Starfield Is A BAD Game, And Here's Why...

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I think Starfield is a game that has some major problems now some people really love the game some people really hate it some people think it's just like mid like an average game for me I would say yeah it's an average game at best and it's due to some issues that I think the game has and I'm going to talk about them I haven't completed the game yet I have no idea how far along I am in terms of the main story I've put about 18 hours into the game so far which 18 hours that's long enough to complete many other games many other better games multiple times so I think 18 hours is a good enough amount of time to get an opinion on this game I know a lot of people are going to disagree with that they're going to Flame you down the comments below feel free to do that I don't really care but let's talk so first off I think the whole initial setup for the game the mystery is really poor and this is something that's meant to really draw you into the game and get you really invested and get you thinking like what's this all about you're starting this mining situation and you find this bit of metal or a rock this weird thing in this rock and really looking at it there's no way that's quite visible as to how that thing got in the middle of this rock in the first place so yeah it's a little bit weird and then you touch it and you see this vision and it's just like pretty much I think like the main character says when you talk to other characters about it that it's lights and music and this vision for me is just it's nothing it didn't draw me in at all and the whole setup again finding like an artifact or something weird in space has been done before in a much better game Mass Effect now the first mission in Mass Effect has you go down to Eden Prime to recover a prothean artifact and you're told that the protheans mysteriously vanished 50 000 years ago so there you're already being given some context about what this sort of mysterious artifact is which serves to like enhance what you see when you interact with the Peruvian artifact more but with Starfield yeah it's just a random thing in a random Planet there's no build up at all to it and the vision you see when you touch the prothium beacon now the vision you see in Mass Effect is really a lot smaller a lot quicker a lot more fragmented but you've already been given this context at the prothean's mysteriously vanished 50 000 years ago and you can work out from this Vision you can see some organic and inorganic stuff being fused together in what looks like to be an explosion with aliens visible in it and when Shepard's questioned about what he saw in the vision he says this I saw so I'm not sure what I saw death destruction nothing's really clear which again adds further context to the vision and adds the mystery as to like how the protheans mysteriously vanished 50 000 years ago it seems to look like they were all wiped out by something and yeah comparing that to Starfield and the context you're given after you see the vision when your character says something to someone s lights and music and that's what the only other character who's seen the vision in the game says as well it's just lights and music lights of Music doesn't really draw me into a mystery finding out that a race was potentially wiped out by something 50 000 years ago erased that pretty much ruled or spread out across the Galaxy is a much more like intriguing mystery at least to me anyway if the artifacts or whatever they are end up leading to revealing like another ancient race or a map of some sorts so we'll say taking inspiration from something like Mass Effect or no man's Sky then yeah I'm gonna be really disappointed because it's like not original and those two things from you know Mass Effect and no man's Sky probably aren't original anyway but those are pretty big games quite well known and for Starfield just to do something which is the same will be just really disappointed now let's talk about the combat and I think combat in really nearly every Bethesda game I'd say since Oblivion because Oblivion is where I really started to dive into Bethesda games has always been a bit meh I think there's been no Bethesda game that's done combat better than like any other really like big game so it's just been a bit meh and made an average and for Starfield yeah it just it's just an average or below average shooter so far in the 80 hours I've played I've had zero memorable engagements the encounters you have are generally against kind of spongy enemies I did then find like a later weapon or a better weapon that let me kill people quicker but the mini bosses or bosses that I fought against in various locations it's just a standard guy with a different name that'll be like double the level of what the other people were or even just a bit higher than double and that guy offers no extra challenge it's just a bigger bullet sponge like why can't they do anything memorable or have any unique abilities or equipment they don't they're just nothing and the AI itself really poor mainly like all the other Bethesda games they don't take cover too often they like to stand out in the open you can kind of run up to them and just run around in circles and they really struggle to deal with it I also think that they've made melee combat worse than Skyrim and Oblivion and Fallout like it feels less responsive and you have less options that's what it feels like which is really disappointing considering all the sort of experience they have in the fantasy genre and the Gunplay it's yeah it's just average stuff guns have very little recoil so you know it's not exactly difficult to use any weapon now I know it's meant to be an RPG where they put stats first really but this is a first person shooter with RPG stuff and I think it's really difficult to get the blend of RPG and action in this sort