Starsector: Nexerelin - (Open World Space Sandbox)

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star center is not on steam uh it is here on and um it is even though it's still in development uh i think it's gotta be my like at least top 20 games uh ever i love this game and uh it wasn't until recently i discovered why i love it so much and it's because it it's it's sid meier's pirates just uh even more so just we're in space in space without the dancing i'm a little bummed about not having any dancing but anyway we're going to build ourselves a fleet and we will peruse across space doing whatever we want piracy or scott or scavenging or trading or uh taking up a flag a banner and destroying our enemies maybe all of those things um uh so the reason i'm playing it now even though there wasn't an update is i am exploring the nexorelin mod and that mod makes it even more um you know mountain blade like oh uh open world the empires grow uh wars actually have effects and and and it just adds a whole nother layer of frosting on the star sector cake so um have you heard of mountain blade uh i have yeah yeah so yeah mountain blade pirates mixed into one throw it in space in their star sector i've done several videos on this before and i come back to it from time time to time and time again because i love it and we're gonna see what's going on here so i do have a plan today uh in addition to just sort of exploring the nexarella mod um there's different ways of playing this and i'm gonna be just a nobody i'm gonna start with one little ship a little frigates just me and my ship you know living the life uh and and if all goes well i'll tell you where i want this to go may not go that way uh by the end of i may stream there's a few times uh by the end of it i want to have a planet i want to have an empire and i want to see um i want to see my my name in the sky we'll see about that anyway let's try this thing out and jump on in let's pick a face for myself there's a lot of different kinds of mods for this thing and next relent is just sort of like the uh the the assumed one that you're gonna use because it's good stuff uh but there's loads of other stuff i just have that one in here though um and we'll see what it does for us but let's go pick me i want to be oh yeah that guy that guy right there that's me old guy you know i i've done my time i served in the hegemony um you know it's just been i'm done with all that it's time for me to go out and and sail my own ship out on my own my name well i used to have a name but now they call me backpack all right backpack we're gonna go with a small galaxy small sector welcome to the nexurel and mod for star city it is essentially a 4x extension of the game so there's me wars alliances all kinds of stuff happening within the within the map within the within this space and um that's what we're hoping to see here uh today or or whenever so uh yeah yeah uh we're gonna you can read that if you want have fun okay so uh the last things we can adjust here i'm going to um enable i want i do want the core worlds typically to play the game the core worlds are pretty much similar and then and then extra stuff is all randomly generated it's all random today uh the generation i'm gonna leave that as it is that's fine um faction settings we'll leave that as it is as well uh factions are scaled okay that's fine no one's gonna be respawning you know that's fine um and those we can also do like there's like an easy mode we take less damage that might be more my style we have starfarer mode which is hard mode that's not my style uh we have random shot locations we have broken bits on our ship if we want just custom scenarios for like the old uh the n taran's come back or whatever um we'll leave it all off okay now for my uh backpack flu a cargo hauler for the military yes yes yes you can see it in his eyes uh so i'm gonna go i'm not gonna go with um i'm not gonna go with a uh like a spacer start which is where like we we start with a shuttle and we owe debt to some folks uh uh it's like the extra hard version that's not my style i'm gonna go with a free start though because i don't want to be associated with anything backpack like i said backpack has sailed his ship uh he's done his time he's out to sail on his own uh he's gonna start with one ship though so i'm gonna see what kind of what kind of ship we're gonna get we have a tempest class attack frigate i do like the tempest just one little tempest to my name yes you know you can go out there with a whole fleet but what what good is a fleet um well i don't know where i'm going i don't know where i'm going with that anyway we're gonna go in and we're level one and we will grow as time goes on the idea is we're we're basic we're making our way uh um uh into the the um the limelight or whatever so uh backpack what does backpack want to learn this skill as i think i'm gonna go with the bulk transport i mean his name is backpack and it gives me more cargo space and fuel space and personnel space so i can go and make some money so we may actually go into i haven't told what we would do yet as far as like how we're going to get to the part of having an empire um i figure we'll kind of let the game dictate what we will be doing but um for now we're going to be carrying some things around if you know a guy who knows uh knows a guy about transport stuff he can get anything that's right that's right okay let's take a look here uh we are in ludic path uh no no syndra okay so let's go look at i saw that uh i thought i saw didn't look path pop there it is loot path i saw it pop open okay so let's take a look at our map first off and see where we are here we are in the ling star system and look at that space is different i like it i like it so all this is unexplored and uh potentially very hostile stuff and in space here we have we are in the cinderian and there's a pirate base there we've got it's like the ludic church over that way uh tritakion over there along with the the panthers and the hijabis over that way we we're uh i think we start off the same as normal or like we're friends with everyone we're not friends but neutral of everyone except we are hostile with the ludic path and pirates there's even some unexplored places here in the middle of space let's be interesting i'm really curious the reason why the whole point here i really want to see this next rally mod in action and i want to see the empires grow in war and all that in relation to tom nook no no he's a swindler we got naikun over here is tritakion as well percion's over that way we've got new biscay bunch of pirates and let's try to more try tacky on over that way um i mean we'll hang around here we'll see what we can find i'm just going to get an idea of the lay of the lay of the space you know we've got a couple ports here and a pirate base over there yeah you know okay okay let's let's stop on in here and say hello let's see what we got uh much nothings all right well let's go to the bar shall we take a shuttle down the main concourse and quickly you find a likely looking establishment there's a woman with a military offering bounties from the military offering bounties uh i'm not really into bounty mood at the moment um maybe another time but one of these days i'll i will do it um maybe anyway let's go let's get some goods uh so with this next one you start with this uh this james device um i'll probably not be using it but i'll pop it in my fleet uh it's like the ring teleport thing we'll see if we get there [Music] so um let's see if uh what we can make some money on um do you have hey that's what i'm looking for looking for some lemonade um and also what's the other big money maker is armaments any armaments you don't eh okay well let's see if there's any anybody buying here oh look at that in lange we're in lane we make like 150 bucks a piece if we go to the pirate base that seems like a like seems like a like a reasonable idea um so with my 20 grand that i have to my name i think even that one even that one's actually good stuff to the pirates we could even go to the we could buy for 48 here and go across the street and sell it for 65 and and we would do it without any uh illegal activities okay okay okay what about people buying for 45 sell them for 35 no no fuel no well maybe we should do we should maybe do a couple a couple runs of peaceful things we'll pick up some domestic goods just just just to get started here because we buy them for 48 we can go sell them over there there's six there's a deficit of 2000. sell him a bunch of stuff just to get a little bit but you know we can be honorable folks for a couple days uh and we'll see what we can do i'm going to pick up a ship though the prize of high orbit is the name of my ship i love it i love i don't love it that much because because it's now called the bob ross okay bob ross uh he's got some things uh i don't know i'm gonna care about really much of this stuff i could put some expanded cargo holds or whatever no that's fine let's go see if we can buy something so a lasher ain't terrible i really want something that's going to be like uh like a hound would be good so i think we'll pick up a hound there's a wolf right there also we'll pick up we'll pick up a hound for 10 grand yeah yeah i want one of those okay i just missed that um i need a name if anyone wants to be uh wants to be the the the name let me know uh i'll probably do stream this we'll see how this goes i might stream this more than one day if you're watching this on youtube later uh and you to be a ship let me know give me a name and i'll throw you in there but um those of you here now if you'd like to be the new ship if i can push the right button really all you're going to do is carry stuff so you're going to be like the han solo or whatever you want to be if you're you want to be a hound oh you are right hellhound scold is going to be that the unremarkable excellent excellent oh i'll um um i'll get you oh no i'll get you you'll be like the leader of the fleet that'll be you uh i do want shield cargo holds i'm gonna go ahead and autofit you just as a standard guy and i'm gonna change out that and maybe one of those and add in a cargo hold extra cargo holds yeah yeah yeah yeah okay your job is to carry stuff around and because you're a hound you have shield cargo holds which means if we're carrying things like lemonade then folks won't know we have lemonade hello jf it going i will do my best to uh to uh ease your night okay so let's go and um load up the rest stuff because we got all kinds of space now so we're going to grab some peaceful domestic goods i think grab a couple people you need to fill up on people hang on uh just give me yeah we have one extra uh and then i think we're finally known supplies and then we're gonna go pick up from the black market uh we could buy it from here nah what do we buy a hound for okay so we'll load up on all those guys we might as well buy all of them right i'm doing the right thing we're gonna go to lang we're to sell at mel texas for 65 buying for 48 sell for 65. yeah push the right button here we go so we're going to load it up i will buy it those are some tariffs uh sometimes uh what's the button to do what i can what i can do that was shift no control doesn't control no i forget remember the button that i push to uh just take what i want what i can what i can afford okay so uh we got 141 to our name excellence let's get out there and let's go to here to space name one the hawk talon for me when you get okay all right all right so we're gonna run over there um these little uh like analyzing caches and things is good good money so that might be one of our things to do also um i don't have a big space uh but space isn't real big so maybe it'd be reasonable okay so let's see what kind of money we can make okay did i make any money on that deal i think i did but i don't know enough if i did make some i don't know what i did uh they have an episode of drugs here also sorry lemonade lemonade um 281 here we could also buy it back at the other place couldn't we it's cheap over there we could go four light years to carrick pick it up for 200 and come up here and sell it for 21. not as good a deal as the pirates what do you what do you guys have a lot of uh what's going on here um so you're short on fuel any extra volatiles i could go get some lobsters maybe we should make some lobster dealing is the lobster still happening since we're at a random world hmm you got a good deal not really um that's a long way to go for the money there expensive okay marines a little bit of a jump fuel deficits supply deficit this is what a terrible place okay um i will um i'm just gonna leave from here go back to where i came from just a quick quick jaunt eases into this uh where's these little uh these things where is that where's that tragedy where am i at here how do i tell to move tell me uh