Starmancer - (Space Station Colony Sim)

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well anyway welcome to starmancer uh this is out in early access uh as of a couple days ago and it's been it's been uh we're being worked on by two devs for quite a long time chucklefish is now on on board and so uh we'll see where this goes um it's got some bugs apparently and folks are vocal about the bugs so uh we'll see if we can catch some bugs uh while we're here so let's begin all right so the idea here the star manser it's a space station sim uh used to be used to call itself a dwarf fortress inspired one and yet it still is it's still a a real world in space we're on a space station uh we go around beds crates research tables that kind of thing but we're in space um there's another one that came out a while back called meeple station and um this is uh a similar similar thing you know you've got a space station your meeple's gonna come out you gotta make sure you keep them alive basically so anyway i think everything's all right here uh there's the two devs and i think we're good let's go ahead again oh what's my name my name look [Music] all right so let's choose my core uh we're going to go with like the um well i like that one [Music] yeah that's all right so my body uh we're gonna go scrappy with a little um a little a little orange in there and that that that's kind of cool a space station's name um um it's where it's just the uh space station bob ross this is i should this is the palette whenever i first when i first started doing face cam things taste off i used to put my face as tiny because i never liked having face cams but i always put my face as tiny as possible on the corner because some people like you do twitch people whine if you don't have your face and something fine i'll put my face on there but i'll put it real tiny compromise uh no no this isn't good it's not good at all we crashed in an uncharted system warp drive and memory banks weren't unresponsive we have to get back to the fleet before our supplies run out maybe we haven't drifted too far sos beacon is still intact but isn't responding to my command says um uh the computer we're gonna have to wake up the colonists a little early it's against protocol but we didn't have time we don't have time from the training on earth click that incubation tank and let's uh let's create ourselves a colonist so uh this is my station um it's got this whole like 2d twisty thing but it's it's a little bit i like it it's oh check it out in the background like spins as you oh making you dizzy yet uh anyways let's go um uh wake up a calling so we have some colonists it is randomly done look at addison dimple and colon here they each have different uh things uh he's afraid of the dark he cannot talk but he's charismatic everyone likes him because he doesn't because they don't talk um we we have amount of like dna points we can spend we'll see all this stuff when we get here but right now we're going to grab somebody and yank them out of the uh the machines um the mute insomniac the excitable mute insomniacs dimple daniel you are a tattooed artist on earth yeah come on in buddy okay let's let's grow this guy all right not the best what we do for now let's go and harvest this guys i'm going to grow uh old dimple here in our machine and uh this this has sort of like like a colonist may well may die we have the incident the oopsie tracker up here so let you know that deaths will certainly happen uh and uh if they do we just we got their dna so we just make another one right playstation one e hey thanks stone thank you very much it's like tynan's first versions of wormworld yeah yeah hey elder gamer how's it going so we're building this guy let me speed this thing up so we're just growing him in our in our tank here and we'll pop them back out in a minute and there it is thanks i didn't see the super chat though where was it oh there it is restream tells me it word for word hippo character collapses to the ground and his chair breaks while the word wrecked appears above him nice all right are you done yet buddy oh yeah i'll harvest this guy all right come on out buddy there is clothes and all wait something's all right let's call this is behaving strangely maybe some corruption in the conversion system i think we can fix it in this case uh on a case by case basis but we don't have time right now besides limited mental capacity might come in handy select him and tell him to activate the sos beacon so hey buddy he's uh he's on a little walk there let's go and do this but tell him to click on that and activate the beacon buddy and here he comes oh yeah yeah it's got some nice little effects to it i guess my face is still in the way isn't it um i'll throw myself back over here i think it might be okay let me spin myself around though because i'm looking the wrong way there we go so we'll try this if it's in the way just yell at me and i'll move myself again uh no one's responding this isn't good wait hang on i'm just giving a transmission greetings we picked up your distress signal i don't know anything about this fleet but i know how you can repair your ship slow down cowboy we're not doing it for free here's a schematic for a trading pod all right thanks buddy uh he's gonna give me some zypher coins uh these coins we spend these coins on everything there's no there's no um resources it's all money it makes everything so um what drives out of commission got it uh we're gonna go get some go to a nearby asteroid harvest materials and get that warp drive back up let's go to star map okay so let's go to our storm up and take a look where we're at here this is randomized as well um we're gonna go find ourselves some ore and there's some right there um i don't think it matters which one like there's the distance which one's closer is it top tops no i don't know how it figures distance signs uh let's take um this guy he's got or it's got a gold pot it's got a crystal sure there's a low chance of an infection that sounds good so he should go and hop into our little boat here our little ship why is he so green okay selected uh yeah the uh the building is gonna be right there but you know it's you'll see most of it you see most of it i may just remove my face here in a bit if that gets in the way hey baker game should be designed with a special place for the twitch streamer too i i kind of disagree on that one um there's enough games that already like they build the game with sort of twitch streamers and things in mind and so like you know you like there's there's there's certainly a downside to it right like you you build a game with 30 minutes of good content to it and then you just pat out the rest because all you're going to see really is 30 minutes for a lot of streamers and youtube folks or a couple hours you know so there's certainly some downsides to that anyway we'll just sit here and uh hang out for three hours while we wait for um for for dimple to uh to return and bring us some rocks uh and then we'll continue our our thing here so anyway anyway from building things you know it's it's rim worldy kind of style we got bed rolls we've got cash all this have cost money bed will cost a thousand uh dollars whatever it was um good doors we got we got walls and panels and all that we've got cat mats for 100 bucks yes please put it in like right there yeah right as you uh walk off the airlock you've got a nice little mat you can wrap your feet on we got a poster we can put in yeah yeah everyone likes a good poster like that i can make another clone i could you're right all right so let's do it so we got a potty mouth a germaphote and uh phobia mute charismatic we're gonna bring an old addison here you are a writer have good feelings about this one yeah yeah bring it all in we can refresh him if we want we don't like this guy hates all things by always refuses to sleep on the floor he hates carrying dead bodies what that's strange this says the urologist i'll bring him in sure sure he seems oh i can't right now well we'll unlock him and then we're going to go over here and grow him right we'll take addison first get him out of here yeah we can get refreshes i know okay uh wait you got infected you what i tell you what so he's coming back i'm not sure what that means though i had that before i don't quite know what happens with that so you are just sick strange taste in their mouth uh what are you were you eating things i could teach you uniform yeah that's kind of cool we could switch them out to something a little different let's give them what's he got right now let's give him the orange let me go let's harvest this guy out okay there we go there we go hey addison how's it going uh yes we have the orb we'll have to refine it in the metal with the ore refinery most of your building schematics were damaged during the crash this is our excuse and why we have to do research build a research station unlock the ore refinery you got it so we're gonna throw this guy i guess it's probably back here somewhere this is storage land makes sense to put it over here so we got ourselves a or refine oh yeah i gotta get tech first research station first we barely have any type for left scavengers gave us a schematic for a trading pod uh they'll take just about anything we can place as many trading pos as we want okay so let's go pop one of these guys out over here for uh for trade like that there we go so i'm gonna go build that thing it'll get research station and pop it in over this way also i should put it maybe i should put it in here yeah you know it's nice and bright in here let's do that it says it refreshes to my third pick so if i do it again that's still free it's free until you purchase your first three colonists oh okay okay so now i see so i haven't i haven't built them yet excitable speedy oh here we go no one's talking look no one can talk and you're deaf um yeah you know kenton i like you kitten i can't i can't i can't take you okay fine you got me that stuff uh from the beta video did the dev fix the problem of your citizens compulsively eating bio waste um it's been a long time since i played i do not remember but um judging by some of the reviews i'm gonna guess maybe there's gonna be some biowastes getting eaten today we'll find out i suppose let's go to the tech tree here and see what we can find so the tech tree is big um we've got this this whole row here of of things out to gun ranges and long range warp um all the way down to power and employment and reclamation probes and chemistry tables all kinds of stuff lots of decor we can do to make place look a little nicer garden cosmetics you know uh we need to get a i think basic power is what he wants me to do right yeah that's what i think that's what we think what we must do yeah orifice what i'm going for so we're going to go to that so we'll go ahead and mark that one out and someone come over here and do some research we can click on these guys and they do have there's this health from around he needs to go to the bathroom we can give him a bathroom uh we've got his skills he's skilled in labor and mining um i think as you do things as well you get yeah uh and it unlocks additional recipes if he's good at chemistry stuff that's kind of cool um and then here's his his task which he's doing everything uh and i guess he's what he doesn't want to do he doesn't want to cook because i was trying to tell me oh i can't do this yeah i just attacked to unlock this i think all the mutant there's a deaf guy armadillos think did you watch did you recently watch that last video or did you just remember from from over a year ago i'm curious i'm impressed i hope it's i hope it's a ladder so this is a storage area over here uh and you can see it's marked it says storage on the floor there uh we can't build uh our goal is to get a ten thousand of this stuff by trading so we're gonna come over here to this guy and this is kind of weird i've been playing with i played with this for like 30 minutes earlier today and just make sure it wasn't too buggy oh nice armadillo we're gonna get rid of some of this ore and sell it so the way that works is a little strange they're sort of just they'll just grab things and haul it over there um and then we can come in here and we select like i think i think it just it puts in 10. i think we can change that if we want i think i'm not entirely sure how that works or if it's just yes or no when you put things in there i haven't figured that part out yet but essentially we're going to grab ore and all the ore and put it in there reclamation not recreation probes reclamation um making some basic power excellent uh we already got marked to go grab the uh the war refinery there's farming up there also we'll take a look at that when we get there um there you go all right come on in and get to work he's very happy uh let's go and look at we have zones we can take a look at we got like the storage zone we know is over here which it doesn't actually say that storage zone uh we got the germ overlay we've got the noise overlay nice and pretty over there because we got a poster and a mat the heat it's cold outside and oxygen which is there's no oxygen outside for some reason okay um let's go put in uh trademark is gonna give us power we have to work wrong i think to give us power but i think what i'm gonna do um let's go ahead let's do a little bit of building i know we need to save our money for this cypher stuff but you know what do you want to get stabbing bad things happen like when they're hungry or if they if they see a friend getting hurt bad things will negatively affect the colonists morale when it's low they refuse to work and will not obey your orders all right so that's always a bit of an issue so we'll see if that we'll see how that goes uh we're gonna build a floor here and let's throw it is that a door over here on this side