Let's Build LEGOs in 3D!

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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it is time for another 3D live stream I'm back and uh give me a thumbs up if you can hear me because we got levels on my end but uh do we have levels on your end y'all thank you for for hopping in with me um yeah good to see everybody good to see y'all in the chat here it's been a minute since I live stream I think it's been since the last 3D challenge back in uh shoot I think the winter stream in April maybe I don't know it's been a minute all right it's been a minute and a lot has happened in this time but for y'all just joining me here's what we're doing today all right I'll get into it uh we're building Legos in 3D and we're using a program called brick Link studio it's linked in the description this is not a sponsored video I've just been having fun with this software and I want to show it to you guys I want to show you how easy it is to create Legos and how much fun it is as a kid I was all about Legos and it's crazy that Legos are still as popular as they were back then if not more popular um and it it it strikes a chord with me um a blast really is a blast and the cool thing about Bricklink Studios they have it's free first off they have all the bricks ever um all the pieces going back to the beginning of Lego to the beginning of time um it's organized very nicely I'll we'll dive into the program just a second but what's cool about it is you can actually do multiplayer you can have people join your project file and you can build a Lego together um so that's what I want to do with you guys today on the stream uh if you guys are on Discord hit me up on Discord I'll be checking my Discord DMS and um if you're down to build then I'll send you a password essentially that way I kind of know who who's in here I also I don't know how many people can do this at once but I'll be bringing people in you know a little bit at a time here so I'm excited for that um what else okay so I yeah it's been a minute right since we've since we've streamed together um scouty scouty's awake for the stream that's good it's a good thing I saw wondrous was up in here um a little bit ago um yeah you know uh a lot has happened in the last month or so since we've last chatted I can get into all that kind of throughout the video but um I I just got back from Japan about two weeks ago I took a two-week break with my wife we were there for our first year uh anniversary it was incredible and what I'm doing here is directly inspired by the the places and the yeah all the places that we went to in Japan so first off how did all this come about I found this book the Lego engineer and it is an Incredible Book you know look at all these fun little micro builds I'm specifically going for what's called micro scale Legos there's minifigure scale where the minifigure is like you know the size of the thing you're building um where skyscrapers can be this big and then there's um micro scale which this is all micro skill obviously a cruise a cruise boat like this is uh that's pretty tiny that's pretty tiny I guess I have an example here let me show you I got this a while back you can tell by all the dust on it but this would be considered micro scale a micro scale Lego um and this actually yeah this is Tokyo right Mount Fuji Tokyo Tower um a couple other buildings uh we got like Shinjuku here temples little Pagoda on the end here and you see how it's just made from like the most basic pieces the minimal amount of pieces and that's that's what I'm going for like look at these soccer trees look at these little trees they're so cool um and it's awesome because you can go from this program from Bricklink Studio straight into blender straight into c4d etc etc um but back to this book so this book is full of like all these really awesome builds here and they're all these micro builds um and they go through like different architectural um kind of Feats of the world and um they teach you how to build it too there's instructions oh by the way I bet you this book was made with Bricklink Studio because you can actually make instructions you can export instructions for your builds here it's ridiculous this program is so cool again not sponsored by Bricklink studio um but uh yeah I just discovered all this stuff on my on my uh you know exploring Legos and stuff so what we're going to be doing let me switch over here uh this is Bricklink studio right we'll get into it uh all the bricks ever right we got tons of stuff um it's very simple it's very very simple right and you just have a good old time building whatever you want so specifically I'm building some stuff from my trip all right so I have all this stuff saved out I got a ton of references down here on different versions different Lego builds but um yeah the idea is like I just want to recreate some of these spots out of out of Legos and go for specifically like little mini ones or mini versions I'll show you what I have so far um let's load up one of these guys um okay there's an altar here so this one is kind of you know this is the reference right each one of these little Alters with a little flower and um some Ceramics next to it on some rock if it's kind of Mossy right so I tried to to build this out in the most yikes I'm trying to build this out in the most minimal version possible with different Lego pieces right and of course you can choose the color in here and you can even render out of this too which is super cool um let me see if where is the render section here we go render boom render yeah yeah whatever save that to the desktop you'll see it's really cool look at this it's like hdri and everything nice little shiny bricks foreign it's free it's so cool again not sponsored linked down below so you guys can hop in with me but you get the idea um let me show you another one that I did we did um oh so this is from this book right the uh the Lego engineer I put this together based on instructions from this book and yeah it's just like a little Japanese train the shinkansen the bullet train going through the countryside um what else do we have uh oh so we were doing um I was hopping in with uh Sam the guy the fifth place winner from endless engines and we were building together and trying to get different versions and we did this uh this little binocular thing you know there's like a lookout on top of a mountain we did this one based off of this guy right here and this took us like 15 minutes and we were just throwing down parts and that's what I want to do with you guys that's what we'll do today is we'll we'll have you guys in here if you want to build with me um hit me up on Discord okay um if you go to my Discord server it is also linked below you'll find me on there you'll find me on the server um just DM me and then I'll give you a password uh when it when it comes time to start adding people to all this stuff and then we were going for this Lantern we're trying to figure out the lantern where's that lane turn out yeah here we go this guy right so trying to figure out the most miniature minimalistic build for these things uh what else do we have what else do we have I won't get building here all these vending machines yes I put these vending machines together and these were based off of tutorials um from YouTube as well as a book that I found at the bookstore called like uh I think it's called there's like 100 Lego ideas or something like that um I also have links for you guys reference wise in the description below for different websites that have been really cool I think there's a website literally called Lego ideas um where you can like picture different Lego ideas and whatnot but I want to do yeah I thought these vending machines were cool oh another crazy thing about brickling studio is you can actually check out you you you can hit um you can hit like export or buy all these pieces because Bricklink is a website it's like secondhand Legos and you can buy the individual pieces for every Lego ever so you can put your idea together in Bricklink you can check out and pay for the parts and it'll put the shopping cart together for you and then you'll ship you all the Legos and then you can build it yourself for real so that's about the coolest thing in the world um vending machines yes and look they even got little drinks inside of them too isn't that sweet oh so awesome so much fun um and of course you can export this to c4d you can export this to blender and whatnot there might even be a blender plug-in for this program what else I feel like there was one more I'm working on this one I'm trying to figure this one out this one's tough maybe this is one that we could do on the stream together but it's uh it's this guy we went to a Sumo tournament right and you can kind of see the sumo guy chilling down here um but they had this giant Shinto Shrine above the the I think it's called The Dope the doyo or something it's basically the the clay dirt area where they they fight on and um this is like already looking cool super blocky I'd love to build this out as minimally as possible um yeah see I know I got more hold on um let's see let's see um the the there was a shrine I had of the Zelda shrine yeah this one um it's just a rock and a couple lanterns right from this one here and this one was my first one this took me the longest right but it's super fun really really awesome let's do a quick render and then we'll start building I'll get into something I don't know what I'll build yet but let's let's look at the chat here um how you guys doing what's going on it's been a minute oh man that's a great idea custom Christmas gift I like that I like that a lot and no it's not 300 for five pieces the Pieces cost like one cent two cents some pieces really expensive pieces might cost a dollar or two but uh you know so it's actually it's not that bad but yeah this is awesome let's just let's build let's um let's pick a new file here I'm just rotating with you know left click right click middle Mouse button is pretty standard uh on the left we have all of our bricks laid out here and I'll kind of talk you guys through everything as we do this but it looks like we have one guy we got scouty Who's down to build some Legos hang tight scouty um we'll get you in here let me see Brick link let me sign in give me a second here I just want to make sure you guys aren't stealing my my essence come on now all right sweet all right we're logged in we got brick link going let's do Build Together all right so the ID we're gonna get a password um message me on on Discord I will drop you the password um as needed here guys I'm gonna go ahead and Host this your session's been created friends can join you using your ID and session password awesome all right let me get started on my own and then we'll bring some people in again you want to join me hit me up on Discord I'll say I'll share the password with you guys um yeah we have