of context working really well again I'm going to look at Mass Effect maybe Mass Effect two and three where it's again a blend of action and RPG stuff I would say it more sort of tends to go towards the action side and I think the combat in Mass Effect while it's a third person sort of cover based shooter does a far better job than Starfield much better combat in that game and that's not even taking into account the abilities you can use in Mass Effect so edit and Terry here as I was getting extra footage for this video I did actually visit the first temple and unlock the first Power and I suppose it does give you extra options in combat but the issues I have with combat and how the Gunplay works it still remained doesn't fix the Gunplay at all and in the previous Bethesda titles that actually used guns fall out and Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 we have Vats which made up for the poor Gunplay it added something sort of cool and unique to the Gunplay you know like I said it made up for it but this game doesn't have anything like that you just have the poor Gunplay one thing that really boggles me is that Bethesda are part of a group of Studios owned by xenomax right and the xenomax own its software one of the creators of like the best single player first person shooters we've had in a long time doom and do maternal they play so damn good and also Machine Head who created the recent Wolfenstein games while I haven't played Youngblood and there was a lot of negativity towards that game but the core gameplay of the Wolfenstein games the recent ones are so damn good and they're all first person shooters why didn't Bethesda reach out to these two Studios who are part of the same group and be like guys can you give us a hand and help us make our first person combat better but no they didn't they stuck to to this sort of so mid-tier Gunplay so with Starfield being set in space of course you can have a ship and I'm gonna say the ship Builder is a really great feature in the game absolutely now while I'm still really early into the game I am a bit Limited in terms of the size and sort of type of ship I can build because certain components are locked off from me but I think the shipbuilder is really good it is and if I keep playing the game I'm gonna look forward to like bigger or a more intricate ships that I can build but using the ships in combat it's so simplistic it's such a shame it's like baby's first space shooter really the issue I have comes down to targeting so when you target a ship in combat you just need to keep them within I guess your general View and your shots just Auto hit them it's like you all attract them and auto hit them now if you compare this to I would say generally any flight based game whether it's in space or not I'm going to use Star Citizen here because it's a game I've got installed and I can easily get footage for it but when you lock onto a ship you can see this extra little lip ahead of it which is sort of predicting where you need to aim to hit the target because the target is moving around so you need to shoot ahead of it so your weapons can actually travel and hit the target and what this does is put more of a skill based aspect into the game you need to fly well you need to track your target well but comparing it to Starfield yeah it just does a lot of that sort of tracking and really aiming for you it's so simplistic I don't care about ship combat anymore I will just fast travel around because I don't like the ship combat at all it's just yeah baby's first space shooter it's that it's the Fisher Price of space Shooters another issue I have and this may sound like a strange thing I haven't really heard anyone talk about this is why do I have to sort of speak to someone in say The Lodge Travel halfway across the Galaxy do a mission over there travel all the way back to the lodge and tell them yeah I've done it why can't I just like call them use like space radio or space phones and tell them that yeah job's done mate why do I have to travel all the way back and tell them that the job's been done do Bethesda like do they know that phones and VOIP exist do you guys not have phones yeah like if you were doing your day job and you were in the office and your boss said do this for me and then he went home to finish working from home or whatever you finish that job would you then get in your car and drive to your boss's house and tell them face to face that you finished it no you wouldn't right you'll send them an email you would call him you'll send him a text why does this technology not exist in Starfield when you're playing something like cyberpunk you can just call people on the phone or send them like pre-generated text messages to say that you've actually done what's needed why why don't Bethesda like put this into Starfield it baffles me and I think part of that comes down to how Bethesda make games right they have a certain formula which they've pretty much stuck to since Oblivion or I can say at least since Oblivion because that was the first Bethesda game I played and it really feels like this formula hasn't changed that much since Oblivion or Fallout 3 and you can probably point to loads of other games that do this where you have to go back to face to face and tell someone that you've done something the Starfield is also a game about exploring the stars but you need to keep going back to where you started or you know a different planet you've already been to to tell someone you've done something and you could already be out on the fringes a way of explored already so then you have to go all the way back again instead of just continuing to push out just give us bloody like space phones or something come on and I've seen on you know the internet people taking the Merc out of the face-to-face conversations and facial animations and how the eyes sort of barely do anything and their muscles in certain parts of