Narcissistic Spirit In Spiritual Clothing

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[Music] refining me further refine [Music] cleanse me from sin all of my sins we're gonna start father we thank you for the holy spirit today to lead us and guide us and speak truth father give us ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to us and Lord just help us give us understanding for the days that we live and the principalities and the powers we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers help us see the end times that we're living in that we let no man no religious organization no group no cultic person no one will be able to deceive us because we have you so we thank you father we listen to your wisdom we listen to what you have to say to us and we thank you father for giving us warnings in the days that we live that we take heed we watch and pray and everyone said I want to start off with a little story there's a carpet layer he was finishing a job and when he reached to get a cigarette from his pocket he discovered his pack of cigarettes was gone he looked down and underneath his carpet was a little lump he realized what he had done he looked one way and then he looked the other way the carpet was already fastened down so he took his hammer and just flattened it out thinking no one would notice then he goes back to take his tools to the truck and there was his pack of cigarettes hmm he went back inside where the woman of his house of the house was screaming frantically has anybody seen my canary the moral of the story your sins will find you helped I thought that was kind of cute just to lighten everyone up okay let's open our Bibles to John 11 that was from my old files and I got to pull that one out again it was funny John 11 in verse 43 I'm kind of picking up from where we were last week I thought we were done and I wanted to move on to something we've had two deaths this week so we have two funerals and then there's a wedding and so it's like well and I kind of wanted to move on we're gonna get on to some of that in the second part of this message but the first part I wanted to continue because I think this is a time we have to really help families and help people see the enemy is really trying to divide people and divide families and God is so for for husband and wife and families and for children and the enemy is so anti family and anti so we have to kind of see where the enemy slips in sometimes in the church my burden right now is for the church so here in John 11 and verse 43 Jesus is speaking and this is a resurrection of Lazarus coming forth he said when he had spoken he cried with a loud voice Lazarus come forth and he had he had that was dead came forth bound hand and foot with grave clothes so everybody see grave clothes is what the clothes that they wrapped him in when they were putting someone to death so when they resurrected him he turned to his disciples he and his face was bound with a napkin and jesus said unto them loose them loose him and let him go there's a responsibility we have to help people when they're bound to loose him and let him go and all of us coming out of situations you're born again no one had perfect parents everybody did the best they could we forgive our parents because they were in survival mode many of them coming out of World War two the Korean War different wars so they were in survival mode and as a result coming out of these situations a lot of dad's couldn't be present maybe they were there but they weren't they weren't helpful they didn't know how to meet your needs they didn't know how to talk they were traumatized himself and so other people they they had mom and dad's divorced many people are going through divorces right now and and have been for many many years and it causes a lot of trauma and as a result a lot of people and I'm not saying this against men or women but a lot of people kids didn't get validated they didn't really feel like they were worth much they didn't know how it felt to really say you know you I noticed that the people that that we are kids we always go well done well done most of the time we do that because we never heard that we never heard we love you we love you I remember when I told my dad dad I love you he goes well I like you too it was so hard for him to say love and then eventually he started doing it because of all the trauma and the things and when you realize that that's where they come from you can forgive it's easy to forgive when you put yourself into someone else's shoes but that doesn't mean these problems go away so today we're going to talk about leadership putting people in a pedestal it's kind of where I left off putting people on a pedestal because we but we've been trained that this is what we're supposed to do and we need to know a lot of this is idolatry a lot of it is very unhealthy and a lot of shame based people are trying to attach themselves to someone that just hears from God so we've set these people up on pedestals and God doesn't want anyone to live on a pedestal they're wobbly at best so we ask why does God use weak wounded needy hurting and hurtful people like you and me why does God people put people like this in leadership because it's all he's got were it Amen so we all have to come to a realization and be honest that we've all been wounded we don't live in those wounds many of us have moved on and now we can help others but there's a there's a constant battle going on we're in spiritual warfare we're always going to have attacks so we need to know how to recover but one thing we don't want is to keep having the same battle over and over and over again and then when we come out of some of these abusive narcissistic