Stump grinding techniques and advice

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hey youtubers hey so I made a comment yesterday it asked me to about some stump grinding techniques or giving a little more knowledge about actual stump grinding other than the repairs I'll show you about I just make this quick show you some deals first of all today I'm not running a big machine I'm still playing around doing file maintenance with it today I'm running let me see azita okay and before I show you about the stump part hey stop going east on the tree service 20 years ago now all I do is start growing a retired fireman also I like stump grinding better than the tree service part because they have no employees it's just me workman's comp I'm able to use that oh I forgot what it's called I'm not required there's a new sofa prior and saves me a lot of money I do carry insurance carry million dollars worth it's insurance because I do jobs for companies that do the streets sidewalk things like that today I'm at a construction had the site for a new home got the smaller machine but they're good size stumps they'll pay well first of all I'm gonna tell you something very important because I see all the stuff grinders that don't do this and necessarily on YouTube but in my area the cities here these are I think 3m they have a radio in them the really good sound protection I listen to talk radio or music when I'm doing stumps makes the day go by faster but I will never grind you stump without your protection for 20 years I've always worn ear protection in the fire service on the trucks and all our war ear protections they were called Dave Clark headsets I know guys that are around me and personal friends of mine they're going deaf okay from chainsaws even when I'm running a chainsaw are where where these well the guys they waited here plugs but I like these and I protection is a safety sunglasses I have clear ones too I've also got some kind of a goggle system on the ZT I'm thrown enough away to I'm not worried about anything hit in my face when I'm running I'm a bigger machine I'm closer off the controls are closer I will wear a flap down screen with the earmuffs on it and today I'm doing red oaks red oaks produce a real fine chip but let me switch this around and show you a couple little tricks okay maybe it helps somebody you know if it does it does if the doughnut don't hey what the hell Plus remember like subscribe make a comment as long as the constructive comment make a comment if it's a piece of comment I'll delete you thanks bud alright here we are so red oak people call you on the phone to give you one measurement yada ya that's never the right measurement but hey I'm gonna show you how I do it and how I charge alright if you if you don't have a tape measure on you I charge my diameter and I have a size 12 boot okay now I want to show you something because homeowners don't understand this even much so much tree guys don't understand this after all the years see the cut mark here going straight across that's not where our charge from okay even though this is cut close to the ground it's got a flair okay and you know this is gonna be stumped over here so I charge from right here then I go straight across the widest part okay you don't have a tape measure I got size 12 look I'm starting right there see I'll walk it across this is a five and a half foot stump so five and a half foot times contractors get three dollars a diner inch homeowners get 350 the four dollars depends sometimes they may go up to 450 or five if it's something complicated I got to go up a staircase or whatever I'll add to that or I have to drive for a little further out I'll add to my windshield time okay my windshield time is worth my time some of you guys are getting a lot more money for stumps but y'all remember where you live you might be New York New Jersey you might be in LA California where it's it's a higher cost of living I'm out here in the Midwest okay things are cheaper here okay I'm in a really nice neighborhood here I got on an urban suburban environment okay these houses are part of this one here is about two thousand square feet or whatever but in this neighborhood that house is probably $400,000 go to New York I'd be a million dollar house okay so you know things are different in price differently everywhere I started grinding it's a red oak and produces smaller chips okay when I grind I see different guys going to form it I start further round okay I grab that crest it's easier on my machine I go through start grinding go through it that way on the smaller machine I'll go half way through this stump I'll turn around come in from the other way that way I for sure got it this one's being ground about eight inches deep deep enough for what they want I don't have to go down and get every bit of stump out of here okay certain people if you request that I charge you a little bit more before just having a lawn going back here this is a new home construction areas they've got heavy equipment they'll scrape it it's fine they just want the major part of the stump out so that's what I'll do for them right and I don't remove chips okay I used to when I first started I don't do it anymore I like an sub that out to a landscape or a yard guy who needs the money or a weekend handyman type guide or kid I could sub it out and I could actually make money on them coming out dude so good but most time I give it all to them hey they're happy I'm happy you're happy we're all happy right anyway like I say I'll come back over here when I get halfway through it and then I'll run the machine all the way around make sure everything is cut up around and um there's no real science to this except for I see guys and I've even seen manufacturers on YouTube you can get away with on a large machine or even a real small stump I've seen guys coming over the top and grinding here they think that's how you win a stone it's too hard on the machine it's almost like boring okay like you're trying to bore through this wood and it depends on the kind of wood and tree this you come from the outer edge your grind and you go in okay so you're drying dirt a little bit right but you're grabbing that out of crest and then you come in all right you're come in a little bit and then you're always raising your wheel up and get the fresh meat the fresh cut the fresh cut okay I'll show you I'll stop halfway through this so you can see now I'll restart it show you where I'm at and I'll give you a little more advice all right I wanted to show you something and grind it for about five minutes I'm over halfway done with this dump this is a red oak where notes produce fine chips okay different species of trees when you grind them give you a different kind of chip a lot of your softer woods will give you a big-ass chip okay look at something like that all right and they can build up behind