How Small Is The Hellcat? Size Comparison W/Popular CCW's EP 3

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all right we have a table full of guns here and today I'm going to show you how small the hellcat is compared to all of these so make sure you stay tuned here really quick I would like to thank all of our patrons but specifically the ones you're seeing on the screen these are our five dollar and up patrons thank you for your support and if you'd like to join the shot team make sure you follow the link down in the description box below all right so let's start with the hellcat which is obviously the the star of the show here so as far as dimensions it's an inch wide it's four inches high with the base magazine which is what we're gonna be talking about the weight is seventeen point nine ounces the barrel length is three inches with an overall length of six inches the reason we do these videos is because specs is one thing seeing all of these firearms in one video together so you can get an idea in perspective of the size amongst a very loaded concealed carry market is entirely another all right so let's start with direct competitors and then we'll move all the way up to the to the Glock 19 so the P 365 is obviously what the Hellcat is trying to compete with and I think it's doing a really good job of it so P 365 an inch wide four point three inches high seventeen point eight ounces in the weight barrel is three inches and overall length is five point eight so how that looks compared to each other if we do these slide to slide you see that the Hellcat is just a little bit longer they're both right in an inch and width so this isn't going to make too much of a difference and then what you have is you have an eleven plus one gun and a ten plus one gun in the P 365 of course the grip is what you're trying to hide it's what it's what you're actually concealing and of course we're talking to law-abiding citizens here this is the whole thing right here you have weight which is going to obviously affect your comfort width which is going to cause your pants to to bulge and how much it's going to bulge and then of course your your grip length here all right and so the OL idea now since the P 365 came along is more rounds and a smaller firearm keep in mind these guns are not for the fan of the heart I mean the smaller you get the less mass to soak up that recoil and the more recoil you are going to feel so just keep that in mind so 10 plus 1 xi plus 1 and the dimensions are almost identical the biggest difference really I see here you have 17 point eight ounces unloaded seventeen point nine there's really not a huge difference here you get one more round I think they competed perfectly with the P 365 one gun I'd like to mention that did not compete perfectly just since we're in this this range here is the Glock 43 X 10 rounds but much longer than either one of these guns let's go over the P 365 XL which is a 12 round gun far as dimensions you're at one point one inches in width four point eight inches in height 20 points 7 ounces unloaded with a barrel length of 3.7 and an overall length of six point six and how this looks slide to slide once again you see the P 365 XL is concealer but this isn't going to make too much of a difference to be honest with you it's one tenth of an inch wider again not going to make the biggest difference now you have 11 plus 1 and 12 plus 1 so your base height is 4 inches here and then your base height over here is 4.8 inches so over 1/2 of an inch to get one more round that's where things start to get interesting now this gun I I would say is much more comfortable in the hand this is like the perfect for my hands and and probably for a lot of y'all I mean when you put this gun in your hand it is absolutely ideal and then with this gun you're gonna you are going to feel the recoil with this guy now or at least I noticed a good amount of recoil with it and of course I can't get all of my fingers on this grip now that's great for concealed ability when we're talking about at the range though you're gonna you're gonna notice a little bit of difference maybe a little bit more adjustment possibly just maybe a few more rounds you know through the gun to get yourself acclimated to its size but again how does that affect your carry obviously this is gonna be a little bit harder to conceal now remember not everybody is you know six foot tall and 220 pounds I mean you know we're talking everywhere from young and and smaller ladies all the way up the spectrum of that six foot five 250 pound dudes so we're not just talking about I know we get a lot of comments like well I can conceal though you know it's like well yeah maybe you can but not everybody is built like you we're talking about a wide range of people men and women alike so just keep that in mind so this dimension right here is actually pretty significant is that you know over a half of an inch worth it's you for one more round it may or may not be so there you go there's the P 365 XL not quite as impressive in the size range when we look at that I didn't give you a 2/4 here so I'm gonna go with the MMP subcompact and then the Glock 26 the original baby Glock the original king of concealed carry as I have called it in the past now this