Starsector - Deep Space Surveyor // EP3

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hey everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to episode 3 of star sector which originally aired live on twitch all right i think what i'll do here is let you now vote on any of those but what i will show you is the map so there are whenever you visit a location you'll be updated to some opportunities so there is a personal bounty offered by the persian league for 50 000 credits of killing these four ships easy easy money uh there is a pirate base uh that i know the location of because i bought um i bought a beer for the person in the tavern and this pirate base is responsible for the pirate activity here in corvus so if i was the owner of corvus and i wanted the pirates to go away i could blow up this base which is launching all the raids uh there is a bounty and karvis which is 1650 credits for every frigate destroyed and it remains for 60 days um and then the pirates are offering a reward for me to analyze a derelict ship but this derelict ship is really far away it's uh as you can see it's it's uh 24 light years away it's affordable um if we bought the fuel but it's pretty hot so if you want me to go bounty hunting uh here's how to do that so let's click on this bounty the persian league has posted a bounty for bringing in hera estrada a notorious pirate to justice uh she is rumored to be hiding out near a barren world in a binary star system so if we take a look here uh where is the binary star system probably these are binaries because they're close to one another and then she is on a barren world in that star system um so if i take a look at the map the sector map and open up the fuel range as you can see i don't have enough fuel to make a return trip from here so i am going to need to go to jengala and uh load up a little bit more on fuel or i'm gonna go out there and get stranded now in reality there's a very high likelihood that the ships i blow up will then um drop fuel for me to use i can almost guarantee that that will be the case but i'm not going to take the risk of a one-way trip out to the edge of nowhere without the fuel to get home um big no thank you so there bought some fuel bought some supplies i'm even going to buy a few more crew and i'm going to sell a few heavy machinery actually i'm gonna sell all my heavy machinery um so that i have room to store other things and there we go so let's go bounty hunty update the goal take your first bounty and then i think it's probably here so that is where we're headed and if we take a look here at the uh sector map again and i turn on fuel range as you can see i have just enough fuel to make it there and back um there are ways to use a little bit less fuel when you're traveling long range and there's my monthly income now um the stipend from helping out the last uh star sector that uh i was in okay now we go and another bounty just got offered uh but far more difficult than the one i was heading towards so i'm not going to head there it's uh beyond my capabilities hey edgar i'm glad that you're showing up to a stream welcome survive the swarm that's an oldie all right let me uh let me also save because uh this is an iron man mode and another thing to know so all of the purple sort of orbs you see are the gravity wells and if i teleported if i entered a gravity well of a star i would basically be entering the solar system at the sun which would do some damage so then there's other jump points around it like planets and these uh empty jump points which are safer to enter if you run out of fuel you will just slowly travel to the nearest gravity well you don't get to pick where you're going you just go and if it's an empty system you're going to be in a bit of trouble you're going to need to probably use the distress signal and all that um you'll also see these nebulas out here so if you enter the nebula in hyperspace you move a little bit slower so it reduces the speed of fleets inside by up to 50 percent um and you know it requires a bit more fuel and then these storms here these storms will damage your ships if you hit them oh that's a pirate no get away from me so they just interdicted pulsed me which took me out of sustained burn to slow me down so if you see here there is these lighter spots which can be storms these active storms and the darker spots so the darker spots here um are safe for me to travel but it is slower one of the advantages here is the larger fleet you have the slower you move in these hypers deep hyperspace so it's a good way to get away from scary fleets uh like the one that just interdicted me um if you hit the storms one of the weird advantages of hitting the storms yes it will damage your ship but it will also propel you faster so if you're very low on fuel and you need to get from point a to point b hitting some storms purposefully sounds strange but it will actually get you uh to your destination more quickly if fuel is a problem and supplies is not a problem so ideally you want to be okay so here we go this is not a binary system so let's take a look again is there a binary star around here i don't see one i think this has a possibility of being a binary star because they're kind of like on top of one another so then i'm also looking for a barren planet which is not going to be one of these gas giants so my guess is she's here at hilarious or whatever it's called and there's a hostile force waiting on the other side of the gate and it warned me about it but i'm gonna make the jump anyway so the