I don't know what do you guys want to do do you want to do like this this building here this Archway do we want to do a train like this perhaps do we want to do this thatched roof um let's leave it up to a vote in the chat and I know we can do a vote thingy uh start a poll let's do a poll and we're gonna vote for uh which Lego should I build and let's go ahead and add one two three and four that's confusing hold on three and four all right and then I'm gonna line these up the train will be one the roof will be two the bridge will be three and let's do this little Lantern thing as four okay so here are your options one two three and four and we'll figure out which one we want to build there's a pole going up on the chat take a look vote for it and um we're gonna build out one of these oh y'all are about that train huh functional house a functional house that's so funny oh one other thing you guys will need is a Bricklink account um that's it but very simple you know just email password [Music] all right looking like the train is winning right now but that bridge y'all are the bridge is coming up we'll give it a couple more minutes not not a couple minutes that's too long let's do the train guys let's do the train all right so how are we going to do this I'm gonna bring in scouty here and he's gonna help me build this train okay so scouty I'm gonna send you the password on Discord that's the password and I think this is the ID I think um and let me go ahead and dock this for you guys yeah something like this there we go so scouty um if you go to Bricklink and you go to build together you should be able to go to join and you should type that stuff in and and you should be able to just drag bricks out and um oh there you are yeah okay okay scouties in sweet sweet all right so we got to build this train let me send you the reference the reference image so you have this um yeah there you go got you the reference on Discord um all right so I guess we have like a train car and we have we have we have a front train car a middle train car and a back train car and obviously this this thing is like super blocky um and we want to make it as small as possible with an inside of some sort still because it would be cool to like shine a light through the glass and have that doing its thing so like if we look at um let me see if we look at like the shin consent and how this train is done in this book we can look at some good reference um let's see here we go so in this book basically this is like one strip of the clear Lego that acts as the window so we're gonna have to figure this out do this so if you search in the search bar you can go um like three by now let's go to plate all right we want a plate and we want a three by something maybe three by ten plate and like the hardest thing is figuring out what to look for and what the name of the piece is yeah um oh maybe there's not a three by ten maybe three by twelve three by eight is there no three by plate we can do four by something hmm three by three perhaps so we can we can bring out a couple of these and if I hold alt I can like kind of duplicate as I go back like this right and even even like this could be the the front train car you know it could be that long or something but feel um scouty feel free to go through here and throw out any pieces you think would work for um for this train and then we can figure out we can kind of like assemble those pieces once we have some pieces we think could work for this thing um how is there not a three by one good plate here yeah I guess it doesn't go for I get there's guess there's not like a Lego piece that goes further than three by three but that's fine that's fine um window pieces so or brackets I feel like uh sweet yeah you can just throw it around there throw it around the work area and we'll we'll figure out um because I know um there's like a window a window piece what was it called um I swear it was like a bracket or something panel yeah it was one of these guys pretty sure but I feel like you can go even smaller with this thing or is that as small as we're getting is this guy right here um if you want to rotate pieces it'll be the arrow key so you select it arrow keys will rotate and then you can move a piece up and down left right with was and D um three by three is tough the micro scale thing is like it's difficult and yes this is this is engineering now we are Lego engineering guys building out this Lego as efficiently as possible oh okay maybe we can use this piece as one of like the the chains of windows because you see how like there's there's like this long strip of window and then there's this small window piece here and it looks like there is a window a Long window and maybe two door windows perhaps so we could do like um search for Brick and we could find a one by I don't know a one by six and rotate it around uh oh maybe a one by four or something get that guy on top here hmm foreign place and you can find pieces that are similar this isn't giving us a suggestion that we like but um so let's take this to all pieces we can go back to panel we see if there's a longer yeah there's one by four yeah so boom replaced it with that and then we go back to insert right so we can make these different colors so if I go up here and I type in transparent transparent clear right that'll be a window and then we can go in here and we can color these different ones like um you know type in uh gray and we can do a light bluish gray like that for this piece I mean it looks like there's like strips of orange down this thing we can work that in later perhaps but for now um I'm just going to select all these with control and we can we can color these the right the right color here I'm going to select all this too you can just drag Up drag a box around it hitting wasd I'll hit s to just bring it back down to the work plane oh all right yeah I like I like these pieces you're bringing out scouty these are good it's gonna help us with the front of the train yeah if you want to if you want to focus on like figuring out how the front of the train would work I'll figure out on like I'll figure out the body of the train hmm okay let's see this could be um we could go four wide but we can figure that out in a minute I'm gonna try and figure out the side of this thing all right yeah okay let's do um let's do like this like a 1x3 here or maybe it's a one by two two of these guys perhaps if you hold alt it'll duplicate it now we can do that on we can select both of these and do that on the other side and then perhaps um let's go one by hmm we can do a plate on top of that one by five Arrow key to rotate one by six maybe something like that and then that'll give us kind of real estate to to work the roof around please and maybe this piece can be that orange piece that we saw in the reference I don't like that orange yeah maybe one of these sure that's fine for now maybe we go one more here that way we have room for a door on both sides yeah something like that so for the door maybe what we could do so let's see how it kind of like indents I'm wondering if there's a way is there a piece that does that I know like these guys these guys go in a little bit right as you can see but as soon as you put like a panel on top of that you're kind of back out again hmm all right Nath let's let's see let's check this ID we got a piece suggestion [Music] dang this piece for what are you seeing that for maybe the front or something see that as like a front piece whereas the top of the train Maybe if you guys got suggestions feel free to hop in with us I see you all suggesting stuff in the chat um if you want to join me brickling studio is free you just make an account hop on Discord DM me and um and we'll see about getting you guys in here let's see um we got chicken NPC chilling let's see if we can get another person in here um yes all right my goal here is to get this with this door going let's just let's get a version in we can always spice it up later okay so I'm gonna get a brick in here um another brick and let's see if that we just change this to clear transparent we'll get that grayed out cool and then we will cap it off in the back with a couple pieces here uh let's see let's see 1 by 2 just like that and then we have the front okay so we'll do another one of these guys we'll copy this over here this orange piece definitely we're gonna be able to extend this further so we'll go to Plate 1 by 12. wouldn't be perfect but probably one by eight or one by nine do they have a nine one by eight should work 1 by 10 and we'll figure out we'll come back to this because we're gonna figure out what the heck we're doing up up on the front side of things [Music] let me see if I can get this uh this train lifted there's some Underside business going on and I think I have an idea for it so let's try the brackets and if we fit let's see yeah okay so we can do stuff like this we'll flip this around and I'll throw a tile on it tile piece the hardest part again is learning the names of all these pieces once you can kind of get through that then you're going to be working a lot faster I promise I know technically this is supposed to be like indented a little bit more into the train but again we'll get the V1 going and then we'll go from there right so this this piece we can probably just do as um black and then this piece will do as a dark gray dark bluish Gray yeah something like that cool and I'm gonna duplicate this a couple times and I know there's some Wheels I know we can get some Wheels going [Music] so let's check our wheel pieces let's see what options we have for wheel pieces and these got to be some tiny Wheels here so like here's some training business but that's that's massive that's not what we're going for we might have to cheat the wheel a little bit but we'll get there uh this is this is closer to what we're going for and this is supposed to be underneath the Train the wheels are definitely underneath the train so I think the trick is trying to find uh a wheel that stays underneath the train and doesn't poke out um I wonder let's keep looking let's keep looking I wonder if there's like single piece that the wheels can connect to oh here we go here we go this is literally it this is it this is it I know exactly how to do this oh I like that piece uh chicken are you in so I'm gonna bring out a couple oh these big how big are these things here we go this one's a little smaller I like that I like that either one of these can be good but I think this is the one I think if we do um I know exactly sweet all right we got three people building together right now we got chicken and we got scouty awesome [Music] let's do these as black okay so here here's a here's an idea for the wheels we could do like a little um oh I like that piece I like that piece so yeah I think right now um we have scouty working on the front of the train you guys can collaborate on that if you want otherwise chicken if you want