Starfield All Unique Vendor Ships And Where To Get Them

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hello there welcome to another stle video in today's video we're going to be uh taking a look at all of the unique vendor ships in the game and where you can get them so let's jump right into it so the first ship on the list is one that you probably will spot pretty early on it's the ship called the shield breaker and it's for sale at new atlantis's starport here this gentleman here the ship service technician so here it is here so it's a it's a bclass vessel it's got 550 fuel on it 940 hole 220 or 2,280 car capacity BCL class with 27 power five crew 22 Jump light uh jump range 610 Shields it's got laser ballistic and missile weapons and without perks it will cost you 280k now the thing with these uh unique vessels is usually they're just a reskin of other vessels in the game so for instance this Shield breaker is a reskin of another vessel which is actually for sale here called the Warhammer there's the Warhammer there you can see that the layout's like slightly different so the the interesting thing with these is early game the unique variants are quite like good I would argue that they're better because they come kind of Bob standard in terms of like requirements like I'm um the other ones like say for instance the Warhammer like starting off the Warhammer one is pretty pretty mediocre but as you can see as it goes up in the tier the Warhammer 3 is significantly better in terms of performance all in all though the shieldbreaker is a very cool ship and it's a very unique ship it's got that damos vibe to it with uh the kind of well all damos got some Nova Galactic there too and it's it's very bright red if you're interested in seeing a review of this I'll leave an annotation of the the review in questions you can open another tab anyway let's get on to ship number two all right so the next ship you can find it in the alpha Cent section as well or the system so you want to go to the planet garan here and then the only settlement on the planet gargar Landing which is over here and then you talk to this gentleman and he will have it for sale and the unique vessel it is called the moras Sami I probably butchered that there it is there now the moris Sami Mora same I'm not sure it sounds Japanese so I may butchering it so this is based off the vessel he actually has for sale here too the Zumwalt now the like I was saying with the with the other ones the main kind of like uh pull behind these ships is obviously they have a unique layout in terms of Weaponry so for instance as you can see the moros Sami has some of them Scorch lasers some standard multi cannons or Auto cannons and then it has a missile pod whereas the Zumwalt has a different layout it has rail guns uh singular laser and it has where's the third weapon am I blind oh missile pods so it's it's basically like um the only real kind of similarity obviously would be the interior and the L like the the kind of the aesthetic weapon wise it's quite different and the other kind of big thing about these is these can be found at level one so when you're I was going to say when you're straight off the Vault but wrong game when you're straight off the uh the planet the mining planet now obviously order to purchase them you will need to have the the specific qualifications in the piloting skill but it's just kind of Handy if you're looking for cuz early game these ships give you quite an edge some are better than others but in the later game they kind of become a novelty that you if you want them more for how they look then actually use ability because as you can see so the Mami it's a b-class vessel it's got 580 fuel uh a21 hole 470 cargo it's got a bclass reactor 24 power crew a six 25 Lightyear jump range 690 Shield it's got lasers ballistic and missile weapons now the price to purchase this without perks is going to cost you 250,000 25 credits now if we compare this I am max level in the game pretty much so I see the highest TI version of All Ships so this is zalt so as you notice the zomalt offers it has a lot more hole it has a little bit better reactor um Shields again slightly better but early game you're kind of like you're you're you know if you want a good ship there it is it's it's a very it's a very interesting looking ship quite good Weaponry on it is very good it's got a good mix of ballistics and lasers and then obviously it's got the missile I have also done a review on this vessel I will leave a little annotation in the video if you want to open a new tab after you watch this video that that's key you know got to give me that ad Revenue I'm sorry this a joke anyway we're going to jump on to number three now on our unique ships from renders all right for ship number three we are going to head to the soul system which is our solar system and you're going to want to land on Mars uh you're going to go to the only um well the main location on MAR Sidonia and then you're going to come to this gentleman here this ship service technician and then if you check in his inventory he will have a vessel called the marathon which is actually based on the mule there which we'll get to in a minute so we're going to pop right to the end and you should see it air the marathon so once again stat-wise uh 700 fuel 639 hole, 1460 car capacity a class Reactor with 23 power two crew 15 jump