where um oh i forgot my buttons fuel range is w okay okay that's a long way out there which i don't well if you're with me really also the weapons cache that's also way out there okay no ship insurance none of that nonsense okay we have any uh there's bounties they're all outs there's one right there um exploration looks like we've got a survey over there for four grand okay okay away we go speed up some time here is it uh oh it is i thought it was hold down shift just tap oh we got a smoker coming in we're going to mount back in here and and i think we may we were ready that was that was just to sort of wet our appetite and speaking of water appetites they have lemonade here it's a pretty good deal we've got pirates in this system to make some money yeah let's do that so i'm gonna buy some of those for nine grand and i can buy them all for all the money that i have so let's go i think i'm good on eight supplies we're just going across the street again so we're gonna do that we'll be a little more crafty this time though we want to go to here nice nice and easy like nice and easy like oh what is this stress come on uh change this one out with like my hopefully jump in there just just to have it in there but i'm not there yet okay so when we get a little bit closer we will turn on the uh we'll turn off the uh the what i mean the transponder slide on into the the pirates and all we'll be fine a little close to these guys probably should be on so close fly casually you know um don't drop don't don't attract too much attention okay there's the pirates right there so it's about ready what is this who's this scavenger ship okay disengaging from mika station uh let me go this way okay we're going to drop the transponder and hop on in oh there's some debris look at all oh no um well mika station's joining the enemy oh no no we're here to trade okay good yeah yeah yeah all right let's trade uh hello pirates you don't mind if i go to your black market to your 17 grand there we go okay i'm rich okay um let's pick up these will be expensive here and we have three supplies to our name oh there's an excess actually here 26 we could run 52 down there exodus of marines as well yeah you know what i'll help pirates out i'm not i'm not opposed to that they haven't shot me up they they kind of roughed me up a little bit but uh that's okay i'm gonna buy a couple of these why are they so high right now am i using so much per day what am i doing let's go and get let me turn the music up a little bit i want to leave oops uh oops i just want this i just want to escape that better you hear a little better okay there we go too quiet uh where's my supplies going what am i using my supplies we just used them all just sitting there what would i hit what i do um i gotta buy him i think i want to go and get like we just load up on marines one thousand go sell them uh three light years away and 284 each that's a decent profit um there's a bit of a jump there so we can we can grab some marines sure yeah give me some marines memories i carry 71 of them that's the money i'll pay that i'm gonna buy some of these as well about 20 expensive okay make money with the marines i think um we can only carry 97. so we can't hit anything else but there's some organics buy for 20 and sell is that where we're going we're going to crisco okay excellent so give me all those okay i think i have a few i hope i do okay so let's set let's set course to crisco which was in here right no here nordic path so no not the friendliest places to go but if we get in trouble we can go to carrick and then slide into uh crisco yeah let's get out of here okay uh we're being chased by probably that guy um let's go my buttons here let's burn away okay uh away we go you know what i should i didn't do i was is he pestering me i was going to um supplies poor planning it's been a while since i played i'm sorry um i i was going to go salvage that stuff and i forgot anyway we're going to go to crisco but what's it let's let's just run to um we'll run the carrick real quick oh i still get my money for the income i don't realize i still got that excellent okay so we'll go here we're gonna pick up a little bit of these guys which are expensive of course um i'll buy a few i'm not happy about it and then i will you have a deficit of that as well okay what about uh marines okay i'm still gonna go to chriska definitely that here as well okay okay real quick oh i just used 20 supplies to repair my ship my fleet and whoops that's that's what was damaged with my fleet hmm not sure what i what i did i flew through thompson i guess uh let's go buy some of these maybe um my refit expensive okay so we're gonna we're gonna uh we're gonna sneak out of here we gotta get our way into here these guys don't like us right i should look at this actions with a path they don't like us they're hostile so we got sliding without having our transponder on then we'll be fine there is it them no okay let's turn that off slide in here nothing to see here just some fellow traders okay um we're gonna give you some of that and some marines and i'm gonna make us some money all right uh i could use some fuel oh hey we could buy a bunch of fuel and sell it over at that's carrick oh making the big bucks today okay we don't even oh you got extra crew as well maybe maybe marines are of course expensive stuff's expensive back up to laying with the luxury goods for double our money yeah we'll do that uh these are expensive fuel is cheap so i'm gonna i'm just gonna i'm just gonna fill up yeah it's about as cheap as it gets so i'm gonna gas up here and then i'm going to take these luxury goods which could be a lot cheaper elsewhere but this isn't actually they're cheaper at carrick maybe we should run the carrick buy them there and then go up to mel again and make a little bit of cash 230 grams not too bad uh what kind of ships you got here you know let's just take a little look what do you have i could really make some money if i got another hound need a little beat down we get a tanker we can actually fly somewhere um everything is messed up here this is pirate base what's wrong with this thing it just has everything messed up with it all right we won't buy any ships here yeah let's just run over to um let's run over to carrick let's make some cash find out the shady man of the off-brand data pad is bothering people about a wally scott you there captain yes you know an honest face when you see one he gives a crooked smile um hello 30 units of harvested organs to sereneth a quick up of 10 light years then i pay you 36 000 credits no dude involved authorities no inspections no tariffs easy money right that doesn't seem like a where is it going to the persian league this is one of those ones where i have to like sneak in there without without getting a notice in some heavily defended base um okay i accept harvested organs yeah sure all right so we're gonna go we're gonna leave here transponder on get out of this place and let's head up north here johnny hunter is there some fighting going on around here no okay so while we're here we're just here to pick up a bunch of uh what was it of luxury goods right yeah 75 a piece okay 11 grand we're gonna bounce over to the west and then back up the other way i think i think i guess what we'll do i don't know maybe we should look maybe we should cancel that and see because we're going to [Music] wherever it was uh this one yeah serenith and kadesh the kadesh system so maybe something that sells good in kadesh that does not really no no no oh well that does actually okay perfect perfect buying from here let's stock up i'll buy that i'm gonna look at the fleet uh because i can buy another hound would be great no more of those uh those guys i have a wolf and omen um what about i'd like to have what do you have i like the tempest i've already got one of those there's a kite a um cerberus i don't recognize the gremlin yeah yeah sneak those illegal organs underneath the uh the trade goods they won't see it coming they won't who would who would expect a little me old backpack trusting guy uh what's the cargo space on this guy 70. a wolf would be nice to have a little broken there's a not broken wolf for a lot of money cargo capacity is 50 so we're kind of bumping up our uh our fleet here by doing this but then we could defend something if we have a wolf and my tempest i don't think we're that i don't think we're there yet i think i think we're in the making money first part 150 cargo capacity with that guy all my money every penny i have 70 what do you carry 100 um it's pretty much the same crew i don't know you carry 70. what do you think should we grab the we grab this cheapo mud skipper here cheapo mud skipper it still holds i still hold 70. you hold you hold 50. so you know much of a cardboard but you could help us fight yeah you know what let's do it and we'll use uh what little money we have left to we're not gonna fit it out any uh we'll we'll stick some cargo bays on it the uh the space raptor what a name space raptor uh no no you are the unremarkable remarkable the unremarkable excellent nothing to see here uh you're gonna have some uh uh where are they cargo holds okay that's all you need i don't care about anything else just cargo hold it up and uh i mean i'll give you some of this i guess um whatever and i'll autofit you when we get when we get to where we need you to fight but it's fine right now okay however hold cargo holds i should put up on my mind too stabilize shields yeah you know what what shields ever do for me i want some cargo holds as well okay now with my no money that i have left we're going to buy some more luxury goods from the black market obviously okay i can't afford them because because i have no money now um i need more crew also i can't afford them all i don't need that many what's what's the button to get is it what's the button uh to get only the ones the ones that we that we uh uh need to fill us is there a way of doing that i thought there was okay i need that much and i need to get as much of this stuff as i can afford which is right about oh well not 30 or 40 i just got 30. oops okay right about there's fine can you hear the music is it still too quiet no points or games thanks for following seems extra quiet to me um okay so on our way now to serenith i hope we have enough enough uh supply for this trip cause i don't have any money um use five supplies already i have zero dollars on my name and 13 goods i'm sure it'll be fine i'm sure everything will be great because we're only going all the way over here we're never gonna make it uh it'll be fine it'll be fine don't you worry oh oh not fine if we go through the sun okay i'm watching the supplies very carefully we're down to eight sustain burn please get that uh that thing off don't need that and i'm gonna um there's fast as you can you know easy on the pedal though um or whatever we whatever we use for supplies yeah i'm going to run in drop off the luxury goods and then we can fiddle around with trying to sell the other stuff the the organs little make it turn turn it on i think we're going to where we going persian right oh no but i don't want you to take my organs they're in they're in the hounds just believe they're in the hound he took seven of them that wasn't very nice of you how am i supposed to do my do my thing now yeah yeah well there goes that job that was like 30 thousand bucks can i just go get seven more from somewhere and and bring it in here i think i can can i just buy seven from here right the job is the job over i don't know i've had him just take part of it no no just get 30 organs in here okay okay oops i keep turn up a little bit more here we go okay back in there um so we need seven we need seven of these guys and we gotta get out and then get back in i'm sure it'll be okay uh man they're short on everything here okay so we gotta sneak out and sneak back in look at 30 grand for doing this anyone here want to chat all right officers available we got quartermaster um i'm at the bar here talk to an a nav arc uh yeah not confidently it's or a scent or something let's talk eat your eyes with steady gaze officer officer i can make you make yours for 55 000 credits i don't have that much money but you give me one of those things it's cool it's really nice but i'm not a rich guy okay here we go so we gotta go in dark which is never gonna happen we're just gonna make him mad how are we gonna do this cut that down i always fiddle with it so much trying to do these kind of missions they're never worth it turn that off okay just hang around here we gotta go in with transponder off can i like we're gonna go in dark too i think it's never gonna happen maybe actually no no did i get it i'm going to transplant it off without attracting attention um i did i think the patrol's on me request a fleet what does that do okay transponder on are you following me