3D Environment MasterClass VOL.1 | Create an Epic Photoreal CG Environment

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] do so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is going on everyone welcome back thank you for uh your patience everybody i had a little trouble getting the stream going but you know we are live right now and we're doing it doing it big time what's going on everybody thank you for joining me my name is clinton jones i'm also known as the punisher and uh yeah today we're going to be diving into the creation of my alternate realities submission obviously i can't win my own challenge but you guys know there's a challenge going on right now um if you don't know about it definitely there's a there's a video that i'll point to in the screen that i'll have to link to later um but check it out it's an incredible challenge we got prizes from p and y rococo um wacom aftershocks and qixel and it's going out to the uh first uh for first second third fourth and fifth place for all the renters but i'm gonna be doing my renter today on the stream at least starting it you know so let me let me uh show you guys let me give you guys a brief little overview of what we're gonna be doing today on the stream if that sounds good to y'all so let's uh let's let's hop in here for a second so i want to show you guys how i created this piece of concept art that's going to be guiding my eye throughout the creation process of this art and this is about i don't know 75 to 80 of what i'm seeing in my head i certainly want to add some robots and some plants you know there's going to be some of that going on here too i'm not super happy with happy with the left side of the world over here too it's a little flat but i just want to talk to you guys and show you how i created this in photoshop and why it's so important and super necessary from there you know we'll hop into the purif board that i created and i just want to show you guys how i'm using this to you know use as a reference throughout my creation process i can zoom in here and i want to show you guys some art books that i've been using and pulling images from um that have inspired me that inspired my render and how i got the idea for my render so i want to talk to you guys about that as well um i have some frames down here from some of my favorite movies this is behind enemy lines well owen wilson yes this is owen wilson and uh children of men there's an incredible scene in children of men at the end towards the end of the movie that's just absolutely insane and i'm using this as like some foreground and background elements here you can obviously see this like gate this falling gate is right in the foreground it's just helping me get a look that's going to guide my eyes throughout the process so um dave over there i see you thank you for that super chat um he says have some kombucha thank you i got some in the fridge i'll bust it out in a second um also your concept art is similar to my idea dude no worries if uh if my concept art is similar to your guys's idea don't worry roll with your idea there can be two or three or four or five or ten post-apocalyptic renders on this challenge don't copy what i'm doing obviously but roll with what you had in mind okay we have until june first to deliver these uh these renders and i'm gonna put them together for the most epic uh basically the most epic montage the internet has ever seen so um before we hop into it y'all uh i want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor um they make these streams and these videos and basically my full-time job on this channel possible so i'll be back in two minutes y'all hang tight and i'll see you soon stream is brought to you by our friends over at skillshare skillshare is an online learning community for creatives like you guys who are looking to up their game grow their value and learn a new skill now it doesn't matter if you're a beginner intermediate or advanced on your journey you can learn anything here on skillshare at any level so i want to do something a little different this time around and tell you guys three fun facts about myself through different courses on skillshare the first one is a drawing course by brent evaston and it walks you through all the basic steps of drawing all the important fundamental foundational building blocks that you'll need if you want to get started when i was in middle school i always took art as an elective and i still draw today i love drawing in pencil and pen and it's a great way for me to get out of my head and just get creative on paper as opposed to behind a computer monitor the second course is a yoga course and the reason i'm doing a yoga course is because i'm actually a certified yoga instructor now i don't teach classes regularly but i love yoga so much that i wanted to learn as much as possible and took a yoga teacher training class and truly believe that yoga is the key to your youth and i think it's super important that us 3d artists get into yoga because we're sitting down all the time you know i'm live streaming all the time we got to get up we got to get healthy and we got to stretch our bodies so this course by deep kumar is a really nice class and it goes to all the basic poses that you guys will need to start building your yoga foundation and finally i love drumming so much i started in drumline in eighth grade and just love making some beats so if you guys want to learn to make some beats then check out this course by thomas george it's an ableton live 10 course so this is a 10 hour and 24 minute course definitely a deep dive into making music in ableton live 10. but if you guys want something smaller i guarantee you you can search it up here on skillshare and you'll find exactly what you're looking for so as a skillshare member you guys get unlimited access to regularly updated premium content for less than 9.99 a month for a yearly subscription and to the first thousand people who click the link in the description i got you guys with a free trial of a skillshare premium membership you guys are gonna learn something new you're gonna grow you're gonna get past the competition and it also helps me out too it helps me do more of these live streams so click the link in the description and start learning all right thanks y'all appreciate you thank you for your patience thank you for your time um yeah skillshare is rate if you want to learn more stuff then yeah click the link below get that uh get those get that free that free trial um so guys let's jump in all right i want to show y'all well let's just jump into it there's so much to do um okay let's see here we go here we go bam all right so if you guys are just joining us we're gonna talk i'm gonna talk to you about how i started uh the creation of this little concept art piece it's nothing fancy i am no concept artist and i am no photoshop master that is that is a just a fact all right but this is going to help me you know throughout my creation process so let's hop into photoshop real quick and i want to show you guys how i created this um so let's see here let's turn off all these layers and let's start with the reference so if you guys are joining me on this challenge the alternate realities challenge you have downloaded the folder um with all the project files and you'll get something looking like this you got a person and you got a sphere and your job is to fill out this environment you know this is my version of it keeping the person and the sphere in frame and there's probably a little bit of stuff you know obscuring the front of this and like maybe there's a little bit of stuff obscuring the sphere up here just a bit but notice how the character and the sphere its visual weight is maintained all right you know on off on off you guys get the point right so let's build this thing up how am i doing this so we'll start with the foreground um and i'm just taking all those different little pieces here from uh from that purif board that i have these are all the little pieces i'm using this stuff as the foreground and i'm using this stuff as uh the character here from from uh what is it uh behind enemy lines one of my favorites one of my all-time favorite movies so i'm just pulling some foreground stuff and one tip here is instead of erasing the you know the actual layer here i'm actually using an adjustment layer so this little this little guy right here and a vector mask right and you can paint black and white onto this vector mask and remove different parts of the image just by painting black and white so it's like an eraser but you can actually paint things back in if you realize like oh i want to get this out of the way but oh no i actually want to switch it up so i'll switch my brush to a white brush and i'll paint it back in so you're working non-destructively and i'm just kind of building up these layers to match you know i added like a wet street from i think this is from fury a behind the scenes shot of uh from fury the brad pitt tank movie um so that's my foreground my background let's take a look at my background so this is my buildings my buildings layer let's go ahead and just like turn all these off and work up one by one so i'm pulling just different images from google and kind of dropping them in to shape out this sphere right so i'm going to work with the negative space and it's really you know it's just i'm using it i'm using the reference here as a guide which is exactly what you guys should be doing if you're joining me on this challenge um gg thank you for the super chat i appreciate you very much you send in love and some some apple bucks thanks for all the knowledge apple bucks map maple maple bucks that good maple syrup thank you for the maple syrup money i appreciate you i actually just ran out a few days ago all right so um to finish it up yeah this is just another image here um this is from an island called battleship island uh also known as hashima off the coast of japan and it was an old either coal mining town or an oil town or something and they closed it down i think in the 60s i'm not really sure and i want to show you guys some art books um right after this and then right here so i'm just doing a little brightness and contrast on that to kind of even things out now to pull the character out from the background actually i'll save that for last i'm just dropping in the background here you know this is just your classic uh foggy field render and it's just a placeholder you know i'll probably put something else back there when i actually do the render but um it's just a it's a good little placeholder and what else what else since i'm lazy i just turned things black and white because i'd rather not color correct and composite and i'll just get my tones correct in a black and white version and you can see the difference here i kind of crunched it up a little bit and i added some fog which is just another another layer here large white soft brush low opacity kind of getting back here behind owen wilson and uh popping them out from the background just a little bit larry bryant thank you for the super chat i see you get my masters in vfx and you're inspiring me to keep going when times are tough thanks for what you do absolutely man good luck on that learn as much as you can put it to good use make some cool stuff and uh thanks for hanging out with me on the stream here man i appreciate it thank you for the support so yeah the reason i'm doing in black and white is just the color you know the color is going to happen in the program when i do it in the vfx and when i do it in the freaking cg world it's going to happen all right the colors the color will be there black and white is just easier for me to do it here in photoshop so i don't have to focus on color this is just a quick and dirty thing to get my idea out you know what i mean bar oh boy bart low mage does deck um apologies if i butchered that man uh thank you for the super chat he says hey clint love your content and taking part in the challenges um it's off topic but what are those glasses been looking for frames like these forever oh you talking about these cult leader glasses the ones that again everyone calls them cult leader glasses dude ah it's from that freaking far car game um so yeah no these are i just get my stuff from zenny it's any optical um it's a really cheap and easy way to get some glasses yeah just get your prescription go over there get your glasses um but thanks for the super chat i appreciate you now i want to talk to you guys about ideas here um how did i get the idea for this render and i also be curious to know how you guys got the idea for your renders i'll show you my process so here's what i do i have a bunch of art books right here as you can see um this is just a fraction of the art books i have i got a whole bunch back here as you guys can probably see the bookshelf and i love art books because they really help me get creative and it's a physical thing that i can flip through the pages and and really get inspired so this one here i took the cover off because it's kind of an expensive art book it's these things can get a little pricey and i don't i didn't want to damage it so it's called um city of darkness revisited and this is an incredible art book man check check this out it's got like all of uh well there's a place called the walled kowloon city in hong kong it was on the kowloon side hence the name and it was torn down in 1995 and was actually the densest place the densest human population in the whole world um if what is what's the fact if uh if hong kong in 2001 had 25 people then the walled city in 1993 had 605 people it's ridiculous but this book as you can see you know like by the images here you guys can see that it definitely inspired the render so i flipped through this thing and i was like you know what are some cool some cool things that i can get into obviously you know batman they did some batman stuff with it this book is great it goes through the history of the whole place and um and it's just it's incredible because it's just a pile of apartments and people and there was like dentist shops butchers and it was a very crime ridden place but this book goes through and interviews all the people there it's a really cool one it's called city of darkness revisited now another one that i like there's a photographer well this actually isn't the same photographer anyway this one's called amazing construction zone and uh there's one render in particular or one image in particular that i loved this one right here so let me see if i can get a closer view on that this is um basically an underground tunnel construction site and it looks freaking sweet yeah this whole book is full of this stuff lots of really inspiring renders or not renders photography that i use for my renders to get inspired this stuff is amazing hoichi nishiyama if you guys want to check that out on amazon amazing construction zone another art book that really inspired this render that i'm going to be doing is the tech on concrete uh graphic like the art of tekken concrete which is an anime that's very detailed and these are all just incredible pencil drawings i forget the artist's name but my god are these incredible i just want to show you a couple more um there's one of like a construction site like man just this yeah look at that look at this it's so freaking cool um lots of detail in these pencil drawings here so these really blew my mind and like helped me come up with this render um yeah more just construction site stuff you guys can't tell already i'm pretty obsessed with construction sites there's just a lot of texture and detail that goes into all this stuff um two more and then we'll get into it this one is a photo book of hashima battlefield or battleship island and it you know has a bunch of shots of of the place and you know the history of the place and you know like the schools and everything some really cool art some really cool photography of this place and i think you could probably get this on amazon too um it's called what is this it's all in japanese oh um yeah just i don't know look up battleship island or hashima art book maybe it'll be on amazon and finally my favorite game ever well one of them hyper light drifter now this is gonna help me out with like a lot of the robots and stuff um and a lot of the characters when i get into the character work on this because i'm thinking the main character is gonna be some sort of like half cyborg thing and um you know it's gonna be carrying like a box of seeds or something and every step it takes it'll grow something i don't know we'll figure it out but that's that's what i do to get inspired as i go through my art books or you guys can go through pinterest or you can get some art books and i'll keep the ones that that that really speak to me that are close to me i don't buy every art book out there they can get a little expensive but yeah that's kind of how i get inspired i also listen to music that like that feels like the render that feels like the tone that i want to be in so that kind of got me this you know this idea right up in here all right so how the heck am i going to start this thing i guess i'll open the project file let's see let's see let's see um where would it even be i hadn't even i had guys i hadn't even started this thing yet uh challenge announcement video deliverables 3d templates c4d here we go this is it so fun fact you guys um if you