Farming Remnants for AI Cores : Starsector

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and we're back with some more stair sector and today a hegemony inspection fleet has shown up uh unfortunately they appear to have run into some complications on their arrival and then the remains of what's left of the hegemony inspection fleet looking for ai cores it seems well they found a lot of ai cores unfortunately they were unable to figure out how to deal with the ai cores they ran into it's it's very unfortunate for them but on the bright side i think i have figured out a fleet that might be able to take on some of them please do don't get involved buddy you're going to end up dead just stay away from them stay away from them i'm going to try and pick us a fight hopefully so we can we can pick out one of the smaller groups and go take them on this is going to be um difficult exit you're on your own come here come here all right we're going to move in to engage here this is going to be interesting let's just say we went with a rather different strategy to what i originally tried implying i tried doing mass atlas mark ii that was uh that was a terrible terrible idea don't ever don't ever do mass athletes against this it's just there's a there's too much damage on the other side those atlases just evaporated it was um it was horrifying yes it was it was incredibly horrifying however this new strategy is um i want to say machiavellian but uh that might be being a little bit too nice so what we do is send in ourselves uh our paragon here this is going to be our main damage dealer however uh it's its main purpose is to kill the enemy battleships are all these other little ships they're brawlers now i'll go through why they're good later on we're just going to see if this actually works or if we die horrifically either or i think it will give us some at least good data on what we're attempting now uh let's see personally i'd prefer to bring in nothing but brawlers but it turns out there's a fleet size limit of 30. you can't have a fleet bigger than 30. who knew anyway you are you finished capping that point that should that should get us more people come on now and there we go so that should allow us to grab all of those or actually we could bring in another yeah we're going to bring in one of those why not your job will be to follow that and oh actually let's do this full assault yes please uh you follow that and you we're gonna have to go over that direction we want to find their enemy battleship or their enemy battleship once we find it that one there yeah so the paragon's job is to go straight for that that's its only purpose it's only a reason for existence is to kill that thing and oh my god why are so many of you over here you're chasing one thing guys one thing seriously there's a whole bunch of you just kill it you have miniguns galore all sorts of weaponry and now and he's dead yeah we basically brought a whole bunch of small little mini gun toting nutjobs it's gonna work out quite well i feel i feel reasonably confident about this uh downside is they're all uh overcharged which means their battle combat readiness degrades rather quickly and uh our main damage dealer is so slow oh my god it's going to take them forever to get there however this ship will have that quite nice hopefully the lack is a bit of a lure for something else to come in and try and take a bite oh my god i hate this like there's so many of them over here chasing down just a few but they're just ganging up on things and slaughtering while over here we don't have enough oh well uh let's see how you do come on i hate this ship so much this ship is a nightmare you see this game was designed in a way to stop you from becoming overpowered for example this ship has a bunch of weapons on it right but you get say four large beam weapons that you can face forward then you get two inter two medium-sized beam weapons and then two medium universal this makes it one of the best ships you can get for just having a whole bunch of forward-facing firepower and then they strap it onto a hole they can move at about 40. it's just incredibly slow can't get anywhere quickly even with a bunch of upgrades you can stick on speed upgrades but it reduces your range drastically this ship over here yeah this has five front-facing heavy weapons mounts that you can put pretty much like beams and missiles out it's terrifying and then it's got four medium-range missiles four mid-sized missile things right behind that also facing forward it also comes with phasing massive uh full of flux and a huge amount of armor so it can phase in and normally what it'll do is you'll be fighting it it will phase in at the edge of your fleet and just kill something it'll just phase in up up up up really quickly suddenly something's dead and you're like wait what the hell just happened and then you okay kill it get it and then it just phases right back out vents all its flux waits a little bit and then you know what it does phases right back it does the same thing again it is so frustrating okay how's everyone doing yeah it's coming in for a little bit of a nibble on the uh paragon that's not good but here comes everyone else yeah and he tries