yeah alone please nothing to see here i'm just flying around catch on has made it it feels to hide around you need to go far away from the tur and turn transport on and then come back okay real quick let me lure them over to where am i going i need some asteroids to hide behind you still following me somebody's out there i think we lost him this game is not on steam okay so we're trying to go in there um you think we can carcassonne is the name of the planet we can get we can slide in there this isn't worth my supplies that i'm using like right now and turn it off turn the burn off because i don't want to be seen so pretty quiet go dark like no signature at all be real quiet real quiet nothing to see here just just a couple of ships just a couple of unremarkable ships i'm out of supplies but don't mind that i don't want to go here i want to go here all right go in there and go come out hold on let's say the fleet went away i'm out of supplies can i get here without him seeing me did i do it no because it would just pop up on me if i did it right that's it let's say forget it yeah yeah yeah we just think we just got we just gotta leave we just gotta get out somebody sees us i guess pursuing us yeah turn that off and spawner can go on we're gonna burn and stop it oh come on oh wait wait wait let me go in here i just want to trade fine we're gonna go up here forget that job what a terrible job what a terrible job hey brian i um i've tried those those missions all the time and they never work out all kinds of stuff there look at all this stuff okay let's pop in here real quick uh um make some money or get some supplies i mean and then we're gonna go get some salvage done uh would you guys like some of some of these these organs how do you feel about organs you don't really care about organs because it's dirt cheap i'm gonna get rid of them i don't know if i should do that actually um we'll hold off okay approximately fiddling around in uh um around here with all this black market stuff but whatever okay so i'll just pick up uh well let's we'll do that let me go um repair oh no we're good oh any more supplies these are expensive okay do that let's go ahead and get the repair done and we can see if someone has a job for us i've got enough people all i really need to do is go out and do some salvaging that's all i care about uh we can make some good money with that actually these are cheap right here we get some good luxury goods oh wait what if we get the luxury goods and go back across the street right yeah kadesh 140. we could do that yeah we're in the business of selling luxury goods of course that's who we are we love luxury goods we love black market luxury goods even more we're gonna do this quickly uh i'm just gonna dump these things off because they're uh um we don't we don't do illegal things around here we take yeah we take the 19 grand worth of luxury goods we go across the street and we sell it and then we come back and we're gonna do some uh some salvaging real soon real soon hey cormac how's it going are you pursuing me me but i haven't done anything i just visited the local black market i thought it was i thought it was an honest business let's come in quick all right so we're gonna sell these guys for more than that 49 grand that's 61 grand all right now i'm with an empty ship pretty much i'm gonna run over and just do some salvaging let's go let's go do that bounty hunter uh let's just go back over here because there is some good stuff over here we're going to salvage i don't have any salvage skills or anything but it's fine we're just here for the freebies what's the what's the ping um three fleet it's over here by the station why reduced by two caused by trade with enemies oh you're at war with i didn't look and see any awards going on right now um how do we see so you guys are enemies with persian okay that's that's with all the fighting's going on enemy try katakion okay and then the person who was right here at war with hegemony so that's what's going on with all this all right there's all that salvage i know there's salvage out here i saw it you tell me it all got picked up already a little privateer huh i really want to shoot something oh yeah trading with transponder off yeah that's good that's a good idea if they're at war i bet you yeah where what do you want i got nothing i mean that's personally right there right oh we gotta follow him because there's gonna be some fighting going on here and i'm here to pick up scraps what's going on over here i can't pick up scraps if you don't fight something there you go there you go there you go oh you got them good where's the scraps you got them so good there wasn't any scraps oh here we go my organ thing has failed parts like me a little less uh yes please okay we have found a colossus i think uh thing let's salvage that guy i'll take all that what else we got uh is he a super freighter an atlas class super freighter [Music] i mean what am i gonna do with this thing um i mean no we're not recovering it no no no i'll take the pieces okay what else anything else over here with those bits okay there's um scavenge oh a wolf hey a really broken wolf uh uh degraded life supports increased maintenance degraded engine i don't want that i need to get the um whatever the thing that allows me to get um allows me to get um where it fixes mods after a while okay more fighting over here yeah yeah yeah it's good stuff scavenge i'm a little short of heavy machinery let's get some of those well here we go i'm not opposed to being a scavenger what we got a uh a hound what kind of hound is it it's got a faulty power grid uh it hits that's some smashing damage that's going to give me it's like bad sensor profile and flux capacity that's all not really good um but it's oh i'll take it yeah i'll take it okay go flip screen real quick uh the new ship we got is the um the anthuzl which is now known as the what was it gavin the the the the hawk i forget i forget what you uh hawk talon there it is okay hawk talon it is uh really you're just here to cargo things around but you never know one day you might be the flagship can i do a little more uh something jump in here repair um i think it's expensive here this whole war is a pricey business i'll fill up gas up i'll pay the taxes there's excess crew here uh we could run those over and make a pretty penny person league is seven light years away uh with 35 uh as pirates look at these guys not a good deal 92 here serenity is right across the street still making us some money i think we're still going to do it we'll sell the organics sell the guns um already know that so we'll sell that sell the metals okay transpotonic ore is is a good deal here ah look at that okay we're doing it that's where we're going we're going to new guan we're going to buy this for 34 unit we're going to sell it for 178. uh we could go buy it at tesh john tesh has trans plutonix for 14. we won't get we won't get too greedy i'm gonna buy as much as i can um i'm not gonna pay taxes okay i'll i'll buy those um it's probably worth getting another ship to do this this haul crew is cheap here um i wonder if i should is it worth it to stalk all the way up i don't know we'll do that maybe i should just fill it up it's cheap here and i'm looking to get another ship i need another good freighter not a tanker um you got you got a good you gotta you got a cerberus there there's another hound so you hold you hold 75 and you hold a hundred that's a lot lashers are cool nice little cheap ships we could buy both of the service server eyes for 200 more to go make to make the most of this deal i'd like to have a big ship but we're not gonna get well we don't really want a big chip yep okay uh i will buy i'm gonna buy both of them cerberus service okay and we gotta buy some of these guys oops not that many 25 of them that should be fine uh and i'm gonna buy as much of this as we can get this isn't illegal or anything so who cares if we have transphotonics in our ship um fuel is kind of cheap here so we're gonna go ahead and fill up on that uh we'll need well we got plenty of crew there's 700 of these things there's 500 more xs there there's a there's 2 000. a new guan an i shift system and i wish i should i would should get more well we can do it again if you do so let's go to new guan now in the i shift system yeah okay independence they seem like peaceful fellas okay nice and easy does it easy does it through the clouds someone told me a few times ago i was playing this game hold s when you go through those clouds it makes a world of difference oh boy oh don't take my don't take my stuff how dare you i can't fight a bunch of wolves and shepherds and kites and hounds i do i have one story point i think yeah i use my one story point to get away from these guys i'm gonna try to run away it pursues us but i don't wanna die but i got all this money okay uh uh get out the combat in this game is fantastic uh we won't get we won't get to see it today because we're busy running away because we're scared oh run buddy run oh he's moving he's moving this guy coming from the side but he's just a little guy i wonder it's gonna say what if i could like like get their attention so they don't blow me up too i don't think it's much it's not gonna happen yeah this guy um is that his name not worth salvaging [Laughter] okay oh man dang pirates consequences of buying and selling from black market is they're more likely to uh pester you and search your ship like we've seen a couple times dang pirates i'm just trying to make a living here that's what you get for being a ship in my fleet that doesn't have a name i guess is he running away are you running away right yeah okay why is he going up why is he going back okay run away what are you doing okay all right so we lost two ships okay i'm getting story point for that uh do i have points for oh i just point jets just story points really i mean i can't if i can't fight them with what i have there's no way i'm gonna spend a story point get away from these guys [Music] what do you want look path we're friends what do you got uh brawler brawler wayfarer we got nope yeah we can't even okay they left us alone okay we're going to uh guan over here um just away from those pirates i have no good i'm going to go kind of on the outside because we go outside of the systems here stars i have supplies yeah yeah maybe two ships that blew up or just carrying supplies and nothing else that'd be real nice oh good stuff out here i think those are just ships never mind all right uh i lost 300 of them well i'm still making some money i still make some good money still making a lot of money actually how much the supplies are hey why is everything expensive here everywhere i go okay uh we're gonna get some more of those this is the best deal in in in space um we can even go to the personal league system here and get them for 62 and sell them across the street i don't know if that's the way to do it or we should just should we try to get into these these pirates and pick up a whole bunch of them and get out yeah but look at the look at the i don't know if we can get there and hold it back and still it may not be there anymore this is too good of a deal it's gonna go so we're gonna go across the street and pick up what we can those across the street want anything seems expensive yes they want luxury goods why luxury goods i mean my whole game plan this time is luxury goods and buy some more i'll even pay taxes on these things oops and is that it domestic goods what about domestic goods you want those two uh you do that's mag melon right that's where we're going yeah that's just expensive not a huge deal but it's still a deal okay i accept this deal what a dad joke do you alright i'll get you a dad joke one second okay dad joke dad joke time uh so um i got a question for you make you think uh how are uh how are 10 plus 10 and 11 plus 11 the same 10 plus 10 is 20 and 11 plus 11 is 22. okay let's go ahead and uh let's go ahead and out uh fit the unrockable we're gonna make them overdriven and remarkable i love it okay and it's just a standard hound i'm gonna holds um i'm gonna leave it sell these fine luxury good leather jackets yeah that's good stuff uh i wonder if we should look and see if should we maybe buy a um ship they got a couple more hounds make this make of the money i got a lot of garbage germantown would be kind of cool not all math puns are awful just some okay uh nope we're good with what we got uh we're not even fully loaded so we'll take what we have we're gonna go across the street and um anybody here want to chat officer you know what what idea which i'm like i've only done just like a little bit is to go in and like side up with somebody you gotta be friends with them before they can agree to let you join them there's a spacer what's he wants uh you know where a pirate base is all right there's a tattooed