Starsector: Nexerelin - (4x Overhaul Mod)

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all right so we're gonna check out the mod but in its true form um we're gonna go with um let's be um let's see what's my face look like i think i'm um i'm gonna go with her look at her her makeup she got on her eyes there that's exciting maybe uh maybe like this guy here yeah real real ominous whitney chen no no they call me they call me uh what's a good uh space name um tindy flair they call me small sector is fine welcome to the next nexrellan mod for star sector for extension of the game we got factions with wage war things are going to grow uh we're going to see it this time because i'm going to be i'm going to make my own faction so i start out with a um with a planet i start with a fleet uh i start with multiple fleets that work for me and i can go and command them around and if all goes well they will go out and we will go out i should say not they uh and we will conquer the world so we're gonna go ahead and put random worlds on because that's cool and i'm gonna set it up also like as it when you reset it kind of changes it around we got 16 populated systems in in the in space here all randomized 32 planets in those systems and there's 12 stations around as well and all this other stuff so that's fine um all the factions we're going to leave them in there uh it's also respawned so if your faction dies they can come back um random starting faction relations um no we'll leave that as it is and faction weights would be like so the hegemony is a lot bigger than the ludic path you know that kind of thing and then we'll leave that as it is okay uh now again we could be one of them we could choose to be part of the ludic path that's cool uh we're gonna start our own faction though now as a beginning we can choose what kind of ship we want to begin with and what kind of fleets i will start with we'll start with a small combat fleet just because i'm probably the most comfortable with a small combat fleet super ship oh that's a good ship uh yeah we'll stick with like this is like a hammerhead or whatever i like it we can choose how many we we begin with i think we can just do like a like a start with three frigates so we start with like a wolf a drone you know what let's just do that we'll do that we gotta we got a a wolf and a drone tender yeah we'll start with something small something i'm comfortable with flying i can chew what level i'm gonna start with i'll go with um i'll be lieutenants with some money level three and i got one officer yeah okay story points already and an officer what a day all right so as for my points i would like um i want what i'm gonna do i don't know what we're gonna basically just gonna check around check out the um the the world in the mod here and see what what the what what it means to have a planet and have a faction and that kind of stuff so as far as what i want to take i'll pick it up and we'll do there once i figure what i'm gonna do and i uh i believe again at 207 year 207 is whenever so factions will go to war and they'll they'll like attack and all that kind of stuff but as when they they uh expanding and colonizing the outer systems my faction name is going to be um uh um indies but something starts with an o um what we got here pan project oh tokathanu cor no tintee's omen omen of london okay uh what kind of flag we gonna pick uh let's see um i like that one that's good uh the omelette no no it's just omen of wintery uh is we is we are uh yeah and and our prefix is uh oh oh okay all right welcome leader um dinty flair of omen of undinty that's all a mouthful faction dwells in this on the world of zinnin's world you may enhance it starting to resources in this menu decision is permanent once confirmed all right let's use our picker so we get points to spin and choose how we want to build our planet uh we can go i'll take more people that's good we can see where the points come in here we can get like we can put a uh have an ai core pack which is probably a good idea we can start with different blueprints if we want and what we get out of those blueprints so it's also is probably a good idea uh last time i did this when i was dabbling around i mostly just did the basic stuff so like we start with a military base we we start with heavy industry we begin with fertile soil um i think i had that one i don't know what i had but it doesn't really matter we can have we begin with transplatonic uh prospecting and you see what it costs to do this thing it's expensive uh there's some organics we can get and there's some ore we can prospect you know that kind of stuff um i think we'll leave it um military base let's do like uh this gives me buffaloes lashers and hounds with a little path one it's only 10 points so we'll take that anything else i could do lydic path and the missile blueprint package i suppose or we could take that and take volatiles processing i mean i don't know uh can i go over no penalty for exceeding the point limit other than having cheated not only the game but yourself okay well we won't do that we'll take the missile blueprints yeah all right so welcome to our planets we can manage colony here if you've seen colony stuff before there it is uh this is for like what this is the janus device yeah we can learn that thing this is our blueprint packages we'll go ahead and learn these things and we can now make this stuff here uh hey dracos how's it going so um let's go take a look at the place and see what we can do here's our colony we're a little short on on the uh the the jelly what was it jelly beans that we call those things and um and lemonade we have productions of everything else though we're making some ships uh if we come out here into can i put um remember how to do all this stuff we can put in like an ai core or whatever we're going to leave it as it is for right now until we figure what we're doing um out here we should see there's my my system look there's some fleets of mine there's a trailer we got a fast picket out here in space i have just the one system but there's there is hegemony more hegemony and an independent spot there and this one kind of spreads out a little bit while a little wide so there's all of space these worlds are all randomized now everything's randomized now and um eventually we can like take this stuff out we can go to war with you guys i guess we can have alliances as well and we can we can go there there is a like ground combat system so you can go to war with that so it's pretty neat stuff um i've only really dabbled with it i've just seen the beginnings of it but sort of starts you with a faction to see the um sort of the way the game plays uh as far as intel will be any alliances or anything like that no we don't like the uh the pirates and the lydic path of course but things should change here in minutes there's a way of also seeing motherfactions so some of the factions stuff um i don't remember how to see um and it kind of shows i think it's i think it's in here and it shows a little more detail about the factions i don't know how to see it so well i guess we'll wait wait until we see something pop up anyway let's go let's go do a job i suppose let's go uh you know there might be someone here in my place actually to give me a job yeah dockside bar uh arms dealer burying buying illegal weapons yeah well uh camera you look like a friendly person ran a custom supply construction up i mean i can supply custom custom custom construction of up to a hundred thousand credits worth of rare ships and weapons a reasonable 