Starfield Feels 20 Years Too Late, While Cyberpunk2077 Rises From The Grave

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in keeping with the theme of Starfield the first 40 hours of this video will be pretty boring and uneventful but if you stick with me by hour 50 it promises to be somewhat mediocre so here we are in 2023 and let me tell you something that was not on my bingo card for the year was making a video about both Starfield and cyberpunk 2077 both games were highly anticipated both by myself and the gaming community and both seem to have one thing in common their initial launch was not exactly delivering on what fans were hoping for but we're going to tackle these two monstrosities one at a time so let's get into the newest release first Starfield I don't know about you guys chat but when I walk by a table and I see a sandwich with a bite out of it I take it and put it in my pocket too Starfield is the latest game by developer Bethesda who are Infamous for both the Elder Scrolls series and some of the latter Fallout games such as Fallout 3 4 and the infamous Fallout 76 before we get too into it one thing I do want to make clear for full transparency purposes my copy of Starfield was provided to me by Bethesda I had an early access Edition with the super ultimate go out and be a Skywalker edition whatever it was called so while the game was provided to me by Bethesda specifically I was not required to make a review I was not required to say this that about the game nor was I paid to play the game or make content for it the game was provided and that's where the deal ended do you have a bit of backstory about me I am a longtime Bethesda fan dating all the way back to Oblivion when it launched in I believe 2007 that was the first Bethesda game I've ever played and my 2007 brain was blown I remember walking out of that sewer for the first time after you get through I think it's like a half hour to 1 hour tutorial walking outside and just looking around at all the different loc I I can even see it now as I'm making this video in my head all the different locations I remember mountains being off in the distance I remember there being a river with some Stone thing right across and I could see people around there and I just knew that the possibilities were endless on what I wanted to do and within that first hour I was instantly hooked on the game to the point where I ended up playing it for 150 hours before I somewhat started to get Bor Bo and if you ask any longtime Elder Scrolls or Bethesda fan honestly 150 hours isn't even really all that much the same thing happened with uh Fallout 3 and Skyrim and Fallout 4 even I was immediately hooked within the first hour I wanted to explore the world I wanted to meet all the characters I wanted to complete all the quests I wanted to loot all the loot I didn't want to put my controller down even Fallout 76 like listen I know it's improved a lot over the years and we can say you can say good things about it now people can make Arguments for it I know some people love it and that's cool when it launched again like Starfield and cyberpunk not necessarily the strongest launch but even I played it for I want to say maybe 30 hours before I kind of moved on from the game and once again I just wanted to go off and explore and see what new adventures Bethesda had cooked up for us so I am a longtime fan of the Bethesda games which is why I think it makes me even sadder to say that Starfield just did not capture that same magic for me right away one of the first things I noticed when I started playing Starfield was how dated everything just felt it genuinely feels like the game is 20 years too late if this was the followup to uh Oblivion and say 2009 2010 I don't think my brain would have been able to handle it I would have thought it was like the new greatest game to ever exist in the whole history of the video games but it just feels like a relic of the past the combat feels extremely clunky the menus are a whole other thing which we will get into a bit in this video they don't feel natural to navigate they seem kind of messy a lot of the important information that you would want when trying to quickly sort through all the loot that you gain in these games just is not there the graphics while sure you can argue that they've been improving with each game it still feels like it's from the days of your conversations with NPCs still feel just kind of lifeless you've got you know you're trying to talk to someone and this is the only thing that you are seeing on your screen and they will not blink you are back you did not respond when I called to you after you pulled out the artifact does that mean Barrett's Theory and experience were correct the artifact grants the first person who touches it a vision it's just not a very natural way to for two characters to have a conversation in 2023 the unfortunate thing about the menus being so kind of clunky is weirdly enough in this game you were going to spend the majority of your time navigating through menus gone is walking out of a sewer or a dungeon where a dragon just attacked you or escaping a vault and wondering which direction you want to go off next instead you want to travel to another planet you can't get in your spaceship and just fly you can't just go off into space and find xplanet y Planet Z Planet Captain Planet none of those are there there are planets that you go to but the way you get there is essentially fast traveling through your menus and in order to find those planets you have to go through a menu into a menu into a menu into I believe a fourth menu maybe I I might have the numbers a little bit off there but if that concept just menu menu menu to get to that planet and then once you eventually do get to that planet it's kind of limited you have like probably like a main city area or a main area where you land maybe you have a quest there in some sort of settlement Tower base whatever but while