Top 5 BEST Weapon Mods in Starfield // How to make your guns OP

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I thought my weapon modding skill points in Starfield had been a complete waste until I managed to turn this into this hey everybody my name's Ben and welcome to my top 5 best weapon mods in Starfield today we're talking about things that you can craft yourself and put on your guns by leveling up the appropriate skills so we aren't looking at any extra abilities added by Rare epic or legendary items keep in mind that in order to be able to craft all of the weapon mods available not only do you need to Max the weapon engineering skill you also need to get rank 1 in the special project skill which is found at the bottom of the science skill tree you don't need to take special projects any higher than that but if you do it will allow you to craft rare exotic and unique components at your workbench and some of these are useful for crafting mods but you can also find them by them or steal them elsewhere too I put a full chaptered listing down below so feel free to skip to whichever weapon mod you'd like to see see these are in my order of preference from worst to best although the jump up from number two to number one is so absolutely huge it should almost be in another video so first on our list we have the shock charge band this can be added to several guns including the magpulse and it requires muzzle mods 3 research to be unlocked its description states that it adds an electrified device that attaches an electric burst of energy to rounds pass through it it's a bit of a compromise because it's an internal mod it means you won't be able to put on high powered or hair trigger which are also pretty handy but it's a pretty good device and it's especially strong when combined with the magpulse which is a very decent gun anyway it cost adhesive titanium polymer and utterbium to craft none of which should be especially hard to get your hands on so we take it out for a test run now by the way this is on very hard difficulty and we'll show you in action this is all on Console by the way so you have to forgive my terrible controller aim although aim assist is going to help us out a little bit you can see that it dishes out damage pretty pretty effectively this is also an epic rifle that does do extra damage per hit but you can see the little shock charges on the opponents on the spaces on the magpulse are pretty effective as you can see drops these enemies very quickly indeed the only real downside of this one I feel was that because it's on the magpulse you end up using 6.5 Mi ammo which isn't the easiest ammo to get hold of it's not too hard but it's not a super common one so you're gonna need to visit a few different vendors or reset some vendors inventory to get a really big haul of it so you will find you go through it a lot more quickly than other stuff that you end up just with thousands and thousands of in your inventory and then when we're fighting a harder enemy up here you can see is dropping his health very quickly remember this is an epic gun with an extra ability on it that does extra damage per hit so it is doing a bit extra damage from that but the shock effect is also useful but you're gonna have to reload a fair few times when you want to kill someone with a lot of health and armor like this you can see by what I mean by ammo we've gone through pretty much all the ammo I had for this just in this one little quick sweep of this area that we filmed down to nine rounds but it's a pretty nice mod it's not the most super exciting thing in the world but because mods are only available on certain guns it's definitely worth chucking on to a magpulse or a MAG sniper if you have one next up we have the annihilator rounds these ones are a bit more interesting their description says banned by almost every government these rounds produce a disease-like effect that spreads to any Target that gets too close and that's pretty much what they do they're a little bit Limited in usefulness and scope but you'll see from the footage that you do inflict that disease-like effect quite often and it's quite visible and noticeable compared to something like the shock charge band we just saw I haven't found too many different guns that you can put this on at the moment I found it on the Varun inflictor which I think is a fairly high level gun but it can also go on the Nova light which you can get from pretty much the beginning you use adhesive toxin hyper Catalyst and lead to craft this you'll need magazine and Battery mods tier 3 research completed in order to get these so you can see the little sparkles that come off these little particles Sparkles is probably too nice of a word this is the disease-like effect you can see spreading to other enemies if they get too close to it so you can see here it's spread from this guy actually spreads from them even when they're dead so this guy here we killed and then these two here have now got that effect on them and it stays with them for quite a while and drains their health pretty well I don't think I've shot these guys at all though it has to set himself on fire which isn't terribly smart but you see it's actually drained a pretty good amount of Health off these two people and so it is a little bit Limited in scope but it's kind of cool it's a nice idea this gun's quite fun as well so if you do get it it is quite nice to put on but if you're in a particularly busy dungeon and there's a lot of people close together then then it could be pretty effective as they all end up in clustered little areas and they're all going to get that extra damage effect on them the downside of this really it's not really helping us do significant extra damage with our hits these people are dying pretty quick that's mostly just because we're shooting them with a good high-powered gun rather than the disease effect but it is pretty fun so now we start to get into some of the ones that I think are particularly fun these are the gut Buster rounds coming in in third place on our list you need magazine and Battery mods at tier three research unlocked in order to get these you can stick them on your Maelstrom and it takes adhesive veril and Lead according to the game of their nasty rounds that upon firing into an enemy explode out the back into a burst of shrapnel so they kind of do a bit of AOE damage near enemies as you kill them but not only that they make the gun sound and look really cool they're