to try working on the back of the train or the roof perhaps see about getting a roof piece going or something that could be cool um one thing about the front of the train just make sure the windows here they align they're on the same plane right so technically you know feel free to color your pieces as you guys are going um uh what else here what else yes all right so let's get this guy snapped in I have an idea for this one so I believe it will be a modified a modified plate I think modified plate yes yes we we need these little this like hook piece hmm how are we going to do this I need to attach this to the bottom the train and it's cool because there's so many different ways to go about building these Legos there's a piece I'm looking for um if you hover over these pieces here like I want one with the hook with u-clip okay so if I type in u-clip we get all these different ones and I want one facing up like this like this facing up maybe this is the one here it's basically I'll flip this like that boom right see how it's connected and then I just gotta connect that to the bottom of this thing and I think I can do that with like a hmm foreign basically need the smallest possible attachment we could do a plate round maybe in here that needs to go underneath that will go underneath yes that would this will go underneath so let's select these guys there we go yo that works that totally works that totally totally works yes yes color this black that's perfect perfect perfect I like that all right cool foreign so I'll keep saying this because you know it's fun basically we're all building together I have two other people here we got scouting and we got chicken NPC up in here we're building together we're building this train um if you guys want to join me of course brickling Studios the program we're working in got it linked below you just need to make an account um it's free it's not a sponsored video I'm just having fun here and um you guys can hop in hit me up on Discord that's where we're doing this on Discord is where I'm going to give you the password okay um I know there's a few steps we're going through certainly but uh yeah I don't want to just blast the blast the password into the into the chat here into the live chat because who knows what Madness will ensue I think we can delete this guy we don't need that I'm gonna work on the bottom of this guy whoa oh I need the uh technically there is clipping and you can turn off clipping or turn on clipping with this little Collision button and that'll make sure that it won't it won't let you do that it won't let you clip but I might need to and God dang it oh I wonder okay this gives me an idea I wonder if there is a piece like this that goes on both sides so you can hit replace and go to suggested and see what they have and it looks like they have um they have a longer one we don't want that to undo that and this is a bracket so [Music] oh do they have one that goes on both sides what is this piece interesting what's up chilling Dylan how you chilling this morning so we can group this right I can select all this create a sub model and I'll just call this wheel and now it's just one piece right so we can drag this out I can get this right there it is that's the attachment right there it's a little it's a little long I feel like we can do better but for now I'm Gonna Leave it okay that beat there's God away there's got to be a way let's release it and let's see if there's a replacement no okay it's a one by piece um what is like the smallest piece hmm I know there was like little connector pieces or if there's like step down pieces or something so you have all these color options here and if you don't want that you can hit this little Lego head icon and that will just kind of clean up the the library here so that you can search a little bit more efficiently you don't need to see every iteration of every piece you just need to see the one piece you know every individual piece here so I'm trying to find like a little step down piece to hook these wheels up to the bottom of this thing as efficiently as possible and who knows maybe there's one I don't know it might be a technic piece for all we know oh I like that roof panel it's so this might be a situation chicken where we have to do uh yeah four wide because I think that piece could be cool unless you do something like um because it has those middle pieces in there get like a middle strip going there might be something you could use if you could do a single slope piece but let's see if I can't figure out this uh connector hmm foreign something like something like this oh these are cool pieces I wonder if that could be used for something on the side of the train perhaps foreign it's hard making these like mini Legos because you really just need to find the right pieces but it's very fun these could be good too for the windows oh wow that's literally that's just that's just the subway like window that's incredible we got Lego ladders okay interesting could be a track dude don't tell me this actually fits on this thing foreign it's crazy so these actually Bend I'll show you this you can bring this out select uh the bend option you could take this piece be able to [Music] come on now nothing to insert it into ah I guess I don't have the right pieces to insert into but you get the idea right this can orbit around like that is pretty cool um I'm still trying to find a piece to connect this dang wheel to the bottom of this thing with that could actually work this if this will actually uh fit underneath the the train which yeah it could go in there but I need it to be symmetrical I would essentially need okay that works I gotta turn Collision back on see if this actually fits in here in here let's go with a plate wait a second oh that was longer my goodness if that was longer thank you foreign oh I got signed out I lost my builders let's sign back in all right Builders we're back scouty chicken um let's uh okay yeah I'm Still Still streaming that cool thank you so let's see maybe we can do one of these guys in the middle this guy goes in to that come on now sometimes it's difficult to to like line up these pieces I'm not gonna lie but you can click it and um move it around this way as well wasd there we go see that's way low that's still like way lower than what I want maybe we can turn off the grid or turn off snapping somehow they're still snapping okay that works and we can throw some wheels on there that maybe the Technic pieces Technic um what is that I know the piece here we go this one right here oh I see so that's gonna be hmm what the heck snapping should not be on I don't know why it's on there we go so I changed the grid to like finer finer snaps and then I think that works cool I think you can select a piece and hit um copy and mirror and it'll uh go over to the other side I'm just hitting that D key to get that over so it's not far off from this one but honestly it is a little bit more tucked up in which I'm a fan of all right let's see um scouty are you still with us I might have to let's see let's do the bottom of this train organize our pieces and then I'll probably hop onto the front of this thing all right what's this good piece for entertainment you can put it in the middle of a three by three plate [Music] let's see uh two six five five attaches to the wheels let's find out so you can type in the part ID as well oh that is the one that is the one all right let's get snapping back on Collision we can do it legit This Time Boom that's what I'm talking about let's get this wheel back snap that right oh dude look at that look at that no scary times scary times but that's the move thank you my goodness Mr for entertainment that is the move all right let me let me close this um let me close this down and let's reboot um for you guys let's host it and see if that works cool cool cool all right so I don't technically I don't know what a train wheel is supposed to look like I'm gonna look this up real quick um [Music] where are the wheels located on this thing here we go there's like a nice side view so it has like two wheels in the front maybe two wheels on the back and the wheels are kind of connected okay got you all right I am sweet I wonder if they have like a three by of this one here also I need to get it onto the other side I feel like maybe we should commit to the four plate version of this and see if that is possible let's give it a shot so I'm gonna grab this three by replace it with a 4x4 X4 plate oh come on now um turn up hiding stuff no I shouldn't be doing that is going to be your select tool we want to replace that with the 4x4 plate boom there we go let's see if we can't uh reconfigure this over here you can just select everything I'll drag it over all right guys we got the new train on the foreign the old train see if I can't turn off this grid hide the ground there we go yeah makes it a little easier sweet and then I think that'll actually allow us to to use this two times here yep and I I'm hoping I'm pretty sure I can scoot this over um okay so to figure that out unless this just goes over like that yeah that could work for now I have an idea for these bottom bits here I think we can do uh let's see what's going on with this plate right here um all right let's try and grab like the lantern piece all right um bum [Music] I feel like there was a bigger wheel and this guy is probably oh skateboard okay I feel like there was one uh a wheel that was a little bit larger than this guy yeah was it this guy yes just a touch larger God dang it come on now that that that's the most frustrating part about this program is like trying to pieces to connect all right so that won't connect to that I think that's fine I think we're good like this let's maybe grab a little uh slope piece or maybe it's this angled tile here we go yeah this guy and we can copy and mirror bam I feel like technically these guys need to be one pushed one back so I wonder if I can back one yeah this guy moved back this guy moves back all these guys move back that's just kind of like tucked in a little bit more like that maybe also the front of the train can totally be the back of the train too nice yeah that roof piece is cool foreign like this roof would probably have to end um let's see slope curved curved yeah one of these guys probably okay yeah so we'll do um let's see all right so we could yeah we could do maybe just another okay yeah I'll do two by two one by two there it is yeah and then we'll do the we'll do let's see uh plate there's like an angled plate this guy and copy and mirror did it over there which is weird hit that with the orange oh we could probably slip something in the front there could just be another plate here it's fun yeah we gotta get some lights on this thing it's the lantern pieces the lantern pieces foreign pop up here here and you can just hit it with a yeah one of these guys boom boom then we can do translucent Orange or red actually