Star Wars Jedi: Survivor full story | All cutscenes and plot-important dialogue

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the next generation of Jedi we seek a dangerous Fugitive this is no common Anarchist but a devil tea of the treasonous Jedi Order no [Music] no this a lightsaber I was alone for a long time I was scared that they find out who I was or what I was and you're not alone anymore hey bd1 I'm Cal get your lasers off my lunch I guess it's about time I find out who I am Uncle bubs ain't gonna kill you kid Baron right I spent years waiting for a chance to avenge my sisters I know what it's like to lose everything night sisters and Jedi do not travel together but survivors we adapt the fate of the Jedi Order lies in your hands life has this funny way of forcing out a path forward execute for the 66th [Music] thank you every Jedi faces the dark side we can build something different she'll sell you out too you can't stop the Empire I'm stronger now because of the pain [Music] such hatred failure is not the end it is the necessary part of the path hope will always survive in those who continue to fight I will never forget I will honor your teaching and your sacrifice by the right of the council calcestus rise Jedi Knight remember trust only in the force [Music] so where to now foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you please [Music] server is on lockdown State your business enjoy the rumors the Jedi and we brought him in alive we want to keep the center waiting Trader [Music] so where's the handoff [Music] this way you [Music] know I craft some maze I don't like it stick with the plan today for it guess how can we strive [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] sir the Senators [Music] attention level 2046 is now under curfew by order of Senator cedon we believe this briefs and shelter in place until further notice security patrols will detain and incarcerate anyone who does not comply Jedi the rest of you will stay here deals change not this one I come along and we walk only you the others must wait [Music] are you gonna let him call you then that's enough where'd you find him night Marcus just try to buy a creative products either how'd you make the arrest it's nice to meet a fan this way the senator requested I bring a prisoner to him he is breathing against me [Music] is the district secure yes Senator it better be it is dogs are always sniffing about Jedi is a rare Quarry these days what else have you brought me [Music] see that he is paid [Music] the Renegade Jedi Cal castis you have made quite a name for yourself sabotaging weapon steamers Building Supply the failed coup or Norse it that was your doing wasn't it a senator confession you already know I've been working with SAR Guerrera before I deliver you to the emperor you will lead me to the remaining Jedi I can't it's just me [Laughter] oh use resisting I'll find out one way or another sometimes all it takes is a speech but in there I have other tools at my disposal or maybe I'll just use this lightsaber jaro Japan traitor like you you to think one day our children will ask what is this thing this relic of a corrupt institution destroyed by its own arrogance arrogance is a trap a lot of us fall into senator I'm sure the emperor won't mind if I deliver you to him in pieces did you really think you could Capture Me I've got classified military Intel stored in your yacht and she just brought it right to me thanks Petey you're burned for this that's mine stop the Jedi not so fast Senator pity now he comes to us uh he's coming a little high oh really hot [Music] [Music] it's okay oh these things happen we gotta get to that yacht [Music] Don't Look Down foreign gotcha traitor what took you so long oh you know just hanging out taking in the sights it's been a while since I was on Coruscant thanks bud where are the jump kisses I thought this Heist might be over real quick why make it easy for him huh where's the crew head into the yacht we'll meet him there oh no comps it is Bravo Knows Best looks like that factory stopped the yacht I go that a win no gunships the crew must be making Mischief let's not keep them waiting how long you've been working with saw Guerrera not long until you impressed him that isn't easy [Music] that guy really don't think he was a fan of you either I don't see a way up let's look around find something Buddy what's he got extension cable worker season for construction now can you repair it Cable's a bit frayed it's not in bad shape should be a quick patch job so I heard you felt the empire yeah hi Jackson Walker and broke open an imperial prison camp single-handed [Music] that one was BD just the two of you some friends what about you new guy win this for the credits credit's never hurt but uh I have a daughter got it I don't get to see her as often as I'd like but at least I can provide for her let's be hard being away from her is her mother she's gone the Empire took her from us sorry taking a lot of people I want every day [Music] you ever used one of those I'll figure it out it was a scrapper on Bronco you've been through a lot for someone so young just trying to survive aren't we on to the bridge hope the crew's doing all right if caps gets bored she might slice into imperial comps for fun is she that good too good Syndicate trained but got on the wrong side of her employers Bravo used to fly for the Republic [Music] Bounty Hunter got the drop on me the twins threw him down a mine shaft friends ever since solid crew Justice you got us to the senator sounds like he wants to double my cook is that right BD good to see you hey Bravo no job ever goes according to plan does it what fun would that be how's the new guy doing kind of a talker but good in a fight I'll take it you guys Flash The Yard can't call for help but he's locked in pretty tight he tried talking anything I just bet the twins that the senator had you in there stuffed Mountain hey I want to cut it that hey if you die I get the Mantis right sorry gavs not mine to give so what's the plan that you have to sign our Rim City Senator as military and telling his personal terminal here could give us a fighting chance against the empire problem is Captain cubic blast doors even the twins can't pry those Bad Boys open how are we getting in your Fella's got the yacht down Jeff passed and I'll work my slicer Magic with my lovely assistant let's do this Phoebe when you're ready [Music] stay back [Music] I knew we had unfinished business give us your terminal passcode impossible they'll execute me maybe I could change his mind you will give me access to your terminal I caught unlock it and you'll be rewarded I'll be rewarded I will unlock the channel foreign [Music] see what we got where the Breakthrough we were hoping for you're so fighting and we're trying to slow them down what did you expect you're lost the Republic is dead it was killed by politicians just like you do you think I wanted uttapow to join the Empire the compromises I made created a future for my people I've been to utopal senator are alive [Music] why fight when you can't win surrender taste bitter at first cow but sweetens with Time free me and will cut a deer no senator [Music] it's a day when your children see this they'll know the Jedi never stop fighting for them how disappointingly naive hey the twins are getting that ravenous look let's wrap it up before we have another karita incident on our hands yeah what about him okay let's take their food to go [Music] thank you lucky you Senator you got a date with sargerara it'll kill me oh I don't know about that depends on whether you cooperate that's a skill senator's prize right cooperation I've changed my mind we should always Target the Empire yeah it feels good to make a difference no they're loaded filthy rich make the huts look clean by comparison I bet this Senator has more credits [Music] I trust you so long why you've been chasing Shadows you have been caught harboring a traitor [Music] casters [Music] look out [Music] gotta go come back hell where you going to go [Music] thank you they want me they've got me they're alive [Music] cow a ride spoke too soon I'll take the Inquisitor keep that other gunship off my back we gotta take her out [Music] good good [Music] [Music] impressive but you're hurting bad inside kestus I can sense it oh they guilt your feeling for those fools you led to their deaths makes you so so predictable [Music] [Music] your move kisses masana you were Jedi Knight before you betrayed our order your name was Asana tide [Music] it's time to set you free [Music] yeah okay [Music] thank you [Music] back [Music] to our life thanks to this crazy son of a gundog your heart I'll manage what happened to The Inquisitor that gaps and the twins I just didn't know what they signed up for top side and transmit that endota soccer era that's how we honor the Fallen you're right F Speedy call the ships not the valet service I was hoping for Bravo you got OverWatch all right I'll draw the fire you hit them when they aren't looking let's get some payback see you in the next Grandpa [Music] it's e95 that one's all yours boat and a hunch this might be a hot exit see you both in the air ready oh this has been a great first date now but I still haven't gotten paid your beacon got the other on the Mantis when things cool off come and find me settle up yeah sure I can trust you you saw the Intel a lot more work to be done looks like I made the cut huh BD boat May the force be with you you're a great fighter Kyle you can see how well you fly [Music] [Music] are we looking Beady so whatever it is I'll have to wait until we get some place safe [Music] [Music] no traffic looks like this Portal's under maintenance as soon as we preach the surface jump to light speed gotta take the risk we've already overstayed our welcome [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] copy that Bravo [Music] nice work everyone hope that's the last of them not a fan of long goodbyes more coming I'll peel off drop you away thanks bud good luck you too Cal see you soon [Music] can't shake them hold on [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] took some hits back there mind writing Diagnostics wide transmit the Intel [Music] said let's hope this information does some good [Music] we did it hey are you making a hollow movie hey ah make sure I look good right get my best side right [Music] it's off my table okay well it's as we hoped this book is a copy from the Jedi archive that's crazy here you're gonna stop the Empire from getting the rest patience this war won't be won soon or by us alone [Music] the Galaxy is vast Droid and I have seen only a little of what it has to offer [Music] to my sleeping sisters foreign I break out an old family recipe like this [Music] what do you think [Music] it's good could use some more salt too much salt is bad for you it's wonderful Grace I actually pay credits for this oh yeah hey I might start charging you