SECRET SHIPS! Discover Rare Ships Filled With Legendary Loot | Starfield

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all right guys I actually haven't been using this feature at all in starford but it is turning out to be insanely useful in revealing hidden ship locations the feature in question is the upgraded scanner now you might have done this already it's pretty straightforward but when the scanner is fully upgraded you can use it to find ships quickly and its contents are incredible I don't know maybe it says more about how I play that I just haven't really used this yet it's not exactly a hidden feature but I just wanted to bring this to your attention in case you have missed this so I'll show you how it works this is how you do it basically when you're on a planet get out your scanner now zoom in on an icon when you press the use button which is E on PC the icon is revealed to you in other words you don't have to get right up to the icon in order to see what sort of location it is because with the upgraded scanner you can reveal what type of location it is from right at your current position sometimes you will will actually be able to see the icons for ships on planets and these reveal ships you wouldn't normally have seen the icon in question looks like this now when you press the use button on this icon it will reveal itself to be a [Music] ship you can then go over to the ship and loot it the ship will contain anywhere from 1 to three High tier pieces of gear usually you'll get at least a purple sometimes too and I've even found legendary weapons helmets and boost packs all at these locations locations I wouldn't have even seen I wouldn't have even found out about if not for the scanner now you can't steal these ships as these are crashed ships so unfortunately they do not work for ships you can steal you'll want to look at ship Landing site icons which are basically little Flags the icon symbolizing in Crash ships is slightly different and looks like a ship not a flag but I think it's arguably even better than stealing a ship as most ships you find that land on planets don't sell for all that much and you still have to pay the registration fee on top whereas at ship crash sites not ship Landing sites you'll always find rare epic and even legendary items and selling these often gets you way more money up until now I've just been looking into the sky for Ships coming into land then going over to invest investigate but doing it through the scanner unlocks an alternate way to find ships and it's a way to find ships you didn't even know were there like even if we zoom in we can't see the ship it's completely hidden that's how far away it is only by clicking the icon can we reveal the ship that's at the location and without the upgraded scanner we would not have been able to see this ship so really there are ships everywhere in Starfield and the scanner when fully upgraded is how you find them but what planets have a higher proportion of ships do you find different ships on different planets now personally I seem to have the best luck on moons now I'm not sure why that is maybe it's because the game spawns more ships on moons because they generally have flatter geography so ships are less likely to get caught on some scenery or clip through a mountain so in my opinion I would say to stand the best chance of finding a ship spawn location head to a moon and this can be literally any moon but here's one as an example [Music] so we just exit the ship get out our scanner and look for the ship icon and another thing that makes Moons good for finding ships is the low gravity so you can jump up to the top of your ship and get a better vantage point and from there you can jet back over to the ship with the lower gravity just makes things all that much faster and also moons have a complete absence of life and an absence of organic material and things like that so the ship will be completely unobstructed you'll be able to see it from miles away no trees getting in the way and no big bushes blocking your view although that's not that useful here because we already know exactly where the ship is as it's indicated by the icon we already know where it is now when I try this on a planet rather than a moon and I try and find a ship icon it's slightly less frequent I seem to find less ships on planets but that's just my experience it might be completely different for you and maybe it just doesn't matter whe whether you're on a planet or a moon in terms of how frequently you will find ships it's just really simple ultimately just look for the ship icon maybe you'll find it maybe you won't speaking of which the ship icon isn't just found on planets and moons you can also find it in space when you head to this icon you'll find one of several different possibilities one of these might be a ship in need and you have to fight off attacking ships around it unidentified vessel do not approach this minor is under my protection any hostile actions will have consequences another variation of this might be that you find a deric ship that's just floating in space and then you can go in and explore one of these I really like is the colander this is a ship where all the crew has passed away and you basically go in and try and solve the mystery of what happened to them no spoilers but this mission is basically a hamage to the movie Alien it's really really exciting really atmospheric and if you've ever wanted to actually play the movie Alien you really need to give this a go so you won't always get the chance to steal ships you find in space sometimes instead of being able to steal the ship it's just a mission that you're doing there but it is always worth checking out and in terms of what you'll find at the ship icon the rarest ship encounter in all of Starfield is the encounter with capital ship these are so rare that I literally don't even have any footage of it because I've never encountered a capital ship hundreds of hours into the game I still have not found one however when you do head to the ship icon there is a very small chance it will be a capital ship which is the biggest ship in the game these things are huge once you find it you'll have a massive space battle and can even take down the ship itself Capital ships have huge health bars so it takes ages but it can be done the best way to find Capital ships is just to go through different systems looking for the ship icon if you don't find the icon in one system exit and look in another you don't have to physically travel to the system itself for the ship icon to appear it will appear on the map wherever you are in the game but it is random and as I say incredibly rare but anyway they might be big but Capital ships are kind of useless because there's no way you can steal them and thus no way you can profit of them it is impossible so there's not really a gameplay benefit to Capital ships beside them looking cool the real best thing that's waiting at the end of the ship icon is not found in space it's found on the ground because ships you find on the ground are full of goodies and speaking of which don't forget the icon for spaceship debris you can find these icons randomly in systems from the SPAC map and they're basically bigger crash sites and what these things have in them is the super rare cred tank these have a tiny chance of spawning and will contain a random amount of credits anywhere from 5,000 to 20,000 credits I've literally only ever seen two of these in the entire game that's how rare these things are but they have a chance of spawning at these sites the difference with space debris as I say is that these icons are found from the space map whereas crash sites are icons found while you're on the the ground so I like them more because they're hidden and best of all you don't need to fight anyone it's a crush site so everyone there will have already passed away so you can just literally walk up and loot honestly this might be the easiest to get loot in the entire game most rare loot crates will force you to complete a dungeon or do a combat scenario but this is just a straight up good old-fashioned scavenge there's not even any loading to do like when you load into a cave everything is right out in the open and hey it's not stealing so you don't have to feel bad these guys aren't going to need it anymore hope that helps you out guys like the video If you enjoyed it and for more Starfield guides subscribe to the channel
Channel: Gaming with Griff Griffin
Views: 37,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield ships, Starfield free ship, Starfield class c ship, Starfield free ships, Starfield free class c ship, Starfield where to find ships, Starfield class c, Starfield, Starfield best ship
Id: rN6AO5dkKsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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