situations in church we have to we have to grieve you have to grieve properly you have to know how to grieve when you leave a place you have to know how to grieve when you lose a friend even if it's been an abusive situation you still have a soul tied to it like we've been talking about but you have to know that it's okay to grieve because loss is a companion in our life and the longer you live the more losses were going to experience when you were little you had hardly anyone died or you didn't have a whole lot but everybody talks about winning and being successful but nobody wants to talk about losses and funerals people just come and they go you you know don't cry and you know we're just gonna celebrate there it is a party to celebrate but it's also a time to say goodbye and when you love much you hurt much and we've got to know it's okay there's nothing wrong with me if I'm crying I don't need to be fixed and it's not that I don't have faith it's I had a lot of love and this person's really hard for me to say goodbye to and so instead of coming and getting helped at funerals people get shamed this one woman the last funeral I did she said thank you so much my daughter wouldn't let me grieve she said don't you cry it for me and she said you've given me the permission to start my grieving process because if we don't know how to grieve it little things too I remember when my my son was little and he lost his bear he would his Berenice nook that was it he grieved over that bear because whenever there is an attachment to something little or big when that tie and that attachment has been severed or broken there's a loss there's a loss a dream you had you didn't get there's a know there's a loss so it's okay to know you know what I have some feelings I got to let these feelings ride out I'm not going to stuff them if you stuff feelings that you need to get rid of just right I will explode later even in the Old Testament they let them mourn they put on mourning clothes and they they would when Moses died you know they mourned for thirty days this was their leader now Moses is dead now what do we do you know so there is a normal grieving process that we were raised in our ranks that grieving isn't faith if you're sad you're in the soul well sorry we are part soul we aren't all spirit yet so don't feel bad when you're going through a grieving process and don't try to fix someone and hurry up hurry up you should be over that by now you lost your mom be over it now no you greed there is no proper time or whatever you do do it as the spirit leads you through it amen because then you get through the other side and you know I'm okay now but there's there's a season where you're gonna hurt and if you don't want to hurt you're gonna put up a block up I don't want to hurt but you know what you will hurt later because you will come out sideways of that grief that situation so we have to be taught it's okay to suffer our losses it's it's okay because then you start a new beginning and you start a new beginning transparent and you go forward with your emotions intact rather than what I did with my mom died I stuffed it I pretended I didn't care bless God I'm a teenager I can handle this and then as I've shared with you guys before then when everybody else was Mother's Day and talking about their mother one day I just exploded in front of all these big preachers they're looking at me like what's wrong with you that wasn't the time that I wanted it to come out but you know if you don't deal with stuff eventually those feelings will come forth so just know loss is a part of life little losses big losses you lost that job promotion you lost you know you didn't get whatever you wanted you wanted age you got an F I mean that's you grieve you know so there's just different things that you have to go through so it's not a matter of if we have wounds it's what are they how did we get them and how our deep are the scars and we know we're all human even though sometimes we act like we're so super spiritual you know it's like well you don't have enough faith and I always turn to them and say and you don't have enough love because you don't condemn people when they're going through them but going through things now some people like we've been talking about the other extreme is a narcissistic controlling covert people they will use kind-hearted people manipulate them kaanum control them right now we're not dealing with that part we're just dealing with normal situations but you have to guard your heart in this end times because the Bible says men are going to be lovers of what themselves and and I believe God's got his people that are gonna serve they're gonna love but you know what we're not going to be manipulated you have to say I am NOT going to be manipulated anymore because God doesn't want his people being led by anyone but him so there's a freedom in putting up healthy boundaries and if you're really kind-hearted sometimes you think it's bad to put a boundary up no it's healthy but when you when you run into these narcissistic people when you put up a boundary a no and they try to overrule it right there that's a toxic dangerous person everybody should be able to say no if you don't want to do something and I'm speaking to mercy motivated people I really can't well I don't because mercy motivated people are most - they have too much empathy I do that too I put myself in that person's shoes so much I feel everything they're feeling and then you don't want to put up a boundary but you know we learned the hard way anybody else like that and I know you're out there so anyway I believe this is the day God is really setting his people free so that we know who are his people