Amazing Skyscraper in Revit Tutorial [Tower in Revit]

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what's going on guys balkan arctic here and in today's video i'm going to be showing you how to model this cool skyscraper in rabbit so i was taking a look at some youtube videos and one of the videos that popped up was this sketchup kind of say time lapse video where the user basically modeled this really cool skyscraper in sketchup really quickly so i thought it looked really cool and i thought well why not do that in rabbit and instead of making it a time lapse video i wanted to show you step by step how would you achieve a building shaped like this i thought that's kind of interesting so that's what we're going to be doing in today's tutorial uh now before i jump into that make sure to subscribe like and share this video it helps me out a lot helps promote the video to other people that might want to see it and also if you're serious about learning how to model complex buildings complex shapes in revit i actually have a dedicated course on revit's massive environment which is the environment in revit which is used in order to model these complex shapes so i cover pretty much everything you need to know about modeling complex shapes in revit you can find that on my website that's going to be the first link just below the video in the description you can check that course out and also i have many different courses on many different topics in revit so if you're serious about learning revit that's definitely a good place to start okay so without any further ado let's get straight into rabbit and here we are in revit so let's get started by going straight here into models and then i'm just going to go here to you and for the template file i'm just going to go with my architecture design template the metric version now if you're interested in checking out my templates you can find them on my website that's going to be the third link just below the video so check it out if you're interested anyways let's just select this click ok and then let's let rabbit start right up so this being a skyscraper of quite a unique design we're going to be modeling that in the massing environment but we have to follow a very specific workflow to get it to well be exactly how we want it to be so i'm just going to go here let's open up level one for example just so we can get away from that starting screen and let's go to the mask inside and then i'm just going to turn on show mass which is something that you have to do in order to view the mask that you're creating and then let's go here to in place mass just click uh you can name it here i'm just going to leave it as mass 1 and then you just click ok so to create this structure what i like to do is first place a horizontal reference plane here which is just going to be there or in order to gonna place elements on so i'm just going to go here to the reference plane rp is the shortcut and then let's go from one side here all the way to the other and it's also crucial to name this so you just click here to click to name and then let's call this one the center because it's well it's going to be in the center obviously hit the escape key a couple of times and now in order to well draw on this work plane we have to navigate to our south elevation that's this one here so let's go here to the project browser to elevations to south and then you open up that south elevation now for this building i want to have kind of a one or two larger stories at the bottom let's go with two and then the kind of the upper part of the building starts so if i just drag this image over here this is what i'm using as reference so i want to start off with this l shape and then do kind of this curve here and then this angle here so you can do that simply by going here to the model lines for the plane because we have named it we can simply go here and use the reference plane center click ok and now we can get started so for the l shape you just want to go and well create that l shape here now one quick thing make sure to go here to the work planes and assign it to draw on a work plane instead of drawn face this is really important anyways let's go and i'm just going to go like this perhaps 8 meters and then go up and i can go i don't know something like let's go like this hit the escape a couple of times and there we go we have our initial l shape now for the height of this line here i want it to be one more story about level two above level two so just hover over it hit the tab key once to select this and then here we can just measure from here and then type in 360 and there we go now the position is correct okay so once we have this in place everything looks fine now let's do the kind of the the arc shape so for that use obviously the arc tool i can go somewhere from here i guess go all the way down to here and then you create that arc shape just like so perfect hit the escape key a couple of times and i'm quite happy with the way this looks so far and then finally i just go again to the line tool and then for this part here perhaps go from i don't know from there all the way up at an angle again perhaps like so hit the escape a couple of times and there we go we have our shape so i'm uh quite happy with these initial lines and it might look silly it might look well how are you going to turn this into the actual building but that's the next step so we're just going to keep all three lines or actually we're going to keep these two lines and this one we're going to be using and now we have to create the actual building mass so you model the mass again using lines but you're not going to use these two lines they're only there for reference so just keep that in mind so again you go to the line tool you make sure that you're on the same reference plane i like to turn off 3d snapping so make sure that's off and again here the drawn work plane is selected then you go from here back to the l line there and then you go from there down and this is where revit is going to get really angry with you and it's going to give you the warning but you're going to ignore that then you go from here to here then you switch to the arc tool then you go down [Music] and then you just follow the same arc again rabbit gets angry gives you a warning that's okay let's go back to the line tool go up to here perhaps yes something like that could work go up go from here up to here again rabbit is angry ignore it and then here let's go up to some point yeah like that and then you go from there out hit the escape a couple of times and then we just want to join these two together so you do that by going to trim and extend to corner tr is the shortcut and then you just trim it like that and there we go hit the escape key a couple of times and now we have that shape now if i go to the 3d view here as you can see it looks like this now so we have the shape and then we also have these two lines now revit doesn't really know what we want to do at this point so in order to create our main