How To Make A Tree Stump Disappear In Just A Few Minutes

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hello and welcome back my friends Alice and I are getting some yard work done you haven't been on camera for a while where you been yeah yes we both been very busy as you can see right now we're in the process working together as a team getting this privet tree out from the yard this was a volunteer plant that came up it wasn't really in a spot that was ideal we let it grow for a few years the chickens like to roost in here it puts off these berries as you can see and wild birds love these berries they deposit them all around the garden I usually pull up about 40 to 50 of these volunteer trees in my yard every year so cover I decided to allow one to go to maturity it only is going to take about a couple years but you could see right behind this tree I've actually got a persimmon tree believe this is the hi Chia so that's going to be taking its place anyway the main purpose of today's video I wanted to share with you guys how I go about making this tree stump disappear in a matter of minutes all right so what I'm going to be doing first here is to remove the remainder what's left of this privet tree that's only going to take about a second and what I'm trying to accomplish here is to get a nice clean cut as close as I can to ground level and to accomplish that what I'm going to use is my pickaxe to scrape back some of the soil that's just going to give me a little bit more room to maneuver that chainsaw with that getting the actual saw into the dirt which is really bad it can dull your saw quickly this is a good time to if you can get in here with the pickaxe and knock any of these roots out these are a little bit too big for the pickaxe but if you got some smaller roots now what you don't want to do when you're sawing is to get your blade down into the soil want to avoid the soil at all costs so the more you can clear away the better then you can blast it with a bit of water if you've got a hose now it's important to always practice safety first whenever using power tools like a chainsaw hearing protection appropriate gloves and some eye protection [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I'm really happy with that we got a nice flush cut just about ground level that's going to work just fine and it goes without saying the larger the trunk that you're dealing with on a tree the larger chainsaw you're going to need to get all the way through so with that being said we're gonna move on to the next step here which is I'm going to use the chainsaw now to cut a crisscross pattern in this stump just going to allow me to add in some Epsom salt which is a magnesium sulfate which is going to help to draw moisture from the stump quickly and overtime help to deteriorate and cause this trunk to break down right here in place now magnesium sulfate is also used as a plant fertilizer so if you're doing this project nearby other plants that are growing don't worry about it alright so to make my cuts I'm gonna be using the tip of the chainsaw that can be a bit dangerous it can cause some kickback in the saw so I'm not recommending that you do this this is just how I'm going about doing it you could also use a drill as I've demonstrated in previous videos you can use an auger bit an inch inch-and-a-half works good you can get down there and create nice deep holes that you can then fill with the Epsom salt [Music] [Music] all right so that works for me you can of course put in some extra cuts if you feel the need to do so but now I'm just going to go ahead and add in the Epsom salt not only am i filling the cracks but I'm going around the whole base of the stump as well now you don't have to add in the up some salt this is just kind of a bonus helps everything to break down even quicker I've got some left over now I can use a plant fertilizer and this stuff is cheap so why not now I'm just gonna backfill over the stump and it's gonna be gone out of sight out of mind now we'll just get rid of the evidence so now we got our space back nice and open ready for this persimmon tree to take off so with that we want to thank you all for watching today I hope you're having a great day and you found some time to get out into the garden today until next time this is Dan Knollys from plant abundance calm take care of we're talking to you again soon
Channel: Plant Abundance
Views: 2,017,762
Rating: 4.3279772 out of 5
Keywords: Tree Stump, Get Rid Of, Remove, Quick, Easy, How To
Id: gv2rN8JC1gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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