hostile force on the other side gate is almost certainly my bounty and yes hafasa i'm gonna assume it's the bounty so it's a three kites a cerberus and a hammerhead and i can accept the calm request and pay a tithe to her or alternatively i can attack her so i'm going to attack deploy everybody have everybody escort the hammerhead escort squeaky dink and uh thing face and here as you can see uh this is an occasion that is a captained ship which is good so it's sort of like one hammerhead versus another hammerhead and what i'm gonna do here is send our hammerhead against their hammerhead with all of my ships supporting my hammerhead well my aim is really bad let me get out of here and kill my flux doing a careful ballet not to oh god's missile oh so these symbols are an indication that uh these ships have uh quality pilots man i am not effectively killing anything cannot wait to get a better ship got a bunch that are oh don't hit me there we go got it overloaded this should be easy so once it overloads i can drop my shields because an overloaded ship can't shoot me oh it hit me with a flame out so now i'm sitting duck for a second i'm just going to use my anti-flux because this uh kite here is nearly destroyed my shepherd class zach the terror just got disabled which is not good they're taking down my ships fortunately the bounty on the hammerhead here is um pretty high so it's gonna pay for newer ships probably a new flagship uh oh no maybe not my own hammerhead just got disabled so it's looking real bad actually i don't know how that happened it was a oh hi equal fight and i guess we're losing it and the combat redness of my ship is now going down now the problem is this wolf that i have uh probably doesn't have enough punching power to get through a hammerhead to anything hammerhead is just too tough of a ship so get me out of here in other words hey stop spinning around what are you doing try to hide behind squeaky dink hi the disabled ship all right let's see uh you retreat and i'm gonna do the same back up out of here this bounty hunt did not yield fruit we did get a bunch of theirs destroyed but uh oh they're interestingly enough their kites are also retreating you know what wolf stick with me i don't think the wolves are gonna be able to win this like i think there's a zero percent chance of that but i'll try it because i can always say it's gone i think the problem was i went off on my own without supporting the hammerhead and that got the hammerhead killed yo other wolf you could definitely do something please we might be able to harass it to death there's like a slight chance of it i guess if the other if my other wolf class ship would like do something it keeps backing up oh now he goes when i'm backing up that's not synergy all right we're starting to get major malfunctions due to the fact that our combat redness is really really really low we've been deployed for too long it's essentially what it's saying and now we're getting um we're getting uh malfunctions on our ship however i am also punching this hammerhead more than i have previously and they're getting malfunctions as well it works both ways they're actually a copyrighted 16 i'm at 35 so we're in a much better position than they are yeah we're winning this somehow we're winning this wolves are good at harassing because of the uh phase skimming that they can do they can just jump around and be annoying and uh that has definitely played to our favor here come on another wolf where'd you go other wolf what the hell there we go get in here and it's gone [Music] okay well that was unnecessarily hard uh ship recovery i could recover the hammerhead um sure pick through the rest of the wreckage ditch a few of the metals here because we don't have to carry weight for it and boom we now uh oh what the hell no no no no we're so dead that was not actually the bounty the bounty's here unfortunately which is much easier than the bounty i've been fighting so that was actually just a random ludic path uh fleet so i'm gonna save scum um so that i can actually do the bounty and we just fought some random lot of path idiots let me not repeat that that was sad okay let's not fly the sun yeah they're chasing me all over the place so another thing i could do to slow them down is to break their nav buoys so i'm gonna do that yeah that does suck it happens you know i wasn't paying enough attention uh i'm going to break this nav buoy for salvage and that's going to slow down the ships in this sector and then next i'm going to hit their um they interdicted me oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god nope they caught me so here's one of the examples of using the story points to get away i can execute a series of special maneuvers using a story point to give them the [Music] the old uh disappear act and i'll use the story point there but because they've they've messed with me recently i can't then [Music] i can't then destroy that uh sensor array that they have so let's go try to find this pirate before these stupid luddick paths so the ludic path here um uh you can think of them as like religious fanatics and they're just messing with me okay so one of the two around the okay here it is this oh never mind all right i'm gonna i'm gonna save scrum one more time i'm too close to the lot of path base and the lubbock path base was joining that fight so not only would i have to fight my bounty i would also have to fight um the ludic path base which would be a nightmare so third time's the charm maybe what i want to do is i want to take out