I think yeah that's cool [Music] that's super fun I like that [Music] I wonder if we can maybe replace this piece with say a bracket and maybe maybe what we do is we replace this with a a one by one the one by version um let's see because it'd be cool to have like a little um a little readout for like where the train is going on the front you know it looks like you guys are glitching here I'm gonna cut the the collab build here for a second wrap this train out T let's see let's see feeling like we can do one of these slope pieces the one by piece yeah here boom you can copy mirror should go over yeah nice gray those out and then foreign [Music] let's try a bracket piece oh my goodness this is totally gonna work wow because then these guys can just go here we can go back to that two piece because it's cleaner awesome awesome awesome and then we just hit this with like a tile 1x4 tile but we actually we turned these on so we can see if there are like certain tiles here that could work for us in terms of like [Music] so we do one by two tile and is there like one with text or something and um is it Japanese something or Chinese address okay there's a letter um maybe we just scroll through these and see what we find [Music] foreign could work this one maybe ah yeah okay let's try it now this totally works though that's awesome I love it I love it I love it it's a little um feels like it's got a giant forehead and I don't think that works I don't think that works if there was how would you insert that into there like that's a tough one [Music] um you'd really have to like you know for now I'm Gonna Leave It because I think this looks great these are a little low so I'm wondering if potentially is there a way to like them like this grab this guy flip them around we should be able to get this guy up in here uh yeah I feel like that should be proper right there all right on tech let's see uh there's a one by one plate actually these have little things on them I could pop that in there all right one by one plate with a downward side stud if you have a part number help me oh we got wind Bush up in here and Ronin and Melanie my goodness wow geez everyone's up in here ah good to see everybody it's been a long time yeah Ronan this software is incredible man it's the best it's really really fun um really really easy to use pretty straightforward Winbush so you worked on Lego Batman and Lego Harry Potter back in the day and still got the character models if you want them for the scene oh nice dude that's awesome did you wind Bush have you ever used this program I just stumbled on it I was looking for programs I know there's a couple of them but um this one this one's pretty sweet I really really enjoy it um the fact that you can like export to uh you know I can show you guys the process too let me wrap this train out and I'm gonna show you how it works it's perfect that's wonderful yeah it would be nice to get one more of these over here maybe just a one piece um let's go for that bracket I'll get this locked in yeah wind bush is great it's called um Bricklink brickling studio um if you want to hop in and build with me you're welcome to there's like a collab build thing um you just make an account it's not sponsored or anything I'm just having fun with it yeah Mega bricks that's the other one it's browser-based [Music] all right Alex let's try this part number okay that's so funny dude that's what I was going for wow if there's like a corner version of this because yeah basically I get that um I'll grab a one by one tile pop that there color it basically like that see these like angled bracket pieces just trying to lock in this front bit I think we're locked [Music] [Music] and like this maybe or for sure Winbush we'll get it we'll get it man [Music] let's see Alex you got the part numbers for me I appreciate that okay you said just use that on one of these wait that's the same number uh Alex I think that's the same number you just pasted uh I need like an angled bracket one piece thing one on top of the other it's a bit low though uh unless no can I I can't flip it like that technically doesn't work I wish it did um Alex are you on Discord do you have this downloaded you should uh you should hop in with me I'd love to see what you mean what up wondrous yup that's it thank you thank you thank you that's pretty sweet that's pretty sweet I like that thank you foreign one of these guys a shorty version huh that's the shorty version but it doesn't have the pieces I need it's like giant fog horn thing I think this totally works for now though it's pretty sweet let's go ahead and copy a mirror move this over bam and maybe there's a okay I'm thinking about 1 by 2 plate modified uh where is it one with a little hook on it that like Central Little Hook piece where are you enjoy yourself it is a modified plate yeah it's this piece I just don't know if it's necessary though do uh foreign this guy right so this connects to the other trains in the back so do I have room don't have room unless nah because this all needs to be flat still pretty flat but dang it the Lego police are on me dude yeah that I ain't I don't think I'm gonna do that laughs unless I add like one more like a like a four by five doesn't even have a four by five plate I don't think so oh you know what okay okay okay okay two bracket here come on now uh maybe one of these guys dude come on why why [Music] I know technically I don't need to be doing it this legit but it's fun I don't know this is cool I like this let's color this up [Music] [Music] sweet that is uh that is a train a back window get that ah if we had one more I know it's possible I know it's possible let me see let me see here um that's the piece we want modified plate all right I'm gonna lock this in here and then I should probably move on I'll show you guys how to export this to c4d and then we can move on to the weekly challenge and I'll announce the winners and I'm gonna call it because it was a busy week filmed a really cool video this week I think you guys are gonna like it it's not gonna come out for a little bit but um it's a very fun one it has to do with some photo scanning um yeah and I got I got a fun fun little video for you guys in July as well um halfway through July otherwise you know we we'll catch up here we'll catch up let me wrap this up and we'll catch up so let's see uh let's do a modified plate I'll grab that guy four by six four by six plate right there we go so let me see if I can use this get rid of that all right get that guy in there [Music] as far as the reference goes um yeah here's what I could do I could take all of this and move all of this over by two foreign wasd to move these around and then all essentially I'll just grab this guy pop one right in there and we'll do that again we'll glass this guy is gray put that in there cool and then I think I'll just I'll probably do this as a full yeah just like that that feels better to me that's awesome that way we can have a little bit more roof detail which I'm a fan of and I feel like there's got to be a piece in here a slope piece um that allows us to have something in the middle right like this wait not like this this is huge like this but um way smaller hmm okay I guess like this but the inverse maybe it's a I don't know a wedge sorry a slope or something now it's not in here yeah I think uh I think we should definitely do a Lego themed weekly challenge I agree with you that would be incredible Lego world and build out your coolest coolest Lego world we'll put that right on the end there I guess that will go into that so I would need two what two brackets worth or like a bracket and a half it's a little confusing I could just copy this whole thing over and I'm probably just going to do that yes yeah let's copy all of this over copy and mirror we'll drag it on over just get on the ground that's the heart that's the worst part about this program is just how annoying it is Place stuff is that it did I nail it ah close all right close but we can dial it in with was and D udge it over there we go and then push it back by one yep and replace this you can go to replace bam with that but I feel like it needs to be out a little bit more so maybe take all this and foreign guys goodness gracious hey come on now how's that there we go can I sneak another one of these in I think I can amazing awesome awesome awesome yeah that way they they connect and we can close this up so we'll do this with one of these we'll raise it up I believe this was a l piece yep get that in there duplicate this hold alt flip it around with the arrow keys get it in place and we'll close it up with a 1 by 2 plate make sure we're in insert mode we want yeah one by two plate and I'll export this for you guys technically this is a door right here so basically get it in like that perfect that's it guys that's awesome [Music] sweet alright so if I want to export this right all you need to do is go to file export as colada file collater file right you can choose to include the Lego logos on it um I don't yeah call this train and let's open up c4d and I'll show you what it looks like real quick I'll show you how cool it can be and then we'll hop into that weekly challenge y'all okay so basically when you import collata files into c4d it's jacked up all right it's just it's just jacked up I'll show you what I mean and I'll show you what you got to do to fix it so when you import it basically uh let's see let's see let's see assets no yeah okay that's saved here I believe train palatophile I bring it in it opens the colada 1.4 import settings um these settings should be correct I'll hit OK and it just brings in the materials that's it that's not what we want obviously not right so here's how you fix it I have a download link in the description for you it leads to a really old fbx converter all right it's the Autodesk fbx converter you're gonna download the the 20 it's 2013 64. I have the version number for you 2013.2 that's also in the description download the 2013.2 version and it's so easy all you do is you drag the colada file in and you just hit convert that's it you see bam made it fbx done drag the fbx in and look at that we got a trained all right now let's get the scale right so I'm going to make a figure the figure somewhere in that train or unless we're like astronomical scale here I'll have to like relearn these hotkeys all right boom um we can delete this the model Let's uh let's get this correct so the Axis Center tool Point Center include all children nope let's not do that dude what what Droid let's try it again I'm gonna try it one more time if I screw this up execute okay it's not doing it so we'll hit l put our coordinates here flip this 180. and Center this up manually hitting l will bring up the Axis tool pressing s is going to snap your viewport to what you have selected middle Mouse click in your windows will actually pop you um in and out of these like four panel View and if you