Starsector - (Building a Space Empire & Alliance)

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we have a uh we we built a planet we have one planet with our name with the tnt whatever we call ourselves uh and today what we're gonna do is we're gonna take that one planets and we're gonna build an empire that's that's that's how this is gonna work city of brass is my home world by the otinti empire it's a beautiful place has a bit of a tattooing kind of feel to it um and it's my home we we we we claimed it last time we we we fought off some folks well we didn't successfully fought off some people people came in and took it we took it back and uh and now we're empowered to go and build some more and um with this nexarella mod i'm not actually entirely sure if they'll go build colonies on their own or if i need if i need to do to like encourage them to do it the special functions in here we can go in like we can we can um i'm requesting take temporary control there is a way of doing like of like telling them to go out and do colony things i know at some point but i'm not entirely sure how that how that works so i figured that's what we'll probably be checking out um we'll scout around a bit uh as far as our folks that like us and don't like us there's they see the invasion which we the church took it but we took it back um the church the path they both hate us everyone else other than the pirates aren't too bad with us anymore we're actually favorable with hegemony somehow we're our enemies for a bit um i think mostly our plan is to go around and try to see if we can see what we can do about this place and see if we can make it fancy and nicer it will expand and get the best planets if you're slow i'm sure what that means if i'm slow let's go pick up um this thing and grab ourselves a ship we do have a decent sized crew my crew or my my fleet is pretty nice actually large uh it's all bunch of little ships we have some big ships back at base and um but we've fought off some decent fleets with this little group of small ships every time i build big ships bad things happen so i'm gonna try to not do that this time uh the farmer invited his rival over for dinner over a missing cow he said i've got a beef with you no no no no no no good no good no good good give me a different one no good so um yeah we've got a we got well we we ordered these trade tekken folks to come defend us uh we do have a trader out there bouncing around doing things and as far as like our system here i think the reason i like this place is because i think i just like that one planet i think i've surveyed well i'm sorry the gas giant uh there's also this the refills all over the place there is a sensor array that we own there is a hard point up there or an active gate uh no it's not a hardpoint it's in my nevermind inactive gate um and where are we at here in relation we're up this right in stella the hegemony have grown out this way where he's knocking at next round so these things kind of grow on their own they're out this way oh there's that one we there's another hegemony way way down there um and hopefully we will go build up on our own ideally kind of out in the same area we'll see if i can maybe i'll scout around and see if we can find some stuff i'm not opposed to shooting some things we could do some cash so we'll see about that i get this question asked all the time i'm sure i'm gonna get it tonight's here i'm sure i'll get it in the youtube comments um as far as like will this game ever just hit steam uh is a big question and as far as i understand as soon as it gets full release that's the plan um we'll see about that i don't know you know steam takes a big chunk of money and if it's selling well enough why do that you know um let's see so this guy is that's why i took this yeah this because it does have a good it has good deposits of transplutonics which we want it has ore uh it has uh that's not good that's all bad stuff it's all bad stuff so it has a high hazard rating yeah but it does have transphotonics i'll tell you why we took this one remember i think what i want to do though is i think we're going to go and bounce back down to our buddies the trade hacking who are mostly dead now they're dying quickly hey king how's it going kang you are you always kangadab on twitch or am i just thinking of discord either way hello hang on we got something over here what we got a cerberus freighter i will scrap it take that stuff we got some metals we can go trade so i think maybe the best bet for us at the moment um if we get a threat coming our way and um okay okay i knew something's different um if somebody comes over here once once uh wants to be a jerk then we'll come back and fight them off but potentially our best idea is to go do some scouting what's my my um my cargo here on button we'll do enough stuff we could do we could do some some exploring here what systems have i what is that my cargo we had a corrupted nano forge we store that in our heavy industry i need to go drop that off my station before i go lose it before i lose it let's drop that off okay so we're going to dump it in there here and this is all my this is all in my storage don't i want to put that in here does it matter yeah put it in there and then we're gonna put in storage though we're gonna put in some things um i'll go ahead and dump the stuff off in there and survey data we can sell that stuff um and the nano ford go into my my storage um in storage as well yeah we got my big ships my fuel tankers my my haulers my crew folk my crew folks they're hauling things uh semto thanks for following so um i think we're gonna take what we've got here and maybe do a little bit of scouting if we go back we can go see maybe we can do some bounty stuff um let's just get back this way because i could just hit a and then the mobile will scoot along here if we see some folks that we want to shoot we will do that there's another thing up here what's that do you see it i saw a thing here maybe the class civilian transport we uh we already have one of those i don't care about it like all that i just said i was gonna go back to there but maybe we should actually these are all unsurveyed this isn't export that one is survey we went there we didn't go any of these around this area so let's go to like epsilon this is one system here a trinary system let's go let's go over there i thought i went over there didn't i i five unsurveyed i guess not what's a man who is sick he's a coffin what's a man who's dead he's a coffin okay that'll do that'll do much that's much better than the beef one excellent much much better just a um what's it what's it called uh what's the word uh um a uh i don't know a glitch basically i think right all right i guess i d yeah i did i surveyed that one i guess i did i didn't survey all of them i guess i surveyed some i must have run out of stuff so let's go uh we got a rocky metallic roll over here let's go check that one out we won't serve a gas giant so hard to survey we got a fancy volcanic one which we did survey already we'll check out these um you know the metallic ones stuff like that i need a um like it has to have a like a rock a couple good planets in one system some more deposits we got some more deposits i'm sorry okay i'm not the best let's see what unidentified survey thing is what are you a mining station oh these are good stuff oh wait oh one one thing let's get them i'll get some good combat in here uh we'll bring we'll bring you two and i forgot i hired this guy old mr cigarette here these things if i remember right i thought they were really tough last time but they actually ain't so tough so we'll just send in the goods we'll send in plenty and go get them they should be there he is okay let's all give me you can fix my rusty fingers for fighting okay shields up he's bouncing all over the place i got it i got it takes me a minute to get reacquainted with with the shooting here okay i'll take his wreckage uh a buffalo huh oh yeah buffalo a lot of good stuff there over cargo capacity are we buy a lot uh yeah i want to learn this stuff if i know this stuff correct me if i'm wrong but if i as long as i know this stuff then that's a lot of ore then um then my base will make it also am i correct in this assuming this okay so we got that one figured out if we see more stuff we should go check it out we got a we got an unsurveyed barren world over here we've got a volcanic unsurveyed these are surveyed um let's go down down there around the star of course all right our weigh station is done excellent we're attacking our buddies i'm not going to shoot their stuff we need to go run back there and build something else while we're there all right back here okay so that's done let's go ahead and go back to my home and give him another order i don't know if i can do that can i do that from here can i go to my colony and give it orders from from wherever oh i bet i can't can't i well um we are growing growth is up we're losing money per month quite a bit but we're we are grow we're in positive we're in negative a minute ago or last time we played so now we're in positives we don't have a surplus of anything but it looks like we don't have a deficit other than people um so i think i think things are going all right what can we what else can we do here we're limited number structures can we do another industry here i think the best way of doing this is trying to figure out what we want to do so waste is going to bring in eight story points no no um it's gonna bring in uh or it's gonna make a demand so it's doing as long as demand is met allows us to call it stockpile fuel supplies and crew even if it does not produce them locally and a spaceport is going to produce people it demands ships supplies and fuel um and then the mining is gonna is gonna produce uh ores and and organics and you're demanding food and stuff like it seems to be nice to have we can't do fuel because we need transmutants right is that what you're doing can we do no we can't do that because we're not making the base components we are making organics we can do light industry here couldn't we we're refining because we are producing we're producing all that stuff if anyone has any input i will take it um we have maximum number industries never mind we gotta wait till we get a little bigger so we can we can do this stuff control hq man stuff produces people put a station in let's do like a um a mid-line station sure that'll give us some defense i think let's do that so like once we get a bigger size right um thousands of people call city of brass home determines the base incoming upkeep from all industries and structures affects the strength and number of patrols military fleets launched by the colony it also how do we how do we make sure we get more um industry spots some recent unrest it is a free port producing about a bunch of ore in this thing which is what the mining is doing we'll get that thing and then we'll work on we'll see what else we can do okay so we need to go back there let's go back over here we gotta make some money so let's go make some money i'm always up for making some money we love making money making money is the best thing if we find i think we have a side a decent fleet we're not we're gonna take on any sort of battleships or anything like that but we could probably handle something um somewhat reasonable probe thing system bounty just blow frigates up there