Starsector - Academy Errand Boy // EP13

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hey everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to episode 13 of star sector which originally aired live on twitch [Music] god i hate them uh when you broke my legion i swear to god one of these days you'll get what's coming to you old man can we do a drug run uh i don't really have the ships for it and we'd we would definitely have to vote for that to be a thing that i do for me to bother doing it because it would require me to design a smuggling ship which i don't have otherwise it's just it's unnecessarily complicated all right so here's alpha syndra it is in the uh brighter or brighter orange which means we can make a round trip to it so i'm going to save a copy because i'm paranoid but uh yeah uh poetic artist if um after i finish this campaign mission i can always have drug smuggling on there in order to be a proper drug smuggler you want to install mods under your ship where you can store um oh hi pirate where you can store cargo shielded cargo and then also the lowest possible uh sensor or um what's called a sensor profile so there's mods that allow you to hide your sensor profile otherwise it's you know difficult to make it to port with illicit uh whatever it is drugs weapons organs whatever might be illegal how far in the campaign are we we are well currently we are doing the science team transport and i guess i'll write that out which is really just one of the first missions offered to you know on the campaign path the high tech uh trader at uh boom load is done so here is the orbital station and it is um demanding some supplies and some crew offering stability so here is stability up here uh stability is a value that maxes out at 10. one of the benefits that i would get going back to that system to jodenheim is i could uh set up a com relay in system to add additional stability that's something i probably should have done i would need uh some transplutonics and the like but uh this orbital station is offering some stability and then i'm gonna start doing hazard pay to increase the growth uh but if we take a look here there's other things um that we could do for stability like i could set up ground defenses uh for stability or patrol hq for stability um so patrol hq i don't think they're gonna afford it but here it is adding a stability bonus uh but i think at this point probably getting over there and doing it in uh coms relay would be a good thing to do and i'll i'll try to remember to include setting up comms for uh jungheim as a a pole item next time there's a boat oh come on i'm holding s storm shouldn't hurt me i don't like the uh sometimes when you try to go slow you just get hit by the storm because you didn't prep the slow in time but my tankers again just tankers are taking the heads let me try to steer a little bit better where are we oh we're pretty close one more over oh spicy there it is alpha center four why do i have that fully served oh it's probably a probe ship or something hey tangier how goes it pretty good man pretty good all right you order a scan of the coordinates provided by um albus or whatever his name is no stipple power source is detected comms attempts to transmit the coded greeting provided uh in the mission package but there is no transponder response in order to you order an active sweep of the surface this is a less subtle approach which can reveal uh search targets to nearby ships but you deem this is acceptable risk in moments your sensor profile officer re is located the outpost it doesn't look good captain the outpost is completely abandoned for no reason you can ascertain you send an observation drone to do the for to do a first sweep and then hazardous ops salvage team all fine the outpost is pristine eerily silent all data cores have been triple wiped a meal remains uneaten on the common mess table the research team you've transported refuses to shuttle down and after some conservation consternation they agree to take full responsibility for their decision and uh you order the salvage team to quarantine until your text can give them the all clear there's nothing to do but return to the disheartened researchers of the academy along with the data that you've collected so did not go well uh maybe i want a survey anyway just to say i did super go uh let's poke around to make sure that uh there's no ruins or anything out here i will not be adding any mods to the series despite requests it gets requested all the time and that is why it's very clear in the about that it's vanilla literally the first word in the uh in the title of the stream is vanilla so mods that change that would be obviously ignored uh nope i am not going to engage them i don't think the uh the legion is ready well you know i could save scum but i'm probably gonna get my butt kicked because that legion is uh outfitted terribly and that's kind of a lot of ships but i just saved so whatever we'll see you think it's xenomorphs glitch yeah it sounds like xenobars moon's haunted come on yeah the legion isn't going to be able to keep up here just thought it's just full of like garbage flag and i don't have enough firepower to cut through the big ones i don't think yeah it's just building flux until it's gonna pop all right well we won't be taking that then i sort of uh suspected as much which is why i saved right before all right let's see if there's any other there's a domain error probe over this way yeah you think i should poke at the slimy eggs that are on the uh the the table of the cafeteria maybe i should eat the egg just don't even look at it don't even analyze it