200 of base costs every product in 60 days and there's obsolete discretion not out of the money well up to what do you got oh i can buy okay i see i see now you know what maybe we won't deal in um in our own system with the pirates okay another shady person over here uh i figured you noticed me eventually i don't suppose you know what i do yeah what do you do you're a saboteur level one operative oh uh also yeah um is operatives new or is it there is uh agents agents are a thing hey aaron how's it going so expect 8 000 credit hiring bonus and afterwards starting salary of 2000 credits per month unless it's complete so reproduction is within the hour i think yeah stabilize markets destroy commodity stocks find pirate bases i don't know how you work let's let's try it see what happens it's expensive intel screen using the operatives tag okay intel screen operative there's no operatives tag hmm i don't have an operatives tag operatives there it is okay so i'll give you a new mission local report new mission i want you to i don't know uh travel uh why don't you go to was our pirates in this system no what's that hegemony hegemony everywhere look path those guys are the worst go to bass bass school let's go to palace it head on over there and go go go do something yeah confirm okay i know that um i know i know that uh um like operatives are from uh nexorelin yeah i'm assuming that's what's that's what he is so your mission when you get there though can i tell you what to do oh yeah yeah um go get yourself a ship single ship can be procured from a faction by persuading officials to lose a military-grade warship through a delicious combination of bribes blackmail or forgery expense considerably in excess of the market price okay so we try to do it he's expensive though it's expensive i can use a story point okay when you get there we'll figure it out and you can put them in your own place for disrupting ludic path cells on your planets okay okay um well uh let's go uh hop on over here can i get a uh like a commission with my own people how does that work let me stick these things here let's go shoot some things so i will take things from my my fleet i think i will take that one seems all right a little faster is good post battle salvage since that's good stuff i wish i had last time i'd like to go faster this is a blue yeti picks up everything every little noise it picks up and you got those lobsters do you have the lobsters here okay i like to have those in my place uh let's see what kind of ships you got here i'm looking i'm looking to buy um apparently not okay i'm sorry i asked these are all expensive here uh i'll buy i'll go ahead and fill up my fuel and i'll buy a few people stock up on people anyone here at the bar someone said you need a secure delivery of 100 units of supplies as soon as possible you just want some supplies 300 per unit uh sure scott 100 supplies i can do that yeah yeah that's the kind of business i'm into here nice nice peaceful business that's what i do all right let's go get some supplies and deliver the nice man some supplies oh the guy is has arrived so uh now that you're there i have a mission for you um maybe we won't do the scary one just yet let's just destabilize the market you know something nice and easy it's going to cost twenty oh cost forty thousand in 30 days to do that that sounds expensive uh no no no to that um so if i if how much is going to cost if i tell you to get a ship target uh i would like get a salvage rig to be nice to have like a buffalo is kind of nice let's get let's get a buffalo yeah how much that ain't so bad yeah yeah get to it okay so it's gonna happen in how long 20 days we'll get a buffalo blueprint or ship oh you're just getting a buffalo and delivering it to me for a lot of money um i'm not quite sure what the uh what the benefit of that is i'm sure there's a reason but i don't quite know why i thought it was more like getting blueprints but it's not i'll buy those and um well take them i mean we'll go jump up go back over here just do that uh yeah you know what i forgot to do that today i have to do my event today just go before me when it goes live i have a in the uh down below there's a there's a calendar thing and i'm normally on i'm almost always on in those days at least sometimes it's more than that but usually it's more than that but those are the certain days there you go buddy 30 grand i'll take it and you like me all right that was nice uh why don't you have any ships here so you do have you do have a wolf actually another wolf i have a wolf right now forgive us enos for what 15 i'll take a second wolf i got to do some after that what happened last time i do some fighting just to make myself feel a little better because i'm a little embarrassed let's go try this uh oh mcconnell if he wants to be named the wolf you know what um yell it out and i'll get you in there but uh i'm gonna try something i see people do this all the time and they seem to do it really well i'm gonna try the safety overrides thing so skulled it is skull be prepared you're probably gonna die just just so you know um it's unlikely you will live because i've i've seen this done before i um i hear it's it's good stuff let's see how it goes um i want that one and i think i just want do we want the thrusters also i think we're fast enough with safety overrides and then we just blast everything we've got at them yeah you know how it goes armor weapon mount so we don't blow up as maybe that might be a good idea and then what is this dissipation okay um let's let's try that and i'm going to put on some stuff on this thing so our let me just empty right now a hard point so we're going to put on this thing mining blaster i'm happy with that yeah right on the nose of this thing uh the turret that's gonna be just like a little point defense laser good and then we've got we got three of those now point defense lasers and then what's on the side here we got a couple missile part points so we can put a couple little sabo in uh missiles like one shot kind of things a couple torpedoes that's a double so we'll throw that in there and we'll throw one on the other side too we want to do that how we're going to do this i'll probably die but i've i've seen this done and we'll see how it goes because it's going to blow i got reinforced bulk because it's going to blow up and um i want to have it back so i'll take that one and we'll stick uh ol wade in there okay i think i built it right i probably didn't this is using 600 flux per second that's a lot chip named all right it's golden let's do this car losses twitch welcome to the stream okay oh you know what we can just do instead of like getting you killed i forget this is a thing that i can do is i can go to fleets screen actually and we can do a simulation so why don't we bring in my friends and oh wait wait i gotta put in the whoops i gotta put in the enemies yeah i want to fight against let's fight against like a hammerhead and then we'll put in i don't know um a couple of lashers yeah that that's that'll do i think it'll be pricey for that let's maybe do a couple little kites along with it throw a couple of those in there or maybe a um one of those okay all right so this guy look how fast he is try for that asteroid so i've just watched people do this and i just want to learn to see if i can do it it's this whole safety overrides thing you gotta like you can't you can't vent you just have to sort of like manage your shields to vent your flux i've got a mining blaster on which probably takes most of i'm like i'm mostly