to run away that's wonderful and where's g wow i've not lost any brawlers yet that seems highly improbable oh look this guy over here how are you doing guys what are you doing i've sent all of these guys to be actually aggressive and yep oh my god that is you see it rotating its shields desperately trying not to die ah beautiful uh yeah there we go again we'll just deploy another one these things are fodder just uh think of the brawlers as fighters that's effectively what they are a friend of mine was like i like using fighters the thoughts of sitting wave after wave of my own meant to die for my amusement is just good great and then that's what sort of led me to brawlers lots and lots of brawlers they're incredibly cost efficient though their combat readiness is now decreasing rapidly hey be running away i love that this thing's running away from us it just can't handle the amount of damage being torn on it so it's just like i'm just gonna run guys guys just flew through a whole bunch of beams that was uh that was really dumb how are you doing buddy feeling a little bit pressured i feel absolutely no remorse this thing butchered so many fleets i threw at it hey stop running stop you can keep running but we'll keep casing oh my god look at that thing it's off the edge of the map the worst thing about this is though we want to kill them as quickly as possible because we're going to run out of um brawlers their combat readiness is degrading oh come on would you stop running come back here and fight and die like a robot it may be full of salt no actually we've got about enough ships in the area to take care of this problem it's just this guy keeps running okay i think he's running out of map and he's just going to have to actually stand and fight okay stand and die oh he's trying to teleport in and kill this ship that's not gonna work too well for you buddy now you're just in range of a paragon and you're good about to melt will you get up and charge to teleport away in time damn it no no you're still just oh come on oh it's gonna take another half an hour to chase this piece of junk down no never mind i take it all back beautiful okay we'll wipe up what's down here and then we'll head up to the top in fact i think the paragon can just start heading over that direction now you um we will your send order do whatever you're gonna do buddy okay i think we're good full of salt yes please i will have a full assault with uh whatever on top nope nope nope you head up that direction that's where the fresh reinforcements are coming from and i want you over there because you're fresh can we bring anything else in no oh my god you pop over there and grab that and you pop over there and grab that and in fact and you can pop over there and grab that we'll just get all the calm release while we're here dear lord it's so much fun just running them down and actually slaughtering them these brawlers who just do wonderful amounts of damage and with some safety overrides they make wonderful wonderful killers and they can also tank a fair bit of damage as well oh would you look at that now that we've captured all those points we can bring in the last of our ships ah beautiful oh yeah another battleship well yeah we kind of knew there was going to be two but that's okay we've got more ships to help out now in fact our fleet is still at full size thing is a bit nasty where is our paragon you get in there right now eliminate i want to see that thing dead as a doornail paragon what are you doing turn around oh my god it's gonna take a half a week to turn around now come on blink forward blink forward you know you want to blink forward thinking closer have you met our have you met our lord and savior the brawler no no don't worry they'll be here to introduce themselves shortly here's number two and they'll probably be a number three along shortly assuming you live long enough oh well you're trying to teleport yeah that's that's not gonna help buddy there's a lot of brawlers oh yeah oh this is just i have zero sympathy for you it's the brawler dance delicious absolutely delicious i could watch that stuff all day now uh let's just run down the last of them i suppose you can head over that direction maybe help out those ones over there and you know you're not running away where do you think you're going come back here what brawler doing oh i think they're having they started experiencing malfunctions probably their combat readiness is down to 65 on that one once it drops low enough though their engines start going and weird things start happening oh hey have you seen miss house yeah that's what you get for picking on one of our buddies now here comes a bunch of his buddies to pick on you yeah which direction you're gonna face which direction come on pick one it makes no difference ah beautifully tasty next okay guys what you've been doing over here stop toying with your food finish it your combat readiness is going down too rapidly we need to get out of here before you guys engines start to go anyone seriously just full assault just stop being pansies about this i set you all too aggressive you should be just running in there suicidally bashing your heads off it oh freaking lugia we lost a whole bunch