one ten plus one ten plus one look how times have changed and how much of an advancement we have now so the Glock 26 you're looking at one point two six inches in width four point one inches in height overall weight or one loaded weight I should say nineteen point four ounces barrel length of three point four and an overall length of six point five and that looks like this so you can tell the Glock is a little bit longer again this may affect you if you're carrying appendix but it's not gonna make that big of a difference that width right there no this is a chunky gun most clocks are especially the double that's gonna cause your pants to stick out a little bit more and then as far as the dimensions here actually pretty pretty dang close and let me move him back to where they were cuz I was that was ideal the Glock I think is one tenth of an inch taller so not a real big dimension the biggest thing you're gonna notice is how wide this gun how chunky it is a little bit more weight too so over two ounces more that's gonna equate to a little bit heavier a little bit wider mailee to a little bit of discomfort but you got to think this gun has been out since what the mid 90s so yeah it's it's been out for a while and advancements and machining and all this kind of stuff had really helped to produce guns like this now before we move to the MMP if you are looking at concealed carry make sure you are protecting yourself financially and legally the u.s. CCA is a company we choose to do that with I'll leave a link down below so you can go over and check them out very very important that you that you at least consider a company a good company in case you ever have to pull your firearm in self-defense make sure you do that so I'll leave a link down below great group of people and go over and check them out so let's move to the mp9 subcompact this is the new M 2.0 review coming very soon so here's the thing when you move up to a gun like this say I have basically two and a half fingers on this gun and I have two and a half fingers on this gun so this one's going to offer you 12 plus one this one obviously is going to offer your eleven plus one again it's gonna be a little bit chunkier not quite as chunky especially in the grip as the Glock there as you can tell but it's still a chunkier gun but what this offers you in the Glock 26 and this gun is a little bit more weight so it's gonna equate to a more suitable gun so it's gonna be easier to control so if you can if you can handle the weight of a gun like this or the Glock 26 or an end these others that's gonna be a much better gun much easier gun to shoot and all that kind of stuff but it's going to be harder to carry as well now one thing that has to be mentioned is make sure that you get a good holster and gun belt these are things that are essential if you're going to be carrying inside the waistband and do it in a comfortable way so here are the dimensions of the EM 2.0 subcompact alright so the width of this gun is gonna be 1.2 1.3 inches somewhere in that range height is four point nine inches unloaded weight is 25 ounces the barrel is three point six inches and the overall is six point six inches so you're talking about mm about 8 ounces of unloaded weight extra doesn't sound like a lot but it's a half of a pound so it's quite a bit and this is what you're gonna notice here so let's let's show like that slide to slide it is considerably longer it's gonna give you more sight radius of course it is considerably wider as well so again this is going to cause your pants to stick out and then we're talking about 12 + 1 11 plus 1 the difference here honestly it's not as big of a difference if we look at the P 365 XL which is considerably longer but it's also not as heavy as this gun alright so it's gonna be a little bit more suitable a little bit more controllable in your hands but you're gonna be taking on that extra weight for one more round again is that worth it to you that's going to be something you're gonna have to decide but the advancements even since the original MMP subcompact came out the advancements in technology has just been incredible so there you go there it is compared to the subcompact MMP this one is a little bit closer than a leasing grip length a little bit closer than the XL for sure to the Hellcat and pretty much right on par with the Glock 26 and everything else so the Hellcat again is going to offer you such a small package with a lot of firepower I had mrs. heck shot right down the specs of the new shield but I did want to show you the original shield so I'm gonna tell you the specs of the new one because they did lighten it up a little bit but I'm gonna show you an original one so again the original shield here so right under an inch they're four and a half inches tall eighteen point three ounces unloaded weight 3.1 inches in the barrel and 6.1 inches and overall so if we look at these slides a slide again the shield's going to be just a hair longer they're gonna be just about the same width shield it does even in the grip look quite a bit thinner but it's just not even a 10th of an inch difference there this is the big difference here so 4.5 inches to 4 inches you have 7 plus 1 with the base mag 11 plus 1 again the shield has been out since what 2007 2008 