Curve House Facade in Revit Tutorial

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what's going on guys welcome arctic here and in today's video i'm going to be showing you how to create this cool facade effect in revit so i just saw this image of this kind of a concept building concept facade where it looks like certain parts of the facade have kind of melted a little bit and it kind of dropped in and there you can see a tree and i think it looks really really cool so i thought well this can probably be done in revit why not create a tutorial on how exactly you can create this effect and that's what this tutorial is going to be all about uh now before i get into that uh first i want to mention just a couple of things the tree family is from a website that offers some really high quality rabbit families it has both like these trees and vegetation families but also furniture and stuff like that and if you sign up today you get a few free families so the link is going to be just below the video so make sure to check it out if you're interested and also uh this is going to be using a masking in revit and i actually have a whole course on massing in rabbit that's also going to be included in the description it's on my website there i have numerous courses over a hundred hours of content and there i take the extra time to just go in depth and explore all the rabbits advanced complex topics so if you're interested make sure to check it out and finally make sure to like this video it helps me out a lot with the youtube algorithm helps promote videos to other people that might want to see them and also make sure to subscribe because i do make these tutorials each week i make multiple tutorials and you might not want to miss any of those anyways without any further ado let's get straight into rabbit and here we are in a rabbit so let's immediately get started by going straight into models let's go to new and for the template file i'm just going to choose my architecture design template the metric version and if you want to maybe get one of my templates you can find them on my website this will be the third link in the description so i'm just going to click ok and start this video up so uh here we are and let's go immediately into level one so here once we're in level one i'm just going to create the outline of the building we first have to create a building before we can get started with this interesting uh let's say balconies or or the facade or however you would call this part of the building so i'm just going to go straight here into the wall command and for the wall let's choose just the basic exterior wall that we have here and then i'm just going to create a simple rectangle such as this one there we go so once we have a rectangle i'm just going to select that perhaps center it a little bit better there we go and then i'm just going to delete this wall and now what i'm going to do next is create another wall just a little bit towards the inside of the building just like that there we go and then this part will be the actual balcony now for that for the floor or the balcony let's use the the floor command and we need the floor for the entire building so i'm just going to go here to the floor tool click and i'm just going to use the pick walls function with the extend into core or extend into wall up function turned on so let me just click like this if it's on the inside you just flip it to the outside you go all the way around just like that and then switch to the line tool in order to finish up with this edge here there we go perfect now for the floor i'm going to choose the simple uh concrete floor and then hit finish and as you can see that's just going to give us a slight concrete kind of pattern there perfect okay let us now go to the south elevation and as you can see at the moment we only have a couple of levels so i'm just going to go here to the level tool ll is the shortcut and then let's use the pick lines and the offset let's use the same one which is 3.6 meters or 360 centimeters hit enter and then let's oops we don't want that let's go back let's try that again again pick lines there we go just like this one two three let's do now let's do five levels i think that's enough for uh this quick demonstration so uh with this done uh let us now go back here into level one so i'm just going to select all of the walls go to into filter uncheck the floors click ok there we go and then just in the top constraint make sure that they go up to level five next let's open up the 3d view and then here we can select the floor at the bottom uh go to copy to clipboard go to paste align to selected levels and then let's just select levels two through five just like that just holding the shift key to make that selection so just like this hold the shift key click there we go click ok and now we have floors everywhere okay so with the building now done we can get into working with the actual balconies and the kind of the the warped uh balconies that we have here in front so what i'm going to do next is well go into the masking inside because we need massive insight for this so what i'm going to do is just open up masking site make sure to turn on show mass because you want to be able to see it then go to in place mask i'm just going to leave it as mass 1 and then click ok now once you're here let's navigate down into level 1 and we have to add some reference planes in order to uh to help help help us out when it comes to creating this whole shape so you want to go here to reference plane rp is the shortcut and then i'm just going to create one here straight at the edge next one is just going to be a little bit towards the inside and then on the other side i'm just going to do one here really close to the wall next let's add one here and perhaps one in the middle between those two there we go so once we have all of these in place perhaps we can just bring this out a little bit just like that there we go we have to name them so the first one will be named number one the second one you just click here to name will be oops not number one number two there we go this one is number three this one is number four now if you don't want to click here you can also click here in the properties and then name it just four apply there we go and then this one is number five perfect so once we have created all of these now it's time to create our shape now the shape is going to be here in this area so i want to create this one first and i'm just going to be creating one because it's kind of repetitive it's the same approach for creating any of them so once you see how you create one you can easily do the others now to be able to draw the shape you want to go into a a view that would allow