of rollers from our quack suicide squad yes uh we lost six of them that's actually not that bad i was kind of expecting it to be worse and we can recover six of them yay who cares hey picked through the wreckage not a single alpha ai core not a single one we killed two giant battleships and all we got it was a gamma core that is incredibly unlucky that is incredibly incredibly unlucky and we're already over fuel capacity well let's find me well yep and we'll just salvage begin the salvage operation still an oei course because of course there's not so before things get too weird we're going to head back to base repair all our ships and manage call let's go back to the refit section here yeah where were we uh some of these ships might have negative d mods no they do not okay that's weird also you notice up here you only have 30 of 30 ships this is a bit of a problem i'd really like to bring nothing but gunships because a swarm of them would just be incredible the only reason we bring the paragon is we needed well bring as much bang for our buck as we could while simultaneously bringing as many uh brawlers as we could and then we have a couple of these missile boats as well to help even at things now before i go over this uh fleet i thought i'd go over the requirements i was looking for a ship a fleet that doesn't require s mods you can permanently s mod things in so for example on this uh paragon this is the only s mod i've got i put in an augmented field drive it's built in uh it costs a story point to do but the only reason i put that in is so this thing can get around the place without actually you know being a horrible drain so everything here there is no s mods built into them in fact when it comes to captains you could get by with just about anyone we didn't need anyone too special in fact we're just uh we just brought this person in the only thing that's really important to them is field modulation which reduces the amount of damage the shields take this thing can just take an absolute pounding which was kind of nice but yes so basically a fleet that goes on autopilot doesn't require people interaction realistically and it doesn't require any built-in features on any of your ships for you to put in s mods that's how we ended up on the brawler my god this thing is a beast all right uh the the most important thing the thing that just will stand out terrifically on this is flux dissipation is 785 that's how much energy sort of dissipation it can handle for shields and weapons put that in perspective these are the erratic editors we've been running this whole series it could dissipate 756 flux so the brawlers can actually support more energy intensive stuff they've got slightly more energy and stuff these cost five points to deploy these things cost 20 points to deploy so we can put out four brawlers and have four times the flux dissipation these things are insane i mean this this is a paragon it is literally the paragon of flux dissipation and energy weaponry and it's only got two thousand which means three brawlers actually have more more flex dissipation than a paragon i'd probably gone up against about five or six brawlers it would be interesting i mean this thing is cost 60 points to deploy 60. this means but could it take on 12 brawlers not on your life that's why there is a fleet limit if we check under fleet here there's a limit of the number of ships you can deploy uh yeah we've got up to 31 of them because they brought in the eradicator just for demonstration purposes yeah we'll put that back into storage anyway why are these eradicators or why are these brawlers so ridiculously overpowered well it's to do with safety overrides see safety overrides you can't buy them into your ship going back to our trusty eradicator here if we were to try and put in safety overrides in this where is it i guess it costs 45 space safety overrides is the largest mod you can put in in other words putting on a heavy armor takes up less space than putting on numbers that's augmented field drive expanded missile racks basically yes these things this is the largest single opportunity costing you can build into a put on a ship and you can't build it in it's not available to build in so you just actually have to pay the op costs to put it in that's really expensive however when it comes to these brawlers up here these ludic path or little church ones they come with built-in safety overrides i mean you don't even have to pay for it it's just built in by default this is kind of nice at the same time it also gives a speed boost so these ships can go from point a to point b really quickly it's like a plus 50 to their speed so they're now a 170 move speed chip you're not running away from these things and you can run away but they'll just keep coming after you as well as that we suck in uh a whole bunch of guns now the thing is safety overrides drastically produces weapon ranges beyond 450 units all of these guns have ranges of 450 units are left less this is a knife fighter this thing gets in close and it just starts blasting these are point defense light machine guns they do 208 damage a second to shields well actually it's 200 bonus versus shields that's about 416 damage a second to