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what's up y'all Billy the Kid here back on another good one and today we decided to bring back the Hellcat if you watch my video on the Hellcat we did a review on this and really a comparison as far as how is it for an EDC carry option so what we found was awesome gun awesome ergonomics it can you can handle it really well manage recoil and all but in my opinion my opinion this trigger needs a little work it's lacking to be desired simple fix but let me show you what it does so if you put sideways pressure on the trigger and pull it to the rear okay the safety engages which is fine it should engage if you don't have your finger on this lever and you go to depress the trigger it should not go off but what my problem is is if you pinned this trigger to the rear and then try to disengage the blade safety it isn't going to happen so if you put sideways pressure on this trigger and go to pull to the rear and then start trying to depress you can't i'm squeeze squeeze squeeze in right now and that blade is not going to depress and allow this gun to fire now I got trolled tremendously by close minded individuals we're going to talk about that and have a little discussion but I don't care about your opinions I made my video to share my opinion you know out don't get me wrong to the people that care to have a debate and an open discussion I do want to hear your opinions but the people that are just closed-minded and fanboys so to speak I want to talk a little more to y'all so here is an X DS the triggers on these guns are almost identical okay see that trigger see this trigger now watch the XDS okay putting plenty of pressure on I got it pinned to the rear so it will not depress because I'm not touching the safety but the moment I start applying pressure to that safety guess what my gun goes off the Hellcat will not do that okay XDM all these guns clean and clear I usually do that in the beginning you know I do it before I even start filming in case you don't watch this channel but anyways check it out so here's a trigger I got a pin to the rear but I'm not touching the safety so it's not gonna go off but guess what if I pin the trigger to the rear I got a pin to the rear and I start touching that blade oh the gun goes off Hellcat will not do that okay so for all the trolling that came at me for all the comments you know do you even shoot you know I shot several hundred rounds out of that gun that date never had a hiccup I know how to get my finger on a trigger and shoot a target I shoot steel at 100 yards with this 22 right here all day long you know I teach pistol courses so you know you can question my ability that's fine I know that none of that bothers me matter of fact the trolling y'all did on that episode made that my best video it's got over 20,000 views and you know like I really appreciate y'all that engagement those comments that bump me up but I need to let other viewers know coming in and they see these comments and they see things going on y'all are being really really close-minded okay guns get recalled all the time I said the word recall and some of y'all freaked out like your own Springfield's payroll my first three guns were Springfield's okay I too was a fanboy I have their stickers on my rear windshield I kind of need to go scrape off they're getting a little old okay but I did gain knowledge and wisdom and and you know got with people that knew more than me I learned you know they're not the greatest gun in the world not in there but they're a viable option compared to a Glock or Smith & Wesson okay but my point being is they're manufactured they come off of a line cars get recalled appliances get recalled everything in any phase of manufacturing can experience a recall because it just wasn't right off the lawn so I'll give you a couple examples this gun here it had a safety recall it got a safety recall I had to send it in it was a brand new gun when in development its fourth generation okay here's your another example savage B mag Winchester super Magnum the handle and cocking mechanism in here it was recalled they sent me another one how to change it out guess what else is getting recalled Glock 40 fours Glock is known for reliability but they make it 22 and it's an egg on their face it's blowing out extractors and cracking slides you know guess what else Colt cold sells very hot dollar very fine firearms have for over a hundred years and they had guns at 20/20 shot show revolvers you know wheel guns are supposed to be the epitome of dependability they wouldn't even fire on the line and a brand new like $1500 revolvers so the next time I share my opinion with you and you think about trolling on me you know why don't you open your mind a little bit and recognize that there's nothing perfect in this world and we should always be looking at every single thing that we're dealing with especially when it comes to something that you defend your life with I'm not saying that this gun would let you down but because the possibility is there for this to happen what I'm talking about okay to where you cannot depress this blade and you cannot make just gun go up that is dangerous to me you know that's that's that's room for Murphy's Law what can go wrong will go wrong and we know there's no such thing as a perfect gunfight y'all pointed that out but I would hate for a person that is never carried never took a course nothing they told they are told that is the EDC gun to get that is the to go with they buy that gun they stick it in a holster they carry it and they feel protected and when in one moment they may