cow and does anybody else know something burning foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] that's where you settled down out in the middle of nowhere it could be a good place to lay low if anyone knows how to fix up the Mantis it's greased dryness I think we can make it so far so good what is that [Music] thank you foreign [Music] all over you got anything [Music] sorry Subway engines nice one buddy [Music] come on you can make it to the hanger gotta put it down [Music] [Music] completely fried we won't be flying again without repairs okay this is us this must be the Outpost I guess we finally get to see Grace's Cantina okay come on [Music] okay the breeze is on the other side [Music] that is one big beast we have our targeted I hope they're okay who are you it's okay we're friends what happened we got ambushed by the Rickers I ran I don't know where the others are [Music] what were you doing here prospecting and trying to make a living and then there's the Raiders and the bugs it's too dangerous for you here should go [Music] [Music] are you okay [Music] do not tell you to be more careful about who you scan come on should have left you in that rat to our nest not a bad change of scenery Reese's place should be around here somewhere look at that quite the view ain't it that your ship came down treasure Gorge yeah we had some uh technical problems probably met the Bedlam Raiders then attacked us as soon as we landed you're okay what y'all doing around these parts looking up an old friend 's dryness craze I run the Staples in town this is speedy one are you cute little Droid it's good to see a friendly face likewise well past seems clear from here shouldn't get in any trouble let's go looking for it oh and uh say hey to Doma dendra when you get in town she uh doesn't take kindly strangers we understand thanks for the advice MOSI [Music] little fast one on us [Music] understanding hey [Music] let him go [Music] we cannot do we have this thing sold us a Priceless Relic the key we have been searching for except of course it's fair [Music] I thought it was the real deal Ravis honest oh I believe you but mistakes like these cannot be tolerated let this be a reminder of what happens when you cross the Bedlam Raiders [Music] kill him enough [Music] walk away [Music] Jedi remind our friend here why is kind or supposed to be dead presses next time you want to pick a fight you go through us [Music] what a delight to see one of your kind in action after all these years Noble Jedi Knight if you stay your half I shall withdraw in peace foreign this is the one who stood up to the Bedlam Raiders all right that's enough terrible for you yes your DOMA well yes I am you got a name Jedi I'm Cal Speedy one Rita appreciate if you kept this quiet uh here on the frontier only way we survive is by sticking together that's right you didn't have to step in just now but you did yes you did Turtle hadn't shut it we'll keep you keep yours I'm sure we could both benefit from thanks and [Music] we hope we see you soon nothing thanks oh well that's a mistake I'm looking for an old friend four arms Harry big mouth vertically challenged you can come out now old boy the coast is clear I'll tell you Monk the Bedlam Raiders are gonna be the end of this town we got no oh zero silt nothing how you doing BD fight him cows just get over here you son of a buglinger oh oh it's been a while I missed you kid let me look at you it's good to see you too Greece hey are you taking care of him are you taking care of the madness well uh we ran into some trouble on our last job what sort of trouble the Imperial kind well okay I should have guessed they've been creeping around Cobo too lately Kairos burnt out on the Mantis we'll need your help to get moving again yeah sure whatever you need come on grab some seed listen come on get my friend something special to drink Refreshments one slippery monk coming right up welcome to Pilot's Saloon the finest dive this side is outros yeah your description Justice monkey and I picked it up from the previous owner through a well uh well he caught a fatal case of blaster boys named courtesy of the Bedlam Raiders we've been introduced you okay Greece oh yeah sure as far as I don't have anything they need hey what happened to the Mantis oh we are on Coruscant Gathering Intel for saw Guerrera things got bad only two of us made it out everything I'm doing feels pointless the Empire's only growing stronger things uh [Music] haven't been the same since the team's left yeah hey we had some good times 10 weeks huh may you the space witch see her have you talked to her lately Marin's always on the Move exploring new places making new friends I was talking about fear now it's been a while you well her credits helped us get this place off the ground but she hasn't visited yet she's very busy with this new project hey Cal why don't you relax a little before we fix the Menace the Galaxy can wait a couple hours well we should probably get moving as soon as we finish up I got a spare room down in the basement made up especially for you you should check it out thank you still talking in your sleep huh guess some things never change weirdo hairball thanks for letting me crash here course why do you think I've kept your stuff around all these years I was hoping you'd stop by and maybe take a break both know what happens when I stay in one place too long you said there's a spare gyro around here somewhere we've got plenty of time to fix the manage you are what I want to talk about I'm fine the sooner we get moving the better and then what you're gonna go find some trouble with saw Guerrera Maybe yeah one of us has to keep fighting that's funny that's the exact same thing you said the day we all split up yeah because I [Music] listen I know you all had your reasons for leaving the walking way isn't an option for me I have to hold the line and where's that guy I wish things were different but you keep losing people and you yourself said that the Empire is growing stronger every day now maybe it's time for you to be something more than a lightsaber think about yourself settle down find a home what home Grease there is no home home was the order it was my teacher it was everyone I lost what does their sacrifice mean if I go and I just give up and stick my head in this head [Music] I know you were dealt a bad hand but you've got to take it from me somebody who had to learn the hard way you got to know when to walk away from a rigged game otherwise you are going to end up losing something you could never replace all right I want to show you something [Music] this is a smartphone it came with the Cantina now you go ahead and look I keep a lot of spare parts down there I'm sure you'll be able to find whatever you need to get the Mantis up and running thanks appreciate all this Kyle can I tell you one thing it's really good seeing you again and you too agrees I'll think about what you said hey uh watch your step down there be careful I definitely have a pest problem is that it [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you never look when you can leap hey [Music] the sooner we get to Greece the sooner we can check this out almost reminds me of the Jedi training grounds but it feels different older now we're still running down here let's see if we can hit the lights careful BD I came as soon as I could lost a creek storage has come to this will it be a complete memory purge no only what the council demanded at least I shall remember you I am ready [Music] what is your name Droid I am cna4 of course how may I serve you order see tell me how to navigate the Kobo Abyss I have no information on there to my memory banks Master P you are aware to a public has issued a full-scale evacuation order I am that is why I have a very important task for you see take this oh it was a fine Moodle travel underground stop for no one that is an odyssey am I not coming with you no the key to Tunnel or is in that array if you do not hurry I fear it will be lost forever May the force be with you thank you [Music] I think destroyed has been here for hundreds of years [Music] [Music] is your name Z yes it is how long has it been I'm Cal this is BD we're gonna help you both would be most appreciated thank you don't mention you accuse me I didn't delayed long enough not now hold it together mind if I take a look [Music] [Music] Z let's turn the Lord please turn to a Jedi Temple under the orders light on the galactic Frontier hoped Tylenol might become good for now I figure way out of this place oh yes this is this way follow me however [Music] [Music] I can't say I do [Music] see that planet you mentioned what's it like [Music] how do I get there that must be the knowledge your master Purge from your memory banks most of other reasons [Music] [Music] since the last time I stood here and the sky was full of meteors [Music] yes don't worry not alone I'll help you get back on your feet [Music] [Music] come on I'm not a problem Raider spy I'm a friend of cow castis kale what's it look I told you buddy you're in the wrong Cantina I don't know anybody named Cal getston hey Greece oh that calculus found the gyro made it good to see you guys dritas this is bodakuna it was on Coruscant when I made it out alive without his help oh all right hi nice to meet you unfortunately I don't think I have another bed available wait a minute another one Cal you have a very bad habit of picking up strays [Music] oh I think you haven't broken the news yet she was trapped underground I've never seen this design before this Droid almost looks like an antique if you find anything down there worth credits [Music] oh here it comes monsters and Harry ordered me to open the forest rain but given my condition I cannot fulfill that beauty if I fail my mission the key to Canada or may be lost forever wait a minute did you just say Hannah Lord you've heard of it yeah it's an old prospector's legend about a lost world filled with treasure maybe this dread proof is more than a myth could be worth checking out yeah but first I gotta fix the Menace before the Raiders snatch it well that's where you out there watch your back while you make the repairs is he as tough as he looks ecstasy or he's the best Marksman I've ever met okay we'll take care of the Mantis I'll go see what's in the forest you design it too operating order I will join you in the first grade uh Z whoa their Heritage while they're all sallying forth why don't you ease up on the thrusters come along I can get you tuned up shined up and uh caught up on the state of the Galaxy now I'm gonna lock up the saloon so the Raiders don't trash it use the back door would you good to see you landed on your feet Carl so how'd everything turn out Bravo's gone a feeling I'm really sorry Cal I know how much you meant to you it was a good friend they all were I'll miss them definitely not your standard crew I could tell that from the start yeah dabs Bravo the twins we were close