Believably Recreate Photographs in Any 3D Program | Part 1

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yo what's up everybody we're live once again on a saturday morning here in los angeles thank you for joining the stream i hope you guys are ready to learn i hope you guys are feeling okay um hope everyone's doing all right on this weekend yeah it's good to be back i'm excited for this one so um just as a as a quick overview what we're going to be doing today basically i want to recreate a photo that's kind of my thing i i love photography i love doing um 3d art and when i can't go out and i can't travel and take all the film photography that i love doing i like to you know keep that same style and that vibe here in 3d so i'm going to be recreating a photo in 3d and let me pull up that photo for you guys god dang these cats dude these cats all right let's see let's get this photo pulled up you guys saw it isn't the thumbnail let's load this in all right so i'm using pure ref to reference these photos and this is what we're going to recreate i've already done a little bit of the work here um doing some of the modeling of the the the street lamp and whatnot and we're going to be talking about how to do these wires and lay out these wires there's a lot of different ways to do that but we want to bring it to this final point by the end of the stream and i'm going to give myself two hours to do this because honestly guys well there's a couple announcements actually this leads me into the announcements um so i've talked about doing an hdri cut like a custom hdri tutorial for a long time and i think it's actually time that this thing comes out and it's going to come out on tuesday and today is basically the the last of my time to finish that tutorial so i'm going to be sitting in this chair for the next freaking 12 hours so i just want to make sure i get enough work done on the hdri tutorial so i'm giving myself two hours on this to get a really nice look and a nice final image um also as as another announcement i'm actually speaking um on maxon uh maxon is holding basically like a an event on c graph and i'm gonna be speaking about how to do like a complete workflow when you're trying to put in your like 3d objects into your live action footage let me actually show you guys if you go to it's the front page right here the the 3d and motion design show see graph edition so my my uh my class my presentation is actually i think the first one up on tuesday let's let's find out more you guys definitely need to show up to that it's going to be really fun and there's going to be a live q a right after the fact so let's see if we can't find the overview um no is this not what we want max on 3d how do you go to the say i should know this find out more she'll be here here we go 9 a.m pacific standard time is my class okay so i'm yeah it looks like max on news and amounts announcements at 8 30 and right at 9 a.m the secret to photo real visual effects with me at 9am so i will see you guys there that's tuesday lots going on this week um so let's just jump into this and and start figuring this thing out so thank you guys thank you guys for joining it's good to see everybody in here who's in here actually before we hop in christian what's going on good to see you any familiar faces i saw brett was in the stream last week but i missed him i don't want to miss him again welcome welcome everybody a lot of familiar faces awesome sweet so i'll try and check the chat um you know as i can as we as we power through this um scoring thank you for the super chat he says uh camera must be a saint letting uh letting me stream every single week i know mine is for letting me use all my saturday evenings uh for watching stuff so thank you enjoy your sandwich i love you all right let's jump in so the challenge here definitely is these wires there's a lot of like little details in here as far as like these little rivets and bits and whatnot that we need to get into just a little bit um but there's a lot of tiny pieces that need to be modeled but these are pretty simple they're just kind of like rectangles and cubes beveled out so we can spend maybe 20 minutes working on the modeling that needs you know like the remainder of the modeling that needs to be done reuben appreciate you sir thank you thank you so much i don't know what that says other than yes and maybe you agree or something like that but thank you sir um you guys are awesome so yeah let's spend the next 20 minutes just talking about modeling out these little modules and stuff and how you can quickly do that in c4d and you know there's already one like these ones i already have modeled like up here you guys can see i have this kind of modeled out it's very basic modeling you know and i do go over a lot of this in my c-graph presentation too we model a newspaper stand which actually was one of the one of the streams here and there's another little module here that i just put together before the stream and it's just a very basic you know cylindrical object beveled out extruded out and all that good stuff oh is there a raw photo download link um let me see if i can upload it to the discord server really quick so that you guys can follow along um let's see all right so if you guys go to the discord server the link is right down in the description i'll drop it into general general chat okay and let me just let me just drag that in real quick let's see so you guys can follow along with me oh god okay it's a hundred megabytes wait no it's not it's 24 megabytes i'm going to drag in the janky phone picture that i took you guys can get the same vibe it's this one right here i actually like this look a little bit better um so this will be like the lighting i'm going for i like the lens flare and everything but you know this picture here is just a little larger for zooming in and getting that detail i can upload the picture a little later once the stream is over but um yeah let's let's take like 15 20 minutes and just model out some of these little modules that we can copy and paste throughout all of this you know the detail really counts when you're trying to recreate a photo and match it perfectly in cg all of the little details really count in every step so especially with modeling you know you want to model all the details and get all that good stuff in there so that's exactly what we're gonna do i've said it enough let's just go for it let's see if we can adjust this window all right sweet okay why is it needs to be on top window image always on top sweet okay all right let's start with like the biggest little piece right here this little box all right so we'll just make a cube for that and i always have a figure in my scene because it helps me determine the scale of things and again we can always adjust the scale later but it's nice to have something in the beginning to help us to like guide our our modeling process maybe something like that all right and this looks very very straightforward the only thing we want to do is make sure we're beveling our edges all right so i'm just going to make this cube editable you can hit nb to switch to wireframe mode and it looks like it has like a little door up here a little access port so i'm just gonna hit kl and extrude some of these faces here one two and three i'm gonna hit d and just scale that out so why it does this i'm not really sure but that needs to be bridged so i'll do uh m b in edge mode and just bridge those there's probably a better way of doing this and then md will fill the polygon holes or it should at least i don't know why it why it isn't maybe we undo that um let's see yeah i don't know why that's the case there's probably some checkbox i need to hit weird i do not know why hmm so i wonder if there's some sort of setting i probably just don't have checked there it is okay the maximum angle polygons under maximum angle just needs to be cranked up above 90 and that'll work properly all right troubleshooting that is the work of an effects artist this troubleshooting all day long let's give the back a little bit more detail so we'll come in here um and hit ms mw i think that's like it's actually fine how it is it looks like there's some like rivets here for wires to go into so we can just spawn some cylinders to bust those out but before we do let's make sure all of our stuff is beveled beveling your your edges are going to catch the light in a really nice way and you're definitely going to want to do that so i'm holding shift to give it a bevel modifier and we'll take that bevel offset down really low to like .05 and we'll give it like yeah something like that and holding control let's make a cylinder and that's going to spawn the cylinder right in place of that cube and we want it to be plus x and let's actually solo this i'm using magic solo very handy we'll scale that down something like that let's come in here and just make sure we have a nice like filleted edge here so i'm just going to check that box and by default it actually looks really nice and we can actually clone this so we'll start up here actually now let's start down here and i'm going to hold alt and clone linearly every inch every every two uh every 1.5 inches and we'll just drag the slider up and there you go you got some nice little circuit box we don't need to worry about this side because you know the angle of our image doesn't include that side so you don't have to worry about it so i'll group these and just call this circuit box cool all right um so these rungs were made from um from like a spline and a a like a circle spline basically and that's in a lathe object here or in a sweep rather and we'll be doing that for all the wires and stuff but let's figure out any other modules we need to create so i have this one here made up and that's just copied and pasted all around the model let's make this box here that's a cool looking piece so let's try that okay let's spawn a sphere i'm sorry a cube and we'll scale it way down and it looks like it's a little it's like on the flat side and a bit more rectangular like this awesome uh sid dude heck yeah man thanks for the super chat appreciate you he says hey clint wanted to thank you for these amazing live streams i've learned a lot in the past months thank you again buddy stay safe you too sid i'm really glad you've learned a lot i'm glad that you guys are sticking through this whole thing i know that these can go pretty long but it really does mean a lot you guys coming back every single week hanging out with me and learning together that's that's the whole thing man that's the whole point learning and growing together i love it a lot and we keep each other accountable right i know you guys keep me accountable that's for sure if it wasn't for you guys i wouldn't be learning as much because you know i'm forcing myself to learn so that i can teach you guys all the stuff and hopefully we can all learn together so it's been really cool and like the weekly challenges have been super fun um and it's only gonna get better i promise you it will only grow into a stronger thing together all right so let's create this little module right here it looks like all right this is gonna be fun so let's start with this like scaled down this is like this main piece across the top um and reuben thanks for the super chat yes i would come to houston for sure man i would i'd travel anywhere i don't care where it is um and i know jake is living in texas if you guys are fans of corridor and no jake he's he moved to uh san antonio so texas trips our uh are in our future most definitely all right let's scale these in uh mw is extrude enter boom we'll bevel it mt or no is it m mt no got my got my shortcuts mixed up ms bevel ms so let's bevel it out like this and adjust some of the stuff we don't need all the subdivisions um i need to figure out how do i there it is it's the offset something like that so if you can see a reference based off of this here it might be a little intense so we can uh hit u y to grow our selection and we're going to scale it but if we scale it you can see how like it actually scales up this bit here we want this to remain flat so i'm just not going to scale it on the y-axis and i think that'll do it yeah or wait yeah no that's good so let's just scale it up a little bit and then i'll scale it boom right there okay and then it looks like it's kind of getting inset so if we set both of these mw for extrude inner and we'll bevel it again so m [Music] s to bevel it down and we'll work that offset again let's try like point one point two yeah something like that so it's like a little it looks like a box that holds a bunch of wires or something now it has these screws on the side of it so what we could do is chop it whoa okay let's maybe go into side view here and grab our knife tool where are you knife tool we got to be in edge mode for knife tool line cut yeah we'll do a little line cut i'm just going to hold shift to make a a straight line and we'll do it one more time holding shift i'm hitting escape to get out of the tool and then once i have those lines cut all right i'm going to make this little bit here i can select both of them and then just move them around so that they're kind of in the middle and you can even scale them like this so that we have a little bit of room to add another little bit here where our screw is going to sit so i'm holding shift to grab both of those edges and um you know since this stream isn't planned a lot of stuff randomly comes to the top of my head at random moments okay um so i just want to note that like you