you can walk around the outskirts of the planet there's not a whole lot that is there I think on one of the planets I was roaming around I just walked and walked and walked I want to say for 2025 minutes I found a random ship that was crashed and destroyed that I think had one little crate of loot in it nothing significant and then I got attacked by uh some bounty hunters I believe and they had a really cool ship and I wanted to steal it once I Mur defied them but unfortunately I guess you need a certain perk in order to steal that class of a ship cuz it was a really big one so walking around for a half hour on this planet left me with nothing there was no gain from it there was no reward there was no fun little Discovery now some people in the comments might tell me that some planets have that and if so like cool great super duper neat but just that that that mystery feeling that sense of wonder that sense of wanting to just pick a random Direction and walk off and find whatever it is I find for me is just not present in this game which to me is such a massive staple of the Bethesda games on top of that the story hasn't really pulled me in either when I played Oblivion and the King was murdered and they were like okay we're being attacked by the devil people we need you to close those Oblivion Gates so the devil people will leave us alone and you're the only one that can help us help us Obi-Wan Kenobi you're our only hope and I was like okay I will help you I'm in I'm hooked 150 hours later I think I did it I even remember farming uh chameleon I think it was chameleon of the Oblivion sigils is it that you get at the end of closing the gates so I could have 125 or 133% chameleon I forget the exact number but basically I was completely invisible and if I walked up to a guard and punched them in the face they wouldn't react because chameleon is so much more gooder than invisibility that's stuff was awesome I loved it that's not nothing to do with story I just got completely sidetracked God I loved Oblivion but in this one you're you're you're you're a minor and then you find an artifact and then you meet these people the new new constellations whatever their name is they're kind of boring a lot of the characters in this game just did not do anything for me at all except for the adoring fan who hilariously enough is from Oblivion yes oh Great and Mighty Grand Champion is there something you need can I carry your weapon Shine Your Boots backrub perhaps now I am told that the game gets quote unquote better when you get further into it or when you get into New Game Plus but here's my thing with Bethesda I was always hooked within the first hour I don't believe that having to play a game for 40 to 50 hours before it gets good is a pro that's not a selling point a game should have you hooked within the first couple hours I'll say especially when when it requires a big playtime commitment like Bethesda games typically do now minor spoiler I guess at some point in the story near the end you get powers which cool that might I I I think I saw like a quick screenshot or video clip of that I think you get some sort of like power or ability obviously I didn't get that far I kept trying to force myself to play this game and I just could not get into it and play it for more than a few hours at a time but again I don't believe a game should require 50 hours or have to wait for its second playthrough to get good that's not a selling point to me furthermore the game is just not optimized very well or at all my computer is 2 and 1/2 years old funny enough I originally got this brand new computer for cyberpunk 2077 which again we'll talk about in a few minutes it has a ryzen 7 5900 X I believe is the correct one a 32 GB Ram uh an M2 hard drive and a GTX 3080 now obviously 2 and 1 half years old it's a little outdated but it's not like I'm playing um the original Mac from 1980 or 90 whatever even games like Boulders Gate 3 that came out earlier of this year uh in August I believe runs I'll say 97% of the time flop flawlessly at 1440p Ultra goody goody settings new games still run fantastic on this computer but with Starfield I was lucky to get 40 to 50 frames per second and that's even after lowering different quality settings down to try and find some frame rates everywhere now of course we all know about the dlss mods that have come out which once I found one that actually worked I got my frame fres to about 60 to 70 depending on where I was which is absolutely playable if you can hit 60 frames a second great I have 165 Herz monitor so if I can get 65 that's fantastic but 60 is still absolutely playable but the fact that you need the modders to add in a basic feature for a Bethesda game while 20 years ago might have been cute and funny in 2023 I just find it tiring and that's a good point to bring up here a lot of the things that I have talked about in this video like the menus for example are all fixed with the community- made mods there are some mods out there that give you all the information all the Sorting options for all the items and they're great and they made them better but I just feel like in 2023 Bethesda I love you but the excuse that the community will fix it just doesn't work for me anymore I found it amusing that there was a clip where Todd Howard was criticized for for people saying their computers couldn't run starfields and he said well people should just upgrade their computer why did you not optimize this game for PC uh we did it's running great it is a nextg PC game we really do push the technology so you may need to upgrade your PC for this game but it's got a lot of great stuff going on in it and the fans are responding awesome the irony being that they are still using an engine that dates back as far as when we used to say that Graphics will never get any better than this maybe it's not that we need to upgrade our PCS maybe it's just time to upgrade that 33,000 yearold engine you're still using