shields and they only cost 25 flux a second these are incredibly cheap shield destroyers i used to put in missiles on here but no that was not nearly as good then we got this heavy machine gun gear range 450 uh damage 320 and a flux cost of 120. this thing shreds shields when it gets in close but it's got to get in close that's the thing and then we've got the assault chain gun 450 range just under the safety overrides limit on that limit but uh we're not suffering any negatives let's say this does 500 damage a second but a 200 double that versus armor so it does a thousand damage per second versus armor however we are paying 400 flux a second a little bit more expensive kind of worth it in a lot of ways so this little ship here gets in close and just starts blasting that's its whole purpose it's got good enough flux dissipation and it's got okay it's capacity is kind of terrible but it's flux dissipation's high enough that it can usually handle quite a pounding it can get in start blasting if it starts to take too much damage you can back out and then run back in again the moment the thing stops looking at it and if you surround something with these oh good luck these things just blast off to bits as you've seen now when it comes to their performance things get a little bit awkward because the safety overrides decreases their maximum peak performance by a third but two-thirds they only get a third of the performance they would normally get and because they're frigates and really small they don't get good bass performance as it is this means they they stop functioning really quickly and by stop functioning i mean they start getting weapon mass functions engine malfunctions all of these nasty things start to happen as their communist combat readiness decreases i think it has to go a little about 50 points or maybe it's 40 before it starts to become really problematic so we've put in hardened subsystems to make sure that they can last longer and their performance goes down slower but they're still going to run out of steam long before anything else on the battlefield that's unfortunate but as long as you kill everything quickly enough you don't really care do have keep their keep their performance going even longer what we've done here is we've done we spent a skill point to reassign some stuff and we've got ourselves support doctrine what this allows us to do is all ships without officers gain non-elite helmsmanship damage control and combat endurance helmsmanship just increases maneuverability and top speed uh combat insurance means they get plus 60 seconds to their peak operating time minus 25 percent combat readiness degradedness rate after peak performance time runs out and plus 15 to maximum combat readiness as well and one with the damage control yeah damage control as well it's not great minus 25 percent hold damage taken minus 50 crew lost you to hold damaging combat 50 faster in combat engine and weapon repair it's not terrible but all three of these combined means that when we go back and look at the feet here you'll notice that i'm sorry not these on captain ones this here is their combat redness they're all maxed every single on them has maximum combat readiness or 99 whatever it is they are good to go they they rock out and they do a lot of damage and they last a fair amount of time before we have to pull them back out of combat they should be able to survive most reasonable sized engagements we would have problems facing multiple fleets though excuse me while i go far some more stuff oh wait actually no paragon yes i've got to go over that this one here we just went with a couple of plasma cannons up front they're the shortest range weapon we've got on there the rest is like a couple of high-intensity lasers a couple of gravitron beams couple of hyper velocity drivers to help out with shield destruction then mostly a few point defense lasers are on the outside and then burst pd at the back to help perfect prevent missiles getting up the engine pipes that's it it does a uh decent job i suppose is the best i could say about it now one thing we did get on here was field modulation which decreases the amount of damage our shield takes by 15 this shield flux damage per second over here not per second if someone shoots this with one point of damage it only does point four points of damage if i'm understanding this correctly so for example if you look at something like our good old eradicator it has 0.97 meaning every point of damage to the shields is actually about one point of damage but this thing actually starts at about 0.6 and by throwing on top of that hardened shield which reduces it by 15 and having the the field modulation ability on our lieutenant this means it only takes 1.4 damage every time it takes one point damage this thing is incredibly tough and the solar shielding means it takes 20 less damage from beam weapons as well this thing can take a hell of a pounding a hell of a pounding but its only real purpose to be that large block that takes up a lot of space in our fleet and at the same time does an awful lot of damage when it gets rained through the battleships that's its only purpose kind of like a fleet core of as you will now excuse me while