I understand just remember that you're not alone in all this glad you're here bud I got your back brother thanks for looking after Grace while I chase down his lead twice the arms twice the fun right more like twice the trouble oh can't wait these Raiders are keeping the Empire at Bay at least they're good for something here we go what do you think this array is Buddy Centauri Chris had held the key to tanalore so he seems to think so too only one way to find out [Music] even before she was damaged there's no ways he could have made this journey of course back in freeze day there was no Empire to contend with but I would give to see a glimpse of that Galaxy [Music] don't worry I'm a friend got to fight off peace with my field Journal sorry brambling bad habit the I'm TOA by the way I'm Cal this is bd1 listen the Empire is not gonna be happy to find you out here why don't you head back to the reach I think I will take you up on that you get a good look at that structure only enough to see there's no way I'm getting inside but we're lucky it looks intact if I'm right it's been out here for centuries and maybe you'd have better luck than I did it's right up ahead thanks for the tip you catch what they were shooting at spy Droid someone else has eyes out here maybe the Raiders don't know what that stuff is but it definitely doesn't look safe I think this substance has anything to do with the array so this is the work of santori Curry there's the rest of these story is true the key to Tanner should be around here somewhere [Music] careful BD I don't know what else to say here I I thought no you didn't think you perceived a threat and reacted the order had reacted faster we'd still have a republic the Empire The haxian Brood half the Galaxy wants us dead yes the odds are against us but they will always be against us [Music] Cal you can't fight your way out of some situations [Music] this isn't the time to fight the entire structure is the array what's a fort it's like that weird matter around here can take on various forms let's hope that Tower at the top of the array has some answers there's no spy droids again they're not the only ones interested in the array over the array buddy this is our last stop the key to tanalore is real it has to be here and if not maybe if he does have a screw loose this must be worse than tari Cree intended his Sensei the key to tandler was sealed away for centuries now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you it's beautiful remind me not to let you name the next World we discover give it time you didn't like me much at first either jury's still out hard to believe this paradise was hiding on just the other side of the Abyss come on I want to show you something renowned Jedi Knight dag and Garra offers to be my escort on an Uncharted world how could I refuse without your guidance I'd never have made it here in one piece oh careful now well someone might think you've learned humility of course is strong here it's just as I told you we'll build the temple here yes yes my thoughts exactly it's simply wonderful yes it's perfect I've seen the Galaxy santari and there are many worlds that the light of the Jedi does not reach [Music] I'm going to petition the High Council to train initiates here Fontana but it can be so challenging to access what if something were to go wrong our Temple will be a Bastion for the order here at the galactic Frontier the abyss blocks Comm signals we'll have to invite a member of the Jedi Council to visit in person they've been in there for hours council members are not known for their Hasty judgments especially Master runs thesis my door with the Kenda I didn't take this long you won in the end be patient not one of my strong suits and if you're going to teach younglings you have better learn [Music] I have faith in you so does the council trust them to do the right thing what's wrong we're under attack [Music] [Music] you're not here you're not supposed to be here [Music] release me please [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] who are you I saw you I'm Cal [Music] castis [Music] do you must be dagging Guerra yes I am [Music] you are a Jedi [Music] yes but things have changed since you've been gone [Music] a Sith Lord corrupted the Republic turned it into an Empire they destroyed the order they're hunting down those of us that are left [Music] but you're here now fight them together [Music] [Music] thank you yes yes I am back the order is gone I must return to town north what happened there how'd you end up here [Music] we were invaded [Music] I held him at Bay as long as I could but there were too many the battle was horrific still we weren't beaten not yet not until the Jedi Council gave the order to abandon tanlor and then refused to counter-attack they gave up on it yes it was my Discovery my home and they just expected me to throw it away I refused to obey and was betrayed by the one I trusted most stop stop what have you done [Music] [Music] I will not be imprisoned again Eve dare stands against me [Music] I'm not your enemy for all that's left [Music] what happened to you [Music] [Music] 've known you would honor your oath wait [Music] [Music] the key to tanalore the cree of meddagon how could she entrust Hannah Lord to someone like him chanelor is real it may be the last corner of this galaxy that's safe from the Empire I wish you could have seen a 2bd it's like the Mantis is back in action come on Beady let's meet him at The Landing Pad Z is new it's complicated but we'll find it monk told me you were transpired while I was asleep to think the Jedi Order is no more that must have been dreadful for you we have both entered so much but we must persevere cow after all what else is there to do [Music] that's right [Music] we've got room for one more [Music] I am very fortunate to have met you halcasters thank you I found something out there oh yeah what do you got another holocron Jedi from the time of the high Republic somehow preserved him back to dagging Guerra I freed him what happened he attacked me escaped with the bedroom Raiders ease who they've been looking for this shows the Jedi betrayed him he turned to the dark side are you okay kid tailor [Music] it's real Greece it's hidden somewhere in the abyss oh that's impossible the abyssey it's any ship that gets too close the Republic found a way through hundreds of years ago that's why they built that array in the forest a hidden rule that nobody's been able to reach for centuries I figured out how to cross the abyss you could just appear completely you know Bedlam Raiders no bounty hunters no Galactic Empire I'm just spitballing here but that does sound like a place that someone could call home yeah yeah it could be a home get your feet ah all right I'm going back to The Cantina you know Greece we could use a real pilot I don't know I mean you're doing okay on your own I mean you could clean the patolli weave every now we don't know the Mantis like you do nobody does oh Cal I'm I'm sorry my best days are behind me I can't even hold my card steady I know things are different from how they used to be but I'm not sure I could do this without you it's not really how you feel it is oh I mean I guess I could have monkey keep his eye on the saloon Breezy money you win there's not gonna be much in the way of credits yeah this is better than any score imagine no more looking over your shoulder it's for us for the ones we love if anyone knows about a lost Jedi world it's here it's about time you beat that lady a vision all right I'm gonna make us some food before we go [Music] forget [Music] you must feel good to get back in the cockpit after so long fine just getting used to things nah last I heard Sierra was holed up in the desert with some weird Hermits called Anchorage I just wish he'd pick a more lively cult we're getting a signal I sent word ahead that we'd be visiting let me put it up on the hollow projector I got it I'll test us it is an honor hi is here there we eagerly awake your arrival however a dust storm is sweeping over our location it is too dangerous for your ship to land how will I get to you master agenda has arranged for an escort who will guide you to us wait she's sending someone else I will transmit the Rendezvous coordinates to your pilot okay I got it disembark with caution Imperial patrols have been seen in the high desert thanks for the warning well they give me the creep I wonder what kind of weirdo she's going to send to meet you and the Empire's there too that's welcome I was hoping for [Music] let's go find Sears escort the Rendezvous point is up ahead Jetta not bad let's check it out that gunship's heading towards the rendezvous are going to beat us this year's escort and detain anyone in the area we gotta find the escort before the Empire does here we go down there [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] like old times it's surprised to see me I thought they'd send someone a bit more uh unfamiliar I would not be so quick to judge calcus much has changed since we last saw each other I can see that come my speeder is this way your land speeder Stormtroopers found it and then we will take care of them and it looks like they found us too you ready just try to keep up should I I thought you were off traveling the Galaxy what are you doing on Jetta [Music] I'm when I heard that mantis was arriving I offered to guide you we must get to the other side [Music] a storm is coming we need to take them down before more arrived just like that time on narshada precisely I'll follow your link that's a first [Music] I've got a fight you're okay of course unlike my speeder even if the storm subsided Sears too far to reach on foot oh nice what are you thinking might be able to hitch a ride [Music] follow me the way it's blocked well watch out are you trying to kill me sorry I thought it's all right Carl stand back I will fix this what are you doing restoring the pattern you threw into chaos incredible that looked exhausting you need a break I will rest when you arrive at your face where'd you learn that you went home yes thank you where did you leave come from they're scared of you taken to calling me the desert ghost desert ghost huh the spammal you really think you can worth a shot buddy you want a hand thank you [Music] but I can manage [Music] that's right is the base bar not with our new friend and now we have time to catch up no kidding it's been years we must have seen the entire galaxy almost how was it amazing the sinking city of caratel the forsya cliffs this galaxy suffers but there's still Beauty any run-ins with the Empire yes these are dark times I helped those I could I'm just glad you're all right you as well wherever I went you were never far from my thoughts seen a storm like that it's hard to tell how long one will last that's not a way to find out my thoughts exactly you've avoided Sierra for years my visit for now I need our help we're looking for something