there's so much creativity at Bethesda they I genuinely feel that they have a team that want to make fantastic games that push the boundaries but in my obviously un uneducated opinion I'm not a Game Dev but still using this same engine just feels like it's just going to keep holding them back which has me worried for The Elder Scrolls six a game I'm still going to hold false optimism that is going to come out and blow us all under the water in 2074 but until then I after Starfield I'm just worried please make Elder Scroll 6 good I we we we're ready we just want a good Elder Scrolls game new engine please more good to her fix it please please please Hey look it's a kitty cat now let's talk about cyberpunk 2077 and now we're on to the unexpected Cinderella story of 2023 which is CD project Red's cyberpunk 2077 cyberpunk right now is kind of having its own no man's Sky moment where when it originally launched it was not the game that we were hoping for but through love care and sweet sweet tenderness CD project red has turned it around to be the game that everybody wanted back in 2020 for those who don't remember when cyberpunk 2077 launched in 2020 it ran horribly on all the consoles which is why all the console review copies were withheld so reviewers only had access to the PC version until launch the console versions of cyberpunk 2077 ran so poorly that CD project red had to offer refunds for both the Xbox and the PlayStation version because the game was just borderline unplayable there was also a save corruption glitch where you would lose your entire save file and in a big open world longer story driven game like cyberpunk 2077 can you imagine being like 40 45 hours into your game only for all of your progress to be instantly wiped because of a buggy bug not the most enjoyable experience the open world and the AI with all the people in the world was buggy it was kind of a mess things didn't react the way they were supposed to the level system with perks and all that wasn't overly intuitive or interesting and just kind of left for a bland experience as I said earlier cyberpunk was a game I designed my computer for but when it first launched I only streamed it one day before I realized I was just not into it and was severely disappointed as it was my most anticipated game of 2020 but one DeLorean car ride later we're in 20 23 and cyberpunk is essentially a whole new game CD project red has launched a new DLC called Phantom Liberty as well as a giant patch 2.0 which completely overhauls the base game to make it what everybody wanted the game to originally be on its original launch one of the new things that they have brought into the game with patch 2.0 is the new wanted system which if you've ever played Grand Theft Auto you're going to recognize this immediately let's go steal something in the area wait do so do I hide now if they find me up here it's yeah if they find me up here I'm uninstalling this game you get I believe a five star wanted level and with each star that you have in the Wanted Level obviously the more extreme the cops will be the more aggressive to hunt you down and the only way to get rid of those wanted levels is to hide and hopefully the cops won't find you until your wanted level returns to zero just like in the real world also from Grand Theft Auto they've brought over for the car combat system where you can lean out your car with I believe it's a pistol or like an SMG and you can fire at other cars pedestrians gang members whatever while you are driving or another new fun thing that's been added is that some Vehicles like one that I found in a warehouse actually has the guns mounted on the car itself hold on chat I got to take care of something help me okay what were you saying one thing I'm having a lot of fun with right now in cyber Punk is the Gunplay whereas in Starfield it kind of feels like it did back in Fallout which again was fine for the time but just not for 2023 with cyberp punk I it feels like there's a lot of Mobility involved a lot of cool different types of guns there's power guns there is uh smart guns that will track an auto aim for you as long as you have a certain cyberware built into your hand there are Tech Guns which allow you to charge the shots and I'm not even getting into the various melee weapons and maybe some secret endgame weapons that I haven't even got to yet there is just so much versatility to the combat that makes me want to constantly get into another fight instead of just stealthing around now you can take the stealth approach if you want to you can can do a whole perk tree based on stealth if you want to but I just like the Pew pews the Pew pews are super fun another thing I am building into right now is the hacking system you can hack computers you can hack cameras you can turn enemy turrets against the enemies themselves you can even do things like hack and set off a car alarm to distract them you can make their armor explode on them there's just so many different ways you can approach combat scenarios through fullon aggression or stealth or even just being a techsavvy Donatello one thing I've heard you can even do that I haven't seen myself yet I think I read this somewhere on the internet verse is that you can do a melee build with say like a samurai sword Dash through the air while swinging your sword at the same time slowing down time so you're a slow motion air dashing Samurai which makes I don't usually use melee weapons in these games but when I I heard about that I it just made me want to go out and find it and I have samurai swords stuck all in my stash already because for those who have seen me over on Twitch when I play open world games like this I will loot any and everything if I am level one and there is a super ultra secret level 99 hidden item somewhere that only the loot goblins of loot goblins will find guarantee you I will find it without any walkthroughs I loot everywhere and I for everything one thing that's come