like a uh an armored tanker i think it's the idea where's my fleet at that hammerhead's big it's bigger than i was hoping for where's my fleet at what are you guys doing playing around over there all right let's go let's go over here real quick yeah oh look at that look at that i'll just sit by my friend and act like an ooh torpedo oh my back ouch just a little drift it's okay just a little adrift you knock that off all right let's um regroup let's go away from the hammerhead and back on this guy over here i'm sending everything we got at him okay okay okay i know it's mining well yeah i'm gonna have to control this so the idea is if i hit this thing hard it overloads the shields pretty quickly and then we just got we just gotta hit him hard fast and then get out is basically the idea as soon as those go down i'm gonna get the um look how fast the ship is though my flux is fine how's your flux buddy one shot at thing that was killing me star control two yeah it definitely does okay so here we go we're gonna go in sending the missiles in i have oh we're driven by my buddies there thanks buddy nice i did on purpose and the thing's so fast is this all we got left is the big guy there's a guy over there okay um we can take him it's gonna be tough especially if i run into asteroids now really i kill that lasher before we get to the big guy i don't know axis thanks for following you knock it off i was busy wondering why my blaster wasn't firing blaster broken malfunction risk serious i don't know about this thing so emote only chat nice i don't know about this ship let's see i'm i'm comfortable with the other one let's let's see if i how i feel about this the idea was to learn the other one but i'm curious if i if i can do this with with a normal ship look at him look at him in there look at him in there i'm way more brave than i am oh i got on this thing swimmer bus check got it okay i'm much more comfortable with this thing i say that i know i shouldn't say anything okay enough of that uh new zealand thanks for the for the follow or for the sub um let me go take a break real quick and then we'll uh we'll come back i uh maybe i'll let someone else fly this ship you don't need to find these if i find myself a tempest i'll be right back so we're in um where we got here we're in oh yeah we're in tupac the water world here and i got tiny tiny fleets but i do have my um i got you know my planet my uh my faction uh them oh man faction doesn't show up in this in this list that would be cool but um i i want to see them start expanding and i think they'll do it sort of on their own look at my faction but i think they'll kind of do it on their own next round is a mod yes yes big mod big overhaul old mod and um yeah so those are my ships out there flying around we got transports and all that come back in here real quick and i want to pick up just a couple of supplies bats and we'll top off the fuel and i think we'll go um explore probably go i need to find something that has somebody can give me a job let's run over here to uh this place and see what they if they've got something for me failed deal between tritakion and syndra minus 16 now official a try taking an omen of untinti oh look at that so what is up so wonderful dt authorities have sent a charitable aid package to try tachyon citizens in zhao local officials especially gratitude relations have improved by 18. nice look at that we got buddies okay and then alexandria have a new year uh thanks for stopping in oh and raiden happened to your team too all right can i buy a ship from here i need i need some chips i got a little bits see there's a couple hounds if you want to do some some um some of that business girls pick up a wolf why is that so much cheaper than that guy because it's a pirate wolf this is a uh what's a hegemony wolf you can do a wolf fleet buy both of those um uh thanks thanks epilom 27 yeah you know what let's do it let's let's let's wolf this the wolves there yeah you know i'm gonna get mad about that it'll be all right i'm gonna autofit these into you know i'm gonna let the computer handle it uh if you wanna be a ship yell at me and i'll get you in there there's a safety override guy one of those so he's gonna stick him and skull are gonna stick together um oh what was that oh i didn't see the vote um okay there's that's and then we've got another frigate here is gonna be uh subscribe names tc doom drone man is well we know who the drone guy is just excited forgive us enos i'm keeping that from my ship because that's a fantastic name i'm going to let skull be flown by way here wade webster i'm going to stick with this one because i i'm comfortable with it defense lasers launchers it's fine for now you know the uh this one the overdriven and the one that i made isn't too different it has a mining blaster and a couple of savos which would have put on there almost have those yeah you know it's not too different we'll turn on on uh she doesn't have a turret on top okay onto the space canoe oh yeah yeah i can't the problem is you can't have to rewrite everything it's fine it's fine i guess all right um let's go with a couple more i'm not gonna buy from you let's go let's go do some shady biz oh yeah oops there we go and i'm going to back up more of these 11 a day that's all my money all right so now let's go look at intel see if we have something we can go hunt any missions by me just that okay i'm really interested in seeing what's this uh say hey jimmy wants me to kill some things 150 or 1500 per frigates let's go get a pirates anyone nearby no you're all way out there sure we'll go over here and we'll shoot some pirates in uh bascule i'm sort of in the mood to shoot some things after what happened earlier today so let's shoot some things shall we my favorite ship is that uh that tempest but i'm happy to see what these wolves can do hyperspace sensor ghost sensor ghost all right so this is where we've got is our pirates here this is where the intel is oh monthly income that's nice all right this is this is the uh the quests anybody analytic path or pirates which we're both hostile to uh let's look at the path right there right yeah into the path we don't like that right we don't like that right so sure we'll go shoot some of them i'll kind of stick by the hegemony i think oh hey um it worked so the buffalo has been procured so it's just like there now okay well how about if i i'm gonna mess around with you a little more he's in this guy i got a new mission for you while you're there why don't you destroy some commodity stocks 25 000 for that thing target heavy machinery so you should just destabilize it so then i could right chuck the the price up or something um i can't afford right now i'm broke so just sit there for right now oh i'll get you buddy what's this what are you too much too much pursuing me you're just delivering things what was that i saw you where'd you go we found a little pat man alright um certainly more than we can handle um disengage do you want to fight all right we can go for it uh i don't like my chances here but we're gonna go for it here let's see what we can do so i've got one drone man and four wolves i think i want drone man to stick to let's see you're the overdriven guy you're overdriven and scold are the overdriven so i'm gonna have drone man stick to is just to me that's a good idea and then and then you stick to me also ah no not you um get to that one you stick to me also so the two overdriven you do whatever you want other two guys stick to me we'll see how this goes oh right sorry sorry but excuse me