their nav buoys and stuff like that to slow their fleets down the nav buoys give you plus two burn level which makes them faster and then uh remove their sensors and then hunt the uh the bounty so let's take out the sensor ray or not the charm is when i win let's let's go for that now so this is a very annoying bounty normally bounties aren't this annoying this bounty is particularly annoying because the bounty is sitting on a lot of paths uh station all right this should work meaning that i have to lure it away from the station so i'll have to fight the uh the base and then the pilot so here is the bounty in this strike and i'm gonna tell the hammerhead to kill the shriek [Music] it'd be swell if you guys would fight all right one down oops little bump yeah the the beacon the nav beacon and the sensor array every all that garbage made it harder than it should have been oh he's charging gotta be careful not to overheat my flux is really high uh there uh the bouncy ship just got destroyed so i'm gonna go help out elsewhere safety and numbers and all oh you know what i think this ship is actually going to head for the exit so i'm going to stop that i want to destroy all of them if i can there we go we got an overload missile valley all right i took way too much damage there but there we're done what are we waiting on oh no they still have a wolf in the field i also seem to be missing a ship oh that one is dead all right there we go claim victory the ship that died was oh it's a standard recovery uh which i will do picking through the wreckage and skill points to spend nice i have two skill points so uh skills we've got uh target analysis which is more damage to larger ships or point defense which is more damage to fighters and missiles we've got weapon drills for higher weapon damage or combat of readiness we've got gunnery implants which is a better range for ballistics and energy or beams or um or energy weapons are better damage control or reliable engineering reliable engineering is longer comet readiness or damage control is um when my ship dies it it's less of a penalty that's the long and short of that all right let's get the heck out of this solar system because it's full of hostiles and we did just make a whole bunch of money so we're up to 84 000 and i am going to spend this money uh by heading back to the core worlds and potentially buying another ship oh and i just hit my first hyper storm so you'll see i just got sent flying and it picks a random ship in your fleet to take damage and unfortunately it was my flagship but oh well yeah combat redness is a is a constant issue but it's one that is easily uh repairable with um supplies so it's not that big of a deal [Music] all right here we go kokata thanks theresa it has been a while hasn't it welcome all right so here's a brand new solar system and i'm going to black market stuff that i got from last fight and let's see i can buy um i can't buy anything i want here what about the black market nope nothing i want all right let's see about uh heading back to where it was originally because there was a there was a uh what's it called a um sunder offered and i like sunders alright let me check this other planet because there's two there's multiple planets in solar systems and there might be another uh offering here by condors and wolves so as you can see these wolves um they you can buy them fresh for about fifteen thousand they're very inexpensive um no there's nothing here nope and there's my monthly income now i'm up to 100k looks to me like uh possibly leadership skills i'll leave it up a little bit longer because it's kind of a close poll and yeah if you wanted to vote all you gotta do is type one through four to pick the the skill so this is jingle which i was previously and i'm hoping that they have ships that i want i'm almost out of fuel as well so i'm going to need to refuel either way black market so here is a strike for 26k uh hammerhead for 39 with one d mod but no i don't see i don't see what i'm looking for so let's buy some fuel from here and let's take off we can also head to incira see what they have and we are constantly getting new updates because we're in systems with news we're not like deep space of different bounties and explorations so we can survey worlds for money um that are on timers we can take bounties for money so here's new bounties that one looks easy this one looks easy that one's easy easy harder but it's for twice the money so you know it scales you know there's a whole bunch of options that you can do and then you can also go down to the bar for options too how many factions are there uh yeah let me show you so we have got um where's the best place to show that factions the hegemony which is the uh sort of militaristic um might currently they're at war with the luddic path which is um well let me go through all of them so we have the hegemony the atlantic church the ludic path so this is like religion and uh religious extremists persian league the sindrian dictat the uh tritakion independence and pirates uh there are some factions that are not shown here but aren't they aren't proper factions now you can align yourself with really any faction although it's tough to align with pirates because they uh you'll you'll start with them hating you the independents aren't really a faction so much as they're just like independent but if you have a good relationship to one of the independents you'll have good relationships to all of them and then you can see also that um each faction has different illegal uh you know