ruffs um uh we got 31 suits we fly in back and or back give me a contract for five thousand that's giving it away you want me to do what oh go in and actually okay no no we're not we're not here for orbital bombardment we're not in that business yet okay so we're gonna go back to uh macmillan here real peaceful like remember that different differentiation is integral no no who's following me are you are you following me do you want to fight why oh black market trade yeah yeah uh i kind of want to fight this guy i'm kind of itching to fight somebody i'm gonna hold off for a moment because i don't even have any supplies okay so we're gonna sell these guys and these guys okay a hundred grand did it game over i i'm done if i should just fight just why don't i say stock up on these things that's not the best deal i guess so we'll just buy a sizable amount of them should i buy from the black market from these guys i should probably make friends with somebody i don't know what do you have that is a good deal now those my 42 there's some crazy deals i wonder if the next round mod changes that because i don't remember him being that extreme sometimes maybe a little bit but i don't remember being like that look we can go back to isiah and just do uh more more crew and carry crew around oh we got x we got excess ore now which isn't really worth anything this this one transplatonic or yeah okay our button okay fill up on that oh we can sell some feet some crew over there too they're cheap so we'll fill up the ship uh i have some money let's see if i can i got some ships to replace anyway so let's buy some things look at those look at that carrier um carry 150 this big freighter here we want to do some fighting i like centurions of course hammerheads are great i feel like i'm at the point now that this guy can carry 300 for instance don't go in and grab a jumbo guy 300 is not that big a deal i want to go in and be able to shoot things let me buy you a kite um this con this this carrier here looks pretty nice i'd like to have i like to have one of those like this is this carries 75. what i do last time i loaded up with like loads and loads of kites all right last time it was fun but they they died immediately he didn't make it too far average rig would be good to have around um i can't decide this is 150 maybe i just buy this guy i'll just buy this 17 grand i'll buy myself a freighter and um yeah yeah let's just do that so the freighter is here to carry more of this stuff you know what i'll pay taxes i'm not all bad uh we have enough crew we fuel here is is cheap so we're gonna actually just as cheap as it gets fill up on our fuel okay we'll take our 500 and we're gonna go across the streets and sell it for uh a lot and do it all over again okay so the other thing i've got i got uh this guy the um please don't stop until see who wants to be the the the the the big carry we got we got backpack as is me um this is going to be uh um who carries things uh um this is duffel duff duffel bag okay i know it's terrible um dora yes dora that's perfect dora okay uh door will have a standard uh uh thing and really i just want you go fast uh i probably should actually just get rid of i don't need oops let's just give you cargo holds and thrusters i think i want maneuverability is that what i want top speedy injector yeah just do that take the injector let me show one more just just be fast okay it doesn't hurt my whole reduces weapon range fighter replacement time we don't care just don't get blown up that's all i care about dora okay so back back to uh what's our button here okay so we're gonna buy more okay okay let's go we're going to here but a fun day in star sector i know we haven't been any shooting or anything in fact we got shot a little bit but it's basically just been trading day we're playing gazillionaire at the moment watch out for those asteroids so anyways another idea would be to join a faction because we get paid by the faction and make money that way and we could go like we could do the bounty hunting thing or go to where they're like hey there's problems uh come over here and uh shoot these at these pirates we'll give you money for each kill you get make good money that way i feel like this is the best way to get some cash though choppy choppy okay so let's dump these guys for not that much taxes 100 grand right there um and then these guys had this real cheap we're going to a couple times we're going to go back and forth just because it's too good of a deal all right these are good deal too right yeah i buy them organs i got experience dealing with those i'm not bad we're not going to that system we're going or that station but that's the other allelic pathway i don't want to deal with these guys are jerks uh okay so we've got right that's everything yeah uh easy day here in star sector sort of um we're just gonna go across the street again back over here this team's a little bit i don't know a little gamey i guess but i'm gonna take it so we're making i'm going to be making each one of these runs is making this 50 grand or something i got a skill point hey what do i want i don't know salvage ship repair rate outside of combat is always good stuff um i mean they're all good things how does it work so i need um can i get okay i need i can get any of these okay i see this is wolf pack tactics if i do want to start fighting might be the best thing for me which is the one that is it this one a chance to remove a d-mod per month that's good stuff hey jeff how's it going they don't have tears anymore i can't like i can't oh yeah it is it isn't it's not that one is okay so some of them have tears some of them some don't hmm we can go faster it gives us the jump um we can see better and not and not see us i see you little fish look space pizza delivery yeah yeah all right we're taking this one i know i want it we're doing it we want more damage if the ship larger than then if we have frigates we're shooting things bigger we do damage we're going we're going little we're going to we're going to blow some things up okay enough of this well in a minute enough of this making money checking my movements but i didn't do anything uh you want to fight i might fight you bring it on leave me alone leave me alone let me leave alone let me alone get away from me what do i see wreckage do i need to go in there dark i probably do i don't seem to like me just transponder off i mean ah stop it stop it okay okay i'm sorry you can inspect i got nothing nothing to hide how dare you all right i got nothing behind what do you mean what do i have what do i have a trans uh transponder illegal here gilgamesh come on now let's chat prepare for inspection i refuse no it's only gunship of course it is okay they're harassed but that's it standing down yeah you are what do i have that's illegal what do i i think illegal nothing illegal personally kind of hates me yeah gilgamesh there especially hates me i mean that's all the black market trades is killing me see i'm a friendly guy i'm just here to make some money i don't care if these guys don't like me anyway so i don't care if i'm gonna make them be angry or uh it's fine in fact you got a good deal on what was it over here these right the price is no longer there a bummer that's not worth dealing with um organics are still good we can go over to warmun dock to make some organic deals so we'll pick up how much of those as we can get um we will pick up oops none of those and let's repair three okay so we're going to go over to here lodic path oh great uh this one let's look at the path no no no warmun deck not that one where's that one at oh i'm gonna get hassled by persian again nothing illegal is pink lemonade livers and thinking computers okay okay yeah it's all the black market tree they're getting they're getting a little fed up with me i don't know why i've done nothing but but make money okay here you go you want some of this stuff not for those taxes okay 200 grand i'm quite content with that i'm very content with that i'm i'll be even more content when i make some more money on volatiles i can buy for 219 i can sell them for 35. you know if it wasn't just like asking for it i wouldn't i wouldn't keep going well the harvest organs are also dirt cheap 300 bucks per organ versus what 100 150 140 there okay we're going back in the lemonade business i guess we'll do both lemonade and volatile we cannot get caught this is going to mag melon right that's where that one's going wait should i just buy this without hang on here well okay uh macmillan has a cheap one go sell it somewhere else okay look at the wrong one i bought okay this is one i want we're gonna go to uh the ludic path place yeah blue path me and them we go way back good buds i don't want all this i'm gonna take the rest of that okay how many of these i spy i bought 100 supplies oh hang on i want just like 40 supplies and the rest that and then and then more that okay so 600 is the cheap price okay and then we take these things over across to simon imminent that one over there okay uh do you have any ships here a lot that you'd like to sell me centurion oh a good centurion i'm tired of of cowering i'm i'm ready to not cower anymore centurions are pretty cool little ships yeah i like centurions pretty nice and um i don't know if i follow with that or with like a high-tech frigate what's wrong with you degraded life supports media you can have less crew that's that's pretty good i'll take a i'll take a wolf that'll do uh who wants to be a wolf i'm real tempted to buy that also i'm good though um dalem dalem do we have a bob rochette we don't have a bob ross yet oh wait yeah yeah of course we have bob ross my ship's called the bob ross right how can i forget um okay so we'll run we'll run over there and sell some organs uh the uten the um the bob ross okay yeah yeah uh well i got the bob the um barbossa's there the um you know the bot ross we don't have a um uh a nash tank that's ready to go in okay and i'm gonna use the autofit because i'm not comfortable with with not auto fitting mostly so i'm gonna over over um overdrive these things and they get real cool uh that requires me to fly it intelligently i don't know that i have faith in my intelligence flying i'll try it i'll try it nash tank is is a yeah you know they're a brave one so we'll put you up here we've got an unremarkable to go there so we got our three main fighters we've got bob and nash tank and unremarkable are the three big guys i'm happy with that we haven't fought anything yet we don't know if we can actually fight anything but that's not terrible um all right let's let's leave and let's go to here i'm gonna go around we're gonna go around the long way right around this way stay away from those guys because those guys are kind of well they're not my friends let's go yeah just down this way right around here if we see any persian league folks if there's hey you know what this are you fighting i'm i'm up for fighting i'm not fighting i'm up for picking up the scraps what are you fighting is it big oh it's a little fleet that's a big that's a big thing i think that's a what is that that main guy i forget what it's called i don't know what you are pirates you guys help me join the battle if i join the battle will you like that hey they actually let me in yeah oh yeah oh tickets okay our first real fights we're gonna bring in the three the three main main ones skulled hawk talon and dora are gonna hang out back behind and let's get him okay uh everyone let's see if i remember this as a shift click no right click yeah escort me and then we're gonna go shoot some stuff uh hey buddy escort me don't go flying up there like that what's my what's my thing termination sequence i don't know what that does any ideas ah that was mine where are they at oh a bunch of them okay is that the thing that like uh if like missiles coming at me it it defends me i want that on auto pulse laser i will fire [Music] nash tank is commented ready this is low come on nash tank get a hold of yourself big guy over there boom go for those of you sleeping i apologize i'm not sleeping anymore no come back here okay is there more all right what kind of what should we got here we got a uh a garbage service no thanks a person likes me a little more i'm now a minus 17 with persian oh man i'll take all that stuff hopefully don't look at me hey dfb how's it going uh okay let's uh let's get out of here before they get any ny's ideas and this way ouch failed deal to attack on in persian league they're now inhospitable there we go so we can go to wherever that is hegemony we kill frigates we get 500 bucks for every frigate that we kill making some good cash if we want to get into fighting no i've played a few times we're we're kind of uh we're exploring the next round mod oh hang on i forget they are hostile i think they already see me so i don't think they're gonna let me