want to get rid of these bars in c4d you can hit alt v and you go to your safe frames and just turn them off and you'll you'll be set up to go but this will this will at least help you guys like see you're not gonna have to worry about that stuff you know no need to render the stuff and place the stuff you're not going to use sam lemon thank you for the super chat it says hey clint hope you're well is it okay if the sphere is just a background piece and most of the focus is on the character as long as the sphere maintains most of its visual weight then you are good to go if you look at the first challenge we did the parallel dimensions challenge each render had a mountain in it and some people you know the goal was to keep the mountain keep the mountain visible so keep your sphere visible please um you obviously you know make it look cool make it look however you want um but just make sure it's still there okay like that's that's really the whole point that's the whole point the character and the sphere are the unifying elements that allow us to match cut between every single render hopefully that makes sense to you guys but yeah i have to figure out what the heck where do we even start man where do we even start so let's see here i'm going to save the character for last i'm not even going to worry about the character until last i think the first thing i'll do is probably get some sort of temp block out um of the buildings and the lighting i want to get some temp lighting going and i also would like to maybe work on my foreground and get started on my foreground just a little bit and start working that up so that's probably what we're gonna do today on the stream if i can get to that point with some temp lighting a block out of my buildings and um a ground plane with some nice textures on it i'll feel comfortable and i'll feel nice guys we have till june 1st to submit these renders so if you're wrapping up your render spend some more time on it definitely you have a month and a half i'm not going to rush this process i'm not going to throw in stuff um and say uh it's final just because it's in there you know what i mean i'm going to take this slow and i'm really going to enjoy this i'm no i'm in no rush to create something asap i want to make sure that this is as good as it can be so i'm going to spend the time to make it detailed and make it awesome and i hope that you guys do the same um we got a couple more super chats jesse what's up you said you love watching the vids they're relaxing and i keep them on my second monitor while doing blender projects dude that's what's up that's what is up man yeah keep it going um keep the keep the live streams going i know they're long they're very long sometimes but keep them in the background and you know i'm working off to the side and you're working on your project that's exactly what we're doing man that's the whole point of this that is the whole point and johan thank you says keep going but the corridor channel hasn't been the same since you left man oh i appreciate that um yeah i don't know i was there yesterday we got we all got lunch together and hung out and played some smash bros and uh they showed me some cool stuff they were working on man but yeah i appreciate that um i'll pop in from time to time definitely pop in from time to time win bush win bush what up what up dude good to see ya you know i thought about doing this one in unreal engine but i was like ooh that'll be i'll be going off into no man's land you know ooh that'd be a tough one but windbush dude i'm glad you're here man it's always good to see you in the chat man i appreciate you a lot um let's frickin let's hop into it we're all just hanging out today guys this is a good time i hope you all are working on your renders having a good time so like i said i'm saving the character for last um one thing that i want to keep in mind too is like my memory my ram my visual performance you know like my computer's life's life source i don't want it crunching up on me i do have an nvidia rtx uh quadro 6000 up in here which has 24 gigabytes of vram it's a lot of vram but i don't wanna just throw everything at it okay we have to be we have to be selective about all the crap we throw in our scene so i'm gonna do the character last that's what i did on the last one and hopefully we can you know we can uh make something nice with that let's start with the block out all right enough chat enough chit chat let's do it so bam cube let's hop out of the camera cool cool and let's start building out our scene yeah so let's see i'm gonna create what i have in my concept art first and then i'll start mixing things up i want to ensure that the 3d scene generally works and feels right and then we'll start soloing and going from there so let me get my safe frames back it's alt v get your save frames back let's pull up our our reference we don't need to render anything right now so i'm just going to pop my reference right up in here and let's see let's see let's get this guy bam i wish there was like a hotkey in pure f to like snap to the the picture you have selected anyway um sai sharon good to see you again thank you for the super chat you're excited to see the result dude me too this is my most ambitious render yet so we'll see how this goes i'm excited for i'm very excited for i can't wait to do sound design and music and everything that's gonna be good um and superior products or superior productions uh thank you for the super chat you're saying can the sphere be animated in place or should it be stationary dude i will say it again i don't care what y'all do as long as it maintains its visual weight as long as it maintains its its size and its influence on the render then you can do whatever you want you can animate it as long as it stays in place i don't care yeah all this stuff is in the faqs um definitely be sure to read that guys there's a lot of questions coming in definitely a lot of questions coming in let's get these safe frames uh let's get the opacity down to like 50 so we can still see through here all right mr owen wilson all right let's get you right up in here okay okay we can make this sphere editable crunch it down a little bit bam i'll just have it extend just past the safe frame so we can see what's going on something like that okay um kl that's your loop cut tool you know go in edge mode get that going bam make the slice hop in here select that face d for extrude and just move it out there now this will now i'm getting into it like this is what i'm thinking about so many things i'm thinking about how far i need to extrude this because it will affect our lighting but that's like that's some way forward thinking right now and it's not necessary so i'm just going to extrude it past the frame we can always add and shape the light later okay next we got some we got a series of buildings kind of going off into the background here so here's what i'm gonna do for this nb will pull up your wireframe view let's go ahead and grab a cube and let's make a series of buildings with a cloner so i'm just going to hit c we'll make it editable um we'll scale this up i think i changed control 1 2 3 did i go 1 2 3 how did i you guys are probably saying what am i why am i saying one two three shift one two three uh i thought i'd set these hotkeys uh never mind i'll figure that out later t for scale let's scale it up these are gonna be some tall skinny buildings something like that very cool very cool let's take this and let's move the anchor point down so i'm gonna grab my the axis center tool we'll drop the y all the way to the bottom and execute so that way when we scale it up it scales up from the bottom just like that and i'm going to throw this into a cloner so let's hold alt drop it on the cloner there it's doing a grid array by default and i think we can go linear and by default again the y is set to 50. so they're getting sent up we don't want that we want them sent back so let's do x positive x something like that yeah cool and we can do like i don't know six of them or something now let's throw a randomizer in here this is where it gets nice right so let's do the if you have the cloner selected by default it'll go right into the effectors it's pretty sweet so select your cloner and let's hold down that cloner button there and let's go to the random effector and you can see it's already in there if you had it selected and the random effector is going to randomly kind of distribute our stuff so we want to move this a little bit you know move this a little bit it's a large scene oh all right let's save our stuff here's the thing here's the thing guys don't save over the original project file make a new project file so that you have that backup just in case um let's see this would be c4d and we'll call this alternate realities underscore i don't know 001 i guess and when i'm finished with this render you guys probably saw um the the art breakdown i did of the car on the ocean right and i want to do another one of those breakdowns for this as well you guys really liked it there was some storytelling it was chill it was moody um the work was good and you guys liked it it was short no one has time for this no one has time for these streams man these streams are long so i want to do another one of those basically a breakdown for every piece of art i do i want to do it in that style so that'll be fun okay moving on let's hop back into our camera and see what this is looking like so you can see how it's kind of like i wanted to i wanted to ride the edge of this sphere and we're kind of close we're certainly kind of close let's let's see if we hit play now we really need to push that back if we want there to be zero parallax there's going to be a little bit of parallax but we really need to push that back into 3d space if we want this if we want this to be maintained so we got to get smart with it okay definitely got to get smart with it zai al barakati i hope i didn't butcher that but thank you sir for the super chat very very generous of you my goodness thank you sir um no text necessary just straight up with the super chat man very cool i really appreciate the support you guys support helps me do this um consistently it helps out a lot all right so how are we going to do this you know we want to taper them we want to taper these we can cheat it you know we can totally cheat it let's try um [Music] how are we gonna do this how are we gonna do this i'm just gonna mess around until i get the answer um i wanna offset the end point like this guy you see how i'm doing this i kind of want to offset that and i think that is just from here we go yeah there we go so i'm just moving the z negative z so it kind of like tapers in a little bit and we can totally like i don't know how this would work but we can animate this so we go to the last frame and we animate it like that which might look a little funky but it also might look kind of cool too oh it wait it didn't animate bam get that keyframe in there go to the end get this keyframe in there boom and then that should be good to go yeah there we go so you can see how the buildings are kind of moving and revealing and sticking to the edge of this like that could be an interesting effect i never even thought about that but it's like the world is shifting around the character kind of reminds me a little bit of uh dang yeah you know you guys know if you know if you know you know i'm not the biggest marvel movie guy um but doctor strange dude that freaking crazy the visuals in that movie are insane this kind of reminds me a little bit that a little bit of that like shifting and moving perspective which could be sweet you know like this character has influence over the environment maybe that's something who knows who knows that's real cheating right there yeah you said it right siloam exactly that's some real cheating right there dude you gotta get crafty with it all right cool um let's work the random rotation a little bit just a little bit of something a little bit a little a little bit a little bit of that um henrik respect brother appreciate you thank you for the super chat sir um very generous of you as well thank you thank you thank you um really they do this does help guys it does help i'm doing this full time now um you know the the brand deals the the skill shares and your guys's super chats really helped me pay my bills pay the rent and all that stuff so it's much appreciated now let's do a little scale action on this thing let's let's check the scale let's go up on the y a little bit a little bit a little bit of that all right uniform scale so uniform scale is going to get it all together i don't want that i don't want that oh what happened i could i cut it i didn't i meant to undo it we got to put it back put it back where it belongs all right so uncheck uniform scale we don't want that poggy thank you for the super chat cheers from slovakia very cool very cool i love traveling maybe i make out there one day fun fact slovakia is really small i didn't know that how small like as small as like new york i don't know i usually know places geography um when i visit it so japan i know where japan is okay i know where taiwan is um i know some other places too but slovakia i've never been so i don't know render rides thank you uh love the super chat you love the streams good times man thank you so much really appreciate it okay so i'm just messing around with that little animation there we probably need to get a bigger building back there a couple bigger buildings so here let's hop out of this and let's see if we can't place some larger buildings back here so i'm going to duplicate our cloner control drag and we can shift f3 this to bring up our dope sheet and we can delete the keyframes on our cloner one we don't need to be animating anything there so delete those we can make these guys let's let's make them hitting t we can scale them up and we can also let's see we don't need as many so we can take it down to three and we'll push we'll push this back a little bit the further back in 3d space your objects the the um the less they will appear to move in your frame okay so we're really going to need to get these things back there maybe it can be revealed so these guys are revealed um let's move them what's the best way to do this yeah i guess we can just slide them over we need them taller we need them taller so i'm going to hit t scale this up like this and maybe push them way back so you see see how this is working here now we probably will animate this one too let's push these guys way back um these two right here i'm going to hop out of my camera view and i'm really going to crank these guys i'm going to do that by just taking this this value here holding if you hold shift these numbers will move a lot faster so i'm just kind of cranking it back and it's almost at the sphere it's basically at the sphere right now the sphere is really back there and you'll notice the sphere is parented to the camera if i were to take the sphere out of the camera you'll see the sphere move too like nothing is nothing is safe from parallax you know what i mean you can see it if you look right here you can see the sphere uh appears to be moving obviously it's not moving because it's the camera that's moving but that's why it's parented uh into the camera is so the sphere stays in one place so we can get that perfect loop you know what i mean so let's grab that cloner and those yeah maybe that's too far back so let's let's rope it in a little bit there you go you see it just peeking in there we go that's what we want and i'll take that cloner and let's go ahead and animate this z here let's go forward and we just want to like hug them up against or maybe it's just the positioning maybe it's just the position so we'll take that cloner and coordinates bam we'll move it up here and lock it in right there bam cool so now it's like all moving with the camera and to save on render space let's let's grab both these cloners and set it to a multi-instance uh maybe a render instance yeah it should be the same multi-instance render instance it'll probably do the same deal i don't know why i'm chugging already i shouldn't be chugging already but i am who knows this is all placeholder stuff but you guys can see how like we're maintaining the sphere's visual weight right that makes sense we're maintaining that uh that background there this shape so let's keep going let's keep going with it let's save our stuff this is our block out version now i kind of want to work it up on the side too so here's what i'll do i will copy this one here ctrl drag it over and let's kinda yeah you see right there you see how that's bam so that looks good that shape right there generally looks nice okay so let's go back to frame one we can move it right there we'll lock that keyframe and then i also want to adjust the z here bam so something like that bam and let's see what that looks like we'll scrub it all right so it's kind of clipping i think um i can probably like this one feels good but the end frame feels it feels a little a little far out so let's find what axis that is yeah let's set a keyframe here move it back and set another keyframe and y'all you know we're cheating you see like there's a little bit of parallax right there feels kind of cool and it's subtle you know when you play it it's going to be a subtle situation i don't know why why is it chugging like it is shouldn't be and we