STAR WARS: JEDI FALLEN ORDER All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS

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[Music] [Music] [Music] listen I want to upset your rhythm count for the bus lots of work it'd be good for us he's chief an error has been detected on line 10 a all our clamps are jammed I need two workers to climb up and secure the cables that's not an easy maneuver again double your pay for this shift fine cap what's the score I couldn't hurt huh okay all right let's go this way right behind you [Music] you look at that a separatist ship I've seen a Luke or Hulk in ages yeah he just breaking her will be big money all right let's go hey you okay yeah I'm good ladders out though gonna have to find another way no problem I'll improvise see you there pal [Music] Hipparchus parts immediately you are not approved trash trash it's not proved trash hey cap I'll meet you the claps sounds good be there soon look the ship cutter is here there it goes yeah [Music] great we got to finish before they start cutting this wing [Music] he'll use the manual override lever below [Music] got it your turn all right lab secured okay still here give me a break there pal done hey guys I got this we're done up here come take a look at this it's a Jedi fighters what a score it's a real scrappers payday I mean cuz he's been here what four years five I flew this but that on a blaze of glory those Jedi real tragedy yeah I've always said they couldn't all be traitors yeah maybe if I was gonna get a lot of good with Syria latter yep here we are scrapping these ships from the war just so they can turn around and make new ones Maracana all of us risking our necks for the bosses and the pay was better back here of the Republic - hey you really should watch what you say listen to me find his feet like this so be you take it off this soggy walk what makes you think I want out of here I'll tell you're a young guy you don't end up like me eventually you gotta move on and live your life find your destiny wherever you say hey we should get back down okay no don't let go [Music] you okay from eyeball right pin down pilots gun just hang on what's HAP kal like [Music] all right yeah but what's that back there was that you went in there that was the force wasn't just forget Esau okay please trust me I've seen them have I've seen stories I've heard trolleys that off you go I know yeah we need to be careful yeah [Music] the old mob okay yeah [Music] kill I'm working with you some time now I will never see you though anything like that before we've been through some hell together another risk that you took for me I just I don't know how to repay you don't mention it I mean you don't have to worry about me this place it's not safe maybe you should you know disappear she's gonna head back to my place grab my bag tappers owes me a favor I heard he was up on the mouth shadow on yeah might be seeing me for a while bro okay okay Kel [Music] [Music] ruff [Music] drop wait up [Music] where you go it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Prentiss marquel and listen master trusts only in the force train is stopped yeah something's going on everybody up identification ready move out and lineup with just another contraband inspection [Music] is this all of them yes second sister we seek a dangerous fugitive this is no common anarchist but a devotee of the treasonous Jedi Order failure to turn over this traitor will result in a charge of sedition turn yourself in for everyone present shall face summary execution I think it's time someone came forward I I've been working on this deep a long time way before the war we refit and rebuilt ships best in the galaxy then came the empire and engineers became scrappers the workers just started getting warped we all know the truth we're just too afraid to say it to the Empire we're all just expendable yes I found the Jedi hold it nope how'd you get here easy now got a stowaway hey you don't need to call that over the comm won't get past the traitor to kill can top my skill get to the front stop the train [Music] no need cover got to move in between births now [Music] faster [Music] [Music] you shot a couple yeah [Music] gonna get down [Music] [Music] who are you keep moving we'll pick you up the weekend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this can't be trusted [Music] going somewhere I recognize that stunts perhaps you had some training after all who is your master Padua some like in advance what Jedi gave their life so that you might live [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay shut that thing off and grab some seat thanks for the help but who are you people my name is seer agenda and this is my captain priest rightis how you doing yeah the man is my ship but you better pay attention to this lady here so who are you kal Estes who was that back there an imperial Inquisitor she's a force user hunting Jedi survivors and now that she knows who you are she will not stop until she destroys you how do you know so much and watch you help me track Imperial communications we heard the inquisitors we're heading to Brock so we made our move yeah what's the bounty on Jetta these days anyway that's gratitude for you look I get it you've been surviving on your own for so long that it's impossible to trust anyone and it's what's kept you alive but this is about something bigger than just surviving but what like rebuilding the Jedi Order you too anybody else oh we're not good enough for you the Jedi Council [Music] so I'm all you've got captain said of course for Pagano hi in the meantime try and relax go you're safe for now you kind of move on and live your life find your destiny Cal Cal you were talking in your sleep Oh [Music] that's all I wrote it years ago you touch an object and witness events connected to it you feel its history it's an echo and the force from the objects not many Jedi have that skill how would you know that I was once a Jedi but not anymore do I know you no but I knew your master Gerald T'Pol it was a true guardian of the Republic he was a hero so something happened to me during the merge I survived but my connection to the force is damaged when I meditate if I let my guard down I lose control it's like I'm back in that moment what you survived ow and you're not alone not anymore come upon our destination this is pagana a Jedi I new discovered it before the purge you won't find it on any Maps the Empire doesn't know this place exists now so what's the plan you hide out here we're done hiding ya see that structure over there I believe that vault holds the key to rebuilding the Jedi Order but it requires someone strong in the force to pass its test and since you're not a Jedi anymore that's why you need me I know you don't trust me and I'm not really sure I trust you but we have a common enemy and a common cause I'll share more of my plan after you reach the vault but until then there's someone here I think you should meet may the force be with you [Music] [Music] hey bd1 I'm Cal uh yeah I'm okay I'm just I'm looking for someone no not you I'm searching for a Jedi I think hold on you know the guy what do you know you just slice that Thanks [Music] let's the vaults er mentioned whoever I'm supposed to find must be waiting there no way they were here yes that's why bd1 warned me all right maybe I'll listen to you next time careful over there that doesn't look safe just like back at the scrapyard [Music] I was pretty brave you okay wait I can help you with that will you let me oh okay [Music] well this comp link is busted but this should help you get moving from now okay try that the vault yeah that's where I was headed to okay well first we've gotta figure out a way out of this place BD that's a little small for me don't worry I'll find my own way out yeah I'm alright she links tim you're full of surprises that's better thanks little droid okay let's try this again okay here hop on board so how'd you get here don't remember never known a forgetful droid can argue with that see something in there try again it's difficult master yes the path is difficult it may seem impossible but with persistence and the force as your ally you will overcome any obstacle you will master any path now do what you must to reach me [Music] [Music] now reach my position I did it persistence in the forces my ally just remembering old tricks [Music] Gracie there oh it's on we're not finished yet okay okay probably would have won probably [Music] [Music] amazing [Music] your IBD well-done whether you are you have best the test I left behind and gained access to the vault and this recording one of many encrypted logs stored in the