we go so we could jump in on this pause real quick so there is a where is it there's a so the try tackling is invading or who who's invading that yeah so the tri-technology is invading bensutu invasion forces are somewhat weak compressed of one fleet devastation the invasion space forces are superior to its ground forces even matched they're playing at pearl station so can we jump in on that i don't think it's gonna give us any money it's just gonna make us friends with them um isn't there another one there's another one with someone else hey harley how's it going working halfway hit them though there is a faithful traitor connor's a solo trading post let you know that they literally church faithful traders preparing a voyage that will soon depart from akron which is going from here yeah we'll carry supplies and ship holes it's going gonna carry organics um it's from going coming back so it's going there with supplies and ship holes it's carrying valuable goods material we could go shoot that and take their stuff that sounds like that sounds like my kind of mission i like that kind of mission um actually let's go ahead and pop in here first though before we before we before we go there let's let's pop into the system and then we will go hunt that thing down it's gonna leave in two days we're gonna be kind of quick we want to go stop over here carrick and hunt these uh ludic church jerks down okay so i'm gonna go ahead and give you guys i'll give you the survey date i'll give you the medals yeah that one you have the guns deficit huh that one you can have the volatiles okay um if we could look and see if they've got something they want to sell and make some cash real quick we can buy this stuff for dirt cheap here and then go to mag melon who we've been to before make a ton of money i don't know if we can sell there no no i'm i'm itching i mentioned the fight we've had a peaceful a peaceful run here so far and i'm itching to fight so we're gonna go do that so let's buy some of these this is this is fighting and building well it was kind of constantly kind of kind of contradict each other but we're fighting and building a bit of an empire here okay so we've got enough supplies there's a deficit of fuel here it doesn't only sell for and i can sell for i can buy it for well 44 okay why it's not that much okay so i think we're good to go we may not be able to carry everything that we want but we can also sell our organics back here for a decent price well we go to we'll go to delta venera for that's the new system i think for 71. imagine praising blood instead of untinted oh yeah it makes me shudder as well outrageous oh only look real quick with their fleets just tradition you know we gotta look at their food to see if they sell because it is our friends a starliner i don't know that one with tempest i love a good tempest i always buy tempests oh look at that thing the paragon okay let's go ahead and fit out our new guy someone got a name for me for our uh our our new ship this fella thanks cv for following yeah i'm trying to get you guys kind of organized um let's see here replace filters now okay all right there we go prepare our ships this is nice okay that's a good one um we're gonna go and hunt this thing down we want it was a little church one going from what is this that's the old one right that's the old one uh who was it was it look at path who was it it was a fleet departure hey where'd it go where'd it go we have been here that long that's not it uh hmm it was a fleet departure maybe they canceled the departure what's going on it was a traitor but i want to go hunt them down don't miss this special offer well that um i think maybe it's because i'm too far from there i don't think so because i was pretty much i was here it was in that system right yeah solo it was there solo trading post let's just run back there and and just take a peek maybe we'll get news once we get back there [Music] really fleet we don't care about that there's some fight going on over here uh it says running from me i think that's not sure that is look path is fleeing from me look back we hate them right we don't like them so much uh we're gonna blow something up i'm really i'm itching to blow something up so i'm sorry it is gonna be you so we're going to pursue them oh man i'm not gonna like this but it's okay i'm just bringing the tempest i think this time i think we need everybody um i guess it doesn't hurt to have you know a few extra folks i should put them on the side well okay let's go get them no special orders needed we're just going to blast them been on that flux blow him up oh easy got a nasty fleet here some sort of trade convoy would be lovely to destroy one guy left uh just get him just go get him excuse me sir the gehenna took off all right what we got much garbage [Music] stick over here so we know they were going from amon down i think they're going way down here take a look and see if anything popped up in here from the church i think nothing well uh i'm okay with assisting with assisting this invasion so assemble in five days we can get there let's go ahead and get the pearl station and we'll we'll join in in the uh the assembly of destroying that place and then maybe maybe if we're lucky we can um claim it as our own i realize it's their invasion but doesn't mean it can't be my invasion you know i think a lot of lines like a good ship maybe like keep away from face um and persian are fighting let's go to pearl station here huh what okay forget this we gotta go protect ourselves we're gonna get back there'd be pirates out there 32 days until the pirates show up in my in my system how dare they let's see if we can fight these guys off we might need to we need to call for help or can we do this on our own last time it wasn't much of anything nothing to be scared of for sure i i think hubris is our middle name i think we can handle this there's that force that we're gonna go join in on they've arrived i really wanted to be be mine cool to join in on to invade somebody and take their stuff and you know that's one way of getting planets as well who says we have to like go and refrigerate after opening suspicious damage um who says we have to go and colonize things he was the old-fashioned way guns missiles okay so i'm gonna hang out here get a remnant over there there is a a dormant thing i can't really care about that uh we wanna go to my home where's my home at that right here all right so it's pair of ships let's head all down oh no there i want to go here and dump that stuff in there for now uh we have a bunch of marines hanging around here put that in there for now i'm gonna get two thousand stuff in here stalk ourselves up here um i think we don't have like really ships here we can buy do we yeah we can just take from storage okay let's take a look at our intel how are they gonna be here our base is up there where is the invasion here there they are so they're coming this way we've got 11 days until they arrive here uh raiding forces are somewhat weak only one fleet and they're coming to me considering orbital defenses the following colonies are at risk from the raid okay uh oh one thing i forgot about is we got 100 marines here how do we know like i got 226 sitting back here maybe i should put them in here does that make a difference is that like defending marines or that like marines waiting to work or whatever waiting to be bought uh also i want to look at it's like 40 days left to our to our station is done that's not gonna happen anytime soon growth is it growth has gained a point since we've been gone we are apparently what's the arrow up mean so it's it is arrow down means the man met through imports from outside the factions i mean we're making the means we're making those i think that's what it means the best thing to do is just get some crew in here for us uh try takion is still hanging around here so i think we're there as long as they hang out we'll be fine explore this debris field yet yeah so when they arrive in system we'll uh take them out what day what they was like arriving on on the 9th right now 10th they'll be here in six days we got six days to sit around here i don't want to leave that's on my left i it came in while i was gone we got sensor right surface battle they're gonna win it's gonna take me that long just to get back here hold on it's been three days just to get to here no try attacking on one they claim it now we're just trying to tack in control check that out i should do that yeah we're doing that we're gonna we're gonna go find some maybe a pirate base somewhere and take a far own system has failed not even here i'm gonna fail if they didn't even arrive i was looking to kill some pirates but i want to kill you you're dang pirates i wonder if we could go and take like if we can find a system that doesn't have much to it i think we could take it like there's a pirate station right here mika pirate base what if we go in i don't know what happened to him um what if we go in we grab our whole fleet over here we want to get um all the we'll take all these and all my ships and then in those ships we're gonna load them up with people so we'll come back into here you guys might end up running to and fro defending them we can always we can always buy people to defend for us that's and we're gonna take a bunch of marines and then some supplies there's fuel if they have a base there we probably can't do anything i doubt it but they don't have a base then i think maybe we can we got 400 marines we've got freighters carrying all these supplies that's the best spot and it's kind of close to us cinderian are our buddies if i remember right we're not buddies but they they are welcoming to us yeah they actually are buddies so let's see about going to lang and and see what we can do about a pirate base the other that's the other perk of having this kind of close by is because it's it's not much of a jump to get there control lead got to look got damage there hey two village how's it going the land of crumpets i didn't know you were um in the land of cronkite's okay so now there's mika down there it does have an orbital station you think i can hit i don't think i can handle station well let's see like we'll take a look at it turn this off since we get there but it is a battle station yeah we can't we can't handle that can't handle that um i guess it says it's a jungle world a red world um but the path of the church hate us there's one right there we could try to get uh there's a dock there and there's a pirate world there let's see what we can do about those the other option is go and just hire some folks to um to hang out with me to fight with me get those ships blown up in my own what is that where i'm going there's a lot of pirates hanging out over here speaking of found some pink lemonade got hit so we got a world right here let's go hit the the pirate world take a peek it is just a planet so we can just come in here and just take this thing military options i want to invade their guests of strength taking to kind of local defenses 112 from militia no marines don't have use i have 401 marines invade okay now why does it call me try takion no no i'm not that's not who i am so we're gonna place our troops out here um let's see i want how do i do this so yeah alpha uh i'm gonna deploy you at the mining what's q move what is what is action then oh same thing basically okay so we got three