have needed it and because they were like so many that don't train and don't shoot they couldn't get that gun to protect them that's what I do not want to happen so you know there's my opinion let's jump into the fix subscribe for a chance at our giveaway brought to you in part by Pelican state armor and supplies a proud supporter of this channel check out their website in the description below where you can use coupon code t TS 2020 to save a bundle hi I'm pretty confident I got my my camera angle set up to where I can give you a really good visual of what I'm trying to achieve here so I have the Springfield Hellcat here and what we're trying to do is right there that edge that sharp edge of the blade safety while my finger tip meets there we're gonna try and smooth that over so as that meets the back wall there if you apply enough pressure on the lever that leverage will allow that beveled edge to slide up with this being pressed back all right basically we're gonna take what our XDS trigger looks like and mimic that now what I'll be using is just a small needle file and because it's small I can get in here and I can work that edge with the trigger on the gun so as far as taking the trigger assembly and off of it and all that you know I'm gonna try and avoid all that so moving along all I want to do is I want to take this needle file and I want to just slightly bevel this edge all right so let me get in there and and see what I can accomplish we're not trying to remove a lot of media we're not trying to you know take this edge away completely we're just trying to smooth it over and just give it a slight little curve slight little rounded beveled edge okay so and this shouldn't take look we might be done it should not take a whole lot of effort I have it pressed to the rear lots of pressure lots of pressure okay still still kind of hard alright see we're starting to get a little curl to that edge alright I'm pressed to the rear now I'm gonna start trying to press this blade press press press press press press we're still pressing really hard that's all we're gonna do we're gonna just keep travelling this edge burying my fingertip into this thing and it is hurting my fingertips and it just shouldn't be that hard it should not don't pull the file out and go ham on your trigger and then come back to my comment section saying I stared you're wrong this is something that should be done very very little minut amounts at a time until you get what you're looking for now we're starting to get a little something okay I'm still having to apply a fair amount of pressure and sorry about the camera shake yeah but it is getting better definitely getting better my goal is once I have my finger going to the trigger and I'm pressing the trigger to the rear I want to be able to just continue wrapping that finger trigger around and it's gonna go off see before with one finger one hand I pull to the rear and then curl that my pad around onto the blade like I'm doing now and it wouldn't go off it's starting to go off now see what I'm doing there I'm applying pressure without touching the safety lever and then I'm rotating my pad and my finger around and seeing how much pressure is it taking after I've already put that tension on that trigger to get this to release that's its ice right there y'all I'm gonna do just a little bit more on it and I'm gonna call this done so let me know in the comments below what you think about this please like and subscribe to this video I have a big giveaway that I'll be doing for my thousand subscriber right now we're just right over 900 so definitely by the release of my next video that will be some lucky winter that's going to get an awesome giveaway so I appreciate you all tuning in I hope you know this fix help chill out and like I said don't be closed-minded pressure to the rear turn turn turn turn turn it's still pretty difficult yeah [Music] you can see the rounded put on there you know went from sharp to just curling it over the key here is just a be patient take your time do a little lot of time and keep checking it get that nice beveled edge there into the rear curl around boom that's what we're looking for Carly right boom curl around alright so what did we achieve is it still a safety is it's still a trigger safety yes if I press the trigger to the rear and I'm not touching the blade safety the trigger is not going to go off if I press the trigger to the rear and then start applying pressure to my blade safety boom the guns gonna go off we need that to happen all right to the rear going around it's gonna go off going around it's gonna go off that's what we were looking for folks if if we don't have the perfect trigger press and we're still fighting to get our finger around that trigger while we're trying to squeeze it we need that safety to disengage and we have finally after a little bit of filing achieve that there we go thanks for tuning in y'all I appreciate y'all please like and subscribe you know check out my other video on this the comparison you know and subscribe for that giveaway you know and share with your friends I mean just just help me grow love y'all thank you
Channel: TGS [The Good Stuff]
Views: 188,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: springfield hellcat trigger fix, springfield hellcat, hellcat, springfield armory, hellcat trigger issue, how to fix trigger, how to fix pistol, how to fix hellcat, tgs the good stuff, billy the kid, best edc pistol for ccw, concealed carry weapon, ccw options
Id: Y1BP85ApUzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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