drawer I am master in loco Dora I may not know your name but I know your purpose the fate of the Jedi Order lies in your hands this place this vault is a sacred temple built by a vanished civilization known as the zephyr meditating here I was granted a premonition through the force a vision of doom I have placed inside this vault a Jedi holocron containing a list of the names and locations of young force sensitives throughout the galaxy ahead you will find the inner chamber of the vault but also another test I can only trust this holocron to someone who has followed my path and understands seek out the hidden tombs of the three sages and learn to perceive the mysteries of the force as the CEFR once teemed in this droid you will find everything you need to succeed on this journey go to the safe for homeworld there in the eye of the storm good luck Jedi and may the force be with you [Music] I guess you are the someone I was supposed to meet you know I've been alone for while no without any purpose just hiding it's no way to live our Jedi George right maybe seer was right maybe we're done hiding hey you want to meet some friends of mine I think I found what you wanted me to see sounds like you did we'll be waiting it's getting again [Music] my friend it appears the surfer had some interest in Dathomir strange for such a peaceful culture to have any sort of fascination with a place so God let's go pd-1 you pass the test so you knew about bd1 come on board we'll talk inside Oh baby one this is grease that is bTW one he's with us I don't care who is with you idea how hard it is to get oil state I'd have put totally mean fabric not really oh I hope you found something better out there than this droid no calm down breeze he did tell us cow the vault was built by an ancient civilization called the zepho a Jedi named you know Cordova hid something inside of it what did he hide inside a holocron from the archives it contains a list of force-sensitive children the next generation of Jedi I knew it Oh Cordova you old fool you knew him yes a long time ago yeah I was his apprentice Cordova was a loner that little droid knife probably the only ones that know about Pagano oh wait a minute wait a minute AHA what a holocron it stores information but only accessible to Jedi hang on I think I have one around here use the Force [Music] this is Master obi-wan Kenobi I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen with that list of force sensitives we could rebuild the Jedi Order and defeat the Empire okay no problem let's get it except the holocron is hidden deep inside the ball and to get it we have to follow Cordova's path he mentioned something about the planet Dathomir and a Zeppo homeworld all right well where are we going now I'm just asking because I was thinking of maybe making some food look before we do anything I need to know something how come you no longer a Jedi I had an experience that changed my perspective so I cut myself off from the force but you still want to rebuild the order I believe that rebuilding the order is the best chance we have against the Empire what do you believe I believe I can't keep hiding from the Empire so I don't really have a choice hell as long as you're alive you will always have a choice are you with us we're in what death the mirrors fo it's your choice as fo my favorite place when this is all over I think it'll be time to settle down you know fall in love start a family love you yeah you think a guy like me doesn't know love I bet you're gonna tell me let me tell you it's the best but a lot of work and it's admiration devotion attracts you and respect breeze it's actually very insightful yeah well it comes with experience can't look this good and not steal a few hearts I bet we're about to drop out of hyperspace sit down have a straw brewing down there this might not be the best time to land yeah something strange those winds are interfering with our comms a Cordova mentioned something about peace in the eye of the storm well I can just make out a settlement in the middle of it then we have to get there copy that couple bombs ain't gonna kill you kid unless the wind picks up can you tell that bucket of balls to keep his opinion to himself I'm sure everything's under control it's under control it's just a little tricky okay oh come on huh perfect landing easy money baby but I'm still getting a lot of interference on the comms it's gonna take me a minute to get them back up I'll search for signs of Cordova in the meantime good I'll be in touch once I crack this gal over here you did good work on the Darnell I need a second cow can you hear me the Empire they found Zeppo if they were following the Mantis we would have been swarmed already did they be looking for the tombs let's hope not just that our comms working I'll try the same workaround to crack into theirs hey beauty 1 just check it on it take her and go I'll lead them away where are you taking us the Empire's forced the villagers from their homes frightened refugees shipped off to war camps or worse it's all lies the Empire just wanted this land my friend in the rotation since I left the gun oh I've uncovered more about the Sifl than I once believed possible in accordance with the Emperor's will we've occupied Seto redistributing its inhabitants this planet has failed to yield significant data or relics for project augur it's electromagnetic winds have rendered the bulk of our mining technology useless meanwhile more stormtroopers lose their lives to dangerous fauna we will not be able to fulfill our directive here it is my recommendation that we disband the project and leave a token outpost to keep scavengers from stealing our technology now the Empire's pinpoint your location move back on it Thanks I found something what do they know no mention of Cordova I don't think the Empire knows he's been here and we have the advantage for now there's a storm up ahead something about a crippled the Empire's equipment I can feel something pulling me there beyond the storm follow it let the force sharpen your in all right I've never seen a storm do that before that's incredible I believe this is to be the earliest set aside we've uncovered yet despite my reservations I cannot change the Pagano fault it's official shade the direction of an entire culture i must understand why I'm in the tomb its massive the Empire no sign of them down here what about Cordova still not sure one supposed to find it he's a little eccentric tell me about it but he wouldn't send us here for his amusement [Music] [Music] focus the Jedi do not seek aggression but we stand against it the force is there to shield us the obstacles in your path to find the path what stands in the way becomes the way now try again stands in the way it comes the way did it my friend take a look at the detail on this park the distinctive striations it can only be a Roche tree from keshiki it's time to call our old friend if this ever had contact with Kashyyyk there is a good chance chieftain Tafel will know about it [Music] what did you find the zipper went to Kashyyyk Cordova mentioned someone named tarfful a wookie chieftain they were old friends they stole around there's only one way to find out we have to go to Kashyyyk [Music] what is this continue excavating I want rare artifacts not useless trinkets [Music] çal we've got a walker firing on us and our weapons are down design him tell him he better get his butt hold on I'm on my way [Music] nice work out there kid hey got some real moves on you just tell me that this visit wasn't for nothing I found the tomb of his Foch they definitely used the force an advanced civilization of force wielders who mysteriously vanished no wonder Master Cordova became so obsessed with him what else did you find before they disappeared the zepho journey to the planet Kashyyyk Cordova had a wookie friend named tarfful maybe we can find him shake look things are really bad down there the Empire's muscling you know those wookies big-time don't I better get ready for a fight I think this lifestyle suits you fighting that Walker seems to have made you more confident so how are you holding up named with the force yes with the forest I know you said it could be overwhelming haven't gotten myself killed yet rather not talk about it yeah well I understand more than you realize Oh why'd you choose to stop using the force when the purge started and our clone troops turned against us my Padawan and I took several younglings and we went into hiding but we didn't last long Imperial patrol was about to discover our location so I tried to lure them away from my Padawan trilla she stayed behind with the younglings they caught me