excuse me off to a good start all right we got a hammerhead over there we should avoid that thing a little lasher i'm not scared of that get him okay okay who else wants some feeling good now i got one down only like many more to go already i'm decreasing soon already yeah we got him we got him okay next okay we're going up there let me all go in and that nav buoy give him speed oh man that was my chance missed it this was away [Music] i'll sit on this thing and um i got to the right of there's getting a little beat up i'd be all right i'm going to get this one too much flux whoop where you come from well i flew right into that one [Laughter] oops give my ship a nice little glow now [Music] i've got the hammer head yeah that's me a tricky one my shields okay all right what we got left we got that always oh there's the hammerhead um yeah we'll try we gotta take this guy out [Music] ah you take my misses out no problem okay um just a big guy left and that little little guy on the side um what's this guy doing what are you doing it's gold you fight so destructible skull gets in there and gets out yeah yeah get behind take that command missiles more missiles thermal we got him yeah we got him this time uh adrielis and of course thanks for the follow there we go everyone awake because you are now all right we got him it says defeated but there's still one right there i'll claim victory um oh you know what let's go let's go kill that guy no one gets away from me and and lives to tell about it did we get him well he did all right excellent excellent welcome to the twitch side of things uh adria edrias adrialis uh i will recover um probably none of those actually they're not bad well that's pretty boring but they're actually they're all pretty bad never mind take your money take your wreckage and some of us are a little bit banged up here now uh we need to go to let's go to ludic path let's go over here to haster get fixed up let's salvage first okay let's get out of here yeah yeah so pop in the haster we'll get uh get fixed back up skulls all back and repaired i like this little wolf fleet not too bad i i like these little frigate ships as soon as every time i play the last few times as soon as i start dumping up into the bigger ships that's right problems i can handle the little stuff these big guys though okay that's all good we're about 60 grand now and uh do you have any ships you'd like to sell me um nothing too exciting this little brawler is like a like a little tank i think right whole 2000 yeah yeah he's pretty tough so we'd have a little tanker if we wanted to do that um i'll stick with what i've got right now until we get more money you have a job how would you her name is rage black goat what do you want [Music] no um let's go get some more let's go get some more there's a trader right there let's see if we can take a look at it at the station though you wanna fight buddy he's avoiding me he's gonna run a run if i attack him uh a little hermes shuttle which is pretty broken four mod you know that's ds gold thanks for hanging out again all the places but they're trying to avoid me now [Music] i want to show this as well um we can mine planets are 53. i won't do mine this one but i'll show it in a minute when i can find a planet that's easier to mine i'll show how that works there's a lash right there uh he's not so bad i'll take him i didn't look i just i just saw two d either maybe it's not maybe not any good but we'll see he's like in the station you know what let me know i've never really fought a station like this so uh let's see what happens i've been in there but i've never really i guess i've sort of seen it a little bit but not not much so bringing everyone in we'll leave the hound behind and let's go i'm not sure i'm gonna do much yeah mining planets is part of mine you can mine planets and you can mine asteroids as well uh i might die but that's okay there's some big ships in here we're just here to kind of give them a hand make sure the attention is fully on them and not us that's the main goal what's this thing at there it is look at that thing look at that thing that's cool we'll hang out here until as long as we can as long as we can stand it they start getting beat down we might we might jump on it but i don't think we can hang out here too long say that put some damage in though okay so i used my missiles prevent some of that flux there how's it looking we're all in good shape we're good oh part of it's coming off i've been in these fights against these i've never like just been me against one of these things and uh i think i've ever seen one of these things blow up like a station block i always win but if you do like the ground combat stuff if you take down the um you take it on station and then you can do the ground combat stuff which there may not be ground combat here because it's the gas giant i'm not sure how that works look i'm down a little bit actually oh yeah there he goes little dying there buddy oh no that that side's fine one more side here to blow up too damn though here's a little bit i didn't even see my flux up there ouch man those hurt ow okay i'm getting out ouch oh no oh no i'm dead here we go face giving my way in the right direction skill's disabled no we don't think we got it all right uh everyone get out i want to go and just watch you can i see that you can make it who is this this is a doom you're in a bad place buddy you're gonna go flying right by it hopefully he's distracted by him hey rev how's it going yeah he got all of us oh doom that's close though to the sides down it's really hoping to see that go down because i wanted to see if we could do something about attacking let's drop into a station and see how that looks oh you want to fight me now i don't want to fight okay gotta leave me alone i'm gonna do some salvaging though you leave me alone you didn't let me yes they're not actually at the planet they're just at the ship it's just a shipyard i'm quite sure how that works taking planets or whatever let's go back over here doom's down we lost doom and scold and this guy was never fixed up so we lost two of our wolves there let me go to um this one actually probably should go closer we're squandering uh stuff here so there's like um there's that see there's like hastert and then they have the jungle world there i'm not quite sure how it works with the um if you only have to take out the station first and then you can attack the planets to take control of it i'm not sure how it works though so you need to be fitted out i don't know how you fit it out okay was it worth it no no i was just looking we were just checking things out okay so uh military options raid against it orbital bombardment invade that's the new button an orbital station or interfering fleets must be removed before an invasion is possible that's what i want to see um we have to just build up a military of uh of my home base and see if we can do something about that while i'm here if you have any any new ships i kind of need some well the same as before right yeah now there's that who's this what's wrong with you compromised hull uh that's kind of important 30 whole anyway maybe we can get by with that without that but i don't want to try it let's go there i would love to see how that how that all plays out but it's just one of those things takes a long time to get to you know so i would like to buy um of those things let's go look who's out here i'm let's stop in over here real quick and bumbo take wolf pack as a perk is there a uh one of these is wolf pack you mean like the which