at the mining more of us i don't know why cause we try tacky on i need to fix that uh delta will go and put you into spaceport echo spaceport foxtrot space ports wonder if i need to go i probably need to go in and get rid of my commission are you still moving here dude village okay so there's a whole bunch of us now uh how do i change i'm assuming yeah because i guess because i have this commission i'm gonna have to cancel that commission i don't want to like well too late i'm already doing it but okay okay this invasion is happening here now right okay attacker victory i want to try tachyon rule i don't want that last time i took i don't want it to be like i don't know why okay we gotta go oh it finally worked and then it i don't want it to be there so i wanted to be mine i do this before well there you go try attack on i hope you're happy hope you're happy posture check fine all right we gotta go and talk with our attack on and say hey you know enough is enough we ain't your pawns anymore although i do like the money you're giving me i really like that that's quite nice okay so let's go here and talk with the quartermaster no port master no what do i talk to admin i'm resigning my tritakion commission yes okay reduced by 10. all right no longer your puppet so now with the big fleet now we got to go in um it's it's a big fleet trying to run for me i want it uh come back here let me add it got it this is a big battle chip riley and riley phelps his fleet are known for having the following traits okay we don't care we're blowing them up you know what i say we can blow him up that's big stuff it's just a freighter though ah we got it i'm pretty sure we can handle it because uh they um they try to run for me so let's deploy i'm just put everyone in the same yeah i'll do this we'll do some rights and some lefts okay send them all in there let's get all right no deaths some kind of tricky because we're so much smaller than they are i think we should be able to shoot their fighters down just fine though because we have our own we're all a lot of tempest and we got these these fighters sometimes have these two fighters with us that shoot down pretty much anything that comes at us how's it looking oh yeah we got these guys i think it's going to be tricky let's take out little guy first that's my guy he's wrong color why he's got to be orange great commander great commander oh duck thank you very much doc i really appreciate it work on this guy for a little bit here who was that seven community subs thank you get up get up [Music] let's uh vent that flux [Music] let's go over here presenting is right i shouldn't even pretend you didn't i [Music] okay got him they're defeated let's get out of here uh what you got uh nothing i want so uh wreckage take all that stuff a little more salvage here while we're here [Music] no mules for me like i'd love to take out a station but i don't think that's possible let's go do a little more um that was a that was a nice little test run that's what that was uh um there's pirates here as well arbor station that says i think we just need a low level a low level things like i like the level six um tesh over here i like test we've been to tesh a few times it's a law it's on the wrong side of the galaxy the sector um for us to really get to very easily if we were to take this one out like this level three hog here there's a lot of church folks around since we might have trouble getting it but if we hmm you know let's go do it let's go look at let's go look at tesh um if you know if we if we end up losing it immediately afterwards you know big whoop i just wanna space more of a test than anything else very slow fleet here hound over there some salvage a lot of excitement going on in this system no more pirates though i hope the uh tachyonic appreciation appreciates my my efforts [Music] parents over there turning hegemony remnant raid okay now a stellar mirror stellar shade i don't know those are let's go see what they got um that the plan i just took as a rebellion is rebelling good if it leaves i'm gonna take it back and make a mine now i assume now because i no longer have right i'm i'm my own person now that's where this is listed on me like i have some sort of command i did i did actually i guess i did pick temporary command can i change something here hmm nope figure it out i don't know if i have any marines left do i i have two two marines so i ain't taking anything here we take a look at it stellar shade they got a mirror and they do have just this so we could take this one if we wanted to try to take it now curious if we invade does it tell me who's going to take what let's just see what happens uh i don't i mean i'm going to lose this but i want to see make sure that it's uh it is me untin the empire okay okay so cancel the orders uh let's just get out of there no one's dying today but that answers the question so let's go get some let's go get some troops before we do that though let's blow this thing up okay so in you know what we could just do when we just stopped in here with our transponder off buy some marines pop back in you know tesh seems like a good place to call home well at least a month okay i wonder about that uh let's go over here to pearl station there's a rebellion over there we don't care if it goes back to the pirates then we're going to come back and take it for ourselves okay pearl station i'm here 37 i'm supposed to do 37 marines let's do 37 marines i have to wait a month before i can go back there um that was tesh what's tesh want tesh wants lemonade tesh wants people no they're cheap people are cheap there tash wants domestic goods should go sell and then rate them yeah they're the ones that make food really cheap yeah i remember them food and organics super cheap there my kind of place all kinds of cheap stuff there yeah i like to call that place home i think so we're gonna go there anyway um 39 troops isn't gonna do us any good but i'll pick up some of these guys might as well and let's run to another system another station yeah there's a system over here let's go to these guys we'll pick up some some um some anti-war uh protests between the two of us we'll go over here and we will um pick up some 36 more where's all the marines at i've heard about black market we buy some of them hmm buy all those um i gotta get more than that hey jimmy like us right just smuggler we're on a mission though okay size six there we go that'll be a good one probably been about a month now by the time we get back there diplomacy failed we're down to two with uh with tritakion our old buddies okay i'm here for your 85 marines which are very expensive okay 200 marines i hope it's it that's all we need um you guys have excess of this stuff i should buy all you have even even over here i'll buy everything you can you can give me it and that's normal price it's still a good deal though 84 tesh yeah give me that yeah more not gonna buy that much not worth the taxes um let's buy some of those okay let's go okay we're full um all right let's go back to tesh 200 people is that gonna be enough so the last one had like a what hundred you want everything's clean this time it sure is see if it ceases fire offer from analytic church response required in 18 days um no reject i'm gonna take your colonies and you're gonna like it i should really stay out of the corona little church are pretty big we've probably been a good idea to say yes to that but as soon as we take this colony which is way out of the other side nobody's gonna go take this place then we'll have two colonies and you can't have an empire with one colony that's not how it works a dad joke i didn't see that coming so um there's there's there's three men on a bro on a boat three men on a boat and the problem is these three men have three men have four cigarettes but they got nothing to light them what do they do this is the big question well they throw one cigarette overboard the whole boat becomes a cigarette lighter or the whole boat becomes a cigarette lighter or a cigarette lighter okay here they go invasion time okay how are we doing we got 120 we have 196 marines oh we got this okay so we're going to alpha company with an f i want you in i only have one okay so i'm gonna go take out we're gonna deploy you in the spaceport i guess i think we just sort of passed time no i don't i know i certainly haven't done that one before we're going to auto yeah auto move units please i had to follow uh all the play moments as it sees fits will not move units that already have a move uh yeah i move all the play units as it sees fits yeah do that one go ahead and move them as you see fit and should should we split them up into three different groups now we'll leave it as is so i think then we just sort of sit out here nothing else i can really do here we can bombard them let's hang out here for a minute any ships come in we'll blow them up turn one we lost lost three marines that turn we take a look at this this how do we see how the how the the thing's going i don't know how to know how how the war is going this way there it is okay there you go they've taken out the spaceport claim i say for it there's no momentum left there so we're going to farm lands now what is that okay we've uh we've moved into the mines noisy attacker victory now tinted control previously the pirates we have [Music] gains from friendly well cinderian is friendly with us now nice okay well take a look at this whole uh our new home we have here i forgot to sell my good secrets i was supposed to go and sell those things whoops you know you know good schmutz no one needs those um okay uh i'm gonna take these marines back these guys are good and like this is my storage this is the resource stockpile resources will be made available here storage is for just me i want everything here like if you got something you know you use it i don't need to use it i can take the stuff and go make some money on it but i'm gonna drop off some troops as well we don't need all these guys there's some people i need okay now now back to colony info it's cost me 10 grand a month it is growing though it's a size four uh what's what's up with this place solar ray gives us oh yeah that's where there's our food production is coming up we got solar solar array and the adequate farmland uh it can make trans plutonics also plus two transparent ore production which should be what is what we should be doing i think maximum number of those is done we have a spaceport uh maybe we should get a weigh station let's get i can't all maximum industries have been reached it'd be nice to have a um i'm not sure actually not sure which one hey jeffrey how's it going magician asked for a cigarette and some polished glass for his next trick it was all smoke and mirrors oh man oh man oh man um wait station is supply maintenance depot for innocent fleets increases the colonies accessibility that's the thing what we want to do it's expensive but we're going to do that we didn't the other one it seemed seems to do us some good give us some growth we got to get some money in here so we'll try that okay uh while we're here we have a stable location we should set something up over there a like a calm relay or something let's go do that we are um getting kind of poor and we're losing money so we need to get some jobs make some cash uh i got a lot of food on my or organics just food something in my my cargo hold i probably