Space Wars: Quest For The Deepstar (2023) | Full Sci-Fi Movie | Michael Pare | Olivier Gruner

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the year is 29.80 and we now know that death is not the end a soul can be extracted from the recently deceased and be used to create a blue liquid called Essence it can bring a person back to life in the form of a cyborg human hybrid it's an expensive process used by the rich and Powerful the rest they do what they can to survive [Music] you have been charged with the crime of interstellar Civil Disobedience how do you plead I didn't do anything wrong I prayed your lack of honesty and remorse leaves me no choice but to find you guilty as charged but you have the wrong they the gods have mercy on your soul oh Carmen you have been charged with the crime of interstellar theft how do you please the only thing I'm guilty of is being a better scavenger than you yet here you are about to be dropped in the mouth of a null gas I find you guilty why don't you drop the judge act you're a murderous leash that couldn't even find the doll story Crystal even though it was practically seated in your own backyard it's a shame your daughter couldn't be here to see this moment when I find her and I will find her she'll suffer the same fate as you any last words I'll see you soon I will tell everyone that your final words were incoherent groveling and begging for your life goodbye chip Corman [Music] [Music] [Music] no you made it home sweetie cut that pretty close don't you think I barely got this running I'll need to finish repairs when we get to the Trading Post I got one more thing I gotta do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alert Quantum circuit unstable Taylor what are you doing how'd it go is this salvageable no elnora I swear that woman she gets a kick out of screwing with me she owns the only Trading Post inside wanting in skytrail she's screws everyone over how's your sheep looking can we go the light system is at quarter capacity and the hyperdrive is in rough shape how rough we'll be able to make one jump but that's it we'll need at least 5 million credits to fix it damn it what do we get for the crystal 500 000. yeah she totally screwed you yeah yeah dad you know I didn't do anything it was just this coin it was like a den she left it out I didn't know what it was is this uh we should probably get going situation or we should get the hell out of here situation you know I don't like that language coming out of your mouth however in this situation hell is appropriate the devil you must be the dumbest man in all the Galaxy I'm not the one who left an artifact from the dandelion period sitting out return the coin at once you're suffer the consequences and what would the consequences be I will tear tear you limp from left wow this really means something to you huh it belonged to my sister before she died it was her most prized possession sorry I didn't know that my condolences you die I killed her okay blast off station 750 points gravity activated engage what are we going to do now we got to find a big score get back on our feet we shouldn't have spent everything on hey hey Taylor there's a lot of things I regret in my life but that's not one of them remember back in the day we'd head out in a deep space no chart no plans I never had to worry about credits it was just about having fun you said we can make one more jump yeah let's make it see where we end up a good old-fashioned Adventure exactly did it hyper gel in three two one [Music] foreign Navigator calculating come on let me handle this I am not going to risk having to waste credits to bring you back again I won't let you down mother that'll be a first fine assemble a small team and retrieve that artifact what about kit bring him back to me if you if I can't do what needs to be done he's as good as dead it's getting hyper channels for tracker hit them with a Tracker they did a jump to sector 6-3-a follow me copy that oh I'm so glad I found you it's been so lonely all by myself now you dance with me it's you and me [Music] [Music] oh no [Music] thank you and there she is I don't know how she thought she could Escape us chairs can we link to our comms negative she's blocking us all right let's knock on the door okay hey a friendly knock she's not used to us dead as you wish weapon systems aren't foreign thanks prepared aboard the station [Music] Target detected sector five can you track that bug give me a minute honing in on it tracking Target got it you can run but you cannot hide neutrino core streaming life support steady charging em batteries we'll get her back we never should have been in that sector I forgave you mom will too I hope so foreign maybe a nap will be okay go on I got this love you dad I love you baby and I love you and I'll get you back [Music] good night Mom foreign good I need you to stay with the ship well let me stay I need someone I can trust makes us too dumb to even think about betraying you come on just let me go fine but you cannot harm this woman in any way you understand proteins out soon I will have all I desire what is it that universe foreign Stella Star station ahead still the star this is Captain Kip Corbin are you there Stella Starr are you in need of assistance clear screw it [Music] [Music] good morning princess where am I you're in a Class 6 Recovery Unit where's Mom [Music] mom I spent it everything we had but I didn't have enough to complete the process I'm sorry [Music] are we docked space station floating dark do they need help I offered no reply so it's abandoned apparently so you know that means back in the game baby yeah the zero gravity stabilization unit's malfunctioning can you fix it no thought part I'm gonna have to manually rebalance the thermal thrusters would you mind doing the Recon yourself then of course first in order to get