connected to the order interesting are you still upset with us for leaving I didn't see it coming Marin [Music] Separate Ways [Music] but we had our reasons we have to hurry faster thank you we need to hurry up the spam was scared it's fighting me slower now Baron Baron Baron Barry can you hear me I don't see her BD [Music] we're coming you're all right for now this way quickly what now are you all right fine you yes [Music] where'd the spam will run off to it doesn't matter now come on [Music] [Music] foreign must have found shelter this way okay the spam will saved us so we can forgive it for leaving us to die agreed okay reset for the night that's it tell me what Adventures you and BD have had since we last saw each other same as always fighting the Empire helping out where we can stay in one place too long and um foreign I think we might have found something special a place where the Empire can't find us [Music] it would mean leaving the fight and the fight is all I know [Music] cow Look Into the Fire it will warm you keep you company dark Lonesome nights yes but left unchecked it will consume everything in its path until there is only Ash but on a cold night my tonight a warm fire is perfect and the company is not so bad either [Music] and by you I had to leave Cal [Music] in order to see the Galaxy on my own terms [Music] what'd you find myself reflected in other places and people I encountered [Music] that's a mirror will always be my home but it does not mean to Define me [Music] never understood why you left sitting here now it's clear you made the right choice [Music] [Music] foreign the weather has cleared let's go [Music] hello my friend so very good to see you again Master Cordova it's an honor I I never thought I meet you in person the honor his mind count Sears told me everything [Music] you have demonstrated great bravery and wisdom in the face of overwhelming adversity you chose well I wouldn't go that far the Empire has claimed the ruins we'll have to find another Rendezvous Point unfortunate storm covered your tracks come come let me escort you inside [Music] Master Cordova did you find the zepho only fade traces of their passage heading deep into the unknown regions sorry to hear that as it goes ultimately that failure inspired me to seek out other Jedi survivors that search led me back to my old Apprentice oh if you have you been faring cow that doesn't sound good I've had a few scrapes but I'm still breathing and I am glad for it I heard some news about a Jedi Terrorist on cortisone [Music] 100 days we should see the other guys [Music] the archive is this way the space is well hidden yes well the Empire's presence has grown these past years they are much too strong to fight directly but we do what we can it is critical of course that our work remains secret what work exactly better do I see her yourself meanwhile Marin and I will greet on just keep trying it's not like brother armai is to break contact foreign welcome to Jetta I knew the storm wouldn't deter you rebuilding the temple archives we're trying as long as this knowledge remains Legacy of the Jedi it's incredible but something tells me there's more to this than just Hollow books yes we're a part of a network known as the hidden path we provide safe passage and new identities to those who have been persecuted by the empire hunted by the Empire like like Jedi survivors very few of us remain but yes and for sensitives and those who help them what didn't you tell me you never asked besides I hear you've been busy making yourself the Empire's Most Wanted I wanted to prove to the Galaxy that the Empire is an invulnerable that you can resist that you have to fight if things are going to get better let's listen to the propaganda and they pretend they're free anyways Joe's a hard pass and it hasn't made a difference Empire has trained its eyes on you we've been able to build the network find allies save lives [Music] he left who's wrong Cal you were just a child when they sent you off to war now there was a time when I remember that Jedi were more than just weapons but we both have our roles to play in this struggle but that's why I'm here wait to get a load of this hey here you can't say it ain't short on personality but kind of creepy though well it's good to see you too Grace well hello B okay okay okay so how was your time in the desert the storm covered our Empire destroyed one of your speeders price to pay for everybody's safe arrival and who's this this is bodakuna he is a friend it's so nice to finally meet you it's Uncle trouble hey we're all together yes now what brings you all together we're searching for a lost planet you ever heard of it it's on the other side of a deadly nebula called the Kobo Abyss well our archives are far from complete but I'm sure Master Cordell was up to the task with pleasure the trouble is we're not the only ones looking for this place I knew this was sounding too easy guy's name is Dagan Guerra he was a Jedi now he leads a band of Raiders on the Outer Rim there's an old Temple there Dagon intends to reclaim it a Jedi Temple out of the reach of the Empire could mean that there's information there that we don't have in the archive I believe I have something oh you're too kind BD I'll start with the bat oh boy this guy knows his audience I found no information related to crossing the Kobo Abyss however I found two mentions of this dagangara he had a retreat the record showing frequently visiting a laboratory on its Moon okay we'll check him out you find anything bring it to me I am happy to assist with it both of you you're welcome Hal I hope you find what you're searching for May the force be with you and with you thank you hey cow hold up I've had this since I started freelancing it's gotten me out of some bad situations and I figured it might do the same for you it's Marin right well I could get another one if you think you might no need oh yeah yeah you're good okay my master always frowned upon using blasters anyone said it wasn't the weapon that makes you a us against the Galaxy car we've got to use every Advantage we can find against the empire thanks both no I'll show you how to use it [Music] so where are we headed first back to Kobo or it's Moon hit the moon Laboratory first all right maybe we can find something there to help us cross the abyss this is a smart operations he was put together why do you say that all this rock natural shielding against sensors yeah and if anyone makes it past all that the anchorites have plenty of hollow books to throw at them and you can see how Sears managed to evade the empire for so long she makes her own luck keeping so much of her power held back to achieve a larger goal yeah there's definitely more to where the meets the eye you two have that in common ready to roll out when you are I meant to ask you are curious to learn more about the mass Hermits helping your Mentor um I am we are the darkest anchorites we study and venerate the force as it manifests through knowledge your Scholars We Gather knowledge much like other Scholars yes but our labor is driven by the belief that knowledge expresses universal truth through wisdom we seek to perceive the formless pattern of the force do you understand I understand describing the forces of formless pattern although that isn't my perception of it indeed nor do we experience the false as you do noble one another moon no sweat [Music] maybe those anchor rates aren't so bad after all that was before sear told me they're helping those poor refugees hide from the Empire that right yeah working with the group called The Hidden file real stuff so keep it in the family understood perform do I so Cordova thinks we'll find out how to cross the abyss by tracking down dagon's old haunts that's right you know anything about this laboratory on moon grease what am I a tour guide I'm a busy litera now time to visit broken moons first Jenna now this ah believe me moons are nothing but trouble Joe does a moon had no idea [Music] you good it's just smidge Rusty you a little restless but we'll be fine listen to you Mr optimistic hey you want to do me a favor cut it out you're giving me a stomach ache sure is how you're cooking what was that we're almost there local Cinnamon's haunted [Music] reminds me of the forest Ray just on a much grander scale the Cordova said there were records of Dagon visiting a lab on this Moon it says Cree written all over it where's the laboratory the laboratory is off limits the laboratory is inaccessible you're okay find somewhere to hide I don't have access I tried to tell them please leave me be destroyed [Music] whatever's ahead they really don't want us getting to it close it close they really don't want us inside Cordova will want to see this is something interesting [Music] thank you customer Mentor maybe we can salvage it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] for this Mission and you know it every ship we've sent it to the abyss has vanished Without a Trace we'll go together won't let you take the risk alone this is your invention no one else understands it only one who can guide me back [Music] all right I'll record the passage and make Master Cordova said Dagen had a retreat on Koba let's find it whatever you used to cross the abyss we'll find it there headed to Como's finest Watering Hole you give that old Tech cow found in the lava look good Meg had their tails in it maybe we'll put some pieces together after we check out dragon's Retreat on kovo people go to Cobo after they fall apart not to put things back together what about you guys if you're a clown that I came to Cobo you are way off mister I just needed a break from you all [Music] thank you [Music] Master Cordova's research shows an abandoned settlement past the east side of the valley let's go check it out should be getting pretty close I don't see anything like a settlement though there's places in Ruins [Music] laughs Bounty Hunter still ah nicely done name's cage Vander this mudscuffer picked up your Trail Outside The Outpost sounds like you've been watching us stop we've all been watching cow not every newcomer introduces themselves by taking down one of rayvis's boys which by the way nice touch lava Pig entrance thanks so what do you want for every one of these that you take down not the only one who came to Kobo for a little pace and quiet take these off bounty hunters trade you something nice it was actually improved we're bound to be on the way exactly lucky for you I've got eyes and ears about by the saloon no help you get a jump on those Hunters you guys got Rockets except me let your connection with the force guide you towards our shed goal Centauri Cree was training Jedi for the Journey Through The Abyss New Opportunities what did you learn Centauri Kobo matter it's overgrown foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] studying cobal matter in the abyss is that how Dagen made it to Tanner War welcome Jedi enemies of peace threatening