use those you know 10 grand a month so a calm buoy does stability stability for same faction colonies that's good i don't have a lot of stuff for it um sensor array i can't do anything can i yeah nevermind and i don't know what to do with this do i yeah let's leave the system for now keep an eye on it leave a system for now and um what traders coming in coming from tesh are going from touch to up there good means i need to be defending this place what are you doing while this is happening we're going to kind of linger around here a little bit just to make until we get some defenses okay so we go to delta fanera is way up there spare however is pretty close we should go there let's go to the the ref system that one to spare i just said i was not going to go too far but i am going to remind you of uh stellaris not really no not really stellaris like this this mod that i'm playing adds in the 4x element to where empires will grow and fall and all that stuff um but other than that really there's not much i guess if if you were playing if you were one of the fleets in a solaris game maybe that's the best that's probably best way to describe it uh i think it's clerk for following 200 grand 256 versus 210. it's worth a 40 grand to make a med yeah it is deficit there too there goes back up to 500 grand got some lobsters here deficit deficits deficits deficits all around yeah give me give me all you got well i got the big fleet i might as well use might as well use it man everything's expensive here that's nowhere near where we're going yeah all right we'll just take this 2000 and run them over actually i'll buy them from here also yeah that's that's that loads this up do you have enough supplies to get there probably not wait i don't need that many that and then okay 2600 foods uh organics are gonna go to uh morph here in the avro system okay leave me alone let me know i hate the wrong button i'm gonna disengage using my my story points i don't make them too mad which i just did whoops whoops too late hit the button too much uh i'm out of supplies already i'm just gonna fix my ship up black market trades are there it makes them mad yeah you know we were at war with them before so we're way better than we used to be so it's fine we want to go to this one for a moment don't repair things i need to go stop my drop my fleet off really relief fleet for tesh i i i approve i'll take a really fleet since we can't we're gonna build a station over there yeah i know things are gonna fall apart here okay sell all these guys for more than that please for 124 that makes anybody there well that didn't do any good at all um not a lot of big deals here it's pretty good only 96 of them i don't have a lot of stuff here fuel we can go to mika to the pirates make some fuel money but not a lot of those that's good against mika i think it the pirates don't want to like us too much but we could fly we could fly back down let's look at path we can't go either all right 600 of those i don't know this isn't really money making deal here kind of we have uh what kind of deals we got going on how is my system doing i got that one is there a rebellion right now i missed that okay let's go back to tesh i think i'm not sure how new this is so let's go there just to make sure that make sure everything's okay i'm gonna buy a few marines while i'm here then we'll go head up that way you can scan me all you want why no no nothing whoops 71 per day i can't do that hang on hang on hang on okay buy those buy those uh you know what i'm gonna just stash my ships here 5000 credits to stash my ships here that's probably it's a good like halfway point between my two colonies let's do that i'm gonna dock some of my ships here we've got these big guys they're just like sucking on my um where is it how do i store you storage there we go yeah i'm just sucking away my resources here we're not really doing the the hauling thing anymore so i'll dump those off these guys are pretty cheap to fly those big guys are expensive um well hyperion is here i like those a hundred grand i'll fly it i like those what's my what's my ship um calico jack hubris taking that one autofit this guy we're gonna go with an attack one until i learn what i'm doing with this thing uh and i'm going to fly this one yeah the bob ross is still important to us but uh we're going to let's i'm gonna fly this one because these chips are really nice there we go uh bob will be commanded by we could go buy another pilot to go give us to fill this one up we're gonna see supplies fix that thing up is there any anyone who wants to no how many supplies do we have now 96 okay all right so now now let's get back to here real quick fly a lot faster this way too now we got a rebellion on cash i gotta go deal with i think pirates don't they know order when they see it 24 000 expenses [Music] big fleet there [Music] okay head over to cash here um if i put these guys in here is that that assists and stabilize with some money we have stability is that what somebody has a zero let me turn this ability off for a minute we won't have the growth but i think it might might help us out i don't have any ai cores to put in here and it's been some story points before working on this thing maybe i should do that again this is disrupted um spend two story points double story points quite a increased ability by one so we get us up to one stability better than better than zero build empire do you get npc fleets under your banner or is it single fleet kind of game no no we've got fleets as soon as we take this station um then it starts producing as long as it's supplied with with what it needs it'll start making its own fleets we'll have trade chips coming and going and so yeah there's other fleets of mine out there doing doing things um accessibility about 20 accessibility where's that one where's that number there it is it'll help me with my money and i'm losing okay we'll let it um i'm gonna let it go for a bit maybe i'll spend i'll spend 100 grand to stabilize at a point so that does any good i always take these things out and make some cash i don't have this big the big fleet carrying all this stuff anymore uh also i don't have a uh anything tell me how much this stuff was worth oh here's a relief convoy coming in what are you doing okay eight been delivered what's that do for us i'm bringing out lots of extra of that is ongoing untestability reached by four increase but increased price of marines there are some supplies black market sales are strengthened rebels direct sales to base officials strengthen government and you know that company has colony has been stabilized it's going it's only minus two now with minus five before so i think we're looking in the right direction i wish i could i could see jobs out here which i could do uh what do we need to make that it was i forget there's a trader coming in um it was these and the trans not the transfer tonic it was the um i think it was that and the others the two stuff whatever the pop cans how is other other spot doing oh these are my mic i'm not sure why it's on my control um the oh the station's done okay good oh actually we're making money here finally excellent the only thing i really put in here now is dr is ground defenses so far 150 grand putting some ground defenses in that yet i'm going to put my money into making into making money that's a defense kind of thing and then we have population and infrastructure which has an ai core already in it this ability is at three access is good um we have some fleets out there defense is 36 there was some unrest here i guess it's a free port which is hurting our stability but it's fine because we're plus is elsewhere okay i like that it's making us money already let's run to kadesh real quick pick up some news because we need to get a bit of cash even if even if it requires like you know what hunt done bounties or whatever we can do that easy enough we gotta go buy some supplies though rigor my role see what we got out here is there any good bounties that's nearby uh he's pretty close 86 grand for that one the other way up north there what kind of fleet you got oh that's we we took that out i think already anyone way down here at this way six days remaining this one though 37 days remaining we could probably do that out here in agonor you're at in the darwin constellation yeah somewhere over this way do that you could pop in here go get a quick 86 grand it's not really the best way of making money it's hard it's hard to justify doing that when it's so easy to just you know just trade make we'll make 500 grand just a minute ago didn't we hey the way station is done nice okay i'm gonna buy some of these oh they're cheap okay give me a bunch of those in fact this is what maybe this will be our trade good we can go to back to bin sutu deficit of that there is a bunch of people here as well 33 we can sell that's good actually stockpile those for uh yeah let's go to ben sutu i'm gonna buy all this stuff that i can a lot of taxes i hate taxes it's expensive in carrick i remember where my ships are i forget where i leave them off at we'll do that and we'll run over there real quick i think it's probably the better the better way of making money as exciting as shooting stuff is that's a good deal new new guan some good cash there okay where were we heading what was our um what was our spot ben zutu in the average system i am dropping some frames uh stream looking all right 200 frames outrageous man that 20 grand expense a month is expensive another rebellion what does it do about that just increasing stability that's all we really need to do i'm out of fuel now we don't want to dock here we going to let us oh they do that we okay we got it off in time all right uh i'm gonna buy some full fuel from my buddy you want to buy these no you don't notice you got this cheap all your fuel um give me the rest of those and 201 not a good deal so we're in this system right we're in the right system we're going to um been so too you have any any good bin sutu deals i thought i can carry anything else let's just get out of here and run to bin sutu they don't know who we are it's fine okay if i got a deal for you take them all i don't want them i'll pay your taxes i'm not happy about it i'll do it you know we could do a quick run if we can get to here and buy them for 96 and sell them for 634 that's ridiculous 638 that's crazy i'm even tempted to just pick up that's all you have and i'm gonna wolf never mind you know anything here um oh we got we gotta do that it's just too good of a deal we're gonna go to persian league in isif i wish i kept my my trade ship now run the ice just real quick we'll go to war and we'll come back and we'll go over and make some money you can really get some some big money by trading especially if we get uh like a trade ship like we had in a system so there was some pirates here in isith so we're gonna go to here [Music] pick up the morgans hopefully a bunch of them watch out for some asteroids as we seem to keep running into and if we were if we were salvagers we've seen a lot of it today attempt to take out that place level six though we can't get that a convoy see now convoys that seems like something we could you know make us some money where's all this uh supposed there it is okay i'll buy all that anything else real cheap here anything else um dirt jeep no so we're taking these things back up to wait wait the same