building shape what you have to do is you want to select everything then you want to hold the shift key and notice how the cursor changes next to our cursor we get that little minus sign and now we can remove this line this line and then this line from the selection so now we just have a continuous chain of lines that create the the shape of our building next we simply go here to create form and it's going to extrude that form right out like so now here you can actually change the dimension and i'm just going to go out by the value of i don't know let's go 500 like so then let's select this face here so i'm just hovering over the edge using the tab key a couple of times and then i can extrude this to the other side and let's make it a thousand centimeters in total or 10 meters now as i said we have this l shape left here and then we have this left here and that's perfect because those are kind of separate from our building those are more going to be kind of like uh i guess an architectural element in space they're not kind of the part of the building where people are people are not going to be here obviously so we can go back here and we select this l shape just like so and then we can go to extrude that by going to create form and it's going to extrude it like so now you want to select that whole side now this is a little bit trickier than with this shape here that we had because we cannot select two lines at once well we can but it's really tricky to kind of work with them so i like to select one of them and then bring them to i don't know like 600 like so and then you select this point and you just bring it in until it aligns and there we go and you do the same thing on the other side so you select this uh you now type in 1200 so it goes up to there and then you select this point here see that point and then you extrude it until it aligns perfect and then you do the same thing with this line here so create form it's going to go to this side that's okay uh let's see now this one doesn't want to give you this horizontal dimension but that's okay because we have that one in front we can just align it see how it snaps in place perfect and you do the same thing on the other side you just extrude this one until it snaps to this line here as it did and there we go now we have our building shape now i want to add just a little bit more to this design so something that i'll do uh is just add kind of uh this if i just drag this over i want to have this part where we have kind of the white on the outside and then here we can have glass and i want to do the same thing on this side so what i'm going to do here is use avoid so what you want to do now is go to set work plane and you want to set this front face just like so then you go to the rectangle tool for example and then you go like this and again make sure that the drawn work plane is selected and that 3d snapping is off this is crucial and then you go just like this now it's kind of trying to help me and it didn't but it tried as i can change the the way that this line goes and change the angle but that's okay we can live with that so again we want to select this point here which is really tricky yeah like that you want to make it vertical which is really difficult now because revit has its own way of doing things perhaps it would be ideal to go back to the south elevation and then here we can just make sure that i select this yeah so this is horizontal now and if we select this one now it's vertical there we go and then we can trim and extend so when it doesn't want to do what you wanted to do you can kind of override that a little bit in the elevations move this closer in and then also yeah let's leave it as is perhaps move this in i'm just using the arrow keys here perfect okay now we want to do the same thing on the front side and the back side but before we finish this yeah we just select this go to create form use the void form it's going to extrude it out we don't want that we want i don't know perhaps like 10 or 15 centimeters just like so so as you can see we only have this little indentation in the building on this side so you just want to do that on the front perhaps so again you go to set work plane select this plane here use a rectangle go i don't know like that it's easier on the front again you go to create form void form and then bring it down to 15 centimeters and then you just repeat this whole process on the other side one quick tip if you want to do it quickly you can go here to set work plane pick this face here then you go to lines and then you can use it just pick lines and then you pick these lines and as you can see it's just going to copy that on the other side so you don't have to kind of go through the whole annoying process of drawing this again and again you go to create form void form set it to 15 and we're done okay so once we're done with all of this we can just go here to finish mass and then it's going to look like that and now it's time to assign revit elements to this so to assign revit elements what you want to do is just go here to the mask inside and now you choose the element so for example i can go here to roof i can use this roof for example go to create roof and then i can place it here here and then also here and i go to create roof and there we go we have a little roof uh now if you if you're not happy with the way it looks for example here you might want to bring it up so just above that face you can select it and then go here to the properties panel go to pick faces location and install instead of face at the top of the roof we can go face at the bottom and it's just going to move it up see okay for the rest of this this can all be done with walls so you just go here to wall and now currently i don't really have a wall i have this exterior wall which might work if i just go here into edit type it's 35 centimeters let's just thicken it up to uh to make it 40. so just changing one of the layers to make it thicker and then we pick this side and this side and then also you want to pick let's see you want to pick this side here but the problem is it's going to pick this as well and i want this side of the building to be just glass i only want the wall here as kind of the frame of this like it would be here see so the wall is only on the outside and then glass will be on the inside so in order to fix this problem that we have let's go back a couple of steps hit the escape key a couple of times and then we select the mass again go into edit in place and then we just need another void for this part of the building so you go again to a set work plane pick a plane to this face and then you can use just pick lines so you can just pick the perhaps the line here line here line here and then just all the way through like that hit the escape kick a couple of times can we select this okay we need to use some trim and extent so you go to trim and extend go like that like this there we go so fix it up let's see okay now it's a chain of lines and again you're just going to create