range 520 Shield 11 uh particle so we've got a singular particle and a singular missile and the price to buy this without perks is 159,000 so just a little shy of 160 now this is based on as you can see there it's based on the mule um this this is meant to be a a cargo vessel as you can kind of tell by the layout of it it's quite a cool looking ship it's a very unique looking ship it's it's a Nova Galactic style but it's got some deos features I've also done a review of the ship I leave a link in the uh or like a little annotation so once again early game this is like quite a good ship to purchase if you're looking for a unique looking ship um the one of the things with me is I don't know if you guys really mind it too much but I like to be a kind of a stand out from the crowd and having these kind of rare ships means that you won't come across anyone else rocking these sort of ships so for instance you might see people rocking the mule which it's it's a good ship not nothing wrong with it inherently like but the the marathon just kind of looks that more better now once again this can be gotten at level one but you need to have the the funds available like 150k is not it's not easy to come by like 160k I should say so like at that point um it might be more beneficial to kind of build your own just steal a ship and build your own but if you are looking for Unique ships there it is obviously later on in the game if you're kind of it's again novelty of you know you want the unique ship because as we can see the mule uh the tier three version of The Mule has better jump range better Shields better reactor and weapon Wise It's just yeah all across the board it just kind of is better anyway that was the marathon now we're going to check ship number four all right for the fourth ship on the list we are here at the damos stard damos stard is here it's orbiting damos which is orbiting Soul we don't have to go far or orbiting M sorry we don't have to go far from the last one so if we come to the stard here and we talk to our good man naau and in his inventory we're going to be looking for a ship called the Aegis which is right at the end so the AIS is uh it's based on again it's they're all based on ship it's based on the hoplight which I will really quickly just kind of there we go it's not too far to look so as you can see it's got the same layout as the hoplight the kind of the main difference is obviously the load out of the The Vessel so the agis has 800 fuel uh 720 hle 200 cargo bclass Reactor with 21 power five crew 29 Lightyear jump range 610 Shield it's got three sets of weapons laser ballistic and missiles it's got um where are the lasers so it's got dual lasers on the wings those two ballistics just kind of mounted on top of the grab drive and that's got the missile at the back so the price of this without perks will cost you 27,1 15 now once again ships available early on the game but you need to have a b-class Pilots license and you need that amount of money it is quite an interesting looking ship the hoplight is a very serviceable vessel very Nic looking vessel as we can see here if we jump to it it's uh very nice now again uh early game the Aegis is going to outperform the hoplight like tfold but as you kind of level up and you start to see the higher tier ships the agis loses its kind of its seniority as we can see the hoplight 3 has uh better jump range uh better hole better kind of weapon configuration better Shield I believe yeah so like again if you're looking for a unique vessel ages is a good one but if you're looking purely based on stats going off of like if you like the look of the ages but you'd rather kind of spend the money A Better Way like the hopl light's going to be around the same price the hoplight tier three anyway next on the list all right for the next ship on the list we are still in the soul system and we're going to go to Titan Titan is one of Saturn's moons so we want to land on Titan and on Titan there's only one location the new Homestead and then once we go to new Homestead we talk to this gentleman here the ship service technician and the ship he has available that is a rare ship is going to call the Vagabond there it is there so the Vagabond it's a it's a tile vessel I really like the the style of the Vagabond because it's one of those ships where again it appears very early on so if you scrape up the money you can kind of get it and then there's like we've got a lot of room to kind of improve stuff so stat wise it's got a fuel of 50 which is kind of one of its glaring features like that 50 fuel will be very problematic I would recommend upgrading that it's got a hole of 502 which isn't too bad for an a class vessel it's got a car capacity of 260 uh a class Reactor with 20 power crew at two 22 Jump range uh 685 Shield which is quite good for a class and then it's got particle weapons and missiles which those particles are very formidable so the price to buy this without perks is 102,000 which is pretty much a steel like early game if you you get to around level 10 you're at that point where you're like I kind of want to buy a ship ship this is definitely one of the ships you want to buy because it's Unique obviously it's based on the um excuse me it's based on the Rambler which I don't know if he's going to have a rambler for sale probably not no he does not have a rambler so it's it's basically the exact