talk oh yeah okay uh here you go i got some of that you're already hostile so what do you care what's the price now so i can sell it here there's a deficit of 400 which is for 460. and then what's what's the other price now for now it's 283 which isn't really a good deal not good deal at all i want to hang on to these things i can have those everything everything is expensive here everything's expensive here except for marines and domestic goods that's my business domestic goods business i'll go to macmillan and make some money on this 24 each and we can go look at that look at that i can't how can i not take that deal i can go the same system for 117. i guess it's because i guess it's because typically all the factions are sort of in the same space and so there's not gonna be a lot of fighting not a war is happening like between persian and and uh hegemony are fighting in the same system so that's why there's drastic price differences because they're not trading i guess that's why okay yeah i can't say no to that [Music] do they uh do they want what did i pay for this i don't know if i should just get rid of these things i think i'm gonna i'm gonna buy all this yeah they don't like each other so they don't trade until the prices are outrageous and then we're going to go we're going to go over to mag um our wall warm go to warm and sell this thing oops i mean escape okay yeah i think i'm happy with that maybe like we could join the ludic path as uh with this mod you could start out joining the little path that would be interesting um i don't know i don't want officer i want um what do you do if only yeah it could be commissioned by the lyric path okay anyone here tough guy oh yeah what do you want 20 marines for this work so captain captain backpack he says yes my spirits recognize that your unique talents could serve our faction there's no drink on the table and no invitation to sit we need an agent extracted from the colony of magmalan a flagged task force cannot do this due to political considerations our offer is 71 000 credits they're expecting you we have intel on their defenses the man places a data pad on the table for your inspection so i need 250 marines go in there drop them off uh no no no thanks good money but no thanks okay i'm going over there anyway though but because i'm gonna go make some money uh the um you know the the business way what's your point okay now what's next i suppose if we i think i can go with this one the repair outside of combat and the whole damage taken repaired after combat ends seems like a pretty big boost it goes when you go through nebulas that's when the sound does that nice nice okay they might be kind of mad at me oh my transponder is off nothing to see here okay sell all those for 28 grand is that a good deal is this not um i meant mag melon i'm supposed to be at warm i'm at the wrong place supposed to be a warm mickey mickey well i'm going i'm going to warm anything anything expensive at warm uh these guys are crew not a huge deal about these guys no organics organics to warm okay these are the same people right these are persian league and those are persian league i guess because they're getting fought the fighting i don't have any space for this do i never mind okay so we got to go to warm and drop these off and i might as well pick up some crew because they're cheap here and i can sell them over there also okay let's leave before they pick us pick us up and go to warm i'm really i think it takes a little while for the for the the other factions to start growing right it takes what year is it how do i see my start date whatever it is just remember what systems they're in right now and i'm guessing we'll get some sort of pop-up showing us where uh there we go 206. i think 207 is when is when the the exciting things start happening happening i think the person like us anyways there's 90 grand we're up to 400 000 bucks so i think what i'm going to do now i don't know let's figure it out do i want to go do i want to go in and just make a whole bunch of money and then go get myself a faction colonize a planet and do that because we're making good money we're making good money here and i can go pick myself up like a big freighter and really make some money or do we want to go and fight what's the more important what's the more exciting thing to do yeah 400 grand i'm retiring good game everyone i'm gonna take a bathroom break real quick though so uh i i will i will think about it while i pee so i'll be right back all right you get a planet before the other factions colonize all of them i'm gonna find it first i gotta explore so we have to do some exploring we could do that um so what i'm thinking is let's see what kind of i think i've looked at ships here before um if i could buy a jumbo freighter not tiny freighter but a jumbo freighter i could turn this 400 grand into a million pretty quick i think as long as it's because we're making good we're doing good money just by using you know not um i couldn't go well that's pirates four four it's out for 74. i have to go try that i have to i can buy it for four that's good that's too good okay okay i will fight soon but first i have to go to tesh i have to do it i'm just if i don't i'm just throwing money away um any how many 90s so here you can have 100 crewmen we're gonna go to tesh and we're gonna buy something yeah they have 6 000 units of excess and we can buy it was that was it organics um at 6000 excess we could go dump those off there's 3 800 deficit back here i mean we can take them to over here 39 and still make it a big still making big money they're all people we don't like but carrick 37 that's still a pretty nasty profit so we want to do that we're going to go to where was where was tesh there it is oh it's pirates only so i'm gonna go i'm gonna go pearl station and see if we can buy ourselves a ship a big ship um or just by one from all that uh we're gonna go there we'll see if we can buy something over there some anti-war protests between the persian league and the hegemony are you trying to attack me i know you aren't [Music] are you um fighting okay i'll pick up some scraps i'm not here to fight so i'm just here for the scraps just waiting patiently thank you i got a hound that's in terrible shape can i um can i salvage out here okay [Music] what is that a little kite it's in good shape nope [Music] make sure our transponder's off uh i think as long as it's off i think we'll be fine we're not carrying anything these are pirates i say that we've been attacked by him before okay uh no no leave it off no no we want to i'm sorry this is a pirate jet right we're going to pearl station here pearl station we're going to go and uh uh this is try tacky on they got some fancy stuff we'll see if we can pick up some good ships from these guys there's a pirate base take out a pirates for 70 grand it is much more fun to do the fighting isn't it than the training uh you can have that what you got there i betcha we're going to what's the name of the place tesh of course john tesh maybe we can find something to go sell them surely the pirates want something they got cheap crew i'll top off my fuel here um those are pretty cheap here actually super cheap i will we'll grab a few more if i'm gonna make friends with anyone it's gonna be these guys maybe a little too much actually that's fine and see it's still still cheap there by transphotonics at tesh also super super cheap nothing is expensive in tesh tesh is dirt cheap for everything i make a little money on the domestic goods there i guess do i have anything else no no luxury goods you know they don't want that tesh okay uh we'll buy we'll buy some of those and then i'm gonna here to look at your ships what you got a buffalo there's my tempest already i think a buffle is what i want uh omens are cool right i think omens are neat maybe not oman is really deployed due to the cost associated with maintaining such a technologically advanced ship all right these are the guys with um they have emp emitters yeah generally lightning arcs knock out any missiles yeah remember guys um some cherry in there what do we have over here a scarab another two more wolves this one's got structural damage there's nothing we want that not for a fighter so we could grab a mule 250 cargo capacity or the buffalo for 400. so i would take a buffalo and buffalo and maybe two buffaloes if this is our business maybe two buffaloes okay and then we gotta defend these buffaloes we're gonna defend them with some wolves i will take this wolf and this wolf and i don't know how to use the scarab i don't recognize the scarab temporal shell speeds up the flow of time on board the ship generates a significant amount of flux when used i don't know i can handle that um this one had structural yeah with that that'd be cool to have so yeah i i think that's i'm happy with with that i think about brawler he has compromised armor if we get that that tech though we can fix it let's just do this scarabs are fun let's see what we can buy um prepare them and we can pick up the uh an additional we get we already bought everything i think that we could that we had they had here well we can get some more from the market might as well grab those i'm gonna make any more money from this we've got enough crew and my my new two new ships we've got limit one per customer and asgard okay give me some wolf names for my ships what's a good wolf name uh the i think the ai uses yeah ai uses them let's get a close support wolf and we'll get limit one per customer you're going to be a point defense what a name what i mean fido i'm the one progressing but that's just almost too good i don't know if i can change that that's big it's pretty good um fenrir we got two for fenrir okay why is my caps lock i turned you off okay fenrir and asgard yeah it's fine that's fine all right skull you should be uh one of these wolves okay so my my freighter is just a standard outfit is fine wrong button let's get those backwards confirm and cancel backwards i don't know if my freighters need need to be this is going to be uh a fanny pack and we've got what's another carrying um uh uh wallet what's the deal with my caps lock wallet there we go cargo pods for the freighters oh yeah oh yeah marco pods and should i give him should i give him the oh let's take ten okay holds okay so there's a storage space against the ghost guys okay let's let's go back to um to here and i think we're set so we're gonna fly into pirate space we're gonna lose everything we have be fine uh anyone here want to do so i i don't mind these guys simple mission for you for 20 yeah what do you want 6800 credits you want to go oh deploy the spy satellites i don't know i'm not doing that those are sometimes really easy sometimes they're not so easy to know where they're at i guess i could be commissioned by these guys i don't mind these guys this place has they have pretty neat ships quartermaster and then you've got a port master uh do we have anyone that's where is it do we know of any uh nothing do we i'm looking for uh people people that we know the war just keeps my mind but i don't know all right so let's uh let's go into pirate land in the new biscay and when we get there or make sure we turn our transponder off and we're just flying nice and easy we hope that's water's gonna go off right now actually it might be a good idea to go in to go in dark i don't show that if that lures them into us or not there's a relief fleet going from magmelon to where keep it off so we either we either slide in um slow or we go quick we're not real we're pretty obvious hey alex how's it going how you been we're not we're not the most stealthy as we were before because we've got those big freighters now so we have to uh sneak in over here and see how uh you know well how casual we can fly i i'm not i'm not worried i'm not worried thanks chrono cook for the follow we don't have all we have is some some lousy goods we're picking stuff up from here we're going to be really rich we're not rich yet is there no one here no okay where's all the pirates at all right so i'm here to drop you off some goods there you go you can have those i'm not paying taxes because i don't care how you feel about me uh but i'm here to pick up your uh what was it this stuff no it was this stuff four it's so cheap my f1 doesn't work right now so i'm gonna buy all of them uh i want more five per unit now and now it's 10 per unit oh whoops hang on there's that's all we can carry okay so we got those for five units yeah for five units and we're gonna go why is that one not work out here um because i'm oh i must have a comradely okay so we'll we'll go drop those off for a lot of money hopefully and crew's cheap here we got a crew i think we're fine i think we just leave 2 300 of them okay now we got to get out of here reasonably quick we're just going to jump to that gate right there real