can select uh we can select all frames or no un deselect all frames i learned this one from uh oh shoot what's his name god dang i forget i'll remember eventually yeah uncheck all frames and then you'll get your full frame rate basically you'll get the real time speed of how everything works um barakati thank you again for the very generous super chat he says thank you so much your channel motivated my vfx journey how would you go about learning c4d from barely um on basics to decent specifically for vfx and working with live action footage okay so i have a couple um tutorials it's called a full vfx workflow and the thumbnail is a uh like a like a little newspaper stand watch that video it's about an hour long and it just takes you through click by click the whole process bringing footage in tracking it dropping your stuff in i also have another video it's a how to turn yourself into a robot the thumbnail is me in a rococo mocap suit with a robot watch that one too it has you know the full breakdown click by click step by step on how to do that too and it's the same deal it's like how to use mocap suit and how to shoot your footage track your footage all that good stuff so check those two out those are really good ones other than that man like i don't know grayscale gorilla is amazing i i use them all the time even video copilot even though it's after effects they have some c4d stuff too um yeah and just just youtube your stuff around skillshare hey go to skillshare click the link in the description get the the free the free trial uh check it out they got a lot of stuff too so there's lots of options lots of options all right so you guys can see we're kind of maintaining the visual weight of this sphere right now i can pull the sphere away let's turn it off and you can see a general shape here we're going to get this little bottom middle part which will really help us um but let's let's do that now okay so i'm gonna do this let's get out of here let's zoom up in here okay and this is actually pretty cool if you you can see this all move around that's fun all right so what we can do here is let's grab that cube bring it out pop it out here hmm what's the best way to do this um honestly we can probably let's throw it in a cloner let's take that cloner and set it to a multi-instance to save on memory let's also do ooh radial maybe this will work um interesting interesting i'm wondering if this will work if this doesn't work heck let's try it if it doesn't work i have an idea for another way but let's take this down to like that yep and let's push maybe push this back um like it needs to be instead of a circle it needs to be like a like an oval um my face guy my face guy thank you my guy for the super chat he says love your stuff how you enjoying resuming content on your channel i know you and the guys at corridor are really close i wanted to ask about the transition and how it's going so far it's going great man honestly it couldn't be better i am loving everything i'm doing on my channel it is such a breath of fresh air for me to be able to do this you know i had my channel going for a while i started it in 2006 got a lot of short films a lot of action comedy action drama short films on my channel sci-fi action that kind of stuff and you know that work stopped it stopped and i didn't post a video in like six years this was when i was at rocket jump at corridor and it's the best because now i get to return to it i didn't i don't really have anxiety about it anymore i used to i used to think like oh people are i'm going to post a video like oh what's this i didn't subscribe for this so i'm kind of in a sense restarting my channel but i'm loving it it's the best doing these streams with you guys has been so cool and helping you guys out with all of your stuff at least a little bit has been amazing for me as well so it's it's been amazing that's that's that's all i can say and i still get to hang out with the corridor guys like i said we got lunch um yesterday played a lot of smash bros and it was cool and adam thank you sir i appreciate you um says hey clan i love your work and started film college because of you holy crap um and the quarter crew and hope someday be a group of filmmakers like uh like yourselves yes dude keep it up uh surround yourself with the people that love doing what you love doing and you'll do some pretty amazing stuff because two heads are better than one i promise you that that's the hardest thing on my channel right now it's just me um i have my buddy cliff i'll go to cliff's place i'm actually going over there to later today after this he works in blender and we come up with ideas together so you guys watch the video of me going away at corridor ren's advice to me of don't do it alone i i've i've really kept that up i've taken all three of their advice um very seriously so i brainstorm with my best friends when i can and come up with some really cool ideas but let's let's get back into it you guys see what i mean you see how this is kind of working you're getting this dip in uh this dip is caused by things that are closer to camera so you have the same size the object uh further away from camera it'll look smaller and it'll move not as fast so you know we're getting a little bit of something here we'll obviously have to work with that a little bit um [Music] and it's not quite the circular shape so let's see what we can do okay um let's give it a random effector uh let's see with it selected let's drop that on there random effector scale y scale so we want the bottom one to really take the heat on it um let's see we can give these a little bit of random rotation too just a little bit yeah we want the bottom one to take the heat absolute scale how does what does that do well i guess they're all no is there a way to change the seed yes there is all right so here's what i'm gonna do let's get rid of let's get rid of that and let's just really go to town on this and crank the seed and figure out the seed that like looks the best and i don't know why the middle one isn't moving there we go there we go you see what i mean i think this one is nice so what we can do is take that random effector or the cloner rather and just take the count up to 10 or something now we need that natural dip okay so here's what i'll do instead i'm gonna hop out of here and i'll do it linearly as opposed to radial radially if that makes any sense guys we got 1200 people up in the live chat right now that's crazy um my goodness we're setting some records here guys we are setting some records and i missed it michael flotron if flotron is your last name that is the sickest last name ever but it's probably pronounced flotrin um you said shut up and take my money wait no keep talking i like it dude that's what's up man i appreciate you man thank you thank you thank you thank you so much very generous of you um heck yeah dude thanks for watching thanks for hanging out with me i hope you're learning something hope you're getting some value from these streams man streaming is hard it's like how do i ah i feel like if i'm not talking i'm not being entertaining i gotta entertain i gotta i gotta keep talking gotta keep the numbers up but you know then i'm like well maybe i'm talking too much i just i just can't shut up my throat's starting to hurt it'd be nice to just not talk but then oh no the numbers are dropping people are leaving because i'm not talking they're not learning anything that's what that's sometimes you know sometimes that's where i'm at in my head read of paw print of paul is doing god's work um i just realized that's another person you're still doing god's work though copperbot thank you for the super chat he says hey will you be taking on contract work or planning to go straight into making your own projects slash earning through streams and packs um yeah contract work not so much man not so much it depends on the project but i left corridor to pursue my stuff not to pursue other people's stuff so that's my motto that's what i'm sticking to man i'm like doing the best i can putting the value putting my time into my own self investing my time into myself and it's paying off it's certainly paying off the channel has been growing like crazy you guys are coming back every single week and it's really cool to see um so i really appreciate that and again it just depends on the project it depends on the project but let's get some work done guys let's get some freaking work done i'm i'm going in um all right let's go linear with it and we'll set that to zero hold shift and push these guys back let's set this to i don't know six and what kind of we basically what we want to do is make a like a v a really long v if that makes sense let's hop into the camera and there you go you see what i mean it's doing its thing let's hop into the random effector let's take out the y scale and there you can see it's pretty much like perfectly working the sphere there i can move these guys around the random just a little bit open it up a little bit and we can work the rotation a touch as well and this is just going to be general rubble and whatnot we're going to replace these buildings with with assets we'll dive into the assets you know we'll probably build a little asset pack and figure out where i'm going to get all this crap from it's not crappy i just i just talked that way you know what i mean the random uh let's see or the cloner let's control drag it we'll copy it we'll move it over and let's adjust and kind of have it come to a v point right there and then let's go ahead and grab the random effector go to the effector and just adjust the ski oh because it's the same one i see okay okay well maybe then it's seven buildings on this side i don't know um let's undo that what's the best way to do this yeah we can do a little bit of this just to mix it up a little bit you know whoa go back in and we can see we're kind of getting a little something here and let's move the cloner um let's go ahead and hit that keyframe let's move it over set that keyframe and bam everything's kind of moving together and the the little focal point the ending point we can adjust this value here so let's hop into the camera and see what it looks like we can keep it at the center basically let's see bye let's do a little bit of uh so the z will make this bam right there and then we'll adjust it back like that cool so it's kind of moving back and then we'll do the same for this one here we'll hit that z and slide it back like that hit that keyframe does it do anything i mean you of just do that basically boom and something like that boom so now we kind of have these buildings moving a little bit to fit that shape now we'll see how that works at in the end but that's basically kind of what we have already in our in our scene here we can have a little bit of foreground elements too so let me go ahead and save this and this is going to help with fog you'll actually be able to have these buildings pushed into the background with some fog that's really gonna add depth to our render you want as much depth well not you don't want as much depth but you want some depth in your render um let's take this off and there you can see we kind of have that spherical shape maintained as much as possible there really cool yeah oh alan mckay's up in here what's up alan mckay yo what's going on hey good to see you man yeah we did a we did a little podcast together maybe it's coming out soon who knows i'm excited for it i'm very excited for it we talked about some good stuff and i'm excited for you guys to see it um what's up dude thank you for joining that's really cool of you man i appreciate it yeah i'm doing the render here so let me show you my uh my reference let me show you my reference so this is my reference right here this is a little piece of concept already put together um maintaining the character and the sphere because i gave everybody a template with a character in it and a sphere in it all right this is all of my reference imagery of the buildings most of it is from hashima battle battleship island or maybe some of this stuff is from walled city i'm not really sure this is from kung fu hustle one of my favorite movies of all time and this was my reference to like see how a hole was punched out of some buildings because that's kind of what we're going to be doing with the with this effect here um yeah more buildings more buildings definitely this is all hashima this is from children of men i love this movie so much it's an incredible movie if you guys haven't seen it definitely watch it and it kind of goes over this is this is like my look and feel and i'm using it as foreground elements same for here this is uh behind enemy lines another one of my favorite movies really cool scene so i'm kind of yeah i'm making it work making it happen let's get our reference back so what do we do from here um good question let's see if we can't get some temp lighting going um clayton potter thank you for the super chat saying i wonder how the pipes call in this one for real though man love your streams you inspire me so much to learn you teach me how to think like an artist dude that's awesome that means a lot um yeah dude i don't know i've just i've been doing this for a while and my way is certainly not the right way and it's not the wrong way either it's just a way and i'm hoping that some of the things that i do ring true to you guys and help you all create some cool stuff it's really cool what we've done together over the last year this is like basically the year anniversary of me restarting the channel and these streams maybe maybe next week we'll do some year anniversary thing i don't know who knows but let's uh let's get some temp lighting up in here you know what i mean let's hit render on this bad boy and see what we can see let's save this stuff evolver thank you so much you're here every single week and you do the super chat every week man i really appreciate you for other reasons too for considering me for all the cool stuff you're doing so thank you sir stay true to myself yes sir will do that's the way to go absolutely okay so guys we want to make sure we're seeing just what we want to see in the render by that i mean we don't want this top bar stuff so let's hit the lock button and then let's scale it down to 0.5 0.4 yeah something like that so we can see what we're seeing you know what i mean now let's get some light up in here let's get some temp light so i'm gonna make an hdri environment and let's go with the color the color i'm gonna sample my reference um [Music] something like this a little darker perhaps let's throw a octane tag onto the camera camera imager turn that on i always i'll switch this to linear 2.2 um maybe a little vignette on it just a touch saturate to white is point two that means any bright light that is shining in the camera its color will actually be white the source will be white just like in real life but the fall off will be the color you choose um i am a fan of portrait 400 i'm a big fan of portrait 400. it kind of has a greenish tint to things which i love um so maybe this is like a a temp situation that'll work for us let's go ahead and hit the scene with a light so let's let's get out of here and let's make a big old area light maybe perhaps a sunlight that's what we could do all right and let's work this sunlight around and try and get it right up in here something like that maybe i don't want it to be too bright and sunny but we'll change the lighting i'm going to change the lighting most definitely as we move uh through our render maybe something like that i'm not quite sure yet how that's going to work but maybe we can do something like that and then we'll take the daylight let's go to the sunlight tag and we'll take the sun size to like i don't know 20. that's really going to soften up our shadows um and let's go ahead and mix it with the sky texture um [Music] let's do by taking the sun size to 20 it smooths out our shadows that's exactly what that does mix with the sky texture so maybe we just do like a hdri environment or something uh crude characters thank you for the super chat due to you and the quarter crew i'm getting started with digital art and have learned so much thank you hope to do more with unreal engine 4 can't wait um to make a game and god help the computer you use yeah absolutely yeah i have a really cool idea for an unreal engine uh concept that kind of um how do i say this it's an idea i have that incorporates a lot of the cool stuff we've been doing over the last year into one place and it is an interactive thing that you guys can hop into so that's all i'll say um it's gonna be sweet i'll be working on that this year for sure i hope to get it done by this year i'll be streaming some stuff too more on that later but right now we're doing some cool art all right so let's see i'm wondering um it's definitely like an overcast situation um i'm thinking like the roofing and stuff will help shadow the foreground environment but this isn't like this isn't far off maybe ins excuse me maybe instead of that sun we will do an area light pardon me oh boy let's bring this up we'll scale it up what's going on oh that's rotation and we'll have it face the front remember that remember that little trick i showed you guys in the uh the art breakdown i did last week or two weeks ago the area light trick where you scale up the area light and you blast some good old light onto our