same like styling of the Rambler obviously it's the base Rambler is going to be not as good as the Vagabond uh as they they look the same color-wise though the Rambler is kind of just a standard Gray weapon wise obviously the Rambler gets better because the Rambler can tiar up to tier three the tier three version the Rambler will have better pretty much everything uh I have also done a review on this vessel I'll leave a little annotation in the description so yeah that's all in all it's this is probably one of the ships on the list that I would definitely recommend picking up early game now if you're later on in the game and you're at that kind of point where it's like if you just want it for looks fair enough but there obviously is better op options like you can find the Rambler it's it's very it's used a lot by the uh the Pirates crew so you can kind of Rob them anyway onto the next ship all right so the next ship on the list you can find in the Naran system in the stoud eckan stary yard here uh that is it is orbiting uh the planet of dalic which is orbiting deala but if we come to uh the stard and we look for this man H shop and he will have our vessel for sale so the vessel is called the war wolf which we'll check now in a second so straight away this is my favorite unique vessel in the game I love the color scheme and the layout of the weapons it's very very effective so as you notice we'll go through the stats it's got a fuel of 210 which is perfect early game like this is kind of the and even late game like that's kind of the minimum fuel you need to kind of go to most places uh it's got a whole of 630 which is pretty decent for an A- class vessel car capacity is quite low only 200 it's got an A Class reactor though with 23 power which is more than enough power needed you might have to fiddle a little bit with the power but you can definitely make great use of those particles it's got a crew of five which again is quite interesting for an a class kind of vessel a lot the other a class vessels are very much kind of cater towards individual like you know solos whereas this one is meant for crew it's got a jump range of 23 light years Shields 550 could be better but not too bad and here's where it gets good so it's got particle weapons ballistic and missiles as you can see there's got three particle weapons and their particle weapons will absolutely shred it's got the missile there mounted on the top and then it's got the uh the single ballistic mounted on the right so the price to buy this is 225,000 early game this is going to outpace the trebuchet pretty pretty effectively late game if you were to pick up a trebuchet tier 3 you potentially it would be better in terms of its stats but I believe the trebuchet tier 3 doesn't have the same load out like those three particles do absolute work and they push this thing beyond the kind of the threshold of like how good a ship is but yeah that's the warwolf I have done a review on this I will leave an annotation again uh now on to the next vessel all right for the next unique ship we're going want to head to the valow system and we're going to be landing on the planet pvo and on pville you're going to land at H Town there's two unique ships in this location the first one is going to be sold by the generic vendor here we go and talk to this gentleman so the ship is called the Shackleton which here it is here now the Shackleton is based on the Endeavor which it's one of the few ships that like it's it's quite unique even compared to the Endeavor now this guy doesn't have an Endeavor for sale but like the layout is obviously very similar but the color scheme is more interesting I really like that uh I like that white and red it just kind of looks really nice so stat-wise it's got a fuel of 75 which is quite low in terms of fuel but this is one of the more weirdly it's an entry-level vessel in that it's quite cheap and affordable but the b-class reactor means that you need to have a b-class pilot license anyway it's got a hole of 693 which for a bclass isn't amazing but early game it's okay car capacity of 730 which is quite good this is definitely meant to be kind of a general purpose ship almost like an upgrade like you've moved on from the frontier it's got a b-class reactor with 21 power not too bad crew of two kind of low it's got a jump range of 22 liers again not too bad Shields of, 1500 which is absolutely astronomical like that's the even though that's a b-class that's like the second best best shield in the game so like early on if you're like looking for a ship and you don't have all the perk requirements this would be a ship I would recommend buying if you just want that Shield it's really really good like even the Vanguard Shield which you can arguably like it's easy to guess you need to do Vanguard quest line that only gives you that's only 1450 weapon-wise it lacks a little bit it's only got a single ballistic Cannon mounted on the top there and then it's got those two laser weapons but it's still formidable so the price to buy this without perk is 130k just under slightly 129k 800 which if you're early game and you don't have the even mid game if you don't have the perks to get that uh like the highest level shield in the game it's not a bad kind of like payout buying this ship just for the shield obviously later on in the game the uh the Endeavor can get better but like the