the galactic Frontier and our Republic once we cross the abyss Tanana law could be a Bastion to repel that threat a beacon for who crossed the outer room tanalore was more than a mission to her dream of a better future let's search inside between you [Music] another Raider with a lightsaber Dagen must be sending them out for something and we're following the same Trail another one of these devices and it's broken too [Music] he is coming destroy it now beautiful [Music] but wait [Music] Centauri another of centauri's devices dad can kill Jedi for destroying it I think for your answer let's bring this back to master Cordova I'll speak to Jenna [Music] Cordova can make some sense of that Tech California are you kidding me that guy is as sharp as they come I can't wait to see sear again I owe her big time she fronted me the credit for buy loons what are you over Greece 2 000 credits give or take maybe I'll make Randy pilon's famous casserole and she'll forget all about it foreign [Music] [Music] and some local leaders are unwilling to accept the risks how can we convince them many fear that accepting refugees will put a Target on their back Cal you're back you find anything you think so good or devil will be glad to hear it a strange device this one seems to be a duplication both have been damaged by the lightsabers wasn't me this time perish the thought you think you can fix it I don't know but I will certainly try Master agenda the Empire is nearing Pilgrim Sanctuary is it a strike force no an excavation team good they don't know about the safe house yet safe house hidden in the ruins have we begun evacuations they're already underway but other armiases are responding hermias has the communication codes if they capture him they could put the entire hidden path at risk I know the ruins I will go someone with you vote you know what I think I should stay here make myself useful I could use a research assistant bring back rmias you got it and no heroics was this one no promises I think she was talking to you is a Safe House Bar if they gather near the base follow me what was this place impressive isn't it yeah Pilgrim's Sanctuary is an ancient Temple Seer and master Cordova chose it as the hidden path safe house we knew one day the Empire would come just not so soon ready Marin hope this family doesn't abandon us don't pull the grudge Kel it's not you so how'd you get involved with the hidden path [Music] sometimes I wonder if destroying the holocron had any impact [Music] and the Empire's still hunting them down just so the safe house is in there yes yes perfect place to hide from the empire we'll find brother rmias it is the fastest way nasty things did you find the way to tell Laura not yet but we found some devices from the high Republic Master Cordova is inspecting them now did you come across any other Jedi under travels if I had I would have contacted you thank you I did what I could but there is an imperial unit up ahead thought I should warn you sounds good lead the way [Music] did The Empire find a way into the temple yet no no Baron still impressive you have not seen the true extent of my powers can you make that not without some help hear that it's coming from that chamber [Music] welcome back hey Imperial labor camp on Mazza Garrison's half empty strike before reinforcements arrive sounds promising but Marin and Greece have it made it back to the ship yet as soon as they do I'll Scout ahead and they can rest on the Mantis you know they'll never allow themselves to rest if you're in danger [Music] you never give up and that's what inspires all of us but you have to remember that where you leave they will follow I know I've been pushing recently but ever since crazy 11 degrees is not your fault but ever since then you've been Reckless keep worrying about something bad happening to one of you it's good to acknowledge your fear don't let it determine your path focus on the moment choose your direction and act with certainty [Music] and trust that whatever the odds you'll pull through calf trust yourself trust in the force exactly we gotta take this storm head on brace yourself BD he always knows where to guide me even if I don't know my next step cow what happened see for yourself it's not bad maybe you can keep up with Mina let's find out what's the Empire up too they're at the temple entrance waiting for something we still got time [Music] that can't be good because we'll tear that Temple apart the ramayas is still in there let's split up I will distract that monstrosity be careful see you inside [Music] Empire still has no idea what's under their noses but they'll find the safe house eventually let's keep moving I'm starting to think we're in the right place what do you think this way victory are you coming with us I must remain here a little longer go now there is no time let us feel the passage behind you May the force be with you all easy now see you're trying to send me master gender if you use the force you calcast ing in yes yes this is why this must make it back to master Chanda these contact codes cannot fall into the hands of the empire Kyle he's gone take this go through quickly it'll protect you go [Music] I couldn't save him he died yeah let's get these codes this year we should not take Pilgrim's Path to Sears base there's another route but there's a lot of controls we can manage [Music] we make a stand do you trust me of course what are you up to do you trust me yes foreign [Music] I can't believe this believe it [Music] well done [Music] thank you you can do this [Music] you got this buddy [Music] no kidding this thing's gotta have a weakness [Music] nice one Kyle don't take me yet [Music] [Music] we can't keep this up I have an idea but I need an opening [Music] nowhere left to run then we stand together now we're never one last jump it's a big one right behind you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] how did you do that [Music] you see her I couldn't save our minds he gave his life for this I'm sorry I know you did your best yeah and the Empire they did not track US hey scrapper glad you made it back in one piece [Music] you find a way across the abyss no but you may have kept boat and I were able to find some interesting data in the archives let's show them what we dug up centuries ago the Republic established the colony on Kobo to study a stellar anomaly known as the abyss santari Cree LED the research team that's here with them early attempts to navigate The Abyss entered in disaster the Republic was on the verge of abandoning the project and then guess who volunteers to fly in alone and discovers a planet on the other side using the data from his voyage Cree invented the abyss Compass to guide others safely to channel the Republic established settlement a Jedi built a temple second regrettably a time of peace and prosperity was disrupted without her remorators in David I saw them too but how'd they get across the abyss it must have stolen a compass don't worry we won't be so careless overwhelmed the Republic abandoned tanalore and the Jedi Council ordered Creed to destroy the compasses Dagen Guerra refused and rebelled against the order that is a gandai they do not often Ally with other species looks like gravis has been working with Dagen for a lot longer than we thought the order sent Jedi to secure the compasses Dagan murders them over it Jedi killing other Jedi but Centauri said that Dagen was the key to tanwarm maybe he is young Jedi despite my efforts those conversations you brought me were Beyond repairs however records indicate that three were unaccounted for so you're saying one might still be out there yes and Dagen sent his army to look for it I'd ask you to stay and help us but I recognize that look but look hope that planet could be a Haven for those who stand against the empire so you're coming with us I mean Greece can make room on the Mantis for all of you no this place needs me the hidden path needs me [Music] Cordova I'm sorry my friend but for now my place is on Jetta with seer let me prepare a data stick Street you'll have access to our research wherever your journey takes you let me guess you're staying too when we first met I thought that what we shared was unique survivors fighting together against the empire who took our families wasn't alone as it did you but there is a Galaxy full of people who have suffered as we have as here said perhaps you have found a sanctuary for them perhaps if we can get to it I will join you besides it's been far too long since I've made Greece's hair stand on end see you back on the Mantis night sister 's history Dagen felt like his life's work was being threatened that Obsession led him astray sounds all too familiar what do you mean you may recall that I had a vision for telling the fall of the order of the console well let's just say that my warnings fell on deaf ears in my arrogance I felt betrayed but you were right that's beside the point I allowed my wounded Pride to cloud my judgment and The Purge began I was still searching for proof that my vision was true instead of being there to support Sia and her Padawan [Music] the Mantis has changed oh yeah it ain't exactly the cleaning times [Music] okay no I didn't that's on me Mary I didn't know you were coming hey maybe I'll pick up some scar Stakes why'd you join back up anyways Sarah and I believe tylenolars would be a refuge for those persecuted by the Empire persecuted by the Empire huh kind of get crowded foreign something happened the Raiders paid us another visit took a shine to that Droid you found see they took her cow carried her right out she's been dry napped my Saloon better be okay Turtle I think you brought this down on us I'm sitting Mr Grease princess he's after Tana lore there must be something more dizzy than we realized something scrambled up in her memory bank we have to rescue her once he gets what he wants he'll scrap her for sure it won't be easy to get her back [Music] they got it an old lucer Hulk Battleship from the Clone Wars you've seen it means they got a lot of Firepower as do we she's right now's our time to move I like where this is going they already have what they came for they're back at their Fortress feeling safe complacent they'll never see it coming maybe not but if you're wrong and they'll be looking for payback now not to worry I will stay here and look after reason sure you can manage just don't let him swim without supervision let me know if you need help sex name's Mosey Marin all right meet you there oh there it is you made it anyone's about you me not a chance what are we dealing with are you son of a Droid some kind of service Gantry could be a way in it's the best option I can see only way to the Luger Hulk is through the swamp for you maybe you want to ride BD when you're ready make a move on that country I'll be watching copy that [Music] one way not to get mud on your boots huh any trouble getting here nothing we couldn't handle how about