yeah let's do it over here like we do a couple rooms here like that and throw in some some walls around it like that maybe we'll put in like a like a panel in the middle here is that how this works i know not quite sure how panels work does it do wall panel for changing the look of the walls oh oh check that out okay okay uh i want a dark panel that was that's what's in there right now okay what about a what about a half panel yeah that's cool okay okay and this is some things over here we can change the color of things too oh yeah you can see like the color that that's kind of cool um i think let's get rid of the the the airlock and put like doors or something in there this let's just get a whole room outside okay okay yeah yeah that's about that i think the low oxygen is talking about this room right here because we can we can we can see um this one yeah it's a little less oxygen there because it's not built yet so that's okay um let me get uh research going over there we gotta get that made and he's gonna work on that thing let's crank it up and let's get let's get a couple beds in i think the game's telling me to save cash but we'll get a couple of of uh yellow bed rolls and in the storage room i was gonna put them in here we could do like this could be like work room oh you could do we can break it in half work room and then bedroom yeah one of those there and we'll put in like a purple one there we go or finder is done okay i'm gonna build those but i think i can do that until i get power so we'll get we'll wait for this stuff to get built here and well i think it's kind of do the thing uh i can get other stuff like let's see here i think i need more tech i want to take we can get um waste recycling is probably pretty good takes waste products and turns it into biomass which we make food bricks out of crops course we can grow food we got a hauler which is used to collect resources and perform missions in the local system i guess it's just like a little ship it's expensive though uh we got batteries we got employment we can adjust our priorities and things toilet stall that's probably useful there's a reclamation probe uh fine seeds upgrade modules extra colonists and whatever else exists out in space i don't really want calling us out in space beds chairs shelves let's put in i think a waste recycler or maybe a toilet let's just get a toilet going at first that seems important i mean i'm i don't live in space but i like toilets you start carving murals into the stone yeah yeah right uh what's that biowaste why are you collecting this i just discovered biowaste someone probably went poop somewhere we discovered it and we can use that to make other things we'll go and collect some water up and that'll give us uh well oh there's there's some poop right there that's the point in mind to do the recycling process found in colonists what head and jar discovered turn to the core to reclaim a colonists at least not talking i found i found one out like like exploring or something what i lost what that what that is used for sleeping okay uh toilet stall is done let me go get the waste recycler done it's expensive we're spending more money is it like in here somewhere we must have just found it or in there then when my colonists die no i i have who died they're all walking around oh oh he's a zombie okay okay um well it seems like we should probably oh who was that there's colon it was our first guy oh cause he went to the asteroid and he got you got like infected with something hey dimple simple uh hey buddy why don't you come on back we miss you what are you doing there what is that okay yeah we probably need to deal with something about this can you can you i don't want you he's gonna he's gonna hurt you he's a mean zombie okay yeah just leave him alone he's fine you know if he wants to go walk over there it's all right he can do it let's put a door here all right it remove this thing if i remove this window can we can we put a door in there here we go okay uh this is still being built we need lots of cash i got to sell lots of things we got to sell some ore or whatever uh it says i got a head in the jar can we like sell that no i don't know where it is either a power leech wandered into our station there he is we're gonna be power yes i'm not too concerned about that uh buddy who's the who's the strong one was the fight something about you that tells me if you're a good fighter or not well you aren't what about you a little bit of labor this guy will be done here in seconds you any good buddy yeah you got some labor go go fight yourself man that's that's that's gonna mess with that's gonna mess with your head why isn't he going oh is it pause oh yeah let's go get him go get him okay hey dimple don't worry about who that is biff biff don't die buddy oh we got him okay no problem are you okay are you sick what's wrong with you what's that all about germaphobe limps potty mouth and it is biomass on the floor all right well that was an experience okay let this guy deal with too hey you uh go and punch that that power leech there put your suit on buddy okay yeah go get em go get em there you go good job all right uh i guess we can sell our bio waste too we'll use it eventually biomass we can sell for two hundred produce a weight waste recycler convert it into nutrition bricks maybe we need that we have a lot of water but i think we should be selling that we'll keep selling the one or that we have and hopefully get some cash out of it and advance our story here um we can always go out and do some more more uh work though we're already getting that place it's only five more left let's go get uh that's ice there we'll go to that one next hey ice which recycler is done um let me get i'm gonna do anything here let me go and get this guy done as soon as this room's done maybe i built a little too big um we'll get like a toilet and all that stuff in here yeah so the toilet there um once these walls are up i'll get rid of these things and put doors in i need a treadmill for uh for some power i'm gonna set this thing up let me just do like right there and we'll throw a couple batteries next to i'm going to spend all my money all my money i'm trying to save here it's going to go in there and then we'll get some power lines out just taking care of things uh okay so you know we can adjust their their scheduling or whatever uh i i always get some crops work on that low power for who oh this guy okay pretend to be a hamster job buddy uh can you go and work on that there you go and then we'll have oxygen in here correct there's no oxygen here if i remove this remove those doors i want to get some oxygen emitters to get that which is a thousand bucks i'm broke okay buddy i meant like remove every you know what'd you take your suit off for okay there we go no oxygen should come in there we go action's coming in here now wake up a dimple dimple again i'm sorry dimple [Laughter] nipple you just man come on buddy oh i want you come on all right come on back buddy hey tom how's it going all right there we go uh we need to get the oxygen thing and all that going but it's fine for now it'll be all right it'll slowly filter on in there um uh we hope okay so i need to make some money we gotta do things before we do you know we're gonna die if we don't if we just sit here so let's put in a little bit of a farm i'm gonna set something in like i wish i could turn the camera let's do a farm like there we go a nice little farm in the main room there created by your core and oxygen emitters oh do you make you make oxygen too okay good um now they have this power we can put lights in oh we can have purple lights or yellow lights looks like a nice like a like a nice a nice green light for we've the like a like a red light no no no a yellow light for the bedroom there we go and then we'll put in a um i don't need a light in here we'll need like a red light in here oh light there we go there we go okay oh hey hey nipple come on in buddy all right all right let me get you a bed i don't wanna i don't wanna get you beds are too expensive you don't get a bed you get the floor uh we do have a toilet which is ready to um to uh collect uh bio waste which we'll use for other things this is making me some power which i'll make that lamp here in a second and uh i need to get some tech going i guess we're doing nothing let's get some kitchen objects maybe a food brick factory turn our poop into some food might be a good idea and we got to get this refinery made now that we have power we get a refinery done which will turn all of our ore into metals which we can then make uh make more money with which is how much 2 500 bucks mission succeeded does that mean you're done with that rock you are okay so once you're done with that then you're going to move on to something else that's a decent amount of orbit we're going to make money so we'll need ice pretty soon i think gold pot pda i'm not sure what that is spice oh well we control the universe if we get that 53 ice in that one let's go and let's stick with the ore okay also look back here all these things that we are actually mining is actually back there so that's kind of neat uh we'll hit a point here at some point if i ever say my money where we will go and uh and we'll leave we'll go to a different system what's wrong with uh old colon here what's wrong buddy incontinence randomly poops even in space well that's that's an issue um oh yeah i can upgrade you can't i i'll make you more regular there you go i think i can do this for everybody right i can also spend some points to level them up immediately i'm going to make you uh athletic a little faster and i'm going to give addison here what's wrong with you you can be a little more durable random times you find whilst mining can worth quite a bit and are worth getting worth 20 grand yeah this could be this also be the after rim world are you eating in the in the toilets why are you doing that that seems like a bad idea i say no water no water purify ice or connects water tank all right uh let me go and what is this are we out of water already okay let's change our our thing here cancel those let's go get some some ice hey blossom hey the lights on that's not the color that i wanted okay well we've got that it's is it using is it working not you i won't look at the uh yeah hey there's some bio waste in there nice um let's get waste recycler converts waste into biomass i need to get um something like a water fountain or something in here maybe i don't have to do it i don't know how to do it yet in the research thing storage bin kitchen objects big batteries water purifier uh that's i think i'm going to need to convert dirty water into clean water i probably need that it's five grand wall vents wood furniture classy i remember hearing a thing one time about how on like um the next generation on star trek next generation the bridge has like this like wood paneling you know and like the the the it's like wood uh this is all over the place which seems strange for a spaceship um but i remember i was thinking about like i think gene roddenberry came up with it like you know wood would be a valuable thing uh far into the future and so it's it's like classy hey check out my wood paneling on my uh my spaceship uh what's going on there and we're broke on that note what is all this this is what are these things these are oh these are rations okay we got plenty of rations we have plenty of water there is it good water purified water yeah we're fine okay okay i was a little just panicky there for a little bit let's go back to getting this guy and i'm gonna cancel this one and then put it back up okay would it if you have replicators i mean it's not real wood though it's just it's replicated wood something sold for 100 for uh for a grand that's good so they'll be back in five minutes and we can sell some more things someone's pooping in the garden i guess that's the place to do it um let's see what are we working on tech wise we got food bricks coming soon which could take the biomass and make it into that we have turned biomass but to make biomass also what's that fuel okay uh for this thing to have power we have to get power lines going there how much the power lines cost a dollar okay let's do like just down down the way here close as i need to be up close make some wires there power that light up supposed to be special items from the roids i think yeah let's go get there's a fridge an oven a cupboard i think i probably need there's a big battery there reclamation find seeds upgrades modules it's a probe though we like to send it out to go do things is it free it's just we gotta build it i guess a dream extractor monetizes sleeping colonists by extracting imagination from the highest bidder placed near sleeping colonies higher ego levels are worth more that's fantastic that's that's great i want some of those that's that's what i want convert silicon into data chips i gotta get it we'll spend the money it's worth it okay we're gonna um i'm hoping this gets food and water stable and then we can just fast forward make some money and uh and then continue the the tutorial i know everyone's sitting around doing nothing though it feels like we should be doing something maybe we can mark oxygen emitter emitter takes water i got oxygen though no problem um it's just wasting money big shelf i think we're good we can put in like a poster just to make sure you know people are happy here there you go we need another bed once we get some cash we put a cat mat in people like that maybe like right at the toilet there you go can i change it different no just the cat match difference oh different posters treasure sold for six thousand two treasures sold for six thousand nice so we found something on that asteroid colon is hungry well then go eat something you dum-dum these beds are looking nice look at that they're