and they tortured me they wanted to know about the others and how many were left but mostly they wanted to know about Cordova and where he went but you escaped yeah it was a prison riot I saw my opportunity and I took it but they almost broke me and I am not the same as I was Cal your Padawan did she survive No but that's why we can't give up we can't let the sacrifice of those closest to us be for nothing please I'm trying to collect my thoughts everything okay yeah great just enjoying some peace and quiet the Sheik okay what what is that thing saying I don't know why people have toys tell that to him he can understand you we can look I didn't mean anything by it Jory - just freak me out what doesn't you sound like him they deactivate droids just because they can that makes him one of us tough break I take it back you're alright buddy all right we're here get in your chair [Music] tell me we're not running that blockade only is a last resort I've rigged the mantises transponder to transmit Imperial signals hey Greece yeah keep your power signature low and act like we belong just like bracha no this way I don't need another set of hands just please keep your eye on the scanner all right all right all right I don't see anything the pre-occupied was something on the ground we're clear [Music] that doesn't look good the Empire is devouring Kashyyyk for its natural resources okay second enslaved or displaced you're supposed to be watching the monitor guerrilla fighters will keys and offworlders and bushing Imperial cowboy Walker's approaching their position Topher could be with him awful could be anywhere like deep in the ground like we're gonna be if we get caught up in that battle down there we don't have any other options and they'll die without our help so what's your plan sabotage we used to scrap walkers on bracha I'll just Jack one get a load of the kid he thinks we're back in a clone war captain get us near those walkers wait what listen those walkers doubled his troop transport so once you get inside be careful no freeze breathe to work asthmatic hey do me a favor stay alive down there I'll add it to the plan right if you're jumping you better do it now kid you ready for a swim beating [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're ready to do this [Music] wonder how we get inside yeah I'll try the lake [Music] [Music] yeah yeah I'm fine [Music] this is no pulse your turn to report fatalities this is Hill nine seven two four zero reporting in we've got confirmed casualties [Applause] [Music] [Music] scanners badly damaged we're at 70% integrity and falling that just still be enough to stop out these insurgents it actually worked [Music] that's a lot of lasers [Music] that's out of the way [Music] [Music] hey who are you someone are just brought in out at to the table who are you some will make it in PI we're benching on the implanting pad up ahead with my fire support copy that let's make them even angrier [Music] it's headed for us you do anything hold on yeah yam okay you all right no you're not doing that again you just wrecked the perfectly good Walker got a name calc Estes so Barrera what are you doing on Kashyyyk looking for somebody what are you doing here my companions and I came to kiss cheap to disrupt and pill supply lines [Music] so who are you looking for Loki chieftain named tarfful it's awful is impossible to find does the reason he's evaded the Empire for this long he's a freedom fighter he's the freedom fighter a symbol of the Wookiee resistance striking at the Empire for the shadow lays see your grease is too soft are you doing what do you want with awful Jedi business Jedi a day not all of them get that awful corpse and Master gave it to me this pad supports an appeal refinery that runs on Wookiee slave labor Intel suggests that some of the captors they're a guerrilla fighters I should help them one of them might know how to contact her father it's possible whoa wait a minute hold on wait a minute the Manas works wonders I mean it's great ship excellent pilot but it is not built for close support we'll stay here and monitor Imperial transmissions with a bit of luck we'll intercept any distress calls appreciating Milan Tennessee and I will scout ahead to prepare the attack join us when you're ready go go [Music] but you're all right yeah yeah good to see you too don't your plan worked and now you want to follow Saul what do you think is saws planned he's fighting a losing battle my doubt freedom for the Wookiees this is only gold he seems trustworthy he might prove to be but there's more going on here than we know and don't forget the Empire fights dirty watch your tail in that refinery kid Thanks I'll keep that in mind when you want to go let me know I'll be right here be there you heard the Parsons rumors and cantinas but not much to go on they call him radicals yeah I heard the Empire's got bounties on their heads you go to cantinas Jedi aren't easy to find we needed news and drinks anyway that's a story for another time do you think the inquisitors will find us here it's possible you better hope not we barely made it here well we couldn't leave the partisans and wookiees to die kal your instincts are good but that's not within your control we can do our part that's it the period sepra finalized in hang why is the empire wall a tree sap no the good they refined the sap into a powerful compound and they rushed in to expand production we have to stop them mr. plain we don't liver in game they spread themselves to play this map butakov nobody these refineries double his brutal prison kids use those cutters to create a distraction while you take your lightsaber freedom boogies inside ya help you stop the Empire understood watch yourself in there you hear them say needs my help breathe lovely this is what I'm straight for that's so skilled [Music] looks like you're blocked our fridge stats never seen a trooper like that before [Music] [Music] take fit my beauty clean beetles they're coming through the walls [Music] you sure you want to plug into this thing okay [Applause] [Music] Oh shortcut that's why you wanted to move this thing you had no idea that was there did you you just wanted to turn that cutter on pillow live in there so far to the prison good aerial distress calls are going out across the planet you don't get the prisoner soon we can do this I promise [Music] pria [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Vlada [Music] who's riding up like Samantha all right let's get back in the fight great work Jedi reinforcements gotta get them out of there we need to walk into witness [Music] [Music] [Music] get ready buddy we don't have the firepower to fix its home we're on it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everyone these have been hard years we've lost comrades friends family to the Empire dark times and yet the fire still burns hope still purse the Jedi a nut get lost we are not yet lost Kashyyyk is not yet lost [Applause] [Music] see what the Empire has done to Kashyyyk these stories are playing out all over the galaxy my partisans could use a Jedi on our side harmonic [Music] you have our audition I can't walk away from not yet the office tears keep it in mind Cal I'm Mari cauce on and this is commander choice ik sorry I'm not quite fluent choice Excel do whatever he can to find tarfful and vouch for you do you think he's still alive have faith Cal I'll be in touch with your ship for the cause you know tarfful [Music] he was part of tarpals crew but got captured on a mission tarfful couldn't risk more warriors to save him he spent months in that refinery Choi sick will help you find tarfful they're always on the move could take some time that's all I can ask thank you I've been monitoring Imperial communications and I picked up something project augur has been reactivated the Empire may be close to finding another Sepulcher looks like we still have work to do you think so on the others we'll be okay always looking on the bright side huh hey thanks for everything hey seer Cal good to see you back in one piece Mari Colson contacted us we know you couldn't find tarfful I love risking our lives for nothing it's fantastic it wasn't for nothing mari and choice ik will come through I like your optimism you know I'll use a little of that now and then hey I'm a positive guy too I'm positive that if I die I'll be very upset you did good cow we might not have found tarfful yet you saved lives today don't forget that Thanks yeah now you're thinking let's get out of here doctors fo ha the Empire might have found a zephyr tune we can't waste any time I've heard about a high-stakes game from one to sauce fighters few