also pretty good because they go on the Maelstrom it's a very common gun with very common ammo the 6.5 mil which is something you're gonna end up with just absolutely tons of unless you're using all the time and even if you you are you can buy it from vendors very easily and cheaply there are a lot of other good magazine options for the Maelstrom that you can put on but I do think the gut Buster are the best so you can see if I just fire these into the ground you get this extra little exploding effect and it just sounds very very cool if we take this up to our friendly neighborhood spaces up here we also got this on Full Auto you can make this gun semi-auto if you prefer so it'll do much higher damage and required to keep clicking the button it has a high rate of fire anyway even on semi-auto so arguably it's going to be more effective on that but there's something just deeply satisfying about running around shooting enemies with this gut Buster on on Full Auto is just absolutely brutal I wish you could still put an extended mag of some sort on this with the gut Buster because you do tend to run out of shots reasonably quickly it does seem to be enough to kill you know these sort of medium difficulty guards here keep in mind this is all on very hard so these are pretty pretty tough they're not right up to my level apart from the bosses I'm at level 47 here but we are taking them down pretty swiftly with this thing another nice thing about this being a magazine and Battery mod is that you can put an internal mod on it still like high powered which we'll come to in a minute which increases the damage of the gun even further it's not often are really actually getting a situation where the AOE damage is doing much to other opponents and often shooting people are super close together and that's why I haven't really touched on the penetrator rounds that's another one you can get with some high tier research in the game they are okay and do a bit more damage but the idea of shooting bullets that travel through enemies and hit enemies behind them is extremely Niche and not really likely to do you that much good it's also worth noting that all of these guns apart from the magpulse have just been normal guns not epics legendaries or rares well here's a nice opportunity to get a little bit of AOE damage you see it's quite handy for blowing up surrounding stuff as well the uh the containers next to them with the Flames coming out is all stuff we're kind of exploding by just hitting them with these rounds they're doing a little bit of AOE damage near the opponents so pretty good in these kind of stations where pretty much everything explodes and fires out Flames or poison business gas and that just leaves the lieutenant up to here to try and deal with it is pretty effective but you do have to reload quite a few times to see I'm probably going to go for through three or four mags just trying to kill this guy if he doesn't blow me up first so he's got so much more armor to go through probably the slowest of the guns with you so far to actually kill a boss like this but it is very effective at killing the normal enemies and like I said he uses such a common ammo type you're going to be able to get it pretty easily although we have gone through probably nearly five four hundred rounds three four hundred rounds just clearing those two baddies there miserly the lieutenants though which you get more of on a very hard difficulty are gonna take quite a lot of shots so in second a place on today's top five list is the high powered internal component you need internal mods three in order to put this on and this just increases the damage that your weapon does and whilst that might not sound like the most exciting thing compared to some of the other weird things you can put on your guns it does give you a big increase in damage and it can be put on pretty much any gun whereas most of the other interesting and unique mods can only go on very specific weapons and because it's an internal component rather than a battery or magazine mod like a lot of the other interesting ones it means you can have high powered on one of your weapons and then put something different in your magazine and Battery slot like here we've got the Fletcher fleshette the the the give you a bleeding effects rounds which are pretty brutal you could also put Explosive Rounds if you wanted or a large mag slug shots all very good choices on this Advanced Pacifier that we're using here so I've got it on this pacifier here to demonstrate to you I particularly like using this when especially when you're on Console playing on a controller and it's a bit harder to aim for headshots and stuff like that you'll be able to see from this little demonstration just how quickly this thing can rip through enemies once it's got its damage cranked up and because the reload's pretty good as well you'll be able to get through big groups of enemies in pretty much no time just generally I think the pacifier is a really great gun I definitely recommend giving it a go if you've already got one or tried modding one and make it a bit better they are extra extremely useful the ammo type is pretty easy to get hold of as well and then once you can stick high powered on it and the bleeding effect rounds it becomes extremely dangerous indeed you can see some of these lower level enemies were taken out in one hit as well and even these higher ones are dropping in maybe two or three hits when I can actually manage to hit someone like I said though you can stick this on pretty much any gun it doesn't necessarily have to be in a shotgun could be on a pistol a sniper or a rifle all sorts of different things but it does work particularly well on something like this where you can just jack up the damage so so high and we end up being able to kill this Lieutenant actually pretty quickly in the end so in the number one spot we have the hornet nest these are Explosive Rounds they explode downwards into a cluster of mini explosions and if that sounds pretty ridiculous then what it pretty much is these need the magazine and Battery mods three in order to put on your weapon they use adhesive tetrafluorides and lead and you can put them on the Bridger and the annihilator but why waste expensive ammo like that when you could put it on a Coachman the double-barreled shotgun which loses very very cheap ammunition and turn it into the ultimate gun of death so this is just with a regular Coachman it's not epic a rare or