Quick Easy Pepper Steak by Chef Bae

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[Music] hi everybody welcome back and thank you for watching cutter with Bay today I'm gonna do a pepper steak tutorial not so much a traditional pepper steak but a chef BAE I'm about to hurry up and make some pepper steak tutorial so once again thanks for joining as you can see I'm cutting up some vegetables this is some bell pepper i'ma cut up some onion and I'm gonna cut up some garlic also [Music] go back to this meat that you guys saw just pop up on the screen I got this from Walmart normally I don't buy my groceries from Walmart or just me from Walmart but I went there for one thing ended up in that section and I'm like you know what this actually look like a good cut of meat so I got it it says Savannah I'm not Mexican so I can't properly pronounce it but it means tenderloin a state pound at the end so you can get tenderloin steak pound it in anywhere it doesn't have to be from Walmart it gonna be from your local grocery store market etc so I'm cutting this meat up and as I'm kind of in need of I'm thinking like hey I know that this is a traditional Chinese meal and you know a stir-fry with bell peppers onions it's usually seasoned with soy sauce and ginger but then I thought to myself hell I don't have no ginger so we won't be using ginger today but it's not a you know a deal breaker still go without it now another I won't say secret ingredient but another ingredient that is you know traditionally added is corn starch depending on your diet or depending on what you like or what you don't like you know you may use corn starch which are pepper steak recipe again a lot of people do some people don't my garlic but I don't want to let my garlic cook too long or get some Brown so I'm adding my onions even if you want to add a few slices of red bell pepper you can do that also added a little salt I'm definitely gonna add some pepper but I'm an added a little later so don't worry about me not add and pepper right now is pepper I know that in typical Chinese tradition they use a lot I'm not using a lot today my favorite cast-iron skillet and I can take this skillet with me everywhere I would long time ago actually ever since I can remember my grandma always feeling she has a set of three even though she's no longer here [Music] so I'm just letting the meat and vegetables cook and in a minute I must stir them all up [Music] as you can see that's the base for our whole pepper steak [Music] and now that my meat is brown and kind of almost done I added in some soy sauce [Music] adding just a little more now this here is the cornstarch it's powdered cornstarch you put a little in a bowl or a cup you add cold water you mix it up of course you want to follow the instructions on the back of the package whatever you do do not put warm water in the cornstarch it will clump up and as you can see I added a little more soy sauce I like that add as I go whether seasonings whether it's sauces because I don't want anything to overpower the actual dish so here I'm adding just a little bit more cornstarch so I can have the sauce come together nicely mix it all up that was just a little sugar powder [Music] as you can see the vegetables are still vibrant the meat is tender this will be sold [Music] now that everything has been mixed up you want to let it simmer maybe 10-15 minutes on low so that the juice doesn't turn into like a thick gravy but hey that's it this is the pepper steak tutorial I really want to thank you guys so much for watching if you have any other recipes or tutorial ideas please leave them below make sure you add me on instagram at chef BAE underscore Facebook as Shari Smith everyone is welcomed into the chef BAE cooking group which is on Facebook and again I hope you guys have an awesome afternoon and I will see you guys on the next video peace out y'all [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cuttin Up with Bae
Views: 754,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #tutorial, #peppersteak, #steak, #easy, #quick, #chefbae, #cuttinupwithbae, #sherrismith, #atlanta
Id: eGI_7yH23bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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