this old lady back up and running yes you might be old but this ain't no lady keep me updated on what you find huh we'll do let me find something cool we're almost there what do you say something about wanting to die oh we can be hospitable let's honor that request tell them we accept Nino oh wow [Music] that was fun let's go release Hey Taylor any luck over there I found some of the parts we need can you tell what kind of station it is it appears to be a research station of some sort Galactic or privately owned definitely private there is some contraband anything interesting a whole bunch of liquid oh I'll get a bottle of that ah make it two [Music] do you think those things took her no no you gotta admit she's pretty crafty she's stealing the station [Music] bless you thank you [Music] hello I'm back on board meet me in the back stay right there we're gonna weigh you're going to want to hear what she has to say first we need to get out of here as soon as possible we don't have much time I'm the captain of this ship I'll decide what needs to be done look I've got 16 million credits on here you're lucky the captain just decided it's time to go all right tell me again where did you find her she was hiding in a spacesuit and you trust her she seems harmless Taylor that's what you said about that three-headed baby dragon that grew into the destroyer of worlds [Music] hmm scanning for targets were they worthy opponents no they weren't much of a challenge nothing's a challenge for the Mighty Max I strike fear in the hearts of those who cross me I demand my turn I will go on that ship and kill that woman dead and you are worried about me sit down we can in no way shape or form hurt the woman you win but bring it back to me alive then I will deliver her to you alive and unharmed okay talk my name is Jackie it's nice to meet you but you can tell me your name under your daughter's name's Taylor she's very pretty Kip oh that's an that's a nice name Captain Kip just Kidd yes sir I'm a scientist I specialize in Celestial cartography Celestial cartography the branch of cartography that deals with mapping Stars galaxies other astronomical objects on the celestial sphere wait you told me you're hiding from some dangerous people yes Dykstra the leader of the group after me he read some of my theories regarding some ships getting lost in the triangulum rift including the legendary deep star people have been looking for the Deep star for years it can't be found it's because they can't find a distress Beacon you find the beacon you can find the Deep star I know where it is brought Dykstra to me he said he was part of a private firm seeking a salvage claim and he wanted me to pot them of course their goal was to find the Deep style and claims of assetches on board I started to notice that some things were off about Dykstra and his team what do you mean by off I pretty much kill everyone they encounter and they enjoy it I realized that once I found the Deep star I'd be next so when we stopped on Dover I barred a ship and escaped forward without permission I feel bad about it I do the ship was damaged in the escape and dead as a Carnelian character you're lucky you stumbled upon the station oh that wasn't luck I worked there 10 years ago the lucky part was my credentials were still valid my goal was to get to the station borrow another ship but the station was empty the log said that they were on a research mission to the outer rim my ship was too damaged to fix so I waited hoping that someone would show up if we find the Deep star we could give enough credits to bring mom back why do you trust us you haven't tried to kill me what about these guys you set up after you oh don't worry I left something for him it's my girl Jackie it's the mighty manx I am here to return you to Dykstra foreign [Music] I can't believe you let him go alone even manx couldn't screw this up what the hell happened well it couldn't have been a power surge the station was dead dead is what mixes I thought I would not share a tear for him Jackie though we needed her check the ship I've got to find out what kind of damage went killed impacts systems alert life systems compromised the Deep star was so close if you still maybe hope I found something she was the only person who had any chance of finding it well if you would let me finish I found a signal first ship that recently left the station she may have escaped on it can you find it already on it calculating [Music] don't touch that stop touching things [Music] stop please I fixed the turbo thrusters but the hyper speed is still shot good work somebody alert I think we got company we didn't find you you're not that stupid I'm not that stupid you're in no position to be a smart ass am I smart ass or am I stupid you know you're starting to sound confused elore I will make you wish that you were never born I will flip out your fleshy Parts it proudly display them on my mind they'll see what lies ahead in their future this is my old boss oh I I'm Jackie shut up uh guys I thought for another time good morning proximity alert multiple sectors what do you think what I'm thinking probably not what are we thinking sit down never get away from me we can thank the asteroid deal for that better look entering an asteroid field what it's too dangerous they'll never survive I wouldn't be too sure about that I'm not scared I'll go in there and make you proud I would expect nothing less of flesh and blood for the family all right just get on with it [Music] Collision imminent [Music] hostels approaching guys we have company I'd order you to support him help him or don't bother coming back this was a bad idea too late now he's right on us I can't shake him good morning Collision alert I can bake them you ready go [Music] not again way to go Ezekiel time to get out of here are you dead no I'm not fat ass