guys can do this in any program if you're in blender or if you're in maya or 3ds max or obviously i'm in c4d whatever like you guys can this is all basic this is stuff that translates across all 3d programs so don't don't uh don't feel discouraged if you are using blender please follow along okay so we have our base geometry here like that that works for me we're gonna bevel these edges that's really gonna take this thing to the next level is when we bevel the edges so let's see here okay we could do this probably i'm gonna use a couple bevel modifiers so let's grab some edges i think u b or no ul is loop selection what about ring selection i thought it was ub yeah it is ub all right i'm going to deselect these inside edges and i'm just want to select the edges that are really going to be beveled like this here there's a big bevel this here is a large bevel and i'll save the rest for just a smaller bevel so with those selected i'm going to set the selection right we can always go select and where is it set selection right there and i'll drop the bevel modifier on there boom and drop that selection tag we just made in there so now it's only beveling those little bits so we do point one and like three and then we can just take this up so that actually works point two or maybe maybe point one five or something oh uh if i'm saying your name right she c c fam um you said super chat's not available in vietnam can you donate anywhere right now there is not really a place for that but i am releasing my first digital prod um product my first digital product on tuesday with the hdri custom tutorial so at the end of that video you guys will be able to purchase a an hdri pack that i put together while making this tutorial and it's actually themed around like post apocalypse battlefield style hdris so it's hdri is taken from like inside of destroyed helicopters or in tunnels or crashed airplanes or um you know like middle east kind of style so i think i'm gonna sell it for like eight bucks or something that right now is probably the cheapest way to donate um if you cannot do a super chat here otherwise i do sell photography the link is in the description and you actually get something physical for your purchase um they're all printed on super super nice paper uh it'll last through the ages and everything but okay enough enough marketing here let's let's get back to this module so we've made that bevel modifier right to get those edges the larger edges and we can even make another one for these these four to really make those let's let's try it so i'm going to deselect those two deselect those two let's set this selection so that's a new one i'm going to control drag this bevel drop our new selection in there okay and let's actually go back to our other modifier deselect these edges and update all right and let's just make sure i think the hierarchy matters not in this case okay so let's turn them off and just focus one at a time all right so i'm just going to update that selection there and why is it not updating let's try this let's try this one more time all right so we have those bits let's set that selection and we'll drop that on there cool going back in let's get these guys i think we're past our 15 20 minutes already but we still have a couple more things all right um let's set that selection let's make a new bevel modifier holding shift and we'll drop that selection on there um let's see why does why is it getting those edges we don't want those edges ah it's so much troubleshooting vfx is so much troubleshooting my goodness let's maybe name this center outside this one will be our center okay great this one will be our outside okay so that's working i just needed to get the naming down so 0.3 and that's the reason we did that so we can bevel this edge even further cool so now we have both of those combined and now for a third one we'll do another bevel modifier and that's going to get everything so we'll set it to point well first let's make sure it looks right okay so i'm going to just solo that and we'll do like .025 just like that so it's getting everything and let's try turning on our other modifiers and boom that looks nice let's just make sure this edge is all good so we'll go like i don't know 0.25 and that geometry works so i go over this in my craft presentation as well how to do the multiple bevel modifiers on one object and it really really helps out so now at this point i'm just going to copy some of the the nuts and bolts right so let's go ahead and just control drag the nuts and bolts and i'm going to use the transfer tool to transfer it boom over to this object here and they should be chilling yeah right here okay so i'll take this and we'll just move it into place here okay i'll use the axis center tool and we'll get the axis right there in the middle boom perfect and let's just rotate this thing 90 degrees holding shift it's going to snap on those angles and we'll scale it down oop make sure we scale on y and scale it down so a lot of work a lot of detail work goes into recreating a photo like this so there's one there i'm going to control drag to to duplicate holding shift as well to snap on those angles and we'll bring it down here too just like that all right so we have both of those we can control drag these over to this side that's looking nice um now it looks like there's these bigger little bolt sections here that we might have to deal with a little later but this definitely gets us something here we can detail to the end of time but we don't have all the time in the world let's um i might model these guys once we lay the wires that way we know how big to make them um let's maybe try doing like this bit here that's holding the wires to the actual pole okay so let's group all this stuff first i'll call this wire box and we can leave it leave it where it is for now so we're building out all these pieces right so next let's do this little like cylinder thing here how are we going to make this it looks like it's kind of hollow maybe we can make it from a couple different parts that might be the best way to do this so i'm seeing a cylinder let's do cylinder we can make it plus x orientation right scale it down so they're pretty they're pretty small it's probably something like this right it looks like it's sticking out like there something like that okay i'll give that 32 segments again we'll hit nb for wireframe to see what's going on rotational segments we we can zero out so let's make that editable so that's like the base right here it's very hard to see but that's the base of this thing and then this piece i think we can just create um with some custom geometry so i'm holding control and i'm gonna spawn a cube and it'll spawn it right in place of that cylinder okay so what i'm seeing here is something [Music] along these lines like this all right let's make that editable i'm gonna hit c alright now it looks like if i if i make some cuts here in line mode let's grab both of these little bits here okay i'm gonna hit d for extrude and we'll extrude this out and we'll move them down and it looks like they're also scaled down like this and we want to orient each one of these bits here we want to do per object manipulation hopefully this works nope we've got to do it by one by one we want to rotate this 90 degrees and this other one by 90 degrees so that we can just extrude and touch down on that cylinder so hitting d to extrude to get to that cylinder and it looks like we want to extrude one more time and scale them in but don't worry about why we just want to scale them in like this and hitting i'm hitting s to snap my viewport to the object if it gets all off you're like oh i can't find it you just hit s and it'll it'll line up cinema 4d will also orient around anything that you have that your mouse is hovering over so when you're orienting around with your mouse i'm holding alt and clicking it's going to organize around this bit if you want to orient around this cylinder you just hover your mouse over that bit scribble of life um scribble of life i appreciate you man i'm glad i'm glad you're enjoying this okay so we want to scale this sil or this cube a little bit so i'm just gonna let's see we want to scale it on the x something like that and you'll just set it in there and we'll probably add a bolt to fit right in there so let's go back to that wire box grab one of those nuts and bolts ctrl drag and i'm going to use the transfer tool to transfer it boom yeah that that works right here holding shift 90 degrees skill the crap out of this thing make sure you're scaling on y so it's hitting everything and just sit it right in there and that's going to look like a nice little bolt structure there the last thing we need to do is bevel our edges here and this technically i feel like this needs a cut it's not the best geometry to be honest with you guys my modeling skills are not the best i am kind of just getting by just by cheating so i'm gonna make a cut um from here to here i think or maybe i don't know what the best way to do this is yeah let's go to point mode and let's go to line cut let's go one there one there same here one there and one there wait why did i make a cut there that wasn't supposed to happen oh oh it's cutting through everything okay the line tool is cutting through everything so we have to make sure when we select the line cut you do re um restrict to selection maybe visible only that's what we want visible only so we're going to go inside to outside inside to outside all right and then let's bevel this thing so holding shift will throw that bevel modifier in there it's going to look like some janky star wars aircraft but let's go like point one 0.02 and let's crank up the angle threshold ah man i might i might undo those lines i made technically the geometry isn't it's not sound but it's such a tiny piece and it just feels better already sweet hey chris what's up dude what's up chris if you guys don't know chris he runs rocket lasso and also does live streams i believe on wednesday he's the dynamic master so when it comes to like c4d physics and dynamics and springs and connectors he is the guy definitely check out his stuff um good to have you man good to have you so we're making uh chris we're making this photo here and for anyone else who just joined we're recreating this photo and we're modeling all these little tiny bits um we should probably wrap that bit up here in the next five minutes or so we can get so we can get to these wires and i'm actually using a plug-in called toppo wire or topo wire i think topo wire is probably how it's pronounced and it's really cool it's actually really easy to get dynamic wires going but we might use a combination of that and just some straight up c4d splines because if you look closely these wires are following a very specific path and the top of wire is good for like a ton of wires dynamic wires that just need to be like fit into your scene you don't have too much control over them but we're going to need to actually control these wires so we're going to come in here with splines and just kind of like you know mock this up let's just wrap up this modeling section here um let's see okay we got this little guy this connector guy so let's go ahead and group all that stuff together one two three these guys boom we'll call that connector sweet and that'll be duplicated a few times um all right anything else anything else that like really needs to be done modeling wise we got these main like modules here and here and i i think we're good actually like that can just be a rectangle or this little box duplicated and as far as like this stuff those are all just cubes you know that's just cubes and cylinders so let's set up our camera angle and let's start placing these objects and getting the wires correct all right because i think that that's just definitely going to take a minute getting these wires down so let's let's get there alright so i know for a fact that i was on the ground when i took this we are not underneath the ground here so what i'm gonna do is actually create a camera all right um there's a little camera button here we can pilot the camera so we're inside and let's put a constraint tag on it i'm going to right click and go uh where would it be rigging uh protection a protection tag that's totally gonna work for us and we're locking things it's locking down everything i can't move it i can't rotate or anything so position all right position we want to lock just the y axis the x and z we want to be able to move around okay and then the the rotation we don't need to lock the rotation at all so this keeps the camera on the ground right i can move basically any which way i want but i can't go underneath the ground right that's so that's really going to help us here i'm zooming out and by zooming out i'm walking backwards and i know i took this on a 24 mil lens so i'm gonna go 24 and just line it up here you know so it's probably now maybe maybe this is taller all right let's try let's try 35 that way our our angle isn't as extreme but now i feel like now we gotta go we gotta go 24 because that's that's how the image was shot i know it's also in two three so we'll do uh uh what is it 900 by 600. a 2 3 image and a pro tip for you guys there's a photographer mark edward harris he actually put together um a photo book one of my favorite photo books it's called what is it the uh the way of the japanese bath absolutely incredible i put some of his his images on my instagram and i went to his class i went to one of his classes at sami's camera and he talked about um