Start & Operate A Successful Stump Grinding Business Part 8 Pricing

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[Music] all right so just to give you an idea on something like this you're going to want to you know measure out don't measure right there from edge to edge we're not going to measure this to this we're going to measure from here all the way over i'm not going to worry about those little bits right there uh it's most of us can fall apart when i get to grind into here so i'm only going to charge them to right here from this area i'm not going to worry about any of that stuff so from that measurement all the way across to this measurement is 80 inches um now you gotta remember that 80 inches to be honest with you is a little short for all of that but all that dirt is going to fall back in that hole uh and that's we want to price accordingly for that for the customer and then we've got uh over here in the woods these are standing stumps a lot easier to grind uh well when i say a lot easier to grind just quicker so from here you know you're not going to do a measure based on this you can do a measure on where you're grinding your your measure which is virtually the same here is from here i mean right where that root plate hits the ground so if there's an oak tree it have a little bit more of a of a flare uh the pine tree here has a pretty straight shot on it but that's what i'm measuring from that spot right on that edge to that spot that we're just at again which is virtually the same so overhang just overhang just a little bit because it wasn't any more than about an inch any more than about an inch here so we got a 20 inch stump so that's what we charge all right so this is pretty cut and dry on the measure there's a lot of things to think about on this one a lot of rot in the middle of some of these so you got to factor that in on your pricing then you've got root flare that sticks out way out past the actual cut you want to factor that in and price for where the root flare touches the ground and then i've got to protect ac units windows i got to set up shields those should be things you should be doing anyway but charging to put up shields i don't necessarily agree with that so much but if it's an access issue and i got to put pads down and all the shields and everything else that goes in all that's extra time so if you've got to move shields from one location to the next to the next to the next and the next and takes forever yeah you want to factor that in but if it's just a matter of throwing it up around one or two stumps i mean it should be pretty easy for you to do it's just an added benefit to them shows that you're going the extra mile but look at all these they a lot of them got rot holes in the middle of them easy grinds for me but again shield shield shields i got a blow over right here i am going to cut that trunk off we're going to haul that off actually we're going to haul that across the street in the woods is where they wanted it but then i've got a fence post which you're going to guarantee there was concrete down the bottom of that fencing we did another one over by the driveway on the other side there that i don't see on this video termite stakes all around this stump which you'll see here and i'm sorry not this one but the next one so those are things that you've got to factor in for time and for watching out for in your pricing so depending on what kind of grinder you have obviously this is going to be either you can do it or you can't do it or you're going to have to put some padding down or something that allows you the ability to traverse the incline so that you can grind over this blow over on the incline factors to think about accessibility all right so give you an idea on pricing this one is an entire mound plus the four stumps that are in it uh they are big oak stumps two big oak stumps and then two smaller ones but all together is a whole lot of wood in there and that root plate is going to stretch out throughout that mound and you get a price accordingly so you got to give them the whole price on that this is a grind and haul job so you got a price for the whole thing there's going to be a butt ton of dirt the more mound you do like this the more dirt you're going to haul now we've got a 12-yard truck on this and we filled that thing to the gills and then some i was i'm sure overweight on it just because of that so those are things that you need to factor in um you know if you're gonna dump per the tonnage at a location you're gonna spend a lot of money doing that if you're gonna dump by the yardage it's a little bit better but you have to price accordingly and stick to your laurels so here's the picture just kind of giving you an idea of what you can show your customers how much more wood is below that ground and this is 27 inch wheel so that gives you any inclination as to how big the stump is on height and width those are the things that you need to factor into your grind pricing so in this one i want you to understand the difficulty behind getting into tight places and the amount of time that it takes i had to put pads down all the way through here all the way on top of all of this dig up some of those plants on the left obviously these two trees were removed and those were the stumps that we had to grind there was no access to from the back we actually have a video on uh something about grinding in tight spaces on this whole thing where you can actually see all those pads um and how we did it put up some shields to protect everything but this is the what i want you to grasp is the amount of time it takes to put down all these pads put up all the shields to dig up all the stuff just to do two quick stumps now if i were to measure those stumps out just as they are they fall under our minimum 125 bucks uh look we did this for 500 um and quite honestly that was still quite a bargain um it it took me about