one was it this one yeah yeah i've used one before just with small ships just in general pop over here and try tacky on space see what they've got oh hello pirates you think you can take me again mitchell you're all pretty beat up i'll fight you i'm not scared of you we're all going in uh hey i want so let's see we need we need combat freighter or uh um drone man on me and i want hound on other guy he's all armor isn't he no shields forgive us enos pork slap thanks for the follow yeah this i've never i've never really messed with the mods in this game i've always heard about him his first time ever messing with it and um it seems like they're not sort of sort of explore them a little bit it's almost it's as big a deal as like rim world mods or well rim world what makes rimworld the game it is because of the mods it's good vanilla but the mods add so much even that even much that much more to it i get them all these while those are on them in there there we go and it missiles in more missiles more missiles we got them okay is that it yeah there we are you never pilot you just let the game yeah you can just play it no i guess rts style just sort of let the game do it um or even just ai style i suppose do i want any things these combat freighters they're all pretty busted no thanks i'll take your thousand bucks and i'll take your guns i'll be on my way about seven grand uh received for the system bounty because i'm close enough with that one let's go repair and i'm here to look at your ships i'm looking for an omen nothing this is a terrible place let's see let's look at so i've been flying this guy i really want to learn how to like mess around with my ship a little better um and i kind of like that pulse laser i've got ion cannon i'm not sure i'm all that's also the one that's firing right all the time my cannon isn't doing [Music] much auto firing but not right um so what if i take that little guy off it's a little mining laser on there i'm gonna change you out with i kind of like that i kinda like that pulse laser hmm all right hey now i should probably get back let's stop in here real quick at the level seven stop in there real quick and i do of course you get back to that pirate spot it's good money over there was that the bounty i was that i was just talking about i'm looking for something specific i'm not seeing it um i hear these are supposed to be really good kind of like um uh next step of the hammerhead these are kind of nice the centurions what's the though there's a is that the one that's the one i don't remember now okay was that the the bounty but that was that i was getting yeah uh there's nothing by the persians oh that's a system okay that's this one okay anyone else is nearby they're all way out there they're close i could get them but i'm gonna go that far so as long as we kill some ludic path or hegemony folks we can go do that okay and we're here already there's none there's no one around here i wonder about oh jimmy and personally perseon hate each other now uh i wonder about what i could do with my planet about getting it a little bit more um prepared for like going out on its own let me go back over there yeah it's in-game music where are my hats here bascule no ooh raid is where i'm at whatever that sun there oh scraps huh i'll take some scraps cerberus uh normally how do you get your own planet you only takes a long time and money people and supplies and you go just there's a million of them out there just go find one take it it's yours uh because of this mod i began with one began with a faction what is that drone tender you know if you're not too bad what's wrong with you structural damage increased maintenance faulty power grid um you know i'll take you back to my spot danny happy new year yeah so normally in space normally there's a there's a sort of a core of plans which are right here now as well these are all randomized normally they're pretty well set and and every planet outside here this is a small galaxy is this is all unexplored free for the taken and with this mod it not only randomizes the core world but it also makes it to where the other people will expand and then i think it takes them a year to eventually start doing that right now they'll go ahead and attack each other and maybe change uh to take planets or whatever um eventually they'll start expanding out into the unexplored systems start building new colonies it takes a while to get there but they do eventually and we can do the same thing we can come in and we could um we could go bring in some marines we could take out a station bring in some marines and take you know whatever start capturing planets which is what which is part of the game that i really want to be in the game in the base game i'ma guess i'm assuming it'll be there eventually surely that's on the that's the plans uh i don't know though but it's it just makes it a much more uh i guess more dynamic world where you've got the core world still growing a little persian and hegemony fight i think i should have a buffalo on my own all the way back so i don't know i'll take those scraps condor carrier well i'll take that what's wrong with you take a lot of crew if it requires 180 crew and there's a maximum 150 of me he's always going to look like he's under crew under crude um i'll try it if it's terrible i'll get rid of it and a little brawler as well what's wrong with you um no no thanks yeah it's you know there's so much in here you can do anything you want like if you if you want to be a um like a big transporter you know to get yourself a big transport ship and fly around you can do that um if you want to be an empire builder you can do that it's all there creator doesn't want the game to be a 4x strategy game he has set a story and events he wants instead which is fair he's very welcome to mod so where's my my relay that i've got set up where's my place there it is xenons world these are my people anyway they don't mind me salvaging oh well supplies on oops cargo capacity um are you in here storyteller what do you uh what about uh delivers an amateurish narration of a hegemony small mining fleet commander sure okay uh i want to repair and i'm going to just dump this stuff off here i won't get any money out of it but it's fine let me store resources here all right i'll take some of those all right now oh any people maybe maybe not a full crew of people okay radio happy new year thanks and that's probably good um now while i'm in while in here that's a lot of money to do anything i can do tech mining i don't remember we're making we're actually making a lot of this stuff and also didn't call any things i think so we got a battle station already we have ground defenses because if i have an ai quarter i can assign it there make improvements or shut it down playstation is sort of our our trade right maintenance depot radio thanks for the sub [Music] yeah the game does have a good has some good storyline missions in it you're right um i almost always i just play usually with us like a sandbox thing but you're right um and that was a big update with the last one we added all the story missions in let me do if i if i make improvements to you doubles individual points required to make an additional improvements what's it do it just increases stability by one okay how do i is there any way that i can i can do anything is in like tell them hey you should do this work on i guess i can tell you to to make some things oh my buffalo is here too right production orders yeah um give me a cruiser and then um support it with uh i don't know all these