Stump Grinders - Toro, Terex or Vermeer which is the best?

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will this work yeah [Music] holy crap Tanner you're good well I need at Eric's now it boils down to it's a motor and a big round wheel that spins and destroys things small horsepower machine like this needs sharp teeth alright so we're we stopped it right here because I want to show you guys how these teeth actually carve in [Applause] holy crap he's good he knows how to run the machine main things that a guy should look at if they're going to look at buying a let's say you they're out in the field they're trying to buy a used piece of equipment I used a stump grinder what are the things they should look at the big failure components in these machines are going to be the bearings so you want to make sure that there's no play and there's a bearing here and here and depending on how the machines configured this one has another set of bearings here in here okay those could be very expensive to replace so you can generally tell if there's play in here uh-huh then just kind of any of your anywhere you have a hydraulic cylinder hooking up make sure that there's no play in the bushings there I'd say and the thing I don't like about this first of all it's not four-wheel drive today I was on a hill once you get all those chips right underneath you climbing that hill four-wheel drive would help a lot okay so that's a big concern stump slide big stump see you on and that situation tracks would be better to have an hour meter yes okay most of them have an hour meter they should yeah is it easy to fudge that our meter there's a funny thing so locators that they need to know I've brought my reasonable person hopefully yeah you're gonna have to deal with that other than that it boils down to it's a motor and a big round wheel that spins and destroys things so well they're pretty big that's something we can destroy all your code Epona stuff [Music] can you get your stump grinder here yeah we'll cut some of this buckthorn out here so you can see what the hell we're doing [Music] [Music] get batteries out so this is the communicator does that sound pretty good the Sun huh yeah very good yeah absolutely it's nice when you have someone in the tree and then you could communicate with your ground guy especially if there's a crane job it's show time [Music] your profit margins are going to be much larger if you're able to maintain and sharpen your own teeth and a small horsepower machine like this needs sharp teeth if you had a 70 horsepower diesel on this machine you could go to these things we're literally blunt and they would still continue to cut but with a small horsepower machine you need the sharp teeth otherwise it's not going to be a productive it's not going to be a profitable machine are there offset teeth and inset teeth or what yeah so they call these again cuz I'm looking at the species there's different names from them but these are like these are they call these a straight then they have like 45s which are these and then these ones are 90s so you see can you see that Zander from your angle you can see how these are inset and these are is that is that you - typicals because I'm seeing yeah at different wheels are set up differently I don't really have a preference see this is slightly doll right here no okay I mean you can see that's just all see where it's just rounded there okay Tanner's got a bad tooth so I mean you can see right there that doesn't happen too often where it gets chipped you had to hit a rock for that right that that's pretty bad so what we're looking at is a chip from a rock more than likely I'm gonna guess up something or metal and this right here is where I can even be from a rock a bunch of little rocks that's usually what it's from they won't chip as much that's just average we're right there so when this wears off because we can see this wore down you can sharpen that three times yup usually usually just a certain point then you gotta get a pretty tough okay what about this damaged one right here that's that's done right that's existed I mean they do these also do have three sides you can rotate these ones three times that one some have two you can rotate them so you can keep turning up once that sides dull you turn it and it has actually if you can come in here you see the groove right there so that's your indicator right yep so you put it in and there's a notch right here and it sits in the pocket once you're dull you rotate it so you'd want to rotate all the entire wheel at the cell no only ones on this machine might get dull usually the most time are these ones that sit out further see okay so bit further out get dull faster because these guys are protected by these guys up and usually when you're swinging you'll hit this first you'll feel rock you'll hit that first and fling it out no matter what the further ones get dull faster got it okay so if I'm looking at this rate these are this is slightly go right here nope okay I mean you can see that's just all see where it's just rounded there okay and then you know you can come up to what were the two kinds of teeth they will your time on green teeth and what was the other one that you have this wheel is set up with green teeth pockets for green teeth pockets for green tea well no what is my Toro have green tea but yours has 700 series these are 900 series is a bigger - bigger - is my teeth holy crap he's good he knows how to run the machine how many you been running that machine you see money holy crap Tanner you're good I want to show you something here two of the chips I didn't go as low as I usually do but yeah you can tell what the chips out all the machine oh yeah other nice and stringy and long like all these yeah here's what we call this a banana peel okay you see how like literally the the tooth is cutting four you know multiple inches it's really shaving a lot of material off if you got [Music] if you got a bunch of oil strapped no like that your machine is not cutting how it should so and then just you know knowing how to run the head of the machine at the the right rpms and feeling the machine out it it's a lot to it another thing this is live hydraulics so when we're running skid loader we have I can't remember I can't remember the technical name of it but electric over hydraulic just live hydraulic yeah electric over hydraulic you I don't like that because there's a delay yeah out of it being boom johnny-on-the-spot there's this this just the slightest delay when you're trying to do really fine work it sucks I hate it okay yeah and you you you don't feel the machine you know when it's live hydraulics you can feel those hydraulic codes and hose you can feel the motor you can feel the weight of machine you have you become one with the machine where the electronic over hydraulic it separates you you can outsmart this machine the more technology they put into them the machine becomes smarter than you well you just hit the nail on the head with that Toro it's got that smart feed head on it yeah which will sense when you're biting too much and it'll back off and it's like which that's