system self-respect isn't the same system what okay okay new guan i'll buy all these as well oh this is this is this is the money making all right yeah that's right presentation this is where we make the money we want new guan nothing else to go into new guan what else you got anything on the open markets yeah okay so take this stuff over there real quick and uh make a quick buck right here hopefully we can get in there it's not like attack or something let me get away from here didn't mean to turn this one off sure did oh that's some money what i spent on this like 60. there we go now feeling better already a few organs off my back all right now now i'm feeling good much better uh i'm going to pick up some of these guys so we're going to do like a like a a relay actually that'd be good yeah because it would give us some stability let's buy a few of these guys and i forget the other thing it wants i think it's this but i don't know for sure i'm just going to buy that i know we can buy that in our station so i'll just do that and remember anyone remember what i need to make us a com relay these guys off um oh and i'm sure we just maybe machinery also those okay let's run down there first somebody saw you get organs in and sold instead of being stopped we don't have the best of luck with uh with our organ trading you know we do our best though we try it's all you can really ask uh we're gonna go to what was our back home back to anubis new biscayne only 14 grand now it's not too bad not too bad we leveled up excellent okay a little screw up there uh probably these what can we do here these are fleet things piloted ship i know there's some governed colony this one gives us what i want to supply one more of the commodities by the produce that's a good one for us all strips are almost always recoverable false and combat quickly uh there's a chance to remove 1d mod from newly acquired ships that's good stuff that's real good stuff so that's one to get but since i'm in the i'm in the business business now i'm i'm kind of thinking that we want to go with this one all industries buy one more of all the commodities they produce and then that's mcgovern colony which i govern both of them i think somehow uh and then all you guys 50 maximum value of custom ship and weapon production each month that's good stuff isn't it is that better than the dmod one that's really good let's just do this i really want that one but that's what i was going for originally but now that we're you know we're businessmen we gotta act like it i guess i do manage both of these it's only down to minus two now minus two grand so we're getting somewhere i mean let's get another ii core i should go to some scout and see if we can find the ai core this was a relief fleet has we could hunt down that's where it says that okay so that's all set um yeah i'm gonna just gas up while i'm here okay uh and then we're gonna go run out to one of these points hmm jimmy you're attacking path so a calm relay gives us only 100 metals okay that's what i mean okay it gives us plus one stability that's good stuff uh a sensor gives us sensor range so we can get news and things and then the nav buoy gives us a better burn level so we know we want we gotta get a hundred hundred metals i think i have them at the system i'm sure john here has it hey marty how's it going how you been you know this rebellion here is getting a little old be nice if you guys stop breaking things you know maybe we should just get along and uh maybe we should just not break things dang rebels oh you don't have medals here ah all right well um oh yeah stability wise rebellion going on minus three it's only a minus one stabilizations i gotta go get some medals it's like going to the grocery store and then forgetting to pick up apples or something you have to go back forgetting the milk i can't cook anything i'm going to go back to the store and get more milk we should do that yeah 100 for each one we'll just grab like two 200 enough anything any good deals here anything going like across the street to uh the other place man new guan is uh is the money making place i just want to have something going that's in the same system here because there is an independent place right next to us nope there's the deep place all right with the shot we'll take the back and uh build that station i'm up for killing deploy everybody um i want to use my new ship that's what's really going on here the wolves can take the right uh and the uh the other wolves will take the left and me and my tempests but dad not your dad's buick uh and everyone else up in the middle okay run button another way around now okay they're in bad bad shape we're gonna blow him up i got my new ship today oh yeah i'm gonna use this thing i don't remember how to use it i got a phase teleporter let's see if i can figure this thing out what's my guns i got that guy i got the mining blasters and the hyper velocity driver oh yeah okay that's cool i'm gonna put one and two on auto one down face teleport let's try it like build up charge or something you know sometimes i start to feel like maybe we're the bad guy when we walk into a battle like this and we just just just destroy them uh they only have a chance how do i do my face teleporter any ideas oops got him uh nimro line thanks for following what you got what kind of garbage you got see now if i took that that other one i would those d mods wouldn't be such a bad thing very tempting [Music] run away and go back on our merry way strike force from the church is going to get some pirates in where in asthma day i dropped some things asthmatic where's that at i recognize that one as asthmatic that's me um oh you're going out there just to a pirate station out there pirate bass and asmatay you know that's that's kind of thing i'd like to go out and do because then amen we could go out there and then take that system they're gonna do that's what they're gonna do um noisy out here uh where are we going we wanna go back no we're not trying to go back i want to go to what was my mission here uh what was i doing i forget what i was doing i got sidetracked by killing things uh yeah we are going back we are going back we're building yeah we're going back we're going to build a comrade actually no not there we want to go to there where was the one that had oh yeah there's a pirate station a pirate relay up in my other place over fuel capacity oh man everyone has joined war or the the other the hegemony and a little church are an ally and they have voted to go to war tanki on uh i want to calm really we need some stability here make that thing and we should do the other one too while we're here um it's tough to dump this stuff but is that my expenses was 20 grand because i picked up i uh i picked i picked up the i bought that stuff you know the station really i think we're i think we're right about even now with if i were to not buy anything uh since the range yeah let's get that okay so now we have things now we have news i think relief fleet going to there i'm sure we want to fight that maybe maybe what's the relief fleet have we could try it's only two days it'll be there in two days i don't think we can make it there in time i don't know supplies and all that i do you can try oops cultural boom yeah i have two colonies now look at that look at that fleet glad they're not mad at me don't make the hegemony mad mess you up hey delivered i just missed it okay nothing really i don't want to make these guys mad so let's go let's see if we can take another state say i think we can take a station where was my remember where my fleet was dropped off at where my fleet is at i don't remember i don't know what station was uh i don't remember where my stuff is i knew i was going to forget where i put it i thought i need them really for anything too much um so we could try to take there's a little path station right there we tried that it's only level three it can't be that big of a station well i want more it'd be nice to have a um an ai thing to pop into that system there oh there's no idea we can pop out here try to find something to go you know um something to uh like abandon places you know ai course that would be very nice to have in there particularly there's an orbital station here in that place or there is that dock there a little path the problem is if they have a port i don't think we have any chance of taking out a port we got a big fleet i don't know i suppose we can stop it we'll stop at bin sutu let's see what they have ship wise they have a decent amount of ships maybe we'll buy some ships maybe go do some raiding we need to get some marines yeah gemini are nastier in this this game this time invasion cindering is attacking uh that's exciting another thing i think i'm going to do is i'm going to talk with cinderian i want to talk with their uh one of their stations and see if we can get like um what we can get out of it because we're buddies with these guys there's our station right there says danger two stars i don't know how tough that is i'm gonna shoot you i'm going to turn that off hit that hit you send them all in easy easy fight koopa thanks for following i need to find a way to outfit this guy better i've had a really cool hyperion before i don't know what i had on it oh he's cool what's he doing check that guy out what is that is that my um what's it called that's cool i found out what the phase is that was right on them i want i'm gonna put three on auto okay let's go get that guy [Music] what you got yeah i'll take some of them so like yeah if we want to attack this thing it does say two stars i think we just took just one star i don't know anyone have any expertise in this game do you think my my fleet of tiny ships can handle anything like that is that is that even remotely possible no way always the rebellions over there i'll give him a garbage here you go was that a black market there oops what kind of ships you got oh we've been here before hey this is my this is it this is my station all right i knew it uh do you have um what do you have look at that thing that's cool um that's real cool i want to see what this thing's all about technological marvel rarely seen among the fastest and most maneuverable cruisers in the sector is this one of the new ones from the newest update or is this a is this a base game a long time ago thing plasma jets fusion performance aurora ton for ton the only weakness is it's prohibitive cost i don't want to buy this i'm going to buy this thing and i'm just going to get it blown up and then i'll feel real bad it's real expensive it's like all my money i don't know if we can take this out though how many you don't have any marines well what use are you what is this tachyon lance uh can i refit my guy and it's something a little bit cooler what's that give me so this one because he's a typhoon reaper launcher versus that hyper velocity driver that we've been shooting we have these mining mining lasers playing blasters hmm i'm nervous about this but i really want to i want to see if we can take that out no point really doing it until we get until we get uh troops it'd be nice to have a big big ship like that though but every time i get a big fleets we all die hey we made 10 grand this month we're finally making money what is this i don't have a marines am i supposed to attack somebody if you don't have marines i don't want those hmm you're level four you might