Stealth Camping Behind Sign

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hey welcome to camping with steve time for another stealther and i'm in a city i don't live this time and we're going to do it in a pretty obvious spot so time to head out into the wind here and find my spot just at the edge of the city behind the sign that welcomes you to the town [Music] there is so much traffic here and i want to sneak in when it's not so suspicious so i'm acting like i'm just filming something about the town they're gone let's go all right okay yeah this is perfect this is a stealthy spot if i've ever seen one let's uh let's get uh set up here this is a one in a million stealth camping spot i can't believe we found this we actually found it when we went to go to do the camping roulette thing we're driving past and i said okay we're coming back for this now if it's ever called for a step two that's today right now because step one was finding the spot and getting set up here shook him up from a little bit of running i can see not too too much there looking through there i can see a little bit a little bit of traffic but who's going to be looking behind this sign this is fantastic the only fly in the ointment could be there's a farmer's field right there and i know they have a lot of they often have dogs that kind of patrol the property and they're not on a leash a lot of the time so there could be a dog running over here at some point but we'll deal with that when it shows up [Applause] okay the traffic's cleared i'll give you a brief rundown on the gear i brought i have this uh inflatable therm-a-rest thing i don't know why all this lightweight gear is always so brightly colored doesn't really work good for stealth camping and i brought my winter sleeping bag because it's starting to get a little colder and it's also unfortunately colored uh bright yellow if i do get bold there is a little can of campfire it's uh like an alcohol gel it's meant for decorative stuff it actually crackles a little bit and gives off a nice looking flame of course i've got step two and in my backpack i've just got normal uh normal cooking stuff some food i brought this was a cool find this little pot beautiful wife found this at the dollar store and it was like four bucks uh and it's perfect size and if it gets broken who cares because it was four dollars and things can get broken when you go camp so i'm going to use i didn't bring a seat so i'm just going to use this sleeping bag as a seat to sit back and assess the situation i don't want to pull this bag out yet because it's too bright in color but i'll get acclimatized here and enjoy my beer and then i'll get out and wander around a little bit when there's some breaks in traffic and that's the plan for now i'm in a new town for this stealther and i've been here a few times in my life but never done a stealth camp here i didn't want to get out too early so we're about an hour and a half away from the sun setting which is perfect because anybody driving that way they're the only ones that would have a chance to see me and they're going to be blinded by the light as they're driving right into the sunset and people the other way there's not a chance i could stand up and walk around back here they never see me oh they don't build uh they don't build little hiding spots like this in the in the bigger cities i can say that but out here oh it's a it's a gift on a plate i've moved over to the other wall here because with my back right up against this little corner with all the spiders there's not a lot that people can see when they're driving past well i've got probably another hour until um civil twilight ends then i can test out just how obvious a flashlight back here is going to be i'm guessing a little bit too obvious but i'm also anticipating traffic on this road is going to slow to a trickle as people get back to their homes and start watching youtube or something so let's play the waiting game and enjoy a nice step too and i think everything's going to be all right okay now the traffic has died down a little bit but not that much yeah that sun's right in their eyes so it kind of blinds them a little bit but [Applause] [Applause] i was just getting a shot of those canada geese and there was a quad going through the field there and right behind me on the other side is what looks like a bit of a quad trail so i'm gonna pack everything in a little bit closer and i do expect them to go past on the quad so we're gonna wait for that that's where the quad trail is right back there okay there's the quad they're gonna be coming around yeah they're looking already they are coming around great that's great [Applause] [Music] okay they seem to live right there and i'm sure they saw me that is not good at all [Applause] [Music] okay they 100 saw me and i don't know what to do [Applause] i heard the quad it putted towards the house and then stopped so they didn't come around to check on me and they've either decided they'll let me be or they'll call the authorities or they'll come back later to shake me out of here with a little firepower who knows so just a little more on edge than i like to be generally also another good idea have the uh have your phone on silent for these types of stealthers that's the very first thing i do this traffic isn't slowing down anytime soon either it's proving to be a little more of a challenge than i thought it might be [Applause] but nothing's impossible yeah this is uh oh it's lit up at night it should take some attention away from me another vehicle coming slip back into the into the spot getting darker so that's a good thing except then i have to turn my flashlight on to film but the traffic is slowing down a little bit so that's a good sign and you know it's so weird filming these things because i know i have 360 000 some odd people actually following along with this but i am so alone when i'm filming these like i'm on the side of a side of a highway behind a sign in a town i don't live in no crazy neighbor with me no beautiful wife with me and i just kind of going for it but uh anything could go wrong and i have like no backup here other than you know if i do get caught to try and tell someone well you know i'm filming i'm a photographer i'm filming some stuff or whatever i don't know it's uh it's just strange as all because i'm gonna have a bunch of comments i'm gonna try to get