casual like and then when we get we're gonna go back to where we where i don't remember what system had the expensive organics but that's we're just going to make our way into the range of of of a calm link which maybe maybe now yeah okay so we bought it for five we're gonna go sell it at at yeah warm we're gonna go there sell for 83. warm is over here let's go fast nice and easy through the clouds [Music] well i wonder if that hurts that was delivered i want to hurt our prices well we'll see in a minute that hurt our prices uh no okay okay transponder can be on it's fine we ain't doing nothing wrong we're gonna go to here by way of the star yeah you got to watch uh i get it it's because we're paying for you know supplies and fuel and all that kind of stuff plus people like to chase us around um mostly right into things what's my what's my my uh barn for sword and board thanks for fall uh thanks for the sub where's my where's my my noise okay ahoy there maybe there it is all right uh so we're going to uh make some money there we go what are they like 17 000 for that let me just do that over and over again it's just too i know i want to fight but i can't i can't i can't do it it's just too that's too profitable so how ferengi of me okay um i gotta go back oh i got oh i forgot um video memory with this mod that's that's what i was worried about was a little bit choppiness i didn't i didn't put my video memory up sorry about that thanks again sword and board we'll do it i'll try to control myself we'll do it one more time another quick hundred grand uh and then we'll go blow some things up if we see some pirates over there we'll gladly blow them up as well are you chasing me down [Music] he did but he turned away federation formed what i don't know what that means what does that mean who was it hegemony analytic church just means they're allied right does it do anything else you're allied with the gemini and and the syndrome and with the church and try attacking with all these allies there was either allied or enemy oh oops leave it off okay we're just going to bounce in here little uh back to jontesh there's no pirates here for some reason so we're gonna buy some more of these for super cheap i'm not paying your taxes a thousand bucks outrageous 1100 bucks i've sold so i bought it for 1100 i sold it for what like 140 i think give you more than that okay i'll buy that uh i'm gonna buy another ship give me more like big freighters a nice size like a buffalo tanker there's a freighter a tarsus it's a garbage one hold a hundred wolf has bad life support i don't mind life for it being bad i'll take you wolf again um any any other ones okay we need another name for uh for our wolf another another norse name for not blue shift but uh the nokheim let's go to quick with the names i'm going i'm going no uh okay i'm gonna rearrange here you guys down there yeah i want the wolves up up this way we like a whole theme here with scold in there look uh well sort of i guess uh and then friend rear up there okay so we got it's actually a decent sized fleet what we got we got five uh wolves and my um my tempest i could probably fight something but we're here to make some money so we're gonna load up on this stuff and we're gonna go back i have extra space okay ship i guess so we'll buy a little bit more and let's get out of here okay someone wants to fight me i will uh fight back let's go back to warm makes money otherwise no pirates around here i figured you'd approve of it fuel oh i didn't uh i didn't didn't realize i didn't have any fuel whoops whoops you want a dad joke oh what a time for a dad joke hang on hang on crisis we forgot to buy we forgot to gas up luckily there's no pirates here so and so it's fine hey hey silas how's it going uh all right let me get you a dad joke as we drift on in here into there's pirates uh pick up a little bit of fuel i just like that song so much we get let's do it again uh yeah i'll buy all you got i guess okay i don't want to happen again i'm a little on supplies as well i think i have enough to get back and buy it not so expensive uh dad joke um so i have one in here um i mean i mean in here that's that's has uh that's i've i've had it uh on my on my mind or on my list whatever you want to think of it uh for quite a while it was about time that i tell it so if you've never eaten a clock then you should know it's very time consuming especially if you go back for seconds okay sometimes they hurt that's the life of a dad joke that fuel situation should count as a dead joke [Laughter] all right let's uh you know what we know where we're going we're gonna make some money what are you looking at oh it must be a nothing to worry about worth a minute chuckle or a minute chuckle i get it how'd you give that one a second thought [Music] ooh a celebrity wedding that's exciting they're attacking on incendiary and really like each other [Music] oh yeah turn that on i'm glad it gives you that little pop-up every time you pop in here let me check my my stuff make sure we're actually making money here uh we are um not we're in our own place we should we should go to carrick now i guess they made some they made some good deals i got that problem solved uh let's where's carrick at it's there oh that's fine i'm gonna go try attacking it anyway cause we're gonna buy some chips do i not have a fuel all right i have a problem do you already jokes secondhand oh man all right even here i'm still doubling my money here all right um i want uh a little fuel please is it cheap here oh yeah that's a pretty good deal give me give me all you got i like uh this is independence i don't care so much about you i'll be nice with you guys i'll have the independence and try tackling i'll be nice with those guys uh and these okay so that'll at least get us live okay now we can go here i'm really itching to fight something and so i think my days of peace are over we're gonna come over here we're gonna make our hundred grand and then we're gonna we're gonna rebuild a fleet a little bit because i'm just itching to fight something looks like something exciting going on here at the speaking of what do we have over here oh don't you don't you worry about it i'm here to help i should really tell my stuff before i get in this fight it's fine there's plenty of us uh no one attacks scavengers when i'm around okay so i'm gonna send in the fleet okay hope we can win this fight uh it looks like it's actually gonna be our it's it's a good thing i'm here basically that's a big guy uh i would like hang on so i'm gonna let you and you stick to that guy and then you and you stick to uh me okay okay and then you let's let's focus on this little guy out here we'll let them deal with the big guys all right so now i want my i didn't let my harpoon just fire automatically i don't like that would be me though pulse laser okay here we go this is the first like real fight we've got we kind of jumped in and pestered some pirates before but real fighting these times we'll scare that big guy over there wolves are great you need me here nice uh let's go after this one those are them right yeah yeah and then this fleet yeah let's stick with this guy but don't go too crazy let them deal with the big guy the most important lesson i think i learned in star sector was don't be brave just don't go charging in gun gung-ho it's not that kind of game there is jumping around remarkable's a little a little worn out let me get on this guy just linger back here with these guys i think we got this fight one yeah okay this big guy i'm a little worried about this flux is pretty high oh we got him oh okay just in case anyone was sleeping solve that for you uh this week's in the in the middle of it i wanna make sure that everyone gets let's get that guy go go in there this whole game is made by what was there like four people making this game something like that it's mostly one person doing this what a fantastic game there's big guy all right let's make it everyone let's get everyone on big guy he's right there so unremarkable i want you on him everyone get him oh really you're supposed to be sticking on me and whatever it's fine escort esque foreign bucks is a little high i'm gonna back off here do a little venting look at this this is my fleet this is my fleet what about wolf pack all right i'm feeling good about our i was a little worried about our fleet here i'm feeling kind of good stop bumping into me this guy's going to run away with your best to get to him pirates are my combat tutorial oh right right uh hey hey exo how's it going oh he he ain't we just got full assault on this guy let the wolves go at it i forget um my buttons for ordering my my i forgot that this ship first off has fighters and i wasn't using them [Music] yeah engage to what degree are ship's customizable insane yeah i think that that probably sums it up okay done did it we destroyed the actor and i'm here for the loot couple broken hounds i don't want him i will take all your stuff i can't carry anything else um drop these pedals oh i'm gonna drop um it's fine okay uh i'll salvage just in case what we got a couple strikes couple broken strikes claim ships and sell them yeah they don't really sell worth much of anything so it's not really worth it to take the ship and sell it versus just scrapping it um like you you i you would assume you know it does not not quite okay let's go uh over here world capacities are using more supplies than we need to be using that'll fix up in seconds we're gonna go make some cash more stuff to pick up here lots of fighting going on around here is yeah there it is uh is hegemony and try tacky on fighting you are at war with everyone both eluded church okay so where it makes money oh you only want that many hang on hang on yeah definitely 3 thousand i paid four for these i want a lot of money thirteen sure the rest of them are gonna go for how much for 33 that's not terrible eight thousand tariffs uh i'm gonna do it just because i want these guys to like me i know if one would like me that much though okay uh are drugs legal here i guess so where's the lobsters at that's what i want to know okay okay it's good good name so i can buy these for super cheap but no we're not doing that we're on uh it's it's killing time so i'm tempted to dump my uh my other ships into storage let's see what we can pick up first oh a carrier a broken carrier another tempest broken tempest oh much of anything here a salvage would be nice to have another buffalo what is what do we have here uh a brawler's cool another tempest a good tempest oh i okay okay this is the one okay i i was thinking wrong that termination sequence right there um superstar is one of the terminator drones and sends it after target i forgot that's what this is i was thinking something different these are great templates are great i love the tempest i want another one what's what's wrong with this one uh everything maintenance uses more fuel weapons map weapon mounts i don't think it's worth all that increased maintenance defective defective manufacturing erratic fuel injector i want it okay tempest and wolf that's our fleet we're gonna go do some hunting uh i'm gonna leave the the wall in the fanny pack uh in storage and so we got stellar rose and bountiful so um this will be i the i'm saving skull's name for this one up here still a rose here uh we need one more one more for uh for this guy actually i'll do this one someone text me something [Music] oh it doesn't work vacuum um devoid just warranty void that's that's good that's good okay i'll put you on that uh i don't think i like i don't really like the gun that what do i have is it the pulse laser i'm using i'll look at my ship and mess with it um this one we're gonna name it uh sword and board we're gonna we're gonna call it sword there you go i'll give you a ship here my new sub okay uh now my ship what does it have that i don't like it's the is it the graviton beam i'm not a fan of graviton beam maybe it's good but i don't it just doesn't feel good and i think i'd rather have something else if i look like a heavy blast what size mount is that i don't know i'm not really familiar enough with with a lot of this stuff it does have a nice range on it 100 damage per second maybe it is doing good like this heavy blast would be really cool to have on there i know i know lose some vents we can lose something other cargo holds we don't need that now is the mining blaster a really cool one it is isn't it extreme costs and flux maybe we shouldn't do that almost as good we'll overflux you in seconds okay where's my flux oh that is what's this use this uses only 75 per second it's basically a freebie alrighty hmm all right i'll i'll leave this guy on there for now um capacitors are yeah okay um a couple of those oh okay okay i got you um let's see if you can change anything out here then all right launcher my pulse is what i've been