have something 42 uh so 52 marines isn't going to do us any good volatiles huh what do you got broken up wolves condor there kind of might be that might not might fit our fleet makeup all right you know something can throw in there and give it it's uh just give it some fighters i think fire's losing it let's let's try it you know what let's try it what's the worst that could happen we lose our whole fleet that's the worst we can run away i want you to be an attack kind of fella and um you are named not hydra but excellent excellent name well done chat well done enough crew whoops those buy some more of these gas up while we're here and then um what can i uh request a fleet from you invasion fleet maybe it takes three weeks to get there no we're doing it we're doing it on our own uh well while we're here let's go ahead and pick up the marines that we can oops marines and we're getting the marines at right there okay we'll buy some marines we're gonna hop over to we can sneak in here wait what is beholder station not what i thought it was a research platform established by the domain explorium we'll visit pilgrims quietly contemplate the miracle of creation taking in the sublime and terrible beauty of the gas giant lumen below yeah it was great it was great fighting going on over there we're gonna take this we're gonna go step into here we'll go to cendrian have a chat see what they have to say to us oh the glittering consortium consortium formed tritakion and sindrian can i get on this get me in on this i got i went on this this little alliance going on we gotta come up with a better name my relationship little church what kind of relations do you need we're like best buds here best buds they say so uh what what is what do a what what does a short lion and a chinese restaurant have in common this is your dad joke for the day lo mein might be a little bit of a stretch but a fantastic stretch maybe because we're not buddies enough which i can't try tacky on we were a bit ago that's our problem sometimes i tell these these dad jokes and i think maybe maybe they weren't worth worth the hour wait but i'm not sure okay so let me go visit old mel here and say hey i hear there's some sort of buddy buddy going on around here and i want to be in on this join the glimmering consortium yes oh we did it okay now what okay okay okay excellent good i don't know what it means but where i'm happy about it um i 3 and 46 that's plenty i'm gonna go blow somebody up okay um i hope you guys are okay with this i think we should go look at our intel here uh and see the alliances major no alliances so there's there's the galactic federation i think they're all fancy with their galactic federation with a size 70 and then we have us the glimmering consortium consortium but we can change the name your hierarchical with syndrion and tritakion um we aren't like at war with anyone this is true let's have a chat with the um these folks oh yeah i do need an officer sherman you look trustworthy what do you do point defense damage to fighters damage to missiles yeah that'll work you're alright buddy and then what can we do with you're all gonna be the same thing aren't you okay so then bob is gonna get old sherman here sherman's got um you know damaged two fighters fighters fix fightership and fighters from pilot oh maybe we should put him on on this actually go sherman yeah there you go shoot things here with your with your those things what's that gonna give me a phase lance heavy blaster yeah i think that sounds cooler okay are we ready to fight i'm ready i'm ready so we want to get that place is fine we want to go and hit that's a level six one there i'm not willing to do that but there's a little little level three station over here which is just begging to be destroyed i don't know this is going to be a good idea because typically typically the big ships don't say the little ships don't do very good against the big ships what is this what do you want i feel too large to be able to disengage easily are you wanting to fight me with your freighters what do you want some of yourself and your goods or you'll be taking a very long walk out of the airlock once i've claimed your ship i don't think so i don't think so oh i don't have enough points to deploy everyone uh let's leave you and you behind we got to get our new carrier in there okay i think 15 deploy my ship all right here we go uh i probably this might be one of those comments we actually got to have some sort of strategy here so let's let's strategize i think this guy's gonna be kind of a main guy so we're gonna stick some folks on him so you're gonna go stick on him right so you guys stick together that is me i want you the cool guy for sure i'll take my group um you guys escort that guy i got a few kind of doing their own thing but we'll try that so we've got a uh some groups of things where are you going bill stick with me okay uh i don't know how we get more deployment points actually i will fire the heavy blaster okay everything else we'll put on on auto and let's go okay here comes somebody i'll take my squad over here and grab this jammer we go one down we've got someone right there there's something there's like a few pests for us to deal with that's not even a challenge okay that one's done let's go get this this one over here what are you doing whatever this be a good test for us because if we can handle this fleet then i think we got it so we're gonna miss what you shooting at we got here let's inch our way up here and grab we'll grab this jammer while we fire before we fight i think yeah well nothing comes up behind me flux is growing on this guy but also going on him so we can do this thing where we go oh my when's my phase teleporter get ready is it only when i have no flux no i don't know where's my squad at what are you doing down here go to the camera oh that hurts oh i gotta vent are you ready do i have a second hyperion was i had one already oh my back a missile hit me right in the back okay in this fight faster [Music] that one's done let's vent this fella have a good one darkhod thanks again for hanging out in the subs and for just hanging out here [Music] what are we doing here okay um go hit big guy all right buddy about enough of that my ship is fantastic requires zero okay zero flux boost is what does it okay so then we can come in here we can like pop right in we can like we're gonna try real quick i could pop in right behind someone's shields and just unload on them if i so chose no shields up long fight that's what's gonna hurt us if we do that because that station fight is how long it's gonna take us to get into it i think okay not much left we gotta just go all assault just get him out of here because we're running out of comrades is getting tanking okay we left just this little guy okay let's go get him can i just go wink yes [Music] i like this ship okay uh cover this is terrible we lost nothing second command can handle this one with what garbage crew we have left what do you got um what is that combat freighter you've got a bunch of hounds uh forgive us enos it's really really busted up so i'm gonna take your stuff and drop that oh i have too much fuel okay okay repair is getting completed we're gonna stop in here and then stop by our buddies get fixed up and then we're taking out that station i'm excited about this i'm still not sure it's a good idea but we're gonna try it go to jungle world over here and take that i guess our alliance isn't at war because i'm still buddies with hegemony it's not an alliance war it's just interesting how about how that how that plays out i gotta buy those i'm good on fuel uh we'll dump the junk i'm gonna high value prisoner sure any autofitting we should do here where are you switch around a little bit but change you're good uh hysteria thanks for following i could save the game before trying to stay tangible trying out the station but i don't like doing that what's what's the fun in that you know my other one these are a bunch of wolves we've got the brawler do i have another hyperion i know there's one in there we saw it yeah phil here bill here what's bill uh loaded up with bill has the heavy blasters and the hyper velocity driver and i have a heavy blaster and then the phase lands in the in the driver i really need to get like maybe some more capacitors well that would do me good i do seem to vent pretty easy i'm not sure i like how uh how how much i can't do a lot of shooting that's fine okay so while we're here we're gonna pick up if they have any marines we'll pick them up what they have done so we got 346 marines going in go ahead and sell the rest of this stuff there's a phase lance right there dump that off and those and we're going to go for it i this may be the end of our uh our days here but you know you know i think we can do it it's gonna be tough because it's you know all that the us versus that thing can we get an idea which is how tough you are so you have your hole is 40 000. and then what's the whole of like say my big guy three thousand so all together our whole probably adds up to what he is if that fifteen hundred there question is what kind of damage is he doing remember this is a fifty percent i'm gonna try it out we go in there get them demolished immediately we run away what's the worst could happen everyone's deployed okay here it goes um i'm not gonna do any groups we know what we're doing we're all just blasting that guy the wolves are excited to fight if things start dropping off like immediately we run away we can get out of there quick enough we got wolves okay he's got fires of course but we've got those those those tempests we can handle that here it goes big station where is it we get an idea how everyone's looking i'm stationed to keep an eye on my my numbers here i just ran into something tonight and those on shoot it down blast him out more peppered on that side this is pretty i love this game look at this look at it it just makes me happy people ask all the time look what game should i buy look at this game this is the game boom and then we were blinded did we lose anybody we lost nothing look at that look at that all right all right game over going to bed that's it that's it i just have to look over we got 20 seconds until an ad starts so perfect perfect timing for an ad i'm glad it happened during the combat i guess i am playing with uh nexo ellen is the name of the mod i'm playing with okay invasion time 88 militia 346 marines we got it i'm just gonna auto do it and i think i can just let it go and it'll do it all on its own um let's take this place let's do it okay did we do it yeah we are doing it right invasion is going on here already uh intel let's look at our invasion um um where is my invasions should we wait can we just look at me yeah okay so uh people aren't don't seem to be wanting to go in there so i'll i'll put them in i'm going to send all of them in was there a mining spot oh yeah there's mine right there 54 we got uh no no we have 74 they have 60. so yeah we got this and you right there that should be a nice even split yeah 222 and 222 perfect okay pick up some salvage over here okay done we did it so uh what a stupid name is now ours uh some volatiles here we got some volatile mining going on oh that's good stuff we like volatiles okay uh losing some cash but it is growing it's called size three um i would like um what can i make here i don't have a lot of