Staying Together After Cheating | Couples Can Survive Infidelity

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staying together after cheating in this video I'm gonna provide you with reasons why it's sometimes important to consider staying together even if it's hard my name is coach Adrian and I'm very grateful that you are tuned in to love advice TV and watching this video this video is a little bit different from most of the videos that we publish here on love advice TV because this video is all about our happily committed project happily committed it is a project that we started to help couples stay together to help individuals create the relationship that they want the grass is often not greener as you'll find out watching this video and what I've learned over the years in helping couples get back together after a breakup or a separation is that often times their love is renewed it is strengthened and their relationship is just a lot deeper than it was before a separation occurred so many clients have asked us coach Adrian now that we're back together what do I do I need you in my life and for a long time we did not have the tools to basically support you post-breakup recover and that's why we started happily committed so that our philosophy can extend way beyond the process of getting an ex back so that we can be in your corner throughout your relationship throughout your life to support you achieve your goals infidelity is a big reasons why couples break up so many clients have come to us after an infidelity trying to repair their broken relationship sometimes it was people that had cheated on their girlfriend boyfriend or husband or wife and other times it was the betrayed the person who was cheated on and that's why I believe that this video is so important because I know that it's hard I know that people are judging and know already that there's gonna be a lot of comments in the comment section saying that you should not fight for a cheater that once you're cheated on it's over that you're worth more that they won't change but don't let other people's cynicism cloud your judgment so I must tell you I have a lot of respect for you the fact that you're watching this video and the fact that you're trying to salvage your relationship or your marriage after you have been cheated on or after an infidelity is very commendable it is wise it is not weak and that's perhaps a message that you won't hear very often however I must in good conscience protect you to make sure that it's not going to happen again don't stay with this person out of weakness or vulnerability you must fight the good fight for the right reasons so if someone cheated on you they better not blame you for it they better be accountable and they better want to fix the relationship or their marriage if you're dealing with someone who's throwing the responsibility or the fault back on you it's probably best to really take a step back and reconsider what we're fighting for here ultimately I want to help you preserve unity and I want to help you create the relationship you want but it needs to be with the right person right and very often I have also dealt unfortunately with cases where my client was dating or married to a narcissist someone who was unable to take any accountability for their own actions and ended up gaslighting them creating an alternate reality and somehow they never were to blame for anything and after that's the case with you then I don't want you obviously to fight to preserve this relationship but sometimes good people make mistakes and if this person is apologetic and they want to rebuild the relationship and they're really authentic about it it's probably worth your while to work with them it's probably best for you to consider working with that person and enabling them or giving them an opportunity to earn your trust back it's very important for the person who did cheat to have an empathy they must understand what they put you through if they don't it's not gonna work out they're also going to need to be patient they're gonna you're gonna need a lot of time to recover from this it doesn't happen overnight nor should it this is an organic process it you can break trust in an instant and it can sometimes takes month or years to earn that trust back and this person needs to be committed to going through that process in order for your relationship or your marriage to be solid to be strong and last but not least they're gonna need to be authentic in their ability to be accountable and in also in truly going through the changes that are necessary to be able to be in a healthy relationship moving forward if they're not authentic about that process of basically understanding what caused the cheating to occur and then changing their lifestyle or their social circle or friends or negative influences or temptations or whatever it may be then it's a little bit risky and by the way I hope that you're gonna show this video to the person in question because I think it can help them as well it's very important to give yourself time to heal make her or make him work for it there's needs to be a commitment on their part because I understand that cheating is not something that should be taken lightly infidelity is serious and they've broken your trust a commitment that they've made to you whether it was spoken or unspoken and it's okay to give yourself time in the end for this to work you're gonna need to put your ego aside and you're gonna need to think in terms of you unity and preserving the essence of what you have already built sometimes it's better to be United than to be right and what I've seen is that couples that are able to stay united and to grow through these very difficult complex challenges often times come out ahead with more love more self respect than younger or other couples that have not gone through the same challenges if you are facing infidelity it's important for you to know that we are here to support you the happily committed project was basically created on the basis that we wanted to help people couples that were just trying to stay together after infidelity so whether you were the one who cheated or the one who was betrayed know that we have a very in-depth extensive program for you that is affordable you can do it on your own you can do it as a couple and it can really help you kick start a new and improved relationship we have basically taken the tools that have worked for other couples in our coaching sessions and created a very extensive seminar coach Natalie and myself are very very proud of this program and that's why I'm encouraging you to check it out in the link below like this video if you've enjoyed it please please please subscribe to our You Tube channel happily committed if this is a topic that is of interest to you and once you get back with your ex you will want to subscribe to happily commit it in order to not relive another painful breakup as always thank you for tuning in thank you for your unconditional support and love and trust we see your messages we are really touched every time we hear someone and in a coaching session say how much they've enjoyed watching our videos and you know you give us purpose so yes please keep fighting the good fight create the relationship you want don't let negativity and cynicism bring you down coach Adrienne for a love advice TV take it care [Music]
Channel: Happily Committed
Views: 65,757
Rating: 4.9253998 out of 5
Keywords: staying together after cheating, relationship advice after cheating, couples staying together after cheating, can a marriage survive infidelity, can a relationship survive after cheating, should i stay after cheating, forgiving after cheating, marriage after cheating, fix my marriage after cheating, relationship advice, relationship advice videos, relationship expert, infidelity in marriage, surviving infidelity, surviving infidelity success stories, can couples survive cheating
Id: F6nUUwam2Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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