i go farm some more uh oh ai course we want to make another colony i have spent a fair while wiping out remnant fleets and i think i've got this down to a t now um it's not that bad you just go paragon and deploy three little brawlers to go with it hit the deploy button and then what you're gonna want to do is get one over there one over there and one over there now this is just to get this started we just want to claim enough to get bring in more brawlers and then we'll just well actually we'll deploy a whole bunch more just say grab all of those brawlers and deploy one of those is my character so yeah we'll enable autopilot on that now i've got a little bit of a speed mod installed i definitely recommend the speed up mod it just makes this so much easier control and caps lock and all the things start moving at faster speeds and with the middle mouse button you can make them go even faster anyway once they claim this point and this point come on guys come on there we go one we got two we're just going to bring in um yeah all of the all of the brawlers i don't even bring it in i used to bring in the conquest but i found the brawlers work just better and then i just hit full assault that's very important once you hit full assault don't and or if you don't hit any other buttons that's it just uh let them do what they're going to do see the thing is i used to get the paragon and directed towards the battleship now i don't actually change any directions unless they really have to you see if you tell them to just assault like this what happens is they just start getting in close and pounding things before there's an awful lot of confusion and sometimes they'll back off and no no no no you want them all over them so that they just have no time to recover uh yeah that one's dead anyone else uh let's let's get a little bit closer to the action over here come on guys now you notice that thing can take an absolute pounding it's just gonna back out of combat and be right back in a second and our paragon just naturally seems to gravitate towards the battleship or everything else seems to run away until the battleship's the only thing that left and our paragon just goes in and starts mincing it and now as you can see this thing it can't get a chance to fire every time it puts its shields up it gets hit by brawlers the brawlers knock it shields back down again and it's not even able to fire its guns most of the time because its flux is so high and anything it does it just keeps teleporting in the wrong direction maybe because one second i should be on the paragon for a little bit of stability if you start falling around a brawler your camera goes a bit nuts and yeah as you can see it's just gonna slowly get ground down parts of it are already burning up ah come on hey what are you doing targeting that guy there's a giant battleship in front of you i have slaughtered so many so many of these it's been incredibly therapeutic i feel so much better i'll have a little montage at the end of the video so where you can watch a whole bunch of them blow up it feels so good to watch them explode and go on there we go let's see how everyone's doing yeah everyone's doing great they are just hunting things down and murder them left right and center i'm not even sure how many we've lost so far you know what it doesn't even matter i can't bring in the extra battle cruisers because we don't have enough points yet but who cares i'll just speed up time a little bit and let them grind through until the next battleship comes out then we can watch its destruction oh there it is uh let's go over here and have a look see what's going on yeah welcome to the battle buddy i don't think this is going to go well for you the piranhas have started to circle oh you'll probably take out a brawler or two but nope your shields are yeah your shields are looking like you're almost maxed oh yep that makes it really hard for you to do any real serious damage oh they're venting they're actively venting while getting shot oh this is like being nibbled to death we're just being nibbled [Laughter] yes god i love brawlers what's left oh my god yeah the paragon's still over here seriously the paragon if i could just bring nothing but brawlers i would that was just beautiful consider can she consider ship recovery oh no we lost a brawler trust me it's not really a big deal okay we will pick through the wreckage give me some ai damn it we've actually been pretty lucky on the ai cores i've got most of the ones i need so far any problem you've got now is we're running out of remnant uh we've sort of accidentally killed them all well not so much accidentally i mean we purposely hunted them all down just in case if i didn't realize there was almost none left if let's do a quick sensor ping anything around oh well i'll just go back and repair up that's one thing about this you do have to go back and repair in pretty frequently uh reason being your fleet is going to suffer well you're going to have some losses some degraded services and things like that but by at large this thing minces everything it comes up against oh let's go grab one of those um oh go up against those nasty dorito looking things all right so this is the trinary sun