something like that it's been out for a very long time so the the Hellcat obviously has a beat in all of these areas but let's consider the age of the shield which has been known for the past at least decade to be one of the best if not the best concealed carry firearm but again these advancements have allowed us to get something like this alright so again I will never talk bad about the shield because this is our original shield and we still absolutely love this gun there there are different you know maggots and things like that that you can do to increase the capacity but we're not gonna talk about that we're gonna learn about base guns stock guns and it's really impressive 7 plus 1 to 11 plus 1 with a smaller grip and a lighter gun almost an ounce lighter than the original shield so there's that one now I would be doing a huge disservice to y'all by not showing you the db9 again all these guns have been safety-checked I don't know if I mentioned that but obviously all of these guns have been safety-checked the db9 is like pretty much the smallest 9 millimeter I know that I've ever personally handled it's got to be one of the smallest if not the smallest on the market so check this out you have a unloaded weight of 13 point 4 ounces you have a barrel length of 3.1 inches overall 5.73 uh weight height is 4 inches with a width of 0.89 super-tiny you're gonna get 6 plus 1 in the pipe and this is what it looks like slide to slide there you can see the hellcat is just a much bigger gun pretty much all the way around weight height with everything but here's the interesting part so the db9 it is designed to be a if it's gonna be a primary it's for somebody that really can't print I mean like you have your where form-fitting clothes maybe a female maybe you're carrying whatever the case may be it has its roles as a backup gun probably it has its roles but look at that so the Hellcat is maybe 1/10 of an inch taller they actually both say they're about four inches in height but we can tell there it's it's about 1/10 of an inch 11 plus 1 6 plus 1 with the db9 very impressive when you look at it like that db9 again it has its rolls and and I've carried this gun ankle carry really is my primary for that gun but uh but very impressive how many rounds you can get out of the Hellcat so now let's move to the very last one the Glock 19 I like to show this gun because a lot of people pretty much say the the Glock 19 is the pinnacle for the ideal concealed carry sighs to wait to capacity ratio which I will not take that away from Glock they do a really good job with that most of the time but the Glock 19 again all a lot of these guns are starting to show their age and the Glock 19 is no exception so if we look at the specs here 1.3 inches in width a height of 5.0 inches unloaded weight of 20 1.5 ounces barrel length of 4 inches and an overall length of 7.2 so let's look at these guns side-by-side slide to slide and the Glock 19 looks like a Bohemia next to the Hellcat and keep in mind that Glock 19 is 15 plus 1 and the Hellcat is 11 plus 1 and I know there's guys that carry the Glock 19 on a daily basis but it's a lot of gun when you load it up you're talking about well into the two-pound range and you can see the difference right there all right so you have well over an inch of difference in in grip length which obviously is what you're trying to conceal four or five ounces in weight overall weight so it makes a big difference plus you have four more rounds so that's even more weight that you're considering carrying on an everyday basis the hellcat they did it right man and I know a lot of people are against Springfield for some of the stuff that happened a couple years ago and I get it but they did an amazing job with this gun and they they upped they one up literally one up the competition which I think it's pretty funny so yeah it's it's a great gun it's a great size they nailed it with this and you know what this means even if you're not a fan of the P 365 or the Hellcat probably not at the Glock 43 X I really don't like that it did not impress me as far as the size but I digress even if you don't like these guns you know what that means that means more and more companies are gonna come out with guns like this and we're again gonna be hopefully even more impressed with some of the offerings that are coming down the pipeline because these companies have to compete and they know that the P 365 was the start of this and I can't wait to see what other companies are gonna do so let me know what you think about the size differences of these guns down in the comments and make sure that if you are a power patron or up that you look for your special outro coming right after this thank you for your support we will see in the next one and as always holding down [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 90,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hellcat size comparison, size of the hellcat, size of the springfield hellcat, springfield armory hellcat vs, springfield armory hellcat size, springfield hellcat vs p365, p365 vs, hellcat vs p365, hellcat vs glock, glock vs, how small is the hellcat, hellcat vs p365 xl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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