the face don't contract or move when they should to make facial animations more natural and yeah I mean this has been an issue with Bethesda games since probably Oblivion again just how are they not really pushing their technology forward more I know they've probably made little improvements here and there but still it's so far behind many other games let's talk about the procedurally generated like Planet exploration these planets that I've been to all of them say apart from one are just these like empty generic sort of wastelands there's nothing interesting about exploring them yes you have these points of interest some points of interest can be like a unique looking thing like uh gravitational anomaly but you don't really get any explanation about it it's just it's there you've scanned it move on and then just countless amounts of abandoned facilities why are there so many abandoned facilities I just don't get it and yeah these these are just so generic with generic encounters against generic space pirates or spaces or cultists yeah I'm bored of Planet exploration already because there's just nothing good there I think what they should have done is got rid of the procedurally generated stuff and handcraft some unique stuff even make it so you could go to some planets and land only in certain areas but hand craft these areas to actually be interesting I have no desire now to actually explore planets when I land on a planet I'm going to go to where my objective is and that's it because the game has nothing interesting on these planets another big issue I have especially when it comes around to just navigating the game world is that there's no local map right in a game that's set quite far in the future local Maps don't exist I mean you can't like now without your phone go on to Google Maps and then you can see like your road and path layouts and where certain shops and other sort of businesses or public services are but in the future in bethesda's vision of the future nice just just nothing you can't do that now like what the how have Bethesda taken such a massive step back in getting rid of local Maps I don't understand it this doesn't help the game at all in any way it's so bad like this screams like it's something that they couldn't develop or maybe they didn't want to and I have no reason as to why they wouldn't want local maps in the game so I think maybe they just couldn't do it maybe it's down to the procedurally generated like exploration zones on planets but they couldn't dynamically create a map for it so they just have created this like nothing of a local map it's oh God it's so bad it is the worst local map I have ever seen in any game ultimately though I think the main reason why at least for me Starfield is such an average or below average game is that Bethesda made it you see Bethesda have this formula which will say starts back at Oblivion I won't count Morrowind in this because the gameplay of Morrowind is I would say a lot more stat based compared to Oblivion because in Oblivion if you swing your sword and you hit someone you actually hit them with a Morrowind you may miss them even though it looks like you've hit them because there's a lot more stuff going on behind the scenes and this formula they've used really has barely changed do you remember when Fallout 3 came out and they were like oh it's Oblivion but with guns like yeah they're right and Fallout 4 was just Skyrim with guns but there's the stick to this formula they have and it's something they created in 2008 and the games just feel the same they barely progressed I would say now formulas for some games they do work right if you look at soulsborne and I mean Demon Souls all the Dark Souls games bloodborne Elden ring and you could say sakiro they have a certain formula but the first one which you could say is demon souls or Dark Souls the core gameplay is damn good right if you play one of those two now it's still a really good game bet you if you played Oblivion now it's not going to be a good game certain franchises will stick to certain formulas but they work because that franchise is first game had a really great like core gameplay Loop look at Halo and Gears of War you can look at other games that change things up from like Dragon Age each of the three Dragon Age games are different dawn of War each of the three dawn of War games are quite different but formulas also just fail like Ubisoft where they just decided to change all their games to open world games where you have to defeat enemy outposts and climb Towers to reveal the map and everyone hates I'd say everyone or most people hate the Ubisoft formula I think why people haven't really talked about the Bethesda formulas because their games are so spread out if you don't count the Skyrim re-releases Bethesda really need to look at how they make games and try to make something that's completely different but we know that the next game they're making which they announced a good few years ago what like four or five years ago but they've just started making it now Elder Scroll six is gonna be Starfield without guns and without Planet exploration they really need to start from the ground up and make something really different but that's my thoughts on Starfield and Bethesda let me know what you think down in the comments below if you like the video give it a like dislike if you didn't thank you for watching And subscribe for more [Music] thank you
Channel: Terrydactyl
Views: 57,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield review, starfield gameplay, starfield is bad, starfield is it bad, starfield sucks, does starfield suck, starfield review 2023, review, starfield is boring, starfield thoughts, starfield impressions, should you buy starfield, should i buy starfield, starfield news, starfield update
Id: rAmsO-jnQl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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