system type things these are the only ones that can contain these uh we call them solar shunts coronal hyper shots all right let's uh let's get in there it's a little bit awkward but there's a and super nasty in there that's supposed to be really difficult to beat but i'm feeling pretty good we got a decent fleet with this uh come on let us in let it go let's thread the needle between all these coronal mass ejections okay you get in there grandma let's go up against these doritos now this is a little bit of spoiler territory it seems because uh these things are the nastiest of the nasties let's see how our brawlers do um actually considering how much mass we've got yeah i like that you know what don't bring those in the thing is that we actually it's cheaper to bring in rollers without captains i'll go to that later that that looks good got plenty of meat plenty of edge uh you can go there you go there and you two can go there and when the time comes when you're getting close we're just gonna hit full assault and go ham just need two of them right yeah okay let's see what happens oh and speed up combat a little bit all right slow it down let's see what we're dealing with here okay they've got some missiles and stuff okay they look pretty dangerous what the hell is that they fire black holes that's not exactly fair okay how are you looking okay this one is okay that one's overfluxed perfect full of salt people all out carnage i said full of salt on that means head straight for them and start blasting come on come on come on no what are you doing venting keep them under pressure i don't want it ever able to vent and do that's a bit unfair it can now move at the speed of light since when did that happen um okay let's see what these brawlers can do to it you're not really able to oh my god that thing does max out their flux incredibly fast and it's resistant to missiles as well okay i can see why these things are a problem um whoa how are you these are things are a problem okay you got close excellent what happens when you get close beautiful beautiful wear it down you mean missiles everything pound them nope no letting up don't let it escape no wonder what you do just keep hitting it hitting it hitting it perfect uh do we have any reinforcements we can bring in yes we do deploy please okay okay i think it's i think we're about to have 50 of our problems solved come on yes okay one down that just means this one is all we've got to go and you were getting hit by missiles and look at the missiles actually they seem to be doing the most damage come on come on damn that thing is rough we're going to get the rest of the people over here and what is that where did you come from what the is this did it turn into a carrier seems a little weird okay well okay now all the fighters are dead hey guys oh god and it's got some sort of lightning storm thing for anything comes near it that seems the brawler's still making absolute mess of it come on die okay are you gonna stay dead this time are you gonna like batman and turn into a motorbike oh my god you're batman into a motorbike okay uh what's happening with the other one uh the other one is basically slaughtering all our stuff slowly but surely uh you know what it's okay i brought spares we brought lots of spares so long as it's killing those things i'm not too worried so long as our main chunky damage dealers like these things are surviving we're actually okay the brawlers are well i don't say expendable but actually no i'm okay with expendable expendables fine uh okay these things are a little bit harder to hit that's going to be problematic that means they're missiles which were our main source of damage thank you brawler but uh if you could have gotten out of the way in it yes okay please tell me you're dead dead don't no come on seriously you're gonna turn into willow wisps well you're near a paragon you know what it does doesn't seem to kill you very well um seriously wow they're tough uh i think we've killed one so far is that it my god they're tough i think one of them just soaked them on your can or whatever it's called uh all right so let me think let me think i'm thinking yeah thinking this is their plan thing is this is the biggest danger it does lots of damage and it's the only thing that's actually killing ships really so we need to hit this with everything just everything what are you oh god that's problematic it's really far away oh you're actually damaging it though are they really hard to tell from this distance its hull is damaged it's just really hard for it to just oh my god stop doing your time warp again thing and yeah you instantly kill that thing okay brawlers get it now can't timewarp again right now can it presume that's a charged thing yep yep just pressure it pressure it once this freaking version of it is gone i don't mind the smaller ones oh miss out yeah yep yep yep come on a little bit more there we go okay now let me actually see this where it warps into a carrier oh i didn't see the last time i used to kill those things really quick i am well the smaller ones we can kill pretty fast oh my god youtube guys come on uh i feel like i should almost pull all of those back just to draw in the enemy because