report the ship has been destroyed are you sure yes there has been a massive explosion Ezekiel should be in communication range on the other side of the asteroid field momentarily [Music] you're alive and well the other ship I'm afraid not so much exactly Ezekiel was piloting that ship I didn't know that more apparent to another I'm truly sorry Elmore sorry doesn't replace the credits I'm going to have to spend to bring him back again credits that's what you're upset about the credits Mark by words you will pay out how much damage have we sustained I shall fly but just barely well that's what we need you now he's tracking a ship you think she escaped I hope so otherwise all this is for nothing you sure it's this one if the coordinates were input correctly then yes I know why no one's found the beacon why this is planet Xeno it's also known as a death planet rumored to be inhabited by Giants they see is coming from miles away what about the pod it's small it might be able to slip through undetected it's a delivery system tailing it's designed to be flown remotely but there are controls I've used it before I no no we're not doing this okay all right I'll do it no trolls require minute adjustments you're too heavy-handed I'll go it's our best chance of getting Mom back I'm not even sure it's down there may I go ahead okay we're close enough now that I think that we can hear the distress Beacon you hear that it's there dad we have to do it I can't go through it again I won't let that happen I promise [Music] [Music] engines to speed trajectory calculating I shouldn't have Let It Go do you really think you could have stopped her I just can't stand not knowing what's going on down there you fine Tell She's special [Music] whoa [Applause] you are a big guy okay hold on big guy okay I get it now [Music] foreign [Music] that is my wife it's pretty I always wanted to be a part of a family [Music] she she's I mean she has it she has it [Music] foreign [Applause] okay launch sequence activate it engines to speed trajectory calculating what's going on tractor alert tractor alert oh no should be back now the bee can stop moving who am I speaking to Captain Kip Corman who are you my name Israel I'm sure you heard about me I have then you know the position you're in I love your woman what I do know is that if you hurt her I will kill you I'm not gonna hurt her but my friend here that's a different story all I have to do is not my finger things can get very messy I'll make you a trade dog to your ship I'll give you your woman you give me mine and that's the only offer on the table I know I can count on you to make the right decision I knew I shouldn't have Let It Go it's okay I'll go if he's who you say he is he'll kill us all regardless I do kill him first eyes open Jackie [Music] Jackie careful that's enough Nina come and join the party I'm sorry what did you do to her and give her a sedative do whatever you want to me just let her go I was gonna I'm not the monster I made out to be do you know I changed my mind you can't keep Jackie I don't need her I have what I need why did you all for a trait because you have something really important that I want don't don't touch her your ship see this one I've seen better days and it looks like you made it worse and for that I'm gonna keep this little pretty thing us payment I'll kill you I swear to God famous last words goodbye captain Integrity complex what should we do with her liver they can die together but Captain is supposed to go down with a ship lucky for me this is your ship now [Music] try not to move too much don't worry effects of medication will seems upside can you speak of that you're the enforcer of your team but you're the tough guy right yeah you could say that where are you from Moon of criminal scum you've been there I've heard stories yeah sorry pretty bad but it's way worse definitely not a place for women maybe Nina my mom tried but uh what happened she got sick she used to scream all night long scream is still echo in my head and then she died what are you doing with these criminals come just like that no you seem different Captain can you hear me hey how long have I been out an hour or so we gotta get the ship up and running get after them whoa we uh we must have tools in uh spare parts somewhere around here right yeah let's get to it [Laughter] it's not as strong wait wait we're not trying anything I like to try a lot of things I think what are you waiting for [Music] [Music] tease I will shoot you yeah you're around the balls I think you need this for it to work it's a shame I was hoping a little bit of action first let's go I'm over it honey maybe later Captain can I get the slaze on please got it thank you oh I'm feeling lightheaded probably running low on oxygen how much time do we have should decide on three hours why do I feel about coming well the last hour body will be fighting to stay alive physical activity will be uh pretty much non-existent you could have just said two hours your gun wasn't the only thing I found tell me did I really bring people back from the dead a body dies their soul and being can be kept alive through extraction the body created through Robotics and donor tissue is an exact replica cyborg human hybrid hardly a human being a body isn't what defines a person it's their soul their Essence that matters tell you what if I ever run into one of those freaks I'll kill it on principle alone how would you even know oh I know be careful with that who is it my mom what don't worry I'll take good care of her damn it God you never did finish telling me about your wife please I'd really like to know we were rich and we loved Adventures we went places we never should have went and I took chances I shouldn't have taken crashed I lost an awful lot but I could buy it back so I thought I didn't realize how expensive Essence