your portfolio as a photographer and he said one of like one of the most professional looking aesthetically looking things you can do when you're presenting your portfolio is keep your your aspect ratio for your photos consistent they should be all the same right so that's really why on my instagram i try and keep my aspect ratio the same i'll either do 2 3 which this camera here is a niker matt ftn film camera this camera will um take images at a two three aspect ratio and you know i just i just don't edit them when i upload them upload them in their native format same for you know my uh my a7 my a7r ii which i took this photo on so this is a um it also takes photos into three so you want to keep your aspect ratio consistent when you're putting together like your photography portfolio that's a good good tip from from mark edward harris check him out he's on instagram as well okay um let's get this module box up a little higher the circuit box will move that up something like there um this where where are you okay oh by the way ctrl shift z will undo camera moves this piece comes down to somewhere like here and i'm actually going to draw some lines just to have it i'm going to make a cylinder and let's put that cylinder let's see here let's put the cylinder on plus x orientation i am going to get the radius way down and just make it really long this is going to help us framing right and then i'm going to hold ctrl and go 90 with that i believe that's how it's set up it might be a bit harsher of an angle you know i feel like it's a bit harsher of an angle something like that and then i'm willing to bet if i hold ctrl make another one and we go 90 that these guys are going off into the distance here so i can move this like up and that gives us just an idea of like what our framing should look like imma zoom in get a little closer and somewhere along these lines here i might i may have zoomed in i may not have been at a full 24. we can try 28. remember which one we want to see the back of this uh of this circuit box not the direct side but just like the back side there so that kind of gives us we're getting these clues in our image as to you know what's going on and also this street light might be angled a bit more towards the street so if i hop out of the camera and i'm just going to turn that off in viewport we zoom in let's grab this bit it's actually our entire lamp post so we want to rotate our lamp post from the exact middle you can see how it's way off when i'm rotating this you see that i want to be able to rotate it around the the center of this pole zero zero so what we can do is i wonder if this works if i hit the axis gizmo and reset psr no that moves everything so then what i would do you can actually just type the numbers in zero zero zero with the axis tool selected and what on earth for some reason zero is off center for us huh that's not right okay so for the lamp post maybe if we go to the um the access center tool maybe we can use this and say we want to go all the way towards x all right so we'll go all the way towards x hundred percent and we'll go to the very bottom so minus y that takes us to about that point but i feel like that's still not zero zero because if we rotate this you can see how it disappears it goes into the structure it's just weird i feel like i don't know how to reset this um x should go to zero yeah that's not zero unfortunately i'm gonna have to do this by eye because i don't have the answer i bet you chris knows all right i'm gonna hit l yep gizmo tool selected and we're just gonna get this right to the center point the dumb way we're doing it the dumb way all right boom that's at the center and now when we rotate you can see how it just it works all the way around so the whole point of this let's go back to camera and just orient this a little bit over also one thing to note this light is just off center but in our image the light is pretty far out to the left so i think we can actually scale our lamp post down a bit and this is a case actually where our gizmo we want our gizmo to be um not where it is actually so maybe we can go into lamp post select both of those group those and change this axis let's hop out of camera we're gonna scale it down a little bit and move it out a little bit we'll see if that works for us and we'll go back to the lamp post and just rotate it that feels about right something like like that i can get rid of these guys sweet i think this is gonna be pretty fun get some nice volumetric light going here and we can always reframe this that's the thing is like i'm just kind of framing it up so i can see what's going on and after the fact you know find the best angle you don't have to match the photo exactly but reuben hey thanks for the super chat buddy appreciate you man um yeah all you guys dropping these super chats it helps out a lot it really does um doing these streams takes a lot of time i got a lot of prep work and um you know i'm obviously working on this during the week too so it all really helps i appreciate you guys um okay so you guys were telling me i was in object space i need to be in world space when i zero out my gizmo good good tip that was a basic one i should know that all right um renee i think that's how you say her name um what made me want to specialize in cinema 4d i'm starting in blender but when i'm seeing pros like you makes makes me question there's going to be pros in every program i promise you um and i'm certainly not a pro i'd say i'm intermediate but i appreciate that um there are going to be pros in every single program there's always going to be someone better you better than you and this would be someone not as skilled as you no matter where you're at in life so don't let that discourage you um i i know that ian hubert is a master when it comes to blender so you just need to check out his stuff ian hubert um i think mr was it robot soup i think is his channel just look up ian hubert you'll see um he's absolutely absolutely incredible and um yeah if blender's free so you know why not dive in but i love cinema because i've been using it for a long time it was my first 3d like real 3d program and yeah like i'm just very familiar with it i like a lot of the tools that it has all the mograph tools are just like the best its dynamics are really easy makes it very simple um i freaking love it yeah and they hooked me up too freaking um paul at max on what a what a guy yeah he helps me out helps support the passion so i appreciate them very much maxon is a really cool company it feels like a family it's nice okay let's get these little modules in place god dang reuben thanks dude um thanks for stopping by i'll see you next time man this this stream will be up on youtube uh when i when i when i cut it off in like the next hour and a half or so um so come back and check it out but thanks brother catch you later all right um let's uh let's grab this connector and we see that there's lines up here something like this right and we will work these these little bits in let's go back to world space set that gizmo right we'll zero that out boom now i can move it around this pole and it'll just perfectly stick all right so the wires let's see the wires what's the best way to do the wires i'm thinking these thin ones like one two three four five six all of this stuff we're just gonna i think we're just gonna use splines and duplicate these splines so let me hop into top view real quick then i'll get rid of my plane just for a second so i can actually get a better view of what's going on i can hide our figure so i can see what's going on okay that module's there okay that this is all fine now let's let's see all right so let's go ahead and grab the spline pen tool and we actually let's see we can go linear on these on these splines and i'm thinking we're gonna start everything from zero zero all right we can always adjust that later and then i'm just gonna take this out in a direction maybe this direction who knows and we'll hit escape and we'll just make sure that this hits zero cool now back in our main view that's i'm gonna be on the ground all right so let's just make sure we select the whole thing in object mode and i'm gonna hit s to snap to it and we'll pick it up i'll pick it up sweet alright so now we can actually control boom um this this spline here um and i'm probably going to control it in top view and just see what it does in perspective view okay so it looks like they're trailing off in i don't know this direction here something like this right and we want to thicken up these wires these wires aren't just um splines they need to be geometry because when we render this thing let's let's give it a quick render all right let's um [Music] let's give it some sort of evening hdri image let's try this sunset campus and it should oh i see what's going on okay i'm just gonna grab um i have two octane skies going on one of them is just the background image set to visible environment so i'm gonna change this color to you know something like that and let's let's actually hide it for a second so we can see our first hdri and it's dark this is an old hdri oh it's power set to 0.1 there we go and then we'll bring our background back in yeah something like something like that we can move the hdri around but i think it was at the right angle actually kind of backlit yeah i'm just gonna bring [Music] no this is fine this is this is a perfect example of what we're going for okay so you can see how we have the spline but we don't see it in our in our render it's very easy to fix so you basically want to thicken it up and you can do so by dropping in a circle spline okay let me hop out of camera and i'll actually check camera so back in in octane i'll make sure check camera is unchecked then we'll hop out and now our view our uh the live view is still live or something's happening to it i don't know what happened um but let's just move this thing up here all right so we're going to move the circle spline generally up in the area of the spline we'll rotate it i'm going to pause the live viewer let's go 90 degrees holding shift okay and i'm going to scale this thing down and this will determine the thickness of our spline okay so with both the spline and the circle selected i'm going to do what ctrl alt okay and then we'll throw it into a sweep and now when we adjust the thickness of this spline you can actually see it show up as geometry here in the render let's reload it yeah there it is so we'll head back into camera view we'll check the camera yeah and there you go we got that geometry showing up let me throw a like a darker texture on everything just so we can see our silhouette all right so i know we have a ton of wires so i'm going to make a folder called wires and we'll do one called uh thin thin wires and then we'll have a thicker wires folder but we'll do that later and then we can do like these modules and circuit boxes and wire boxes and connectors and fasteners we will just put this in its own geometry and we'll call this like uh detail then we have the lamp post telephone pole and ladder rungs ladder rungs can go in detail i usually try and keep my stuff as organized as possible when doing all this um so how's everybody doing you guys following along enjoying yourselves give me a little thumbs up in the chat if you guys are hanging in all right feel free to ask any questions just at me here at punisher um i see a question have i ever used houdini i have not i have not used houdini i'm spending my points in unreal engine right now that's what i'm learning tila yeah here's the thing topo wire all right i definitely feel i feel it for sure but here's the thing topple wire you don't have control over stuff like like this where it turns and bends and everything right and goes into very specific points um i i wonder though i wonder like hmm because with with topo wire i'm sorry i was referencing something you guys couldn't even see these bends in turns and stuff or even more intricately like these wires that are wrapping around the thicker wires or the combination of wires so you have doubled up wires and stuff i'm just wondering if i can have the control with topo wire um so this is this is a tough one you know we can we can go down two different paths at this point you're like what's the best way to do this i feel like maybe top of wire for some of this stuff but like these loops yeah maybe hmm alex thank you buddy thank you for the super chat much appreciated thanks for helping out um i'm excited to see the results too enjoy that coffee yeah all right so it looks like we don't have enough control with top of wire it's what at least what the chat is agreeing with because it's really cool topple wire is awesome like you know you can do some cool stuff let me just show you guys so basically if i throw these two spheres um if i make a topo wire and then i throw these two spheres underneath it's going to make like this geometry right and then you can actually take this and let's see you can sag it which is super cool it'll sag down so i feel like this is good for like background stuff or just for you know whatever the heck this is this is awesome you can take the direction and kind of pinch them together and maybe get rid of some wires if you don't want the danglies you can distance limit the distance at some point they should go away but not for me and then it's actually you can make it uh dynamic too which is really cool um jamie that's a good question oh matthew that's a good question too oh man lots of good questions all right so i got i got three legit questions