an hour and a half to set up these pads and get them all to put them put them in and then take them out and it took all of maybe 10 15 minutes of that to actually grind the stumps so but they've got all these pavers all these stones uh you know a lot of that stuff takes time so you've got to factor that in and you know okay if i have to remove these am i going to include putting them back because there's going to be you know chips and junk that are not going to let you put those back in the same nice spot so you're going to you're going to have difficulty with that so you need to factor that stuff in how much are you willing to do versus the customer willing to do for the grind and that pricing obviously reflects how much you're willing to do you know you go in there for 125 dollars like your normal you know stump you're going to really beat yourself to death because you're going to be there for a couple hours you know making 125 dollars and it's going to wear you down trying to get all these things in and out and i know an hour and a half does not sound like a lot of time um but i'm talking about just the setup i'm talking about total time on property here is probably about two hours and if you want to make just 125 an hour on a rig setup that's you know 150 200 000 um by all means go for it you're going to have real difficulties paying your bills covering those expenses on that kind of a mindset um and and i'm not saying that you've got to go and price everything for i'm the cadillac of stump grinding but guess what you are uh you get what you pay for you know you're going to come in and you're going to give these people the best service that you you're more equipped than anybody else out there to do this very type of thing where somebody else yes they're smaller stump grinders they can get in there a little bit easier than what mine did but they should still be putting down pads they should still be putting up shields they should still be digging up plants uh and you know termite stakes things of that sort need to be protected regardless of the size of your grinder uh the fact that my grinder is much larger than you know let's say a zt uh or an sg40 for instance um you know you could have squeezed one of those in there with no problem at all a little 252 you probably could have gotten there pretty easily as well but the reality is you still need to put pads down you still need to protect their stuff they're not going to let you pull in on this expensive stuff uh this expensive landscaping and the expense of stones and pavers and the time and that it took for them to put all that stuff into the money that it cost them to put all that in for you just to trample over it and not have a care in the world um this is the stuff that's going to set you apart and guess what those customers do they refer you to more people so that's what you want and this is the outcome when you do that kind of work here we've got everything's up everything's cleaned up it was a little muddy so some of the muddy tracks a little hard to get off the concrete out when we get on the driveway but look at this nothing's ruined everything's been clean nothing has been messed up and look at that you can't even tell there was two trees that were there this is the kind of care that we take when we go in and we do what we do so setting up the pads setting up everything costs more money price accordingly to do so again 125 dollar minimum would have covered that on the measurement but 500 was for sure what we needed to charge all right so this next one's got uh a monster blow over some standing stumps a blow over that we ripped out of the rest of the way out of the ground stacked it at their road but this is a completely trashed yard as you can see it's all just pretty much dirt anymore we're taking out those hedges around that hedge and that hedge and then this stump with the the uh flare in the mound but as you'll see here when i prop my foot up on it you'll get an idea of just how big this thing is i've got a size 13 shoe and uh it's a big stump um i don't remember the exact measurement on this one that's probably sitting somewhere around a 50 inch or somewhere around there uh at the cut but then this is the one that we just ground the edge of the flare on either side and we're able to scoop that out put it at the road but the next one stands at almost 10 feet tall there's a ton of rocks in it you'll see in the video here in a second and those are things that you're going to have to factor into i want to charge them for me to be the one to remove those or do i want to tell them to remove those or do i just want to throw it in and help him out i chose to help him out um we we ground all that and flattened everything out it was an undertaking i was there for probably oh i don't know probably close to five hours the pile i had was huge but it was 1500 bucks so take that for what it's worth and price accordingly all right everybody so just remember simple arithmetic stick to your laurels you know what you're capable of you know what you can do you know the amount of time it's going to take some of this is going to be a a learning curve for you especially those guys that are starting out new or maybe even new with new equipment or even upgrading and and beefing up your rig and setting you up better to do better things so uh keep all of that in mind those are your variables the different variables obviously being your conditions of grind and what you're going to do to get it done so be encouraged get out there stick to your laurels price accordingly and best of luck to you god bless everybody you
Channel: Kingsmen Enterprises
Views: 4,742
Rating: 4.8350515 out of 5
Keywords: Bandit SG 75, Kingsmen Enterprises, Avant 528, Stump Grinding Haul Rig, Stump Grinding, How To Grind Stumps
Id: JdoEurruJ1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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