and then those that really are operating in wrong spirits so we've all been wounded we've all had scars but the more neglected and deprived from being affirmed the last generation is they rise up now and they're rising up to a whole state of where they want the spotlight they want to be seen they want the pedestal because they're trying to get what they didn't get in their childhood now that doesn't mean it's right but we have to know this is the wrong spirit to put someone on a pedestal and to worship them God wants no man to be worshiped ministers should be honored and respected but it should also go that respect should come back to you it's not a one-sided we just worship you and we expect you to have jets and we expect you to have mansions you expect all this and they don't give back to the poor and help people in their church that's a red flag it's a two-way relationship with anyone that we are there to serve each other in the Lord and we have made excuses and I want to share this some of this to help pastors wives and not just pastors wives but I've seen women ministers abuse their husbands in the name of God and it wasn't God at all they run off they leave their families they don't take care of their kids and their so-called serving God because that's my main mission and then what happens is their kids all fall apart they don't want to serve God and the girl I'm thinking about now is was one of my mentors then I saw what she was doing and I confronted her on it her husband ended up not serving God her kids are all backslide Michael this isn't God what you're doing you're totally out of order you know so there's a balance in everything but when they when they're forced and they're driven to the call and no one else's need is met but their need how many no that's not the Spirit of God and poor pastors wives and sometimes women that are in ministry their husbands and their kids have really suffered and this isn't what God's putting on people he's not calling that's why you always hear the PK kids are the worst kids because the pastor has neglected his family and just put all the public ministry ahead and there's a lot of suffering and a lot of people don't know how to stand up because they're afraid of what people will say does that make sense so then we get into this approval addiction need for approval whether we lead or we serve they end up work a Alex unbalanced and unhealthy even in the church I want to serve it and then we what we serve so much that we neglect our families well we've come into a balance now but I remember when we first got saved you were at church seven days a week you did everything you didn't you know if you weren't there what's wrong with you so there's this balance that you have to come into so that you stay healthy the balance is loving the approval of God and listening to God more than just looking for the approval of men and that is it takes guts to not walk in the fear of man but to walk in the fear of God and making sure you're doing everything in order and then some people go to the other extreme they won't have anything to do with God or to church well there's going to be a day we have to stand before God for what we've done what the gifts God's given us and our responsibilities to him so we all need this balance so I just want to spend a couple minutes on the public life of a it could be a pastor a leader a father public servant anyway there's a public life versus the home life in the public life it's the Superman it's you're treated like a celebrity applaud me adore me and duel over me as I'm God's man or I'm God's woman of the hour okay that's pedestal thinking now at home it's Clark Kent they have to take out the garbage and they have to meet your needs they have to meet the needs of the the kids or change the diaper diapers but if it's someone that's really in the public life they refuse to do the private stuff I am NOT I'm I'm worth more than that and we'll go into that list again of what I shared last week because I think it's really worth helping people heal a pedestal living on a pedestal is a high place it's a position of admiration idolization you have to understand everybody that's in ministry has a gift to preach they know how to use words most of them but that doesn't mean they have the gift to live it so the Bible says you don't go by what someone says he says you go by what their fruits so the fruits is what kind of character do they have outside of the pulpit when you see a minister that's and you see a really unhappy wife that's that's fruit when you see really unhappy kids that's a fruit I'm not saying that we do our best and sometimes you have issues but I'm saying overall this issue we're trying to deal with today is living life on a pedestal and it's it's a seductive place it's a wobbly flayed place because then you put someone so high up they start living secret lives and then we put them up on these pedestals they can't climb down and get help anywhere so that's why we always hear about this guy fell or this person fell or why were they going to see prostitutes and that it uh they got puffed up they got lifted up and then they started having issues because of all the fame and then what happens you start getting fans and once you get it started getting fans rather than family because you now have traded intimacy over for something else you're in big trouble because we all need intimate relationships and we need people to keep us accountable especially the more famous you get god never intended us to live on pedestals look at Jesus life he always ran from the spotlight didn't he he didn't want you to put him up on a pedestal he always gave the glory to God and he stayed humble and the whole