Some Pros and Cons in being a Stump grinding Subcontractor

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guys just me nice tie rebuilder stop grinding today we've had a lot of rain to piss a week or so some full drive machines here and not have to worry about tearing up this yard because his house has been done by a builder remodeler they call me from some nasty stuff here but anyway somebody asked me before the pros and cons of working as a subcontractor for tree company's demolition companies companies that do utility work I stay busy all the time sometimes I wish I had a day off I take Sundays off okay I could grind on some days to leave the house at 7:30 8:00 a.m. I don't come home until 5:00 I try not to work later than that and you know we're throwing this corona virus it was season and I've been blessed I'm working a lot I mean actually I'm working more business has picked up I guess people are home stuck home and they're just calling for you know stuff that was annoying them through the years and they just see it and they wanted to get it done and way back to the pros and cons pros let's stay really busy bad thing about it though a lot of these contractors think that the minute they call me that I'm sitting home doing nothing and I'm gonna shoot out there I'll have to work them in I worked in a contractor first before a homeowner I'll push back a homeowner and get the contractors done but since 75% of my guys are contractors what I do is those that treat me a lot and those that pay me faster they get pushed ahead also okay those that I got a chase and that's one of the cons some guys you have to chase okay I chase you once okay I chased you twice shame on me say she third time you're not getting me to come out anymore or I'm gonna hurt you okay and might not be physically but I could hurt your name and your company out there since I grind for over 35 companies I know all the tree guys oh you know it's like telegraph telephone you know all I have to say is hey this guy's sucks at pay and these guys it's a it's a network around here it might be the same way in your city and you know as I am you know but people try to keep their honor and you know a handshake is a handshake it's a deal still to me I don't have to do it on paper okay I don't like doing paper contracts and stuff like that if I have to do that you know I'll leave to somebody else I'm blessed I'm already have pensions coming in I'm a respond retired fireman okay oh so that's the pros and cons basically I stay busy all the time or more as you can get more money out of okay the contractors are charge them somebody's gonna make a comment I know it's gonna be negative you know I hear some guys I won't i won't even unload my machine unless i made 350 at the job well you know what i'd do a ton of $50 stumps that's my minimum okay but I'll do it $50 on stuff but big machine takes me longer to get the Machine off and on do it then the neighbor knows my name then I get repeat customers okay and then you know I'll go to the next job I'm doing a bigger job it's 200 or whatever you know at the end of the day I've made five hundred to a thousand dollars okay now don't think you're gonna go out there and get a stump around and it's a Pam I'm gonna start making really big money no okay I've been in this business a long time so I've built up I've trying to tell people still have that my magnet or whatever on the refrigerator and you know it just word of mouth and you know people I know I got a guy you know even it concrete guys I mean I need somebody's oh I got a guy know call me and I'll come out right over the concrete guys I understand sometimes do they find someone to clean it out and they got a truck coming or something so I'll bend around and take care of them - all right we're all in the trades so we stick together I don't undercut anybody you know that's another thing I won't go in there - well I'll do it cheaper oh no I have a price whether it's on a poor side of town or a rich side of town everybody gets the same price I don't price you buy your home or what car you drive I'm a standard price and that's what you're getting okay so I'm fair that way right now here's the proform tree guy he calls me and do a stump I don't care what he charged that customer for the stump I really don't care it could be five six seven dollars an inch I don't care I'll give him my price I do it I get paid I'm happy I go I don't get jealous when he does you know what I don't stop I don't care you made money my thing is but me subbing I want you to be able to make money on me okay that's why you're gonna use me that's why you're not gonna go out and buy your own stump grinder okay and you know if you're in the game you know these machines take maintenance I'll put new teeth on this thing this morning first job and I find a pipe first job that I think it was my third swing of the machine you know so that's you know we made good money but we have to put out money to to keep things running right Oh dickon's picks up stuff for contractors well some guys you get a chase like I said you know I don't really chase guys too much anymore and another thing too is don't let this happen t if you try and do contractors don't let them start stacking their bill against you all pay your initial I'll pay you in a computation I haven't another guy used to work for me he's on his own he likes them get like 1500 bucks or $2,000 into him well to a tree guy that's might be one big tree job that he has to pay out after he does it to pay off the stump crying don't let it happen I'll let a guy float you know a day or two he's a man she'll say I got no job I can't pay you Dennis yeah I promise you tomorrow at the job he pays me we're all good you know I'm flexible okay my brother he's not flexible you don't have your checkbook your cash or whatever right there when he's coming he ain't doing it you know and then his contractors he does they know that rule me I'm a little more forgiving you know I'm all different my brother and I I love the death day and night okay he's very successful so am i okay he runs his