scene that's exactly what i'm doing right now i'm just giving it a little bit of fill light maybe we can go all the way back here up with it and it's just a giant global kind of a situation that we can scale up just a massive light in the sky yep that's the sun that's what a sun does but we can hide this a little bit better i think without having to use an hdri hdri environment um the bounce light on this thing is nutty bring it up yeah could be interesting i think it's a little too early to say this is right or wrong but it's doing something off and on it just helps helps our scene a little bit so i'm gonna go ahead and uh save this this is kind of our block out here it's a very rough block out of our scene so let's start sourcing like hmm what do we want to do how do we want to do this let me go through the mega scans library because the quick quick so swooped in y'all um and they're hooking it up i think quicksole you guys get a year-long subscription to quixo mega scans for winning all five first second third fourth and fifth place get a year-long quixo membership so that's pretty sweet graham welcome you're not late you can always watch the video late a little bit later it's gonna be on youtube forever you know how it is um but welcome welcome to the stream good to see ya god dang i love mega scans so much they have the best stuff let's go full screen with it bam yeah good times up in here so i'm looking at my reference and we're going to need a few things maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves with this but i'm going to need to start building out some things first i think i'm going to do the foreground first i will do my foreground first and then i'll work on the background very similar to how i did it for the art breakdown right you guys remember the the car by the water yeah so we'll let's see what we can find on mega scans i'm just gonna favorite the stuff so i can pull it into my scene so i'm gonna go to my favorites you can see here this is all the stuff from the car one so i'm gonna unfavorite all this and build a new favorites list for this project okay let's go to the home page and see what we need um let's let's go to the 3d assets and find like a i don't know 3d assets um industrial street let's try industrial construction sweet demolished yes yes please i mean i can just favorite all this stuff right now because this is all good stuff that we can use to build out and shape our scene with okay let's go to rubble yes please concrete pile yeah a freaking bulk bag yeah all this stuff is such good stuff i'm just gonna favorite all of this because we really want lots of detail in our render in our scene and this is going to add all of it it's so good so good um debris pallets yeah we want dude literally everything here we just want all of this stuff um [Music] like i just want all of this and it's gonna help us oh boy it will help us um palette yeah what's up in palette okay got some cool stuff up in palette maybe there's some pallets in the foreground we can favorite that stuff um barrels mining hardware electrical nuts and bolts like dude all of this stuff we can use except for this well maybe we do want this who knows but i kind of want to build out a world that is here's my idea for the scene if you guys are just joining i basically want to have a couple massive robots fallen over in this world and i want there to be like a lot of foliage and greenery to spice up this kind of decayed desaturated look and i want this character carrying or dragging some sort of like cargo box full of plants and it's like with every step it's taking it's growing plants or something i don't know um basically restoring life to a destroyed world is what i want to do um so i have to figure out how to do those robots i've been watching uh yasuke have you guys seen yasuke on netflix oh boy is that good and that's kind of what got me the idea for the robot stuff the hard hat can be good little construction helmet that's nice these pipes the modular pipe pack is going to be good maybe some beams like this a little bit of pvc pipe and all this will be great for us these things these rusted over boxes are going to be awesome um let's see mining uh maybe these guys these hydraulic pumps and beams will be really nice for us cart wheels yeah yeah railway be cool to have a little railway through the middle of this scene storage yes barrels there's a freaking barrel right up in there let's get a barrel going um this rusted barrel oh my god dude all this stuff is so good this is gonna be all up in the render yeah freaking bean cans rusty tank it's like fall out up in here we're going to have the most mega scans assets i've ever had in us this is going to be absurd oh that's gonna be awesome yeah canisters and tanks yes please maybe we put two of these on our character's back maybe that's what they're carrying is like a bunch of canisters or something um all right street let's hit the streets trash can we could probably use maybe use a trash can curbs maybe we could like build out a little street scene no parking sign that'd be pretty funny actually in the background parking meter maybe yeah he's crossing a street hmm yeah this is all good stuff um yeah electrical boxes fire hydrant like it's just gonna be so much stuff in our scene and we're gonna have to place it very strategically um [Music] yeah barriers we can probably hit some of these concrete barriers i would love to have uh some like barbed wire fences but i don't think mega scans has barbed wire fences right now let's get these concrete barriers these are really cool mega scan city up in here sweet okay all right all right we can pause our render and think about how let's see how we want to do this it's the foreground i want to get the foreground first like i said so i think it's time to start playing with some materials all right the materials are going to get out of hand pretty quick okay so we're going to need to do a good job of organizing this stuff i'm going to start with one of my favorite materials one of my go-to's i'm going to start with a glossy material and is dying what is happening cinema 4d hold on what the heck what's going on what the hey rca film productions shout outs for the super chat says thank you so much for this and also darn you for executing my idea first and better dang man i'm sorry i'm sorry how funny is that how how is it that like one person has an idea but another person had that same idea and they never had any communication like that's a thing right that's weird there's just a lot of ideas out there i guess two and one or two of them is bound to cross paths at a certain point all right so i don't know why why you can make a mega scans glossy material that's what i want glossy material mega scans go thank you all right node editor bam let's get this up in here i don't know why this glitches out every time but here we go i like to have my node editor in my main view because i don't need it ever when i'm working in this view so i just make it this view here um let's see like i was saying guys my favorite material one of my favorite materials my go-to materials is gonna have to be rd textures already textures is one of the one of the best i'd say the highest quality texture packs ever uh rd stands for real displacement let's see let's see where are you textures party textures all right ooh rusty floor what does rusty floor look like oh that's nice guys we're gonna have so much detail and texture in our scene it's gonna be nuts sand dirty muddy let's see okay now it's not sand we're going for where are you um tire marks on soil and in mud i think this one is it yeah this one's pretty good probably grab this one so let's build this out tire marks i'm gonna grab the 4k texture for now and update it with the 8k texture as needed because this scene is gonna get out of hand y'all it's going to get crazy so we want to maintain as much vram as possible um because it's going to get nutty all right i'll tell you that much depth 4k gloss we want the wet gloss actually no we're going to do this with dizzy vipers puddle maps um let's see high gloss on the let's see what is it gloss drying gloss dry gloss white gloss wet eye gloss there's a lot of gloss huh there's okay there's six different choices i see we want tire marks high gloss sure let's go with the high gloss i guess we can change it out 4k versions let's go 4k we want the dry dry dry we want wet 4k wet roughness god that's confusing dry and wet and normal roughness wet okay um let's drag these in so here's a little quick tip for you guys all of these textures all of these uh these image textures the ones that are black and white they come in as color textures in c4d by default and we do not want that so we're going to take them all and set them to float textures to maintain as much vram as possible let me give you an example i'll render the scene and i'll show you my my info let's get at the info up in here okay you see this you this is kind of tiny but used free and total vram we have 1.127 gigabytes used all right now if i go into my textures and i grab all the black and white maps and i set them to float you should see that number go down but maybe it didn't go down because it's not applied so let me apply it to a plane on the ground we'll get that going let's hop in let's just apply everything first so we want our diffuse this is our glossy wet so gloss is specular but inverted this is our normal 4k normal we have roughness wet we'll drop that into roughness we have a bump map and we have a depth matte or displacement map then we'll pipe right in to here and let's take this height to 10 is fine 0.5 and 4k resolution we'll move this up just a little bit to see our ground plane very nice obviously we'll adjust the crap out of this but that's the idea here very very cool so you can see used free and total vram is 1.35 right now if i were to take those black and white maps and change them back to color so normal it sees a 1.49 but you change them to float since they're all black and white you change them to black and white float textures 1.49 goes to 1.35 and you need to do this for every single one right from mega scans you can bring them in and they'll come in as float by default because mega scans is hooked up they're awesome select all your crap right click it auto arrange uh select all your crap right click auto arrange yeah and then you can kind of get a little a little cleaner layout i'm pretty ocd about stuff so i like to have everything kind of aligned in a very particular way but that's just me very nice sweet so i'm gonna save a new version here o2 and let's switch this out for another another texture i'm kind of building my assets here i'm building and collecting all of the the textures that i know i'm going to use or mess with so we're going to do this just by control dragging and let's go ahead and uh hop in here and switch this out for another texture all right so there's another one i believe tire marks on mud tire marks on soil see what this soil one looks like yeah this is a good one right here this is a really good one i used this one for my first parallel dimensions render um it's a good one so let's go in here and let's start replacing some of these so the bump 4k bump we'll get that um we want color wet 4k color wet we want 4k depth we're just dragging dropping and replacing we want glossy wet um in the specular and then the normal 4k normal of course and we want wet roughness there you go and now we kind of have some wet muddy nastiness let's take let's see this displacement up to like 30. and if we pick it up you know you can see it gets really chunky you know that's what i want that chunkiness that's good stuff so right now we have one and two and we can of course adjust the color on these to mix them together a little bit more and you notice what that backlight is doing for us without that backlight you're not getting that gloss and it pick it really picks up we can take that down to 15 something a little bit more subtle but this is really going to help us to bring out the detail of our you know our foreground let me slide this a little bit closer all right so it's going to get really cool we're kind of close to the ground the camera's a little close to the ground um we can always go camera uncheck check camera and then we can adjust this on the fly here and another thing you see how it's stretching with this you can just go to the plane and we will take the uv mapping to cubic and now all the scaling happens uh separate from how we stretch the plane so we can you know select this little scale thing here scale it up to really adjust that um let's see we can take the plane and get him walking on the plane there and it might be a little too chunky so we can adjust the displacement map instead of 30 let's go to 15 and kind of bring it down but this is just this is just an example we're going to switch out all of these textures and and all that good stuff but we're going to build our list first all right we're going to build out our texture our texture pack and everything and obviously you can see already that the ground is a little bit different than my my reference like the angle is higher here versus here so everything's really going to come together in the render obviously the concept is just there to guide our eye all right oh yeah ronin good shout out so yeah ronan just posted a link i'll pin it um we got a instagram create with clint instagram that uh the mods put together and it's a place for us to post all of the winners of the weekly challenge um and be able to share all your guys's work and stuff i've been retweeting all of your guys's uh uh work in progresses for this challenge on twitter and and uh you know on instagram too definitely hit me up create with clint um or punisher i'll share it i can send it to the create with clint and i'll share it on there um i'll do both but yeah i'm gonna kind of share everyone's work here as we i'll work hard on this stuff together but let's keep building out a list of yeah let's keep building out our list of textures and stuff weird why is the why is it not moving with the oh because the check camera thing probably there we go oh that's going to be so cool yeah you see the way it reveals the foreground like that's that is awesome that's why i love the side scroller idea because there's so many different little story elements that can be revealed as we go through our world but let's keep going let's keep building out our uh our texture pack keep going with this so i'm just gonna um delete that and keep building it from this point um there's some other really good arty texture packs let's go let's keep looking let's keep going photo scans now info here we go so this is like kind of your overview of stuff and it looks like our scene um this sand dirty muddy could be interesting but there's a lot of debris in the ground there's a lot of like a lot of crap you know in the ground so it might be cool to grab i don't know sand dirty muddy could be cool let's load that one in that one that one's got potential sand dirty muddy alright so let's control drag this out we'll hop in and uh and make this one happen here boom the reason why i don't know i don't know why but for me i'm pretty obsessed with like the semi wet um overcast lighting because you get so much detail here's an example this render or this render this would be a fun render to do but this shot here this is a alfonso coron i believe children of men and look at all the detail you see a lot of the detail in the wall because of its because it's backlit right so you're getting a nice highlight on the far side and a shadow on the on the close side and that gives you a really cool detail really cool texture and it brings out the grunginess of your scene and i am a sucker for urban exploring abandoned places dirty places forgotten places like i love it so much because it just has so much texture to it that's why i love construction sites abandoned buildings um you know there's just yeah there's just infinite texture to that stuff and it's a really cool world to be in i think my love for this came from like half-life and silent hill when i was a kid you know playing those games is just the best all right all right here we go so let's replace this one yeah sand dirty muddy so let's grab that bump we're just connecting everything this is the boring stuff you know we got our color our depth um muddy let's see muddy gloss or high gloss yeah we're fine with the normal gloss um let's get our normal map and our roughness so we can probably bring down the roughness here it's a little intense but we'll adjust that as needed once we start throwing our stuff in and we can probably throw a bit more displacement on this 15 maybe even 30 to give us a little bit more texture to our sand here awesome now like i said we're gonna have a lot of materials we're gonna have a lot of stuff going on so we want to we want to organize all this stuff so i'm gonna right click select all this stuff we're gonna right click it we're to add it to a new layer we'll double click this new layer and we'll call this rd textures and you can organize this however you want you could just have a textures folder you can have a mega scans folder i know i'm probably going to want um let's go to create edit view select what is it how do i make a new layer no layer all um create materials default material weird there's probably a way i'll go layers rd textures right click