extra credits good and hurt you know gambling Louise use your head one of these days the hak-seon brood is going to catch up with you those lumps I'll hear them coming from a parsec away I don't need your gambling habit causing us more trouble with murderous criminal syndicates you're right you're right I know it I just want to blow off some stress every once in a while you know anyway all of that is in the past I'm sure it won't be a problem get over here kid we're about to land with stormtroopers here either must have cleared out the surface of the tune I'll do what I can to monitor their moves something about this doesn't feel right vampire doesn't give up ground I know I feel it too watch yourselves okay you too mother uses this fabric to keep her child warm you're on the run from something stim crate should be here wait can you carry more thanks Petey one [Music] I've really stepped it up are you in Greece safe you worry about the mission I'll worry about keeping us off their radar we'll be fine comlink yeah you're right I think I could replace yours with this let's get you fixed up let's write it up [Music] see her there's a transport ship leaving the Empire's base I heard they plan to bring several artifacts to Coruscant does that mean that the Emperor is interested in fo maybe you uh know any jokes bTW I don't know why classic there's got to be some information on there excavation inside right always looking on the bright side thanks buddy and the inquisitors coming it's possible but we're far from Branka they might think perch troopers are more they gonna be strolling into purpose stay wary any sign of the tooth no and the Empire has been stepping up security keep your focus watch out for a BT okay we'll keep looking [Music] the villagers built this memorial to the clones on the Venator if only they knew the truth see him Empire it and the only thing we have to worry about for you this tunnel flooded suddenly what could have caused such a thing it was killed by a haven imperial excavation is making these tunnels unstable unfortunately the same is true for our vessel despite the damage I recommend we see this through together you know I'm not going to back down from a fight general are you winking I'm fine commander but where it is beautif where is my Padawan mother scouting the wreckage now we'll find them I'm getting a transmission probably the squadron's hate grease you busy well I was trying to watch the you know that no I'm not busy never busy so you need something I'm standing next to two crashed ships looks like you weren't the only pilot who had trouble with the wind here whoa whoa whoa you're just realizing that where have you been I mean it doesn't get better than me yeah okay all I wanted to say was thanks uh you know you're uh you're welcome kid but I you know I gotta go I I got a thing so got a see you I think we're getting close I noticed the earlier this feeling in the pit of my stomach at first I thought it was grease is cooking how it's getting even stronger I think the closer we are the worse I feel I can't mean anything good [Music] justice how predictable oh yes I know you mean your palmist and most importantly about cordova tell me why did he hide the holocron outstanding [Music] the mine through his mirror [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm waiting [Music] no wonder your master died [Music] you'll be with your masters food [Music] [Music] I'm superpowers [Music] I'm the superior placement [Music] [Music] like all the others [Music] not quite as gifted as his last apprentice but not bad they've been keeping count I'm surprised she didn't tell you that was never good at keeping secrets and you know her so well huh she was weak cracked an imperial torture chair surrendered the location of the naive Padawan they would never have found me if it wasn't for her she betrayed me marilla in the flesh I won't let you manipulate me so sure are you when faced with a choice to protect herself or her padawan she chose self-interest she'll sell you out - oh I can handle myself can you afford to take that chance your new master harbors great darkness the look on her face when she saw what they had done to me as I am now she turned exposing her true nature she used the dark side she cut herself off from the force oh how long before she cracks and betrays you - is that who you want beside you when you find the holocron [Music] why do a gyro T'Pol say you have no right to mention his name I wonder what would he think if he could see his Padawan now skulking in the shadows with a betrayer granting her access to a legion of impressionable students I won't let anyone touch them I thought the same thing thanks for the help back there Biddy you saved my life and got us closer to the tomb he found it feels different than the other two no I don't like it I found it but see her why didn't you tell me because she's a liar you how I rerouted communication the moment you tried to contact her slicing encrypted transmissions was always a pastime of her she told me what their new techniques their hands that I haven't person their new techniques their hands that I haven't perfected you're running out of time for what my scouts located an artifact of interest at the rear of this too even now I'm studying it learning is secret it seems Cordova with drums perhaps enough to hide the holocron amongst their bones more of my soldiers breach this tomb every afraid to face me yourself have your droid not intervened I would have killed you with ease it's okay buddy just ignore her imagine the artifact the Empire would have missed if it weren't for your intervention on a backwater planet sure it's worth the cost I hear project augur came at a high price storm troopers and workers expendable resources you're a monster I am what summatively I've taken the artifact back to my ship for analysis pity you couldn't make it in time doesn't matter what you steal you'll never understand it yet you do you'll find out soon enough I'll take those on I'm noticed something while examining the sarcophagus it's a very convenient location to dispose of sentences you lured me here was this your plan all along you truly have the Wits of a scrapper [Music] Padawan where is the force everywhere is within me it surrounds of just so it connects you there will be times when emotion pain or exhaustion trick you feel cut off isolated this is an illusion your lightsaber lies they're out of reach but you remain connected through the force feel that energy around you and summon your weapon [Music] forces within you around you connecting you to your weapon you must ignore all distraction forces with me it connects us [Music] yeah I think so [Music] you survived not part of your plan luckily I always allow here it is I have finally found an intact representation of the sacred zepho artisan my friend looked closely this is Mitchell at the forked amber gunner you can see an object in their hand based on this imagery I believe this object allows a force wielder to perceive the mysteries of the fall this is the key and the guy the Zephyr astrium but who would destroy images of it in why requires more research however uh next steps clear find an a stream if any still exists in a stream you ever heard of it yeah me neither pretty key yeah I understand that it's like we know what we have to find very good padawan you've cleared the way what are you talking about I needed this tomb raised and now that I have what I need you're of no use to me can you reverse what she's done Thanks hope this new encryption keeps her out for good we should check in with the Mantis guerrilla probably knows where they are you sure that comes fixed they're not answering something's wrong we need to get back obey around I think it's some kind of trap seems like we've been walking into a lot of them lately wait do you hear that [Music] [Music] [Music] meaty where are we [Music] we do you want little buddy where are you Beadie got to find a way out of here wherever here is whoever locked me out took my lightsaber got to get it back hey someone in there hi to mother naka where are we ha sorta luckily you BA shot puto what circuit or mow do da Kakinada okay I guess you're good that's not good [Music] [Laughter] beauty beauty what is that you I found you are you okay let's get you out of there hey oh I'm happy to see you too let's get that restraining bolt off of you or droids let's go out here before the scene happens to us hear that it sounds like someone is home after all hey I recognize this band [Applause] [Music] we take you to get it and who are you Breezies our arms to thank for bringing us together I will as soon as we get out of