looking great uh another question is do we i don't have any ore to sell let's say the question is do i just do i um dump a medkit um mission succeeded i'm almost there at the 10 grand do we maybe tractor okay i think we're almost there we can sell something or we go build the uh we go build the the the refinery to start making metals which is worth like 300 versus 100 that ore is i think we do that fine we'll get the quest done in the time don't you worry about it power leach again i have power this time stash this guy like right there i hope they don't mind this being in their bedroom are you sleeping in the toilet excuse me can you go do something about this guy yeah go get that guy all right what are you mad about do you tell me what you're mad about you're mad because you're you you can't but you can because i gave you the the doesn't like carrying dead bodies uh i can't adjust this stuff now he's a good miner why are you just standing there look if you want to mine i'm going to have you mine first do mining don't don't carry dead bodies it's fine if you want to do it don't do it you don't want you like cooking or stocking everyone else can do that okay you love maintenance and cooking okay you want to cook you cook you want a maintenance you do that i'm a good boss people they um they do whatever they want i don't see anything wrong with that terminal i don't know if we can sell our dreams really well let's get this kitchen object thing look at this this dream thing where is it at dream extractor it's five grand it's a little noisy does it need to be like next to the beds yeah i think so pop it right there though real quick see what happens what is leaving colonists by extracting imagination for the highest bidder place near sleeping columnists okay um yeah i know i just spent all my money but it's okay we're gonna sell dreams and then we'll be rich and i want a um i want a blue bed for this one oh red zooms in our zooms in um right there next to that nice machine okay that should do it my dream is to pay the mortgage if you sell it you'll be poor okay somebody go to sleep i got dreams to sell here uh you got no power oh build that okay there you go that's working up now so this this will take adjust all this stuff if we want to um i'm not going to but we can take our ore and make metal out of it and then we can start selling instead of selling ore we'll start selling metal which sells for more that's the idea that's seven mile mass uh bonus level one nice somewhat space haven yes but yeah that's the other one i was trying to think of before the other one it's similar like this and yeah space haven is space haven meeple station and this one are the three colony sim things are colony station things in a way he goes i suppose our goal tutorial goal is to is just get out of the system before we run out of stuff which i think we can do that um let me take this one off again i'm gonna go back to just bring it in or that's good money though there's a gold pot there's spice there there's horse down look at all that poop over there somebody just clean this thing out yeah okay uh i know we need to get to deal with that and that is the is this isn't it waste recycler i have it don't i i can't build it i can't afford it yeah this thing turns into biomass and then we can take that biomass and make it into the food wherever it was uh the food brick thing which takes biomass makes it into bricks of food so we can get there we've got to get money no one seems to be making this um what are you doing spreading items you like to mine okay i'm not gonna tell you to do it what are you doing you like to fix things and k you like carrying dead bodies i'm going to have you do the this is the workbench you do the workbench okay and then build go have a snack why are they eating in the toilet that's disturbing yeah he is eating the toilet i don't know why i don't know what he's eating in the toilet but i'm a little disturbed by it so we should grab some ore and bring it over here i guess i could set up a stockpile like right there just for a bit of ore can i do that um anyone know how to stockpiles was it in this one storage zone okay and i can't tell you allowed is or yeah allow it is or what's that and metal is there too okay yeah yeah you put metal in there too um yeah made a little work and go there and look you got one there already uh now we can come over here tutorialbot's gonna talk to me here in a second but we're gonna go and say i wanna sell this metal it sells the good stuff we got one for 300 nice i think it's one for one oh it's two for one okay so it's not as good a deal i thought it was all right what do you got we have enough material to repair the warp drive order crew member to place the metal in the analyzer and nanobots will automatically perform the repair then order someone activate the warp drive and that terminal and reconnect the fleet liquid with the fleet capability to analyze analyzers for treasures and spare heads okay yeah i'm not sure what that means really that's how i tell you to put you're carrying metal right now order you morale too low you bum how about you using the potty um this how do i get the the metal okay let's turn this back off again yeah he's put the metal in there you bring it back bring it back in here we gotta go we gotta put it in the analyzer what are you doing oh you're you're doing the metal job okay and you're very cranky about it okay so now now you uh you take that and click on that i want you to take that item yup the metal and then put it there that one okay very complicated are you gonna do it you stand there why are you standing why'd you stop moving there she goes uh i would like um this guy okay there she goes soon he'll sideways walk now what do we have over here hey you can you go and do whatever they tell me to do here engage warp drive do we want to this is it we're returning the previous system i just hope we're not too late wait you didn't leave any outside on the warp did you uh no i didn't good i saw someone walk on that door and i thought okay this side of the fleet uh what's that noise it's a distress signal mayday mayday our station's been overrun by some sort of infestation we're out of here is anyone out there please respond don't respond the person's in trouble we have to help besides maybe they know what happened to the fleet contacted them contacting them now no no thank the stars i didn't think anyone would answer a fleet i'm not sure but if there was any system activity our scanners would pick it up and store it in our drives i know where it's located but you'll have to come save money first are you over the airlocks docking protocols you won't need an engineer this time open the star map and rescue this one right and then there we go all kinds of good stuff uh infection risk very high we're not going there first no no no no no we'll get there in a minute she'll be all right i just want to get some ore and just finish the tutorial quest that was my mentor tutorial quest number two i just want to get it done people either become a head in the jar this jar gets put back into the core so you can regrow the person ah that's what okay that's what's happening what about that face nice nice uh future uh reference there okay so you are sleeping for my power go just need to get on this thing and run does it have some dreams do we have dreams that we can sell now that was the ultimate goal here maybe we should bring another person into the world here someone who just wants to um loves powers that's that's what i was looking for lowest power generation loves carrying dead bodies well both these guys are pretty good i don't have points for either of them i got this guy who's the worst he's mean she she was a zookeeper this is a human be nice to them she's free uh all i need to do is just run on the power generator so um i don't mind how bad you are all right then like ripley how bad can you be so when she comes in i'm gonna tell her first priority is to run on the machine to keep power in here a mute body mouth that's right she's she's a potty mouth with her with her eyes why is he walking like that i guess there's some constraints to the 2d in a 3d world system free time i don't think so um don't you do a little bit of that please it's gonna be her job but you know if you're up for it okay you love fixing things you love cleaning blood you might have a problem just go and give me some power please we need to get some dreams where's he going there we go power back online i'm going to move this bed set it in like that and then this one's gonna be moved also i'm sure if it has how if it has to go a certain special way like that but i'm gonna squeeze it in there and see if it works better that works okay he's a prolific writer are we out of um yeah okay so let's sell our medal now okay what's that one upgrade module occasionally found while exploring the star system used to upgrade objects okay we do some watering we do have plenty of water we got all kinds of poop um batteries are fully charged so we can squeeze a couple more in there if we need to i think i want to go and get a money now no an oven required by fur chemist to cook food automation probe is done at your core find seeds okay um yeah the water purifier isn't built a long time ago but now i'm broke is no one's dreaming enough okay research is happening i may um let me stop that for a bit just so we get some jobs done hey frisk how's it going ambition for the sentry gun it goes puke i don't have a sentry gun fuel does what quarter for generators mining drones i don't have those uh we have a lot of wheat hanging around 11 biomass now okay i'm gonna let the research off for a minute so we can get some jobs done this metal moving around we get someone out there flying around grabbing some some metals also uh definitely bringing some cash here and uh and get some dreams in here if that's how it works uh i haven't played any um you're asking me i haven't played even hearth in a while um i guess i guess the folks that um that built the town up i i guess a lot of them are stuck with it and i think they ended up moving somewhere else though but i think i think it's still going on there's still some haven and half hearth things happening this is ugly this is oh you don't like my sign it's good oxygen's okay oh it's noisy over there they don't like that i should have known that let's build them maybe we make this into um we leave this as like workroom and make our bedroom somewhere else we can build like a little spot over here somewhere apparently wanted in the station hey can someone go kill that hey you um time for bathrooms we got power leeches so we build off like over this way and stick a little bedroom over here or maybe there's a door here we can stick it you know anywhere we can do it um no i'm gonna resist just for a minute i'm gonna resist for a minute because i i just want to get some cash there's no power now why is there never any power when people are sleeping bigger batteries how much are the other batteries battery battery battery where are they a grand all right fine okay are you working human minds yeah you may you make money is it just like does it does it do it do i sell the thing or does it just slowly accumulate money there's the upgrade things i can do no one requires power nice a little bit of noise i'm not sure how that works it doesn't seem like it's making it it doesn't seem to be making an item with 17 bioware someone we should sell this stuff okay we all good on power power is all full uh what is what does new newbie do now newbie um you go fix things when you're not doing that okay that's probably pretty good um when you're doing that i i think i'm gonna send you out mining yeah there's no dead bodies to carry you go and mine things okay go do that i got one of these ships we've got the job oh it's done um we bring in the let's bring in the gold pot and then go get more ore down here then we'll go save we'll go save her in a minute she can wait is a space station game whenever it seems like the goal is to go and fly around to different places makes you think wonder why it's not a big spaceship game i'm going what that really really matter i guess it's the same thing either way [Music] i suppose if no one's gonna be doing anything i'm also given something to do so let's give them sealed doors and then we'll get some we gotta go wood oh i can't hold shift no okay we'll get the wood furniture occupation tank what's that dude that's that's the get a colonist yeah rules of engagement big batteries nine grand is the hauler work is that what this is is a hauler mission's complete already okay it's good though we'll sell it okay wood furniture's done let me go and i'm gonna i'm gonna get it we'll see what it does i think it's that it looks pretty similar doesn't it yeah it's gotta be it's gonna build a second one of those that's not opposed to that hey game delete build menu all right it'll keep pre-requisites if you select a text that has unresearched okay yeah i can see if i go down that some single tree i can do it where is ripley oh she's sleeping all right what are you doing free time i don't think so power is going quick i guess it's this thing this thing too also using a lot of power my light red over here nope it's always white i guess colin's unhappy colin what's wrong buddy well what's the big uh what's what's it i saw bio waste i saw by ways the room is noisy i'll give you upgrade yeah anyone anyone upgradeable i'll give you one to make you what's wrong with you i'll make you uh athletic okay go do some of that we got power yeah 10 items for three grand nice that's 10 metals we just sold we've got no more metals but they're coming in we can sell that bio waste it's real bad oh you know what we can do let's get uh some shelves to stick it on did i ever get that research done big shelf yeah there we go excellent