or in front of your tracks or your wheels especially on your smaller machines you'll have to move a matter way we're back to grinder up with the wheel engage clear out a little bit come back in all right now what I wanted to talk to you about really is about grinding okay but you're gonna be grinding is this see this part here slip you're gonna be taking that lip off coming down taking another piece of lip coming down taking another piece of lip alright and reason why I come from further out and stump I set my depth there then I come in then I know what I'm coming in at what depth I'm gonna maintain while I go through the stump okay and when I what I do is when I get my last cut down here I move the wheel up move the wheel machine forward take another cut slice slice slice wheel up come back up slice slice slice that's how I do it all right and because you'll see a problem with a lot of guys too you don't set that depth that you're going through you're gonna be grinding this stumps still down there okay all right here when you're grinding the corners off here you're grinding with this much of your tooth alright and that much surface probably right now when you go deeper more of your wheel almost half your wheel is coming down it's almost like you're boring it'll start bogging your machines even though bigger machines it'll start bogging them you know and that's when you get a lot of wear and you're putting extra stress on your bearings and all to doing it that way so you come in you make nice slices like this I'll make three slices one drop cross another one drop my third slice I have my deck already set I move forward and coming that way alright and I listen to the engine okay even with those headphones on I can still hear the engine alright and so when I'm moving with hydraulic levers I'm feathering it when I hear the engine slowing down a little bit I'll back off let let the motor catch up everything's running at the same speed sometimes when you got rotted wood or whatever you could pull full full throttle just be swinging like you see the big machines doing on a smaller machine like 250 twos if that auto sweep auto sweep but it does is controls your cutter wheel and your motor keeps them always at the same rpm you know it'll stop your your sideways sláinte swing it down to keep everything matched up and if you don't have auto sweep you're a little sweep you just listen to the motor while you're cutting and you adjust your hydraulic level slow it down okay I mean does you know after doing a few stumps you'll learn this you know but like I said before if you own a company a tree company only let yourself or another one of your employees run the machine don't let every Tom Dick and Harry run your machine they'll be delivered out of it you know if they don't care you know they'll stop the wheel that push too aggressively you know and remember sharp teeth like the Machine last longer - it's less wear and tear on the machine you'll know you got dull teeth to be pulling big ass chips I and the motor beat you feel like when this thing he couldn't work the crap it's a shitty machine first you need to check your teeth though you know a lot of tree companies run dull teeth no because they just use their stump grinder or under on their jobs they're not out doing stump grinding as a living you're just doing that down their tree doing their own stuff okay so you know they don't mind or they don't pay attention to stop growing or like you and I would if you're in a stump grinding business by itself alright anyway that's all for today next time I'll tell you a little more about the business or if you got questions on how to get business or how I these are all things that how I did it I'm blessed because mine is contractor based I basically grind for 35 contractors they came in there between tree companies concrete companies municipal companies and and I'm blessed that way ok I do 75% contractor based 25% homeowner ok my brothers in the business used to work for me his is basically 25% contractors 75% homeowners ok he charges a little bit more but you know I'm out everyday you know he's still an active firefighter at all - so it works out for him better - if you got any questions at all please post them in the competence I'll try to answer them and no you know what I'm on my way out I'm getting older if I could share anything with you I share with you some guys tell me I'm stupid for sharing and giving a business secrets or whatever they're not secrets to me it's just you know hey us to us alright oh another good thing too I'm gonna tell you this maybe you're not a big reader or anything but there's a light book written about in nineteen thirty so I'll help you in your business no matter what you do for a living it's called how to win friends and influence people it helped me in the fire service that helped me in the public domain it helped me in a stump grinding business basically it's a book that teaches you how not to be a dick alright because truly some guys are in this business is tree service and other businesses that I know I don't know how they're in business they have terrible attitudes and I think they get their business out of people just not being able to find anyone else so I'd rather be known as you know a nice good businessman rather than a dick or a prick alright it's called how to win friends and influence people you'll find it anywhere ever I think it was Dale Carnegie wrote it in the 1930s simple read easy read and I don't care if you're not a fan of Donald Trump but he uses it too because if you ever noticed when you hear someone employee that does something really well he'll compliment them two or three times you're the best you're the greatest you did a bit I do to my homeowners I find something about their property I mean I said no that's a beautiful pool or you know I'm in your car man that's a that car looks fantastic in your driveway stamped concrete yeah I mean I don't know who did your work but it did a great job compliment your customer you know why it comes back to you tenfold over all right anyway it's Saturday ain't Sunday remember if you're not learning something every day you must be dead or I'll say it you're an good day guys
Channel: Mustang Rebuilder
Views: 31,400
Rating: 4.8347106 out of 5
Keywords: stump grinding tips and tricks, tree removal business, stump grinding pricing, stump grinding machine, stump grinding business profit, stump grinding business, stump grinder machine, stump grinder vermeer, tree stump grinder, tree stump removal uk, how to remove a tree stump with a stump grinder, stump grinding, bandit stump grinder, bandit stump grinder zt1844, bandit stump grinder 2550, bandit stump grinder 2250, rayco stump grinder, carlton stump grinder, tree removal
Id: L85LncDWv18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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