to on this video but right now there's nobody in the world with me not a single person i'm just all alone out here behind a sign [Applause] okay i heard that quad started up again and it's going through the field there the last thing i need one of the downsides of doing a stealther on the weekend there's people honking their horns and everything i thought small town would be peaceful beside the highway oh jeez definitely there's a lull in traffic which also means i can test this thing out um we have a spot to stick it onto there we go okay that's pretty cool but i think that might give away a little bit of the stealthing so we're gonna walk around here and see how that looks from the other side [Applause] somebody's coming there just gonna get down here real quick by this [Applause] all right okay it's time to cook some some dinner here [Applause] oh yes i'm going to choke down some porcini mushroom and truffle triangoli behind behind this sign here i got all the dust out of it yeah let's cook some triangle [Applause] okay i'm right behind there and let's go right around the side oh yeah [Applause] i don't think you want to give this away [Applause] oh boy [Applause] now we're talking [Applause] everyone's gonna be thrilled that i brought a knife but i didn't bring a fork so i'm gonna have to eat this with the knife only brought uh the rose sauce so could be worse i suppose there we go [Applause] all right porcini mushroom and uh truffle with rose sauce yum i would do this again on a scale of 1 to 10 that meal was delicious also on a scale of 1 to 10. it's dark enough now to inflate all these neon colored uh sleeping aids what on earth is this comes with a bag that's great [Applause] self-inflating we will see given that we're trying to be stealthy the roads are a little less traveled right now but okay i hate to do it but i'm flipping this sleeping bag inside out so the gray part is on the outside that is going to give me a little more a little more stealth so to speak yeah yeah less comfortable on the inside but uh certainly more stealth that should do the job get rid of this thing because it's uh way too bright no i think it's gonna be a great sleep here tonight uh super stealthy and super good nobody's came around to check on what's happening so i think it's time to start a little campfire in a can tuck that down over here this little guy looks like it's gonna work quite good for some ambience here oh yeah oh it doesn't get any better than this nobody came around uh people on the quad didn't come around police didn't come around and uh i'm not going to push my luck too much i'm going to crawl into the sleeping bag and you know i'll hug her down this uh seems to be working out okay quite stealthy uh and thank you to everybody who has donated to a step two um the beer donation fund uh you guys have made a lot of this possible so i'll leave it at that and thank you so much i'm just gonna keep hunkering down beside the highway and uh i love you all night guys [Applause] all right that worked uh it was a little bit chilly but that's mostly because i didn't adjust the loft in the sleeping bag uh there's parts of it where it was just basically the polyester right up against me so that's one thing you want to want to definitely try and uh do before you go camping is spread your sleeping bag out and adjust all the fluff and yeah i'm i'm right here in the sun and uh yeah there's highways there i'm feeling a little bit exposed here but i think it feels worse than it actually is um i'm gonna throw my shoes on and kind of walk around on the outside of this thing and see what in fact it looks like with uh just this little pile of gear here and hopefully i haven't been uh making it way too obvious uh for the last hour that the sun's been up okay let's look so obviously for the traffic that comes this way um they wouldn't have seen anything and if i come around this side i could have actually uh probably shimmied under this shrub too would have been an interesting way to do it but the traffic that comes this way down this side would have had the view of the view of camping with steve in real life and yeah it looks like if people were really looking they probably could have seen something because of all the uh all the die back on this uh blue spruce here but considering that i guess uh everybody's at church right now there's not a lot of traffic here so i gotta pack up and uh get out of here a little bit uh a little bit quick and i'll go uh i'll go down and meet beautiful wife who is with me on this adventure but has chosen to stay at the hotel instead of camping behind a sign on the highway and they have free breakfast there so that's what i'm making for breakfast let's get this all packed up i've never seen anything like that in my life the bag is twice the size of the rolled up sleeping pad okay all right then all packed up and ready to get out of here i really wanted to sleep in this morning until i remembered where i was and what i was doing so i'm gonna have a delicious mouth-watering water and get back to the hotel and enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast yeah that's how you know it's good it's continental orange and a bagel [Applause] one to two kilometers or around a mile to go until i get to the hotel so if you find these videos watchable please consider subscribing uh it's free to subscribe for a limited time only just kidding it's always free to subscribe but uh yeah it was a fun little adventure and uh i got a few good other stealth ones that i want to do before the snow flies because this is the golden time of year to do a stealth video it's uh not too hot not too cold mosquitoes are all gone away and there's still some leaves on the trees for cover if i'm trying to hide from prying eyes so we will see you guys next week and thanks for tagging along on this adventure of camping behind a sign in some town cheers everyone
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 2,037,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, stealth camping, steve wallis, camping with steve, hunker down, step 2, steve wallis camping, steve wallis stealth camping, highway camping, camping behind sign, secret camping, hidden camping, wild camping, stealther, dirty stealther, stealth camping behind sign
Id: lblyg-NOVjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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