want to hop into the perspective you just Mouse over middle click and and you're in so we'll zero this out reset transformation let's bring that figure back in it's way too big so I'm just going to scale the model down to what I think would be Lego brick size I'm not trying to be like super accurate with it God dang it come on something like that maybe a little smaller I don't know you can delete the figure and I'm gonna show you how I get this set up in octane so let's go ahead and save this uh cool um so octane right let me go ahead and dock this these little like these three horizontal lines I can click and drag those load my scene all right so we um it's it's bringing this in as a bunch of instances and it actually it looks like this one is flipped around the wrong way just interesting because that's never done that to me before but that's okay I'll click that let's just do a little 180 on this guy maybe it was that way in uh Studio but that's all right let's um let's make things look a little nice first all right um materials we're going to convert the materials it's going to convert well I guess you gotta select them first materials convert materials we'll go Octane and then I'll just do materials uh remove unused and that'll keep it as octane uh I'm gonna make a quick plane real quick uh yeah that's fine and set up and hdri we're gonna make a HDR environment octane Sky you can do materials or rather objects HDR environment you can load whatever one you want in here but I use uh the hdri link from grayscale gorilla if you go to the environment tag you can drag the texture channel here into the environment tag and then when you click on the environment tag you can open the grayscale gorilla plus Library hop into here and we can choose whatever ones we want um I made these hdris are they in here drop them in here hdri I mean at night it's probably not personal yes I did so I made these hdris in uh in Shinjuku and golden guy right and they're these like night Street hdri environments they're on my patreon I have a whole post about my my Japan trip and uh I guess what I would call them creative recovery and I'm gonna talk a little bit about that right now because um I was not in a good place last year changes to linear see is this looking is this hdri working our rent let's get the uh let's go into the model and let's adjust these materials so let's go to roughness we want to take the roughness to like point o one or something specular will take up to one just gotta do a little bit of work on the materials that's all um next I'm going to make a translucent material this clear one yeah let's set this guy up this should be this should be correct here um instead of glossy we want it to be specular and I'm I'm actually going to do a little round edges so I'm going to grab all these and we're going to check round edges I think my face is probably blocking it but if you go to the basic little um tab here you can click round edges and that'll add around edges for all of the materials you have selected we'll create round edges and we'll go in here I'm going to change this to accurate and the the roundness or the radius will do um 0.5 of it whoa 0.25 even 0.15 .1 even you know something that that feels right for you guys um let's switch up our hdri see if we can find something a little bit better just going through some of my hdri packs here [Music] these are this is my abandoned hdri pack [Music] I don't know if I've uploaded this to be honest I'm gonna do let's see for this clear let's try going to the common I think fake Shadows that might help this like see-through look just a little bit obviously we have too many um instances Swap this let's try and get this with um hmm I have to go through all these and make these editable so if you actually so I learned to say that if you select this object here in the viewport and then you Mouse over to the objects window you hit s and it's going to find that piece and they essentially just I'm gonna go through and re-texture that honestly you can just drag it onto the piece that's a lot easier isn't it and I'm hitting C to make these editable they're all instances find that looks like for some reason it's not liking that but we'll get there these guys are all transparent yes these guys are transparent too so I'm gonna take that transparent red and we're going to also change it to a specular material let's go opacity you know I'm gonna let's see if I just make a new one if it looks a bit more erect no it's the same okay that's fine specular cool and then let's do um the transmission color we'll get this tinted red and it looks like it's still not working I'm gonna set it to the comma and we'll set the fake Shadows on yeah they're working they're just very reflective there we go so I set the index to 1.1 and that looks that looks a little bit better we can go 1.01 probably a little much huh 1.1 looks nice and uh it's too red so we'll go to the transmission and just take that down something like that foreign I think we can do that same like reflectivity thing with the uh the other clear guys so I'll take the index to 1.1 as well oh my goodness path tracing that's why yeah that looks so much better and for our plane we can even throw let's see well here let me finish doing all the materials this is making no sense to me I don't know why I guess that's because that is the they're all being instanced off of that but it's fine I guess I'll just adjust it for all of these which is quite a pain to be honest dude what uh jeez I don't know why it didn't transfer over correctly but you know yeah you roll with the punches you know that's close enough that is close enough there we go sweet and I still want to get let's do a camera let's make a camera imager will adjust the exposure a little bit keep your eyes here that's fun [Music] oh these Studio ones look nice I like that you can grab the plane as well maybe give it a dark black did you depth of field going you know like there's a there's a whole lot you can do here A whole lot you can do surface imperfections all that good stuff so that's um yeah that's that's the Lego workflow that I've been messing with and having fun with and I'm gonna put a whole video out at some point when it's done it'll be done at some point I don't know when it'll be done but I'm working on a big video um with all of this stuff so I have a ton of locations that I want to build out and put together like a yeah something cool for you guys something sweet I'm excited about it but um let's go ahead and hop in to let me switch over here be challenged because the theme we had a theme it was a colossal I believe I believe or was that last now it was memory memory is this one that we're talking about today um so you know there's a few winners as you do um we'll get through the weekly winners and then I'm going to hang out with you guys for maybe 10-15 minutes and just chat catch up on you know how the last few months have been what I've been up to chat with you guys um yeah and we'll get into it all right so um yeah let's do let's hop into it let's hop over to the weekly side of things all right let me full screen this guy here so I can see what's going on yes all right so let's begin we're gonna go with the winners and then we're gonna get into the honorable mentions so the theme was memory or memories um and our first winner is Jack the hack with this beautiful piece I love this so much um obviously all of this stuff is very subjective right this one really spoke to me just because it felt like an old film photo that I would have taken um on a trip he said that he took this on a trip in I believe Italy or something I may got the place make it the place wrong but it's based off an old photo that he took from uh from a trip that he went on and I just love that lighting it's like middle of the day um I don't know if it really truly does feel like a memory it feels like an old film photo and I just love it so congratulations Jack the hector you got 15 points towards your rank on the server um next up we have La gracious hahaha there is a few of these um or there were a few of these rather you know uh about video games and TVs and whatnot um and there are some good ones out there and you might see one or two in the honorable mentions but this one of course spoke to me the most because I was a PlayStation guy um grew up on PlayStation I see you know I'm gonna show you some stuff check it out check it out now I'm not gonna dig all the way into it but uh I see you got Metal Gear Solid down there it's one of my favorite games of all time um I actually picked this one up in Japan Tekken 3 all in Japanese I'm I'm loving it uh I got some Crash Bandicoot and some Spyro down there too uh some crash team racing I see you got in your drawer here in your render I love it so much and this one really spoke to me because it did remind me of going to my grandpa's place and uh we would bring the PS1 because I was like there's nothing to do with my grandpa's place except mow the lawn I feel like we always we were just always mowing the lawn perpetually at my grandpa's place I was like you know what I'm bringing the PS1 this time I'm bringing crash team racing um I'm bringing crash bash and we would just this was like this is crazy actually this is right when the internet was a thing and we would go on to the dial-up internet uh his dial up internet and download we would go to uh supercheats.com and we would print out just like pages and pages of cheat codes for Crash Bandicoot um and it was the best the PlayStation in the TV was like set up in our room right next to the pull out couch so I see you have like the covers here it's right next to a bed of some sort um dude that this is great this one this one I loved uh so congratulations scouty you're next Bud um you have to move with me we built Legos together and you're winning the weekly challenge I love this man beautiful environment love the center framing love the lighting love the composition um we're re-watching uh avatar Last Airbender and the wangshi tongs librarian season two was like one of my favorite episodes it's creepy it's super cool it's like very uh adventurous and I totally get those vibes from from this right here um takes me back to one of my favorite games of all time hyper light Drifter where there is a big old massive library in that game as well and I wonder if they did reference it from Avatar I wonder but yeah I don't know man massive libraries is super cool feels very dreamy as well like you don't know if it's reality or not but uh I would love to be in this place I think it's cool congrats congrats uh scouty on the win 15 points towards your rank next up we got tubby buddy with this one yeah this is a cool little like uh like advertisement of some sort um looks like a show or something or an ad you would see on the side of the street but I love I love this I love the lighting I love that you took a different approach to it um and this whole like