shield alone is kind of like that's the big selling point I've also done a review on this ship which I will link again in the uh in the video or The annotation on to the next vessel all right so we're still on the planet this time we have moved inside into the H Tech offices so if you come over here and you talk to this woman here anayia Raymond she will have a vessel for sale excellent which if we look at it there at the end we've got the silent Runner now the silent Runner is based on the star semi which coincidentally there it is there very vessel so the silent Runner is it's a very cool looking ship this is like one of the first ships I've seen in the game a C-Class ship and I was like that's a like that's a ship like a proper like kind of like like almost like a Millennium Falcon style ship you know like it's got some personality it's got some flare stat-wise we look at the stats it's got a fuel of 300 which is not too bad it's got a hole of 1164 very nice it's got a car capacity of 6,60 which is very good for uh for one of these kind of unique ships C-Class reactor 34 power crew of five 29 Lightyear jump range which with that like amount of car capacity that is extremely good it Shields kind of lacking at only 975 and then it's got uh two particle turrets uh mounted on the uh the winglets there which they're quite handy because this ship isn't as agile as some of the other ships it's handy having those turrets just to kind of cover your rear when you're flying and then it's got that missile tube there at the front now the price to buy this without perks is 390,000 so just 10K shy of 400k which is a bit on the pricey side this is definitely more of a ship where if you're looking for an endgame vessel it's very unique looking now if we compare it uh to the to the star semi so this is another one of those ships that you can only buy so there's no like tier like um there's no like multiple tier ships of the star semi let me just double check that so that I don't come yeah so there's there's only the they're basically the same ship now the the main kind of differences as you can tell is the star semi is like a lot cheaper obviously and the reactor is not as good and the jump range everything in general like this is like a straight like like not improve or not improve like a downgrade so yeah so like this is one of the few ships that the where the unique one will outpace the normal version although technically they're both unique in that they're both available for sale yeah I have done a review on this vessel also which I will link in the description not the description the uh like the top right corner onto the next vessel all right so for the next ship on the list we are in the cheyen system the home of the fre star Collective and we are on the planet Aila and we are going to Aila City once we get to Aila City we're going to talk to the ship service technician here got anything and the ship he has for sale that is the unique one is called let me show you it's right here at the end it is called the stronghold now this is a very cool looking ship it's got it is a h Tech vessel it's got some novag Galactic to it but it's very very kind of unique Vibes to it it's got those big fuel tanks so this is based on I don't know if they have one here no they don't have one for sale here but it's based on the uh Highlander which Highlander again it's it's similar exact same layout color scheme is a little more duller and then the weapon layout's a little bit different so if we look at the stats of the vessel it's got a fuel of 2200 which is absolutely astronomical that amount of fuel is kind of Overkill in the current setting of the game but in a future update when they eventually get around to adding survival mode that extra fuel could come in very handy it's also got a hole of uh 1,047 which isn't too bad for a C-Class vessel it's not the best though it's got a car capacity of 2360 which again is quite good it's got a C-Class reactor 27 power crew of six jump range of 30 Lighty years which with that amount of Carri capacity and fuel that is amazing it's got a shield of 1,600 it has the best shield in the game which is a big big Improvement big plus and then it's got laser weapons and Ballistic weapons it's got those two Ballistic weapons they are turreted ballistic weapons mounted on the front now it's a bit of a weird kind of configuration I don't know why Bethesda chose to put the two turreted weapons on the front there when they have very little kind of like area of attack whereas if they had have swapped them oh there's also turrets laser turrets on the back up I apologize both turreted yeah it's just it's it's a weird setup if it was if it was me I probably would have put the uh the or the ballistic turrets on the maybe on the front landing gear there or even on the back where those see where those two little antenna things are so the price of this without perks is 400,000 now much like the uh the case of The Last Ship we were looking at the um the silent Runner um this ship is going to be like a straight Improvement off of its uh counterpart because to my knowledge I do not believe there is a like a non with the Highlander there's no like tearing system for the Highlander it's another ship that I'm just going to double check oh no I I take it back there is multiple versions of the high Lander okay I apologize giving you false information so the