business the way he wants to learn or on mine the way I want to want it well the guy that went off on his own also he runs it the way he likes to do it okay so it's a very blessed business my advice to you guys is for guys getting in this business don't quit your day job work a day job in the summertime you could grind a stump in the evening or two okay or Saturdays you do a job save up your money I don't suggest you going out to buy and the biggest bad boy machine it also depends what you got where you live you might be in tree country where everyone your trees is gigantic but you need a big machine okay here I got all different size trees okay 50 inches of big tree you know every now and then we'll get something that's freaking you know seven footer or roots everywhere or whatever you know those those are days we don't really like that much but wait it is what it is right party game all the days you go in there you can almost kick the stuff out with your foot you touch it with your wheel it comes out and you made 50 bucks in two seconds so oh thank you for all the positive comments does anything you want to know just ask in the comments do you want to be negative any comments go somewhere else like I say all right I'm just trying to pass on some knowledge I don't know everything about everything I learned some every freaking day sometimes from you guys you send me a comment or message and I learned okay that's what it's about I mean on Facebook this is true some two or three stubbed running sites for professional guys if I see something guys looking for a part I jump on it get it what the part number is if I need something I know they'll come back and help me too okay every now and then we gonna I don't know somebody sitting on a keyboard I can't wait to freakin hammer yeah yeah in my last video was about the teeth you know that was my opinion alright I say buy the green if you're running green teeth by the real ones not getting paid by them or anything all right but somebody told me that uh you know I was promoting or it was promotion or whip doing whatever it stead of buying now the knockoffs all right the ones made in China right I just gave you my opinion and tell you what happens right you know I could buy whatever the hell you want to buy all right I'm not mad you know disappointing gonna make something positive for someone and someone you know wants to talk whatever some kind of crap but that's not me I'm not that kind of person alright look kind of shaft you or trying to push up something down your throat or sell you on something now it's what I use what I find out alright if I find something that's a piece of crap I'm not gonna tell you you know because someone's pay me on the side notice is the greatest in the world it's not me I'm not gonna do that I can't sleep at night and do that alright anyway however I do before the end of this video okay I want to show you some I'm gonna walk over here I'm gonna switch the phone around walk over here show you the stump and look at the clock tell you how much I'm charging and how long and hopefully I won't encounter Ames okay so come with me on a short little journey for today I know if you're watching this you've got give me three more minutes your time and please at the end if you like it press the like button okay it helps me on Google they is that I'm getting paid it helps me bring the videos up instead of the video going to lala land that way someone else could find it okay and make a comment that helps to subscribe if you like if you don't you don't all right so let me let's go over here look at this this house is being remodeled it's hard to see on my phone there's a light glare or whatever but it's it rained last night - it's one thing about hold them up here's a stump I'm about to do okay they call me it's one understand all right it's in the maple family zanko oh hell I came and tell this and it's crap around and the leaves coming off it's actually a for other plants anyway I know I'm gonna hit debris in here probably saw maybe a rock or something I'll take it easy while I'm doing it it stumps probably about honestly about three feet I know it's kind of rotted and should blast out easy I'll put in the time that I start at a time that I and let you know I price to some 150 you gonna say oh my god you're doing this for under 50 bucks I just came from another job from the same contractor I blasted through for 150 took me I don't know maybe 10 minutes he was an older stuff so hey I made 150 often already this will make three hundred so hey let me I'll put the time in after I'm done I'll log it let you know and come back on here in a minute when I'm done stumps ground sidewalks blowing off but you know you see the wreck of the yard and stuff for me they're doing work here contractor came I gave him as invoices machines loader backup totally time 16 minutes hundred fifty bucks that's off the trailer grinders down back on the trailer so some people say well I wouldn't it came out for you know three hundred dollars but I'm going to another one now okay so it is a profitable business you have to build it up slowly I've been in the business 20 years so I dunno what I'm doing anything I can help you out with remember like subscribe make a comment long as it's positive and remember something I'm not learning something new every day they must be dead I'm never gonna use the last word anymore trying to be better I am I supposed to curse right now all right you all are great people and you know hey stand tall but blue-collar guys who's making money out here none you know I've put anything against white-collar it's fine she could be a white-collar guy during the week today in a weekend's you could join our club you can lull do trees stump grinding carpentry masonry learn a trade you know my father was from Europe okay he came here when he was a young man he told me every man should have two professions never understood as a kid till I got along great so because of one economy changes you had the other profession to grab onto he was a facilities engineer but he knew how to do freakin