different illegal things like um most say drugs are illegal tritakion says only ai cores are illegal they don't really care if you're organ harvesting or drug trading the independents don't care about ai cores so everybody has their own sort of things and then of course the pirates don't care about anything everything is illegal uh so interestingly enough you know the religious people say that luxury goods are illegal and then the hegemony says that uh armaments are illegal so on and so forth uh yep so that's all the factions there and each one of those factions owns about five planets or so uh so if you take a look here you know independent planet hegemony planet pirate planet so on and so forth five to ten all right uh now let's go to incira and taking a look it looks like we're gonna go with leadership and then you're going to vote on what we do next so uh leadership we are going to get hmm i'm gonna go with weapon drills uh so 10 weapon damage for combat ships because i don't think i'm going to use a lot the reason for that is i don't think i'm going to use a lot of the uh hall mods for the assault or escort packages here's the oh that's a d modded thunder why must you be d-mounted so another thing to note is here's a strike with no d-mods but it's pirate-class strike which is a little bit different so if you take a look here um it's a heavily modded strike that has different stats than a base strike uh because it is like a pirate style shrike i get i don't that's the best way i can explain it so here's a thunder but it is unfortunately modded what is this d-mods uh bad fuel and compromise armor yeah i'm not going to do that thunder i'm going to try i'm going to try to find a sunder that is intact uh interestingly enough the um the during kuyu mining facility that was originally pirate now that we have opened up the um i didn't mean to start this oh well sorry i skipped through all that i didn't mean to trigger that so uh that was just the academy that is funding me um wants me to go talk to um another you know uh another person i'll get into the story in a bit uh what i meant to do is to go to an independent world and and shop around but i uh i screwed that up royally looks like exploration and surveying uh so what we could do is we could take a survey for money job and i'll show you what that is all about but here's the mining station i was just seeing if they had ships i wanted to buy they do have a light uh condor which is a pretty decent ship early on not amazing but uh this is something all right nothing here so here's what we could do if we take a look at the exploration the hegemony wants me to analyze a domain error probe way up here um but all of the other surveys are withdrawn at the moment so there's not a lot of good surveys to go off of so instead i think what i'm going to do is just hop around uh a few more hops to see if i can't buy myself a nice ship and then we'll take a uh we'll take a you know a survey so ship shop then survey yes i i know i'm low on fuel but i'll i'll easily make it to uh my next hop on the fuel that i have because it's just just right here there we go so we got survey toxic world analyze the domain error probe um there is a lot of money that potentially can be had if you um survey probes because often like they said if you find one probe they'll tend to lead to other probes it's a really good way to make a lot of money all right i might go back to that demodded sunder if i can't find a better sunder and just suck it up but i will buy what i'm going to do is i'm going to buy a fuel in small quantities to hide the fact that i'm uh black market trading here okay so we tried evan tied let's try tigger city how open world is the game very open world you can ally with any faction you can create your own faction uh you can colonize you can build massive fleets you could be a pirate you could be a smuggler the game doesn't really force you to go one way or the other which is really nice here's the sunderer perfect perfect perfect perfect okay let's buy the sunder and then we'll go to refits so the rattamon theme you are gonna become the i'm the mvp oh good so my old ship is the mvp ship now and then i am going to switch into my sunder oh let's also level up fang face so look fang face let's say you're gonna get helmsmanship to move faster i think that's pretty uh necessary all right my little sunder here i want to equip it the paladin pd system is a terrible terrible terrible weapon to have so no not doing that uh i'm not gonna have torpedoes on this and the weapons on this uh station suck like terribly so i'm not gonna buy anything here i'm gonna shop around at other um at other places i also it's telling me that i don't have enough um personnel oops i don't have enough personnel to [Music] have all the ships uh commanded so i'm gonna buy a few extra personnel all right let's head down to sphinx and save very happy about that sunder so mr sunder you're now the new ratamon theme actually i'm going to call it the red of month this like that because in this game they actually have ships that get that name um as a random name so it's kind of fun oh uh orthus and sphinx all right let's go to syncs first and at this point all i'm trying to do is to put weapons on my ship because i don't have any uh unfortunately this place only has mining blasters which is really embarrassing they do have some decent point defense so i'm gonna do light dual machine gun point defense bought from the black market and putting it on all three small ballistic mounts that i have and we'll