it's just these guys take forever to get anywhere and what are you doing that's just slowly bringing up the rear well that's fine you know what let's just bring in some more reinforcement shall we [Music] you guys all come back here i want you all back there get away from that thing let it do whatever it's gonna do we want to get everyone back all together yeah let's play again we want to bring them in so that anytime they get close to us they just get pounded by a load of stuff come on fighters destroyed missiles getting shot down and you're not able to do enough damage to actually kill anything i'm very much okay with all of this so far oops well yep that worked out it's gonna do its little yeah phase warp thing into fighters right yeah the fighters we can butcher oh look another thing that's about to turn into come on don't get out of range ah damn it never mind brawler to the rescue you oh thank you for coming close to our paragon i'm really glad we brought the paragons actually this has made things a lot simpler and eat a bunch of missiles and eat some more missiles part of a healthy balanced diet oh my god that thing's ability to phase out like that is really frustrating what the hell just die already seriously how many times do we have to shoot you here we go and then give us more fighters there we go i must admit these brothers are working through it actually full of salt give me the last of this stuff i'm pretty sure there's only a few minor scratches left all right so there's only fighters left that is good everyone pull back to the paragon it's got wonderful point defense and we'll let all of our point defense do the talking from now on yeah those brawlers are not really good at shooting down fighters they just don't have the mobility those things do incredible damage however we did bring plenty of point defense on our larger ships where are you going boys come on back and die okay that was pretty tough we lost a lot of gunships now i'm not going to say that i've lost less gunships in other battles i've definitely lost more than that facing some of the remnants but that was pretty tough their original forms are pretty damn hardy consider ship recovery yep that was wow only okay we've recovered a fair bit of them we'll pick through the wreckage though a reality disrupter well that sounds tasty hmm yes let me have a look through all right skimming through these they appear to be some pretty nasty weaponry holy christ this one or no this one here is insane this is a cryoblaster now it does 1400 damage per second that's fragmentation good damage which is not great you have to divide it by four for damage to shields and armor because only there's 25 damage versus them at 350 350 damage every hit on shield or armor and then once you go through that it starts doing 1400 damage to the hull this thing will shred stuff christ though the flux of shot is pretty expensive i suppose 500 flex still a lot of interesting weapons here uh we'll we'll we'll take all of them thank you very much okay uh he's approaching the coronal hyperscent right it's difficult to assess the entire structure it's theory that's not operational and it's curled state um sufficient resources so basically we need 20 000 metal and 5 000 thousand transplatonic ore that should be fairly handy get some cargo ships and bring that over here that'll bother uh i'll be back in a wee bit i'd like to point out despite all the horrible casualties we experienced we still have 30 of 30 ships left i mean okay we're repairing a bunch of them because they got literally slaughtered but this i like this fleet combat style it's very robust well the robust is the wrong word it's very good at dealing with problems efficiently actually i'm going to cut it out there for today and try and squeeze in an extra episode of this i'm going to end this series by the end of the week and i'd like to get some more done uh namely i want to try and get ourselves a few more colonies up so that we can run the uh those lamps that heat up our planets and i want to get in the uh the coronal hyper shunt thing and maybe getting just a little tad more killing in exploration all right but before we go i should probably cover the last of in here this is uh well this is support doctrine this gives us at least helping some chipped uh status damage control and combat insurance and then i kind of miss the next line which is deployment point costs reduced by 20 or 10 points whichever is left less which means all the ships we're sending in cost 20 less if they don't have officers which is why when we're deploying our brawlers they only cost four points to deploy if they don't have an officer in them now there's these other stuff you've got like wolf pack tactics this means that our brawlers do more damage if they do have an officer in them but i'm not sure if we're better off actually going in with cheaper and that means we could squeeze in more ships you know i'll have to do some playing around but this is what i'm currently running to make this work and it seems to work quite well especially considering we don't have to invest any of our story points which you've still got 50. i haven't really figured out what i'm going to invest them in yet if we're