uh and then we gotta get there's the food brick thing we need to do there's a water recycler also we're probably pretty handy we've got we're getting a little on water so let's get the water recycler done purifier that's the thing wait for that to take would take care of this off too though it's only two grand okay we're gonna pin it out there um do that right there yeah it's fine isn't it the treasure sold okay so you just take biowaste and uh there you go you crank it into some bio mass which sells for way more do you do one for one you do one for one okay and power again can i adjust your sleep schedules i won't sleep at the same time and i think this thing is just using up all my power while we're sleeping um let's go here job scheduling let's do that okay he's back from his mission and um make some make some things here yeah they're filling up i mean look it's like a whole big battery bay i mean when they get this room moved around we'll we'll do that but i'm i'm resisting i'm i'm avoiding pushing any buttons this is going to hold bio mass good place for it okay research let's get a big battery very expensive i'm resisting it's over two grand okay we got we're almost there almost there finally we'll have to get um i need all this stuff i'm gonna resist though and wait until we get 10 grand because once we get that big battery done as soon as this guy gets thrown away i think we'll be set not quite are we uh are we still mining things yep still mining uh no we're not nothing there let me get um that one and then we're gonna go into not a lot of ore out here not a lot of war at all there's ten thousand zypher there okay okay let's go uh there next and get some water hey mash how's it going have a good one that one what do you mean falls apart it'll be great hey check that out oh that's much nicer i can make a bunch of those they're 500 bucks a piece though so i'm going to read it i'm resisting we're going to hit 10 grand in a moment as soon as this flies away he's going to go have a snack in this bathroom for some reason there's i don't know how to make tables oh i do not make tables 250. okay um we'll set one here and there there you go nice wooden table that's look how classy that is gene roddenberry was right that's fancy treasure sold there we go we did it quest done i don't get like a little like a uh like a congratulations or anything like a good job way to go space man all right i'm gonna make uh the the bedrooms we could like stash them away from the place the kitchen bedrooms all that stuff will be on the over on this side somewhere let's do it so we'll have maybe we have like a bedroom let's do that before separate it bedroom and kitchen will be kind of together the bedroom will be over here we'll put a wall in the middle and separate things if i can put like um that's the paneling let me do this it's a little weird it's like kitchen and and waste reclamation all that stuff will be right here um we'll stick a door there between the two and then we'll have um you know uh bedroom time and all that stuff up there which i can i think i can probably go ahead and move i'm gonna have to get like a power line run through actually i already have a power line so i'm good okay get to work these guys and start punching people i don't know what to do to make them happy though um oh increasing it permanently okay yeah level him up and let's make him that one there you go buddy there you go colin anyone else have um does it tell me when they get upgrades you survived for one week that's exciting what about you all good ripley's a little cranky that's just ripley's just kind of a cranky person okay you can't go uh there's no z levels it's just all flat we found some some nasty ice over here we can now get silicon silicon i don't think i need silicon right now though we'll do this mission once we once we're ready we're gonna go here i'm not sure what we need to do we're probably gonna go die i think i'm just gonna send ripley in because we don't like ripley fill requests from a local citizen receive rewards so we can go get that stuff or or that stuff um mysterious egg yeah and we'll do that one sure we're gonna send in ripley it makes it sound like i should send in more people um colin really hates life right now so cullen's going in and addison has some health addison's going in okay what does that do kind of where i shouldn't be doing this yet i guess we'll find out we'll move this when we can move the chairs over there also yeah we'll have a whole uh a whole bedroom system set up over here we'll get some lights um i really want to get a uh some bigger batteries you know they are filled but we need bigger ones i wonder how big these are only what a thousand for the small batteries so those big batteries must be a lot if they hold like a thousand power or something okay that one's done so we can go and remove that and we'll put a door there and put a door uh there i guess okay and then we'll put in our doors okay um cole and ripley are fighting no go go on your mission first stop it who's that ripley go on your mission first what are you doing is she gonna die can i tell you something about this hey hey hey can you go uh no don't fight her go like we'll fix her he's gonna leave her there he's gonna eat on top of her let's see i think i can do that fine yeah right there remove the beds i guess because someone's in it is she gonna wake up there she goes she's back she's good okay oxygen how are you doing a little low over here uh no no it's filling out it's fine okay i'm gonna move this guy is it oh who became unhappy i can't imagine why cullen what can i do with this guy became enemies with addison an object just broke what what's going on what's going on there's blood over the place look i try to build beds for one minute oh go fix yourself can you go uh have a good deal heal yourself fire what vent the atmosphere how am i supposed to do that looking for work no you're not wait everybody's dead wait really what what what happened um uh um i could use one here um maybe you can come on in kenton i'm going to grow you i don't know how to vent the room we just like open this thing up somehow she's not going to do it fit in the atmosphere how do i do it you um no you think it's your morale is too low this is burning too oh she's covered the fire is hot you died okay okay uh can we grow this guy real quick why did they ever go on the mission or enjoy some barbecue oh boy okay good okay now i have a job for you open this door can i do that i don't know what how do i um we have been we have like air locks everywhere maybe we just say like delete a wall you go go do that can you put your suit on or something what are you going to do fix an object okay can you just like put it out like put towel on or something i can't tell you like put a fire out buddy his morale is low he's brand new what's wrong with him i saw a dead body you saw a lot of them how are you supposed to fix that what do you do what are you supposed to do um better job for you buddy here you go here is your plan um i want you to do missions i always by always mining uh how do i tell you to go on a mission offload unavailable okay so if we go over here and we say let's fix that mission hey thanks matthew bishop 11 months so canton's gonna go do this mission now kenton can you please do the mission um i can't get him do anything he's not gonna do he's gonna try like a what kind of vent what kind of vent is there a fire suppressor drinking fountain emergency center extends on a red alert is it one of those yeah external floor there's a door let's like stick a door to the outside i don't have ventilation is it a tech i thought i've never seen that in wall vent oh i don't know what a wall event is unless airflow how's that gonna do any good how is a wall then gonna help me with we can't vent to the outside does it go there he's gonna die i tell you to uh i can't tell you anything i think we're done for i think it's game over man he wants to fix things um do the dead body carry in first remember what don't worry about that which is not staying that fire where you going oh dead body transport okay good there we go now we can grow them okay okay everything's burning down you're still very angry but you at least get some bodies brought back i'm gonna harvest you and then you are going to let's see build something or research what i want you to do so go do some research oh nope nope nope nope i forgot i had that uh where'd you go over there uh go take that okay go do that yeah go do that go outside whoops are you okay there i mean that's gonna work right it'll work because we can just grow people in a minute hold your breath hold your breath surprisingly slow i mean i've seen a lot of space movies it goes faster than that hey tom cleaning blood why don't you go out and do some mining buddy that might be some nice nice thing for you why are you guys still in still in here i guess it's oh wait wait wait i have an idea what is that that's a door um why don't you put a um how does this work um sure put it there but then but then once you put in a wall um a um a door i'm not just gonna do anything it's like air proof or anything it should work though right because this thing's making a lot of oxygen fighting what and you killed her this guy this guy's the worst um yeah i'm supposed to do that because the this is a problem all right buddy i need you like how does this work now shut down how's the air to flow between the rooms oh so i see i see so we're supposed to we're supposed to have like sealed rooms and then we can just vent it and it'll just close off no oxygen done i get it okay go do your dang mission what's wrong with you i mean there is a lack of oxygen but this is really cranking it out if this was close no we need to open because he's actually coming from here so he's safe as long as he's hanging out over here he's just gonna be mad and break things but these metal floors are they sure do burn don't they i don't know what's going on not over yet it's not over yet we can always grow another person and then come open one of these doors and fix it i don't understand how there's not a single piece of wood except for these two chairs and those two things aren't burning um let's see uh that must be really hot all right let's go and i can make a person they're all free right does it cost me anything to grow refuse to clean hates cooking and stocking machines uh daniel hey buddy let me grow you real quick i'm gonna say i'm gonna mark a wall to get removed that one i guess and that should hopefully help i understand why this is still burning moving buildings is instant you can save all stations from oh is it i didn't notice that oh hey check that out oh i didn't notice that okay we'll set we will salvage this um salvage is probably the right word for that team bathroom over there everything else is broken um i can move those i guess if we need to but we don't need to do that yet when she gets done we'll open that up he's gonna have a little nap over there that one finally went out is uh this move can this move okay i still understand how these steel floors are burning unless it's a really hot fire doesn't build machinery outside in space most people get um oh this stuff i can put out outside i saw um i saw folks complaining about um like lack of oxygen breaking things i was afraid to do much jumping between zones so you me i want you to go and building top priority you're gonna no you're not hold your breath go do it yeah go do it maybe it's that one okay now get back in there good good they're fighting okay a little oxygen good i know i'm aware now the trick is gonna be getting it fixed um while we hold our breath there's no oxygen we've been watching the whole the whole ship actually back here is not too bad nevermind i'm trying i'm trying game looking finally got some money okay there we go last one come on come on burn out already this guy this guy i have a problem with him so i want you to build first because i don't mind if you die why is the fire not gonna go out how long has it been days the fire won't go out i can't click on the floor it's growing now i don't know this it's out okay finally all right so let's put some walls up wall and a wall please do that quickly thank you okay so now the oxygen should start coming back uh correct maybe we could build an oxygen emitter to help it go out a little faster they're all up though right there's no holes no holes we're good yeah it's slowly coming in okay okay okay no problem everything's fine what a day um you're gonna go like this and then up there to connect up to this guy and we'll get that that treadmill we're going to rebuild that guy i'm going to put like two of these in here how much are these things 1000 bucks that's cheap put a couple of them in you stop fighting you understand okay now um so we've learned vents are gonna be important probably in this room this is gonna be the bad room so there's oxygen getting in there right now do i need to have um like airlocks hey do village i'm on this i'm on youtube today alright thanks youtube a little oxygen no it's not looking at it it's fine okay okay everybody good now everybody ready to come back i'm a little worried because this guy is the worst i don't like him he's quite the engineer though so can we go do that mission maybe we send him off on that mission and then we uh we uh we get rid of him cancel that one go do this go go to this and send canton kenton because he's a laborer why can't you do it you're all laborers though right they need some sort of skill in engineering maybe yeah i think so okay so we're gonna bring uh i liked addison as was all right didn't say much you can have wires in the walls building or the floor wire wall ah okay okay i will remember that this is powered up now so we get some cash out of that hopefully toilets ready um this is supposed to be the food land