here um we'll start from the top how do you select an inspiration to work upon for example this photo here this photo i took while i was on a walk i knew i saw this and i was like this is cool i was listening to some music actually the song is playing in my bone phones is the same song i was listening to when i took this picture that's weird anyway um you know i was just inspired by the the the landscape around me i have been trying to learn unreal engine for the last month and a half i've been working at that so like these things are on the top of my mind i'm focusing on those things so those things are kind of up at the top of my brain i see something i'm like oh i want to recreate this i want to make this look real i want to set this to a song i want to make like a moody scene so um that's definitely how i'm going around like taking pictures and coming up with that stuff next question what games am i excited for that are coming out this year i'm hyped for halo infinite um okay so i am playing the last of us two right now and it is so good oh my god i i am in love with that game right now i cannot wait to see what happens i'm like seven eight hours in maybe nine hours in yeah it's so good and then ghost of tsushima i am very excited for but i'll play that after i beat last of us too um and then jamie last question hey man thanks for the stream what do you do um when a uh okay what do you do when a project burns you out example the storyboard changes when you're already deep into the project thanks for the wholesome c4d tips all right so yeah definitely take breaks take as many breaks as you can get outside try and work out that helps me out a lot get active get your sweat on that helps me out a whole bunch um just in general as far as life goes but when a project burns me out and i'm just not enjoying it like it's tough yeah there's some jobs and some sometimes where it's just like i'm not enjoying this process but i promise you're gonna feel really good when you get it done it's gonna be like a huge weight off your shoulders if it's one of those projects um i know i've had a number of those in my life for sure um i think we all have but um fine try and find the thing that you enjoy and find the value in what you're doing if you can say to yourself oh like i may not enjoy what i'm doing right now but i'm learning and like i'm getting better for the future then just hang on to that you know what i mean and if and if a storyboard gets changed in the middle of something like i don't know maybe maybe that's like something you negotiate you renegotiate like look i did all this work this is what we negotiated on now you changed everything and i have to do all this extra work so that's extra fee you know so you can like the more you freelance or do your job the more you can like kind of work those things in your contract and stuff or just i think the more communication the better with that kind of stuff um and these bone phones these are trex air aeroplex i'll type it in here and they're the best i i don't have to say anything else they really are the best okay going back in let's um let's let's add a background all right this is the image we don't need that i'm just gonna add a white background so we can see where our wires are going okay and i'll just take this down to like point four so we can see what's going on all right and let's start duplicating these wires because after this is just texturing and lighting and we'll be good okay so let's see and all right let's uh let's zero out our gizmo okay and i'm just gonna start copy pasting this thing and start dragging it around so we have one about the base of of this guy coming down we have one a little lower um there's basically three in between the light post and this module here so there's one above there and then probably around there cool awesome so we can adjust the angle of these guys so let's grab these splines one two three go to top view we'll grab the end points okay for all three of those hopefully it should be all three there we go okay and it looks like let's see i just want to get these in place here and we'll angle them down because there's no way these lines are going straight this is probably something like that and they are going to the corner of the image actually something like this right and we can adjust each one a little bit something like that and like that now you you always want to use real world reference when you know recreating these photos because real life has a ton of details that you're not gonna know off the top of your head so um even just like the randomness and the wire and like all these little details and stuff that that just goes such a long way all right i'm reading the chat here i'm gonna going back and forth i appreciate you guys staying in here okay let's keep adding these these wires one two three all right so we got these three what about this one up here let's duplicate holding control and move this guy up about there okay and then we can hop back into our top view and grab this spline here and just come up with it just a little bit yeah something like that re-render the scene cool and we have some up here and we actually might use top of wire for these guys just to give them a little bit of sag um we could do it with a bezier curve but i think top of wire is going going to actually help us out in this situation so let's hop out of the camera for a second so let's see boom and let's make a cube or even a null now we can do a cube all right let's bring the cube up this will be one of our points up here and we're going to control drag our cube out this direction and maybe down a little bit i'll make that top of wire modifier there drop the cubes in okay and the wire the point count will just set to one i guess by two goes to default by two and we will drop our curvature down like this and let's hop into our camera and see what that looks like okay so taking that second cube let's bring it down somewhere right in there now if we adjust the curvature we can really get more sag with that it's not just a straight line okay and then let's make sure it's renderable looks like it is that looks great i'm gonna throw the same material on there cool it looks like there is another set just above okay so let's duplicate and move those up and now we adjust the top of wire uh let's see the distance limit so i feel like i'm getting something off here with the distance limit um [Music] maybe i need okay maybe i need more wires there we go there it is sweet and then we'll do a third one up top so ctrl dragging those cubes and we'll make sure we put more wires yikes um what editorial am i using abdul are you are you asking me or somebody else editorial what do you mean like this reference thing here this is pure ref i'm changing the seed to make sure i get the right look awesome feels about right to me not perfect but that's the idea all right so those are all the thin wires on that side let's just get these guys on the right okay so for that i might just use topo wire as well um let me let me try doing something cool here let's see let's uh zoom in we'll make a oh what's the best way to do this let's make a plane rotate at 90. scale it in and let's just scale it up the length of this telephone pole basically and we'll go ahead and zero out the width and height segments okay i'm going to make it editable so now we just have this like really thin strip and we'll go and let's just see let's see if this works let me copy this paste it over here make a top of wire and drop both of them in and let's see if i go to vertex right looks like it's going to connect these points here so if if we chop it if we chop the plane like there for instance will it draw a line okay we'll not draw a line from there unless it needs to be dropped in again nah that doesn't look like the case alright so that test did not work but that's okay let's go back to the spline method and we'll wrap this guy around this side and we'll see if we can get maybe some sort of sag in this by changing this to uh maybe adding a point in the middle or or just maybe maybe make it bezier and adjusting this bit here very subtle and it looks like it's bending there so we need to up the what is it uniform yeah we set it to uniform okay back into camera and let's rotate this out okay so this point here at the bottom if we bring this down it looks like it's coming out from this angle and hitting that corner yeah that's about right and we'll just copy and paste this up here so this will go maybe up to this point looks about right and it actually looks like this one starts like up here but maybe we'll do a second one or no that actually works something like that and then we have some wires off to this side so we'll take this sweep and we'll just start duplicating stuff so i'll go to like a side view cool so this view down here and we'll start duplicating this and we'll change the thickness of one of these we'll go like 0.35 just keep pushing it keep scaling and then back down to 0.19 i don't know i'm kind of obsessed with uh with light poles and telephone wires i just love all the detail that goes into them sweet that is awesome digging this so far now we have a couple lines that come out to the side here so we can probably get that by duplicating these two holding control and just going 180 on them and taking those end points one and two go back to top view grab both of those end points there let's see one two in point mode and we'll just pull them up so it looks like they're cutting across and these are actually sitting in front we'll we'll move all the wires in front because there's no such thing as a wire going straight into the middle of this thing they're all just kind of like on the outside of this pole so we'll move that once we have everything in place because it's really easy for us to you know rotate these lines and wires um from the center point right all right let's check in with you guys how's everybody doing could you add a displacement deformer under the spline to give the jiggle effect ah that'd be an interesting test yeah because if you look here you can see this like warbly effect here um maybe you might also be able to do that huh i don't think a displacement let's give it a test actually real quick i would like to test that so we want to see if we can get that warble effect and let's just do a spline we can do an arc whatever that's fine we'll drop a circle spline in and we'll just grab both of those hold ctrl alt throw it in a sweep scale the arc down okay so the idea is can we put a deformer in here to get some jiggly some jiggly jigs in here let's see if we hold shift and drop a displacer in okay that doesn't do it but maybe if we group those together like this give it some noise hey okay that's promising so that means if we take the global scale to like a thousand all right it's doing a weird thing where it's like making it thicker and skinnier in certain parts so i wonder hmm interesting interesting okay maybe let's take the global scale back down to 200 and we take the height to 0.1 maybe 0.2 we can kind of get some sort of detail in here maybe 0.5 is as far as we'd want to go but that gives us a little bit of like deformation in the actual pipe that's not bad i wonder if we use a different type of displacer if that would or if we crank the contrast you just don't want to go too intense with it and i wonder actually if there's a way to keep it uniform so we can do um the noise could be a certain type of noise maybe oh that's interesting yeah a lot of experimentation and testing we could do but i'm wondering if there's like a certain type of noise that's uniform that will allow us to like get more wavy turbulence maybe it's not bad yeah that i mean it's it gives you a little bit of something definitely so that's an interesting little detail that we might be able to mess with all right so let's talk about any other wires and then we'll place these modules and we'll do this little wire path here this main one boom boom we'll do that last but let's get like let's get this bit where it comes here and like loops around a couple times i wonder if we can do that with topo wire so let me let me try this let me go and spawn a sphere right in here too many spheres let's move this up hop out of camera view it's gonna be a lot easier to see so this will basically house our our wires here like right in here something like that and then we have a wire going up to this point up here so holding ctrl and just moving this to this point okay so let's see if this works i'm going to scale this sphere way down let's maybe actually make this sphere a a null i wonder if this will work with a null let's take both of those and put it in a topo wire looks like it doesn't work with a null so let's make it a cube scale the cube way down so you can kind of see the idea here we want one line going to a couple circles so let's go back to top of wire let's just set it to like two maybe ten and we'll give it some sag let's see uh under transform just a little something like that let's pinch the points together no we don't need that okay i think we just need we need to work the distance cut off something like that and then we'll take let's see we'll take the point count down to like five you whoa set to vertex that's intense so i'm just experimenting and messing around with these wires to see if there's like a an interesting look that works for us let's render and see what it looks like and we can uh we can lock our viewport and set this to like 0.5 and so you can actually like see the whole image that you're that you're putting