using it uses 300 per shot i'll leave it alone i'll leave it alone because it did it did work last time i'm not going to touch it i'm just not not familiar enough with it to go touching things here and there and warranty void up here okay so there we go there's a there's a mighty fleet eight chips we can haul things around let's repair some ships uh we might as well go and make some money but i think you know what i think what i want to do is just go look and see if there's any kind of jobs um i'm really debating on just signing up with tritakion you know just sign up for them and go shoot some stuff personally is getting getting in uh invaded all right jimmy's getting invaded battle against pirates survey some things care about that so much invasion would be you know um personally is invading hegemony there's our alliances go look for a bounty bounty missions bounties there we go we go to this yeah let's go there i'm on and just go shoot some frigates however can we tell what kind of fleet they've got that ain't too bad a freighter a freighter we can do that it ain't that far either we can jump over there and we can get back let me do that we can just run over here let's do this first we'll go we'll go to amman we'll just we'll shoot some we're gonna shoot some independence i don't do that what this is no you wanna shoot some pirates i'll do that yeah and give me some money yeah that's a nice nice easy easy money however there's some fight going on right here isn't there pick up some scraps real quick it's more heavy machinery okay what can i do with these strata likes me a little more uh jimmy does not i will take control of the relay i can break it what happens if they how about how mad do they get me for doing this [Music] well they get real mad about that don't they okay uh alliance vote galactic federation war with a player pass wait wait a minute wait a minute honest mistake mistake okay so well there we go we we have solved the the the problem with fighting so ludic church hegemony got it uh yeah i need some supplies [Music] okay what are you oh that's a big fleet i don't want to fight you you're a hostile also and you're you're kind of a big fleet also i'm going to go pop in the station uh i need yeah i need some of these they're always expensive that's expensive too i need 30 of them i don't have a lot of friendly places anymore because people don't like me uh volatiles aren't worth it here all right he's in battle with who with the station it's just you in a station you lost i'm gonna pick up scraps okay uh let's go back on our way i haven't been up far enough for this slip stream i did it last time i played i bounced through there but i haven't messed with it this time i stayed in in uh core space be a little more careful now i made an enemy a couple of them uh i didn't think about was there anyone here that's friendly to me is this all ludic church yeah is it church or who's what path doesn't like me church okay i have a ton of supplies is there a pirate base here oh there's an infinite station okay let's go to the infinite station wednesday mullins let's go this way if i'm so much slower now that i don't have my my tiny ships oh bounty ended all right well so much for that it's okay i made some friends to to go fight what are you convoy just here not for you it's okay everything's fine okay uh well while i'm here um i'm about to fight man there's so many big ships i need some of these i don't need all of them maybe i do i just buy all of them they're they're not too expensive i've got the money i'll get those i'll be a bunch of fuel too i'll just fuel up it's it's not terribly priced okay now i'm still not opposed to making some money look at that i can sell this for a thousand back to carrick i just came from carrick i'll pick him up i'll make some money with him anything else at carrick uh that's it no that's different one pearl station's way out there look at the look at the price there's a carrick one yeah i'll pick those up we'll go back to carrick i need to go back there anyway we'll shoot some things out here though okay so we've got some folks chasing after us we got a few folks chasing after us uh can i no well i can't handle that i don't know maybe i could i can handle that thing um you think i can handle that that big guy's gonna be a problem okay here's what we're gonna do i want the two of you well i'm not really using you now so i guess we might as well fight i want you guys to just go there not everybody but yeah actually yeah everybody go there that's a good idea let's let's meet up at the sensor jammer yeah cargo vessel is gonna that that's a good way of getting rid of him okay no big deal we'll meet up over here i mean we we we fight on our ground our terms you know heard that somewhere before uh well some of us fight on our own terms you guys if you can make it back here that'd be great yeah okay so uh what i like to do is i think i'm gonna go with where is oh there's sword let's put sword and whoever you are and whoever you are follow warranty void that's me so i'm going to have asgard and the hound and whatever you are whatever you are can follow me okay we lost fanny pack okay there's two of them up there here we see them look at the range on that thing oxy is not included that big guy i'm scared of that guy anything else hanging around here what are you doing who you sticking to uh unremarkable i didn't give you a job did i you stick on him you're on me he's on that guy i want you unremarkable to stick on me i think if they want to come in we're gonna let them come in but they're gonna come in nice and easy we just sort of pick them off good job we got one one down right there uh do the thing no we're nice i remember this is fan this is great do it again it's like a uh like a little yeah that i launched my my fighters at it oh i love it okay turn that one on okay i'm remarkable has been disabled how are we doing we yeah we're all kind of together there's some things back here behind us the big guy is gonna be be i don't know about that what are you doing easy there buddy nothing remarkable has lost this fight so many names okay who else wants to fight let me just send these dang fighters at me something hit me i'm not sure who's gonna be more uh able to handle the combat readiness oh no oh no get back okay uh let me vent real quick a little ugly there for a second okay yeah kind of stick to the middle here but uh you know what i got a better idea for you this is warranty void go just go get just go to that who's going over there is that doris stick on him okay who cares about the middle they can look at us all they want uh and everyone else is gonna stick on me right okay you're all on me and i'm gonna do a fly and do whatever i do okay here we go this is this is our this is our guy a lot of fighters coming in my fighters around to shoot their fighters down [Music] okay how are we doing here uh they're all behind us now no no i'm way up at the exit they're down here yeah it's probably a good idea to keep them separated as soon as his shields go down or whatever we're sending those things in like there we go there we go got him got him oh he hit his shields my flux is really high okay let's vent like that guy shields up hey hey you leave you leave what's face alone oh dang fighters got him got him get him i can't hit him it's a bad shot i got you now buddy i can't shoot all right do this let's do it this way okay there we go just mine i like the the graviton beam thing how we looking are we are we still i'm not paying any attention to the reports up there um okay so let's go in here and let's hit this guy okay good captain oh what's her face okay nash tank's having some problems yeah nice thing does that okay we're gonna swing it oh he's gone so we just got to deal with these three i think we got this one i shouldn't get too excited yet so we have to deal with big man oh missiles on the side ouch oh there's big name we want to go there we want we want the big guy to be last we stay away from him let's go uh let's go deal with over here he's a big guy too but he's not as big i'm sure there's a lot of beeping going on that beam is fantastic look at it it's just it's just building flux and i'm not doing anything it's just i'm just at range i'm sorry i'm sorry i i even thought of getting rid of it i might get over here on the side i don't get in range of you back up back up okay vent control delete did you get is that one of the names you got it's gold you're still in there my laser is not functioned oh no it's gold [Music] grabbing on beam's malfunctioning now we're having some troubles i'm gonna blow that guy up but i don't my ship is in pieces he's so close to dying where's my engineers at somebody fix that can we gonna win this big guy's still out there we got it we got it my my fighter is back should have waited until he was able to be hit engine malfunction i know permanent functions i know i know i know i know but i want to win this fight i thought it was no way but i believe in us i got no shields how are we doing i think i'm pretty much all that's left everybody on that you're broken nope that guy i think i'm all that's left i think we're gonna have to run away i don't want to run away me and and uh this guy over here we got this oh they're running away okay he's retreated all i have left is this that wow wasn't very nice can we turn it off and back on again and make sure we can get this thing working okay thanks ipio i maybe i should take control of that ship when that can actually fly okay where is he where is he the big guy is all left i like my chances a minute ago we do have one uh whoever that is back look heim is gone how you feeling oh you're fine well this isn't good i can't even fly my ship and is back online [Music] asgard's been disabled where am i at okay shields are down i can't fly i'm gonna die all right here whoever's left just get out i thought we had a shot and then i realized he has no damage there's still one there too oh man we have a couple disabled guys trying to get out of here oh man yeah yeah he's too big man i thought i thought i might have had it we had we took out so many of them i don't know i figured that to take out the little guys there's no way we could go and get the big guy because a big guy would have little guys all around him so he couldn't take out a big guy by himself or or he would not be by himself but ross is retreated um what do we have left just me back to one ship again we lost 180 crew what a time to be at war i got some money no big deal i go i got one of these oh man i'll buy your three and um oh man well ross is back he's a little little beat up i only should have made it okay now i guess it's rebuilding fleet time the question is do we want to go with what we had there with like the the wolves um and and the uh the whatever they're called um tempests or do you want to try and get start do we want to go big like not giant but like destroyer size or or maybe some light carriers like a couple of carriers by both of these what's your problem uh damage weapon mounts um but you know just load up a couple carriers with a bunch of fighters and not be a bad idea i did however put my point into wolfpack tactics i always redo that every time i've done it every time i've gone to this game and i have have decided to go big in the bigger ships i always do terrible everyone dies so that might not be the best idea but we are at war at the moment there's a hammerhead there tarsus is a freighter um centurion you know what can i at this rank can i go into tritakion and ally with him yeah everyone loves the the hammerhead we can go in here and um join them only neutral though i think we need to be higher than that to get uh to join us no one likes us no i think we just we're sticking our own that's the whole point of this we stick on our own so let's get let's buy something they don't have what i want here i'm not really in my space so we're gonna we're gonna kind of limp our way home and i gotta i gotta remember to fix that before next time can i repair here oh okay okay so let's go out of this system let's go to carrick i think carrick was a good one i think it was a sizable um place there's a couple folks that don't like us there uh we could go to lang uh cinderian don't mind us let's go there i don't have the ships i want though no we're going to easton it's close thanks ian uh it's called have a good one let's book it over here we'll get a fleet built and well we'll see where we can go from there i'm out of supplies already i did i had to spend a lot of time to go fix my myself this is uh a lot oh flip stream we found one a much more exciting game that's for sure than than typical star sector with the uh the mod because everyone's fighting everyone there's wars everywhere it's much more exciting so we want to go to garrett or carrick over here invasion all right i need some supplies why are