food land's gonna be over here i guess can we clean this thing up remove that scrap there get that get that all cleaned up and then we're gonna make i guess it's gonna be kitchen land over here so we'll turn in let's go let's get a water purifier that seems like a thing to have on a space station um let's spend some money here let's get a um a waste recycler next to it let's open that wall there okay fine we'll put over here and then we'll put in a food brick factory also and then we need an oral refinery which burned before so maybe i don't want this thing that doesn't fit oh oh oh i think we had our first crash oh yep all right well i i think it has auto saves find out we hope fingers crossed maybe we can get that mission done [Music] i like to reset my resolution also every time i come in here which might be okay sometimes live streams doesn't like to be at such a high and also just for the ui me sync on please oh it's good okay please be before all the shenanigans or after after the shenanigans okay good good good um just before i build all that stuff okay so let's go oh maybe guys put it on top of that i didn't like that so remove those things where you want to put i do want to be better but it's expensive uh what do you do i don't know um i'd like a i'd like a water purifier this is supposed to go in the kitchen i could put a kitchen like out here somewhere so it's kind of nearby all the uh all this stuff um yeah we'll cram it in here so we got it we got a oh oh what was that water purifier i want a waste recycler and a food brick guy we'll set him like this and then i need the um i need the or refinery which can go right there i think it's fine let's take it uh here let's just remove this okay or finder's gonna go in the corner i was gonna crash again come on game what's wrong with your fire how am i supposed to get medals hmm what's the problem that's a problem maybe we don't build our warfighter right there that's a bad place just just don't put your aura finder right there and everything will be fine cobra space gods we are worshiping uh kenton and uh in his murderous rage let's see if uh if we can make it so remember no refinery of it i'm gonna put a refinery first see what happens okay before i remove anything refinery goes down ah okay excellent okay remove all those uh that's gonna go as well okay um and then we're gonna put in the other stuff we wanted to do i do want a storage zone the next to this guy seems like a good eye good idea i should keep it a wall here though let's do this first um i need a vent and then i want to put in a wall like that and we'll put a door does it need to be an airlock i guess we should put an airlock because what if everything burns manual door how do we do our lock uh airlock i don't know we'll do the door stores don't break yeah that's what i hear hear there be bugs i have experienced myself that guy there will put a light there so we get some lights on this side and we'll get one [Music] you know if i do this the cables aren't gonna be able to go through there put a door there also here's where the cables were yeah okay so now we'll be fine so if something burns in here we can just lock it up this can be the real problem is on this side but same thing we can put a air vent in and uh and no problems we'll stick it like right there i mean the beds won't burn but that might okay lights on batteries are all full i put a big battery in it's very it holds what a thousand so it's a little bit better but it's just so much money i'm not gonna do it it's just too much uh what's a fridge hold used by chefs for cooking kent's unhappy can i'm ha i'm unhappy with you buddy you know you think of that remember those people you murdered let's put uh that guy there and then we're gonna go into um side going to get food brick factory which i guess can go in the middle i mean it has access on each side anything wrong with that it's probably too loud a bit of a walk to come down here let me squeeze against the side of the wall here though uh waste recycler i can go there just fine and then the water thing was a water thing water purifier like that and get uh the power and then i want to get my storage thing that i had set up before there and this is going to be uh metals and ores okay waiting for biomass it's fine all that stuff yeah yeah we'll get it good lights are on whenever you're in the room the lights are on okay lights on bedrooms we got two people let's get another one come on in addison uh let's bring in uh ripley's the worst cullen you know you're not goody you're all the worst okay i got bad people you're good i don't have the bits for you though matt i'll get you in a minute you're mean and deaf in a germaphobe a germaphobe and a potty mouth i don't know we're bringing ripley the zookeeper we don't like either of them okay everyone go do some jobs food brick factory is done nice one of my chairs broke okay is the base moving uh i mean sort of uh let's try this again so i want to go and do this and i don't know how to do it how do we do this mission i don't know we are let's harvest that one maybe we just say forget you we're out of here okay here we go uh maybe i needed a special person for it i don't know it says we're all laborers whatever that means uh free time um power there low power i mean one of you to go do that was ripley's job ripley your job is um is you just worry about power actually you're good at things aren't you anyone not good at anything i should make kenton do it because we hate that guy well that ripley does she selects it so you do power generation power leech hey buddy punch this thing i can't believe we survive we've come back from that i mean the crashes you know the game didn't want us to come back against all odds we're still alive somehow i don't know what's going on over here oh here we go here we go maybe that's gonna fix it yeah there we go okay as can you stay i like you the other others of you get out of here go do it basically move resources you see on the map get depleted as well i mean yeah i know i know we can leave the system that's what you mean okay as far as selling things now um i i'm selling metals and maybe i shouldn't be selling the metals maybe i should there's lots of biomass we can use but we're gonna make that the nutrition bricks we'll need that if you're if i wanted a lot of money we have none probably a good idea to make some of that stuff which is here how do we turn the ice into oh i want a drinking fountain i'll turn the ice into uh it wasn't drinking how i saw it there it is there you go okay she'll be a little nicer in there now we can also put in a little decoration for a nice a nice cat match i wanna i wanna blackmail good a yellow a yellow mat there we go oh i'm losing uh some bitrate so uh i got some problems oh you know what did it go um no try save okay all all well all is well now let me know if things get a little a little bouncy i gotta yell i got yellow uh error messages over here yelling at me i don't necessarily need a fallback storage zone if we do something like this so what's this green stuff that's biomass that's what's why isn't it on there make a couple shelves picks up 500 bucks i'm broke and we're out of power again all right how do i tell you guys to do this job you can i tell you to go do the job yeah all right someone's going to empty that someone should should do it go do the job and then you canton you want because you don't have a bed yet did you get a chair what else do you want there we got two people running now power's up immediately they'll better build more batteries and let power leeches in the power they become upgrade chips okay so um you go go do that job why is no one offloading do i haven't tell me do the offload thing it's like a hauling or maybe maybe stocking machines ripley ripple you do power generation when you're not doing that then do that what's your problem buddy you're always mad you're hungry uh do i have any food just [Laughter] it's no kitten's dead now who did was it you no everyone just killed each other again i don't know i don't know i don't know i'd say uh well we know we're not bringing with the other guy when he's not coming back this guy we like him come on in buddy we're being a little more choosy about who comes into our place ripley you're the worst but you're still alive so it's okay low morale death loop yeah we found it um it would be nice if we could get solar panels and that would certainly be handy is there a thing on here that we can get that patient tank where's power powers down engineering sentry guns no power tv we can make a tv but we can't make it a solar panel um ripley what do i do about you how do i get you out of here [Laughter] carry the dead bodies please okay ripley i don't know what to tell you um i do not tell you i i do know can you do the mission do the mission um do it get out of here wake up too low morale i can't tell you anything because you're allowed hey dodger how's it going let's see i love my job they say as they oh as they're dead um all right um both these guys are pretty good you're just afraid of the dark that's no problem it's never dark addison we like addison addison's great it has been a while dodger how you been all right addison i just want to do the mission save the person save the day you know as i think i need you to be a cook first though because there's a bit of a problem here with food so you love to cook oh well addison have i got a job for you what are you doing maintenance no no there's no power um go do power first there you go power power is quick now you can go cook some things okay what are you doing fixing that no no no go go do this so you you take the biomass you put it in there and you make those little bricks like there's tons of biomass why isn't she doing it like one's good right or is that a higher priority whatever it is do it she doing cleaning blood no do this pick one of those up yep and then put it there okay why isn't she cooking i don't know maybe maybe hosed here so she's a bit of a problem because she's mean so we gotta get yeah get rid of her like you just you're out yeah sell you forever no more ripley um cullen's kind of the worst as well so we're getting rid of colin okay i've got some cash on that uh kenton we can't stand the guy but he was just having a bad day so we can we can excuse that this guy's excitable is that a good thing tomorrow booster double yep dimple come on buddy this is what our fifth or sixth dimple we should just sell that ice and we can just carry it out there and put it in inside there there's no fallback storage i don't know that means um i can put in another uh storage zone i suppose and put in are you doing it now finally so this is gonna hold those things i guess it's like a shelf here that's a place for the shelf to go oh no too big it's getting in the way of things you think maybe it has it has to have all sides available no because it's there okay we're gonna have power problems until we get someone here so come on in buddy and we're bringing kenton and hopefully some will make some food that's all we ask just a little bit of food on this shelf you know what you're gonna put i'm gonna put food these uh these things yep yep these guys can go right there this is like is it fallback zone sources that store no items i'm going to become a fallback zone store items that aren't stored anywhere else okay whatever uh there is there is some some working going on like here yeah okay it's happening there we go yeah it's happening she's throwing it excellent okay uh remember that mission we're doing it all of us now you guys go on it whenever you want uh i'm not going to pressure you just you know whenever you feel like it's it'd be nice somebody did something let me do it all attacks finished what oh gift day off that's a button i didn't see before i think someone was telling me about that in chat weren't you no i would like to yeah get rid of all this stuff where's it go i don't care we put it in there actually i do care here i'm gonna sell this ice that worked apparently okay get the ice out of here clean this thing out and then we can go on our mission okay how's everyone doing uh addison we we like you you're you're a little mad you're you're a little afraid of the dark it's okay there's no darkness because we got lights everywhere except for there let me get you a light right there no more spookies okay good good um monetizing those dreams which i think it is coming you can see a little blip right there which i guess is is that isn't it yeah okay that's cool the problem is it uses too much power so let's get some more power in here and um i'm breaking down buying the big battery all my money that big battery but it's going to like what what's tripling tripling or not quite tripling more than doubling our power are you going to the mission are you doing it oh it's about time okay good good so we just sit back for a few hours i i really like the idea of clearly it's it's someone asked my opinion of this earlier um it's early access um i've played a lot of early access games and it's very early access for sure okay how do we do but i i like i see where they're going i'm i'm liking that where'd you send us the place is crawling with slime creatures dawn found a functioning shuttle she's safe now but we barely managed to make it out we got a little fried but i'm not sure how usable it is we're heading back now what do we have here more meat for the grinder says someone named the butcher alex uni oh no the hive must be must have followed me here i knew this was a bad idea we have to get out of here now she's right there's no way we can withstand this attack we can analyze the data later right now we need to be anywhere else okay activate the warp drive everyone get inside oh where's the other person okay you're right there pretending to be a hamster good good whatever uh find the fleet