put this on seven on auto so now i just need to find uh do i want general lasers uh crew are not slaves exactly no they're not slaves but um yeah they're not slaves all right for now i'm just going to fill my ship with capacitors and vents um and then let's try to find some other weapons why is this not on steam because the developers don't want it to be on steam yet i have no idea i'm not developers you can ask them if you want an ion pulser so that is a suppression weapon um no i don't really want an eye on pulsar uh as my secondaries i'm gonna be picky here if you haven't already um could tell let's go back to event and see what kind of weapons event has and then if we can't do anything it even tied uh i'm gonna head down to one of the tritakion systems because tritakions tend to have um uh better laser weapons energy weapons and then uh we'll go on the survey i just don't want it like a basically unarmored ship here man the weapons here suck okay let's go to hybrisil which takes how much fuel uh it's a one-way trip but we have enough fuel for it yeah there is a monthly wage for for uh crew so if you take a look here the crew payroll the stipend and the officer payroll so fangface is making about a thousand the all of the rest of the crew are making 1400 and then um i have oh i should go to in syrah and recover my supplies hold on let me do that uh we should be okay i'll do that after i go shopping here i forgot that they handed me supplies when they were saying to outfit my ship and we're paying uh and sierra storage fees as a result so big old no thank you that sucks all right try tachyon you gonna have anything autopulse laser i can live with it not my top choice but it's pretty strong um put that on weapon group one and we'll shop around a little bit more this will make a big difference of like how effective my uh my ships are all right ion beams on cannons i might actually buy oh they have high intensity lasers i'll buy the ion cannons and uh there we go that's basically my ship so let's add flux dissipation perfect ship is exactly how i want it go to the weapon groups the ion cannons will be on auto and the dual machine guns will be on auto it's not a perfect ship but it'll have to do buy some fuel and then let's go back to incira so that we can stop paying them uh docket oh stop paying them docking fees my ship wanted to fly straight to the sun and then we're going to go on a survey so we're almost done so project description description a survey mission all right let's not go to the academy uh we'll do that if you vote for the sort of like quest line so if we take a look at storage here i want to just pull all of this storage out and then one of the things i'm going to do is using the weapons i'm pulling out of storage i'm gonna see about refitting any of the other ships to make them better because now we have some stuff that we can hook up some of the other ships in our fleet with hmm the hypervelocity drivers a really nice anti-shield weapon but we oh you know what there is hmm now let's do it we're going to need to free up some ordinance points there we go and now we don't even have missiles here but it has two massive hypervelocity drivers uh which should who knows maybe it's maybe it's a downgrade i think i think it should be an upgrade though um wow these so a lot of the ships in my fleet here are like massively busted up uh and there's not much i could do about that without overhauling it okay so the rest of the garbage that i have rest these weapons i'm just going to sell apply a bunch of fuel and then if i'm doing a survey mission i am going to want um more crew and i'm going to want a heavy or um yeah some machinery to do survey oh there's a plasma cannon here okay hold on plasma cannon is very possibly my favorite weapon to have on my uh on asunder so plasma cannon center it is oh this is going to be fun and that leaves the i'll this auto pulse laser you know what i'm going to do i'm going to give it to magic hippie here oh no that's too small the ship i'll i'll carry it i'll just keep it with me because this is kind of a rare weapon so there's a desert world that the hegemony will pay me to survey and then there's a barren desert world that the independents will pay me to survey uh i'm going to and it tells you what you need so i need 10 heavy machinery to survey this and i plan on going to this uh barren desert world to survey it so i'm going to accept that so then i'm going to need a little heavy machinery i have the crew but not the machinery so let's go out to the mining station maybe they have some heavy machinery yeah this is a very feisty sunday this is my favorite style sunder and i'll actually do a quick um battle simulation so you can see what this sunderer is like so here's the heavy machinery uh i only need a 10 for the survey for some reason i just paid market fee for that but oh well so if i wanted to check out the simulation let's simulate a fight against um a mule combat freighter not a very strong ship but you can you can see the special ability of the sunder is that the energy weapons will do bonus damage briefly so i am the glassiest of glass cannons as you can probably also tell oh so they knocked out my engines a little bit as you probably also could tell these shields go almost 100 or 360 degrees which is a pretty nice benefit get back here so these uh high-energy plasma shots hit like a kick like a mule allowing me to absolutely slice up other ships very very quickly as you can see so excited about having that um all right i definitely do not have