was I spent everything we had now we do these Salvage missions hoping to get enough credits to finished the process of bringing her back you will if everything they say about the Deep Star is true you will have so many credits you will have nothing to worry about ever again except for life all I want is my wife then let's finish the repairs and go get them I told you I would find a deep star and I never doubted you that's why you are the only one I will share it with what about Wade Wade let's do a simple and when the time comes anything for you my son is dead again because of you he was a better pilot than me me too so are you both sane that my son is dead because you are both inadequate with your jobs yeah no I mean no oh Ezekiel was the I had no had no my mind that he would complete the mission are you saying that he failed no yeah prepare my ship kill kit myself well only one thing left to do well stick it in no it's not that simple it could go in two places you put it one place and it fixes your ship and it brings the main power online you put it in the other it manually starts to hyperdrive but if you start the hyperdrive without being fully powered up the ship will be crushed like an empty can I go in I don't know Taylor usually does this stuff I would really like to avoid that piece is a dandelion requiem where did you get it how far it is tails hey we did it it's working thank you how did you know what would do that the main metal and the coins of zomium it disrupts magnetic fields it's why they stopped making two out of three no I'm just going to switch it to the other one rebooting I knew that I hope where it has been taking good care of you did you treat all right a gentleman never tells in bed I just want to let you know that we're getting close to our destination once we get the treasures we seek we'll let you free that's a lot of and you know it I like your honesty so tell me who's this lovely lady I think that's her mom just so happened to have her essence there was a point in my life this is all I wanted I had a wife once you never told me that well we all have our secrets my family was not born into wealth we were not lucky like you when I lost her I really lost her you see rich people don't really know what life is you desire something it's right at your fingertips and you can't fix any mistake you make it's not true oh really this is different I'll assume the captain was your dad and was is a key word here because he died in this cruciating death I wouldn't be so sure of that unfortunately the cedar doesn't have a pod and the Pod that we kept your Jew in is in this ship maybe I'll bring your mom back and I'll make her my new wife maybe I'll take you I will die before I let a creep like you touch me hey you will show him the respect that he deserves it's one of the best men in the galaxy rescued me from slavers Bay I owe him everything so you traded one slave life for another I am no one's slave sure you are you're just too stupid to realize it oh you think you're tough huh I will slap that grin right off of your face oh I'm sorry I don't fight girls they come in love oh does someone have a little crush shut up you know I take back the creep thing you are pretty sexy maybe I'll be your new slave foreign [Music] [Music] thank you yeah hey Wayne get her you're not gonna help me [Music] the pot ejected with two people inside I think way double crossed us just stay focused ten thousand feet [Music] 60 meters Collision alerts 40 meters 20 meters Breeze for impact prepare for impact foreign drives engaged Weapons Systems aren't Hornets locked everything look good good enough how are we gonna find them they're on my ship to my home I have a tracking device on it okay and we also have something they don't have what working Harbor Drive want me to track the Pod no we have the beacon check if we can fly all systems seem to be intact oh no darling how are you doing where's Kip right to business as always well we had a little situation I took a ship is he dead that's hard to say I left him on board my ships though his situation was Dire I want him dead or alive fine I'll send you the transponder code of my ship you can track him down but I only ask you one thing it's that if you're still among the living just let him know his daughter suffered greatly not for long [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign Drive disengaged proton-based Life Won't detected oh come on one nav systems down the sonar of the space clock I've heard of I never saw them we're not going anywhere unless it decides to move we're stuck screwed that I want to blast their way out hmm damn it bastard I'm coming for you I'd like to see you try how dare you speak to me that way oh what are you gonna do about it you'll see soon enough you ready for takeoff and now you die damn systems up he's you can't shoot it from inside but outside it's a different story Jackie you are the greatest [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning the Deep star is protected property you have 30 seconds to vacate the area no problem 30 seconds you now have 20 seconds to vacate the area 10 seconds to vacate the area I am now authorized to take action hey rust bucket warning study Stars can I sit [Music] why you kill me when you have the chance it's not my style yeah well you left Nina and Dexter behind you yeah in pieces and why me because we both suffered the same loss and I think deep down you're a decent guy deep deep down hey I want to offer you a deal we find that treasure we split it hey hey greetings my friends are you injured who are you we mean you no harm we apologize for the guardian it is a defense system for the Deep star unfortunately we are unable to shut it down you were on the Deep star yes we crashed 20 years ago you don't look like you've been roughing it let us take you to our camp we'll