cash i have maximum members industries are here but we can do patrol hq too much weight station's 100 grand gets us some good money the weight stations are good 100 000 i only have 90 i think yeah um we'll do it i'm going to get it built and it was in three days what can i do to help stability if i do freeport it hurts stability so we won't do that yet um going on all that i wish i knew of a way to fix to help um rebellions maybe that's where maybe we should put in like ground the ground defenses does that help yeah it's just like simple it's just kind of defenses this one hunts pirates and protect friendly convoys as a patrol hq uh gooey thanks for following growth admin a unlocked what's that bonus admins next admin size what's happening whoops what's that mean that's what that means rebellion hero of course because he just took it uh looks like it's like jamie are trying to take take um bin sutu we don't want them to take bin sutu we like ben sutu a little preoccupied at the moment though but if we can if we can protect them from doing that that'd be nice uh what am i i'm over on what fuel or something well let's let's dump um oh i have too much fuel dump my fuel in there okay and all this stuff we'll just hang on to our feet is fixed what was that uh so they're going yeah it's in this system so i'm gonna hang around here whenever they get here we'll fight them off well it's a jimmy i can't fight it mean i'm not my not my enemy i thought there was a jedi coming in yeah so we can't really do anything about that i don't want to get on their bad side cindering or taking that maybe i should maybe i should get on their bad side what do you think should i get on the jimmy's bad side i think i should they're going to go over here and take they're coming in here cendrian is they're invading a ref post which is there the overall station there invasion's fairly strong and the forces invasion space forces are outmatched ground forces are evenly matched invasion's likely to be defeated in orbit not really what you want to be seen not not what you want to hear the news telling you um invasions are somewhat weak we could shoot these guys down it would make them very madness being planned at ferror down here and end up here i wish my colors were a little different than because it looked just i look same color as try attacking basically there's a way of changing that there is i don't know how would be in i don't know where oh yeah we can change that's right we can change the what our fleets are made up of i forgot all about that worship's carriers phase ships whatever we want they crank that aggression up why don't you and i would like can i like maybe some wolves would be a cool fleet let's do that one typical heavy patrol is that i like that so do we know do we know how to make something like a wolf well there's prioritize or not yes prioritizes centurion we don't prioritize the wolf and if we can we might as well prioritize my my best friend nope don't we know how to make it i don't see it we'll do those though those will be a good a good start hammerheads are pretty good too but we'll stick with wolves and centurions i want to look at yeah we gotta find the blueprints for it that's fine we'll leave it like that uh no no no dad jokes was there one that popped up here i don't think so did i miss one i don't think so there's weapons and all that stuff that we're making let's prioritize that stuff okay i want you to produce produce some wolves now if i tell you to produce these this is like i could you could produce me and then i pick them up is that how this works maybe i don't want that gathering point you know make a wolf let's see what happens so we're making our fleet is costing us some cash uh my colonies are making us 15 grand that new one we just picked up is losing as much and we have some ships docked in a couple places that we should probably not be paying for i know manchester united's play i should employ some administrators f04 how do i get them yeah i i can't handle three of these things so how do i get an administrator can we go to here and see if we can buy somebody that does that kind of thing you're an administrator how do i get someone like you how do i get your job hmm that's where i want to sell this stuff too i think maybe what i need to get is an ai core i can i buy ai cores from somebody is this only something i can if anybody can get it from us from from tritakion right something only i can get with while exploring i went through all this stuff before quick john's out there dash is always having rebellions that's what they do i know there's some folks coming in here to fight but i wanna see if we can pick up an ai core maybe we'll get lucky i probably should have a salvage chip over him be doing this okay what's going on over here forces arrived over there man i really want to join in on that fight i wish i had can we survey this we have stuff for it okay probably best well best systems to find are the ones that have like beacons outside those easy ones that's good stuff what's going over here i can't resist i gotta go i got no supplies of course i never have any supplies why would i buy supplies oh cease fire from the ludic church um okay okay so there was alliance vote to make peace but it failed i know i know i know it's real bad raptor critical suffering damage a name like that you can't expect that kind of thing i know where are we at let's go yeah we can go there i know it's terrible invasion arriving system me all uh well not all those give me you know what just black markets give me those and uh i'm gonna help i'm gonna help fight keep marines around i'm gonna fix my my ships 1991 supplies i'm gonna buy more supplies i don't want to buy from you i'm just going to help your market that's okay you're fighting this right now aren't you oh i went in on it it's to make him real mad i really want to help out look at look at their fleet they have wow look at the fleet defending it what is this a big fight let me in there okay yeah everyone in on it what oh because they're deploying and they're taking all my resources okay so me uh bob and i think bill are gonna go oh i can't even i can't do that either well me bob and uh let's bring in my omen the omen's cool okay so i'm going to do much here when our combat radius goes down we will i want you to stick with me then we'll sub them out doesn't make hyperion really mad at us and we probably shouldn't be doing that but it does amp up the excitement levels i want two and three auto that's fine i should link my my couple of mine this is the fight that was like outmatched wasn't it maybe we shouldn't be here oh look at that what is that thing i should stay within that come back here i can't get this guy he's too quick dang wolf i ain't bring a wolf oh man over here yeah we can handle these little guys there's this flea can't do anything i didn't get in there ah [Music] i don't want to play anymore man look at that thing it's scary i'll just shoot those things willy-nilly come on now be smart about it nice we got one okay as long as we stay away from these other guys we'll be all right i'm gonna go and do my little uh little trick here where's this guy ready to go shut up oh ross comment rating is getting down yeah it's gonna be kind of rough oh yeah what what's that 79. oh start decreasing soon got it oh no there's no chance come on one more shot one more shot wow i don't think these battles going the right way i keep seeing yellow names up here there's a lot of them but i haven't gotten anywhere near the station yes battle's hopeless all right yeah this is hopeless we're getting out i'll go that way where you going ah i love this show okay now we gotta go way down here to retreat i mean i don't want to be a coward but um you know you know there's times when cowardice is acceptable can i change you let's get out okay oh looks like they're retreating also get me out of here brave sir no that's what they call me i think they're right yeah they're all everyone's running well some of them did anyway but yeah this is hopeless that's cool i wanted to see some more fireworks though yeah we're out produced by his 38 oh we're now hostile with hegemony okay yeah we saw that happening um so let's go to back to average here because that's where the invasion is coming in oh let's use one of our three points man that's we just made mad they're gonna destroy us they're far more advanced than we are um oh it actually went down a little bit uh so the next round mod basically turns this into a 4x so there's a 4x game playing in the background essentially that we're we're uh minorly part of so rather so it's a dynamic system there's alliances and things going on or whatever and um all sort of in this same same game but it just adds more dynamics to the to the game we invasion failed it's like invasions and things can happen all right let's sell that i want to um we do need to make some money we're kind of a little bit on the desperate side now for money a little path of vengeful i was down here i saw this are you a gemini fleet what are you remaining in um invasion fleet we'll let him go no sense like making it's worse than it already is [Music] is it is it pulse time is that what's going on meditation disabled what i should be doing is getting making money and what rebel victory what does that mean cash is now under the pirate control what man i wish i knew what to do about that other than like increasing stability which i don't know what to do about how to make that even more any more than just like i don't know i know what to do about that that's not what i want i want to i want that to be my colony let's go get it back we can do it with what we got here i need an administrator to run this place which i guess we don't have a problem anymore lack of administrators let's go back over here pick up um some supplies go back and take our place back i don't know do you think leaving a garrison fleet would fix it i don't know anything on the way that we can make a lot of money from we just broke our ties with hegemony um we can stop by who's blue oh why is that blue is it nalta what's that blue uh prism freeport down here it's a lot of one some of these there's not a lot here we could go to war pick up a whole bunch and sell them over there then they just make some money for us and i should run the isis pick up a bunch uh we could even dump them right there and make a bunch of money okay well we can 600 or whatever we'll go to prism freeport sell a bunch at least 400 of them make some money where's the cinaulta system oh it's this thing right here okay so i shift and back up over here let me have your and that's all you have i'm not gonna make us any money i want it back um let's just go get it back forget this trade nonsense um i want to make sure that the station however does not fall apart stability is at zero we don't want that it's not a free port though right it is a free port so let's turn that off hurts our growth but it helps our stability that's what i did before i can't afford to add a patrol hq which is probably what we need might help out a lot we're going to lose it again still has all the money to stabilize this place i have story points i could spin this is accessibility a bit um this doubles number of uh what's it do what about you crystal by one by one yeah we'll do that we spent this these points before and didn't really do as much good coincibility is measure