enough fuel to get there and back no doubt so let's buy even more fuel i might even need to buy uh open market fuel here we go and now if i go to let's see out here let's see if uh okay so we don't quite have enough fuel for the return trip so i'm gonna need to buy yet even more fuel i know it's ridiculous right so let's go to incira and top up our fuel even further the survey will up they're scanning me sure i didn't buy enough on the black market to warrant uh suspicion or anything okay i am completely maxed on fuel now pretty much every last dime that i have has gone into the fuel for this mission very very very expensive and i am now able i think to do a round trip or at least close enough yeah close enough so let's go and get that survey going i do have the monthly stipend and in five days i will get a stipend of extra money and that stipend lasts for three years or cycles as they call it i'm not quite at the point where i'm gonna want to do colonization surveys but what ends up happening is once you have a decent amount of money um you are given the choice to or chance i should say to colonize planets and then have those planets turn into some sort of industry whether it be agriculture mining uh shipbuilding et cetera et cetera and all pretty much all of the colonizable planets in the core worlds are already colonized so you have to find and survey your own planets so it's important every time that you're out on a long excursion like the one i'm taking now uh that you're keeping an eye out for potential high colonism colonizationable planets are high habitability um so like terran worlds jungle worlds arid worlds that aren't totally barren or irradiated or toxic and yes you can make an entire mining system now it also follows the law laws of supply and demand and by that i mean if you make too much of one resource like let's say you make a ton of farming worlds you're going to drive down the cost of food in organics so it's best to try to manufacture things that are in high demand or in low supply and you can affect supply and demand so if i wanted to let's say manufacture heavy armaments you know weapons i could also attack other worlds that manufacture heavy armaments to then drive up the cost and make more money you can corner the market aggressively so to speak here we are in dagen's star system and we are looking for this barren desert world uh over here in the east that is highlighted what i will say is bolatu this desert world that i'm staring at here is interesting because it see all the um [Music] let me zoom in on it see all the debris here around it this debris is an indicator that this world has ruins on it that can be explored but i didn't bring enough heavy machinery to survey more than just the one world so i'm going to go over what the quest world is but there might be a chance to pick up some um heavy machinery from debris i just picked up one which is not enough to do any surveying but there's that possibility too so here's the world that they wanted me to survey it looks pretty boring oh what i used i used heavy machinery to do that debris field and i screwed myself up so what i need to do is i need to hit other um debris fields here uh because i used up some of the heavy machinery that i wanted to survey but it should be pretty easy to uh to find some debris out here so what i'm doing is just a uh active sensor burst so that i could try to find points of interest oh and there's uh there's another fleet out here i'm not alone i don't know who this is but i am not alone they are an unknown fleet high danger uh they're a scavenger like myself independent scavenger all right let's go down to the frozen world maybe i could find some uh debris out that way nope there is a point of interest out this way i don't know what it is it is a minor supply cache which had enough heavy machinery to allow me to survey it was a supply cache of harvested organs so keep in mind uh harvested organs are you know illegal uh so that's a thing to be aware of but i got lucky i found some supplies allows me to survey we hit this up do the survey this planet has some sparse ore and moderate rare ore but otherwise is pretty boring and as you can see my heavy machinery didn't all get used up uh there's a possibility i might be able to survey small worlds here let's see let's see if i can survey the frozen world there the extra uh supplies that i have and what should i do next is now up top no i need nine more heavy machinery to do that all right i might have surveyed everything that i can survey so unless there's other poi around here and i'll i'll search we might be heading home i'll try to hit this debris field one more time nope it's not even gonna let me okay wait what is that oh yeah this barren world might yeah it looks too large it's probably a 20 year what is my perfect fleet well i don't know that's a 30 30 survey so this has a ruins around it i wish i brought more heavy machinery to hit the ruins but i didn't yeah my perfect fleet is just one that you know works with the economy that i have i wouldn't say there is like a perfect fleet for me it's more just what am i trying to accomplish trade hunting war with other factions etc etc there's a lot of things that you can do so i have enough fuel to get back to the core worlds and i'm not gonna dawdle because uh i have enough fuel to get back but like not ample amounts it'll be sort of close so i can't detour too much out here uh but i did get paid for that survey i got paid 70k from i think the independence so if we take a look at the factions