long however they cost a lot this costs a buck and can easily be done in a truck so we're going to give that its lid keep the garbage to a minimum here and we'll put some tuna in when that's done but yep now we'll just hunker down and wait for this to cook all right this is cooking along nicely and I'm just going to dump in the tuna one handedly we're going to keep an eye out as we had a minor pot boiling over here and we don't want any more of that as long as I keep peeking at it once in a while I should be good I like to keep the lid on though to keep the moisture down in here but yet the noodles are pretty much there so once this comes to a boil I'm just going to turn the heat off and then I'm going to let the let the noodles just cook and that's the way I'm going to do it here welcome to hunker and down at Walmart all right so that's been simmering with just the heat that was left for a bit now and yep that looks just about great so I'm going to shout on here on my tuna and sidekick casserole and then I'm going to hunker down for the night and have a real good sleep oh yeah no you can't beat that now you can see the steam coming off of this so I hope it doesn't affect me too badly tonight but as long as I keep under the covers I should be all right I've been through this type of thing before so it's gonna have my dinner and call it a night either so yeah I'm gonna crawl into bed here I'm just gonna check the temperature outside right now and it is -9 outside or 15 degrees Fahrenheit that's not fun so I should be good and warm in here and a very comfortable bed good sleeping bag I'll see guys later okay it is dark and early here that was a cozy sleep but I like to be out the parking lot before there's too many people so I could hear some of the workers for the morning here and yeah the windows are very icy stop so we're gonna try and make a stealthy break for it and that was the adventure of boondocking in the back of the truck in a homemade truck camper including cooking a meal so I'm gonna take this out actually on camping trips too and we're gonna have a good time really exploring out a boat with a self-contained little truck unit on the back it took me half a day and 100 bucks to throw it all together so that's that's the way it goes with boondocking and I hope you've watched this far and that that you can do a similar project of your own if you have the ambition and the truck to do it alright now your camper with Steve
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 2,897,960
Rating: 4.8297949 out of 5
Keywords: truck, camper, boondocking, rv, diy, canopy, stealth camping, winter, off grid, home made, cold
Id: _0c-YsY5XUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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