new layer here we go but it's not showing up hmm it's not showing up can i duplicate this ctrl drag mega scans no okay well maybe we'll just do it as we go oh yeah we have our rd textures i'm gonna grab a couple more they have some really good like broken concrete ones that i want to mess with so let's check those out um rd textures destructed floor this is the good stuff all right so let's check these out um textures and oh also you know what i'm gonna do i've never done this before but i feel like this could help me um is include these textures in my purif board for quick uh kind of a quick look you know what i mean so let's grab the ones that we've used so far we have tire marks and soil so we'll go to the demo on that and we'll just drag that in and we'll do the other one in mud let's grab that demo we have that one and we have the uh sand dirty muddy we'll grab that demo as well this is what we're working with right now it's a really good reference for us to see um so let's try some of these destructive floors um let's do the demos yes please oh this is such a good one yeah you see all these little rubble pieces in the floor that's what we want like that's super solid but let's keep going through and see what they have um i like that one though so i'm actually gonna drag it out into our oh come on like that's so good destructive floor two let's go larger on this this is very similar looks like it's just some like little rocky pieces oh i don't want to do that cool what else do we have let's check more um very similar destructive floor 3 is very similar but it looks like it has some like bricks in it and stuff really nice in pure ref double tap an image ah hey that's good i like that thank you for that tip i'm always learning from you guys hey cg geek what's up dude welcome welcome to the stream welcome to the channel dude hey i don't forget i don't forget i remember you left a comment on the parallel dimensions video say hey i gotta give this a shot next time dude i would be honored if you did something with this uh alternate realities challenge that'd be freaking sweet man i would love to see what you could do i challenge you personally i challenge you if you have time welcome dude thanks for joining i'm just pulling a different different textures here and we're building out our material material list that's going to go to build out our ultimate bam this is our this is my reference right now is right here so we're going to try and make this happen looks like you got some fans in the in the live chat man that's awesome very cool okay okay moving on y'all let's keep making some cool stuff we got some destructive ground to play with here but i want to keep going through and just get a good vibe and a good sense of all of these different ones it looks like these first five or so are pretty similar or at least the first three lots of bricks and rubble this is gonna be great we're gonna need a lot of this here um [Music] let's let's grab this just keep grabbing all this stuff to take a look at it oh okay are we mixing it up a little bit this is almost like it was paved over or something um destructive floor 7 has no demo but yo this one's so good look at this one it's like a pock marked tile i i know i want this one i'm gonna just throw this one in right now because it's freaking awesome um sweet cg geek yeah man you'll join if you have the time i i couldn't ask anything else of you i know you're super busy um running a youtube channel and probably you know if you have a wife and kids you know like it's a lot of work so i hear you man but it's cool that you're here man it's cool that you're joining the going in the stream all right let's build out this texture guys let's do it this is super fun stuff all right i'm going to control drag this one we'll double click we'll go in go into the node editor let's get this live viewer popping off let's render it and see what we can make all right all right so let's go ahead and grab our color this is only an 8k texture and let's come on load for me i'm gonna apply it of course i'm gonna build this from scratch and show you guys how cool this is um let's see i'll walk you through step by step each little piece so let's start with the displacement map okay so the displacement map we need to change out is actually adjusting um and moving the the physical geometry of the piece or of this texture let's turn off this light now the light kind of helps doesn't it but you see how it's like getting this this nice little concrete look here um let's go with the normal map next and the normal map is it's it's fake detail and it's just kind of moving pixels up and down left and right based off its color it's a blue little texture there so we're getting some extra detail now the bump channel is very similar to normal except the bump is um is moving these pixels up and down moving these points up and down based off of a black and white image so you need some really fine detail in here now and it's again it's fake detail it's not moving any geometry whereas the depth here is actually moving geometry but since we're in octane it's not moving the geometry it's still faking it because it's doing a a texture displacement if i was doing a vertex displacement this is what you'd get something a lot more low res low quality um the rest of this stuff is just the noise in the uh yeah look this is this is our our displacement map when i set it to vertex displacement that's because we need more polygons for this to work if i set this to 100 by 100 you can see it starts to work a little bit 100 by 100 should do something vertex let's re-render it there you go you see now it's like okay we're getting a little bit more detail but we have to take this up to a thousand by a thousand ah hold on no that's gonna destroy my computer a thousand by a thousand and we'll re-render that and like we're barely getting more detail come on but it's taking so much energy to do it it's like ah we have a million polygons and this is what we're getting nah set that junk to one by one son one by one change your displacement method your type to texture displacement and it just does it all for free it's incredible absolutely incredible and that's just the displacement we pipe in the bump map and the normal and you get even more detail out of this it's insane very cool stuff but let's keep going we're not done we still have the gloss and the color and all that stuff too so let's do the roughness let's grab our roughness drop that in there and that's going to make it look like uh like it's not a clean waxed car it's gonna dirtied up a little bit more it's gonna break up those reflections and same for the the gloss we can even let's go high gloss and gloss is the invert of specular so you'll want to flip those around but there we go we got our gloss on our specular and now finally we add the color and you have your full texture and it looks beautiful get up in there it's insane the amount of detail on this is crazy rd textures man they're the best and if for whatever reason your um i know you guys can't really see it because my head is in the way here on the stream but just below here we have our textures and my one texture is just white just double click this little preview window and it'll update it in the small view if that makes any sense if you're having the problem you know what i mean if you're not having the problem then don't even worry about it so let's keep going let's keep finding some cool textures um destructive floor oh we got destructed walls now this stuff is interesting kind of like a torn wall with some uh insulation on the inside that's yeah that's interesting but this i don't know i'm less concerned about the walls right now and more so the the ground plane but let's just see what they got like that's a pretty cool texture most of the stuff you can get from uh from mega scans though it's just like the grounds here are really cool oh that's a nice one though we could probably use that yeah that's definitely mega scans one this one's cool because it has some pipes hanging out the wall i really like that this one too yeah let's let's build these two really quick i like those a lot oh man i keep doing that i keep closing it down um textures arty textures destructed wall six and seven textures we want the 4ks so 4k bump we want 4k color 4k depth 4k gloss 4k normal and 4k roughness look at that look how crazy that is that displacement map is nuts huh that's what makes these rd textures so nice is their displacement maps they're insane and finally um we'll do one more and we'll figure out where to go next here let's plug this in destructive wall seven go into textures and we want our 4k bump the 4k color 4k depth 4k gloss 4k normal and 4k hit roughness there we go and we got a really nice destructed wall really good i'm super happy with that let's add these actually they're already added very nice because we were just duplicating okay cool all right so we have some fun ground uh textures and stuff let's just duplicate this and show you guys what we're working with and we can hide our character for a second too so yeah we got a couple walls and we got some we got like ground texture here we got this muddy ground we got this muddy ground i'm gonna bring in actually one of the uh one of these guys here that we were looking at maybe two different ones so based off of our reference there's a lot of rubble in the ground a lot of dirt and trash and stuff we can add to this and this is all mega scans we'll add all these like things here this frame in the ground is really cool i want to do some frames in the ground it looks like a bed it's totally a bed that's amazing um so let's see if we can't pull two of these that look like that this one is good this one is good like these honestly these are all really good um let's go with one that's a bit more dirty so maybe this one yeah this one here number one and and number five number one and number five let's try those out all right um let's go with the bump 4k color i'm skipping the ao ambient occlusion i probably just don't need it we can always come back to it you know let's go with the high gloss on this one normal and roughness and what i do i'm doing the 4ks again because i want to save as much vram as possible it's going to get out of hand very quick so um i can always switch them out for 8k textures when i need to but look at that isn't that crazy how good that looks absolutely insane um and one more one more let's do number five i believe it was right i keep god i keep closing this screen that's why i need a third monitor for you know number five where are you where are you sir was it six or five that was five yeah okay all right let's go with that bump color depth high gloss normal and roughness by now you guys should know these are the ones these are the go-to's these are the hits boom sick all right so we got some nice ground textures that we can work with here make things nice and muddy and gross we can change the color of it so if you guys want to change this color we can hop into the node editor and we'll give this a color correction node and we can just you know maybe i don't know turn up the gamma 1.2 1.4 take the saturation down to 0.8 0.7 and now it's kind of looking very similar to this mud you know so you're gonna have to color correct these together um and we're gonna mix them together too with octane mix nodes and stuff let's get our character back awesome awesome awesome lots of fun stuff to work with now it'd be cool to have this should be a lot of sourcing of materials today so let's let's look at this here we have a really nasty road some concrete that's all busted up over here there's like a little brick area with some stone steps and stuff that could be nice i'm just looking at this to try and see how we can lay this out so let's go ahead and organize our crap we definitely need to organize all this because it's going to get out of hand it's gonna be a big scene so let's right click uh control click all this lighting business control and alt g group and i'm gonna call this lights and then let's go ahead and group all of our uh our buildings and stuff alt ge i'm gonna call this uh i'll call this block out and then i'm gonna put that into its own folder with the ground and all these planes and stuff and let's alt g and call this geo for geometry character and camera i'll leave outside of that and then this random modifier i'll throw that into geometry for our block out too so how you guys doing i'm gonna take a little chill break here guys give me some thumbs ups if you guys are doing okay if you guys are learning stuff um smiley face you know throw me throw me a little something are you guys doing all right are you guys working on your render if you guys are working on your render um give me a little star emoji or something vance are we allowed to add more characters in our scene well that is a question that's answered in the faqs on the discord but you can add whatever you want as long as the main character in that sphere uh maintain the same visual weight and are kind of the the uh i don't know the center point of your render that's all good sweet guys we got some happy people we got some stars people working on the renders very cool again we have until june first ooh sotomonte's working on his yeah we got a lot of freaking stars up in here it's gonna be some really awesome renders but like i was gonna say guys we're we got till june 1st so take your time with it you can see i'm not rushing this process please take your time with it make it look as nice as possible because we want to make this render montage as epic as possible so keep it up keep up that good work um jeez sotomante says okay so talking about the discord we're almost at 20k oh my god that's insane guys 20k members on the discord it's incredible my goodness and you guys have kept it such a fun creative place let's keep it up let's keep it that way it's a very clean creative supportive environment and that's exactly the way i want to keep it so freaking good work everybody you guys are amazing it's really rare to say that there's 20k people in the discord server and it's not just a freaking crap shoot of like just random vulgar stuff um so you guys congratulations to y'all for keeping it such a clean and fun place to be that's amazing that's very amazing and to the mods too to all my mods shout outs let's get them all we got sotomonte and darren winkle the ogs the original mods who helped me uh early last year and then just recently maybe a month ago we brought on some good people we got visual we got mdk we have ronin and we have sipo and i feel like i'm not missing someone somebody and if i am i'm terribly sorry there's a lot of there's a lot going through my brain on these streams you know but i think that's everybody cypo mdk ronin visual sodamonte and deerin yeah all right y'all um where are we at how are we feeling i'm excited that i've got this render started we're two hours into the stream um maybe we can go for another hour or something i'm feeling it um oh here's another question that's in the faqs but an important one he says should i use the default character well uh again it's in the faqs you can change the character out for whoever or whatever you want as long as there's a character uh with two legs and two arms and a heck i don't know what if there's four arms or whatever but like it just needs to be a character walking like this character is walking you need to slap it onto this animation [Music] so yes you should change the character out but the character here is there in case y'all are super lazy and you don't do that or you feel that this is the exact character you want it's there for you just in case all right but yes switch it out have fun with it yeah how to submit great question there isn't oh yeah polygon i did miss somebody and polygon the last mod thank you guys um so yeah there's no submission link yet there will be this week but i specifically didn't want to add one because guys you shouldn't be submitting already take your time on your renders please uh you have the time so take the time definitely take the time i think we're going to be doing it through google we've got a little google sheet situation going where you can submit and we have some very specific submission requirements that if you do not follow let's just say you want to follow those submission requirements that's all i'm going to say all right one dead duck thanks for the super chat team apocalyptic let's go absolutely um i'm excited to see your render dude you always put out good stuff ah what else guys what else yeah what happens if there's a thousand renders in the compilation what am i gonna do let's do the math 1000 renders times 5 because it's 5 seconds divided by 60 is 83 minutes yeah divided by 60 again is an hour about an hour and 30 minutes hour and 38 minutes i guess is that what that is um it's going to be insane let me just say it's going to be insane if there's 2 000 submissions we're going to nearly be at three hours and that'll officially be my first feature film yeah i don't know we'll have to see if i get a bunch of freaking troll submissions then those probably wouldn't make it in the stream or in the montage but if you guys actually apply yourself and work hard then it'll be in there it'll be there for sure we'll have to see um i might do a top 100 montage and then i'll do like the full montage which will be like three hours long