guys and then another one of these guys yeah oh weapons and fighters we can make as well okay okay okay blueprints oh we tell them what we're going to be making of warships carriers gotcha aggression let me crank that up just a little bit longer you know that's my customers i just set up there income we're getting um galatia academy apparently is giving us some money i'm making 37 000. hmm do i have any from me no just that one just that we don't like syndria very much whale what's this one oh gotcha oh yeah you're just sitting there doing nothing i should probably talk to you i'm gonna go to a store and keep a fast exploration fleet all these are control upkeep if you still get a bite off some clothes yeah uh yeah i see which means have a um uh um the mod got that one for some reason um i have a small fleet to go out and do that kind of stuff and i'll have like a hauling fleet for other things for sure you i'm gonna refit you as a uh sure a frontier drone once i give you it gives you a different gun there yeah the bad mark and this guy this guy an attack carrier sure i don't have any any fighters oh no how to make fighters do we want to go get some fighters for him and then we need to go uh actually while we're here i'll put you up there and then let's go buy some people oh you know what it is gonna say isn't it i'm just like oh no we're good okay good i'd like to see oh yeah no follow me i can do that as well so i can say like if there's a nearby fleet so i can say follow me and then we can go pick someone off where you at he's just so far out there i can't get anybody out there anyone close by that one's still going on for one more day we got this one out this way but it's just so i can get there we can't get back this is my get back button um just fly up there real quick i'm sort of buzzing around the gate there yeah yeah anything new in here just a lot of derelict things sleeper cells yeah what's up what's up in there okay you can have those and i'm just going to take a look at what you got not a lot he's pretty small you're pretty small let's what's what's over here military that's what we want to go let's go see what's over there i'm going to deliver it to xena's world cost this month is that um from whenever i was doing the trading is that what that was this could become pirates 2.0 yeah i think yeah i think it's probably a good way of of describing this one it has a lot of similarities to the old pirates hmm yes and stuff another wolf there a little broken there's a much broken one what do you got in in your uh in black market a tempest day well i'll take one of those expensive but i'll take it take your wolf i'll take your other wolf my money for that yeah i'll take one of your wolves and i'll fit out my uh my tempests dowel's odds disney bought the rights to firefly why what's when that happened would that happen i mean blaster's good heavy burst laser a little point that's a big point defense thing okay um which isn't too necessary because i have a little drones but that'll work harpoon is a finisher and here's a general mining blaster okay i'm want to call this guy um ghostface here you go yo i'll give you a ship got black blackbeard's head hey that was my ship from last time blackbeard's head excellence over driving blackbeard's head nice now uh i i don't know if there's anything i should do in here with this like uh safety overrides or something like that maybe just a weapon mounts i don't know i mean what that says or uh whatever i'm gonna leave it i'd like to have something that make me go fast like um like some of these thrusters here they're pretty cheap do i need all this flux nest this flux stuff it's really just basic okay it's fine i'll take it i'm flying this thing about three months ago i didn't i completely missed that i know that um that amazon bought mgm or has or has the rights to mgm's stuff which includes stargate so i know stargate is is uh potentially able to be made again whether or not his question but i know there's a lot of maybe there's talk going on let's go to this this pirate spot over here just using pirates what do you want you get out of here you just gave me all you want hey karen how's it going all right let's go say hello to some pirates i just want to see my tempest in action which i could do easily but that's not fun uh i can't believe mantle is there there's the pool on right there let's go just you know just kind of scoot around oh the path is down here too actually just take a little uh just take a little tour here i think we're in good shape as far as comariness even though we gotta hit a little bit by storms ludicrous over here this is your your place but no one's there i can invade you from militia no forces with tuna can invade so if i went and got a bunch of militia i could take this place okay okay let's get it let's see if we can do it i'm gonna go over here and pick up a bunch of marines i don't need money so we'll go blow something up and then we'll go get it felix how's it going the spacing is going all right so let's see if we can we'll put this mod to the test is the idea here and i want to see how much of these things ah expensive and any 88 are there defending someone probably more than that 13 for that can i get on the black market for cheaper buy 61 of them okay okay um let's go shoot some pirates or load a path folks whoever we'll choose somebody and go make some money is there no one here either what is this no one defends their planets around here invade there's 192 of them so they got some people around at least gotta be some people around here somewhere i can shoot i know i've only got 60 crew capacity available i can dump some of them off though and when the time comes i'll drop them off over here whoever i need to get off dropped off and then i'll go get whoever let's go look over here somewhere who are you neutral hmm got to be something out here okay this is our goal for the day i really want to see what this does nobody here though they're all just neutral folks monthly income okay there we go that's what we need we need money oh here we go in the system of whatever there was a bounty there okay well let's no it's good we're going to go over here let's pick up some people i'll drop off some uh i'll try to buy a ship carry these marines i need a bunch what kind of ship can i get from you i can buy a template from you a broken tempest we should say that before uh i need something cheap that just holds a lot of things not you mudskipper what do you carry crew is a hundred maximum 40. let's see if you got over here hermes shuttle 10. uh we'll buy this little this little mud skipper that's a hotter that's going to be plenty mud skipper and then marines we'll get them for the black market we'll get some from black markets and we'll get the rest from the open market uh i'm gonna show you what i can carry 165 of them that's plenty surely it's plenty of marines and uh anything else bombs uh i guess we just put them down there and tell them to go have fun yeah that's double what they've got more than enough i want that tempest too but let's let's go get them we're gonna go to this one i hope this works i want to see it i'm excited about this this is this is the whole reason i have this mod this pirate's right there uh is to see what um this this part of of taking planets and changing sides and all that 88 there we've got 165 marines we get a sneak attack bonus transferring invasion and initial intel stream will open okay proceed okay now we have things ground forces of ominova and tnt are invading indriya uh indrani sakhi in