Steak and Shrimp Hibachi by Chef Bae

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back and thank you for watching cutting away Bay today I'm gonna do a tutorial on one of my favorite meals and that is some shrimp and steak hibachi we bout to make this at home and it's not to be so good so [Music] I'm gonna start by cutting up my onion I'm gonna cut it up nice and thin because as you know everything in hibachi is bite-sized so we don't want anything to be [Music] and for this dish I used a sweet onion a lot of times you can get a yellow onion you can get white onions you can get red onions I love sweet onions so that's what I use for this dish you can use whatever you want so as you can see I'm cutting up my zucchini you can cut your zucchini however you want you can cut it in little circles you can cut it in long rectangular squares whatever flow Showboat do whatever make you happy boo [Music] I really wanted some hibachi but I was not about to pay mr. Benihana $30 a place so I made sure I ran down to the market before it closed I got me all my ingredients it was inexpensive and I'm telling you this is gonna be so good you may not ever go back for Vinnie Ayanna's again [Music] so I used some frozen carrots and some frozen peas I got them right off the grocery store they were 99 cents so you can grab you a little pack and that will complete your dish especially for your shirt fried rice but we'll get to the fried rice in just a moment [Music] now for the steaks like I tell you guys all the time you can use whatever kind of steak you like this will see steak that my husband kind of grabbed onto meat aisle while I was in the seafood aisle it doesn't matter if it's ribeye it doesn't matter it is you know a different type of steak but long as it's inexpensive long as it's not costing you an arm and a leg you know $15 a steak or anything like that because believe you me when you go to Benihana they are not paying $15 per state and so you know get you something that's maybe six seven dollars tops and make sure you season it up nice make sure you got some salt some pepper some garlic powder some maybe a little cayenne you know I don't even think they season it up like that when you go to Benihana so that's why I'm telling you honey this is so soulful and it's so flavorful you guys are really gonna enjoy this [Music] all right so now it's time to hook up on vegetable I got my skillet on like a medium-high heat and I'm simply throwing in my onion and my zucchini in the process of this I will hit it with a little bit of salt and pepper also make sure you move the vegetables around so they don't get too blackened or get too mushy now this is my favorite part honey time for the fried rice you can throw whatever you want in this rice where there is some ham chunk whether it's some shrimp whether it's chicken whatever you want hey the world is your oyster do whatever you like but hey I scrambled up an egg real quick I threw in the frozen vegetables I did not blanch them or boil them because the heat from the rice and the heat from the skillet will make the vegetables nice and warm and soft and delicious so after that I throw in some rice I'm seizing it with some a little bit of salt and pepper but I threw in some soy sauce and that's what gives it the beautiful brown coloring all right all right all right don't give me no slack about this thing all right because my thing is is I do not like to overcook my food once I cut the steak up and realize that hey is medium will but it has a little bit to go that's perfectly fine with me the reason I say that is because I purposely wanted to throw the meat back into the pan and make sure that the meat was browned on all four sides so instead of cutting the meat up while it was raw cook your hole cut it up and brown it and made little fake bites that is so delicious guys I cannot wait for you to try this so what I'm doing here is I just simply scooped my rice into a bowl and I use the back of my spoon to push the rice down so I can make a mold so now it's time to just layer everything back it all up hi [Music] so yeah in a nutshell this is how you make homemade hibachi please let me know if you guys liked it let me know what other recipes and tutorials you want please like subscribe share with your friends I want to thank you all for your kind words for your love and your support um until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cuttin Up with Bae
Views: 1,116,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #shrimp, #steak, #hibachi, #cuttinupwithbae, #chefbae, #sherrismith, #tutorial, #homemade, atlanta, georgia
Id: Df3jbnfyW-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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