fluid Sim you have in the brain coming out it's super cool I love it I love your lighting I love your colors um cool pose too big fan congrats tubby buddy and finally finally we have uh we have under with this one and this is disgusting this is gross this totally reminds me of uh there's a silent hill game maybe it's Silent Hill too I don't know uh it feels very silent hillish but there's a hole in her face and it's like leaking and spilling out into the floor that is disgusting um not good not good she's had some bad memories all right also the table classic man reminds me of uh quixel bridge I remember I remember using quixel Bridge back in the day I'm just kidding I I use it a lot um but congrats under good stuff uh we have a few honorable mentions right just because um you know you didn't win doesn't mean your art was cool and it didn't speak to me so I want to shout out some people each one of these guys gets Five Points towards their rank on the server and of course if you participated in the weekly challenge you get one point and we level up we level up on the Discord server links down below if you guys want to participate in these things we'll do a Lego one I mean as soon as we can do the next one we do them every week we're doing a Lego one all right um because it's a blast right but honorable mentions first off we got Bean whipped now this one's special okay usually we we just keep it to 3D renders only all right but um being whipped he had some uh family members pass away we got his two uncles on the left here and his twin brother on the right and um he drew them in memory of them and I thought you know we should we should shout him out here um on the live stream and and just uh just pay our respects because clearly he loved him you know he this is an amazing picture he put together incredible detail incredible work and uh I'm sorry for your loss and I hope um yeah it's it's I'm it's one of the toughest things to go through losing a loved one so um you know shout outs to them they seem like cool dudes um next up we have can Syrian and this is what I was talking about this was talking about the other one and I and technically I like the lighting a little bit better in this one I think the there there's a little bit more details but again the other one spoke spoke to me a little bit more not to say that this one is better or worse I love it that's all I'm trying to say is I love it um really great render quality awesome lighting uh really nice models you have here good setup it's tough to recreate a messy room and you did a good job here so I I wanted to shout you out there oh we got Ina next um this one I love this one it's stylized I love the colors like you the colors you chose here were very very deliberate and I think you did a solid job another um great example of a messy room it actually looks messy and I just love those pastels and feels so soft and like a commercial or something yeah it's a cool look it's a really really cool look next we have Frodo um this one is great I you know as often as I could I would go Urban exploring uh with friends a lot with with my buddy Brett and this was when we were in Atlanta and Atlanta is an old city right and there's a lot of old abandoned buildings and we would go around and we would explore and take photos and dress up in costumes and film little videos and it really brought me back to that time and this Lighting in particular is very dreamy to me um I don't know why this overcast not overcast but golden hour lighting is is so dreamy but I don't know when you think of some old past memory golden hour you know that it's uh that's the lighting that kind of pops up in my head at least maybe this is just me but feels like a dream it really does feel like a dream and I think Inception probably did a good job kind of burrowing that into my mind because I remember that like Cafe scene when everyone looked at uh at um at Leo and I think it was a go it was a weird orange golden hour vibe there too um and it was dreamy it was a dream I think um yeah that's weird weird how that works next up we have sci-fi I guess is their name um this is super cool I love it love the detail love the colors the composition the render quality is all there for me um again huge gamer so I thought this one was really cool really awesome I didn't want to shout you out as well a voice of fear is next um this one is really sweet I like this angle I like the the wide angle lens I like your color I like your composition two notes for you though one you have some cards some floating cards up on the ceiling you definitely want to uh fix that get your Textures in there second um this giant space on the left this dark space on the left uh I feel like it's blocking a lot of the image and it really is um I think clashing with the the focal point which is the character I think if you would have pushed that that giant block further out to the right and move the character and the vocal point out to the right kind of done a weird off-center kind of thing I think that could have been cool but it's just off balance for me it's out of balance so I would I would either take that drawer and push it back a little further um but otherwise I love your color I love your scene uh I love your composition and I think just those couple things could help you um this other one is called you became nothing but a memory so I don't know who this is that's why it's important to name your stuff pour it into name your file um as your Discord name that way I can shout you out and that way you can get your points okay you don't want to miss out I thought this was a super cool idea um you know yeah the textures could have been you know up here or there but whatever I just thought the idea was super cool cool enough that I that I had to shout you out I thought it was pretty darn unique um you know cluttered mind kind of a thing uh but also it's very artsy it's very beautiful looking so in this person's mind they have a lot of good memories perhaps but I love it I love that texture I love like the the actual texture like how it feels um the way it's broken up with all this coming out the back of his head here um the the room I feel like yeah I don't know what that floor is I don't know if that's like untextured something something looks like the walls are made of marble looks like he's made of marble maybe but I don't know what the floor is made out of um some crown molding could help you on the bottom some trim can really help you as well uh maybe a tile floor black tile floor reflective black tile floor I think would actually be sick with uh with all that Greenery coming out the back of this character's head I think would look sick is that it I think that's it guys congratulations to the winners congrats to the honorable mentions and if if you participated even congratulations to you as well um you know uh we do these every week once again we got the Discord link for you down in the description if you want to join us on these weekly challenges please uh it's free to hop in and it's a good time it's a great way to practice your craft and hang out um and when I stream we do these usually uh I'll just do a little little video um for the weekly challenge every week to shout out the winners but yeah it's fun to do it on the Stream so and for the next 15 minutes with you guys hanging out we'll talk about whatever um so hit me with questions if you guys have any questions man I get a haircut today I am so excited so excited for this haircut it's been too long I wear this hat like every day pretty much wear the same clothes every day guys I got the same three four pairs of pants of different colors I got the same I mean t-shirts basically um and this darn hat I love this hat but uh the main reason I wear it is because I'm lazy and I don't want to do my hair and my hair doesn't look good that's why I do it wait look at this oh boy oh boy um so I get a haircut today five o'clock very excited about that I'm very excited about that hit me with the questions y'all at Punisher in the chat um I'll hang out for the next 15 I went to Japan we got back two weeks ago um my goodness was that the best I love Japan I've been there it was my third trip this time around and um I was actually able to use the language because I've been studying for the last three years and I finally was able to use it every single day and it felt like I had learned an instrument and never was it never able to play it until you know two weeks ago so that was cool it was really cool it was definitely like Elementary level uh language skills here but I was able to chat with locals and ask a bunch of questions and get around it was fun it was very fun and very peaceful my goodness you guys know I don't know if you followed me at Corridor or whatever you guys know I'm all about taking breaks chilling out and taking the time necessary to recover because we can't just work work all day and I learned that lesson every year I burnt out the first year um I I kind of rebooted my YouTube channel and that was rough and I made a video I called it uh we can't live off of snacks that was the name of the video and I talk about how I'm I'm burning out I gotta slow down I gotta post less I thought posting less was the answer and I was kind of I was kind of getting there I was kind of getting towards what I what ultimately was the the the right answer for me um at the time it was post less and work on larger projects that I'm really passionate about and I was I was getting onto something I was onto something but the next year this is last year okay we're halfway through we're in June now but last year uh come the end of the year I burnt out again a second time and I'm like man why did I burn out again this is really weird I thought that I did everything I had to do I thought I'd posting less and working on the passion projects was helpful and yes it was helpful but why why did I burn out again it's rough um oh wonders you're getting a haircut too that's awesome dude heck yeah that's great and I I was like what the heck man and maybe I already talked about this on the stream I feel like I've talked about this a bunch of times with friends uh but um yeah the artist's way and uh the creative act I did talk about this on the stream I read those two books and man that opened my eyes to to so much I didn't realize that I had an unhealthy approach to to creating and honestly a lot of it has to do with YouTube it's really annoying it sucks how that works out right but YouTube is constantly like they're gonna let you know as soon as your video doesn't do as well like it puts you it ranks you immediately and that is not good for creativity and it's it it makes it a competition not just with yourself but with the algorithm with everyone else and I I realized it is like running a YouTube channel is not the most conducive and healthy way to be creative um but that can that could be said for any like let's say take a musician for