main difference obviously I just pulled up the Highlander stats like early entry level the Highlander one is going to be weaker than the stronghold but later on if you get around to getting the Highlander three the Highlander 3 comes with a 40 uh reactor which is it's 13 better than that it's best reactor in the game it also comes the shields are less interestingly and it has three sets of weapons as opposed to two so it adds a pair of particle weapons to it which is quite interesting and then the hole is improved so once again early level and by early level I mean like getting cclass a C-Class vessel early on you'll probably be like in your mid-30s mid 20s late 30s potentially um this is good if you like the look of the ship and if you want that high-end Shield but if you're kind of at that point where like you're like me you're like level 100 plus and you're looking for this ship and you're like I really like this ship you're better off just trying to find a Highlander 3 it's going to be more bang for your book now the Highlander 3 is going to be quite expensive at almost 600,000 credits but you're getting a better reactor uh you're getting a better jump drive better weapons layout better hole yeah that was this ship we're going to jump on to the next ship on the list now all right so for the next two ships we are in uh the Voli system uh and then we're going to land on the planet Voli Alpha and we're going to Neon the only place on the this planet and for the first ship of this planet That's Unique we're going to go to the ship service technician he's in this little Hut here and we're going to talk to him and the ship he will have for sale that is unique is here at the end it's called the warhorse now the warhorse is based on the Mustang which is a novag galactic vessel so if we look at the stats of this bad boy it's got uh fuel of 200 Hull of 548 car capacity of 675 a class reactor 28 power two crew 15 light AAR jump range 550 Shield eight laser 18 particle and 42 missiles so it's basically got two lasers on the front there a single particle on the side of the uh cockpit and then a missile now the price by this without perks is let me just double check is 132,000 so it's not too expensive now if we look at its kind of its its companion or the not companion the ship it it is based off the Mustang early on the Mustang is is pretty weak in terms of like just its setup like this is better clearly but if we start looking at say for instance the uh the Mustang tier 3 the Mustang tier 3 has a weaker reactor um it's got uh a stronger shield shield is 715 and it trades out its ballistic weapons and instead has just the lasers and the particles so all in all this is one of the few ships where the warhorse is going to be better unless you want a better Shield so now we're going to check out the other unique vessel on neon all right so once again we are still in the Voli system and we're still on Voli Alpha on neon so we're going to go to the Taio Asing um Wing or the level of the rayuan tower in order to get here once you kind of enter the main complex at neon the main little kind of Market Center you take a left and it's a the very end of kind of the market area take the elevator up and you talk to Veronica so nice to have you here and Veronica has a vessel for sale called the Narwhal which she's a lot of ships for some reason so this is the Narwhal now the Narwhal is based on the Orca and this is again this is one of the only ships where it's it's it has cosmetic changes that make it different so like if we look for an orca real quick it's going to take a minute this is going to be very fiddly there's another narong for some reason my uh my inventory duplicated with this I don't know why come on I know there's an orca here there's another narwal we don't have an orca are you serious there we go so as you can see there like the the Orca uh this is the chery version it doesn't the main kind of difference is it doesn't have that kind of front prow that the naral does the naral has that kind of front prow and it's like slightly different layout which again is quite interesting because like most of these vessels like all of these vessels the like the unique versions or even with regards to the um like the spacer or the uh like uh Crimson Fleet or the ecliptic or the Veron they usually keep the exact same interior whereas this one doesn't so if we look at the stats it's got a fuel of 560 which is quite good it's got a hole of 2118 which is very good it's got a car capacity of 1760 which is quite impressive C-Class reactor 36 power now the reactor lets you down a bit but the reason the reactor is is is not uh level four or 401 is because I believe this reactor gives more hole which is where the the hole comes from crew a 7 which is really really nice it's got a jump range of 30 light years again very nice for a kind of a ship that's combat oriented but can still carry cargo the shields kind of let it down slightly it's only got 995 shields uh but it's got three sets of weapons it's got laser weapons two laser turrets mount on the front there it's got two Ballistic they rail guns mounted on that little Nova kind of prow and then it's got a missile pod mounted on the front now to buy this without perks it's 455,000 which is quite expensive but if you're the sort of player where you don't really like to fiddle too much with um with like ships this is