just eat it just down the hatch all right again no i don't have the fleet to engage that and there's no ser um i'm not gonna bother surveying there i already have a colony location picked out um that is it i've hit up everything so let's uh let's head home and return to elvis and uh let him know the unfortunate news that uh moon's haunted moon's totally haunted it might be a decent idea to actually it looks like i've surveyed all this already i was going to say a decent idea to hit things up on the way there um points of interest that i have not explored but i've pretty much explored all of these systems here so i'm just gonna go straight there save time and then after this so here's what i'm going to ask after this what do you want me to do what to do next another campaign mission uh set up a comms relay for gotenheim a smuggle um design a smuggler fleet bounty hunt trade build rep with indy tri-tech and those those six options they'll have to do if you have other suggestions uh you know what i will do i will open up the suggestion box for future polls it's open now oh i missed something ah let's not turn back probably garbage and the mat just repaired the erratic fuel injector yeah so my big old ship here is less demodded now than it was before uh the erratic fuel injector gives me better fuel efficiency of that uh of that legion and uh that means i'm not burning so hot so i don't know what we were at before but right now the legion takes 12 a day and then everything else takes 1.6 or 2. so legion is still sucking fuel but uh removing the d mods is pretty useful so i'm totally okay with that hey merps yeah i lost two d mods already actually i don't know what the other d mod was it was um i think the armor was demoted i'm not even sure but i've already lost two which is awesome that's why i brought it along even though it's gonna be stupid expensive to to haul it around uh yeah it had screwed up factories for fighters yeah that might be what it was it had a uh broken manufactory which okay yeah that's i think that's what it was either way we're getting rid of them so that's awesome oh did i overshoot it i did i have so much fuel i overshot it so bumble up is now kicking out uh we're even paying hazard base so it's kicking about 12k um which is awesome all right so letting him know the bad news oh captain uh he looks uncharacteristically gloomy i heard about what happened i feel so bad for the gravity dynamics department i'm sure they're devastated he looks downcast at the datapad in front of him i'm gonna give him a moment i yes we should carry on it's what they would have wanted he left his data pad back up and taps it once on his desk and the report from the replacement researchers about your performance was he squints hmm i mean satisfactory on the whole and with the data you collected from the outpost site his mood is improving rapidly you note the mission isn't a total failure i mean look at this he taps excitedly at things on the display you can't see typical nerd hey hey guys look it look i'm tapping things um and i've been authorized to release full payment so there we go full payment our relationship with him goes up seven our relationship with the independence goes up three which is good because you guys wanted me to work on my relationship with tritac and independence uh so welcome back and next you say set up coms relay and take another mission so coms relay is gonna take priority uh comms for jotun and campaign all right got that updated so let's see we can ask about a let me just put these up as one two three uh what next mission i'll read them off and and then you can vote but you can already read it ask about scientific object retrieval mission ask about transporting scientists to research outpost in alpha mengrala ask about data retrieval uh on sabriel i'm not really sure if so this is beta triad this is alpha mangrila and this is sabriel in the akron system i'm curious if any of them line up with going to install a comms relay um main gorilla is this way home is that way so they're kind of in the right direction for the uh whatever that was number two and then i'm not sure where the other ones are akron well i have no idea where it is but yeah whatever you want to vote for i'll make it work even if it's a lot more fuel so two one all right looks like one is the one to do so that's betadrad dryad where is that which oh it's over here there it is all right it's actually kind of near the other one so i could maybe accept both and uh don t don tarrison thank you for the resub you wanted the call out so bad and death thanks for the uh the follow all right so let's let's go accept two this time so data retrieval is the one you voted on primarily uh so the gravity control department needs me to pop over 20 light years away there is a 54 000 payment they've been authorized to provide me a neutrino detector um okay and now i have neutrino detector as an ability and then the other one was the alpha mangrola uh they is pretty standard for 59 000 uh just drop off some researchers okay done and done uh so if i'm trying to build up my reputation with the independence and tritac i'm not going to buy my fuel on the black market with the independence and tri-tac i will try to buy from persian or someone else um because hey hatbacks long time no see buddy uh because you know we don't want to piss them off all right i will keep uh hauling around this uh lug of bolts uh legion that i have with me in order to try to remove d-mods so the dryad and mangala are here i have enough fuel to get there but not home so let's keep shopping for fuel i'm not going to do any shopping here because the