the alanar star system held by ludic path okay i have 150 movement points man i don't know um i got 55 marines on each side is that what's going on here oh there's some fire support we can do we can use inspire yeah inspire them inspiring battle speech by the leader at the right time can turn the tide of a battle well yeah we might as well mean i'm here i might as well tell them what what i think about them electronic warfare if we had that okay go to units tab and click the action bar action button of a units deploy unit in industry to an industry every choice on the surface feed for few more units after the industry has been taken move the units to a new target all right so marines and heavy armaments are assembled into units got it you can put these units in the surface cost supplies and move them around when they get there opposing units same industry will shoot at each other turns resolved every day winner of each engagement of an instrument on the street on an on an industry and the overall battle is whoever is still standing at the end those things have tool tips okay so it's like i already put them in oh you i want you to deploy and in the spaceport confirm we need some more of these uh these uh supplies there's some malicious so they got more they got some people all around so we can make sure we get our guys out there too okay so now we've got alpha and beta there alpha bravo let's take that space board first i guess okay um q a q is that like q move oh then you go over there okay uh sure you go there then you kill all the other side let's do it how does he go um what was the uh how do you say okay turn resolved every day i'm not sure how i um or maybe it just happens okay maybe maybe this is just sort of because it's real time right so it's it's set up to go we'll see it's happening invasion's already going on here okay request a fleet i can i couldn't i could have just requested an invasion fleet um there'll be it'll be at least a week to get there no no it's fine i've i got this on the counter i don't need you so there is there's a blinky invasion going on there there it is last turn lost 10 marines now under oh my control i did it i did it it's my station officially how about no it's not uh previously leave the path manage the colony there we go i got a call on me hey check that out that's cool that's fantastic um yeah yeah put uh put a midline station that's expensive it's expensive okay all right so this is now we go to here what that say about hegemony a relief fleet going here we'll be here in 11 days relief fleet uh i guess my friend's hegemony okay but if we go back out here now we can see it is now held by me we did it hey all right that's cool i mean that was easy that was super easy we could even go like i should probably defend this place but we go to the other place and we could like defend you know we could take that one out too because it's a couple hundred marines but job done cool that that's what i what i really want to see in on the original game was on the base game i think that's cool check my income uh what do you mean uh where's that that's an intel and i don't remember where this is at it's over here i don't remember it'll pop up in a minute under command and then ah calling it's okay yeah so it's losing a little bit of money yeah it's fine let me see what it's doing for us though i could spend you know i could stabilize it i can't okay i feel like i did something today i got a hankering to go shoot some pirates let's go shoot some pirates before i uh before i call it a day here there is is there any bounties for a uh a pirates nearby there's just that one 25 days there we could run out this way and then die um thank you for the sub yeah it's not much it's just basically just a hunk of dirt with a couple of couples things on it um okay autopilot is not necessarily the best thing i gotta get out of there and off and then emergency burn this way yeah get out of there get out there okay all right this one away is it no we fine yeah that was the new this with the newest update with slipstreams all right so uh wait wait you go back in there no we don't want to do that we want to go and just shoot some pirates around here buy some of these okay well i guess i need some fuel too this is the place to shoot the pirates but there's no buyers around here ain't nothing here i'm gonna go to a pirate base which i tried to do before there's no one at firebase [Music] excuse me pirate raid the almar system in 31 days you attacking my system i don't think so let's go get them just to hear the pirate sound bites i got i got a lot of pirate sound bites in there i pulled all my all my sounds for subbing and all that was from pirates and dwarf fortress uh monkey allen all the good ones you know let's go back and protect my particular homeworld here we got pirates coming in that's outrageous over here we'll stop by and buy some more things all the aid arrived for the planet do i put an ai core in there to make for it to really do anything on its own i think it's how it works uh and i can only get those on my own no one sells those those are like illegal and all that so we have to go we don't have to have those what was that noise my system at let's come back over here so mars part is still the best pirate game ever made i i agree personally managing a couple colonies and he measures for the extra ones so oh there's people here now that's good um [Music] oh what are you high moon high moon kind of stupid name is that that's right you're my you're my my marine transporter what a terrible name anyone here arms dealer what's with all the um oh you got bounties eh oh you're actually one of my people titan elysium what a name gives you a pr a nod captain i want um whatever works for me you'll be out there i don't know why they go somebody's so far away what oh way out there all right so they're coming this way but we don't know where they're at they're gonna be around like 30 days or something uh i could call a fleet though rebellion there's a rebellion on my planet oh yeah that's a thing in the mod as well it's the strange it still says officially held by them which is not true uh so there's a rebellion which means that let me get a fleet over here i want a defense fleet strength i don't know sure 100 yeah that's fine origin market i don't care okay so i want you to come from here and then i want you to be there that one okay i'll be there at least a month and you need a defense feed over here temporary control of qualities faction directory oh hey um so yeah there's there's um there's rebellions and you can like support the rebels somehow if you like if you want to support the rebels for the other sides how do i figure out how that part works i really want my people to be happy here and not have a rebellion um let's see stability is bad and you want a lot of money to be stable well yeah it'll be all right just give it time and maybe some money it doesn't i think freeport makes it more unstable right so we have freeport on yeah okay it goes faces just did it um it's all right it'll be all right i'll get some more money in a minute and we'll fix it all up now i'm gonna go bounce over here where these pirates are i don't know where the invasion is coming from i'm gonna assume the neutral posture aware of your identity do your transponder being turned on what do you want accept the calm request must be a relief we showed up instead of some pirates eh what was he needed um anything you can spare yeah we didn't issue a distress call is that is this my fleet it says this will be a month that's