How to Romance Andreja in STARFIELD

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last night well all that physical training seems to have paid [Music] off Andreia is arguably one of the most useful and most interesting companions in the game with her very high stealth abilities as well as her strong usage of powerful energy weapons in combat finding a better companion is a tough ask on my main character in Starfield Andreia is actually my wife getting to that point takes a lot of time and proper investment so I'll walk you through that whole process in this video unlocking Andreia as a companion is fairly straightforward all you have to do is progress the main quest line a little bit until the members of constellation send you to check in on a solo operative member of the team Andreia at first she'll be cold and a little offputting but she warms up to you pretty quickly and at the end of that introduction Mission she will offer her Services as a traveling companion but I do agree that we accomplished something together you're going to want to take her with you and start going out there and completing missions side quests and faction quests as well but earning the most Affinity with Andreia means making specific types of choices and knowing what to say and what to do means understanding what makes Andreia tick so let's talk about her motivations and what she likes Andreia is a complex character with a complicated background but she values honesty being direct and she would prefer that you make honorable decisions that benefit innocent people but also worth noting she will not like it if you let any criminal off the hook even if they're remorseful she will want them to receive fair judgment and to have Fair consequences for their actions she wants you to be merciful but fair and Stern and another thing about Andreia she won't like it if you make make condescending comments about religion you can take a neutral stance in religious discussions that's fine but don't be downright dismissive and aggressive towards religious beliefs as you're traveling with Andreia make sure that you take the time to ask her some personal questions exhaust every dialogue option make sure she knows you're interested in her and you want to know her better but some of the biggest progress you can make in how she feels about you is by doing constellation quests and faction quests and making choices that please her so make sure that you save right before every major decision or major conversation in the game that way if you pick an option she ends up disliking you can just revert and try again keep an eye on the upper corner of the screen where it will Clearly say Andreia liked loved or disliked that that's how you know you're moving in the right direction I agree we should keep looking for answers but clearly we must be cautious the more you travel with her and the more Affinity you earn with her from time to time she will mention that she has something she wants to discuss with you always save right before you speak to her she will begin to open up about her past it's important to note that she does not want your pity if you treat her with kid gloves and tell her you know she did nothing wrong she won't much like that she wants you to be both kind and honest first she'll unpack her history that she's not proud of ultimately this leads to her asking you to help her to make amends for that part of her life and that will be a serious Ser of short missions after that she'll see you as a valued friend make sure that you always take the flirt option in dialogue if it pops up as well you are more diplomatic than I would be you about me most of it sure one more reason I am glad to have you with me once you complete her series of missions there will be another conversation that she'll want to have with you where she reveals a very big detail about her past and how she came to be in constellation I won't spoil it for you but honestly I saw it coming a mile away and you might have to she asks you to embark on one final personal mission with her I don't want to spoil anything but I do have to tell you one important thing that you must do at the end of that mission without giving anything away you're going to need to kill somebody remember that Andreia values Fair justice so you can't let this person off the hook Scott free once you complete that major final mission for her she'll ask that you return to the lodge and unpack everything during that conversation at the lodge make sure you are kind validating and uplifting I recommend you save just before the conversation and at the end of it you can select the dialogue options to either romance or friendship Andreia to sort of make a call about the nature of your relationship select romance and you'll begin a romantic relationship with her now it's important to note a couple of things here this is not the end of your relationship growth this is just the next stage she will tell you that she wants a closed relationship so you can't go flirting with other folks you can break up with her at any point if you choose to but also you should continue to travel with her and make choices that please her during this time she will sleep with you whenever you rest you'll wake up with a buff to your experience gains because of it and she'll make some comments that indicate that the girl is a bit of a freak in the sheets last night well all that physical training seems to have paid off even eventually more dialogue options will pop up with her as she wants to chat with you if you continue to gain Affinity with her you'll have the chance to talk through some tough issues don't be dismissive of her concerns but also try to be comforting without joking around too much then you'll have the option to escalate your relationship to the next level AKA marriage she'll ask for some time to do some prep work for it but it's pretty straightforward she wants to do a marriage that honors her personal Heritage and you're going to go along with it at some time she'll tell you that she's got it all figured out and ask you to travel to a specific location to finalize your marriage and make some vows just between the two of you after you do that you have now completely romanced onrea I personally find her to be one of the most interesting and complex characters in all of Starfield and I enjoyed the dialogue and journey to get to understand her it also left me with lots of questions and things that I want to explore to understand her context a bit more so that's also a good thing I hope you found this guy helpful best of luck in all of your Starfield Endeavors and I hope to catch you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: True Vanguard
Views: 201,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, romance, how to, how to romance, andreja, companion, guide, tutorial, what to say, bethesda, romance guide, true vanguard, vanguard gaming, constellation, main quest, stealth, best companion
Id: ixvWgaRzHjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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