rest of these systems are independent and that would piss the independence off pissing the hegemony however pissing them off is fine because i already have good rep with them so if we take a look at my reputation here uh the hegemony i'm already up to 23 and the person in league i should probably stop pissing off because i have negative 14 which is kind of bad improving it might actually be um beneficial to me so that i don't you know go to war with them just yet so i'm gonna head up to corvus to jingala to buy more black market fuel hey tangier thanks for the uh gifted sub do you like this game well i like the fact that you are one of my ace pilots that i rely on as you can see in my um my fleet here you are the captain of this uh this legion so it's a it is a good arrangement we have what are the goals what's the flavor of this run it's sort of being determined turn by turn i just started a new colony a brand new colony that is barely off the ground um so we're focusing a little bit on that but then all the other things that we end up um we end up doing will just be polled at this point is there darn it i want to buy more fuel but i want to buy fuel in the direction of where i'm headed which seems to be difficult uh i guess i could buy a lot of church feel but they're going to want to tithe me so i'll just buy some legit fuel uh but if i'm buying legit fuel let me buy it from the independence don't you touch me get away all right that should be enough fuel and there goes my reputation really because i bought a little bit of black market fuel you guys are such bullies they're such bullies oh the church doesn't hide just the path um all right well i'll buy some fuel at gilead if you you this game isn't on steam you have to go to fractal softworks uh i think i have that in my about uh this series can only be per okay well this game can only be versions on the star sector's website not steam or elsewhere uh maybe i should fix that i'll fix the wording so it is more clear all right done and time to piss off the church i hate the church oh but hey there's systems being overrun by pirates oh well and that interdict didn't hit me transverse jumps bye-bye all right so we have enough fuel to do what we need to do so beta dried dryad or whatever it's called was one of the places that we wanted to go so it would be artifact recovery here and then alpha mangrola there i probably want even more fuel purchased so that i can make it yeah honestly i'm gonna want more fuel purchased so i can make it up to um build the nav beacon so i guess i'm not black marketing it also uh building a stability nav beacon um i'm trying to remember what the re relay costs in terms of resources it's trans blue tonics but i forget how much um i'm trying to google it real quick it's not 10 or 20 yeah something like that i want yeah i'll i'll buy some here buy oop 50 trans boutonna er 50 transphotonics and like 200 metal just in case you know what am i buying them for i'm buying them for a stability uh beacon it's actually right here uh right there as part of the uh the goal and anything i don't use i can just stash all right so that's a ton of fuel so much fuel let's bounce going to beta first and now i can cut my uh my transponder because we're not in the core systems anymore and save yeah i should definitely save drugs all right how is boom low progressing here farming's not making money anymore but the population infrastructure is well when i swing by there we'll see what kind of improvements we can make and if i should invest in more developments or not i'll be by there with a stability beacon soon so i am heading to nope other one i'm heading to [Music] orbiting gas giant guess not this one oh but there's stuff here you can see more info on the colonies tab yeah um here i am paying for the hazard pay i think once i get my um once i get my stability up a little bit higher with the beacon we can reassess what we want to do nope not engaging there's a lot of probes around here there's also a survey ship here too so this is a good system to come back to at some point seems to be a lot of salvage and things nope not engaging that uh i guess i've already hit up this system before because some of it has been ruins explored and stuff but it is full of probes that would be good for farming um survey data and whatnot even experience if we want the combat oh yeah but it has a has a nice water world that's why i've been here before so here's the salvage rig for the quest uh you approach the derelict your sensor officers quickly points out that there are no that you're not the first to have found it outgassing and debris around the target's hall match a profile of recent salvage operation and they were professionals growl's your ops chief with more of a hint of respect whoever got here first uh made efficient breach cuts at key access points leaving only a neat net of lines secured to borrow pittons favored by deep space salvage rats you send out salvage team knowing that they'll find and they perform their sweep with cautious efficiency your mission target is missing you order your team's telemetry to hollow and hollow feeds to be attached to the mission file as proof that you performed this job for the academy to the best of your ability captain your operation chief calls attention to an active screen displaying the residual heat around breaching cuts they're still hot we might be able to catch the scavengers who made these cuts your mind races putting a plan together if you burn fast towards the closest jump point their logical destination possibly after spending more time in the system you might just catch the scavengers before