form void form it's going to extrude you set it to 15. or we can go even less you can just go five it's going to do the job so there we go once we have done that you will just want to repeat that on the other side so again you go set work plane pick the side go with big lines and if you're not sure why we're doing this don't worry it's going to make sense in just a moment so just go all the way around this side this side and then from an extend to fix it up like so like that and then on top here as well there we go okay so now if i select it again it's a chain of lines again you go to create forum void form set it to like five there we go okay is it going to the wrong side this looks odd let's go back a step i don't know what it did wrong okay so we select this create form void form go a little bit towards the inside here select five okay it did not cut so you just go here to cut the geometry and then you cut it and then it works okay finish mass and now let's finally complete our building so we want to go again to the masking site we want to go to wall and then you set it here which again it picked this side which is a little bit annoying i don't know why it did that because we have that void here so let's go to edit in place is it recognizing that void it is recognizing it on the other side i think yeah so on this side perhaps it didn't cut or something yeah looks like it's gone on this side which is really odd so what we can do is just select this form that we have here or this void yeah we can select this void and now we can see okay yeah we want to select this void yeah this is the one that we want to edit so we have messed up on this one definitely let's just see how can we select this side and go to the inside and then set this to here and then this to five okay now it's cutting the building i think yes it is okay so it's a little bit tricky with those voids but now it should work let me try some asking inside a wall there we go perfect see how now the wall only appears in this side we can then place a wall here in the front so again wall wall here there we go and then for the rest of the building because it's made out of glass what you want to do is go with curtain system now for the curtain system i like to change it because it's kind of odd grid a is 300 and this one is 150 i just like to flip that so it's 150 and then this one 300 and then hit apply okay and then you just select sides like so so this one this one here and here and then you go create and it's going to create that curtain system now in some places it might look odd so for example for all of these it looks right uh apart from here so what you do in this case is you just go to your south elevation uh you measure the angle so you just go to the annotation you go to angular dimension and then you measure the angle from here to here so it's 6.46 see you can click there and then you can copy this ctrl c to copy okay so now what you want to do is select the grids let's see or select the whole grid system let's see let's go to the 3d view there we go so you select this then you go to angle and then you paste that in and i think it should be minus and you do the same thing for grid too so minus this angle let's see it's really tricky okay hit apply delete dimensions and now it flips oh but it flipped the other ones okay so this is annoying when you do this out of just one element so what you can do then if this doesn't work is edit faces and then you just uh let's see you just remove this one let's see if i can just add faces there we go so i have removed that one and then recreate system and now as you can see there is a system without that and then we have to do that one separately so it's a little bit annoying if one doesn't work there is a little bit of work to do to do and then you can just select that one and now let's try the same thing and as you can see now this one is vertical as well and now finally you can add the malians so just go here to architecture to malian go with all grids and then you just place it like so and this now looks like a proper office building all grids there we go and if i just go to realistic okay for the realistic i just have to change my view template to none okay now i can go with realistic and this is what that looks like so it looks really really good i'm quite happy with the way that this turned out obviously you can do more work and you can make it even nicer but i'm actually quite happy with the way this turned out for just a quick little video well 20 minute video but i think the result is quite powerful also we can add floors here just for the heck of it let's go here to mask inside uh and then for floors we you have these floors by face but first you have to create the floors so you select the mask by hitting the tab key a few times until the whole thing highlights you go to mass floors and then you only have these two levels so what you want to do is go to the south elevation you select one of these levels you go to copy multiple and then you copy it all the way up multiple times now to speed it up let me just go like that you can use an array for this as well but there we go this works and then finally you just go to select that mask so again using the tab key you go to mass floors you select the first one hold the shift key select the last one check okay now it has the mass floors but they don't have thickness so you have to go here to floor you go to multiple floors you just make a selection like that here you can pick which floor you want to use let's use just the concrete one create floor and this is what we have seen now we have floors everywhere and there you go that's how you create this really cool building really easy and really fast now if you want kind of a step-by-step explanation where i go in detail and explain how to do even more complex buildings and where i can go slowly explain everything really in depth so you not only know how to make things but also you know how revit operates so you can kind of create really really complex buildings and systems and so on so if you're interested in that link is going to be in the description uh it takes you to my website there i have a whole course on the massing environment so that's and the first link in the description now if you want this building model you can find that on my patreon page that's the second link in the description so check that out as well okay so that's pretty much it for this uh tutorial i hope you enjoyed it i hope you have learned many new things make sure to subscribe like and share this video leave a comment if you have any questions comments or suggestions and i'll see you soon with another tutorial thank you for watching and have a nice day
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 28,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, tutorial, english, BIM, building information modeling, autodesk, modeling, skyscraper, tower
Id: nfOtPvts3Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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