out so this kind of works maybe not my favorite but you can see how top aware can help us in certain situations there is a draw function in c4d yeah um so you could maybe come into like a side view like this and sketch out like one and two right so those will be your splines and you would just have to line them up so let's see um hopping out of camera view take those splines something like that and then just give it a uh that same sweep so we'll make a circle drop those into the sweep bring the circle way down something like that you know you could do yeah i think you guys get the idea okay sweet what's up nicholas welcome welcome to the chat okay so we have most of our wires in place we just need to add some detail and stuff um specifically like this this bit of wiring here we need to control so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to come into top view and i'm going to hide all of our wires just so we get a clear view of what's going on let me let me get rid of grid view for a second so we'll go to filter work plane in this background we can get rid of two all right so we want to create this like cross hatch section of wire um what's the best way to do this so definitely it's it's like multiple wires coming from one side i think we definitely have like one foundational wire that's just going there it's like a little crisscross pattern um this is this is tough this is just like a lot of detail work here so we know we want let's go into wires grab our thin wires control drag one of these out let's just get the foundation right first okay so we'll go to our spline grab this line here so we can see what's going on and let's just try and line this up by eye for a second so this point is coming at from the bottom and this point is probably going off frame around here okay something like that and i can't tell if the other spline is it's probably above it's got to be above yeah that makes the most sense welcome visual we are doing splines by hand and man it's tough oh okay maybe we should use toppo wire for this like so if we have the main ones right like this and we set the radius to like point three on these guys i don't know i'm going to let the thickness be built up from additional splines okay and then let's grab another one of these okay and it looks like the additional splines are being added to the geometry of wires we already have in place okay so let's bring our back background back in and let's get this guy in place let's work in all of our detail as much as we can here um so i'm gonna hop out of camera to get this guy in place awesome all right so that's close i just want to get this center point like right right in here boom cool so now we can just rotate this thing god what oh no i was rotating geometry that's not good um wait i was rotating something in geometry i see i want this piece right here detail cylinder module and i want the gizmo to be centered to its midpoints i'll use the axis center tool let's reset this point center and execute so now it's right in the middle but why it's not switching man that's tough okay so i'm gonna have to do this by hand nope not working [Music] oh that's working there it is all right that's in place now so we should be able nah that's tough okay scorn dude appreciate you thanks for the super chat if i add the displaced deformer as a child the path spline it should work better assuming you have enough subdivisions add the displaced deformer as a child the passplan it should work better okay so you're saying it can actually deform the spline itself if there's enough subdivisions in the spline so let's give it a test this is the test we had let's put oh hey gilbert come here hey bud gilbert cat running around so you're saying to put this placer in here let's see oh is it is it moving the spline it should be moving the spline we'd like for it to move the spline we'll just take the contrast up like crazy oh yeah it's actually moving the spline that's cool but it's not moving it left and right so maybe we change this to there should be like an option so that's 2d but we want to go in left and right as well you know how to get it to go the other direction i'm not sure but this is actually pretty promising this is nice um so then we could change the contrast back to zero choose a different kind of displacement and smooth it out so we'll take our arc and give it uh there we go that's really cool that's fun oh that's that's awesome and you can probably animate all this stuff too it looks like music or electricity ooh you could do uh electricity if you give it like um like an emissive material oh that could be sweet that's fun thanks corn super cool nice maybe we can mess with that later when we add some detail in here but let's let's get this main bit down this is like the toughest bit of detail all right so this guy needs to move let's see uh but here's the thing so this little module it's not 2d we actually want to see one side of it like this so we need to move that means we need to move this cylinder around and hopefully if i include this bit the cylinder module in the spline we can just rotate it all together so these two sweep one and two there's just so much stuff going on we'll zero out all that and there we go so now we're actually seeing into that cylinder cool that feels that feels correct something like that awesome this is a lot of work guys i hear you guys on the spline thing i got to focus on just getting these wires placed first that's the most important thing otherwise we're here till next christmas these things always go so long i'm gonna try and get out here in three hours that gives me one more hour to texture and light and render this thing but we'll do what we can um also for you for those of you who don't know next week i'm gonna be taking this scene and trying to get um similar results in unreal engine okay because i'm i'm good with with octane and cinema i just need i need to apply the same things and get the same quality out of unreal so this will be a nice experiment that's next week okay and i'm going to get some volumetric fog some real time volumetric fog going and try and get some particles and flies and or not flies they would be like moths or something underneath this light and it'd be nice to get my phone hooked up to unreal engine to be able to film you know this this scene all all in real time so i think that'd be sweet that's next week all right let's get this last little bit here i want to rotate this down just a hair awesome okay so now let's make this intersection this uh little guy is helping out and there's wires coming out of this curving around this bit right here boom going this way so it's this intersection that we need to draw a wire around um and there's like i feel like there's a there's a whole bunch of wires and intersection intersectory bits in this but this square right here is where all of this stuff is really happening okay so let's hop out of the camera and see [Music] what's going on all right so this is this is confusing this is very confusing oh boy yeah i don't know oh i don't know where these wires are in 3d space that's the issue it looks like this wire is definitely going off to the left and connected to this bit so that's going left and then but but this is taking a hard turn off in this direction i just need to make sense of this and it's going down off in that direction so really what's happening is it's coming off of this bit here and making a turn that way and then let's see okay so it looks like there's an intersection and this is not connected to the light pole it looks like it's actually connected god this is confusing it looks like this is actually connected to this bit here and it's just coming off of that and that's what's causing our intersection there so this would need to be bigger than this can come up a little bit more or no i wouldn't be up it would be maybe it would be up so it's doing it looks like it's doing something like that dude wires are confusing these get pushed out oh no they need to continue on their on their path otherwise this bit gets off so something like that and then these guys got to go this way all right it's getting closer alex why is my second oh no jacob why is the the second after effects icon white that's because it's after effects beta that's where you're getting that rotobrush 2 for you guys for those of you guys using after effects you can get to it through creative cloud [Music] and let's see on the i just wanna make sure this thing doesn't have my email all that stuff okay yeah should be good so on the left you should see beta apps and then you can download after effects beta and that's what has rotobrush 2 hooked up and everything so definitely be checking that stuff out i know that um windbush put out a tutorial on how to use it so check out wimbush's channel for that okay let's let's start doing this um let's just go in here and see how this is gonna work um let's take let's take this guy ctrl drag him down just a little bit and we're gonna thicken this wire up times like five so it's this bottom one sweet all right this will be under thick wires and we'll give this like a point six yeah so much thicker all right um and we're just going to start moving these points around and we want it to curve into this cylinder here so whenever i can just control drag this awesome and we'll just get it right right in there i'm hoping i can change the style of this and actually like maybe shift-click both of these and go soft yeah and it'll just go right in awesome and we just you know we just build it up so using this as a reference you know we're just gonna keep working on this um so it looks like we have a thicker wire coming out the back end of this so i can continue this wire through man this feels like a cornelius dominic render this is this is deep cool we got that one point selected i'm going to ctrl drag it out and through to this side here and this will actually just go all the way down all right so we have it looks like this module this box right here is fixed to this rung here and we want to lead some wires from this out to that main little little hub there just like this all right so we'll spawn let's do a little wire um let's grab a thin wire i'll bring this down and i wonder if we can use the transfer tool we can awesome so we can use the transfer tool on spline points that's very helpful we'll grab this guy and see if we can't we want to wire it from this point down to the intersection it looks like this is man this is so deep this is so deep like the the amount of detail on this is honestly scary and painful there's got to be an easier way it's just too much all right so we got that there let's see if we can connect this down into actually down and around so we'll go here i'm going to control drag out a little bit and just connect it here to this bit and send it down the line and then hopefully we should be able to take that spline and set it to like cubic nope b spline kind of works um maybe linear and then just selecting these two corner ones and setting them to soft is yeah looks like the best way to go let's go back in the camera and see what we got oh my goodness oh that is that is tough guys we have so much to do to get this and i don't think we can do it here on the stream this is just hours and hours of work you guys see how much time is put into this stuff oh maybe it'd be worthwhile to put together some like sort of construction wire plug-in for cinema 4d something where like you can easily draw something out there's got to be a workflow for this it'd be nice to figure that out but i don't think i'm gonna figure it out here today on the stream but you guys get the idea you can see how intense this this whole wire setup can be i i think i'm going to maybe just drop one more wire in across the top and then move on to texturing and lighting because i need to get out of here by one at least so i can get on that custom hdri tutorial for you guys goes live on tuesday all right visual he says i think what might have helped would have been building the light and wires at right angles like they would be in real life and then messing with your camera to get the perspective yeah i think so man yeah getting the right angles and and then tweaking it from there because like there are some angles that are off but for the most part yeah i think the right angle method is probably the way to go on this yeah and just build it all out from like a top view you know build out a couple different structures from top view all right i'm going to do one last one last wire i'm just going to like take this guy will duplicate and i'm going to just change the thickness and we'll do the same for this one here and we can always come back in and add all that good detail that really makes this feel real you know um lastly i'm going to just get in here and make sure that this stuff is included because i'm all the modeled it out you know um so might as well add that stuff okay um evolver yo what's up chris thank you sir i appreciate you very much very very much you've been very kind to me you've helped me out with unreal engine helping me get that photo real look i'm trying to go for man so thank you so much next week i'm dropping this scene into unreal to try and bring it to the next level but we're gonna we're gonna light it and texture it here in octane right now at least after i get these little bits in place so real quick let me just go to my geometry detail and it should be in here somewhere fastener yeah it's this fastener all right so i'm gonna hop out of the camera and just place these things