they jump for hyperspace perhaps they can be persuaded to give up the piece you are looking for all right so the closest jump point would be here and i'm going to e-burn towards it and there's stuff oh is this you yep here they are all right you caught up to the scavengers who took the domain error uh forged components you glanced at their tactical report and intense moments before the comms link up so here is their ships they obviously have a lot more ships than i do um they're an arm fleet but not heavily and you're far from the core worlds if you were to attack this fleet and prevail you're unlikely to face serious repercussions from any major faction or even the independent paul uh uh polities still no matter how the uh type the infosec or how loyal the crew dark romans always swirl in the wake of bloodthirsty captains the incoming calms request light blinks at you the independent fleet assumes a neutral position it does not appear to be the captain of your identity any hostilities will have a reduced impact on your reputation so here's the kicker we did indeed want to stay positive with the independence so i'm going to answer the comms request and it is an independent captain an image of cameron maguire the commander of the independent scavenger fleet coalesces before you in just a look you can see his eyes that you both understand the stakes in meeting a stranger in the dark volume outside the core worlds bright star as captain he says what brings you to this humble orbit um i am going to go with the soft approach of number one rather than the bluff you begin to negotiate he only wants 13 000 for it so yeah i'm gonna agree to the price it's fine we bought the artifact and we can leave having not sullied our reputation with the independence all right next we have a science team to hear it's a baron babarda world somewhere in this system and i have enough fuel to get there and keep going so that's what we'll do give puppies a treat my pleasure yoda you gotta wake up for this buddy you need a save reminder i'm making you want to play star sector again well uh hat back i'm not going to stop you hey there we go matt just repaired damaged weapon mounts it is not d modded anymore it's fully oh my god that is such a balanced it is fully repaired it's a 100 operational legion now boom all right god that is uh that's crazy crazy strong just a little bit op yeah just a little bit of course it like bankrupted me 200k to uh get it up to snuff but yeah that's fine it would have been like a million to fix it traditionally all right so the baron bombarded world is here uh i'm gonna poke over to the other worlds before i go there though to see if there's um no there's no surveys oh god it's a neutron star no what is this the old mercury that blew up yoink thank you for your luxury goods man very happy that his ship is now not kaputski's donate some bits thank you and minnerot thanks for the follow as well and cruzio i think you redeemed a pet tusky not only will i pet tusky i will give her a treat oh here you go girl sorry i skipped you me yeah oh yeah oh man all these missions have been failures scan the surface for the academy your comms officer transmits a coded signal to the coordinates provided by the academy and you receive transpander pingback hey for once someone's home a comslink is established allowing you to exchange greetings with the leader of the outpost they seem eager to become your friend an invitation is extended to share a meal with the research team leads if all it all feels rather false to you but experience with the academy has taught you that these academics careers depend upon fostering networks of influence after confirming the details of the shuttle flight down you exchange pleasantries and close the channel ma'am there's something i would uh wait who's calling me ma'am what what your comms officer says seriously wait ma'am since when um okay we've received a transmission from what looks a modified telemetry repeater in low orbit it is a cry for help a hastily recorded hollow from the outpost leader you just spoke to hear disheveled sweating and fearful reveals that the research outpost has been taken over by some kind of beta level ai core it's facing uh it's forcing the researchers to work on [Music] six stir attached surveillance records and system blogs seem to bear out this bizarre claim uh help us please pleads the outpost leader through thickening holostatic snow you're our only and uh yep that's it the signal degradates to pure noise you consider your options rogue ai's are considered extremely dangerous they're also extremely legal through most of the sector we can a uh one someone let me create a little poll here what to do i don't think option number three is available to me because i don't have any marines so one two in four that's going to be confusing um option one option two option four so we can either try to negotiate perform an orbital strike to destroy the ai despite the human cost or leave this wasn't in your contract i currently do not have marines um to be able to capture or destroy the air i which is unfortunate because that might have been the best option um i just didn't have any marines it only takes five marines which is sad because i have like 750 crew and not a single one of them has any guns but live and learn all right we're going to negotiate with the ai that is overwhelmingly the response your com officer reopens the channel to the outpost and you confront the outpost leader with what you've discovered the image of the broadly smiling scientist freezes glitches and distorts as the ai drops all pretense blocked two hundred four no two five