i'll just have to see really we'll have to see my intention is to include everybody it just matters like just depends on how many submissions we get um but even if we get a million submissions i want to do i want to figure out a way to show everyone's stuff in a montage yeah we'll figure it out guys don't worry we'll figure it out hmm all right let's uh let's lay out some groundwork i am a fan of the mud right here i'm also a fan of this broken rubbly ground right here i think this one's a solid one to include this one the broken tiles i'm not sure where i'll put this yet this is more of an indoor deal i'm not who knows this one we'll see i'm not sure where to put that either this one could be mixed with this one and that could be mixed with this one for some cool stuff superior productions what up you say do like multiple episodes with seasons oh that's interesting and release them i don't know at least one a month i don't know that that's an interesting interesting one oh screen switch thank you thank you guys hmm i appreciate you all y'all helping me out all the time god this is gonna be so much work this could be so much work but it's gonna be worth it absolutely be worth it all right so let's lay out a single material and then we'll go from there we'll make it more advanced from there okay so geometry and these planes here um we'll hop out of the camera you know here's what i'll do we'll take the camera option one check the check camera option which is confusing i just need to update my octane i know they switched it up a little bit more and let's grab this muddy guy over here let's lay this out so my camera is let's see let's uh let's take my ground plane turn it off and then we'll take this guy we'll zero it out and why is it there we go okay okay boom there we go that's what we need now it's on the ground let's scale it just to as far as we need you see i don't need to come any closer to camera i want to save as much computer juice as possible my goodness and we can do this in little strips too so this will just be like our initial foreground piece and again we'll change this to cubic and you can see it's tiling pretty bad um let's go into full view and see what it looks like i don't want to scale this up too much because i want the detail to be maintained we can rotate it to get a little bit less tiling going on there you guys see how that worked so the difference you can see the tiles going into the uh the vanishing point but if we rotate it just a bit it throws off the vanishing point and kind of turns it out over this way but let's go ahead and scale it up just a little bit and this will be fixed definitely when we um when we start blending these materials together with other materials okay so let's go to the displacement and let's set this to 20. 15 is nice okay now we have this guy this wet road as well so we can make a mixed material i'll make a mix material we'll add this to the rd textures layer we'll apply our mixed material and we'll hop and know how is this going to work because this placement only works um you can use one displacement on a mixed material um i don't know if anyone knows a way around that we got some super chats to address i just realized so jordan thank you for the super chat much appreciated what was the inspiration behind uh the walking animation you did for this challenge i just wanted to do something a little different than just a simple walk um i wanted to be a bit more dynamic and i wanted people to envision a little bit more something than just walking so is this character what are they holding a backpack are they pulling something like what are they doing so i wanted to make it a little bit more dynamic in that sense and just 3d things thank you for the super chat very generous of you um that is amazing you say more work more awesomeness love the stream so far thanks for doing it every week clint uh yeah dude i got you man i got you um it's nice though it's nice it's a nice balance because sometimes i'll release edited videos on the weekend which gives me a chance to relax and take a weekend to catch up and refresh but i feel great today because i hadn't streamed in a minute so we're doing it together and it feels good but we want to mix material like i said we want to mix material between this guy holding shift will move the entire uh structure material one and material to drag this out and i'll mix them together with a noise node and let's just go ahead and set this to cubic as well and they're being mixed together right now with a float node set to 0.5 so in one direction it is one material set to one it's another material and notice there's no displacement map so we need to fix that but we'll go ahead and delete the float texture and let's pipe in a noise node octane noise we'll give it a projection and a transform let's set the contrast to a thousand that way we can see what we're doing we can right click and solo it just to get a better idea as well and we can transform it up so it's a little bit larger like this and then we take the contrast back down once we dial in the shape a little bit something like that hop back into our camera and we can maybe take the transform back down like 15 or something 10 perhaps and let's adjust the octaves to like 8 and the omega to 0.8 so it gets a bit more detail right and maybe we take the transform we keep taking the transform down one two maybe i don't know maybe five or something and it's the displacement is what we need so let's pipe in this displacement here and it's not looking the greatest because we're still getting like what the tiling so we have that displacement we also have this displacement and we want to certainly combine these two together so i think there's like a displacement mixer vertex displacement mixer i've never used this though so displacement 1 displacement 2 and then does that just combine them together but it doesn't look like they're working blend weight i i don't know how this works does anyone know how the displacement mixer works in octane matthew why don't i add background ambi music to my streams well one i don't have a background ambient music that goes for that long two i'd rather you guys just add your own music in the background that way it doesn't get ridiculous you know what i mean uh adam you say just got into 3d recently have you been a huge inspiration thank you for all the amazing work thank you for the super chat thanks for joining me thanks for learning with me man yeah we're doing it together thank you sir um steven vazquez i see you okay thank you for the super chat you say uh would this work with rotoscoping i'm not very savvy with this type of content maybe i can make a cool animation by the way i'm new here but loving the content thank you man thank you so much yeah so i guess the contest is a 3d contest i never really had someone ask can you do it with footage but i mean give it a shot dude that sounds really cool um yeah freaking rotoscope it give it a shot yeah like i said it sounds sounds pretty sweet and alan um says what do you think of making this challenge result in nft um i am 100 against selling everyone's work as an nft in collecting money for that that would be very not chill of me to do i'll sell my own as an nft you guys can sell your individual ones as nfts but i'm not going to take the montage and sell the montage maybe in the future we can do a a a charity one where everyone comes together and we try and make as much money for charity as possible i would do that but not this time around it would have to be announced as a charity one um from the beginning but that's a good question alan thank you for asking um so yeah the octane mixer you have to mix texture not displacement or octane see you have to mix texture and not displacement i don't understand um use chaos node to avoid tiling dude i don't even know what chaos note is chaos node is that even in here that's not even in here maybe it's a new version of uh of octane or something let's see let's see anyone have any advice on this mixing situation um let's see you can mix rgb and use noise texture to blend them and use a displacement okay wait so you're saying use a mix node and do it with a mixed node so it'd be like texture 1 texture 2 the amount would be the same as this noise and that would go into a let's see let's delete that that would go into a displacement 0.5 4k re-render the scene that's not really working huh i mean that's a good idea but i don't know why it's not working yeah i'm not sure on that one [Music] well here's the here's a different way to do it here's here's a different way to go about it let's go back to our original setup let's pipe this stuff in to the displacement of the original nodes here and instead of using the displacement or the mix material we can actually have two ground planes so one ground plane will be that let's duplicate this ctrl drag let's give this the other one so we have two ground planes going and you can see how we're kind of mixing between the two let's set this ground plane to cubic as well and now you kind of have both chilling up in here and let's go with a third control drag and let's give it this like rubble this rubble texture we'll set that to cubic as well and the displacement or the tiling on this one is insane but to be very selective with it i think what we can do is we'll scale this down let's hop out of here and let's go ahead and yeah we'll scale it down which is not going to help our tiling situation but let's see if we can't adjust the displacement a little bit more instead of 30 let's go to 15 and we'll rotate it something like that and then let's go ahead and actually give it some extra displacement i'm gonna hold shift and let's throw a displacer node on it and we'll set the shading to a noise map we'll go up into the noise map and let's simply just crank the height uh but let's see this is going off of uh of actual geometry so let's just set this to 10 by 10 and you can see how we get some like rocky little lumps out of this thing um maybe we can adjust a little bit more so it's kind of square 10 by 20. but obviously these dirt piles are too large for us and they are a little bit uh a little chunky so maybe we just take this to like 30 by 60. now it's really intense so we're gonna have to bring down the noise intensity let's just do our global scale we'll crank our global scale there we go so it's a little bit more of um we got some hills going on you know let's go to the object we'll bring the height back down so it's very subtle very very subtle like that which is pretty cool and let's take our muddy texture our original muddy texture let's bring it up by a centimeter or 10. oh that's not working i got to go to object mode let's try it again so this is a very you gotta play with it you know and this is a way for us to mix these together i actually learned this from david ariev and that was his way of dealing with tiling is to have multiple versions of your foreground or background with different displacement levels that kind of pop in and out of each other like that and if your textures are close enough to each other you'll actually be able to get away with uh you know what am i trying to say if your textures are color corrected in a similar fashion in this case dark glossy um kind of desaturated then you can kind of get away with it and how it blends into each other so yeah that's a nice fun little little trick and if we hit play we go back into our camera we can see that we're you know we're getting a lot of fun [Music] foreground variation as we kind of scan and pan across our foreground so i'm very very excited for that that's going to be sweet we just build it out you know we just got to build this thing out so i'm going to move our geometry let's just move it a little closer to camera and i'm gonna give it a touch of uh depth of field so you gotta go easy on this i'll show you guys about as far as you can go so let's go to thin lens let's change it to 1 and we'll set our focal point on our character and this is going to be too much that's going to be too much you can see our background is kind of out of focus foreground is kind of out of focus so i'm probably going to take this to two point eight maybe three three five just just like a little subtle something and then i'm also going to change the depth of field aperture to two aperture edge to three and that gives it an anamorphic feel it's gonna kind of stretch out our bokeh highlights into ovals and that's what you get when you see an anamorphic lens say on star wars or star trek or something any feature film really any any solid feature film from the 90s uh shot on film like they're gonna have these oval bokeh patterns in the lights when they're in the foreground in the background that's because basically what the light is looking through is a well technically yeah it kind of gets deep with it but yeah it's camera stuff it works welcome back crow you've been gone for a while but you have returned light aaron d hey welcome first time streaming for you dude thanks for catching it i hope it's a good time let's hope it's a chill time for you and we've done a good job we've kept a thousand plus viewers for the majority of the stream here we're just hitting 950 right now people are getting tired i understand i'm getting a little tired myself that's how it is but man i can't wait to start adding stuff to this adding some burning barrels and you know some pipes and wires and broken crap and glass and bottles and all that stuff that's when you have fun but right now i'm still blocking it out we can do something cool back here too we can even have this be a pit in the ground a giant massive hole in the ground or something it could be pretty sweet let's set up a z depth pass probably going to need this later we'll switch our renderer to octane and we'll go to render render pass check that info passes and z depth pass click that and we'll just adjust our depth here and we'll probably have to render i don't know probably just the one and we'll i'ma see if i can do fog in after effects like we did last time because that's really gonna help on render time like a lot i think you can shift all this stuff in after effects sai shiran yo thank you again for the generous super chat appreciate you brother say recently i started working on my lighting skills how to improve this area of cg pipeline because it's very challenging sometimes yeah man that's that's really the one is lighting it all comes down to lighting you can have a really good render really good environment but if it's not lit well then man that's that's a shame so let's yeah definitely want to make sure your stuff is lit as well as possible for me what i do is i actually have a list of feature films at least a list of images let's go to vfx materials this would be pictures cinematography here we go i have all these movies i hadn't updated this in a long time but take the last samurai for example i'm going through and i'm just finding frames that i really enjoy and i'm you know the frames that look nice that make me go ooh that's a good one you know and i'll ask myself well how is it lit if i'm trying to apply it because this is this is what i would go back to when i was working at rocket jump i'd pull up these images and i'd say how is this lit how am i going to make you know our scene look like this and at the time i was doing live action shots you know i was actually had a camera have my lights and i have to set them up to make them look like this and you just break it down you see well there's definitely a light coming back here from the window so this is a nice little area and it's hitting the edge here it's getting tom cruise on the back here a nice little edge light um and it looks like that's kind of the main light source you probably have a fill light coming from over here to hit him his face right here but the majority of this is from this light back here and it's causing a nice little silhouette and the way you get this uh these light streaks is with a little bit of atmosphere or some fog on set you fog up your room a little bit and it'll get you these light shafts so i'll find frames that i really enjoy or i want to ask myself how is this lit like how would you light a giant scene like this well they got these giant windows over here which is getting hitting everyone from the side here um you also have some lights hitting the side of this train so you probably have some lights coming from this side too filling in all the you know the dark side of people's faces you can see a little edge there and that guy's neck but it's mostly coming from these giant windows here's another good one tom cruise from the window giant edge light and you probably have some sort of soft box in the foreground you can look at his eye light and you can see where the lights are and you can probably tell that there's a camera right behind or there's a light right behind camera lighting up his sweat this is doing a big one here and it's getting his edge light there so it's just an example of like how you guys can find images that you think look nice and just think critically about them and break them down this is just lit from the sky you know so this would just be an hdri environment to get you this look and obviously the windows and the fire light inside of all these little huts same deal here they're probably spicing it up with a bigger light back here it's a giant movie set and this is fake rain you know so