example and they're they're you know working on albums and um releasing albums to the world and let's say an album blows up right uh it does really well they're gonna feel pressure like I feel pressure to continue doing what other people love and that's real tricky that is really really tricky you start chasing what you think other people want you to do and because it's worked in the past right um and you start going down a path that is not your path and it and it might be someone else's path or your idea of someone else's idea of what you think would be cool it's it's messed up you can't create that way you you really have to focus on what you think is cool and I think if you listen to that this is what I'm learning right now this is what I'm trying to trying to to practice here if I can really hone in on what I think is cool not what I think other people want me to make that's the best way to create um really it's the only way to create um it's not to get views it's not to make a living it's not to make money it's not to um uh to get popular it all it's not even to make masterpieces like the best thing like obviously that is that is the goal you want to do that but you have to be okay with making stuff that's not good as well and I think it I want to put out the most polished stuff possible on my YouTube channel everything I do wherever whatever I post you know whatever I create I want it to be the best it can be and um you know you set such a high standard I set such a high standard for myself that it's hard to like top it it's hard to beat it and I think just that mindset alone is is tricky it's very tricky I'm actively kind of shutting myself down like oh that idea is not good enough because of X Y and Z I'm not even gonna do it but no I think being as open and as free as possible to make whatever you want without rules without um anyone's input what's the best thing I think I could make and and and that's been my goal here and understanding that it's okay if I don't post every two weeks or month even um it's more important that I'm just as healthy as possible creatively and just as a person too because I think they go hand in hand being a person living life and being creative for me is the same thing um so you know the healthier the healthier I am the healthier you guys are to yourself the better better art you're gonna make um you don't have to follow Trends just stick to what you love and there's going to be people who are going to love what you love too and I'm learning this and I'm trying to be okay oh I didn't post on this day you know I hadn't streamed in a long time I I I kind of need to not worry about that you know um and now with that being said with all that being said this year has been one of been one of the best years creatively and life-wise because again they're the same for me um you know in a while since I started my YouTube channel I think since the maybe the very beginning it reminds me of right when I rebooted my channel um uh three years ago and I had so much stuff that I was excited to put out and I feel like that's where I'm at right now and I'm I'm cooking I'm baking it and I got all these ideas that I'm really amped about um and whether they make you know whether they they whether you guys like them whether they get views or not is out of my control I have no control over that all I can control is how often I step up to work on the art um and I can obviously make the art good right I can try and make it as good as I can but there's a process to it right and that's where the creative act that Rick Rubin book comes in he talks all about the process the creative process and it's so cool I never really thought about it in the way that he brought it up in this book which is you go about life and you have all these what he calls seeds and they're all like idea starters they're all Sparks of an idea and I have a little thing on my phone it's just called seeds and I split them up into music movies um writing whatever right and I'll put them down there and not anytime I'm like I need I need an idea or not even I need an idea it's like the more seeds that you gather the more excited you'll be to like you have a big list of exciting things to do and you go through and you mine them you essentially like push them you you experiment with a seed you see what it can grow into and if you chop it off too early that's not the point the point is to let it grow and see where it goes naturally when you get to that point you let it grow naturally you let these ideas come about naturally and you you kind of um yeah say you have an idea for a video what are all the different ways you could do it what are all the different ways you know it's not just one way it's a bunch of different ways let's try experimenting with X Y and Z with no pressure that's another thing is pressure is not good for creativity so like deadlines is really tough to be creative and open and experimental with a deadline is very difficult and I think that's what the whole YouTube schedule thing is so difficult is like oh I have to post there's no time to create there's no time to innovate there's no time to experiment so I don't and I end up just like not being as ant about it as I would be if I had taken the pressure away and experimented and come like that's how this Lego stuff came about you know I found this book that I talked about at the beginning of um of the stream here I loved the way this looked I bought it on the spot and I got an idea to make a video with this kind of stuff and when I went to Japan I had this idea in mind and I shot a bunch of footage um without worrying whether it's gonna be in the video or not I just shot a bunch of footage and um you know came back and kind of went through the footage and did a little edit figured out what um what worked what didn't and I'm still open I'm still as oh trying to be as open as possible um and there's no schedule for this video either I'm just having fun with it and we'll see when it's done it'll be done when it's done so I'm excited about that um but yeah I don't know that's kind of a tangent there um Ronan peace out man thanks for for joining me hope you had a good time um let's check the chat I know I said hit me with your questions so let's let's go through and hit with the questions what's my favorite photo that I took while in Japan and why all right Alex you brought it up let's do it I'm gonna show you my film photos from Japan I got them developed recently so let me show these to you guys and pull them up here and kind of go through them pretty quickly they're they're there's about 70 photos I won't take too long with it but um there's a couple bangers in there you know they're not all they're not all great but let's see what we got so these are all taken on a holga it's a plastic camera it's in the other room it's a forty dollar camera all right this is a forty dollar plastic film camera medium format film camera they all come out as uh like Square One to One ratio format here um you could do color black and white XYZ the whole camera's plastic including the lens and the glass everything um and there's only f8 or f11 for the aperture there's only one over 100 or bulb which is you hold it down for as long as you want for the shutter speed the film stock which is technically your ISO is uh baked into like whatever film you buy oh and focus the focus um is person a few people a lot of people or a mountain that's all you have for focus and you're not even looking into what you're seeing you're looking into a rangefinder which is just like an uh approximation it's just a piece of glass looking through that's it so it's kind of random almost and you kind of you know you take some practice but this is my first my first run through we found this blue penguin Bakers and uh in takayama see some of these didn't turn out right this one's a little blurry but it's cool I like it this was in takayama as well which is like between Tokyo it's like a triangle between Tokyo Kyoto and takayama um it's a very small town if you saw the movie your name the girl from the movie your name um is from takayama and that's how we found out about it this was my second time in tokayama this one I love the color on this and also uh I just need to crop it but yeah that'll be a cool one if you guys recognize this that was the train reference that we were working with shirakawago this is shirakala is outside an hour outside of takayama and it's this ancient place these old thatched roof buildings are just incredible um you know of course they're farming here um and they have more modern houses next to these like ancient thatched roof houses which is really cool great reference here and you guys may recognize this too I showed you at the beginning but this is like that little altar a few more here let's see um yeah this is more shirakawago and this was actually like a like a tea and coffee place we went down there and we got some amazing Curry it was crazy so good the flowers here are crazy too it was uh springtime when we went and it's right up in this like Little Valley big old Forest behind it so beautiful yeah and I just love shooting film I I got back into it too you know I I stopped shooting film for the longest time but this trip got me back in this is straight okay so this place is um you might think they're similar but uh this place is for real people live here people live in these houses all right this place is in takayama proper and it is a open-air museum they brought these buildings in from different parts of Japan to um you know as a museum they built this place out which is crazy and it was basically like kakariko Village if you guys are playing Zelda right now um it's literally real life cockerico Village which is so cool and I went into this like I've been making a lot of ambient music recently this year and I was like you know what this thing shoots one to one square format so I'm gonna just try and get a bunch of like album art photos so that was fun see what else do we got here um this is cinestill 800t um 800 tungsten and uh at this point I was like over exposing I think this was a Sumo match if you guys look closely you can see yeah soon we'll match here everyone's lined up pretty cool this is at the Ghibli Museum outside the Jimmy Museum in mitaka this was the walk toward the Giblin Museum beautiful park there I I bought um some treats from this woman here I took a picture but it's yeah I didn't uh this was like right at the beginning of the trip when I was still learning the camera we did go-karts through Tokyo which was so cool there's an hour ride go-kart uh session Mario Kart through Tokyo and it was the best if you guys are gonna go to Tokyo if you're gonna go to Japan check out monkey cart that's uh the service that's the those are the guys who put it together yeah check out monkey cart it was super fun I love these shots so much fun it's another another underexposed one this should have been better there's