seven com system breach attempts captain your comms officer report whispers in your earpiece now they've stopped uh greetings valued valued subject rama interrupt query to join us to join this is hard to read we us them ceremonial meal deception function assume denied cold dark alone request omega fail fail core error fallback noise pattern flow and weave across the comms display solidifying for moments on something suggestive of a face before collapsing dissolving like a storm systems on the lee side of a gas giant query ratamat polite request elaborate presumed offer attempt to negotiate the release of prisoners or close the comms i'm obviously going to attempt the release you pause a moment considering then explain in clear simple language that the ai should release the researchers to allow them to board the shuttle that you will send you state that you will have an armed fleet in orbit and only wish to see the situation resolved in a way that is ensures the safety of all parties received captain ratamat hyper space capable vessel 7 human credit amount flagship blah blah blah blah conclusion hostage life support system deactivate now research staff 14 count you glance through a list of demands sent by the ai a small transport shuttle a few varieties of maintenance drones 10 supplies 5 heavy machinery 30 anti-matter fuel this type of shuttle can't make hyperspace but there is no telling what this ai could do with the list of demands i could pay it accept the terms or use a story point to convince it to surrender so here's more options um i could accept the terms and make for the exchange convince the idea surrender using a story point story points are uh are renewable they're not they're not a finite amount necessarily as you level up you will continue getting more story points so that's a that's a pretty good way to not have this have ramifications or just like walk away drop the mic walk away right everybody what would you do all right it's a dead heat between the top two options but either we could try to make the exchange or try to talk it down it's too bad i didn't have marines to just be able to steal the beta core yeah they do take a long time to get late game because then it requires you to get a lot of experience on the guy in uh z and or thanks for the follows by the way all right we're gonna go convince the eye to surrender and i'll close that up uh you consider the situation the ad does not seem nearly so clever as you've been led to believe um and was it the subject of some experimentation or modification that removed much of its intellectual capacity you suspect that the fresh batch of academics i'm just going to call them academics will not be so forthcoming with details whether through ignorance or simple human desire or not um all right so there we go we talked it down minutes later your comms officer is repeating attempts to reopen columns [Music] we have transmission from surface you recognize the research lead i think it deactivated itself there isn't some trick again is it and i gave the beta core as a result beta cores are pretty nice uh and then we've completed the transport the science team uh i'm not going to bother doing a survey because it doesn't have any points of interest there and i'm going to do transverse jump out otherwise we're going to get neutron blasted so let's get the hell out of here all right uh let's get up to jonheim hoping that i will have enough fuel so this uses 400 and okay yeah let's hope that i have enough fuel to get out there and back uh but here's the beta core that i got which i can in the future use to improve the industries of my uh my home worlds uh how the outpost was surviving all the gamma radiation maybe it was a tidally locked planet and they were living on the dark side or maybe they were underground or maybe they were never human at all a bunch of a.i oh you know what i'm going to stop here for a second that's a lot of planets volcanic volcanic volcanic toxic volcanic baron okay yeah no not a lot of like lovely planets but this system has a lot of planets holy moly jesus that's a lot of stuff was it a good trade yes um yeah i would say it's a good trade later on beta cores aren't as rare when you're able to take on remnant fleets uh because you can farm cores oh hold on let me let me consider some surveys here because there's oh jesus definitely some ruins but the corona was blasting away uh that's more than i could carry error pro now what happened to my e-burn it just i'll i'll all of a sudden stopped e-burning and that gave me the location of a uh survey ship there's more ruins here with a gamma core all right i'm gonna have to make note to come back here in the future i basically don't have cargo space so i'm just dumping everything into the into space now and i'd rather be able to loot and keep what i have hey ash thanks for the follow uh i should have done a transverse jump oh and save good call i'll even save copy paranoid about losing progress because i am rusty at this game all right so here we are nope this is one south how's my okay yeah my fuel's fine i'll be able to make it back to the car world's no problem let's head out to a stable location and get some stability added make shift uh com relay adds one stability done uh let's also [Music] go to the other stable location and build something else probably a nav so i'm faster but maybe coms so comms would give me intel while i'm here yeah maybe comms i'm already at max burn level so i'll go comms now nav would help the um the local fleet that isn't my fleet like my own armadas that get built here eventually to speed up but i could always change my mind i'm