to the game with patch 2.0 is that armor is no longer tied to your clothing meaning you can customize the way your character looks freely without having to sacrifice armor points for something that maybe you don't want to be wearing so you want to wear something silly have at it you want to be cool and mysterious have at it you want to be full-on cyberpunk you want to fit into the Aesthetics of the world you have the freedom to do that with zero penalty you can even customize multiple outfits that you can swap on the Fly you create them in your apartment and when you're out and about you can just open up your character menu and swap the outfits that you want it they've really opened up the freedom of customization in this game previously your armor rating was tied to your clothing but that has since been moved to your cyberware which opens up a whole new way of customizing your character so between the perk system and the cyberware system again two different ways to add you know skills uh and upgrade your character in various ways you have so much more freedom to play this game the way that you want after completing the tutorial missions and being set out in the world I just wanted to go explore I get in my car I drive around I walk around I love going down Alleyways I love climbing up on roofs I just have the desire to explore and find hidden things in this game like I typically do in all the Bethesda games which is why I get so sad when I say that Starfield just hasn't done that for me by the way if you want to see all the new things that came to cyberpunk 2077 with patch 2.0 I have linked to the patch notes in the description down below CD project red is also looking to the future with cyber Punk and is trying to establish it as a franchise going forward I know uh a couple years ago they released the anime uh for the edge Runner series I've never seen it but I've heard really good things about it and now I'm being told that they are considering another cyber Punk game but they haven't decided if it'll be first person like this or third person like The Witcher 3 was also side note I have not made it to the Phantom Liberty DLC yet as I'm still playing through the base game once I get to the Phantom Liberty DLC I will probably make another video for it here on YouTube I have seen some people who absolutely love Starfield and are saying it's their favorite game of the year and if that's you that's great that's the great thing about video games we can all like and dislike different things and hopefully when bethesda's next game come out or maybe in 3 years when Starfield 2.0 comes out kind of like cyberpunk I'll be changing my tune and singing my Praises of Starfield it is a game I so badly wanted to love I have probably spent let me see we'll say 150 Oblivion 100 we're going to I'm going to say I have probably spent between 5 and 600 hours in Bethesda games over the years between Oblivion Skyrim Fallout 3 Fallout 4 and to a lesser extent even Fallout 76 open world games are some of my favorite games to play especially over on Twitch I love streaming open world games where the possibilities are endless and we never know what kind of content we're going to stumble into and some people do still get that from Starfield and that's fantastic so you might want to give it a shot it is available on game Game Pass so if you're hearing this and you're kind of unsure maybe get Game Pass for month and see if it's for you some people love it some people don't I unfortunately in its current state do not now as I said I know there are certain mods that will address many issues but I am basing everything on the base game not what the community is able to come in and fix themselves I never thought I would be making a video talking about cyberpunk and Starfield but in a time where I was getting ready to balance my playthrough of Boulders Gate 3 and Starfield Starfield has quickly and quietly left that equation and I am now trying to find The Balancing Act between Boulders Gate 3 and cyberp punk 2077 cyberp Punk just has everything I was hoping Starfield was going to be when it launched last month and until some major rework or updates DLC whatever comes to Starfield to kind of bring it up to the stands of 2023 as of right now I sadly just cannot get into the game and I truly wish that was not the case I'm going to remain hopeful that Bethesda can maybe turn it around or maybe they're going to be switching their focus to Elder Scroll 6 I know they've already announced DLC is coming for Starfield so there obviously is still a team working on the game but I have to expect their main focus is going to switch to Elder Scroll 6 soon and I'm hoping for a big update are a big change because I don't want Elder Scroll sticks to come out and feel like it's releasing 30 years too late I as much as I loveed Oblivion in Skyrim I don't want Oblivion 2.0 I want a brand fresh new experience in the Elder Scrolls universe that we have never experienced before so of the two games if you want my recommendation on what you should play now my recommendation is going to be cyberpunk 2077 again I haven't even played Liberty DLC yet but I've heard nothing but incredible things about the DLC that's where I'll be spending my time between Boulders Gate 3 and cyberpunk over on my twitch channel for the foreseeable future Starfield I hope you have your own Cinderella Story I I want to love you unfortunately you're just not there yet thanks for watching
Channel: Sgt Fidget
Views: 171,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield walkthrough part 1, starfield gameplay ps5, starfield walkthrough part 1 no commentary, starfield walkthrough xbox, cyberpunk 2077 gameplay, cyberpunk 2077 2.0 builds, cyberpunk 2077 vs starfield, starfield news gameplay, starfield vs cyberpunk 2077 launch, starfield vs cyberpunk 2077 comparison
Id: hhAV4ZXbofU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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