of strength what about where to see about raids here increased price on marines heavy armaments and supplies back black market sales will strengthen rebels direct sales to base officials will strengthen government how do i increase that do we say maybe we increase the weigh station it's right now it's disrupted so not much point to it to get more accessibility so things will actually come in here and sell to us there's four story points hmm sure i'm stockpiling shortage um let's go get my colony back i'm broke officially one thing we have maybe we can request a fleet request a uh an aid fleet what if i would do it how much that costs a little worried with the triathlete some of those fleets at us and we're done for if they do that i took over all my installations too didn't they oh i haven't yet okay like a relief fleet like that okay we invade and uh i don't care where you go okay auto move when you're done let them fight it out hegemony has received a ceasefire from them yes please and it has passed we have peace with the uh the glimmering consortium and all those fellas all kinds of things just happened because we took it back right yeah okay so my world is back it's mine um we can go request a fleet we can request a relief fleet send a relief fleet to address the instability on target markets can only target markets now under player control high cost scaling with market size so if we cross a relief fleet from [Music] i don't know there oh you can see there from there oh has to be my own okay fine from from there to here tesh you seem to do that i don't know there's our colony we can send out a colony ship for 165 grand we could send another colony ship let's do that i don't know what's out there i haven't looked but we're going to send the fleet out let's go make some money colony i hope you're uh hope you're good okay no more uh no more of this nonsense you had before okay i'm gonna leave the marines there i'm gonna come over here and i'm gonna say use stockpile during shortages it cost me a lot of money but i don't have let's run over to what time it sits oh it is almost in time here um well they're my buddies now let's go run over here and see if we can buy something buddies is a bit of a strong word but we'll go we'll go to gemini we'll see what they've got for us another way to make money we can just run out to some system out here and just do some exploring like let's go there seventeen thousand so reaction reports no production work was done this month due to a lack of funds not enough fuel hopefully there's no supplies for this hey tristan how's it going and hey aunt ferpa how are you there we go like a distress call that's what we want because those are usually kind of exciting some large pirates but they're avoiding me this is which system this is the beta whatever where was that system coming from coming from the oh the black hole take a look there's a vigilance right there i'll take that don't mind if i do okay so what we got over here okay nothing really over here we got some some debris or something in the black hole there let's go just run it this way some things out here debris field what was the other one it's all one remnant fleet there he's pretty big let's deploy everybody no it costs uh important stuff but hey tresent uh well thanks twitch for for doing some good for once it's pretty big but we are mightier [Music] [Music] what you got for me i'll take some of that uh you know what i could use as an ai core what about one of those let's see what we got all kinds of stuff out here there's a rebellion going on my my doc over there uh what's this reputation change the church and in rook over there by the by the port probably a fleet no maybe not all my supplies not anymore jackpot this is what we're doing here oh we have uh here we go we can make some there's some pirate chips we can make okay let me look at my cargo here i think we should go ahead and learn this stuff because we learn them then our stations will make this stuff and we want that there's a buffalo freighter a tritakion one i like that thunder wing sure sure some drones uh this goes in the hot is the round defensive high in heavy i'm batteries take those reduces supply used for maintenance fuel use and minimum crew car by 20 okay thanks again it's gold have a good one i'll take these guys out hey my supplies already oh we're repairing let's get some supplies from these guys um i i went i made uh i shouldn't have done it the whole fleet you know attacking um uh joke um so okay why why did obi-wan send darth braille books as a birthday gift got star wars jokes today well because uh so he could feel his presence there you go got star wars dad jokes i got the uh the cigarette dad jokes we got them all here uh oh we immediately ran out of supplies because we're squandering them a drone ship whoops no no um i gotta stop repairing just for a minute i salvaged over here already more good stuff [Music] okay it's been a good a good productive day but we have to get back that's not going to do it we can't get any supplies from there so we're going to pearl station which isn't really beneficial either but let's go that way it was a good day we got some things to sell we've got i sell that for 60 grand i don't know maybe i should keep that each of these can can go and make a ton of money didn't get what i was really looking for which was which was the uh the ai core guess we'll find out where this oh that's goes i'm broke officially broke okay officially broke big bounty there all right so let's make some cash here i i don't really want to sell this thing because it's probably a good thing to happen i don't have a ground defense or heavy batteries anywhere so i'm going to sell it i'd like to sell it for more than fans but i kind of have to get rid of it anything i can learn i'm gonna go ahead and learn i'm not gonna like this they can get over it okay didn't do me much good 191 to get to finish our repairs okay and we're broke again well um it is my bedtime and i think it's probably a good place to end it here i think where uh are we buddies with the atlantic church or we hate them inhospitable that's fine we don't mind that i think maybe we'll go out on a big sale we could run over we could run to kadesh we could buy buy a bunch of of these for super cheap and then go sell them over there for some cash uh housing want some stuff that one's still a good that's still up for grabs 50 for that let's do that one we've got a bunch over there yeah prism freeport let's do that always prism freeport that's good good stuff over there always high prices you can also go to here pick them up for eight and then sell them for 70. i think well the armaments are good there too in kadesh right that's where we work qadish no that's an aishith um well while we're here we'll buy these because that's still a good price go to agonor go buy all those 44 grand okay we'll buy all those that's what we're all going to do then and go to prison people i'm going to buy these it's still some money so buy those we'll buy from the open market as well for i don't have any money left so let's go to let's go make some money uh it was at where's the place at prism freeport i'm sure i'm right make sure i'm right about this oh no no agonor i did i did two of them different places tonight uh agonor housing is that a new system all right there i've never been there that was luke like a massive star they fed too much force and go over to the dark side um that's that's heavy got a real gravity to it okay we want to go here hello uh uh buddies i know we kind of hate each other but not today i am here with some heavy armaments and i know you love those uh watch out for those asteroids when you fly there how do you avoid asteroids when you fly oh you don't want to because you're in hospitable all right well i'll leave prep pretend to be someone else come back in okay there's a little bit of money if i get the pirates make some money there [Music] this is in the same system so i'm gonna do that yeah conan we're gonna go to conan i'm tempted to just like overload my storage just so i can carry more of that stuff um all right it's decoded um we go it's cheap here i'm in a bar and just fill up [Music] okay coded yeah cinderian we are buddies good buddies okay oh you want to sell this here no you want them here you want these here that's a lot of taxes 18 taxes i know they love me so i don't care too much sell you those i'm going to sell you these 131 or get we're getting there anything in the same system that's what we want like that we can go back let's do it i'll buy what you got here and back to housing so that's going to be a a moneymaker and i think we got it fights for a dollar in akron if we had a big ship you're good okay let's go back let's go back over there without 300 of these things don't sell them over there don't mind me no black market trading here let's get out of here level up all right hey let's fix some d mods shall we all right looking forward to that one for a long time what are you doing stop pursuing me stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it monday elysium i don't want to spend my story points for this hey good they've got a relief fleet there in tesh uh whoops i forgot we gotta go in quiet okay you want these 100 grand okay now we're getting some money and we can just take we can go back over there right back across the street with with these to it's not that big not a big deal i'm just kind of wanting like if i come back this might be might be on my last day in stars up to here for a bit if i do come back i would like to be sort of set up you know [Music] there's a long way we might just go back go back take all those jump back over there and then at least give us a little bit of cash it'd be nice if we could buy that hq thing to have some sort of you know fleets flying around probably would be what we want okay back over here uh paula thanks for following okay 240. that'll do i think that's a that's a um that's something that's a good high note to go out on i think so we're gonna wrap it up here so there uh is star center day four in star sector we have an empire now we have so looked at my my stats we have three systems now uh we start with one we have three now we're building fleets i think uh well one of what i'm doing well building fleets and money is starting to come in we're getting there we're getting there as long as keep the hegemony happy we're getting there this may be the last one last day of my star festival i might come back um in a few weeks i might come back to it just to see where we can where we can go because it'd be cool if we could like our alliance could do something and we can like conquer more of the galaxy but anyway i'm calling it a day so thanks for hanging out for the nights uh i'll be back here not tomorrow night but the next night i'll be back and we'll play uh something else tomorrow morning the next morning i should say
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 10,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nookrium, Indie Games, Starsector game, Starsector gameplay, Starsector nexerelin, Starsector, nexerelin mod, nexerelin, nookrium, open world, space sim, sandbox, strategy, starship, space empire
Id: aclrdCYWmxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 50sec (11450 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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