so i guess we'll have to hang around for a bit who did that was weird was there a mission was there a mission somewhere there's a smug i think that was the ats you think from the prolonged to hargore came up a little later though it should be outmatched by police defending the system now they're traveling there but didn't say where they're coming from okay where was where was there's rebellion there and uh they'll be on 23 days they'll be there all right the battery's coming in [Music] are you trying to like stop me i'll take you down a couple little smugglers i'll pursue you i'm going to send in i just want to fight with with um oh there's a condor i've gotta have that guy too i want ghost face to go in i'm gonna bring in blackbeard's head and forgive us enos let's bring this guy too i don't need him though yeah we'll bring him in okay those three even with that take them out gun i have on this thing mining blaster this harpoon gun we can blast him all right eye on my flux uh what was the button to attack the termination sequence right yeah go get them go what you got for me okay so you're sending little uh little ships at me today huh uh hang on let's put that so oh that's what i'm looking for before this is the um this is the it's a battle report where is my okay i found a few more things so diplomatic profiles was things like this so we can see the way this works is like every faction has certain things that they are um well you can see so um hegemony bass they don't like the persian league and you can see sort of their alignments and common foes and sort of these all figures in it figures into like war or piece or whatever throughout the game um and what else we got here so we have bounties we have uh the other one i wouldn't see was there's my rebellion information about the rebellion placing operation there may review more details oh it's my guy over there i recently disrupted the mining on on the place for three three weeks ago okay you new mission you're going to go travel to here and you're going to go to that one and then when you get there oh you'll figure out when you get there uh moran thanks for the follow okay and then yeah when you get there then i want you to go and i don't know well okay i'll forget then uh so the other things we've got is um story one the contacts local that system i want to look at uh what's looking at oh my ships i never found that one so when you go into probably the command it's just colonies it may not be working like i think it is supposed to be where my ships should get like little tags along the way where oh yeah that notable notable one um so it has a rating of 48 on the evans zhao combat performance scale so as it does well in combat it gets it gets tags like notable like that if it does bad bad things happen i don't think we got any we don't have any like real perks yet which is maybe way it's nothing's happened yet i've done a lot of fighting but those are supposed to pop in here at some point doesn't get a little bit in there but nothing too exciting yet but um i need i never set up my uh my uh i guess i don't know made the game made the mod run smoother i didn't do that let's let's bomb the place saturation rest 25 fuel 170 yeah bomb the place it can't be hidden we'll make the following factions hostile hey you know what happens yeah i'll show we've made everyone mad okay oh we destroyed it the polong destroyed explore the ruins okay oh like that and um what can we do here yeah you know what maybe there shouldn't be any more um uh pirates in this place why is everyone mad about that so that set us up to where uh everyone hates everyone hates us now and they don't like that mega hatred yeah yeah i've done it before a long long time ago yeah genocide basically syndra they don't mind but everyone hates me now try tacky on they're okay still favorable i think we were a little better before that uh no maybe about 19. um hello i don't want to fight that many of you i don't want to fight that many of you i think i can we're gonna go for it so i need to go to bed and so we're gonna do this we're gonna go out and style so i'm this guy i'm gonna have you don't do much i'm gonna have you i'm gonna have you stick to me and i'm gonna have um bad mark stick on me you on me as well and then i'll put oh it's excited i need you to it's excited i want you to stick on the the carrier along with this guy uh the wolves you do what you want to do and then we're gonna go get him okay no running away this is not cowardly time this is fighting time it's time to see what we can do here well i mean it's time to die but we're gonna go out in style let's get a little high how are we looking here uh you know what i'm not too good yeah we just became space pirates that's right just a little genocide you know what happens uh like my condor is dead already [Music] he was so cool for a moment so we're going to miss take that buddy uh and and take some of those what else you got boom everyone awake i can do this i don't i don't need that condor okay big guy over here he's in kind of troublesome uh he's gonna be real troublesome let's do it we're going down we're gonna go down in style flux built back up we got two harpoon missiles left that flux built up real good but not mine okay man i got some chips don't they hi moon okay here let me go pick on someone else my own size oh no bad mark yeah we got some we got some where am i at okay yes okay you leave him alone um well all right so you know what it's uh it's a good way to go out and go ahead and style here fascinating mod that i could spend a long long time in ouch and i had i had him i had him down and he out she got me oh turn around turn around this pressure's back online all right so it's me versus the whole fleet we found the party and then there i go man anybody left no that was it all right well that's a good place to call today i think that's that's it i mean what else what else can you ask for i um xenon's world i'm not dead am i because i have a because i have a homeworld um we we grabbed a new system they might have a little rebellion there but yeah you know it happens every once in a while and um there we go all right so this is not a let's play this is just sort of a what it started out as a let's play with the what the um the earlier run i did but it went uh poorly and so then we thought we'll just take out uh we'll just check out the um the planet uh uh part of the mod and so we did i'm sure i'll come back and we'll play some more of this in time um but i'm gonna go to bed so thanks for watching everybody and um those of you i got a lot of questions about kenji there will be a new kenshi series starting up pretty soon and um i'm not sure when but sometime this month i believe i'll do attention i'll probably just like a kenji week i just like stream every day um because i got a hankering for some kids however i do need some ideas so if you have some some kinshi ideas let me know on some like kinchie goals and that kind of a thing if i need to find some of
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 30,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, star sector, space rpg, space kenshi, starsector 0.95, starsector 2021, starsector planet, Starsector update, Starsector 2021, Starsector gameplay, Starsector game, Starsector, nookrium space, open world, space sim, sandbox game, pc game, nexerelin, starsector nexerelin
Id: PnPb625sGGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 26sec (7106 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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