to unlock huh what do you mean find the fleet uh hmm like this one yeah what do you want oh okay that's strange you're inside right yeah push the button buddy okay that's right tom okay we found a recipe cache i think we're safe for now we need to figure out how to repair the sensor data okay a little bug didn't come along with a citation comrade a fellow synthetic overlord i i couldn't help but overhear your encrypted chatter mr pink can easily recover your data but i need a favor my meat bags have been underperforming recently i think they need a morale boost better food goes a long way send me a shipment of nutrition bricks and i'll perform the unnecessary data recovery okay i can do that upgrade available huh like what oh look at that um increases production meal by one unbreakable no longer requires power that's what i want on um this with this requirement no more power there we go okay it seems like it's gonna be very good for certain things this requires one power per minute this was three per minute i think what it was um no we may not we may have enough power now that we've got the big thing this is only one per minute yeah that's that was a big the big thing um i got a lot of stuff i just want to make you increase your production you sure started making nutrition bricks once we have enough we can send them to mr pink and he'll recover the sense of data okay how many do you want just any of them i mean i don't have it yet yeah i do how many you want ten i mean i'm eat i'm eating those things so i'd rather not give you all of them production faster sure okay back to work a lot of money now um i have enough for another citizen we can bring someone in we can try to find somebody we've got an excitable mute potty mouth that's no problem though match come on in what do we get pacifists that could be useful you guys are all the worst let's grow nat here hope we can crank out this food i i wouldn't get it at the moment andy i found space rock okay um yeah i suppose we can keep doing a mission though we need to get there's that guy what a face ten thousand zypher for doing it let's go and i think we're just going to bring in some some um ore i guess let's do that real quick did you get a mission going keep the food rolling people start getting hungry what if i should turn this off for a minute uh where is it right this one okay i'm gonna for a minute we're gonna stop that just because i guess it's just gonna send them one to it but we're wait we need food for ourselves it's like you gotta control here uh and then i want you to go and get me some crypto miner um i don't know what he wants it's looking in the data chips seal doors turns convert electricity into heat heat flows okay furniture wall paneling there we go fancy gene would be proud no i don't know chemistry i guess that's that's that was the one that was um uh uh mentioned in the thingy there's no cannibalism uh if there are no cannibalism i think it's worth supporting the developers yeah i mean yeah if you want to support the devs and yeah by all means certainly um but if you're looking for like like a fleshed-out ready-to-play game i i wouldn't recommend it for that what are you bleeding for what's wrong with you stop that i saw blood i was hurt it's all drone they're creepy this room is noisy is it not noisy at all noisy over here oh this is ugly okay uh let me build something pretty then which one's that's this one give me the mat a nice purple one which i wanted to go there because it needs to be under the bed there stick one there that helps a little bit we'll put a poster up let's get a star master poster there you go what is there fighting going on again are people dead again i looked away for one second why is he fighting why is he fighting there's nothing there's no reason to fight why did he fight everyone was happy i picked colonists that were happy there's no reason to get mad at anybody else nobody there's no creepy breathing why what's wrong with you you're just afraid of the dark you were the worst one we had [Laughter] hey can you carry some bodies around that's a new job everyone's new job is to carry bodies always always carry bodies top priority for some reason we just feel the need to what is this mysterious egg sounds dangerous we're all too low okay all right um i mean i don't know anymore spoiler everyone dies yeah it's just like been a lot been alive too long time to go the vent broke yeah you got problems when your vent breaks pick that up yeah yeah go pick that up i'm not sure what to do with it though maybe you can put it somewhere can you put it like in um um something put things in here hey egg is i'm gonna go there all right i'll just do that just hang on to it for a bit okay chemistry table uh is unlocked i don't know what to do about this fallback storage sure we'll make we'll make one um there now that seems the same zone as this you keep that stuff but you're a different zone right what okay you are a fallback zone yes so no items i'm not gonna become fall back zone story items that aren't stored anywhere else so it's just it's just a backup storage okay sure you go there um i think one of our problems is there's a lack of food but there's now tons of food so it shouldn't be an issue what are you doing okay all right um we may need to wrap the stream up here because i'm having some issues apparently with my internet so well i'll keep an eye on here that we uh maybe maybe about a good time to end it um either way i've got tons of stuff let's see if we can finish this this task off though because we've got we've got the bits he wants 10 of them we'll sell we can see if he takes him clean water i've got i should have that uh no i don't have any dirty water um where do you dirty water from from ice right purifier not any sort of cooking stuff cupboard for food i have the money make another hauler let's put one over here just because uh no all right do i want to spend money on this yeah more resources more money oh it wouldn't bed uh yeah i just realized that was a was a thing there we go classy classy okay so those will get hauled over there uh we can bring somebody in here and another one oh we got another angry person um here where's the wait how do i get you a day off i'll get you a day off somehow oh wait how do we do it before you lose your mind how do i do it i saw it health no give day off oh i can't that's a tech scheduling i wasn't not sure where that is but we'll do that one take it easy don't lose your mind please it'll be it'll be okay you know what you think about if you die we'll just bring you back pretty sure there's a doctor who episode very similar to this go get that there you go buddy oh someone said i should bring those in shouldn't i for upgrades or whatever can't wait for biomass tons of it transporting items good idea mission succeeded okay um [Music] let's do this one then scavenge resources or just do the contract sure um we're gonna send in aston she's a little cranky someone said addison in okay get that guy here oh we got a purple one now okay that's so we can also go and do like i don't know we'll have a pendant and some spice um i i had ice but i stopped getting maybe we should get ice i'm not really sure what to do with ice once we get it is there a tech in here somewhere that says what's due surely there's a water thing i'm sure what a cleaning but what about ice make juice there's a lot of things there's a lot of stuff in here liquid pipes biomass tanks i can see yeah that's what's gonna be going with pipes and things running all over the place terminal the data one arcade machine i need to get that one seal doors water purifier i don't know it's generator life support what is it called so we have we have wood furniture wood i don't know what to get source of something that's gonna keep me mis keep the mystery going okay buddy go do the job so we need to offload this thing and it'll be set here go get that stuff bring it in here get it working here we go okay everyone happy i'm not sure why this isn't holding anything can we have these things all in place put it on there okay i'll get the the the crypto miner okay bedtime lots of lots of dreams coming in lots of money coming in how much is coming in that's what 20 which is 20 per tick was that like 70 before though maybe maybe it doesn't matter where we're at maybe our heads need to be like right right there which that one is those two aren't though is that maybe see if that works any better it's right here to fix first time for everything how are we doing this where's where's my oh you know what i um i should not be selling this food i just realized i need to do the mission here not that one okay oops can i bump you up um to do anything i don't even wear these okay okay i get it now um let's see i'll just be it's gonna be chemistry things so i'm gonna be quite there yeah let's get a storage bin for our food we're gonna we need a kitchen set up so i'm gonna set up i got this little area but we're gonna set like you know fridges and all those kind of things let's get a floor thing i think this stream is holding together now it was having some troubles a bit ago um i have an airlock over here but i've got one here so this would be a nice kitchen a wall there and we're going to move i think i'll leave that below that all alone we're just going to put in the new stuff which would be like a cupboard and we'll put a fridge and a dish counter hope that want to be hang on this counter wants to have both sides so sure and then an oven okay and then we'll get some power to it eventually okay once that's done we'll remove the airlocks put real doors in there was it going up higher i didn't i didn't i didn't catch at the time allison is becoming unhappy addison i don't tell you um you just you're just always in a bad mood and i think maybe this room's noisy maybe you should just like i don't know take it easy take a day off you like cooking pretend to be a hamster yeah yeah you can do that but but i'll give you some cooking and you'll be all right you can have a cupboard and uh in a fridge and an oven it's real nice um here let me get rid of um that airlock there we'll go to that one too okay get rid of those put some doors in nice purple doors okay and then the wires okay now you need more power so you're waiting for a chemist uh i didn't make that yet speaking extends during red alert we don't do red alert scans for illegal items and remove them if found rails increased by 13.25 many thanks friends i recovered your data you should be receiving in just a moment safe travels oh hey thanks received looks like mr pink actually pulled through for us fleetwood's headed towards system 5962 let's head there reconnect with them okay weapons locker it seems like something they have let's get um we'll get this stuff set up first before we do all this we got lots of money now so let's put in a um yeah i need a chemistry i need both of these spin around here so let's get the chemistry table stashed in over here somewhere and then the um i can't do that now seven and a half requires glyrium found his base i don't think i want that one yet i don't think i don't want that one first achievement mine i want the other one first the uh where is it where is it hey where was it this one silicon silicon potato chips right there in that corner there's plenty of room in here i suppose this is crammed up here next to the uh research man okay yeah um and let's go get some let's do some mining before we leave this place let's do some mining we can go get some um there's a pin there where's the silicon there's much skills in there yeah i'm gonna do just do a bunch of mining so watch over there sure i'll take a watch some more ore pda we can sell and some silicon there and we'll scavenge that guy okay everybody get to work the oxygen but i think it's talking about that room there yeah oxygen's fine now food um are we doing okay with food we can we do have an upgrade thing we can go and say hey do um more doesn't require power it could be useful for that for that specific machine so then if we ever do render the power we can still make food and uh i'm gonna bring someone else in here not you guys though you guys are the worst incompetent charismatic tolerance i need something with good morale liked by everyone now has a random perk each day fast learner you're good too i'm taking both you guys bad at everything it doesn't ma bother me any with plenty of bio stuff food is fine bring you in bring mary in here you need power for those madison is suffocating what where's asin at what oxygen's fine right oxygen is fine okay we'll keep the missions going and uh let's get oh oh lights light flights and let me put some lights over here we're gonna stick them like right there it's fine and then maybe we put i don't have a uh uh table but we could put a shelf in for food i suppose i'm not sure which way that goes but we'll put it like that yep be a food guy put a couple chairs in here we'll make them like uh nice red chairs there you go okay so you um you're gonna hold food but i don't know what to do with food space ration yeah those and uh and the new prescription bricks you can have those too oh we can be eating directly oh hey okay i do have oh i did where'd my oh there it is i forgot i have farm because i have to be wheat oh tomatoes peanut oh look at all this stuff okay let's get i'm like i have seeds for these things i think i need seeds for all of it uh if not we're gonna try put them in carrots and more wheat there we go okay uh so there's a this guy who's sucking up my uh my power smash that guy let's put some beds in what a lovely placed bedroom just the worst isn't it spaced out it's fine what's all this what is this dirty water oh hey we got dirty water now no space for fuel no place to put the water maybe uh here let me give you a shelf or some sort of storage thing with that i just researched a a cool