here we have a special challenger but you denied enforcer from a bygone era let's see what he got Oh somebody get maybe his toy [Music] I'll give you a show [Music] [Applause] tonight we celebrate those fallen challengers kid something else [Music] check out you know our next challenge [Music] is important [Music] final issue hey Greece you're famous down there you have their ugly group huh they smell like use droid oil at least sir okay yeah a complication we could have avoided luckily we found him we have another complication the Empire knows about the holocron that's not the entire mission is now at risk and I had a nice chat with the second sister trilla but did she tell you she told me she told me you betrayed her to the empire is it true she'll say anything to jeopardize this mission is it true she was my apprentice before the purse you should have told me we're getting an encrypted message from Kashyyyk [Music] Mauri tell we found tarfful and he is willing to meet you that's not all the Empire over in our position at the refinery saw retreated offworld some of us have joined the Wilkie fighters in the forests be careful you too later later you ever lead this is fine everything is gonna be fine [Music] can we talk can we talk I don't know what's going on between you and her I mean I figure it's some kind of jet I think but I don't think this is the right time for any of your business I think it's my business and we're all in this together aren't we hey count I made a mistake and I almost got you killed I'm sorry then we often make mistakes right or maybe not you hey why he cut her some slack I'm not saying do it for me but you two are the best thing that ever happened in my life before you came along all I cared about was a tight hand on a stiff eater that's a game term I know what it is how life's not again before you to all I cared about was myself easy money now it's different Cordova had supplies hidden all over Pagano could be worth the trip back to Explorer [Music] you know even after all the action you to bring I still get it thrilled watching the games as long as you keep your habits in check oh yeah no of course I'm just a spectator no gambling or nothing going on really yeah we're talking pure entertainment nothing gets me going more than watching a couple of square off just slip moves and brute force captain I am slightly troubled by your enthusiasm for something so barbaric oh yeah I mean it is true totally barbaric but still kind of entertaining get over here kid we're about to land normally I wouldn't waste my time with the likes of insurgents but I'm looking for a Jedi Padawan and I know he's been here and for that all of you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cow do you read me sirrah gave me your comm frequency Mari are you okay I'm safe unlike too many of the others did Mariana give you our rendezvous coordinates she did I'm on my way good we're just reaching them now but we can't stay long the Empire is looking for us I'll be there as soon as I can mari are you there I'm almost to the Shadowlands at the wreck of a walker saw managed to take one out at me escape is he with you no not anymore we can talk about it when you get here [Music] keep going the Shadowlands glad you made it this is chieftain tarfful I'm on a mission from master en el Cordova he was looking for a zepho artifact finding it could help save the Jedi Cordova found wisdom at the top of the origin tree you should seek answers there its massive I don't even know where to start well you might be able to find a way up through its root system but most of it's underwater you'll need this breather [Music] thank you what will you all do now the only thing we can keep fighting good luck he'll be made again do you think the Empire were to come after too chic so hard if we hadn't intervened the Jedi are supposed to be symbols of hope but I let the Inquisition here mari is harmful put their trust in me I just endanger them again [Music] a bronchus crap Brad playing Jedi I told the Grand Inquisitor you wouldn't be stupid enough to show you face here again especially after we wiped out that feeble resistance love it when I'm wrong what is that thing the night system for us we should call one second thought she listens to their transmissions never find out on her own we don't know if it's friendly that's the thing that took down the night sister [Music] oh what'd you find my friend that's thoughtful let us hear you spoke of a blogger called the shield [Music] get up try again just keep failing master do you good keep failing keep getting back up that is the only way to succeed do not allow yourself to be weighed down by ego and pretense let go of what you fear to lose and rise up now again [Music] [Music] good now reach my position you can do it just gotta keep getting back up edy as long as we get back up we're still in this fight and finally back to where it was before the purge before master to Paul died it's her if we can help it [Music] the Nexus 4 from the Clone Wars war never ended here everything we did did any of it matter we have to be careful I don't want to spook it hey it's okay we're not here to hurt you for friends understanding frets it's okay it's a piece of the Nightsisters ship we need to remove it it's gonna hurt okay I'm sorry here you go oh it's the least we could do they're giving us a lift [Music] there's still so much the Empire hasn't touched [Music] [Music] good job Edie find something [Music] at last I found my quarry the Astrium used by the surface ages millennia ago I hold in my hand a piece of galactic history I will never be able to thank Tom up do you know what this means my friend no need to return to Darth Amir darkness clouded every attempt at finding the Astra inside its tomb but the force the force has provided a new coaches tomb [Music] [Music] found you again you're done hurting this world I don't know what's got second sister thinking you're so important she likes her souvenirs but I'm not in it for the memories and honestly you're not worth my time so let's make this quick [Music] it's over being an Inquisitor taught me no setback is too great when you've already lost yourself a limbs easy you know I was a Jedi it'd be fun to bring you in watch the rest of us Oh Angus you just wait till I won't let you touch them you can't stop the Empire that can stop you [Music] you just took down an Inquisitor we thought you were dead [Music] let your okay we should get back see you're in Greece are expecting us Cordova believe the key to the vault is on Dathomir you find your wookie yeah things are bad down there Empire's everywhere inquisitors al trilha the second sister is gone for now but she's still chasing us and if you'd have a ninth sister Kell when I was captured by the Empire I resisted I swore to myself that I would die before I would talk but then this dark shadow came he was worse than any nightmare I could have imagined and I still thought but in the end I came apart and i gave them trailer and I know there's nothing I can do to make that right but Cal there's still a chance we can save the others on the holocron Hey look the ninth sister said something about becoming an Inquisitor like like it's inevitable but you once with the same thing she did and you didn't join them it's okay seer I'll find Cordova's holocron hey get your lasers off my lunch yeah now you're thinking let's get out of here [Music] setting course for death wait you want to go to Dathomir I'm surprised Cordova went there you must have had good reason I am staying put on the Manus once we arrived red sunlight cannot be good for your skin this place used to be home to a powerful cabal of force wielders known as the Nightsisters they used the force what like Jedi No these witches serve only themselves their powers focused on deception illusion manipulation sounds like someone I used to know during the Clone Wars the Nightsisters made a deal with a Sith Lord who betrayed their trust in the end they were nearly wiped out in a massacre death emir is a deadly place we should be careful don't have to tell me twice coming up on our creepy destination grab some seat kid the ship indoors my walls I got Jedi I'm fine yeah yeah do you have a moment you've come a long way since Bharata but the path is far from over I want you to know the difficult challenges ahead I can handle it I know what you can do I'm not denying that and I know what has to be done I've done it before kal even the strongest of Jedi I'm not trilha I'll be fine I know you're not I didn't say that I'm not asking you to say anything it's okay seer really just be safe kal that's all hey I know we have been on great