here the independents now uh like me plus five as a result of me working for them i also have to be aware that i am smuggling um organs i have organs on my ship from one of those uh salvage missions that i ran so with that in mind i there's money to be made because if you take a look at the organs that i have um they are 300 per unit which is pretty decent and then these transplatonics is 200 per unit and then the survey data i can also sell for a thousand but those organs are also illegal so i'm gonna have to smuggle them every now and then you'll happen upon warning beacons and these warning beacons tell you that something inside that solar system is particularly dangerous there is low medium and high so that one was a medium at my current level a medium would kick my butt kick my butt i could take a low maybe barely so i'm going back to the core world's uh let's see where am i gonna sell this so harvested organs are illegal in the persian league but the president league i don't have good rep with so i'm just gonna try to sell it on a persian league world and i'll try to show you smuggling if i can so let me save yes and i am a bit of a black market organ smuggler to be fair i didn't harvest these organs myself i found them and it would be a waste not to sell them right okay so there's a persian league planet right off of this gravity well here and i'm gonna keep my transponder off let me see first so my transponder is off i've gone in dark oh crap emergency burn they saw me run run run run run why how are you so fast gonna talk my way out of it with the story point they don't like that my transponder's off but i'm gonna keep it off so let's see i'm going to head to i'm gonna head to the pirate uh station to sell these organs the persian leagues they don't deserve these organs they were a jerk they bullied me i feel bullied uh next up it looks like i'm gonna be doing some bounty hunting nice before i do bounty hunting i'll probably spend some of the money i have for other ships so go dark uh their persian league is fighting pirates here and black market organs here we are oh yeah oh look they have a quite the selection of weapons so here's what's on the open market as you can see more drugs and organs now because this place does have a supply of organs that means that the organs that i brought here weren't worth as much it uh probably would have been better to sell to the persian league but the fact of the matter is i probably couldn't have gotten that close so let's check fleet see if there's anything worth buying no they're all like d modded pirate ships they're all garbage okay that's fine and she wants me to smuggle something i'm gonna say no i turned my transponder on and now i'm in compliance with the law with my transponder on i'd like to uh salvage this mule but um their enemy pirates are too close not let me do it yet so here you can see that the persian league just claimed this uh relay which adds stability in the system so the factions fight for points of interest like that uh pretty regularly that is a very common thing to see so let's go ahead and try to outfit our fleet with slightly better ships not a bunch of oh god they're right on my tail uh not a bunch of d modded garbage that i have so here's a shrike i'll buy and then i want a little bit more storage space oh here's an enforcer i'll buy no let's buy another wolf they're way cheaper all right and refit them so here's the strike and these are of course gonna get named after you so just type something in the chat oh no so the strike is all um energy and i there aren't energy weapons being sold here same with the uh the wolf so the wolf and the strike will be named soon and i have a bunch of pirate ragers bearing down on me but you know what i accept the fight uh so the shrink on the radar uh the strike and the wolf rather aren't being used in deployment because they don't have um they don't have any weapons in the game already the game sees that and it was like okay no weapons let's not uh let's not deploy them but um you have voted for me to go bounty hunting so let me close that and get bounty hunting so you'll see the full force of this sunder in an actual combat scenario if the oh here we go dead so beautiful dad again i'm a glass cannon very very very very very easy to kill especially if i can't outrun the enemy but absolutely super smooshy all my enemies so let's go after this bad boy hey don't bump me stupid wolf nope i overloaded myself that wolf or the uh whatever that is ship is gonna take advantage of that wow i'm overloaded for a while uh so if i'm overloaded for a while i'm gonna tell my ships to escort what's annoying is they weren't doing anything they actually just like disengaged because they're jerks but the ships that were around me were too weak to actually destroy me while i was uh overloaded so kind of fine took a little bit of hall damage but nothing too terrible and let's go over the shepherd here and it's overloaded so it's dead [Music] tada thank you for watching star sector which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below if you wish to catch a live stream has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams thank you for watching i'll catch you next episode or perhaps an upcoming stream farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 17,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starsector, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: C4uNuyTsuN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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