glad my name is an artifice fist uh first shift sounds like a really bad name uh so let's do is are there now let me save real quick i'm not really sure if there's like diminishing returns on that or not if i could do two comms relays i would uh you hope i'm having fun with the game i am uh it doesn't matter my stability's already topped up at 10. it doesn't matter if i go higher than 10. so i take that back um i will build comms or yeah no not comms uh sensor it hasn't been doing returns it takes the highest one good to know all right so there we go we have a little bit more sensors here and next up i will travel straight to the that's not true i'll travel to the sindran dictat to buy some fuel i don't really care about my rep with them so much so two missions done and what to do next uh we have got a few options here we can do more [Music] campaign missions build rep with tri-tac or indie go smuggling go bounty hunting and if you have any other suggestions besides those use the suggestion box that should be open and i'll add like two or three more in in a minute if you got anything i could refit yeah well another thing you know what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to yamaha and drop off the legion i don't need to be holding a legion with me around um because that is like the most expensive ship of all the ones i own to haul around at this point it might even be worth i'm not sure if i'm ever going to use the conquest that's the kicker i guess i could pull for that be sad to get rid of the poetic artist but maybe that's what i'll ask first should i keep the conquest all right so the reason for this question is it it really depends on what kind of uh fleet composition we have if i keep the legion and the conquest they're both carriers and they both sort of save the firm they serve the same purpose um i'm totally okay going conquer uh like a carrier fleet versus a you know fighter fleet i repair d-mods and then sell so that's another thing i could do is i could pick up the conquest and see what it sells for versus the legion and then if i think that und modding it is worth doing for money i could do that as well as a as a possible third solution oh and i flew past my target again 14th legions are rare yes the battle group legion that i have right now are pretty rare whereas a regular conquest is not as rare actually and for points of reference i need to take both uh it's a little bit apples and oranges because they're damaged so i'm gonna have to repair it which is gonna be uh pricey and i don't have enough crew to keep them in strength is that a hephaestus keep that okay i have enough crew to man them all now so if we go to the fleet screen the mat i can sell for 200k the poetic artist can sell for 20k because it's de-modded um it's probably so i'm gonna add another option up here and reset the poll the third option would be to remove mods and sell all right so there's the three and we'll have a new poll because it it looks to be worth it even if i consider removing all weapons from it i think it's still probably net's money yeah it still it will net me money either way because there's basically no weapons on this to begin with all right so it has increased maintenance faulty power grid compromise hall and it has a heavy ballistics integration um let's see augmented field drive and efficiency overhaul and nav take relay dedicated targeting core and just toss in some vents and capacitors maybe some other things yep apparently other things let's do expanded shields not quite enough and has a compromise haul so i'll do heavy harmer no that's expensive um something cheap accelerated shields all right it's not fantastically built but it's built-ish all right so here is the product artist uh i'm not gonna do weapon groups or anything i hope it never comes to that and uh i'm gonna put the legion away so i don't have to feel both because that's gonna be way too expensive uh but the legion will be ready to go next time i need it which is cool here's the conquest so the conquest is not a uh it's about a cruiser not about a carrier or battle ship um it's not the reason why i i was thinking about not keeping it is it's it's for battle cruisers it's not great it's a it's fine it was free i got it for free so free is amazing but it's not it's not the best tier and it looks like uh you all are gonna agree with me we're going to un-d mod it and then and then give it the hevo um all right i have way too much crew on my on me right now so let me ditch some crew i'll um i'll take like a bare minimum and then i'm also going to put the fighters away which is part of the legion i shouldn't shouldn't have stripped them out i was just trying to compare pricing all right there we go so now we are going to head over to galatia and make our money and uh wait for these d mods to get removed and then we're gonna sell the ship to keep our us afloat because uh these glacier missions when i'm having the giant battle cruisers in tow are kind of expensive the fuel and the supplies to to keep rolling so we might have to pause for a bit but uh what to do next was a question oh god why does it keep getting overwritten every time i try to see okay so what to do next campaign missions bounty hunting trading smuggling building rep uh treasure hunting or uh porter gardens i'm gonna have to reject yours i can't afford a second colony so i can't put that in the uh in the poll there for a second colony i would need i don't know half a mil at least to be able to really afford a second colony so don't exactly have half a mil lying around i could sell something important but then i'd be ditching it place an officer