terms but can I talk to you about something I need your help I'm listening I've reconnected with a force but I still feel blocked why do you think that is every time I open myself up I see master T'Pol you felt this yet you continued deepening your connection to the force you know what that says to me that I don't know what's good for me that you're strong enough to embrace your emotions give yourself time see her I thanks for helping me means a lot looks like this up over here strange this place seems abandoned but you trespass Jedi must be a nice sister and heard you're all dead not all doll Samia is forbidden to you leave at once well I'm afraid I can't do that but perhaps we could help each other you see I easy I'm not your enemy is your to accidentally say other ways hold on I'm not here [Music] an enemy Oh fellow wanderer I seem at the rezident night sister but unlike most you alive one lightsaber dunno don't hide it that would explain your survival who are you no no one to fear no just a traveler studying the nature of extinct cultures they had philosophies he's telling the Nightsisters I study many things but yes that night sister or she was only a child walking to this world she had to watch her whole family perish but do you know about this ruins agent beyond belief the night sister and her warrior kin was seduced by the power that lurks within it avoid the rules or suffer the same thing [Music] [Music] climb aboard our equipment die go rot in a sloth Hey can't believe we made it you sure know how to have fun you will go no further stand aside no he was right about you who what Jedi are thieves and selfish liars who bring nothing but death back off if you attack me again I'll strike you down oh I won't do a thing but my murdered sisters they will have their revenge how does that night sister keep following us she recalled them force wielders I've never seen it used this way for we better stay on our toes like do you have toes any idea what that flying creature is let's hope we don't find out this must be where the nightbrothers live through their not unless we have no other choice yeah that figures that's this just used to call their leader mother she used powerful magic that thing looks like trouble [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think it's gone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go again [Music] [Music] baby we're gonna get long drop [Music] jump again okay I trust you [Music] you okay yeah I'm great wish I could say the same for this creature though Cal have you found the to close but got a little sidetracked breezes acting strange if where is he saw someone outside the Mantis Vermeer's getting to him pretty sure that's who he is are you all right I'm not seeing things so yes I'm coming out of a night brother village now hoping to get back on track sounds like you're handling yourself yeah BD and I got this no sign of that old man I wonder if the nightbrothers got him [Music] [Music] hey Cal ready for a rematch later yeah anytime sounds good on your way to training always all right then I'll see you later bye [Music] we get new order soon finally I'm ready to be going from this dump you're in a rush [Music] bastard appalled by the one is time for instruction yes pastor position [Music] [Music] well you better focus or you concentrating you would have been participate in this destruction better [Music] we'll begin with physical preparation first though we have orders bracha is secure we move out from my Quito shortly yes you must are you okay you that's what's going on we have eyes on the Jedi no sire the little one searched everywhere Decatur caught fire yeah Dolph again wait let that noise hold this room I'll start to the area reporting casualties Tomales taking out multiple sports shoot on sight copy that Stan what changed was that someone's gonna meet at all I think I'm near the turbolift much further after that you just need to keep moving [Music] [Music] sorry master [Music] [Music] just ahead yes master we have to poke into the airlock [Music] the other door yeah but he won't be getting through they can do long after they ignore that lightsaber well this way what that down it got ready no I don't have to leave now [Music] [Music] [Music] I overloaded the ships reactors the explosion on mascots campus this war it's not a fun life out of one over the line [Music] you [Music] out of one it is time for instruction [Music] [Music] your fear cost me my life will always be tweaked show me your strength will is weak you lack discipline fear rules you as always practice that's right you are no Jedi [Music] baby Thanks let's just get out of here I can't explain BD not sure I even understand he's no Coast burn because he didn't warn you leave me alone leave you alone lost and defenseless in this dangerous place never okay enough of this who are you really how about a cost from a Jedi like yourself we have much in common I doubt that Oh we both survived the purge my troops betrayed me I was forced to strike them down and I escaped to this desolate place the darkness here it almost took me but I conquered it you're throwing the nightbrothers follow are these savages only respect strength and as we both know the force is a most powerful ally all now you use the force to seize power that's that's everything that Jedi stood against up top times they will consume us if we do not stand with each other I don't need your help that broken lightsaber does a different tale you saw something in there good yeah something terrible there are many such places here and I've Emil join my family I can teach you how to control its power join my family and I will teach you to control the power familiar words medicos sister Marin you overstep your bounds for years you said the Jedi orchestrated the massacre that killed my sisters yet here one stands and you seek only to bring him into your family you were told to deal with it clearly you like the power little witch power you are mad and that equals dose Amir has unmade you in my misplaced loyalty has allowed you to leave the nightbrothers astray unlike the Jedi the Nightsisters of Dathomir do not turn on their kind our is eternal your sisters are dead yes their graves all around Taylor [Music] foolish girl this hour is beyond your control you pose when you face one night sister la première [Music] zere Cyr tell Greeks to get some answers running what's happening the night sister she raised the dead they're after me well well well and you're leading them here captain prepare for takeoff night sister survived something about her is familiar good get us out of here but you do kid I got dead witches crawling all over my ship just go [Music] what happened did you find the tomb your masters lightsaber Prasad bastard to polish I saw that day he died I saw what I did now it's destroyed I couldn't save him kal you were only a child no I know I could have helped him but been stronger and braver if I would have listened to him I could have helped him I know it cow it's time I told you everything that happened to me when I escaped the Empire they brought Shirley in the room and when I saw her eyes they showed me what I had caused she was an Inquisitor and something in me gave and I lost all control and to the dark side and I killed them all every last one of them except for her and for years I couldn't forgive myself I was a wreck because I had all this rage and I tried pushing it down but there was no hiding from myself and all I wanted to do was die but then I learned about the holocron a spark of hope that there could be a future that we could move on get up I can't change what I did no more than you can change what happened to your master it's in the past but Cal you have to make a choice to move on how you're going to start with this you are going to build a new one [Music] [Music] tell you will be tested yeah but I'm ready I don't mean just here every Jedi faces the dark side and it's very easy to fail I still struggling with the dark side even after cutting yourself off from the force you will always struggle but that is the test it's the choice to keep fighting that makes us who we are [Music] I guess it's about time I find out who I am I remember this room Master Yoda melted that door to let us into the caves not with a force with that crystal the light passed through it and carried its warmth I bet we can do it too there's heat coming from those cracks underwater but it's freezing up here I can feel it's calling to me we must be close Jedi can't pick any camper crystal and chooses you yeah kind of like you don't come any closer [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] he's felt [Music] failure