shelf i don't have any money though someone do the cheap shelf which can go right there and you're going to be a a water holder water boy okay so you are going to hold water i really want you to hold that but apparently it doesn't like they're too close together so it doesn't like that it's fine okay oh yeah i forgot about you come on in buddy you're number six i've only got five beds so i have to oh you can't get that one hey what if i put it like this that's okay i'm gonna move the sink over here putting the bed in nope i won't put a bed in uh ken's behaving strangely great great what's wrong with you buddy what's wrong something's off space madness great um here no i shouldn't have done that one you gotta go beat us all up uh yeah there you can have that one i forgot to do all this stuff how many times you guys have died uh you're not gonna do this i'm gonna make everyone i happy everybody to be happy there you go i'm not not you you might you might break you yep you're um athletic is good and happy intermittent fasting might be nice to have what is that what do you have on you brick belly i want to lie down uh all right everybody happy addison you hear me i need you to be happy no whining okay none of that their morale penalties are increased but i'm hoping it's an offset because of all the uh the you know the weighted form okay now cooking what do you take to cook ooh wheat carrots potatoes tomatoes oh okay okay cool maybe i should put wheat and things on here i'll put some shelves in in here along the way once i get some money yeah i think i might need a wall vent in here just in case i'm gonna put one uh where are those shells at do we have food happening i want you to hold um food we have a cupboard for that so we're putting raw stuff in there wheat and uh i think that's it just wheat is all we have right now what is this we put ice in there for loads of jobs still to do and we get some money we'll get silicon guy going there but we got food coming in everything's great everything's great how uh how how did we do it things were broken things were it was just the worst but somehow somehow things have happened good things have happened i could probably use a uh a wheat shelf also to hold why is there any water on this thing don't put dirty water in there under water that's where it goes it goes over there apparently maybe i'll change you to dirty water i want you to hold stop it go away there you are okay hopefully we got this stuff done actually what i can probably do is tell you to just work better um yeah that's fine like that voidia game oh yeah the the roguelike that's good that was uh uh not much to it but yeah that was pretty good you might have used for another bathroom there's 50 coming in and there's only two people there i'm just sort of standing around looking at stuff um yeah we'll let it fast forward i think things are safe nobody's murdering each other that's great um great great uh yeah yeah we we can grab this pendant here sure i'll grab a pendant um i'm not so concerned about that right now i figured we'd go in there grab the scrap real quick grab the watch um i guess there's nothing here so don't do that one just pda some scrap little you know we'll grab the the easy stuff requires a minor what was that you we don't want that one a very high risk a very high chance of uh infection here but with two of these ships we should able to get people out there doing jobs i suppose i can mess with the job lists i know what i can do make sure no one's doing the job that they hate doing make sure they are doing jobs they want to do so he's got stuff turned off oh it's actually saved it okay successful nice you like doing power generation oh well then do it you want power then then yeah you you do some power buddy who's that kenton you don't like programming so i'm gonna take that off just don't do it and then you like the workbench job you're like cleaning the floor also make people happy if it's the force clean and programming okay we're getting a little choppy here it's not my stream it's uh that's the game i do have an upgrade module it's either going to be one of those two things i've got plenty of this takes the toilet stuff and puts it in there i think it's i think it's keep it up it's fine temple's getting a little unhappy what's wrong buddy i better get some free time after this he says well we don't know what free time is i don't think i've made the other um oh i could put in here's a storage bin for storing one type of item stored items won't rot or thaw oh hey here we go that's what we want here that's where our food is going to go does the things rot i'm assuming the bread does we're making bread so we'll we'll do that i don't have oxygen i mean it keeps saying that i don't know why it says that it i was just looking at this earlier there's nothing red it's fine you stop breaking oh no i can't i'm not sure why it's saying that all right bray we must be like right on the borderline it says you can store one item but you can store more than one i don't can't you so why don't you have bread and wheat oh no never mind bread bread it is uh we got a lot of dirty water we have zero purified water that's a little concerning no i see it i'm looking at the purified water right there um some of the metal still i guess that's okay all right silicon we've brought in i got some cleaning solutions what's that do sterilize this floor has been placed in the sanitizer okay um i have a ton of dirt i think i might just get rid of some dirty water just to get it out of here no one's doing any missions right now why not oh don't do that i don't care about that all right next up is you which is a watch let me go get that watch there's oh i need to improve thrusters don't do that um there's nothing there now it says so yeah go get the pda and the scrap and then uh the pendant and then we leave my my probe is ready which one my um where was it reclamation one how does that work there's this this thing's trying to get me to warp out oh hey hey hey hey hey okay oh i didn't know that did that okay i should use that a long time ago okay cool so i'm gonna go pick that pendant up and then we'll be uh set and we'll send out to go do another okay that's quick and easy transporting some junk it's all for 2k let's go grab a tomato seed we need this yeah we don't have any seeds that's why we're not getting in there no water purify ice or connect to a water tank maybe a mistake to do all this i'm not sure why this isn't holding water these need to be working though okay those guys are back um the tomatoes are back so we can get some seeds in the ground cool you know ever since we got that we got past that first hump of uh of weirdness i think it's good now as the paralegians walking in hey buddy you gonna deal with that leech what when are you fighting you're fighting the leash though right yeah there you go okay okay how we doing so we've got pendant pda scrap forget that one let's finish that mission let me go pick that tomato up we're out of here that's something else really cool out there i think one of my callings just needs to be just a hauler you're fixing things who are you mavis um maybe i'm gonna have you um yeah you do just the the boring stuff stocking machines um carrying bio waste that's your job keep the stuff stocked probably good job for you nothing else then you can maintenance things if you want to fix things if you needs it carry bodies around you know that's always important that maybe top just in case um and then you can go and do some cleaning there you go okay that's mavis's job all right um i'm giving up and everyone is in the ship right so let's get out of here uh hey you let's go let's go the next zone forget that other stuff out there what happened here huh thanks antoine there's nothing here but wreckage the fleet they're all gone oh man i didn't see that coming oh yeah this this is a bad place lots of good stuff there there's a medium chance of an infection that never stopped me okay go get that uh and while we're at it go get um that one very hot does that improve thrusters no it was weak and garbled but i recognize that protocol it's a message from the fleet if we send a crew to the source of the signal we might be able to recover the message which is where there no oh here okay we'll send uh addison we like addison and we'll send in uh oh mary okay that'll do okay waiting for that chemist i ever get the money for that i did first put the chemist in with with the food chemistry table i wanted the primary table first though right no i got the i got that one i don't want the chemist one in yeah there we go what do you do oh oh a romance novel sure propaganda sold for money okay so you take the uh ic you take data chips and you make okay give me some data chips sure okay chemistry table is done i was gonna take silicon and make um things i want i don't know designer jeans let's refine some of that uh gulirium a little bit i guess this is just saying waiting on chemist is in somebody who does cooking right or you need like fuel or something no you just you just need stuff you need materials okay those tomatoes though we got tomato seeds are they here oh they're still sitting right there so we get those things in the ground and we set you up farming go go farm some things grab those seeds here what how's it going okay we're waiting for this to get unloaded which is a bunch of silicon um yeah we'll use it we'll bring it in i almost need like a i have a big storage bay maybe i should spend my money which i don't have any of on more of these storage bins i could set in we have that one um i think it's more of a it's more of a food one let's just put in where is it at i don't know where these things are big shelf like a bunch of big shelves we'll set them up to hold whatever they may have to all hold the same thing depending on how this works yeah um so yeah whatever we have a lot of stuff of like silicon going can go in there and [Music] what else do we have tomato seeds water can go in there and uh um somebody let me level it up put ore in there sure mysterious egg can go there too nice okay that everything yeah they're all the same okay so fill those things up small seeds will get planted in a minute somebody leveled up where was it how do i do this this one not you who was it ew competency that's eating i've got to go happy and you're unhappy right now because you have brick belly and you're a vandal boredom leads to creative expression excuse me nothing more smarter nice apparel each slimes detected oh we got all kinds of things coming in hey uh can i tell you to like grab this no what do we do with this thing stores weapons we got no weapons red alerts uh i can't oh i can't do a ride alert if i build the thing uh hey a zesty raid how are you guys doing what are you playing tonight i saw you um i saw you on there i didn't see what you were playing though so punch this power guy well it's still certainly early access but it's got it's got something going for it if you're into that room world uh kind of thing which i know you are room world and and uh you know dwarf fortresses kind of things you get it punch that slime there you go some ghoul lyrium hey uh you uh punch that one there we go what's player day cd oh yes he's a gangsters that's right that's what it was right uh i did i did get a key for it yeah i did um i just played it recently though um i just played it back uh they had that the steam demo the steam fest thing it's probably that's one issue with those steam fest demos is like there's several games where like they were good games um but i just played them i just played them a couple months ago like they they had a demo out in june and then uh they released you know like in july or something and uh it's like you know i mean i just played the game give me give me a few more months and i'll play it some more that was um fermi paradox that was one that did that where it was it seemed like it was like two weeks after that after that steam fest which for the average person is probably fine probably great get a demo out there you know right before it comes out get some interest in it but for me i need a little more a little more time i have a bunch of bullets here i can there's a tech i can get which is a gun and i have a chemist now so i can get all kinds of stuff distribution booth for when you know what your colonists need more than they do okay jukebox dance2 it's boogie time yeah let's get some boogie time in here because there's a sentry gun um we're always cranky [Music] and okay me let's let's make an oxygen thing just because space zombies zombies and what's this is a bad part of space what's the little thing by the name because she's a um laborer i don't need two purple ones why don't you put on the put on the pink okay um where are you at anybody here yeah you uh come over here and punch some things punch that oops punch that's and then you no don't punch kitten punch that you punch those zombies okay looking for work well i got some a zombie before you get a punch here where they come from just through space i found upgrade module cool i'll make this thing not require power yeah and that one let me ask how is your ship moving without engines uh well whenever we launched the thing we just gave it a real good push and it's space so it just never slows down crazy types of this game came out a bit ago yeah and they all came out the same time because we had i think this was the first one announced that i remember this one was now this one i remember playing was it like three four i was looking at it before three years ago in 2018 i think when this kickstarter hit um i mean meeple station which was about the same time and then we had uh what was the other one uh someone talked about a second ago um i don't remember their name there was another one that's same same thing as well hey dragon dave and they're all