kind of and you like a kind of a combat heavy ship with a little bit of hauling and stuff this would be the ship I would recommend going for it's quite unique I like the color scheme and everything now if we compare it to the Orca in my case the Orca 3 you'll know the if we look at the stats uh it's got the fuel is um a little bit no fuel is the same its hole is a lot lacking it's got like almost half as much hole it's got uh 1300 instead of 20 2100 cargo is the same reactor is slightly it's one Higher reactor one less crew jump range is the same the shields are kind of the big Improvement on this vessel and and then if we look at the the layout of the weapon so they have opted to have the missile podt on the side and then all of the kind of the turrets are mounted it's got three uh not sorry it doesn't have three turrets they have turreted ballistic instead of turreted or uh lasers and then they've got single laser so like once again this is one of those situations where the the unique ship is in or is inherently better the only real kind of thing with this is The Shield is weaker if I if I was or if you were going to buy this vessel I would definitely recommend ripping that Shield off and putting on an assurance 1800 just to get that Shield up to 15 or to 1,600 with that level of shield and that level of hole this bad boy will take a lot of abuse before it goes down uh like all these other ships I have done a review on the vessel so I leave a little Link in the uh top right corner all right so here we are on Paradiso so Paradiso is in the Pima system and then here here we have Pima 2 you come here and we have Paradiso here and we're going to talk to this gentleman here purple man on the landing pad and he's going to have a unique ship that is called Abyss treer now this is this is a very very cool looking ship I'm a huge fan of it it's very unique in its styling it's it's mainly uh stoud Eckland but it's got some demo stuff to it uh if we look at the stats of the vessel it's got a few of 950 which is very very nice like that's a lot of fuel might be slightly unnecessary fuel but still you know it's nice to have a bit of fuel it's got a hole of 1,031 which isn't amazing but it's not too bad the cargo is kind of lacking at only 340 and then for the reactor we got a C-Class Reactor with 27 power now that power is extremely low we've got a crew of six jump range of 25 light years we've got a shield of 850 which is kind of not kind of lower on like there's some aass Shields that are that level it's got three sets of weapons it's got uh particle turrets mounted there or particle weapons mounted the front now those particles are pretty beefy even though it says in the red they're very good and then it's got a single ballistic turret mounted on the back there that little spine and then it's got a missile PW oh no it's got two turrets I apologize it's got a turret mounted underneath that's one of the few ships I've seen with a Turret underneath and then it's got the missile pod now the price to buy this without perks is going to cost you $365 k um this this uh ship being based on the civilian shuttle or the C shuttle now the main differences early game The Abyss tracker is going to definitely take the lead in terms of you know the setup but if we take a look at the tier three sa shuttle the hull is slightly better at 1222 as opposed to 1,000 cargo stays the same it's got a reactor 32 which Improvement of five is not a huge Improvement jump range jumps up to 30 light years which is quite nice Shield again at 10 or 1,95 bit of an increase and then it only has two sets of weapons it only has particles and missiles it drops out the ballistics uh and the price range it's about the same so all in all the the treer is kind of I would stick with the the abyss tracker just because you know it looks really nice now being a C-Class I have done a review on this um if you want to check it out I'll pull The annotation the main kind of difference with this or the main thing with this ship I would probably recommend like with the other one uh the previous one is I would recommend upgrading that Shield as soon as you can because 850 shield for a C-Class vessel is kind of a travesty but yeah let's let's get on to the next ship all right so this one is kind of out of the way so this is on the in the system ixel or I I believe I'm pronouncing that I'm probably pronouncing wrong it's quite far out it's way off to like the top right there's CCS over there and then at Exel you want to go to the planet here this is Exel 2 and then on the planet we have a area called the elos Elios Retreat this is a cool little quest line here I'd recommend coming here anyway but the vessel we are going to be looking at uh if when you land just to kind of confirm when you land off to the right here little kind of ship Builder and we talk to this gentleman and the ship he has for is called the the wandl there it is there so the wandl is based on the Rowan Oak which is an interesting ship in itself so as you can see it's it's a stoutland vessel very cool vessel I quite like the color scheme a lot of the unique ships generally have a kind of a more kind of like either it's it's like a white or red or like a black I quite like this two-tone kind of like khaki yellow and then like a kind of a sage green so it's it's got a fuel of 400 uh Hull of 1228 car capacity of 2375 which is very good now