they have a big probably soft box it's a blast in here and getting you a little bit of that um one thing is look where your shadows are pointing which direction are your shadows pointing you know that's a good way to determine um you know how your lights should be set up so yeah that's just a little trick for you guys i think there's websites for this now i think there's like i don't know the name of it maybe you guys have already typed it into the comments but there's a website i forget the name of it but it basically is this i just did it the manual way because that website wasn't really a thing when i started doing it yo this is one of my favorite ones though this one's so good i love that render see it's that ground with the light back here hitting the highlights on the wood that's that's when you know what's up see the shadows direction of the shadows coming towards camera that means we have a light up here somewhere just out of frame lighting up this here and probably these steps and maybe even this roof it's a big old light back there it's a movie set they can do it with the big budgets but we're in cg and we get to do it for free especially if you're using blender all right all right but another note on lighting y'all another note in lighting is my plan is to build out my scene with this temp lighting that i have right now and when i get to a point where i have like most of my stuff kind of in the frame then i'll start changing the light and getting different looks to think outside the box i don't want to get pigeonholed into one look um so i'll switch up the lighting i'll do things that i normally wouldn't do you know i'll position the sun in a way i'll do a sunny version of the scene i'll do a different i'll do a nighttime version i'll do an overcast version i'll do a golden hour version i'll do a backlit version i'll do a front lit version i'll do like a version with a red sky i'll just do a bunch of different versions and save those small little render thumbnails and look at them and be like what do i like about all these maybe i can it'll give you ideas start playing with different colors blue and yellow um you know cyan and uh and what is it cyan and teal that kind of movie film look and the only way to come up with different lighting solutions is to experiment so since we're in cg we can do it for free experiment light to your heart's content go crazy with it you know so that's definitely a good a good thing to do is switch up your lighting setup once you got everything together it really helps you guys get out of your head outside the box and will spark some really interesting results i i bet you i bet you all cole i appreciate you man thanks for hanging out with me um thanks for working hard on all your guys stuff uh it's been freaking awesome yeah i i don't really know where else to go from here uh i mean i could start getting into it but i really need to start thinking critically about how i'm placing all my stuff [Music] um know i'd probably work a little bit more on the foreground and get a little bit of variation in the foreground maybe there's a part of the foreground that has like broken concrete tiles and stuff like maybe let's bring in some of those bridge assets that we've favorited so let's go let's go to our favorites and see what we can see here oh the barrels man the barrels definitely get some barrels up in here that'll be fun screw it yeah let's get a barrel in here um what do you guys think these rusted ones blue green or red we got rusted barrels we got blue green or red i'm gonna leave it to y'all what do you think i should throw in here you guys wanna do a little color contrast with some blue you wanna keep everything uniform with the rusted you wanna go green with it you wanna go red with it what do you guys think green red red barrels like half-life red barrels red rusted red barrels all rusted red red rusted green red all right let's go with the red let's go with the red you guys are right rusted i mean the the red barrel that's the explosive ones you gotta watch out for those ones you know um so let's download it let's make sure we have this set to export settings we want not unreal engine we want c4d i was gonna do this in unreal but y'all i'd be out of my element a little bit just a little bit too much out of my element all right well let's export the 4k version because we want to save as much computer juice as possible and y'all this is just the beginning i'm probably going to throw in some rusted barrels too i'm going to throw them all in it's going to be a good time but for now we have a red a red barrel in our scene i'm gonna rotate it so you can tell it's like bent up a little bit and let's adjust the let's see let's right click it first we'll add it to a new layer and that new layer is called mega scans and i want to change the material type to glossy and octane and for whatever reason [Music] that makes it look like a mirror glossy and beckman defuse now universe let's try universal again i'll try changing these like see how it's just like not really catching there we go so when i change it to octane the brdf model it really shines which is what you want um glossy for some reason takes it to a i think that's because the metallic is turned on um so if we take this i like maybe it's universal and metallic goes down to zero ah it's because the albedo is plugged into the metallic that would make sense um [Music] let's try glossy again octane glossy and try piping it in again no that's not really working is it because our index is set to 8 that's why 1.3 yeah so now we have we have control over this barrel you know we can change this barrel out however we want we can control drag it move it over maybe have one like in the foreground or something this definitely isn't final it's just here as an asset and it's not dirty enough let's go with the rusted let's bring a rusted one in let's see what that looks like rusted barrel we'll download the 8k but we'll transfer over the 4k again we're trying to save as much computer juice as possible the scene is going to get crazy 4k let's get our 4k going export that 4k and you got to be very particular about the way you place all of these objects because the way your objects are placed it shapes your scene let's add this to our mega scans layer and let's hop out of camera view and try and get like the best look out of this as possible i want to make sure set this to octane [Music] glossy no that's not i guess glossy 1.3 yeah you see off the top it's all nice and shiny that's exactly what we want but we're not really seeing the tops of these things unless of course you know we angle it a little bit or something then you see the top of it just a bit sticking out the ground so we missed the super chat didn't we naq montages what up thank you for the super chat says how much blood and gore can um the submissions have are there any restrictions on that yeah so that is also in the faqs on the discord so make sure you guys are reading those um blood and gore is okay i'm cool with that just no nudity no nudity in these things um yeah simple answer simple question good question but no it's in the faqs check those faqs [Music] motion blur yes we want a little bit of motion blur too how we can do motion blur that's a great question isn't it okay so you can go to the motion blur little tab here on your camera imager i'll set this to 1 over 60 because you the default baseline for motion blur on film cameras any camera you're shooting with is always it's always double your shutter speed so in this case our shutter speed or sorry it's always double your frame rate since our project frame rate is set to 30 frames per second you want to um you want to set your motion blur to 1 over 60 so it's double right um and then you would check that on make sure this is centered save your scene turn it on and then you'll have a little bit of motion blur going in your scene it's very subtle but it adds it definitely adds it's all about that realism you want to look as real as possible take away maybe the thin lens so you just get the motion blur you see the motion blur there then it's happening more so in the foreground because the things in the foreground are moving faster versus the background now if you want to get that saving private ryan look you can set it to like 1 over 120 so it's a bit more of a you have less motion blur in your scene 3.5 the high shutter speed look the saving private ryan motion blur look there's a higher shutter speed so one over 120. and since i kind of have a war scene you know maybe that's the look i'm gonna go for it probably is very cool very cool so in my reference you know there's a lot of stuff going on in the ground we have this bed frame we have the barrels um you know we have like a bunch of rusted crap that's all over the ground there's a street here there's cobblestone brick there's like stairs that go up here so i want to add all this stuff to the scene um burning barrels for sure yeah exactly so i'll kind of be strategically placing those throughout the week and when i come back next week for the stream hopefully my foreground is a little bit more involved and it has a lot more stuff going on that i can break down for you guys and show you how i've set that up um i'd love to wrap out the foreground by next week that way i can get going on the background and then spend a week on the background and then i'll spend a week probably spicing it up with like characters and robots and plants and stuff and then my last week will be in after effects compositing the thing because you know there's going to be a lot of compositing going on for this i want to try and do the fog um in after effects like i did last time maybe i'll do some rain too that could be cool some wind i love my my atmosphere if you guys don't know that by now i'm a big fan of atmosphere i think it really adds to a render it's stuff that is rare in real life when have you seen a windy foggy rainy scene that looks like this never when have you seen a scene that looks like this not i don't know maybe once or twice in your life i know when we filmed the killzone live action short on my uh my youtube channel you guys i'm watching on my youtube channel here called a live action kill zone kill zone extraction we filmed in a place like this and it was incredible so incredible it was rainy and muddy and my socks were coming off in my boots i had so much mud stuck to my shoes oh my god we filmed for two days straight and we had a pirate technician come out and blow stuff up so i'm a fan of that stuff man i'm a fan of that weather a lot all right so i think i don't know i'm at a point where i'm feeling pretty good um i just need a crank on it you know so i'll probably take this time here to answer any questions you guys have what's going on on with you all you guys having a good day you guys having a good uh good stream session you guys having fun with your renders i hope you are i know i'm excited i'm getting excited it's coming it's coming to life it is coming together so i'm very excited about that all right tall goose jerry what app am i using for my reference images i'm using pure ref pure ref it is a really nice one um you can see it well it's my whole head talking at this point but it's pure f p u r e r e f prf it's free and it's incredible um great for organizing your references and all that good stuff where did i get the reference i made the reference i made it in photoshop um once this stream is over you guys can take a look at the beginning of it where i go over [Music] my concept art how i made it i made it in photoshop yeah pieced it together from just a bunch of reference images basically um what else or how long have you been doing dc dc cinema 4d um i've been in c4d for a while man like i started in release 10 so that was 12 11 years ago i don't know but i used 3ds max for six of those years i switched back so if you guys hit me with the at punisher on the chat it'll be a lot easier to kind of focus on on these questions um can you show the render so far in full screen yes i can yes i can let's do that um let us full screen mode and we'll let this do its thing here we'll let that render a little bit um mr lindva it asks do hey whoa hold on now it's don allen yo don allen in the house what's going on dude you are freaking the best man ever you guys talk about my positive vibes y'all haven't hung out with don allen yet have you because this guy is the most positive dude i know um we spent like an hour just talking about c4d plugins the other day it was hilarious um yeah don is great man if you guys are into like the whole um vr or ar stuff uh don allen is your guy so check out his channel um i'll pin his comment here so you guys can see let's see uh um replace pinned message yes yeah check out don allen stuff he's a good super good dude he worked at uh dreamworks for a while but recently left to do his own thing does that sound familiar um all right mr linva do we have to make the render loopable for extra points no you do not have to make the render loopable because all that's looping is the character between all of these renders that's what's looping you know um your render doesn't have to loop you can if you want it to but it will not get you extra points um can you crack open the unreal sequence scene show us the sequencer quick i uh maybe not um that's gonna take some time to load up but josh hit me up on discord if you have any questions about that man if you if you need to if you have any dire questions about the unreal sequencer hit me up on discord going down the list taught jerry can you look at your discord i sent you a cool render i did i will check it out after the stream um i yeah tend not to want to have my discord open while i live stream for reasons yeah i just wanna i'd rather keep people's privacy safe i don't know what's on my discord too i don't want you guys like getting sam and nico's direct contact if it's on there or something so i'm a little just a little wary of opening discord on the stream i hope you guys uh understand but i will check it out as soon as i as we're done here um do my do i make my own materials i i have in the past i don't really right now i make my own surface imperfections uh if you guys have been hanging out with me for a while you probably know i have a surface imperfection pack and a video that breaks down how i made that pack but no i hadn't made my renders in a while my own renders because they're on mega scans and i don't know they're on rd textures maybe maybe i'll make a texture pack there's just so many out there you know [Music] what else have i tried redshift yes i have a little bit i'm more of an octane boy though what should i practice get better at 3d environment design and rendering marwan good question um follow environment artists on instagram on artstation on pinterest whatever um who make art that inspire you there's no way to to me the only way to get good is to have good taste you have to have good taste um in in music if you want to be musician you have to have good taste in art if you want to be an artist it's a good have good taste and environment art if you want to be a good environment artist like find those artists and those images and those environments that just blow your mind and use that as reference look at that ask yourself how do they make this how do they do this and start to craft your own ideas go outside start to take pictures of areas that you think are cool um like i love traveling i love going to abandoned places so that's kind of my inspiration too i love art books you know all these art books and stuff this is how i get inspired um i put on music you know that fits the vibe of uh you know that fits the vibe of the art that i'm trying to make so i'm just trying to surround myself in the coolest vibes possible and then from there i can start watching tutorials and building up the the skill set that will eventually get me to create the art that i love making right hopefully that makes sense to y'all um moving down the line here we got questions we got questions um do i take peeks in the whip channel on discord absolutely i definitely do i'm excited for what you guys are doing joel the walk sequence and character object is broke in c4dr21 any suggestions uh yes two suggestions one if you're paying for c4ds um monthly thing just upgrade your c4d you don't want to do that then use the fbx the fbx should not be broken you'll just have to apply the character to the fbx i'm going to actually be releasing a tutorial on how to do that next week so next week before i stream i'm putting out a tutorial on how to change out the character um and how to adjust the arms and stuff so look look out for that saturday 9 a.m i'll put it out and then i'll be streaming right after that so i got you on that for sure um [Music] yeah weird so it looks like any other version of c4d it's kind of broken well yeah use the fbx you just test out that fbx guys hopefully that works for you we got a lot of questions what are my pc specs they're on the discord in the info um info channel but i have an rtx nvidia uh quadro 6000 i don't know i got some old cpu um i i got two monitors asus monitors um i got like what 64 gigs of ram the specifics are in the discord on the info but that's a good question and yo you know what no they're in the description of this video just realized i added that recently yeah um how many products do you think i'll be able to fit into the final