around so roughly we got one there we got one here and we got one up here cool um and then i want to take these blinds and make sure that the wires are actually in front of this pole so i'm going to grab these points right in the middle and bring them out and yeah these these are definitely on right angles oh john malcolm okay perspective crop in photoshop to flatten out the wire layout to make a plan view might actually have helped that's a cool idea down for that and then you can actually import the splines from photoshop man that's the way to do it ah that's the way to do it i was using it for the corridor um domino video too man definitely the way to go i might i might redo this when i have some free time this week is going to be insane i'm trying to crank hard so i can go on vacation next week oh um all right let's just keep tweaking these last little bits cool all right um let's get these backside ones here might be able to select all three at once all right last bit i'm going to place this guy cool that'll do it okay let's uh let's lighten texture this thing so as far as lighting goes personally i enjoy this lighting setup right here um i like to see i mean it's kind of it's kind of like the opposite you know it's you have the light background with the dark wires this one you have the dark background with the light wires so it all kind of depends on the vibe we want to go for but i want to try and get this look right now all right so let's start texturing this thing i'm first i'm going to start with uh just by going to bridge and grabbing this like wood beam texture and they might have i mean i was looking for something like a light post or a light pole but they don't really have one they have square ones but we'll find something all right oh nice we got some classic horse manure a green bell pepper this trash can doesn't look that good honestly huh i'm surprised whoa yes ice cliffs yes ginger yes i love ginger dude mega skins is the best yo they got snowy stuff all right i love it when they put out new stuff cool they got daggers all right now we're back to the normal stuff okay so let's try 3d assets i i may have actually saved some of these um [Music] favorites maybe nope okay 3d assets would i think it was like all the way at the bottom you have like these these old boards and then you have these guys right here the worn wooden beams and you might be able to use this and kind of stack them up so they're about a little taller than a person so you could probably get away with three or four stacking three or four to get this look um otherwise like we could just look for a let me actually let me heart these favorite these in case we want to come back um [Music] we could do a just a surface so instead of 3d assets we just go to surfaces and we go to wood i guess it would be um other we need something really worn down [Music] and none of these really feel like they're doing it for me maybe bored but i still feel like no this isn't gonna work for us log all right here we go but it's like one log it's not just a bunch of logs this might work old log wall might work for us this one this one here yeah this might work for us we just don't want to make sure it's tiled too closely we want something a little larger so we can search for all sizes we can search for like a meter to two maybe two to four meters and it looks like we only have a meter to two to work with which we might be better off just using the 3d scan hmm let's try the 3d scan so let's go back to the favorites here let's grab these guys download settings we want material preset for it's offline specular lot zero level of detail yeah we want all that good stuff let's download it we'll do the same here and download it so we'll let that do its thing um anything else i think i think the other stuff we can actually use grayscale gorilla's everyday material pack and you know just get that metal going so maybe we'll i think i lost connection for a second i should be back if you guys hear me just give me a little thumbs up i think i'm i'm good to go um but yeah if you guys are using octane you have access to the live db viewer here so we'll open that up sweet awesome thanks guys so this is the live db viewer um you can search anything you want with octane and there's like a whole bunch of textures made by the community for you to download but i'm going to be using the everyday materials collection from grayscale gorilla and once this is done freezing here we go car paint let's just go to metal and grab some warn something hmm we could try this rusted metal o6 right here let's try this guy so i'm going to right click download it it'll pop right in and then we'll try this iron corroded look too we'll download that sweet so they're just right down here and we drop just drop them on let's actually hop out of camera view to see what's going on now we need to get the mapping correct so i'm going to go into the material and we want to adjust the way it's projected so i'm going to grab a projection node and just pipe the projection node into all these guys and we're just going to set it to box and that's gonna flatten it out make it look real nice so you can see how it just makes it a bit more uniform right and did we bevel this we didn't wait i feel like we did not bevel this thing we did apparently i guess we did let's grab these guys and we can honestly just hit it with like a matte black 0.1 down the board roughness we can go like 0.3 maybe 0.01 is closer to what we're going for yeah it just basically black out those little bits but i'm leaving a little bit of gloss so we can catch some of the light there um these metal steps these look to be let's see here a little glossy definitely rusted and crusty so let me grab that iron and do the same projection tweak to these and we'll just distribute these two textures across all of our like metal detail okay very nice and we can oh that's that's really nice i feel like that's more like it yeah okay so let me let me see here ladder rungs i'm just going to apply that rusted material to the entire ladder run cloner and it looks like it needs to be scaled way down so we'll take the tiling up to like 10. maybe 100 is that doing anything okay maybe it just needs to go back to one yep very nice all right let's get like a rubber material for this like or a plastic for these two these little housings so i'm going to go back into the live db viewer and let's go to would it be organics or where is it plastics maybe like a black plastic aged that's not bad or this rubber maybe i'm gonna try for the rubber and we'll hop into here and we'll definitely give the rubber that uh that projection adjustment that's the only thing with all of these you just need to give it the projection adjustment so it works properly boom okay and we'll apply this to this guy so that's shining nicely and i swear i had some top pieces with this like where did they go oh they just didn't get scaled up or anything um maybe grab those and scale them up a little bit there we go cool and then we'll do the same for this guy over here boom so that's shining nicely cool and i think we can just apply this material to the wires too because it looks like a nice little wire material i like it a lot so let's just take everything that makes up these wires okay and i'm going to apply this rubber material to the wires so it has a nice like glossy material set up like that okay so far so good let's get this little module this box here which is just floating in the air i guess oh because i moved that one wire okay yeah let's adjust this the wire box cool then we'll take this spline and adjust that as well yeah right about there sweet why is my rtx off you know i just got this rtx card how do i what do you mean off how do i turn it on jacob help me yeah what do you mean the stream is lagging are you guys doing all right octane device settings settings post settings account other i might just have to look this up later unless you can tell me exactly where it is device gpu render priority device settings i have never been in this menu use rtx acceleration huh nice yeah i've never been in this menu well let me know um whoa wait what well that's way faster crazy okay thanks appreciate it all right just texturing these guys up awesome all right and then for the actual light pole i'm going to copy the iron texture and tweak it a little bit because it's a bit too shiny because we want to go for more of like a plastic look all right so let's open up this iron i'm just gonna put this up into this window here cool alright so i just want to adjust the roughness so we'll take the roughness up to like 2.5 or something and we'll take the rgb and i want to just drop some of the contrast so i'll do color correction actually it's probably going to be more of a gradient and we'll take the black and make it a dark gray instead cool all right let's hop back into camera view and see what we're looking at now the last thing is definitely the wood um pole here so we want to make sure we get that right um let's go back to bridge and see yep our materials are downloaded now we just need to export them right so we'll go to export settings we don't want unreal right now we want cinema 4d yep yep and grab both of those and export you guys hanging in doing all right we're almost done here we're going to wrap up the texture get the lighting nice and then we'll export and or rather we'll render and while we render um i'll announce the winners of this week's um i always forget then of this week's weekly challenge i will announce the winners of this week's weekly challenge and issue out the next challenge and then we'll just maybe drop the render into photoshop and see what we can do and call it a day all right so those are importing in right now all right so we got our wood beam in here it doesn't actually look that nice i wonder why usually octane or usually uh huh mega scans is looking real nice hmm maybe we will have to go with the service because this does not look good now it might be my lighting so let me let me just give it a shot here um [Music] let's take our centerpiece all right and then we'll actually zero out let's hide the center piece let's zero this back out and we want to scale this up so it matches the original size okay we have to hide that with a bunch of stuff i i think i'm just gonna find a service that works better for us so you know we looked we looked at mega scans we didn't really find much let's see if rd textures will help us so let's go textures real displacement textures and like let's look at their overview here and find their wood um shoot i may not have their wood materials yeah it doesn't look like the case let's try polygon good old andrew price go to wood um [Music] old wood no not really what's in other nope planks maybe nah i think bridge is probably our best bet now so let's go back to wood and i believe it was plank it was one of these at least i'm pretty sure it was one of these it's gilbert hey bud oh we're trying to find our wood texture all right gilbert oh hey bud all right let's try and find this wood all right i think it was on our board wooden paneling this might work um let's download this yeah that's a good one and then maybe there's another i guess that's the one huh that's the one let's give it a shot oh and export sweet oh man 19 year old cat that's crazy gilbert is not even one yet my my other cat passed at about 10. and that was last year so that's awesome we have a 19 year old cat that is crazy huh noah no he's 10. okay let's get that cylinder back in here boom all right let me hide the floor and let's see if we can't get something nice going here drop the wood texture on and the mapping is is off so let's go in i'm gonna change this to octane glossy let's go in here and we just need to put that projection node on all this stuff and set the projection to box that way it kind of makes everything uniform and when you have displacement hooked up in octane it will not work oh actually wait no i have to do this the other way oh wait no there is no displacement never mind we're good but maybe i think for this i need displacement yeah i think we need displacement for this one so in that case this box projection will not work we'll throw a displacement node down and we'll link up our displacement okay so now let's see let's set the mid level to 0.5 and we'll set it to 8k resolution height of 4 inches yeah that's fine for now let's go to the material here in our objects panel and let's scale it down here okay let's set the two let's try cubic yep that already looks nicer and i wonder if we can scale it so let's try tiling it twice or maybe 1.5 we don't want to see the repetitions all right we'll take the iron and i want to darken up this texture a little bit it's a little too bright for me and i might actually brighten up the wood man you really can't beat this this worn um wooden post this wooden beam i think really the best way to do this is like either go to rd textures and download some of their stuff or photo scan something yourself because that's really nice i'm certainly missing that here and i think getting that right getting that detail is really going to help bring this whole thing together but we'll see what we can do here again lighting wise i want to go for something more like this all right so let's set our background color or even our octane sky let's just set our octane sky to a color instead and i'm just going to sample yep that dark gray there and i'm really going to crank this light so this is an emissive texture but we want to get it something like this and we might even