just some people chilling this guy I asked this guy if I could take a picture of him he was sitting in this garage and I guess I I double exposed I I forgot to wind the film so it stacked both images on top of each other um maybe this is there's something salvageable here it's a pretty cool look now that I'm looking at on the computer um but uh yeah a little crop a little uh a little distort a little warp get this all squared up looking nice I think there could be something here album art wise I don't know I love this one too it's just a color the eight that 800 tungsten is one of the best film stocks it's by a company called uh sinistil and what they do is they take Motion Picture film and they convert it to um photograph film photography so 35 millimeter 120 millimeter medium format um if you guys are into shooting film this is all like Motion Picture film very Blade Runner looking kind of stuff they have a black and white stock but the 800t is my favorite um we got more stuff you know album art monkeys look at this baby monkey look at this little baby monkey right here this is um in Kyoto monkey Park they're chilling little baby monkey learning how to climb so cute this little guy and they it's funny they put you in a cage right so these monkeys are Roman free but you're in this little Hut in this house here um and you go in and then you feed them and they're like give me more food give me more food it's hilarious this place is uh also in Kyoto this is a moss Temple it's called kokedera okay Dara Moss Temple um and uh it's like a thousand year old uh like a little Moss Forest and um they have you like write a bunch of like calligraphy before you do this thing to like get your mind right you know you gotta prepare for the forest and then they send you on this walk around the forest um or around the lake which is just beautiful um and these pictures don't capture the beauty of this place um but oh yeah I love this photo this guy was like sweeping up all the leaves and there's this boat out here this this is one of my favorite shots just this old man observing I don't know a rock or something a little underexposed but honestly I like the look and I can push it later because these are um hi-res uh I think these are jpegs huh that's the Moss temple in Kyoto this is more um thatched roof business I was planning on just cropping out this tree so it's just like a kind of half and half image this is back in takayama that open air museum this is all the Open Air Museum this woman oh my goodness so this is in Tokyo this is the morning Market in takayama on the river it's beautiful and I actually photographed this woman like on my last trip four years ago five years ago yeah five years ago maybe even six I don't know and uh she was still there and I showed her the picture of her from from before that I took before and I was and she was like oh my God I'm so young so I took another one of her it was cool to see to see the contrast we have some kids just chilling this is what basically this right here is behind this right and this is if you tilt up that's what you're gonna see here this is in takayama it's so beautiful so beautiful this is uh on our way we drove from Tokyo to takayama and this was one of the views this one is crazy so this was basically that's a walkway this is a bridge believe it or not a miniature like one foot not even one I'm like literally your foot wide Bridge a maintenance bridge over a river but yeah this was again towards the beginning of the trip when I was still figuring out my like exposure blurry Tokyo one more this one I love I love the uh you know I I always wind your film forward so that you're ready to take a shot so I was walking down just this beautiful place it's called um kibune I think in Kyoto it's like 15 minute drive north of Kyoto um and it's just a road like this that just goes up into the mountain and there's a river that runs along the um it runs down the mountain and they have all these restaurants built over the river it's crazy so you're like sitting down enjoying tea and like watching a waterfall this guy was just passing I was like oh perfect a little underexposed you know but it is what it is this is in Kyoto on the the river at around golden hour and none of these really were the one you know I was waiting for some someone to to Bike by you see everyone there's every one of these I'm waiting for someone to Bike by or walk by but none of them really weren't it and that's fine you know they let me take a picture of them by the by the uh what is it the Pagoda probably would have framed it a little bit different but you know it's okay this was the Kyo mizudera temple in Kyoto and that's the most popular Temple ever it was maxed out ridiculous that's it yeah that was the Japan trip so to answer your question probably the the shot of the the old man standing and looking out over uh looking at that rock that might have been my favorite shot um this one this one is great too I like this one as well but um yeah it was just fun to shoot film again honestly all right let's see any other questions read any good books recently you know I read um there was a book called Street of a thousand blossoms and it was a it was a book about um sumo wrestler and I picked it up because we were going to watch a Sumo match in Japan so I picked it up to like get a little bit of insight on what Sumo is like so to have a better appreciation for the match I got about halfway through watch the match and then the match gave me a better appreciation for the book it was pretty good book if the characters were amazingly written felt like they were real um of course the creative act by Rick Rubin uh the artist's way um her name is uh something Cameron Julie Cameron Julie Cameron I think um that that's absolutely incredible it's like a workbook creative workbook that you do uh once a day and it breaks up into like 12 weeks and that really helped me kind of I don't know re reintegrate and get get creative again I felt like I was creatively stifled in and that really helped me um that's what I'm working on now I'm reading a book called seven Eves by Neil Stevenson at the moment it's like sci-fi book the opening the opening sentence is the moon blew up without warning um and for no reason at all yeah that's how the book starts that's the first the first sense so good ah wondrous okay so you you feel it too you said when your back rooms videos blew up you got tired of making them so you switched to making videos you like doing yeah Styles Morales what's up man thanks for the or the the kind words oh Ben okay so if an idea for a project suddenly becomes much less interesting how do you get yourself excited about it again that's a good question so um I don't know I don't know and there's probably not a right answer for this but here here's what might happen is maybe maybe you've moved on past the idea you know maybe you you're a different person every day you wake up right um you're a different person the next week the next month the next year so you may have had an idea x amount of days ago weeks months years ago that was so exciting to you and it's just not really there for you anymore and that's okay that just means you have kind of grown or changed the idea itself Also may not have been as awesome as you may have thought it was to you when you first came up with it too so there's that so I don't know if it's not exciting to you anymore then it's just not exciting to you anymore that's okay um you know we we change with the days so um if nothing's exciting to you anymore now then that that's a different thing but another thing you could do is you could take that idea and you can start asking questions about it like how could I do that what was exciting to me originally about this and you can just write about that um I think that would be helpful in trying to find the core of what was exciting to you originally about that and journaling to yourself maybe talking it out with a friend and then figuring out you know maybe I am still excited about this because you know I broke it down and I figured out what it is that I'm excited about or you know I think this originally excited me not so excited about it anymore and that's okay um let's see let's see Roman hey what's up man from Ukraine nice dude um you started learning Unreal Engine five [Music] um and watching my tutorials that's great congrats man keep it up keep it up stay safe out there um hopefully you and your family are doing all right [Music] Ali Reza thank you for the kind words I really appreciate it guys I think um I think that's it I think we're going to to call it there thank you for joining me I had a blast that was truly truly a good time building out that uh that Lego train with y'all and I'm excited to keep building that Lego stuff I got a cool video coming out I don't know when it'll be um but you know keep an eye out for it in the meantime weekly challenge is running right now we got a challenge going on this week check the Discord link below um we're gonna do a Lego one next as soon as as soon as uh it's probably next week because I think the the weekly challenge has already decided for this this upcoming week but we're doing uh we're doing Lego next time uh check out Bricklink it's cool again not sponsored I'm just a big fan of it um I discovered it in trying to recreate these Legos and um yeah it's a cool program very very fun pretty darn addicting actually so have fun with it yeah have a good time if you're trying to bring those cloud files into c4d I got that converter for you in the description as well and of course if you guys want to support me more videos like this I do have a patreon as well so go check that out I got two tiers five dollar Community tier 30 Pro tier uh Pro tier gets access to all my assets that I ever put out um I know it's not as as frequent it's not updated daily like a quick little Bridge or anything um but you know there's a good chunk of stuff uh uploaded in their asset-wise so yeah go check it out I appreciate you guys thank you so much for everything um I'll catch you soon I don't know exactly when but uh you know I'll be cranking on stuff and I'll see you on the Discord right and uh what else what else I think that's about it guys um you know uh Community challenge the new community challenge I don't know what the idea is yet but I got I have some ideas and that's gonna be in August okay working month is in August so yeah keep keep hanging out keep doing these weeklies keep having fun I'll catch you guys soon peace out later y'all [Music] thank you thank you
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 25,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pwnisher, 3d, render, challenge, vfx, tutorial, cg, cinema 4d, blender, unreal engine, ue5
Id: AbAAkSaxlZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 55sec (10375 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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