video how many final renders do you think i'll be able to fit in the final video there's 125 last time we'll see man we'll see we'll see how much music we can get written for it um and we'll see how long it really is gonna be and then we'll go from there all right we'll make the best choice can i use real image projection like ian hubert in my render um yeah sure go for it absolutely is it okay to do the challenge even if we don't have that much skill absolutely you want to learn you want to grow through this this is this is a challenge for you guys challenge yourself get better with this all right you should definitely be doing this if if you feel like you're not good enough that's a bunch of crap all right we had people who just started blender on the last challenge and they submitted stuff and it was in the it was in the montage it was freaking awesome how long did it take me to settle on a concept um [Music] i didn't know what i was gonna do until friday i basically used um i sat down and for a couple hours i went through all my art books and i listened to some ambient music and i just started getting ideas and um wacom actually sent me this freaking awesome mobile workstation this thing's crazy so it's basically a computer as a tablet that you can draw on so i used this um and i booted up photoshop and i started putting together some like rough reference scenes um and just yeah just started building it out you know it took me a couple hours to figure out what i wanted to do but it was dedicated time that i spent you know trying to trying to get that going what else here will my render make it to the final montage it's pretty bad but i'm doing my best um my goal is to include all the renders in the final montage um off topic but you ever consider making a full course on gumroad or something like 10 12 hours of stuff in one course yes i have that is my goal for the end of this year or the beginning of next year is to make a full-on course for you guys it'd be like a paid course or something um that's just like click by click everything you guys need to know on how to do all the stuff um so yeah keep an eye out for that how many products do you think would be able to fit we answered that one let's see where do we post works in progress for this on the discord larry it's on the discord um let's see what else we got a lot of questions still coming in how are my planning to make destructions on buildings assets y'all assets i'm gonna go and just buy some assets on cgtrader it would take me 20 years and a day to be able to build all these buildings manually so i'm going to use the assets that i have um and make that happen absolutely um what else do i have any advice on how to keep that visual weight and not bog the whole thing down slash ruin it by adding all those cool details from your ideas we're not sure how to fill empty space hey that's a good question yeah how do i how much is too much that's a good question how much is too much well that kind of comes down to personal opinion you know we are talking about art here um if you look again going back to reference if you look at renders that blow your mind from other artists ask yourself how they compose the image to get the effect that that you're looking at um for instance let's take a look at some of these movie frames uh children of men so this frame here is framed very nicely actually there's a lot going on but it's framed very nicely what i'm seeing is two little blocks of space that are being taken up here and here the fog adds depth to your image and then you also have a little bit of sky coming in so it's brighter up top it's getting darker down towards the bottom you have this little swoop right here that kind of draws the eye my eye starts kind of here because the characters are actually moving through the scene coming towards the camera and then you have this giant swoop here which guides the eye right around in this little area um and then you have these little details off to the left off to the right that frame the image they frame the center point of what's going on so you have all these little things like this little rusted pipes thing here um that really helped bring out the environment now the the the color of these buildings are bluish kind of cyan green compared to the ground which is a little bit more brown it's a bit warmer so you have these nice color nice subtle color contrast going on between the buildings and the ground so it helps these pop out a little bit more this also is kind of like in a bluish hue compared to the buildings so that pops out a little bit too let's take another look here actually this one is a great example it's a center silhouette image here and the reason this works so well is because two things one is center framed it's symmetrical and also you have a really bright um focus this is your highlight this is your focus of the scene and then everything else kind of falls off onto the side if you were to add a bunch of crap in this hallway it would distract the eye from the center point of the frame here they did just enough they added just enough crap on the corners of this thing and keep in mind guys these are movies they don't just find these locations they build these locations from scratch so they added all this stuff by hand they artistically placed all this stuff specifically to guide the eye to the center point of the screen and yeah it'd be too much if you had a bunch of crap in here of like bicycles and cupboards and you know pipes and everything like no it's focus is here it makes it easy on the viewer this one here is not that great of an example because it's a moving shot it's a big old moving shot that i just cut a little piece from but this is a good this is a great frame this is a really nice one um you have clive owen as the main character and he's looking through this window this busted out window of a bus that he's on and you're seeing what's the brightest point it's the sky obviously and the reflection off the side of this building so you're looking to the brightest point of the image which is where our main character is looking and you know you have a lot of movement back here in the movie you know you have your your smoke that's moving you have your people that are moving around and stuff and this image eventually turns into this image here the camera pans with these characters that start running and they get shot down as they run past um so what would make this too much if there was a bunch of crap here in the way you have these guiding lines that are focusing the eye to the center point the focus of your of your shot here you know what i mean and if this was full of a bunch of stuff you wouldn't really be sure what to look at so they're guiding the eye with value these these bright tones and the dark tones naturally looking at the brighter stuff and at the movement all right so if we were to take that and apply that to our render here then we're going to be looking naturally at the brightest point of the image based off of my my concept art here the brightest point of the image is definitely the sky and to be honest with you i feel like it's imbalanced we're looking up here and this is too dark so what i'm going to need to do is balance out the focal point of my image a little bit more it's too bright on one side and too dark on one on the other side it almost looks like two images cut right down the middle and i want to blend the foreground the background the left side the right side all together to make it feel like it's part of one world and i also need to be very specific about my values here the sphere i need to maintain the spherical shape but i also don't want to forget about all the dark side over here i need to bring like some i'll probably bring in some uh orange light some fire light here i might actually cut out a little alley way from here to have another like focal point maybe chop off a little bit of this um and maybe the character will be a little bit brighter or maybe it'll be darker against silhouette and i'll have the background back here have a lot of fog kind of in this area and it will actually help bring the character out from the environment so you you you know kind of focus on the character by framing them with stuff so you see how this little bed frame is is like it's kind of in a weird place to be honest honestly i would flip this around and have it loop back this way this way it kind of like cradles and frames our main character so the the way i'm placing all my little objects and stuff all the little detail it's going to be to frame my main character i'll have stuff on the edges of the frame on the like right in the foreground and kind of off to the side too now our camera is moving so that frame is going to adjust so i'm going to have to be very specific about how i do that and it's going to be a lot of a lot of trial and error that i'll be able to show you guys next week hopefully i'll have a lot more done on the foreground to be in a near near final on the foreground next week and break that down for you guys so yeah i'm excited about that that was a long long-winded answer wasn't it all right you guys doing all right i think i think i'm gonna call it you know we're at three hours now i'm feeling good about my foreground my template foreground i'm gonna start going in here and just placing a bunch of objects and feeling it out so um i appreciate you all for hanging out with me uh i guess i answer a couple more questions before i leave oh don allen's getting some love i love it i love it broken is it within the rules to use after effects and element 3d to create the shot for this challenge of course it's within the rules yeah man the faqs if you read the faqs it says that you can use any program it doesn't matter it doesn't matter i just want you guys to create learn and grow that's it have i been to film school no i have not been to film school i went to a tech school for a year and a half i dropped out after a year and a half i was taking after effects classes and cinema 4d classes but to be honest with you guys some of you already know this i knew all that stuff already because i was watching um cgtutts.com and i was especially watching videocopilot.net and i learned all that stuff in my free time and i was you know bummed out that i wasn't learning a lot and my teacher my after effects teacher mr mason let me work on my stuff my youtube stuff as a grade in my after effects class because he knew he i i knew everything already not everything but i knew you know the basics it was a beginner class and he was actually the teacher who convinced my dad to let me drop out of college and move out to california to work with freddie so shout out to mr mason i'll never forget you any other questions y'all hmm what will my character be dragging um i don't know maybe a giant pack of capri sun i don't know a box of plants it's planting plants as it moves throughout this robot i think it'll be like some sort of cyborg robot thing um so i don't know yet we'll see and we'll have to see do you take music submissions you mean in your render or just i don't know i'll be cutting out all the audio from your render even the sound design if you do it because i'm going to be adding my own music over top ggs mr mason absolutely how's my movie coming along tenem you're working on your next one already that's awesome dude i didn't know you did a movie um maybe i knew that but you're doing your next one that's great yeah my movie's coming along good um the writer i'm working with nate davis he uh the dude's friggin incredible very talented writer we figured out our characters we figured out our story and he's doing an outline right now so i'm excited to read the outline and we'll go over it and we'll do notes and we'll figure it out but yeah it's turning out to be really cool it's gonna be an adventurous um action mysterious drama comedy it's gonna be everything it's gonna have all the good stuff it's gonna be adventurous it's gonna be fun it's gonna be scary it's gonna be full of a lot of good stuff so i hope you guys enjoy this movie in a couple years when it comes out that's that's the long run right there man that's the long game for sure but it's gonna be sweet can the character not be dragging something sure the character cannot be dragging something but let me ask you this why is the character leaning forward why is the character leaning forward is it carrying a really heavy backpack is it dragging something maybe you move the arms is it pushing something who knows is it really windy is it leaning into the wind who knows that's up to you to decide why is the character leaning forward um and if you guys don't know this is kind of confusing but the overall note is no you cannot change the character's body animation you cannot touch it except the shoulders down to the fingers you can move the arms but don't touch the head don't touch the torso don't touch the legs don't touch the freaking hips don't touch the shoulders i'm sorry i said you can do the shoulders basically the arms you can adjust the arms so if you want your character pushing something they can be pushing something if you want your character shielding something shielding your face or something that's cool too so you can adjust the arms but that's it don't touch anything else but y'all i think that's about it i think i'm gonna call it i'm gonna get some lunch i'm gonna hang out with cliff or maybe get some drumming in get some one wheeling in but y'all thank you guys for hanging out with me anything that you guys need to know let's see um make sure you read the faqs please read the faqs don't make it more complicated on yourself um some pretty simple answers in there for y'all trying to keep it as simple as possible follow me on instagram i mean all the stuff's in the description you know the twitter the instagram all that stuff it's in the description um what else what else yeah next week i got a standalone video for you and a live stream so i'm gonna show you guys how to replace the character in c4d and how to move the arms and stuff and then hopefully we'll be finishing up the foreground what else what else um i will have a submission link for you this week but don't get eager to submit all right make sure you guys spend the time you need to take take till june 1st make it good add the details all right because those details are really going to come a long way and make your render better simply it's going to make it render better keep filling it out keep making it nice keep iterating on it change the lighting find the best version of what you're working on okay and submit that don't submit anything else um yeah i think that's it don allen thanks for stopping by man um i'm wondering are you gonna do something for the for the challenge it'd be sweet it'd be really cool if you did man um but i understand if you're busy then you got your thing to do too you know we're all running these youtube channels and it's tough being our own boss it's very busy a lot of work a lot of work but uh y'all thank you so much thanks for hanging out with me no art review today no art review next week but you know maybe what i will do is review some works in progress next week so keep posting to the works in progress um channel on the discord i'll pull some of them and i'll tell you guys what i like about them what i think hey keep going in this direction maybe i'll give you some examples of uh some works in progress that are blocking this the sphere element too much i'm not gonna rag on you i'm just gonna let you know hey maybe work the sphere in a little bit more you know what i mean maybe maybe uh work the character in a little bit more so hopefully that'll help you guys kind of guide your renders to a more unified place um [Music] sweet don allen's working on one he's gonna have raptors in it heck yeah dude i'm so excited yes yes yes yes sweet um so many questions guys i'll have to get them next time do i have any tips on starting a youtube channel revolving around 3d yeah consistently post consistently post every week it's a lot of work but consistency is the only way and make sure your thumbnail is good because your thumbnail is the only thing that is keeping the viewer from clicking on your video all right so remember that i learned that from from nico corridor all right y'all have fun have a good one i'll see you on the discord this week i'm gonna hop into that voice channel i know you guys are working and you're working in the voice chat that's awesome it's really cool to see um the myself and the mods are talking about it in our mod chat we're like yo look at the freaking voice channels are popping off so i'll pop in from time to time this week guys but y'all have a good one thank you for everything um hit that skillshare link down below please it helps me out it really does um helps me do more of these streams and stay alive so sign up and learn something it's a win-win for both of us all right we all are amazing thank you so much for your time i'm excited to see your stuff and i'll be seeing y'all soon all right so i'm gonna hit you with this end screen nice little track for y'all i'll see you soon peace out guys later [Music] two [Music] you
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 124,170
Rating: 4.9544673 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 45sec (11685 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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