they so expensive no only that many uh let me look and see what your um no comrelay here what man all these wars is ruining everything space is a terrible place i know 72 is i think it's cheap there's not so cheap there i 160 i think it's pretty cheap all right um there's a strike there for a light destroyer we can get an afflicter it's cool that's all you have i have like one wolf i don't have anything i wanted at all um leo system i'm gonna buy this wolf it's an enforcer too i'm not familiar with an enforcer hmm oh missiles cancel coddle inflictor has increased the damage taken by the target ships and there's a significant amount of flux when used that's the entropy amplifier he has he's one of those phase guys okay uh i'm just gonna do the one for now and let's pick up a couple of these and if you crew that's enough to keep us at least alive all right um i know that's cheap i probably should buy it 160 i just don't know where where to sell it at what kind of intel we have here i'm probably gonna go i know i'm gonna go i'm gonna go up to up to here avarice says four that's that's growing hasn't they didn't used to have that many the most developed they have is where i'm at right now but it's not very good as far as ships anyway anyone remember remember the price of transplutonic ore elsewhere i think that's low i think it's low i'll just get the larger goods i know what the good always a good deal okay so let's let's head on out we're gonna go up to avarice here away from the sun a lot of folks buzzing around coming after me uh hit that this mod's fantastic so much fighting you wanna you're coming after me are you uh am i am i up for a fight with the two of us i'm gonna fit this guy out yet hey just me versus these three things i can't handle that good help foil a terror plot so we're gonna go to not gbdb doc we're gonna go to uh wherever that place is there this is modded with um next can't wait to kill him but i'll resist thanks jax all right so uh i would like to buy these 83 is not a good deal i'll buy all these though and fleets all my money's disappearing so a gunship okay we could pick up a couple gunships yeah i just don't have the good stuff that i want wolves and tempests i'll grab a brawler what's wrong with you you have uh life supports bad and bad shields yeah i'll take one of these and let's refit these guys uh uh kant is left boot so it's gonna give me all kinds of names here and they're all fantastic so we're gonna go with uh system restart required auto fit you with the old assault and then you're gonna be um this is my favorite one okay box is not included for our brawler uh i mean if you've got a choice between the assault and elite you go elite i don't know uh i'm not gonna fiddle with it okay notable huh i got a thing distinguished itself having a certain notable characteristic it has a rating of 52 percent on the evans zhao combat performance scale i like that i like that nice if i had those ships to uh to measure that up to but um this is a good deal do we have okay we have data here now so we could run over to lang and make all kinds of money but we're not carrying that much stuff so we're not in that business anymore really only place to make make money is laying which actually it's not part of a bad place to go because it's not it's not a terrible place whoops what i do not a terrible place because uh it is mostly run by yes and sindrian we don't mind them someone here that wants to fight though i will happily fight them anybody thanks dfb okay fighting all over the place there is a what are you looking path and bounty hunters i'm gonna help you guys out i'm joining the battle on the side of the bounty hunters yeah get them take command of this action all three of us are going in let's do it okay uh your orders stick on me no whoops oops all right on me okay all right let me make sure i get the the perk for the combat readiness look at the range on what gun am i firing must be my yeah that one can auto fire i'm going to turn that one on fire this one i shouldn't auto fire those the computer racism waste them but i don't want to deal with two different kinds of guns i'm gonna grab this sensor buoy i'll participate this way yeah they're all running off i guess some of them are coming back did we get it yeah okay if they want to fight we'll fight them uh back on your course game certainly picked up some excitement here as we got into this uh so you guys are friendly with us we're gonna go uh we're gonna stop in here first i don't care about that stuff pirates like that stuff speaking of pirates they're right here there's still some money it's not big money mmm a little bit should we do a little better we're back in this system okay yeah is this the system no no no um not this one i'm thinking of uh the other one this is this is our starter system this kind of ships you got oh you have big stuff another brawler another wolf i will take another wolf do you want a vigilance i'm not sure what vigilance is fast missile racks yeah i'll go with a missile boat harass around support frigates energy missile route mounts yeah spend all my money here take another wolf uh not that one that one's not broken uh whoops i'll take that wolf i want this one and then black market what do we have i think i think i've flown a vanguard before tanky thing right tough heavy frigate yeah i gotta find more of those uh tempests okay buy some group and from that um i'm gonna buy some more of these and some more fuel it's expensive here and then um we're gonna go over there it'll make a lot of money but it it makes some money so i'm gonna take the rest of those and i wanna be friends with these guys i'm not gonna go i'm gonna do too much black market stuff okay remember the pirates and say hello they are right here let's hop on over there you're attacking ludic really hate each other they're fighting the base right now okay so here you can have these there we go there's a little money a little bit of money ah cheap organs huh what kind of ships you got oh yeah ordinance hey thanks jeff a broken wolf structural unreliable subsystems glitch sensor array another broken wolf okay um let's see let's oh it's wait what's good after you going so victoria i don't know what to do with you give me that one a heavy needler it sounds exciting uh the interes the interceptor i change name um optional okay this end up uh you're going to be a point defense and then i got two more to go with we've got what do we have here what okay uh yeah this is great okay can i copy paste i can excellent okay sponge plated bucket and then we have aim away from face overdriven of course all right let's see how it goes i would like to help you guys fight this yeah yeah uh it's on look i was just dealing with pirates should i join in on this i have to i have to i don't know if it's gonna go well oh whoops i'm gonna join the fight do i wanna do this it's everyone versus a station yeah look what's in there the battle cruiser i won't get much out of this i want to do it and uh i don't have enough ply supplies to deploy everyone okay that's fine we're not really here to shoot anything we're just here to we're just here to look at the battle uh speaking of i need everyone to just stick on me don't get any wise ideas here okay look at that thing we're just here to look at that ship we're not here to fiddle with a station at all it's not gonna go well if we we mess with it where is it these are cool where is it there it is look at this thing neat look at that oh getting a little too close didn't realize i was that close raise the shield please get a little tighter there i'm getting i'm getting blasted hang on hang on back it up okay look i just wanted to look at you no need to be so mean okay i just want to i just want i just just want to see i don't want to shoot anything i just want to look at it one more hand to take out over here i'm afraid if i get too close my my friends are gonna start just blasting this thing i get within range of my graviton beam that'd be good ringing out too many asteroids arrange on that a little bit closer just easing in here we don't want to attract any attention make sure he's doing all the uh attention grabbing i'll just you know i'll just i'll just do this you know what i'll i'll shoot my um i see these guys you'll get them a thousand damage oh my god it's not being firing but because things are in the way over here sorry sorry sorry oh my system restarts got a little bit problem we did it we got three credits out of that okay you're welcome i'm glad i'm glad i got here could help you out okay i'm just here for the scraps we gotta level up for that all right so undergoing repairs what can we do with this now i know i know things can happen as far as like this this mod a lot of local interests engaging open business impossible judging from the current level com chatter on these reports yes it'll take many months commission to die down i'm not going to attack it um it's going to be a way a time for the two are these attacking still are they attacking it again what's there a wolf yeah give me that wolf i can't broke it oh it's good it's good what's wrong with it unreliable sub systems ah we don't like subsystems anyways that's actually a bad a bad thing to have because it's it's going to be less it'll last shorter time in combat i'm still going to take it the hegemony and their allies have become the dominant power in the sector others are slipping into irrelevance uh yeah what now what does that mean what does that mean i don't really know what that means a conquest victory hey jimmy the allies have become the dominant power cancel victory through the current victory state allowing you to pursue a different victory condition no note that the victory event may occur again almost immediately it's previous okay yeah yeah yeah we're not doing that i didn't know there was victory conditions in this what got them victory what got that no one is growing anymore outside what have they done what have they done to get power because they've allied because they got a federation going with the ludic path or ludic church i'm i'm curious as to how that works it's a manicore more fighting over here [Music] grab all this stuff uh hermes no oh mule i'll take a mule if it's good okay [Music] i'm just hunting pirates down over here how do i uh how do i turn it off and what does it mean uh where do i see like where do i see what uh what what that is i didn't i've never been this far in with a mod i'm not sure what to do are we just are we done is this it hmm pick up your scraps if you don't want them okay well let's run back over here it's my bedtime anyway so this might be a good place to call it i suppose i uh i don't know how picturing what other victory conditions are there in the game let's stop on in here oh big percy on me and dump these guys off and that guy and i think i'm gonna it's a good place it's a good place to wrap it up we have the big the big battle there great place to wrap it up i am um well before we do that let me oh yeah i forgot i got you oh what's good last one i want my last name in here okay stocks remaining uh you'll be close support whoops and let's save thanks for hanging out exo uh let's go to obviously that way all right look over here i'm going to look at the mod and see what if we start up um a new game does it just do we get a little info about it i want to see okay okay i want like other options i'll do a scenario this is just like space restart let's go to the let's go to the um the mod page i'll get your dad jokes a second um and even on the main page doesn't say anything about victory conditions strange doesn't it seems like a strange game to have victory conditions in you know what i mean but okay hopefully we can get rid of it again like we can let it pass and then we'll keep playing but i'm not entirely sure um i may come in and and uh mess around a bit and see if it keeps popping up on me anyway anyway was there was there a dad joke in there yeah yeah dad joke okay so uh we're gonna go on a dad joke this is this is the end of the stream thanks for hanging out uh the dad joked today um so i had this job uh a while back and um i i i got fired sad story and the but the reason i got fired i kept on asking the customers whether they would like smoking or non-smoking and apparently those aren't the right terms you should be using uh where i worked in the proper terms are creamation or burial what do i know
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 33,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starsector game, Starsector gameplay, Starsector nexerelin, Starsector, nexerelin mod, nexerelin, nookrium, open world, space sim, sandbox, strategy, starship, space empire
Id: b53Q1VHEmEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 20sec (11960 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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