you to just look at this building head-on in this case that would be the south elevation which we already have opened up and this is what i'm going to be using so i want the drop to go from here down go just a little bit below level three and then go up and for that let's first go and set the work plane and i want to start off with my reference plane number one so make sure to set that up next you want to use the spline tool you can either use the spline through points or the regular spline i prefer the regular spline for something like this and then you can go here to the placement plane make sure that it says level one or reference plane one there we go and then make sure that also draw on work plane is selected this is crucial so once we have that in place let's start drawing so we can start off from this side go a little bit uh off to the off to the left for the second click then you want to go all the way down perhaps up to here next you want to find that kind of the the middle again let's stop here at level 3 again go all the way up and then once more to the side and then you can just go to the modify to escape out of that so once you have the shape created it's going to look somewhat like this now you can play around a little bit with it uh make sure that these lines are always vertical so we can make sure that this one is there now if you want to drag this edge one uh when you hover over that make sure to hit the tab key once so it highlights the outer ring and then you can move it there we go we can place this one like that okay i'm quite happy with the way that this shape turned out and you can always go to the 3d view just to double check what that looks like in 3d view so if you're happy with what this looks like you can then simply go back into level one or sorry south elevation there we go yeah this looks fairly okay okay so now the next step would be to create the other profiles so for the other profiles what you want to do is simply go to the spline tool again make sure that draw on workplane is selected and for the placement plane just change it to reference plane two now for this one you want to start off just a little bit towards the inside then go again out like this go down up to wherever next go to the middle go up here go up here and then finish just a little bit before the this one here and then you can go to the modify tool to stop that command next you want to just adjust this you want it to be fairly close to the original line something like that there we go this one can go up to there this one seems okay yeah that looks quite all right for now okay so once we have this in place you can obviously change it a little bit if you want even later on it's not going to be a problem to adjust these but once you're happy with the with the way the shape is turning out next you want to go again to the spline tool now it's going to be reference plane 3 for the placement plane again just make sure that this is the same one and then again it's just going to be closer towards the inside you click once here you go perhaps here once twice up and then off to the side there we go so this one is as you can see is significantly smaller you just want to go like that just kind of extending it make sure it looks okay there we go so this one is a lot smaller perhaps this can yeah okay something like this could work okay so once we have this again just double check the reference plane there we go let's go to the next one again spline placement plane is going to be number four drawn work plane is selected you zoom in two clicks you can go just one down again two clicks here and you're done there we go so this one can go just down just dad there we go just like that perfect and then finally for the last one you again want to use the spline tool but this one is just going to be straight so once you set it to reference plane 5 you just make a few clicks here just like that and you go to the modify tab and there you go and now when we go to the 3d view as you can see we have just that straight line back here now you could have used the line tool i just found that using a spline is just helps revit figure out how to connect those because when you don't use a spline it might give you some some issues now as you can see this is what we have and now to connect all that you just make a cross selection select all of those go to create form and revit is going to create something that looks like this and as you can see it looks really really good so once you're happy with the shape that has been created you can go just here to finish mass next you want to apply a surface to this so what i'm going to do is just go to masking site go to roof now we do have a 20 centimeter basic roof so i'm just going to go into edit type go into structure and i'm just going to change the material to concrete just to have the same just the same effect concrete okay not that one okay let's see which one is the one that we used so i think it's well in that case it has to be this one i'm just let's see that one this one yeah we can go with the cast in place gray you can always just double check uh to see this so just go into edit type just to see if it's the same material okay so this one is exterior concrete so that one we want to use for the roof so go back to the roof tool back to edit type back to edit so let's see if we have the exterior exterior concrete so that's the one that you want to use click ok why okay so you just want to use the same material that's that's pretty much all i'm saying uh next let's select this shape go to create roof and this is what's going to happen so this has to be created as a roof because simply for uh floors you cannot have floors that have this shape now you might have a couple of issues the first one is this awful connection well that's easy to fix you just select the uh floor slab go into edit the boundary go to picc lines and then you just want to pick the exterior lines of this thing you can use the just the split element tool split it here and just drag this one up to that point and drag this one up to this point perfect and then hit finish don't attach okay yeah let's join that geometry perfect actually this wall i might want to attach so let me just attach it to here there we go okay so still uh we do have an issue with this line that's quite ugly the same thing on the bottom and you can actually fix that so a a fix for this would be to well first go to the modify tool go to join geometry and then join this with that and in some cases it might give you this undrawn elements basically saying that it can't do that in that case there is another simple fix which is to go again to the modify tab go to view and then use the align work tool make sure to set