have to cheat it but we'll see here now this is perfect the light is right above all the stuff it should catch it real nice so we'll go to the emissive material and let's crank this to like a thousand already that's looking cool it's catching those those bits nicely and i'm also wondering too we can probably cheat it where we do let me actually add an octane camera this is my favorite part once we have everything ready to go and lighting once we get to lighting oh this is where it all comes together let's check the camera imager tab i always uh maybe maybe we can do a color correction bit we need to do like kodachrome okay that's yeah definitely too intense but that's because i think we have to go to 2.2 yeah sweet all right we'll do saturate to white um we'll set that to 0.2 because if i give the light kind of a greenish tint let's see we can tint the light actually and but we want glow so i'm going to go post processing and glare blur will set the one and let's do bloom power of like five so this is too blown out obviously and we want something more along the lines of this right here so maybe 2.5 and it would just be 2.5 divided by 2. so like 1.75 but that star is really intense and you'd want to get this close um i know that uh that unreal engine has a really nice lens flare kind of effect maybe we angle this yeah something like that or we go somewhere like that you know you can mess with that stuff but maybe we give it like kind of an anamorphic look um but let's change the color of this light so let's go into our node editor and grab an rgb spectrum and we'll give it like uh let's see we'll set this to kind of like a tungsten cool yeah um maybe dial it back a little bit we can try green like a fluorescent that's kind of cool i feel like our bloom is a little intense that's cool i want to be able to see the detail in there you know all right this is looking cool i like this so adding some fog will actually really make this nice but before we do that i just want to see if i can't beef up this light a little bit more so i'm going to make an octane area light and let's see if we can't yeah let's just make an octane area light let's bring it up like two meters i want to get it right in place you know there's a better way to do this i'm gonna click that light right there the lamp post hold control then make oh it won't work weird we'll use the transfer tool that won't work weird all right um we'll just manually get this light in place then i guess something like that rotate it 90. and then come up with it and we'll give it a a spherical kind of map here let's do what is the details rectangle um disk that works so it's just kind of beefing up the light and we can go to visibility and make it just not camera visible right and we'll we'll want to make sure that the light color matches with our emissive color so i'll take this rgb spectrum copy it go to our light node view paste it in and just make sure we pop that into texture so it's the same color now there is a way to do volumetric lighting here um let me see i actually think it's with a with a spotlight an octane spotlight but maybe what we can do is give it a little fog volume so let's save it and actually i'm going to give it just a bit of vignette that's nice cool and then for the fog volume basically we'll make a object octane fog volume let's pause the renderer for a second and hop out of camera view and when i make a octane fog volume it will crash your system pretty quick so take the voxel size editor up to like 100 and let's get this fog right under the light and fill our scene with it just grow these bounds here something like that then we can hide the fog volume from view hop back into camera view and we just want something very subtle here so right off the top it just turns black because it's so thick um so we'll go to medium hop in here set the density to like 0.1 that's way too much um so scattering and absorption let's we might be able to leave those as is but we'll take density to 0.01 0.000 maybe and just something very very subtle up here is going to go a long way and the beauty of unreal engine is the fact that it does this kind of stuff so fast um it knocks it out immediately so that'll be next week we'll go over how to do that in octane but this isn't bad you know like we can definitely do with a lot more wires um i'm wondering if instead of a volume we could do um an octane spotlight and we'll move the octane spotlight right underneath you can see how it by default comes in with like this volumetric effect you can actually control the spread let's see if we have any control over this volumetric effect here um we definitely let's see visibility i guess it needs to be visible i haven't really used these too much so i don't know what effect to mess with um and i don't know if it's under light settings oh yeah uh no the light medium so it's a similar setup ah but i'm not the biggest fan of that it doesn't look doesn't really look good let's bring our volume back in and i think the rest we can do in photoshop with some color correction just messing with my light settings the intensity of the light and everything it's actually really cool now i don't use denoiser too much because i do like the um i'll only use the denoiser if i'm in a rush obviously i'm not really in a rush um so i'm gonna let this render here um and then we'll we'll make it look nice in photoshop so let me just set this up we'll do like uh i don't know two thousand by twelve hundred current frame i'll leave the vignette for photoshop so i'll get rid of it here and samples will do oops um wait where am i going here there we go we'll do 1500 samples adaptive sampling all right all right so we'll let that go and in the meantime it's time to announce the weekly challenge winners all right and yeah i'll definitely put the final render on discord we'll let this go we'll let this do its thing so all right this week um or i guess last week i issued the challenge of doing a macro render of an insect it was actually one of your guys's suggestions here on the stream i think we'll do it this way every time where we'll just kind of suggest some things you guys will leave your suggestions and we'll pick one from there um so let's uh let's go ahead and take a look at the five winners of this week's weekly challenge and the cool work that they put out there's some really creepy stuff some creepy crawlies all right macro insects here we go all right so first off this is somebody who consistently wins these things because the work they put out is just really really nice um and uh yeah we'll kick it off with visual very nice render of a ladybug very simple i like it a lot um i love your colors the green and red the classic contrast that nature is very nice i wonder if you did like the uv paint tool in cinema 4d here to get these that looks really cool yeah and i love your camera settings everything's looking really nice and like it does feel like this is a little like noisy but i i like that and and i think you actually added some noise to your render and i really do enjoy that because it makes it feel real it really does and that's something that we're going to be doing in photoshop when my render is finished is adding some noise and stuff and some grain but this almost looks like like lens flare dust i love it it's really nice very nice touch um yeah i could totally see this as like a it's like an iphone background or something so visual congratulations you are a challenge winner this week and hey it's melanie what's up thank you for the super chat you're the best i appreciate you she says hello there i hope you're doing well and are healthy i saw the adobe care stream the other day and it looked like dobby made a cameo with you guys when the stream froze um yeah i think i kicked a wire or something and it just like knocked the stream out it was really funny and i'm glad we saved it we got it back but yeah that was a good time um [Music] but yeah visual congrats you are a challenge winner this week once again okay next up we have someone who you guys may recognize and that is ice cream paint job really gross yeah this is um nasty there's a ton of ants eating this m m and if any of you guys have recognized the m m then go ahead and give a little thumbs up in the chat um but uh i love how you added motion blur to this again another really good small detail to take it away from that clean render look but here's the thing it looks like you added motion blur on top of your film grain your film grain should be on top of your motion blur the grain is never blurry it's just the image and then your grain comes on after the fact so that's just a tiny little detail to watch out for but i do love the motion blur detail these ants look disgusting they're getting all up in here um nice color yeah great composition and it gives me some tingles really gross so congrats ice cream paint job you are a winner this week once again keep up the good work man you guys are doing amazing stuff um next up we have m m design m design and they put together this hilarious spider-man spider this is so cool very unique i just love this this is great yeah this is this is an awesome render i love your colors your render quality is very nice your lighting is very nice the background is you know blurred out looking good it looks like you also have some grain going on here some nice film grain um maybe this is a little too clipped and saturated here these lights i'm seeing these rings of blue um but that's okay hey you got it looks like you got water along the spider web this is great it looks like you like scattered some scattered some spheres across like the geometry and the vertex points of of this web that's a really nice touch very good but yeah look at the materials on this thing it's really good the way it catches the light and it actually has this like hexagon hexagonal is that the word hexagonal pattern across the top of it yeah m design great work congratulations you are a winner of the weekly challenge this week keep it up keep it up everybody you guys are doing a great job awesome okay um so another winner this week is also a spider render there's a lot of spider renders a lot of good spider renders um and it was tough to choose from because there was there's a lot of really good ones so this guy here david katz put this together and this is incredible this is so good the render quality is ridiculous you have some dust and atmosphere in this in the air amazing your spider webs are really nice i don't know what you used for that but it looks great you have hair across the spider it's disgusting your materials are really nice you know maybe see a little bit of geometry here but i think that's okay i can't tell did you add any grain it's hard to say because there's a lot of particles in the air and stuff um but yeah your camera settings are really nice your depth of field is great you got this screw right in here it looks like i don't know why that's so dark down here so definitely watch out for that next time um and then you have these little baby spiders running around this is so good congratulations uh david katz you are a challenge winner this week you should be proud keep it up okay and our last winner for this week put together something absolutely incredible i love it so much and it is this image right here by bdb 400. i love the colors on this it almost looks like a normal map and no diffuse but it looks so cool it's metallic the detail is insane in this it's really really nicely put together you got the fur and the hair going here on this fly and it's on this branch the depth the depth of field is really really nice here um and the muted background colors really bring out this fly you can't miss it obviously it's like the main focus of the thing but it stands out so much because the colors of the fly are contrasted really well with the background here so congrats bdb 400 you are a challenge winner this week i think this might be your first win of all time so congrats all of these renders will be up on the discord server in the challenge winner channel right join the server link is in the description if you aren't already it's really fun join these challenges right so in the past there's been a number of prizes and i'm working to get more prizes for you guys because it's really fun and it gives people incentive to create even though you shouldn't be creating for the prize you should be creating to learn and because it's fun because you enjoy it you know you guys are here you know so um what do you guys want to do for a challenge let's figure out the challenge this week i am open to suggestions hit me up in the meantime let's take this render and bring it into photoshop and tweak a little bit of the colors and while we do that i might actually render out another one with a lot higher um samples so let's try 3500 and we'll render that but not overwrite render two all right so let's bring this in awesome so the first thing i'm going to do is drop in some film grain so i just had like an overlay i just googled film green texture let's see where are you tmax 100 and i just set that to overlay but you have to make sure it's rasterized first oh we must be in some sort of weird like 32-bit yeah we just let's try 16-bit or 8-bit now let's go 16 because we want to adjust the color have the most control over our image then we set it to overlay and then we have some like nice film grain here and i'll definitely want to blur it a little bit so i'll go filter blur a gaussian blur is totally fine but like point one even 0.5 0.25 just something to get away from