space station they're all room world in space space haven that was it how's it and yeah uh it's it's funny haven't you built a workbench that's this thing here oh that's an oral finery what's a workbench i've not built a workbench i don't know what it does i don't know how to make a workbench yet what we need is some money what do i have to sell 26 biomass oh the jukebox is done okay i think it's safe to sell this biomass we got 26 of them there are a couple data chips i can i can dump off me oh we got a romance novel we do anything with it does it help us in any way i think it's just to be sold so we'll sell it canton's unhappy because he's always unhappy because that guy's a jerk uh we'll sell some of this but i'm not gonna sell all of it i'm gonna keep an eye on it and then we'll research something else let's work towards a tv what casino table uh yeah let's get uh whatever that was where is that that is how much five grand for that so we can dance oh yeah right right right right right right probably be more like oxygen not included there was one that came out speaking of oxygen included called um hell architect that came out uh recently which is which is essentially same thing yeah these are the same ones so these ones here these are the same ones that i'm that i'm um in system with they just show up both sides we haven't got a job here don't we let's send in i guess these guys can't do it so we'll send in yeah you three um go we'll do it not the tomatoes good we got tomatoes getting planted excellent as soon as this thing's done we're gonna send off and go get the the carrot seeds which i don't have a place to put carrot seeds so i'm going to mark it over here there's any seeds to put over here i guess we can stash them on this shelf here it's got a little bit of space slimes go punch that guy and then you can punch a few things where that there they are punch punch there you go get that one look at his little feet little little teeth oh oh no mary you get it punch okay um i can't help you uh you're just out no way don't we helping you out we don't have med bays we don't know what that is we just all we do we see someone pass on the ground we just sit there and we just we just hope maybe they'll get up maybe not maybe that's it mary i mean i can bring it back i'm gonna bring i'm gonna this guy's no good an old a doctor speaking of morbid curiosity what's that mean fasting about blood and dead bodies that's a little weird generous loves researching loves cleaning blood leaves carrying dead bodies refuses cleaning by always refusing cleaning it's not bad i don't think it wouldn't be mad you'd be mad about the darkness but there is no darkness because we got lights you're mad about biowaste refuse to sleep on the floor i can put a bed in for you pacifist that's the job that's what i need that's what i need the incompetent doctor i need that yeah i need more pacifists in this ship um let me go we gotta expand this thing somehow i don't know how to do this let me expand it outside the walls so we'll find out if i put a f if i put a floor like that can you guys build that okay they like float around at space in space outside how does that work lots of uh coming in we got tomatoes coming in here this guy's ready to go there ain't nothing out there you ready come on in maya okay we got a little bit of cash coming in now i know what that means for when you know what your colonists need more than they do what does that mean i have no idea i was gonna put in an oxygen emitter i probably should if i'm gonna put one in it probably should be either back yeah probably back here is gonna be the most important people are sleeping back here yeah it's it's rough because you've got and then you've had meeple station which i guess i think people station's done now right we've got three games that are they're all pretty similar um answer and space haven both are uh pretty similar um space haven i think the right one that's the one where you're building building a ship right and it's it's i mean this one seems to be two where you it's it's focused all around you flying around and stuff you're gonna get there buddy i don't know how to do this unless we were able to put in a uh an airlock did you just someone just graffitied the wall is that what that was over here before that i don't know how do i build a uh an airlock i don't know i can build a door oh airlock there we go so i guess we can set this up right here for now and then we'll go build that and then we can re replace it differences in space haven you are the crew and storm answer you are the station i mean i can i can i i guess i can manually control the crew here also it's so i guess it's a little more i i see that being a i'd be a little more crew positioning heavy on on star on space haven that might be the yeah that might be the way to do it space even now this one later that shell full of food nice very nice i'm assuming this bread goes bad i know one of these shelves time is it oh i gotta go to bed it's late i guess that's okay no i'm not in the way there um here yeah let's um i think did i send someone on this mission already i thought i did go to the mission real quick and then we'll uh we'll wrap this thing up so i can so i can go back play a lot more than i was uh expecting to as usual in fact i thought i was gonna i thought we were done for here you know uh not too long ago refuses to fight oh you're a pacifist there's a dark side yeah okay that's the bad side of pacifism there you go if you lose your you can use the entire crew and star man still be able to continue it's basically when you lose your people you're done yeah this one has this one's this one is certainly much more forgiving other than the other crashes you know but uh it you know i mean how many times has has uh has dimple died that poor guy there he is dimple i wish it kept track what if it does somewhere mavis was bludgeoned mavis stop that hey the tv is in okay oh here's how we we have to end it this way okay let's let's um okay we're gonna go out on a high note here and we need to go out with with a jukebox we put it in here is this is this the dancing room i think it is we just we dance we put it in here no no no we're gonna dance in here i'm gonna put a tv in here also dance and then tv a nice cheap tv where's it go let's go on the wall okay hey okay it's weird slimes i feel like what what happened out there what what what what happened why there's so many things hey uh can you go deal with some slimes please um everyone's building things look at this place looking for work i got work for you punch that and then you punch that slime ooh hurts okay how you feeling um i got something else for you to punch sometimes i can see the hit points sometimes i can't you punch some zombies buddy there's a lot of zombies out there maybe we shouldn't go out there and fight him maybe we should maybe we should like let him be okay yeah yeah not done yet more zombies i'd like a gun please let me get one of those we just leave him and we just we just run away punch is he going where you go you don't yeah you don't fight um oh you got we have to power this up okay okay okay power up um the tv and the uh the jukebox okay farms looking good planting no time for planting let's go take care of some zombies where's that floor marked like that does that have a floor there okay cleaning no no there's still still things to kill so much stuff are you going there's so so many things i can't keep up with it now um isn't there a that's just a wheat seed okay um go get the zombie no you don't own one person no not no fight you dimple what why can't walk there why hey go get them there you go okay now now and now no no chemistry what chemistry you're doing is zombie chemistry okay going out there and then that guy there you go okay are we done we get them all i think we got them all i think think we got them all man i just want to dance i want to dance and i want to watch some tv nice there we go hey oh why don't you dance for me recently inspected i don't care about expect i want you to dance all right i better see some dance moves here by somebody expect a lot of dancing am i selling biowaste too did i not turn it off probably not biomass um i don't know what else to sell now that we're making the um now that we're making the bread we may be able to sell our food breaks but i'm kind of worried about that we could sell the seeds now because we got things in the ground there's no reason unless we reuse them i don't know how it works yeah romans almost make some good money that could be that could be our money because we come in here we can say make me some not you um you make me some data like that and we can say turn them into romance novels you know just as well if anytime you get them maybe some romance novels and whenever we can we'll sell them it adds up uh we also get money from the sleeping arrangement thing over there the uh the oh the oxygen tank's ready it takes water to run that anyone caught me dancing oh dancing dancing that's not dancing that's just music notes over your head i expect that to be in the full release i experience let's expect dancing yeah we can also do there's the um uh what's the other one uh the uh propaganda whatever we can sell that one also have lots of food here lots of bread yeah yeah i think and we use it in the oven nice i'm not sure what that stuff is in here i'm telling you not to hold that actually i'm not telling you not to hold anything so you can hold tomatoes okay that should be cleaned up okay we're gonna call it a day here got that room finally done we could put more beds in there but i gotta get to bed so speaking of i'm gonna wrap it up um we made it a ways the way through i i'm sorry i stopped doing tech i just got too much stuff going on casino tables arcade machines sanitizer uh there's a generator we can get which eventually uses fuel from the chemistry table we can power the thing without having to do the uh treadmill which seem to be fine though um life support banners dark paintings what's a zeno harvester do specialize machine for harvesting whatever you might find a monument there's the gun range what do we make mining drone create small objects like flux coils i'm assuming that's something along the line of um [Music] i don't know we start making guns they're solar panels i was looking for that before there they are uh this is something we could use also because that we got a biomass tank rather than having just cups of the stuff laying around everywhere that's what we needed that was the one am i how do i missions work yeah they're certainly worth the time it progresses the story but more importantly it's how you get any sort of materials like or um to turn into um metals and whatever scrap over there gold pot you just sell the stuff but yeah it certainly is worth it mysterious artifact broken core someone goes out there real quick i want to see what that is can i send you out to it mental stabilizers not implemented yet necessary for reconstructing colonies from our dna oh it's just a bunch of that stuff okay colors detected we got bad guys coming in can i warp away there's a leech or there's a guy there without no all right um anyway let's let's let's call it a day so we had we had we had a few issues there but but uh after we got past the uh the the dying and the and the crashing all was well so i wouldn't give it a negative review i think it's i i mean it's early access clearly but it's not it's not bad early access in my opinion so you could be running them all the time and just rely on them for money yeah that's basically that's what i was doing here essentially we were running out and um we'd go out collecting or whatever and it just all sort of ran on its own where it would run and we'd turn the ore into metals and then they're just getting sold that's and that's how most of the cash was coming in for me so i think it's crashed on me though so uh oh there it is all right um let's call it a day i'm gonna stream tomorrow we'll play i don't know what we're gonna play actually i just got a uh i just got a key to what it was called um i don't remember what it's called so it's gonna be a surprise i guess let's see if i can pull it up oh by the way um if you go to gog you can get syndicate syndicate wars and ultima one and two for free uh someone on the main on the front page all freebies i mean they're oldies but uh but they're goodies more room world ah let's see where's the games um where is it haven park anyone familiar with this one i'm not sure how go eating cookie thing um where's my store page oh gog i don't know how to use you there it is haven park it's like um uh something a secret a secret hike no um small a small hike a small hike but uh no anyway we made we may try that one out i did get a code for it so um you know if you're in the mood for something you know a little more um a little less death maybe not maybe not no death but a little less death so let's just look for building games yeah it just came out i think yesterday yeah a short hike was great anyone ever played that one that one was um it was great for my daughter um she's four she loved love she played through quite a bit i love that game perfect for little ones anyway thanks for watching everybody thanks for hanging out for uh for the the surprise stream and uh i'll be back tomorrow night same time and we'll play we'll play something so anyway have a good one and take it easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 16,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, starmancer, space station game, gameplay, indie game, games, space game, sci-fi, colony sim, colony builder, city builder, Ominux Games, chucklefish
Id: cjtnxibwqYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 7sec (10867 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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