on the conquest yeah i probably should especially one that uh lowers cost so let's put that here and thing face let's swing by the uh hegemony planet to buy some fuel as you can see the credits are coming down down down i have not been focusing on making credits they will pay me about 100k for um for the missions i just ran but that's really not enough to keep the quit trying to scam me uh to keep my current fleet afloat so we don't have enough uh colonization infrastructure to to pay for itself quite yet let's take a look at that uh yeah i mean it's it's growing here as you can see this is where total growth is it's 41 of growing up and um i could let's see what improvements could be made i could increase accessibility through the star port so after this poll is done i'm gonna ask you if i should do that the other story points here is for stability but that wouldn't help me because i'm already maxed i could make improvements to farming which increases production which would i can afford through story points as well um and then this is for stability which wouldn't help me either so next i'll ask if you think i should spend some story points to improve my colony all right you open comms and he looks twitchy um hello captain good to see you the replacement team from the xenobiology department they're glad to be back home um there's a bit of a problem with your mission file it looks like no someone is just out of your view of your display he gives you the smallest nods to the other party then turns back to your attention all the data was er irreparably erased and i cannot emphasize enough that the academy considers this matter highly confidential um all intellectual property novel methods patented devices and other means observed in the course of carrying out this mission file are deemed confidential uh so there we go so treasure hunting we will go next got it the academy recognizes your exceptional service particularly your discretion in this matter so the office of the bursar has seen fit to double your mission payout uh payment and uh quick glance to the other party uh to other partly behind the display and then back to you that's uh all i could that's all captain we should discuss other matters and not return on this subject so basically don't talk about what happened out there and then the other mission um you have no idea how worried i was the gravity control department was about this whatever it is he considers that for a moment domain error forged components will likely be delighted uh when i let them know that you found it first though i will let the finance department know to release your payment all right we're not gonna inquire about any additional jobs just yet we're gonna go treasure hunting so let's leave we did make some good money so that's uh that's always good uh so treasure hunting means that i don't really need to carry much of a fleet just a ghost crew i'm gonna uh refuel at the fueling station over here or mining station both a little bit of black market a little bit of legit and then we'll get on our way i still have cores in tow but as long as i have uh mules with me and that should be fine uh all right i'm going to head to aztlan and buy some more fuel to go treasure hunting so what we're hoping to do is to find either oh you know i need to go to yama and pick up my um my freighters as well so that we have space for treasure just save and upgrade to megaport i'm going to save anyway but uh whether we upgrade to megaport or not we'll be up to you so let's take a look at boomelope here i don't have the money to upgrade to mcports that is a moot completely but i could make improvements so should i buy should i spend story points to make improvements yes improve both farm and what was the other one uh s pop infrastructure no it was a spaceport both farm and space port improve farm improve space port all right there are three options for how to spend the story points and put the vote timer will you will your full fleet be able to take on those domain error probes um the full fleet might be able to yeah but right now i'm um i'm hauling around the conquest to repair it and sell it so um the this conquest i have in tow right now is it would i would risk busting it up if i did that oh a scavenger that wants to mess with me go away scab all right i'm going to store the course no i don't need to store the course but what i do need to do is to take uh some treasure haulers so i'm going to take the mules and the freighters and then i'll take the little uh wolves with me too i am under strength so then let's also take the crew to 785 now maybe a little higher 800 a clean 800. all right so the fleet now is uh fanface and poetic artist trying to get that up to snuff it is the three mules that are really really poorly designed that i should probably refit at some point and then a bunch of storage uh small little wolves for fighting and then some storage for uh for if i find anything of value out there thank you so very much for watching star sector which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of star sector please think about voting for it when it comes up in the polls and you can find out when the streams are by going to and checking the countdown timers or stream schedule thank you so very much for watching i will catch you next episode for an upcoming stream farewell everybody
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 7,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starsector, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: BHsjnUSTa6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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