the reactor starts to lack here so it's only got a 16 CL or b-class Reactor with 16 power crew of four which is kind of low considering how big this ship is it's got a low jump rage again of 21 Lighty years and it's got a shield of 610 and it's got a set of three particle turrets there so now the price to buy this without perks 165,000 so like it's it's kind of a cheap ship if you're looking for like a big kind of ship where you want to like let's say you're the sort of person where you don't really want to like have to worry about like building a new ship from scratch you could buy this and modify you notice how it has a 3X uh two module there habitat the front and then we've got some some 3x On's there now if we compare this to its it's kind of its original ship the Rowan Oak we look at the tier three version of the Rowan Oak so just looking at the the stats the Rowan Oak 3 has a hole of 1100 so the hole of the Wonder list is better cargo is the same the reactor jumps up to 31 with the uh the tier three Roll O so it's a huge Improvement crew 4 is the same jump range goes up to 25 light years which is not a huge Improvement Shield jumps up to 975 so that's kind of a big Improvement and then it has the same it only has particle weapons particle turrets and that one will set you back 324,000 out perks so like all in all the only real kind of issue I would have with this ship is the reactor uh the so the you can see the reactor there I would pull that reactor out and replace it with a better one and then um with the shield again I would rip that Shield out and put a better Shield if you've done the Vanguard quest line you can slap a Vanguard Shield there I have also a review of this vessel if you want to check the little Link in the top right anyway on to the final ship of the list all right so finally if you this this Last Ship it's kind of a weird one so in order to unlock this ship um you need to have completed the Crimson Fleet quest line and sided with the fleet and then once you side with the fleet if you come to the key station and once you come to there you talk to Jasmine and helping with the ships and then you ask to see her ships she will have a unique ship at the end called the hellhound now the hell is based on the um the ghost the Crimson ghost which is in turn based on the Watchdog I believe it's kind of interesting in that you're not really told that you unlock this vessel and it's one of the only ones where you like unlock a vessel but you still have to purchase it so if we look at the stats real quick it's got a fuel of 350 which is quite good it's got a hole of 726 for a class that's not too bad uh it's got a car capacity of 760 again that's quite good a class Reactor with 26 power for an a class that is quite good now it's not the best reactor but it's quite good uh Crew 2 jump range is kind of lacking at 17 light years it's got a shield of 650 which isn't too bad now it's Weaponry it's kind of armed up the wazo so it's it's got lasers and ballistics it's got three of those lasers those Scorch I believe they're The Scorch lasers and it's got two of those little kind of mini uh cannons the price to purchase this without perks is 250k which is kind of it's kind of a bit pricey now if we compare it to the ghost if we look at the tier three version or the tier four version of the ghost which was what we looking for so and early early on if you which I say early on but if you're doing the Crimson Fleet missions you're going to have a lot of ships at your disposal anyway because you know you can s ships anyway so the tier four ghost uh has a hole of 834 so a little bumping hole it's got a reactor 29 reactor instead of 26 again bit of a bump it's got a crew of four which is an improvement jump range is 17 27 Lighty years instead of 17 so an extra 10 light years Shield of A10 now the the ghost tier four ghost has ballistic and lasers as well similar kind of configuration and then the price of the Crimson Fleet ghost is 31,000 without perks so if you're going for again if you're going for Unique ships this is obviously a very cool ship and it's the sort like it's it's very unique in that like it's basically a reward you get for doing the Crimson Fleet which is kind of hilarious because like thanks for doing the Crimson Fleet you unlocked a ship but you got to pay us for it which is like L but like if you if you just like the aesthetic of this ship you could definitely just come across a ghost 4 tier 4 they're very common and then like it cost you nothing and then you can upgrade it yeah that's that's all of the uh unique ships in the game I hope you guys enjoyed this video I have done a review of this ship and all the ships uh in the video I will if you look in the top right of each I should put little annotations to all of the videos um make sure to watch this video fully first though before clicking on them anyway I hope you guys have a good day don't forget to check out some of my other videos and subscribe if you like this content bye-bye
Channel: Crimson Flyboy
Views: 4,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, bethesda, skyrim, oblivion, fallout, newvegas, xbox, seriesx, toddhoward, zenimax, bgs, bethesdagamestudios, walkthrough, space, letsplay, ships, spaceship, review, guide, walkthough
Id: NGb6G0BeWis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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