explain everything there lead the way we have a deal [Music] so you've lived here the whole time yes but it doesn't look like don't move I listened to her if I was you she'd like nothing more than to blow your brains out drop your weapon or down I'm good either way I knew I could count on you so tell me who are your new friends survivors of the deep star is that so anyone else survived the crash just us good then you can't tell me where the treasure is because I looked all over this dump I haven't seen anything we moved the treasure where to in a cave where's it came from it's a mile west of here that's about where we landed the ship good let's go for another walk Jack you want you to stay with the ship keep the engines warm I want to help you this is my fight and I need you to keep the ship ready to blast off that's just not the type of guy just to let you go he will come after you I won't give him that opportunity we're the first people you've seen since you've crashed that is correct how are you so calm what do you mean well if I hadn't seen another human in a very long time I'd be over form of excitement I would assume I was being rescued what do we need to be rescued from well for starters the three people forcing Us by gunpoint to mccave there's nothing to worry about everything will be beautiful you will see [Music] but did you stop we have arrived where's the treasure right here I don't see anything why don't you go and check you go check oh you go and check there's nothing there let me see your flashlight behold basket [Music] foreign foreign Jackie no matter how this turns off thanks don't apologize we made a good team Taylor and I haven't let anybody in our lives in a long time I guess you kind of family oh touching where's my daughter I'm afraid she didn't make it no no get us out of here now let coffee do it we're coming do it go you think you can run from a god I was asleep but now I'm awake and I'm hungry because it's any solid you'll live forever is this where I'm supposed to realize immortality is within my reach succumb to its Embrace yeah I'm with her and your freaking mind if you want to go back there it's not about making you go back it's about giving you time to come forward [Music] I spent the last year searching for the Deep star Bounty is so big that the entire galaxy could be yours it was all a lie there was no treasure I lost everything what do you know about loss my daughter was all I had left is so melodramatic foreign [Music] let's get out of here I feel so good let me drop this [Music] why and let me finish my story I couldn't stand my modern screen [Music] so I strangle there I was just a kid but it was my first kill I learned it's what I do best I killed my mom now I killed yours come on thank you you how did you escape nothing can clinch my thirst for vengeance where's Kip he's busy right now I'd hoped to look into his eyes at the light left pity I guess she'll have to do wow that must be I know I joined the party figures you know Nora would know each other I give her the code to my ship knowing she will find your body brought me a favor don't worry the back of the ship is imprintable she'd have to attack from the side [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's go [Music] oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no thank you invasive the news seriously [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you okay that's it um I thought you'd be able to tell [Music] time to die freak thank you [Music] it's not going to work without this [Music] [Applause] how's that for some action [Music] thank you oh it's about time I can't shake her ah great to see Laura can we just stop this I won't stop ever okay we'll stop full stop hi captain foreign [Music] Shields at zero percent I'm probably gonna feel really weird about this later but that feel pretty good [Music] Taylor uh Taylor laughs I'm sorry Mom Dad I'm so sorry about you Taylor what Taylor is dude I thought I lost you told you I would never let that happen again what happened I thought are you all right none yes honey Lacey no that's not her I was just watching failed oh honey you didn't fail you fought hard and you won and you didn't give up there isn't much time the monster has never consumed pure Essence before I can feel it fighting it can't control me so it will destroy what's left can you forgive me Lacy there's nothing to forgive the most important thing we've ever done lives and breeds you made the right decision to bring Taylor back it wasn't her time yet I miss you so much someday we'll be together again I've been watching over you from a beautiful place place of love and that's all I feel for you sadness no regret I'll return there and wait for you I love you I love you both [Music] something Taylor you remember when we used to just jump in the ship in and out into deep space no Maps no plans go wherever we want back in the game babies is there room for one more yes oh well at least we got the parts we needed from their ship it's gonna be great having a working hyperdrive again can I drive don't touch that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Flix For Free
Views: 981,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flix for Free, Free movies, free full movies, full movies, uncork'd entertainment, entertainment, movies, Space Wars: Quest For The Deepstar full movie, Space Wars: Quest For The Deepstar movie, Space Wars: Quest For The Deepstar 2023, scifi, action, Space Wars Quest For The Deepsea, Michael Pair, Olivier Grunner, Sara French, Full Free movie, free movies, new free movie, sci-fi movie, action movie, free action movie, free sci-fi movie, sci-fi action movie
Id: Y9gSCe18HJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 7sec (5407 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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