definitely has its perks but for like you know pairing an operator with a machine with an operator like this Tanner is able to just dominate stumps so Tanner this is the perfect machine for him so if you guys are Tanner then this is your machine if there's gonna be that one guy named Tanner you know who you are you're gonna be like well I need a Terrax now-discontinued so you'll never have it you're not Tanner you want something that's going to be more forgiving a litt a little bit kind of takes the operator air out of it and does a little bit more of the work for you and that's where the Toro that I'm using that's the differences so you want to pair the machine to the guy exactly yeah this is this is the machine he runs this machine 90 percent of time he puts his job is put what on the ground and when he's done he smoked cigarettes and runs this thing see how we do that I want to see this breaking trying to start printing machine yeah this is this is the Machine you Jimmy rigged up to sharpen the teeth can you actually get these sharpened other places you can send them in but they charge $8 in two so you can get a brand new one for 12 yeah the Aqsa - and you can send them in also it another thing you can do I think this is cheaper than sharpening now is they can retain this - so like this is a molded head and it's two different types of metal here that they mold on to the head of the tooth so you can send this tooth in they can read - they can retype it we just use to sharpen them because it's a lot easier you don't have to mail anything you do whatever you want but we had to build this machines this machine's made up of a drill press that we removed the return spring so normally when you let go of a drill press handle it would line back up but we remove the turn return spring we added some weight here via this bolt so it applies just the perfect amount of down pressure on the tooth to the wheel and then we mounted this bench grinder here rotated it over aligned it perfectly with the drill press and the diamond 3m diamond cutting wheel and you get a stump runner to sharpen one other thing to remember too is that this will get this sharper than a factory - okay because the factory tooth is made in the mold you know they put there is an edge on the tooth then but we're actually putting an edge onto the tooth now so i'ma let tanner run this thing because it's thinner nose with us yeah there's no walking make a drill press do you do and a bench grinder they do yeah it's like magnetic drill process like twenty three hundred dollars so if they want to send me one will make us time grinding to start now then we can make a video [Music] so you lift the machine good work yeah you don't want to put too much weight on it I kind of have a bolt here to add some weight when it's down but I just barely touched my finger to it and I mean I usually go a little bit longer than that and that you don't want to touch him after because they get really hot there's that one done it's pretty much done but you can see grab one Wow look at that Wow that's a huge difference that since that's insanely wow that was fast yeah usually I do longer depends on how damaged the tooth is alright guys well now you know well technically a held a lot more than I ever would figure out of my own about stomach riding one of the things less next damn tanner thanks guys I'll break it showing us how to sharpen teeth show us the differences between a belt-driven and a hydraulic driven Plus also demonstrating how to actually grind a stump now you're gonna go out to what laughs you haven't already showed you I'm gonna take you out to a LAN job sites and I'm going to show you how amateurs grind us stuff cause it's my favorite gas can right there that's the camo addition to its not very kamilly though is it I can still see it in the forest so the camo addition is actually just a camel colored top and then I think the top clip is camel color tube I switch them on it yeah I'll take that can any day of the week over anything else oh yeah the only thing I don't like is that there's fuel left in the nozzle in the nozzle well if you shut it off like right now [Music] see I mean you got those little dribbles we're gonna have maybe not you're not you tip it up don't dribble dribble there is it on a regular fuel can if you tip it over so the spit spouts there yep you tip it over you fuel fuel fuel you tip it back up the dribbles go back into the cam yeah into the can you're saying the same thing different [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so we're we stopped it right here because I want to show you guys how these teeth actually carve in if you look right in here you can see that these teeth bite into the stump and then they take out these long sweeping carving motions so you got one two second to third tooth they work in unison as the unit sweeps back and forth side to side these aren't the kind of teeth like you would think for a knife it's this this edge works more and let's edge right here but when you look at these teeth this is the edge but it's not sharp like it's gonna cut you it's more of a blunt-force trama kind of a sharp so you can see how these teeth go into the stomped basically just peel out gouges all right you guys a couple things one they don't recommend you try to sharpen your own teeth I guess that stuff that you file off or grind off is pretty dangerous to your house if you guys are gonna go on and do it just be careful second thing there's basically two kinds of stump grinders there's hydraulic driven ones and then there's belt driven once the Tareq's was belt driven but if you want to go out and buy that unit it's actually not available anymore so if you want to buy it the Toro well that's an I hydraulic driven stump grinder and that head will actually have sensors in it and if you go too deep into the stump too fast it'll pull you off so there's different models different stump writers for different skill levels I think I don't know I don't know how long blog about stump grinders that's why I interviewed those guys and why I'm asking you guys you guys tell me what is the best stump grinder period hands down comment down below I want to hear about the very best stump grinder and maybe then I can have somebody that really knows that stump grinder do a video with me on that god bless you guys and check out these videos right here go get them you guys I seriously don't know anything about stump grinders
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 160,616
Rating: 4.7953038 out of 5
Keywords: stump grinder, best stump grinder, best stump grinders, toro, toro equipment, toro lawn equipment, toro stump grinder, terex, terex equipment, terex stump grinder, vermeer stump grinder, vermeer, stump grinding, stump removal, toro heavy equipment, vermeer equipment, stump removal machine youtube, stump grinder youtube, best stump grinder youtube, terex youtube, youtube stump grinder, toro youtube, toro equipment youtube, stump, lawn equipment youtube, stump removal youtube
Id: h5n38WLIMjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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