not putting them into our ships i also took the point out of best of the best this allows you to build one extra permanent home mod if we're not putting in permanent whole mods what's the point also this allows us to get whole restoration this means most of our ships are still recoverable after the fight which is good because currently i've been letting all the new ones come down here we've only actually lost two in all the fights we've been in and we've been in a lot of fights i installed a mod there which uh what's it called combat reports combat results and this is all the fights we've been in involving the remnant so remnant remnant remnant remnant remnant and there's even the omega there i also had a little quick another remnant there and this tells you how much damage each does how many ships were actually injured or lost um wow i don't think we lost any on that one that's kind of crazy and it also gives you it's actually this is really good this helped me sort of refine down what strategies i was using because it tells me how much damage each weapon does so you can see here like how much the high-intensity laser gravitron beams hyper-velocity drivers tacticalizers they actually all the damage is listed here those tactical lasers do actually quite a decent job i thought they were useless but the damage they're actually outputting is not that terrible anyway before we test out this fleet on some bounty hunters i thought i'd point out one last fun thing ah custom production once you have yourself up some heavy industry on one of your planets you can construct your own equipment in ships assuming you've got the the blueprints for them getting your hands on the brawler root blueprint is not that bad it's only about it's actually pretty handy to get and it only cost 10 grand to produce one so let's just say you wanted to produce 15 brawlers for your fleet and then you wanted some guns to go with them so we're gonna need a whole bunch of those light dual machine guns actually about 30 to go with that and then we're going to need about 15 heavy machine guns and a bit oh not the auto cannons we don't need the other cannons we need 15 where are they ah 15 assault chain guns and there you go for 195 grand you can get 15 brawlers fully equipped ready to go so in two months you could have 30 of them which you can't even keep a fleet that big but yes it's very cheap and efficient to make them this way otherwise you're going to have to go into well you're going to have to go into the map and start buying them off the atlantic church or atlantic path whatever now i've done a little bit of dev magic to get us over here this is uh on a copy saves just so that we can see what this works again how this works against a fleet like this as you can see that's pretty nasty they've got a lot of heavily armored stuff we want to see how our brawlers do i am really really curious i think they're gonna absolutely stomp them into oblivion but you never know um let's see it will take in two years in all yeah i think that'll work uh same again grab calm relay grab calm relay and let's see how this plays out all right full assault we've got the whole squad together crush them all leave nothing how you doing over there buddy you're pretty slow aren't you do you have overture oh he's got a system override as well so he's not as slow as he should be i think missiles and fighters are something we're weak at because we have to turn our whole ships to shoot at them that doesn't matter soon the rest of our fleet will catch up all right first interesting thing here will be a few brawlers versus uh what amounts to a giant armored plank in space these things are incredibly tough guns everywhere as well should make them hurt no no don't don't stand in front of it you're mobile enough to not do that puppets yeah that this seems to work pretty good so far it does need a little bit of assistance it seems to take him down quickly enough but yeah we're just sort of swarming all over them uh how are you guys doing down here yeah it just once they start shooting at something it flux maxes out then it just can't do anything and then it just gets shredded oh great a sunderer yes you've got wonderful damage unfortunately you're not gonna do so well against these ships like this guy's already vented all this flux and now you're gonna get tag teams and you're dead and then all of those can swarm back over here and kill everything this is just wrong i love it they're gonna totally patch this out this is way too overpowered i suppose the moral of the story there is if you want a fleet that can take out just about anything bring a load of brawlers that is just way too many brawlers for anything to handle all right then i think next up coronal hyper shunt fusion lamp and then uh we're gonna need a few more colonies to go with it so i might have to farm a whole bunch more ai cores i can do that all on this side anyway yeah hope you enjoyed and good luck [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign
Channel: Francis John
Views: 25,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eradicator
Id: fDiG9LYOoyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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