it to hit invisible lines and then just go all the way around like this you might have to go a couple of times let's see there we go so once you click a few times it's just going to make those invisible this one as well here there we go and as you can see it looks much much better same thing goes here on the bottom you just go and click a few times and it's just going to give you that so as you can see it looks much much cleaner finally let's go for this floor here i'm just going to go into edit boundary uh go to what is this this is level four i guess yeah level four now here it's kind of difficult to see where this is intersecting with the floor so what they like to do is just escape out of this go to realistic and then you can see the line of the overlap now what you want to do next is simply use the annotate tab and the detail line tool and you can use a simple spline and you just want to follow this line but a little bit towards the inside so i just like to go like that see what i'm doing i'm just going a little bit towards the inside and then we can finish here go to modify there we go so we have a line that looks like this it doesn't have to be perfect just go a little bit towards the inside but not too much not more than the actual thickness of this thing okay so once we have that we can go back to selecting this floor going to edit boundary pick lines and you just pick that spline see it's quite easy next go back to the 3d view for example zoom in you go to split element tool sl is the shortcut and then you're just gonna adjust that so once it's adjusted nope uh what you want to do next is again try to kind of join these two together so i see how it looks ugly like this and on the other side as well but if i go to modify and then to join i should be able there we go to join it and it looks much better on all sides and then you basically repeat the same process down here so you go to level three you zoom in go to realistic zoom in again go to annotate detail lines spline and i'm just going to kind of repeat that whole process let's adjust that a little bit perfect and then you select the floor edit boundary pick lines go to split element so i'm just doing this a little bit quicker because well i've already explained this once finish nope 3d view join where's the join there we go join and you just join these two together perfect and as you can see this is starting to look really really good uh also you want to go to masking inside and turn off show mass so it's just not going to show that double mass and now everything is starting to look really really interesting and then finally you can obviously add perhaps a little wall segment here to kind of try to close this off so we can can plant a tree or something like that so you can try something like that perhaps in that case it you might not have to kind of do all of this so in that case if you want to add that little tree you can just close this let's attach it okay and then you want to add a little wall segment here so for that wall segment you go to architecture wall uh let's go from level three up to level four that's okay pick lines and then make sure that the location line is set to finish face exterior you click here and it's going to create that wall now for that wall make sure to make it smaller obviously much smaller and much shorter and actually make it go down there we go so once we have this wall we can select the wall go into edit profile and simply use this line here and then we can use like another spline to try to follow this shape here just like that and then you can just delete all of this and you can readjust all of this so it does take a little bit of work but once you're done you hit finish okay this one is a little bit off okay now it should work there we go so it works okay this wall is a little bit too thick i guess so let's make it smaller so let's set it to interior wall there we go so it's smaller and then again you can go to modify join geometry and try to join all of that together in one thing and because you're obviously going to have these ugly lines again the line work tool will make all of that disappear uh now keep in mind that the line work tool only works in certain views so uh if you create new views you might have to use that line work tool again but there we go i think this looks really really good and then finally we can add some uh vegetation here you can add a nice little tree that's going to kind of fill that area out and look really really cool and green and here you can see i have added uh one of those three families that they've mentioned in the beginning and if you want to perhaps take a look at some of these ultra realistic families take a look at the website a link in the description there you can get some free families if you sign up today so i think it's a good offer anyways uh now just to make it look a little bit more interesting i want to add just a little bit more contrast so i'm going to go into level one zoom in and then here with my template i have this uh louver system so i'm just going to use that louver system up against this wall so like this there we go this is what that just looks like so perhaps let's bring it in a little bit closer there we go perfect so now when we go to the 3d view and let's select that system go all the way up to level 5. this is what that would look like now obviously you can add a different color but i think it does kind of bring the whole facade together anything this looks now really really good so there you go that's how a really complicated facade something that looks impossible to do in revit can actually be achieved quite quite easily and quite simply so i think it's a really good little exercise and i suggest you try it out anyways if you want to get this project filed uh just project file alongside with all of my other revit project files you can find them on my patreon page that's going to be the second link in the description and the first link in the description takes you to my website there i have many many different courses also my templates there is a whole massing uh course so it talks about the massive environment here if you want to learn how to create all sorts of complex shapes in revit that's what you should check out okay so that's pretty much it make sure to subscribe like and share this video and i'll be back with another tutorial in a couple of days thank you for watching and have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 40,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, learn, BIM, building information modeling, how to, autodesk, modeling, facade, massing, wall
Id: EGkC502wr_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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