heavy has nothing else special on it and although The Coachman only has two shots before you have to reload you'll soon see that that doesn't really matter because you kill pretty much everything in one or two shots anyway in fact you don't really have to even shoot your opponents particularly just kind of shoot near them and then everything will just explode and everyone will be dead before I found this I was using the Bridger a lot as my shotgun preference of choice because of the reload time on the coacher but this mod just kind of makes that completely irrelevant to show you a bit more clearly what it's actually doing here if I fire up high then you can see the explosive shots all rain down underneath so it's actually doing the normal shotgun round and then it's kind of exploding downwards in this cluster of things but really all you end up doing is running up and shooting people in the face with it so they're getting hit not only with an extreme really high damage shotgun round but then with four or five mini explosions which you can further improve by upgrading your demolition skill in the skill tree to do even more damage from these explosions and then the challenges that you have to complete kill 100 enemies with explosives you will tick off by killing people with this gun the reduced damage taken by explosives perk that you get from the demolition skill is also pretty useful because the main downside really of this gun is that it's quite easy to accidentally blow yourself up you can see you do get a bit of a disadvantage when someone runs up and starts hitting you with a sword or an ax because if you just shoot them a point blank then you are going to kill yourself but for everyone else you can just happily Glide about one tapping them with your Coachman so here's the medium difficulty guy we killed earlier he's gone down in one hit no trouble at all it does have a bit of a problem with range you can't fire it quite as far as a lot of the other weapons we were able to get that guy that's about the limit of really wear or fire it'll basically fire as far as the coach one kind of can and then all the shots will explode and fire down underneath it but when you're inside like this that's going to give you all the range you need it's not the best weapon I would say for clearing inside sometimes because if someone runs around the corner is right up in your face if you fire the gun it will kill you you can see here if I fire it just in front of me I won't throw it too close but there you go I lost pretty much half my health firing at that range and even at this sort of range we're losing a little bit of health so you have to be pretty careful with it it is a little bit risky but the damage output on it is just absolutely insane there we go you can see that guy he was a special enemy one shot dead that guy level eight had absolutely no chance another level 30 there down in one hit and then we'll head up and find the boss guy up here and see how many hits it takes to kill him we can barely see him he's back there somewhere that's two hits soul of hits we kind of fade it fired it vaguely near him not sure if we actually hit him or not or um or just fighting near him and there you go two more and he's dead so four shots from this to kill the very hard Lieutenant there I'm not sure we're gonna loot his body because everything is on fire so if we head here to gamma volts this level 50 system Gamma vops One this is a planet I've been using for killing some mobs recently so we take our haunted Nest shells off for a second show you what this Coachman does when it doesn't have those on here's a pretty hard looking bad guy if we start trying to shoot this guy we've only got two shots we've got slug shells in at the moment they still do quite a bit of damage but that's two shots and we've got to reload and then we gotta jump away a bit and we have to keep backing off and it's going to take quite a bit of shooting to kill this guy if there were more than one we'd probably be in a lot of trouble here he's pretty massive but uh thankfully with Andrea's help we managed to get him so here we go on level 50 one of these guys he's not a lieutenant but you can see it sounds not a huge amount of damage to this guy it's gonna take a bunch of shots in order to drop him and now if we head back out with our normal Coachman with its nice shells on it you can see if we fire a couple of those we absolutely decimate everything around another couple of shots lieutenants did we've also killed a load of stuff that just happened to be standing nearby if you find a little clump of enemies you want to just fire some shells into They're All Dead another fun thing you can do is give your companion a gun with Hornet's Nest on it and if you're gonna do that because your companions don't actually use ammunition they just need one ammo of that type and that's basically gives them infinite ammo why not equip them with a negotiator which is pretty much a grenade launcher type thing that uses 40 mil xpl which also has hornets nest on it so then not only is your companion firing a gun that has additional small explosives firing out of the rounds she's also firing a gun that has explosive rounds in the first place and it just starts to get absolutely ridiculous see this level 50 we're going to take down in a couple of bursts here yep they're gone no brahmas and now we've got Andrea toured up as well you can see she's firing off these grounds of this thing as well and it just dies very very quickly so that's everything for today I hope you found this list enjoyable if you've got any other weapon mods that you think should have made the list then let me know down in the comments your thoughts on those and if you enjoyed this video then why not check out some of the other tips and guides that I've made on Starfield already and like And subscribe to the channel thanks so much for watching my name's Ben we are the beard guys and I'll see you next time foreign
Channel: The Beard Guys
Views: 72,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield tips, starfield xbox, starfield xbox series x, starfield guide, starfield help, starfield game, starfield tips and tricks, starfield tips for beginners, starfield tips no spoilers, starfield beginner guide, starfield secrets, starfield best weapon mods, starfield weapon mods, starfield best weapons
Id: nA4QRqPqgFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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