awesome I told him and my uncle there aren't anything you couldn't do in the world hears electronics got all things mechanical you know so remember even if you're old an ounce never to learn to go back to school at night or something like that or you know these machines they're not too hard you know hold on let me turn before I say goodbye let me turn this clean around and show you some okay maybe just help somebody else you know there's this imitation machine the sons in the light or whatever let me tell you it's a diesel engine they're very simple okay you don't know something there's plenty of literature out there youtubes to teach you about the basics of the DC motor there's only a few wires and run to this this is an older model I'm sure whatever six years all are it's a Tier four okay so it doesn't know and let me made me tear to where it doesn't have any pollution on it at all all right I'm a little tired so if I'm wrong on what tear it is hey so help me alright the basics of it it comes out of here sometimes a clutch in here there's a pump okay which drives another little hydraulic motor alright and you know you've seen my other videos I changed that pump come on man ain't that hard it's just some hoses they're two big bolts there it's not hard it's the hard part was finding the part number pump is about fifteen hundred bucks right a motor if that motor blows this is a non pollution motor a total follower maybe for three get every bill $4,500 let's just say 4,500 and that's 15 so what is that six thousand dollars you look at that right there right there Bret and everything would be new okay then you have your hydraulic controls you open this up look it's just levers alright and one big control box yeah it's not much to go batteries right there okay and then we'll go over here to a suicide right the wheel that's a different with the teeth you decide what you want to run but here this is a motorist called hydraulic motor okay I made by Parker alright they told me a new one three 3,500 rebuilt ones for 1600 so rebuilt putting that on there so you're like $7,500 right so in odds-and-ends if you have to buy tire these things weigh around over here it's a $10,000 if I was to totally rebuild this machine okay for 10 grand and you know what it's not hard you might back off snow oh oh you know I had this radio rebuilt last year in the middle of a job one day BAM walked back on he's $110 to have a rebuilt okay so you know I'm just trying to say to you guys you can do this stuff the hydraulic hoses yes they will break I'm broke on my smaller machine he was 40 bucks tick it off winter I draw it place they built me at homes went back Bam Bam put it back on I was done with the job all right so keep it simple stupid all right this machine if you ever buy one of these look for these it's a 25 50 been this this has the blade on I'm older now I'm gonna lie to you if you ain't got another guy with your kid with you the raking it's for the birds I'm not a rake there anymore okay so yeah here's the Bandit 2550 do not I'm going to tell you something maybe someone's gonna hate me for this but do not if you're not really really careful mother buddy has this one that showed you before it's it's wireless okay your remote control he loves it I don't I like this keep it simple stupid if it breaks it's a break here but a seal right his servos connection loss of connection between the remote so I mean you guys know it all and to do it really well more power to it just tiny for the simple man keep it simple stupid this is an engine with hydraulics pump or dock motor it's basics okay just basics okay nothing very hard the mode this is a full drive units it's got a motor there a motive motive I've had him over to go out the motor from the factory was sixteen hundred bucks the reason why I went out a shaft broke otherwise I would've take it apart and rebuilding one of these go out hey I'll make another video later on me rebuilding it so far so good ok anyway god bless y'all have a good one I'm sorry if the video is too long a light comment of what happening today hey keep yourself running remember I made good money today but I've been into this a long time don't think that you're gonna run out and start this way let's go pop it no start out on Saturdays or an evening this machine used you probably find one for every 16 20 grand something like that right you can't from here two fifty two to start off as a great machine its gas its small but to advance real on it start small okay you can find those for about five to seven grand these guys on Facebook and a site that will walk you through everything bearings everything let's just start small and work your way up everything I own is paid for everything alright my home my machines my truck everything I own is paid for you know what so some guy said he can't come out for what I did this 150 that's the only thing I could deduct out as a fuel I used which was swept 16 minutes worth of fuel and the fuel getting here so let's say I spent six dollars coming here okay the rest of it all winter my pot we got to got for insurance divisor all that up putting on so let's just say $12 all right and say twelve bucks total for me to come out here all right we're 12 to 20 all right if you want to get technical to the down the dollar deal or whatever you want to call it that's all I got stuck in this job I rested it all in my pocket god bless y'all have a great day
Channel: Mustang Rebuilder
Views: 9,541
Rating: 4.9603176 out of 5
Keywords: stump grinder, stump grinding, stump grinding business, stump grinder vermeer, stump grinding tips, stump grinding machine, tree stump, stump grinding tips and tricks, stump grinder vermeer sc252, stump grinding diy, stump grinding business profit, stump grinding business startup, starting a stump grinding business, stump grinding machine hire, how to remove tree stumps and roots, tree removal cost, stump removal tricks, stump removal machine, home depot, tree stump removal
Id: t7mk4EgRDIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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