Best Stump Grinding Rig Ever!

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all right so me show you how we stick this banded sg75 stump grinder and the avant 528 compact wheel loader into this 20-foot enclosed trailer now we have beefed up right down here we've added two spines as actually ramps interior of this door so there's two bars here with cross members just like ramps inside that door under that plywood we've run two stretches of that inside factory says that should be good for eight thousand pounds biggest thing we're putting up there is the grinder which is 4 600 flex is a little but not much we then went and added several hinges so as you see we have one two three four five six seven hinges uh i think it came with four originally it's either three or four um but anyway without further ado so i have some carbon blocks we put underneath if we ever get off on on an angle we put right under the ground um where it sits down so we don't have so much flex on the door and on the hinges takes some of that out of the trailer it also creates the there's not so much tongue lift with the bottom of this drop and honestly they haven't touched yet but they're there just in case so the spare tire is just tied down onto the walls i've just done some quick ties we use the rubbermaid fast track system in here which uh right now seems to to be a really good option for us several different types of hooks i mean you can run this thing any way you want which work on the right side so as you see rakes a couple pitch forks and then we utilize this to also mount the pole saw and i just grabbed a little hanger just to keep the end of it on we have a paper towel holder we have the grease gun dewalt battery operated lithium then we have several chainsaws hanging a few little ground saws little 18 inches and two 18s that's just a little brush cutter i call that my disposable saw it's like 250 bucks i give it to the guy the new guy that when he messes it up and it's not such a big deal he's not tossing your almost 500 saws out the window um and you got the husqvarna t540 xp climate saw really like the echo as they call the power silky it's we call it the toy the cs2511t call it the toy because it is so light it's almost like one of the little fisher-price little chainsaws got an echo 620 an echo 800 so we're running 20 inch to 24 on that and we run a 28 to 36 on this right now i think it's matched up with a 36 and these are famous for that filter everything just past the filter clogs up just keep them clean so come on over to this side of the i'm sorry let me finish with this side so over here we've also got a very long stretch i can't remember how long my cord my hose is but we got a long stretch of hose on a 35 gallon transfer tank um we i usually have a battery sitting right there um we plug in right there to the two little alligator clips we got fuel we can fuel up either here in the trailer or i can fuel up outside i fuel up out the side door truck or something else um so without further ado we'll go on this side so we just got trash barrel we use it for we got to get clippings out of a backyard through a gate we can't fit through we'll use that then we've got just a big rope bag i've got some bull rope up in there about 200 feet of i think we've got seven eights in there um but this is also the fast track system it's like a closet thing really uh but they use them for garages as well and they work really really good in your trailer now these are obviously things that are going to bounce off those little shorty shelves you want to put in i have nothing to put on there at the moment um i will later um what i recommend is if you're going to put something on these shallow shelves and you're worried about it bouncing off put a tie down on it it's no big deal just put a tie down little two and a half ton jack it'll lift the trailer if i take the equipment out of it but not with the equipment in it um obviously we carry plenty of hydro that's i usually carry two of those um one goes over here one goes over there uh these are full of nothing but tree gear um sorry i take that back this is all tree gear so you got all kinds of rope spinners police slings you name it saddles everything you need to to equip a tree crew for climbing and ropes for tagging ropes for load ropes for primary climb lines everything you need is all stacked up in here i also have stuff for my gopros i also have slings and some other pulleys and some cambium savers that are inside these as well as extra teeth and extra side pockets for mounting the teeth for the grinder and just a little six foot extension or maybe not sorry uh a frame ladder they haven't put anything on that shelf yet just haven't had a need but again like i said earlier tie downs just put them a little quicky little quick ties a good place for our blower got an air compressor with a generator that generator powers that perfect it's good for 13.7 odd amps and that one pulls a little less than that and i've tested it out works perfectly fine we air up our tires if need be it'll air up the truck tires just fine um and obviously we kind of stack them any way you want them those fit nice and snug in there so i don't worry about them bouncing out uh this basket is actually mounted it's actually mounted to this rail sitting on top of that shelf and this box actually squeezes in it's full of brake cleaner so when you have a hydro leak you got something to clean it with miscellaneous right there and then extension cord if we need to run something off the generator and then i also have the air hose which is 50 foot attached to 3 8 that runs off the generator as well and then i've got a porta pump which is a highly recommended pump that runs 10 gallons a minute plug it into a battery and you can suck fuel out of anything and fuel up anything so sometimes i i get too far out with the grinder and i'll bring the avant out there and i'll just suck fuel out of the avant into the the grinder to get me finished off until i can get closer to the trailer and then i can just take the amount back to the trailer bob moves a little quicker than the grinder the grinder boosts pretty darn quick too for a grinder it's one of the fastest but the avant will move quicker so then we put our produce helmets up in here and then these are the stakes now y'all go to uh kingsman whichever and go to uh king shields go to products and look up king shields that's what these are uh for you stump grinding guys out there that are using plywood or those stupid fold-up ones you get from cheryl tree they suck they don't last long at all they're terrible they're not durable yes these are a little bit bigger they weigh yes a little more these are all aluminum the stakes are aluminum go look at king shield these all interlock together so i can interlock and run 32 feet or until whenever i run out of these panels i've got two foot panels and four foot panels so the 4x4 is a two by fours and uh you interlock them together you'll actually see where these line up you run a stake down through them stake down in there creates a hinge i'll do another one on just the king shields um but you can look those up on our website and you can actually order these looking at getting those marketed out these have been in use got another buddy that runs a stump grinding company and they run several rigs and this has been in service for two years and eight months two years and eight months and they haven't had to be replaced i mean these are lifetime buys you pay a little bit more initially but a whole lot less in the end because you'll buy those stupid little fold-up crap ones for a long time if they're too heavy for you you know i mean it's a it's 30 pounds for a four by eight sheet of this aluminum so if you can't lift 30 pounds i don't know what to tell you but uh but you can lift several of those they are a little cumbersome for some people um but that's why the handle's on there you throw them on a dolly dollium two whatever and you can completely encapsulate your stump grinder but uh so this is our entire setup we also reinforced the the floor going in um the see where the the tracks actually straddle right on the edge of this wood on the edge of this now in the floor the studs go across 16 inches on center this way what we did is we went ahead and added two spines right where those wheels and the tracks go the length of the trailer all the way up there and then did another one all the way up here so show you that real quick that i can show you so here's your cross members and then there's there's one spine there's two spine so they go and they continue past the axles and they continue on up to the front of the trip so anybody that thinks that that's not going to last for your trailer is crazy all right so we got it all squeezed in the cones will go right here this is the avant squeezed in here just enough room to get it inside let's just squeeze it in here like so not a lot of room on the rear as you can see that is everything squeezed on in there's still plenty of room to walk around so if i need to get in here to get items i can still do that obviously back here is not nearly as friendly but climb over a tire is what it is but everything's still fully accessible i just got to flip the shield back up there and you'll have all the room to walk over there just like you do right here so that's what this is all designed for is able to still be able to move around not have you crap on the ground you
Channel: Kingsmen Enterprises
Views: 2,215
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Kingsmen Enterprises, King4me, Bandit SG75, Stump Grinding, Hurricane Sally
Id: iBUkgKjikkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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