that swamp almost lost a boot the shadow lands of kashyyk now that's a swamp yeah not on my bucket list ready when you are Cal the Raiders won't know what hit him after all yeah she thinks Tanner could really help the path all right okay let's focus C needs us you must be happy that Mary joined the crew yeah glad she wants to help us find Destroyer droids perfect you know she didn't just joined panelor right don't know what you're talking about okay let's see what we have here the turbo lift let me get a closer look yeah let's see [Music] droids we [Music] 've so I figure I Make Some Noise draw them away you slip by regroup at the turbo lift what do you think it's risky we passed risky a while back good luck you too he knows how to make an entrance good to see you does anyone need a hammer that size doesn't need it anymore couldn't find a way to the turbo lift we think those other compasses went missing my credits are on santari Cree you send Z to that back to tank [Music] [Music] so we rescues he get out of here find 10 lore and then what I'm just taking it day by day maybe figure something out with Mary she's got her path I've got mine yeah I've heard Jedi avoid attachment that's right so don't forget who you really are what's that supposed to mean it means trust your heart things are only getting worse out there life is precious and so is happiness I wish you were that simple it is that simple see a future with Marin embrace it I don't understand I can't just vote [Music] hey clankers over here a little further perfect [Music] thanks [Music] I'll look for another way around do you find that Droid and stay alive thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is for me [Music] thank you [Music] nice one PG [Music] brought to us we have to get out of here now foreign [Music] sometimes the solution to a problem lies and how it's framed always consider the situation from multiple animals we need the tuner back gives them access to everything free locked down [Music] boat can you hear me must be out of range or they're jamming our comps I'm sure he's okay but for now we have to go It Alone [Music] all right [Music] Centauri work is unparalleled sending a Droid instead of facing me yourself such coward as a small price to pay for her sparing her life tell me to the Jedi's death satisfy you you escaped all those years of incarceration dull your Edge sharp enough to see the Jedi might be or equal say it again and I'll cut out your tongue it'll grow back [Music] ducking listen Jedi is a threat not now that we have this I already duplicated the device's frequencies we can now access any site she sealed well done Ravis you activate the forest array go to the shattered Moon I know where Centauri had the last compass dagging after you have it I will consider my oath to you fulfilled with then old friend the galaxy has changed there are many wars but little honor to be won from them once we are in town or perhaps we can dream up a new war you and I perhaps before I go do you want me to scrap the Droid no Centauri must have purged the droid's memory bank has no knowledge of the compass I will tear it down to the bolts and reprogram it to serve me as it once served her [Music] I see get you out of there you hurry cow he's going to reprogram me that Droid is mine so you survived Ravis how [Music] the usual you murdered your fellow Jedi I struck down those who stood against me leave us or share their fate even if you believe the council betrayed you they were still your family how arrogant would presume to know what drives me what I can say is your obsession with Hannah Laura has blinded you whatever happened you can't change the past trust me on that one [Music] perhaps you're right past is a chain I must sever it completely [Music] [Music] the tuner is mine [Music] true [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hey back to breath no this is the guy you told me about yeah it's as friendly as ever you've delayed me long enough thank you [Music] and the way that easy see [Music] oh my God meet you up there come on Z let's keep moving [Music] is positively mad [Music] your master created them to navigate the abyss if you purge that Knowledge from your memory so dragons and Ravens to check out another array on the moon maybe we'll find it there back to the Moon greater people are complicated maybe she felt the order got it wrong connected way out of here you sure about that no okay then you see nervously yep I'm coming [Music] I hate these things [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] power something on the moon it's a guess but if Ravis is on his way there that's where we need to be too [Music] you and I have different definitions of all right I wonder why Dagen sent Ravis instead of coming here himself [Music] [Music] vulture droids looks like Ravis has more separatist toys than we thought it doesn't look like they spotted us yet you can learn I don't know the risky part's going to be taken off again and the last thing I want is to be stuck on this on a rock you don't always build a second Cantina franchise hey how about you save the jokes for later gen pack I can hide the Mantis last I checked this ship isn't equipped with a cloaking device what is she doing here we go the vultures are right in front of us trust her [Music] okay that was impressive we will drop you off good luck with Ravis very bad [ __ ] man the guns copy that oh and I might need some of your blood [Music] [Music] the erase active [Music] that's ravis's ship he's headed for the tower maybe Centauri hit the compass in the tower one way to find out is freedom I always wondered [Music] [Music] Jedi mentality that is what the Galaxy from numbers those who fell to this Empire are pale Shadow compared to those from Dragon's Age and yet you persevere perhaps you'll surprise me that you've already killed foreign reach [Music] Centauri Dagon what have you done what I must stop one what I want why else would you deceive the council You've Lost Your Way surrender and we can figure this out together come with me it's too late for that [Music] such despair santari and alone you can feel it slipping away my despair is for you tell has changed you changed you as well [Music] step aside no then I must go It Alone Centauri get a medical Droid in here and prepare a back to tank [Music] [Music] what'd you find I republic Tech works with my gravel could help us climb the tower wagon but didn't turn him in why Ravis [Music] Jedi why did you activate the array many years [Music] why did you activate I heard you long ago Dagan bested me in combat earned my loyalty we fought side by side until the Jedi betrayed him took many of your order to defeat me and yeah honored me denied me A Warrior's death left me to rotate for centuries [Music] thank you it seems our Destinies are intertwined the demise of yours now need to escape and yet nothing has changed you're still just dagging servant [Music] time [Music] without a code you can only Serve Yourself where's the compass Ravis I though you nothing Jedi if you want that Knowledge from me you're gonna have to fight for it very well good foreign [Music] [Applause] I won't disappoint you then I yield yeah proving yourself where is the compass I increase I have opened the way he goes there now I defeated you fight with me we can take on dagging together century I still dream of 10 alarm I had hoped to see it again but ah to me this Doug and Guerra stands in your way you don't have to do this only one of you will reach tantalor Jedi give me my Warrior's death wow [Music] you should go maybe Ravis was right tag and abandoned the Jedi Code now look at him consumed by his obsession with tanalore is that different from what we're doing don't worry about it thanks for having my back running from a blaster I'm gonna run a little faster go by along Saloon a location shattered Moon yeah look at that he ain't dead how you doing kid oh whatever you did up there sure kick the Firebug nest Ravis is gone yeah that would do it so let me guess back to Cobo so say uh jet pack [Music] you're brooding again that easy to read my mind it's no Jedi trick just pay attention [Music] on the shattered Moon I saw dag and confront Centauri we're still consumed by Tana Lord that he completely lost his wife reminds me in my fight with the Empire these last few years I should say I don't want to end up like him you are very stubborn but ambition does not drive you [Music] I just don't understand why she didn't see the change in him before it was too late [Music] they dream together and suffered together share dream is not so easy to wake from [Music] is that what troubles you losing yourself [Music] if you ever stray from your path [Music] we will guide you back [Music] [Music] secure this perimeter I want no more incursions yes sir is there any idea of what the Raiders took from the wreckage whenever they stole you are not permitted to know understood only those with authorization learn the ship matter best yes sir how did this happen that is what I intend to find out pretty big Force sent to secure a shuttle must be something inside thank you [Music] thank you [Music] anything [Music] watch out bud [Music] really not a good day for these Droids Purge trooper God was coming to him what is it you want it come on [Music] time to go I won't let you through I saw what you did to the others Jedi scum but you won't do it to me even yours starts where we can't get through fist of Imperial manufacturer transparent right you should open the door I should what this is an inspection you have orders to let me pass this if this is an inspection I have orders to let you pass apologies for detaining you sir I'm sure hope so [Music] I don't know if this Garrison could hold against a Raider attack the core or the gun long way down come so far foreign [Music] let's stop what do you want with the observatory Pawn do you carry a communication device now my name is Dagan Guerra your attack here has failed in your soldiers lives are forfeit oh I said what you asked so let me go all right [Music] sorry to keep you waiting had this one bedroom no problem you got a whole swarm of them up ahead let's get that compass games are just about cleaned out of here huh they underestimated the Bedlam Raiders Dagon may be delusional but he's got an army that believes in it they think he's taking the channel [Music] I will not return or go to Tylenol that is yours to decide and I think I've been messaged a few years too late if santari had only stood with me we could have convinced the council the tunnel war was worth the sacrifice now she's gone Grievous is gone the order is gone and I am free you're not free dragon you're alone why are you here when your true enemy is out there how could you let the Galaxy fall to this unworthy machine of an Empire you think yourself a Survivor but you are a failure they have business now he was blinded by the past within the abyss the Empire cannot reach us I will Forge