like that very obvious like cg feel you know okay so taking a look back in the chat here and we're talking about weekly challenges so let's just start reading off some of this food renders we did ramen at one point that was really fun animation armor stairs oh theme stairs that's actually pretty cool stairs could be sweet um what about what about a story in a genre okay interesting i feel like every every good render has a story to it um so there's always a chance to add story to your renders dinosaurs like lego lego that's a good one oh man okay dragon time environment some footprints video game props still life guns cave optical illusion oh man optical illusion we did the chrome ball one kind of an optical illusion not really a mini planet we did a planet okay um i'm really digging lego and stairs the stair theme but i think lego is going to be a lot more open so i'm just going to say lego is the challenge for this week you guys have one week to render some legos um build your render with legos only lego bricks only as if you put together like your render it should it should fit into the lego movie alright you can only use lego pieces render it however you want light it however you want build anything you want but just make sure it's only made from legos all right i really look forward to your guys's renders this week for that because man i used to love playing with legos i mean i still love playing with legos i think they're the best um yeah this is gonna be good this is gonna be really good and i'm wondering if we can work out a prize hmm maybe maybe whoever wins this gets like a 20 credit or maybe 25 credit to a lego of their choice and i'll send it to you if you don't live like in australia because shipping is expensive we'll figure that one out but it'd be cool to send like a little lego prize or something or a lego version of you maybe i don't know um let me do some research on that no promises yet but i think if you live close by ish um so that shipping isn't ridiculous you know i might send like first place i can't send all five but maybe first place gets like a little lego or something so what to figure that one out but check out the discord server the link is in the description i'm going to leave the rules and everything uh for this challenge right in the uh the weekly challenge channel man this is a mouthful i'm just talking a whole lot my jaw hurts my butt hurts i need to get lunch let's bring in this render the the high quality one just finished not really much of a difference there yeah there's a little bit you can see a little bit there it's definitely finer i'll do one more and we'll actually add the denoiser so let's enable that denoiser and let's go yeah 3500 again render 3 and then in octane render you want to make sure under main that you use denoise beauty pass so you check that give that a render and how long did that take uh picture viewer there you are only five minutes all right so we'll check back in five minutes we'll tweak this image here and we'll try and do it with adjustment layers so we can just swap out our image alright so what should we do vibrance maybe we crank the vibrance a little bit and then we do maybe hmm some curves mess with the curves a little something like that just makes it pop a little bit all right and let's see if we can't do like uh i see i wouldn't adjust this in adobe camera raw but i want to update the picture so tom yo thanks for the super chat man yeah the discord is fun make it make it your own have fun inside there's a lot of different things for everybody so um it's definitely a good time i appreciate you man thank you thank you oh man merch as the prize i need i need some merchandise here's the thing though if i had merchandise what would you guys want to buy would you guys buy t-shirts would you guys buy stickers would you i don't even know i have no idea i know that i'm releasing that custom hdri pack on tuesday along with the custom hdri tutorial but that's not really merch it's just kind of like a digital product dude this image is looking nice like this is this is good let's adjust the hue and saturation let's take the greens down just a little bit and some of the yellow like this this is pretty sweet i'd like to sci-fi this out just a little bit i think that'd be nice um i don't know how exactly but i think it's probably with more geometry than with like photoshopping i might be able to add some like lights along these wires and stuff but man look how good this turned out this here like this up here this is really nice um let's add a vignette yeah definitely gotta add the vignette oh man t-shirts you guys buy t-shirts oh carlos yeah dude let me know let me know um i hadn't updated the print shop in a while but what i want to do is actually throw in some of my cg renders to the print shop so if you guys wanted to purchase some of my cg renders that you like you can get those from the print shop print them out make them look really nice for you um t-shirts are always great okay uh stickers and masks um gilbert and teddy fan art kim likes that a lot she's nodding and saying yes please please she said please make sure you say please okay let's add our vignette and let's add a little uh lens flare here okay so um vignette you know what i'm gonna go crazy just in general i kind of want to take this into after effects this is my janky way of doing lens flares all right let's save it png sure that's fine let's open up after effects and i'm going to use optical flares for this lens flare yay uh john cari thank you for the super chat you guys are awesome this is like the most super chats i've ever got minus that one time i did all those frog jumps and then blew out my knee the day a day later um but yeah i'm glad that just the educational part of things inspires you guys to help out a little bit so i appreciate that i'm glad you've been learning a whole bunch of these live streams man that's the whole point yeah hey gilbert hey bud we're almost done we're gonna add a lens flare it's gonna look real nice what do you think about that okay um all right so you guys say wallpapers i don't know how i feel about that selling digital wallpapers you know that's how do you like how do you first off how do you prevent people from just like you know uploading that and then it's over and then it's like okay well what's the point and then also like shouldn't those just be free anyway like i don't know but then with the print shop you don't want to have a wallpaper so large that like people just can make their own prints you know so i i'm conflicted on that i don't know if you guys would buy a wallpaper what would you what would you spend on a wallpaper like a buck 250 or something it'd have to come with a phone and a desktop pack it'd have to be like both you know but okay let's let's try and open up this texture and do the lens flare real quick oh man this looks awesome okay let's do a black solid and we'll go optical flares and we'll go to options and let's just find the flare we want i mean light is a good one because it's natural hmm so we want to match that natural flares here we go there's so many options andrew kramer man putting it together yeah ghoulius i feel you on that man all right so maybe we do this one but we just take out all the ridiculous streaks so if you guys have never used optical flares it's a really powerful program so we can hide all like everything here that makes up this uh this lens flare you can check on and off so i'm just going to go through here and uncheck all of the really sharp bits that make this thing up and i kind of just want like hmm i'm still undecided on the one i want too maybe this one let's see what this does so i'm just gonna set this to uh to screen we'll put it right in here and something like something like that would be nice but it's not the right kind of lens flare we want something else so maybe there's some oh this one's maybe not bad uh yeah these are all just too intense i know for a fact we'll definitely need to like bring down the intensity on these this one is subtle but i feel like the colors aren't right so we can change the color here to more of like a that tungsten greenish and then we could take this glow and bring the brightness down but this purple is killing me right in here so maybe we just lose that bit but that doesn't look right it just doesn't look right i feel like having real lens flares would be the best way to go i don't really know of any online so if you guys know of any like lens flare packs let me know i'll look into it this one is subtle so maybe we just get rid of the really intense bits that make this up all right that's not bad i think i like that it's it's subtle and maybe what we can do is just take any sort of large glow out so it's just yeah just that bit right there and i'll change the color to more of like a greenish yeah very subtle awesome um let's check oh let's add our vignette real quick so i'll make a new black solid i'm gonna hit ctrl y and if you double click the ellipse tool it'll just make a perfect ellipse set it to subtract f for feather ctrl shift h to hide the mask and we'll just feather this out about like there and we'll set this to overlay and drop the opacity something like that feels right maybe work the feather a little bit more that looks legit awesome back in cinema let's see if our render kicked out not that big of a difference honestly it's not even worth updating um so you guys will see next week in unreal engine how easy it is to get this volumetric fog going and i do want to get some particles going up against the light post here so we can see like little little moths flying around and then i'd like to hook my phone up to unreal engine so we could maybe film a little walk by or film just like a static scene of of this little bit that we set up here and maybe throughout the week again it's going to be a very busy week for me but if i have time i might add a bit more wire detail and stuff but this has been fun guys i really appreciate it thank you so much um i'm glad that you guys are learning stuff along with myself i'm learning as i'm going to that's the whole point of all this you learn through doing it and i'll definitely be saving this and posting this to my instagram so if you guys don't follow me on instagram that's underscore punisher underscore boom right down there and uh what else yeah guys stick around because tuesday um i'm gonna go live on maxon's youtube channel cinema4d's youtube channel if you go to i think or you guys will be able to follow the link and you'll see me live on tuesday at 9 a.m pacific standard time breaking down my entire photo realism um compositing workflow so when you shoot your footage and you want to put real stuff into it i'm breaking down that whole thing it's only a 55 minute stream and then i'm doing a live q a with matthias afterwards for about 30 minutes so definitely do not miss that and i will upload that to my youtube channel about a week after it goes live okay so probably next next tuesday and same day on that tuesday all right that's we're talking tuesday uh 21st a few days from now i'm posting the custom hdri tutorial walking you guys through how to create your own custom hdris and at the end of that i'll be selling a uh a custom hdri pack that i put together and it's themed in like the warzone battlefield style where it's like all post-apocalyptic and stuff we got hdris in you know crashed helicopters crashed airplanes the middle east kind of style we got military trucks and all that in the sewers all that good stuff so i try to get a unique twist on the hdri packs because there's a million out online but it's more just the way if you guys want to help support the cause here and and and support more videos like custom hdri tutorial or more streams like this i think i'm just gonna drop it for like like eight bucks or something um you guys can pick that up if you if you'd like but uh i appreciate you all visual you rock man uh thank you for the super chat he says thanks for doing all this uh it's been an incredibly hard time for me besides cobin 19 and these weekly challenges are so awesome um uh the community is unmatched keep it up dude i am really really glad that this is helping out it's so much fun um and and i hope it will continue to be in the future i know it will be in the future so keep it up hang in there guys stay safe stay healthy get outside go for a walk or something and i'll see you guys on tuesday on the uh what is it it's either maxon's youtube channel or cinema4d's youtube channel tuesday at 9 00 a.m uh pacific standard time i'll post the link in the announcements on the discord channel so don't miss that let's frickin fill up that live stream let's take it by storm um i've talked too much at this point so i'm gonna leave but i appreciate you guys thank you so much i'll catch y'all later peace have a good one i can't end the stream because my mouse is broken i straight up can't click what's going on what's up guys wow something is ctrl i'll delete okay bye
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 20,357
Rating: 4.9265537 out of 5
Keywords: vfx, visual effects, 3d, modelling, blender, cinema4d, maya, 3dsmax, octane, arnold, education, tutorial, stream, pwnisher, corridor, tank, texture, archviz, photoreal, boston dynamics, bosstown dynamics, robots, after effects, compositing, live action, corridor digital, s22, v2020
Id: lnXGi2SSAjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 33sec (13653 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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