is not the end my friend [Music] that's goodbye The Times come this may be the last you see of me I can sense the doom of the Jedi Order is upon us no failure is not the end it is the necessary part of the path hope will always survive in those who continue to fight like you bd1 I [Music] believe you will find someone just as brave and persistent as you have been and you will help them as you have helped me [Music] but your memory will be completely lost are you sure you want to do this beginning total memory encryption only with a trusted connection with your memories be restored I believe in you as I always have and I believe in whom you choose to replace me goodbye old friend your memories you were stuff for me but even your to prote yeah you're right there's still chance [Music] there's always a chance [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's hard to look at these crystals after everything we went through won't be left for long seer we need to get out of here they've taken over Ilham are you alright no they spotted me and that's not all remaining Kyber crystals captain prepare for takeoff you're lighting up Imperial channels they're sending everything they've got it dude are you in Greece safe we're laying low but the storm is clearing we won't have any covered what about disguising the mantises signal metric only works that they're not expecting it I have another idea I've sliced through their encryption I'm traveling transmissions but it won't be long before they're restored hopefully it'll buy us some time thank you there's stormtroopers everywhere Calum was our planet cap don't let them forget that they've broken through and called reinforcements every Star Destroyer in the sector is on their way here no we didn't come all this way to get captured I'll be there dear we've got company Oh green suppose madness what with the Empire on your tail are you crazy kid dust me [Music] you did it we did I wouldn't be here without all of you I used to sit on bracha dreaming about storming Khorasan with survivors from the Jedi Council instead the order's hopes rest on a gambler I followed Jedi and a failed Padawan a bunch of screw-ups you can say that again it is the only reliable one he let Cordova wipe his memory so he could stay behind and guide us but you're both willing to sacrifice everything to keep going even when it seems impossible failure is a part of the journey I get that now thank you all of you hey wasn't there a gigantic crash ship on zepho think there's any good loot in that thing that's the mayor who wants to go there Bethenny huh it's time I faced him yes you're ready to face your past what about you and trilha I don't know if I'll ever be ready you know what you need to do to start healing and I'm so proud of you for that I have my own path I'm here for you if you need me so now I'm kid it's time to land [Music] we'll be fine we'll be fine master you were wrong to return here unarmed not an armed you think that lightsaber proves you were Jedi no chasing you memories that have haunted me since bracha I won't run from the main war and let us see what manner of death your courage brings power the answer No I will never forget the losses become a part of me it will honor your teaching and your sacrifice remember persistence reveals the path [Music] [Music] your chose to return great but not ones maybe Marin right I'm calc Estes what you were told about the Jedi was not true so you say Kyle Monaco said many things to Terry Malick owes might have been part of my order but what he is now I have no idea [Music] all I do know is having a lightsaber is someone makes you a Jedi don't know what does we were peacekeepers we were betrayed by those we protected hunted down by the Empire I I might be one of the last of my kind [Music] I was only a child when they attacked an armored warrior brandishing this descended upon us and cut down my people my sisters until I was left alone but the day then molecules came and promised me a revenge if I shared our secrets with him in return I know what it's like to lose everything and Mallika's was wrong to use that against you we don't have to be enemies [Music] we will need this she goes again I'll be watching let's get out of here mana coast lies ahead you could turn back I can't lives are at stake whose lives innocence poor since their children who will be hunted down it Oh Christus Malygos come home it's begin your training what in this ruinous tipsters so much death I could ask you the same thing there is power there beyond Jedi understanding power I control I would offer you the same thing don't you understand a knight interested in power I want to restore the order restore the Jedi Order [Music] oh you poor fool it's over Jedi fell home before the purge I'm stifled by tradition deafened by our past glories blinded by endless war maybe but it's never over malkos we stand here now the chance to learn to rebuild from our mistakes Jedi learn there's no future for them I can II don't see that it's time for something new you and me we could build something different something better no [Music] that Sameera will be your crane [Music] [Music] [Music] they us I won't let you burn it down [Music] the up blocking will tell [Music] [Music] the humming cows run ha [Music] I have focus I was wrong to think you could stand with me die well you have no records of the near no right to our magic [Music] get up tell justice you're not dead yet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] chorus verse it's like you said Monaco see dr. Neil will be your crate let him lie in the dark with his secrets until death takes him why'd you help me sir it doesn't mirror that parasite what are you really doing here Cal Custis the ones who built this tomb the zepho they created an object called the astrium it opens up vaults on a distant planet inside is a list of force-sensitive children across the galaxy but the Empire is looking forward to what Empire the Empire the one bent on exterminating force-sensitive so no one can stand against it then it will come for Delta Muir before long as the war did I will help you find this astrium thank you for helping me with Malik oh so thought I was a goner for a minute yes you would have died right I'm glad you didn't it is nice to have an ally yeah I like the sound of that you're welcome Kyle this place it's [Music] [Music] we finally found it it's as real barren this could be the key to the next generation of Jedi I'm happy for you and your Jedi but nothing can bring back my people [Music] after the purge I was alone for a long time in hiding I was scared that they'd find out who I was or what I was what's changed a very good friend of mine told me to go out and find my place in the galaxy and you listen Oh No but life has this funny way of forcing you on the path forward anyway now Here I am at least expected a path forward I will join you you will I've spent years of waiting for a chance to avenge my sister's and finished evading I wish to fight by your side Nightsisters and Jedi do not travel together but survivors we have that yeah yeah I guess we do what do you think BD I agree my crew they might take a little bit of convincing them and then we'll convince them this woman new traveller who is she steer wait how do you know about her I have seen your companions mighty close wanted me to attack them but they pose no threat see her well she used to be a Jedi it's a long story I'll meet you at your ship [Music] you found it oh what's that supposed to mean it means I'll be joining you see her grease this Samarin she's a witch isn't she a nice sister your fear is unnecessary I couldn't have gotten the Astrium without her we fought malkos together I trust her and we trust you you will have to earn it fine grab some seat try anything funny welcome aboard they like you I don't know what you're saying this cordova guy is really putting some wear and tear on my ship you always wanted to explore the whole galaxy and did you we explored many planets tombs and temples related to the zepho and jedi but i hit a limit to him there was no limit the poor crazy old guy was left alone he was always even when I was with him he cared about his work anything else he didn't have the time who's always on igano is the first place I ever saw that looked like he settled even for a brief moment all right kids it out we're here you think it'll work I work for Cordova you can make it work she's right oh hey is anybody hungry I was thinking of whipping up some scatter dates I'm sorry am i interrupting no captain and we could have gotten this far without you oh all right it's true grease thank you hey I hope you get in