danger is when we put people on pedestals we worship them and then we give place to them to get puffed up and pride and then they're gonna fall so now that you have the other group of people they're going to keep you humble bless God and they're going to keep you poor we're not talking about that but they also use that you know to discredit everybody and just let you know that I'm God's man of the hour and you better treat me really special but you know what there are no spare all special but this makes such a separation between people that if you just get a crumb from the Word of God while you really are Wow God doesn't have any mediators ministers are just signposts that point you to him not to yourself so when you start hearing sermons it's all about me and my with it should be a red flag to us that this is pedestal preaching does that make sense God will have no idols before him so we start idolizing we set people way above everyone else and this is how many are getting deceived today because well this guy's got a huge ministry and he's saying God gave him this and he's seen angels and he bunch of baloney the more and more I've been around this and I've been deceived by this myself I was like wow really and then you watch these people you're in and you're out and it's like their this is the year of the breakthrough I mean they're their prophecies are so flaky you're gonna break through this year we're elevating we're doing this this year and this is it they always have words and it's like nothing ever we're gonna go through the hospital and heal all the why don't they go through the hospital and heal everyone if they have this great anointing pedestal preaching and it causes a lot of people to just think all I wish I had a walk like that with God and God wants us all to know him so god never intended for this so now they develop secret lives the danger of life on a pedestal as they must be perfect in flawless and the antidote for all of us is to stay off pedestals because small or large people are looking to you at your job or whatever and just be honest let them know you have flaws you're just as human as they are you miss it like they do you love God you maybe can hear from certain things but we're all in this together we all need Jesus there's no big I and little use it's we love God and we're here to serve Him and we're God's remnant and it's a freedom to not feel shame there's so much shame when you hear preachers preaching from these places you're never gonna be quite good enough did you know that and if you only had the faith that I have then you could have all this stuff - that's shame preaching Jesus never oh I feel the anointing on this he never heard that wasn't even planned he never shames you he never shames you and even if you're in sin like my joking earlier he was you back to him to repent and thank God we're in a season where we still can repent because we've all blown it we've all missed it we've all put people on pedestals and I had a good lesson when I was young saved we went to Hawaii and we were gonna hear all these preachers that were coming together for the very first time this is in the 70s very early 70s and one of the guys that I was just like oh my god if if he looks at me I'm gonna faint I mean he's got such a walk with God and I just I just adore him I caught him after the service and I asked him a question he was so rude and mean I went to my hotel room and I cried and I cried and I cried and I cried I was like he wounded me he didn't want to be bothered and right then I learned he's human meant he's tired he doesn't want to be bothered don't do that and so I've just learned us like I that's why I've been able to hang around some of these people it's like you let me be myself I learned a really hard lessons don't put people on these pedestals you know why they fall off and you fall off - why because you are human amen so our antidote is stay off pedestals and be honest we're all imperfect we have limitations remember we're all leaders to someone and do you crave adoration to make up for deprived childhood many of us didn't give what we needed from our parents or from our brothers and sisters and so there's this whole but don't let that keep being excuse just said that that was a need and lord I just want you to fill this up in my life and help me not be so needy from you know because then I've noticed some people that they were only happy when they were preaching and this one preacher would tell me if I don't go three days without preaching I'm a bear to live with and it's like wow they need the stage they need that public that is a dangerous place it's really a dangerous place because then the enemy can feed you stuff and he can bribed you in tempt you in whatever he has to do is flatter you to be in the public's eye so we have to get that need met and children growing up and hurting families become champion secret keepers and people pleasers especially if you had an angry parent you don't want them mad you don't want to get ink so you want to please everybody so you have to come out of that you have to say I can't please everybody I'm going to please the Lord I got to fear the Lord and not fear man and you got to work through that struggle of people-pleasing then if you don't get this stuff dealt with you're a candidate for Authority abuse Authority abuse is rampant today and I'm sitting there going why do these people sit under these abusive controlling narcissistic pastors you know why that's kind of fathered they had that's what they're used to they're normal a real healthy person walks out I'm not sitting under that I'm not going to be abused and shamed and controlled and manipulated but people that are shame