these Raiders into an elite Army led by disciples trained in the force at my temple then when the time is right I will strike out and cleanse this Galaxy with fire we've already got an emperor give us the compass why would I do that because because I'm a father who's running out of options and you're standing in the way of a better life for my little girl it over mine will put you down what small dreams you cling to begin you're still chained by the past I could annihilate into the Galaxy would never know this you will not stop me [Music] how pathetic [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I did what the order was too weak to do and for that she betrayed me [Music] how does it feel to know that you're about to die let your life meant nothing yes [Music] don't resist you can't hide from me foreign yes I feel it [Music] lost suffering shame anger there's immense power in such emotions but you were too weak and now it's too late [Music] thank you shuttles are leaving I will not return you're lost strayed from the path and you are no Jedi [Music] [Music] foreign what happened some kind of force hallucination feel by fear [Music] I use his against him [Music] it's so scary now all right [Music] it's a strong one piece 3D give me some good news [Music] every Dragon was right you sure you're not still uh you know think about it Tanner's a fortress you should use it for the hidden path gather allies train they'd never see us coming I don't know that seems risky everything is at risk so long as the Empire is around sides you don't want College of spending our whole life and hiding to you if she's safe go yeah yeah I'll take that yeah yeah okay I understand that but someday someone's gonna have to face the empire why not us [Music] that Cordova can fix this up let's head back to Jeddah sure I'm gonna take a look around first see if I can find a manual for that thing or something we'll figure it out yeah hey buddy you saved my neck again thanks [Music] Stormtrooper is coming for breaking down the door but you know what that's not gonna happen yeah thanks for being there and having my back no thank you brother for closer than ever to giving the people we love real safety hope Cordova can fix that compass I know that look well look I don't have a look Dagan his army those were long odds even for you I didn't let my past control me daggins overwhelmed him to be honest I had no idea if I could but I had to believe well well I knew you would come back come back of course you're not getting rid of me that easily we should go back to Jada soon Sierra and Cordova are waiting [Music] so you got the compass yeah well guess that's it next stop Jenna and then you know your rhymes with little or are you sure you're ready to leave Highlands behind I gotta admit it's in good hands and the thing to one-way trip we can still visit right just have to be careful sure sure I was more of a risk taker when I was younger these days I just want a place to call home it is [Music] you think Cordova can repair that compass credits again you have credits to bet what's that supposed to mean tanolor we're so close now I'm excited to see Tyler oh me dude but just don't go starting on which school or something and definitely down in about those creepy sister but they're here now please all around you I just sent something Greece did you feel that are you kidding me [Music] [Music] Pastor Cordova dagging Guerra had the last Compass but it's damaged he didn't exactly hand it over there I'll begin it once let's give Master Cordova sometime [Music] hey I have more tea but you know it's kind of heavy if anybody wanted to give me and of course thank you oh haha very funny okay here you go round two what do you think strong it's very sweet you'll get used to it you see her why don't you join us on tanalore there's no better home for the archive or the hidden path look whatever the future holds we can face it together yes It's A New Path for all of us cow Master DePaul would be proud of the Jedi you've become [Music] I had a good teacher [Music] everyone the hidden path has found a new Hall titanalore hey wait a minute it's here does that mean you're coming yes Greece in fact I'm going to go and prepare the archive for relocation oh it's getting late I'll go with you say where is the Manus in there this place is terrifying at night I'm Alyssa scored you great but hey all that creepy stuff okay it's here are the Anchorage really coming with us of course yes wow our family's growing with a boatload of creepy ants and uncle we did a boat yeah council's gonna be good as new something that's bothering you uh you know me too well scrapper thinking about Kata people looking after her but it's always a bit tough when I come back this is what you've done for her she'll understand I hope so I was thinking maybe we should go to 10 more first just make sure it's safe before the others join the sooner we get the hidden path set up there the better gotta stay one step ahead of the Empire right now hey tomorrow we're gonna have a new home haven't done that without you bode thank you bro yeah [Music] I'm uh gonna go record a bedtime story for Connor have a good night we've earned it [Music] what a view huh desert at night seems to stretch on forever now you sound like a Jedi I got a few things right not everything the order's gone it's time to leave it behind I know what I want now took you long enough [Music] how's it coming see for yourself [Music] you did it [Music] Imperial forces coming in from all sides they found us get your people out hold them off as long boat I'm really sorry about this oh son you don't have to do this [Music] no [Music] [Music] um he's dead oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Walkers are headed for the archive [Music] he's getting away [Music] [Music] why bro for this we fought for that together and you're just gonna hand it to the Empire I'm not giving it to the Empire Shield Master Cordova well you don't have time for this fight something terrible is coming to that archive listen to your instincts you know I'm right what have you done if you want to keep your family you get them out of there right now what if you [Music] can't be [Music] only one who survived [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold them back they cannot reach the archive Yes master chunder this is our home draw their fire and buy time for the others to evacuate [Music] Marin you're all right yes but the Empire is attacking the main gate have you seen Cal no they're evacuating those they can look walkers cannot reach the main gate [Music] [Music] to the hangar he would want us to sell it when we came they cannot fall into the Empire's hands no matter the price [Music] down to the hangar they're coming this is it they're here destroy the hangar [Music] oh boy am I happy to see the two of you thanks for the assist any word from Cal no not to me sure he's fine he probably just turned off his combo it's here what now we'll Escape before the main Force arrives then we'll regroup at the Rendezvous point first I need to get back to the archive ahead and pass contact codes I will join you no Mary and I need you to stay here and defend the Mantis be deep go with her make the engine's warm Grace won't be long let me see her you hurry back you got this thank you guys [Music] I hope Cal is okay but we must hurry there's still time to evacuate the remaining anchorites [Music] go now foreign [Music] it's been a while I was hoping you drowned on newer when we blew a hole in your underwater base it is delusion to think your actions have had any consequence The Fortress from stands the inquisitorious continues its work and I have come for you [Music] I've been waiting thank you have gathered the remnants of the Jedi tradition [Music] [Music] thank you you have grown stronger no I've only let go of my fear we shall see [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] fella [Music] [Applause] laughs [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] take care of that yeah they're safe we'll find the proper place to bring them soon the remaining anchorites have scattered the Empire pursues them and they return at any moment Sarah bought enough time for beating one to reach us with the contact codes for the hidden path this is All That Remains of her archive they're so close to a second chance [Music] pride and Raw Deal tell me how could Bode be a Jedi and be an Imperial spy he's not Jedi [Music] he deceived us all no I still should have been able cop that's enough okay What boat did that is on him it's not on you it's not on anyone is on him [Music] we all know it's a great game but we choose how to play it's a shame that there's not a bounty on his head we could have hunted him with a guild tracker [Music] thank you Locator Beacon it's how boat reached us on Kobo could it still be active let's find out oh nothing damn it cow the signal it's faint bitty dollar then [Music] Nova garon System wait a minute why would boat take a detour he's got a daughter maybe that's where she lives we could catch him there this feels like a trap yeah it does so what do you think do we risk it I don't see what choice we got for Seer and master Cordova I will mask our approach you two grab some seed I got the cards [Music] character picking up some Imperial calms no surprises there okay that's here I don't know if you can hear me [Music] yeah something tells me this isn't just any Imperial base [Music] going on here could someone have sliced into our systems this better not be a true moving out due to heightened security is an officer of the Imperial Security Bureau because this is an ISB base what's BO doing here maybe working for Imperial intelligence nice and quiet can't let both know we're coming from quite believe it Lord Vader and the inquisitorious must suspect something perhaps Commander dendricks keep like it neither do I it's a good fight here terminal maybe boats in the database those here all right place in the officer's quarters [Music] Jedi ate there's the base commander we are grateful that Lord Vader has we will continue to demonstrate that this Bureau is ability yeah our enemies but with the intelligence our Bureau provides we will prevail be always watchful and stay vigilant we are the Imperial Security Bureau here we go [Music] an intruder has been identified immediately think it was a setup we're not getting the boat until we find that base commander all security Personnel we've lost visuals on the Intruder report positive [Music] the electron wall lockdowns does anyone have eyes on the Jedi [Music] Kyle casters I'd assume the first time we met you'd be strapped to an interrogation chair I've heard that before still weird get on the comps and call off the base alert or what you're a Jedi I know what you're capable of and what you were not on the comms now this is Commander denvik the Jedi has been neutralized all units stand down until further notice I'm here for bow to