there and you find that hallow thing holocron are you sure something you should find what do you mean the children on that list she taken from their homes to train as Jedi won't they be hunted like you it has to be kept at the hands of the Empire it'll help us put an end to them oh hey change of plans were arriving oh please I take my steak rare huh okay now we're talking [Music] something weird this is gonna sound strange but I think it's the Ashfield the closer we get to the ball the stronger it feels breathe careful buddy we still don't know how this thing works here we go Biddy amazing the vault itself is built like a giant holocron linked something about that wall we're close let's check it out [Music] I offer this record of our civilization to those who follow despite our wisdom and technological achievement we face extinction Dogma blind us to the path balance and gradually we allowed our pride to corrupt us the greater control we sought we found I need the remnants of my people integrate unknown hoping that we will finally find peace [Music] I shall teach them the ways of the force we shall begin with physical preparation before the other round everyone master Custis do you think the Empire will find us it's the Empire the inquisitors Master shall we fight that touch they're coming keep going [Music] jørgen site help me master justice hoping it [Music] right out there will be others yes sir got you [Music] [Music] cow cake surrender now and we may spare the youngest that's right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a bad feeling I'd see a year oh how uncharacteristically prescient of you here I thought your greatest virtue was your dogged persistence as you stumbled from one debacle to the next guess you made a mistake not kill me I'm Braga then ask aunt mercy I waited one meaningless Padawan against a prize that will bring me the Emperor's favor do you think I'm gonna let you walk away with the holocron of course not we both have our pride but yours has cost you the lives of all the force sensitive children on that list as well as your own thought you said trilha I'm persistent [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah careful with that thing it's been through hell [Music] don't go we need to stick together no I'm going to lure them away and then I'm going to circle back stay with the younglings chilla near the force be with you master don't leave us what's going to happen it's okay okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's here I saw what happened between you and Trillo while you both went through I'm so sorry I was arrogant I was foolish to never understand what you went through she has a holocron I don't know where she's taking it I'm responsible for the path that Schiller is upon and what she does next is the cost of all of my mistakes our mistakes are in the past and it's all of our responsibility and it's about what we do next that's important you taught me that's here you're right I know where she's taking it there's a fortress where they take Jedi where the inquisitors come from it's a place of torture it's the place I escaped I just never thought I'd be going back there I'll be going alone I'll have a friend with you [Music] now I'll have a Jedi with me Neal [Music] by the right of the council by the will of the force calc Estus rise Jedi Knight [Music] you already so are you [Music] you know PD I'm not too bad at car oh here he goes I'm just saying I'm not too bad of it of a cook I know I've heard you can just pilot the sure sure that's fine but if you do change your mind my great-grandmother made a means due back on the tear on I was special it was the patience she put into making it slow-cooked embrace chakras from the night before broth simmering all day at fresh ingredients from the farm it was special the war took a lot of people from us but we're still here don't forget that crazy thanks so don't kid it's time to land this isn't good with the defense's they got our usual tricks just aren't gonna cut it I can help what are you thinking a ritual they will hide the ship I hope a ritual she has a knack for this kind of stuff what Holt wait wait a minute no huh no what is this gonna require a sacrifice well if your arse will do nicely what don't be so serious join me up front [Music] sister's mother lend me your strength sisters mother lend me your strength well she's doing it's working what do you think the odds are that money's on your kid let's go buddy [Music] once we're inside I'll engage their defense level and then sabotage their sensors so the Mantis can extract us you find the holocron she always stick together I feel the pull the lives of every child on that list are at stake whatever happens in there and whatever you see don't worry about me just get it and get out oh it's time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah good to hear your voice here I've located the holocron sending you the location now got it we're on the move see that BT something let's check it out I've disabled the chills on the outer sections of the fortress flood the base and swim to the central heat the planet will meet up inside good luck got it let's go BD that's the last of them Cal I'm near your position but sealed behind a blast door look for a console nearby [Music] found it that was impressive hey you holding up don't worry about me we have a job to do still it feels good to tear this place apart this prison is where they kept us I only wish there was someone left to save I'm sorry we had to come back here so am i we didn't really have a choice did we I understand let's keep moving yes let's get this over with any sign of trilha no not yet the holocron is being kept in the interrogation chamber it's the most secure place in this entire fortress I'm opening the path to the holocron get to the holocron I'll divert reinforcements and join you as soon as I can [Music] as I have I'm going to enjoy ending I saw what you've been through you've experienced great suffering it's not too late to let it go let go I'm stronger now because of the pain I knew you'd come back for this no thank you you'll never make it out of this place alive [Music] you're going to it [Music] [Music] [Music] cow I have the Hulk run I need to do this [Music] it's over Trevor nothing is ever truly of us fight is over I know the darkness that is eating you up inside me every day we choose to either feed it or fight it it's too late sad no it's not I know the choices that I made took all your choices away and I have failed you Trevor I failed you I am so very sorry [Music] [Music] I've carried so much hate for you you turbolift let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] cool stay back [Music] I think we lost him I'll make it seer won't fail you okay you read me they're not responding they will work another reason I'm here heading towards the surface be ready I have the holocron you see her she didn't make it Greece Oh [Music] surrender the holocron I'll never give it to you he says see [Music] [Music] take this such hatred you would have made an excellent Inquisitor she's stronger than that [Music] no strong with the dark side yeah I can feel it inside of her yeah here hey listen to me still have a choice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey hey kid yeah yeah see yeah she's alright she's alright you two you did it oh we did careful where are they where they're out there whoa hold on wait a minute sorry that was you and the water wasn't I'm glad you're okay this one wouldn't leave your side thank you Hey Hey so now what well captain this is the end of my charter your contract has been fulfilled Thank You Greece well if it's all the same to you I was thinking that maybe I would stick around here and take you wherever you gotta go beside says it kinda looks up to me what about that we use it to rebuild the Jedi Order the next generation of Jedi Empire me after him just like they're after us the lives of every child on that list will be forever changed not by us their destinies should be trusted to the force so where to now you [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 2,926,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, star wars jedi fallen order all cutscenes, star wars jedi fallen game movie, jedi fallen order movie, jedi fallen order, star wars jedi fallen order, fallen order, star wars, fallen order cutscenes, fallen order gameplay, game movie, all cutscenes, glp, video game, video games, ps4, xbox one, pc
Id: 1SGnZJpvbTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 57sec (13257 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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