Kuna how did you find this place a Locator Beacon on boat ship characteristically tell us his reports indicate you too have grown quite close it's correspond you're the one who's sensitive infiltrate my team who wrote Ode has been my weapon for some time quite effective armored Abominations and inquisitorious so it's true Sear's dead because of you no the Jetta operation is still muscle you're lying Empire burned the archives led by Darth Vader I have to stop as well I still can victim don't you see both lose you here to destroy me they're coming don't matter [Music] I don't know yeah yeah those got to go through us to get to his ship let's hurry [Music] I have no interest resorting with the likes of you why did the inquisitorius send you here I guess the ISP has failed so we must do your work for you I suspect the ISB has been infiltrated by terrorists maybe you're one of them yes ridiculous and the space security has clearly been compromised I will report the support later stage your business you have an appointment and what is the nature of this appointment [Music] we think the Intruder wasn't acting alone no one has been in or out on my watch I'm going to have to call in a security Droid stay right there send down a security Droid is this necessary I can't make an exception even for someone of your rank let me through now I can't not without security clearance led me through and I'll put in a good word with denvik a good word with Denmark is gone officer he's not here let's look around he was gathering Intel on us the whole time a data disc looks ancient see what's on it [Music] you find this is the hollow that Dagen was watching [Music] sorry it scared me [Music] you must be Kata I'm Cal and this is bd1 foreign he said to pack for a trip work here do you [Music] the first person to figure that out are you really a Jedi [Music] well I've finished packing I can't find my mookie doll be fine [Music] is it smoky it kind of looks like me a little my Mama gave them to me Carter did your dad tell you where he's taking you it was supposed to be a surprise but you got here a little sooner than I expected come here Papa what's going on this is my best friend we had a fight but we'll get things settled when we go I'm fine okay [Music] you were a Jedi [Music] Survived The Purge the council assigned a few of us to intelligence during the Clone Wars these the skills that I learned there to disappear went into hiding didn't know who to trust familiar story [Music] but then I met the most incredible woman [Music] one day Kara and I were out running errands and I got this message [Music] don't come home inquisitors looking for me my wife bought us the time to escape [Music] I knew I couldn't run forever and so I cut a deal then we keep the hidden as long as Papa stays useful you're relying to us from the very start Tanner was a way out for both of our families we're gonna give it to the hidden path a bunch of strangers you're gonna sacrifice thousands of people to save yourself [Music] your father [Music] the first time I held her I saw the entire galaxy in her eyes [Music] can't understand [Music] [Music] I understand betrayal that you lured me here to take down this base right [Music] fighting the Empire is what you do best the Intruder is in my quarters vote [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come after 10 minutes is attempting to take over the space you okay both escaping if he gets away he's gone forever [Music] destroy that fighter don't let that traitor Escape Baron [Music] why are you here why do you think I'm rescuing you you okay yes let's get out of here [Music] where's boats are gone because daughter and the compass they use me as a distraction for you [ __ ] damn you go on Jedi do it do it rather you the Lord Vader who is this he's bowed after our team fear they're all dead because of him this is what road wants I know you are in pain but this is not you the Empire has taken enough from us I will not lose you too [Music] here won't [Music] see you on the Mantis give the inquisitors my regards I'm all right I'm fine buddy you don't have to worry about me are you all right yeah I think so what was that was it I don't know what that was if you feel it again you will tell me good Jedi and night sister together again oh finally I was worried sick wait don't tell me he was fighting the entire base wasn't he you were right okay Cal we got no boat we got no Compass now tell me the truth I can take it lies to Heavenly one man has remained you were hearing this you know where I've left it Compass has gone do not despair what's this this isn't just the last goodbye there is another way in to reach activate the arrays and align them to the coordinates embedded in this message there's a control center here if we align the arrays we can create a flight path through the abyss wait a minute let me get this straight you want me to fly the manage through a ship feeding nebula using a tiny tunnel carved out by 200 year old tank yes all right I'm in [Music] how can we be sure this experiment's gonna we cannot so we start up some arrays whatever those are punch a hole in the abyss and then fly through yeah that's pretty much it thank you great unless one of us is going to stay behind we need someone here to activate the arrays maybe not Circle all the arrays are online now we just have to activate them free must have locked down the facility when they evacuated that's not gonna stop using Wave technology we've had some allowing us what awaits us within the Cobo Abyss proceed to the observation deck to initiate alignment you got a hand of decree out of everything foreign [Music] position [Music] I stand baby ready to order it would be my honor to see Master cree's dream alive once more we're your master we're heading to the abyss now fire up the erase from here May the force be with you all and you see [Applause] [Music] foreign was the only person to live through what we're about to do hey great pep talk kids hopefully they can fit that on my tombstone look [Music] ah here we go I know I know you want to fly this thing thank you [Music] [Music] it's beautiful oh yeah I bet that's what all the other poor staff said right before they were torn in a Vortex ciao right now it's an obstacle course [Music] they're coming too fast but you are faster stop piloting he starts flying I'm rerouting powerful deflector to the engines what are you crazy you're trading safety for Speed exactly we're all in on you buddy you're right it's my ship anus crazy does it baby [Music] [Music] hey wait a minute is it me or is this tunnel getting attacked cozy it's not just you see what's going on there's nothing I can do it I need to go faster I'm going as fast as I can wait wait a minute are you crazy if you jump in a hyperspace blind they'll be picking up pieces of the man it's all over the outer rim do you trust me no I do Cal let her ride now [Music] good [Music] morning [Music] [Music] did it you three arms son of a gun dark well at least none of us lost our cool it's worth it [Music] [Music] so this is 10 alore not what you were expecting I don't know what I was expecting so much has changed since I first heard its name plan their future here he has already used fatherhood to justify betrayal and murder now we have him cornered with nowhere else to run he will kill or be killed well say something you're right but what about Kata she's not much younger than we were when our families were taken from us I know you and I will carry that loss for the rest of our lives he still has a chance yes she does very well the choice to stand down forgotta's sake and Ours I keep thinking about something Seer once said a warning every Jedi faces the dark side it feels so much hatred towards Bode so you're won her battle with the dark Soul too still here good do you hear that gotcha [Music] if you watch over hiding in the night all your friends are oh so bright when the sky is clear I can sense you're near [ __ ] down on me co-star siren in the sky [Music] Show Me Your Light [Music] Go Star won't you sing with me [Music] 81 hey Carter this is Marin she's a friend [Music] I'm sorry Papa heard you yeah he said I'd never see you again what are you doing here caught it your father stole something very important we're gonna ask him to give it back will you show us away okay follow me I don't like it here [Music] dark and lonely [Music] you don't have to be afraid [Music] better they're very pretty [Music] Carter [Music] how did you get here it wasn't easy [Music] shouldn't have followed us Papa don't stay back this is the only way to keep me safe she will be safe I promise boat listen to me it's over [Music] lie down your weapons this planet will be a Haven for those hunted by the empire including Kata um and you but you have to surrender now go outside gotta listen to them please [Music] [Music] best for my family [Music] instructions [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] put this on your daughter mode we know what it's like to grow up alone please let's put them Papa [Music] all right and when the Empire comes will you be able to protect my little girl I'm sorry I tried [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thanks good we should speak I was not much older than you when I lost my family for many years I carried this pain I did not want to feel better why [Music] I thought if I let go of the pain I would be letting go of the people I loved but I was wrong and one day I met someone who also lost his family together we found another way to survive [Music] this pain is yours it is part of you [Music] my mother died it changed Baba me too I guess yes but it does not have to Define you and you must not let it consume you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign let me walk my own path when I needed to you taught me what it truly means to be a Jedi now you're gone we will continue your legacies here we will build something that can Outlast the Empire I promise you that I prompt but I'm scared I almost lost myself I don't know if I'm ready I don't know if I'm ready for what comes next foreign [Music] [Music] guide her through the darkness [Music] now it's not exactly what we expected but this place is our own now yeah Greece yeah I guess it is still got a lot of work ahead of us it will take time to contact the hidden path and find the anchor rights and build a saloon I mean the place is creepy but it does have franchise potential [Music] this belongs with you [Music] it belongs with all of us [Music] what do you think kid should we give it a shot yeah [Music] that's great come on I bet you're hungry I'll make you something to eat would you ever have a scar state [Music]
Channel: eBRETingisawesome
Views: 10,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p39QzmLj20w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 250min 16sec (15016 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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