based and wounded and they they just want God so bad they just think well they hear from God and I don't they don't test the spirits and their candidates unfortunately for spiritual abuse and John 6:47 248 jesus said I'm the bread of life thank God for his ministers that helped us along but basically you have to eat your own bread and preacher should really be confirming to you what God is showing you we can always learn from people but don't just sit around for crumbs of someone else's relationship and hand religion get your own walk with God there's some people that were in China I think it was and they were making bread from the soil and that they were so poor that they starved to death there was absolutely no nutrients in anything that they made and they starve to death and this is what's happening if we don't know that Jesus is our life our bread and your feasting off of other people all the time you don't have your own walk you're not going to get the spiritual life that hookup that nutrition you need so that when somebody comes and preaches something abusive to you you go that doesn't witness with me that's not the Jesus that I know because now there's a lot of Jesus's so-called being preached that it's another gospel it's another Jesus it's new age coming in spiritual clothing it's the new world religion that's huge remember the harlot Church is going to be rich it's going to be famous it's going to be huge it's going to be broad is the way so don't think it's gonna be the majority of people that are really following the narrow path because you got to get over that if you're just gonna try to please people all the time you're gonna go along with the latest fads and the latest pedastal preachers so if we only seek approval from authority figures it's like eating bread with no nutrients and we'll starve to death shame based believers struggle that they're good enough to hear from God so they attach inappropriately now there's a right way to attach we should all be I should respect you and you should respect me it's not that I just expect and demand you serve me you know I'm so great that you serve me know we serve each other and I've had a lot of ministry relationships where it was one-sided I I was so drained giving and giving and giving to this person but they ever never gave back now I'm realizing that's a toxic relationship now you can't have every kind of relationship be the same they're not all your best friends but there's just something wrong with pedestal living they just don't have time for for you for your needs to pray about anything it's all about them it's a narcissistic spirit and spiritual clothes that's a good title I have trouble with titles we think they have a hotline to God so we just want to crumb what's God saying what's God saying well God is always saying what he's been saying so these fads in these movements change but God doesn't change and this is another thing entertainment is the doorway to paganism I got that this morning you know paganism they're always dancing and they're always doing all this stuff around their idols and stuff so now what's happening in our church is entertainment I was asking my freedoms we dispense what's happening there because that always happens she goes all the churches are fully entertainment she said I'm so grieved I can't understand it's just entertain entertain and that's the spirit that's starting to open up here in America for paganism because it's little by little the entertainment little but a little bit more a little bit more Disney a little bit more of this and a little bit more of this and pretty soon you know what there is no Jesus there is no worship but it doesn't start off like that we're seeing the beginnings of paganism in the one world religion start taking taking its root but people who want to hear it but I tell you there are people that do I don't think we're going to get as far as I thought I was going to get today so the result toxic leaders produce toxic teachings that are threatened by the truth now remember the true prophets were always hated the true prophets spoke against what was going on the true prophets didn't have the option to make it sound good they had to say what what God was saying so when you come up against these false movements and whatever truth tellers and whistleblowers are despised now you're the problem you're the problem that's what they say is you're the problem the abusive leaders fear they fear whistleblowers and they fear truth tellers so you've got to really be strong in the Lord you got to get your you know that you're here on this earth to do an assignment and it's to please God and it's gonna and I'm not talking about these weirdos religious people that are martyrs and trying to you know they go to that extreme but people that are just to stand up for what we believe in now is going to be a fight so be warned lovers of truth pay a price in these cultic religious groups you're going to have to pay a price and you have to be willing to pay the price sometimes it's put up a boundary sometimes it's to say goodbye sometimes it's to find the exit and to run fast to the exit I am tired of being manipulated I'm tired of being abused I'm tired of being shamed I'm just wanting to serve God and I want to hear from the Lord I want a pure word from God with no hidden agendas because when these people are on pedestals they got to condemn you to pay for their pedestal then forgive yourself we've all fallen in different areas we've all been deceived and the enemy wants to condemn you the rest of your life for your failures and you have to and that's what Judas did he went out and hung himself you have to know we've all blown it there's not one of us that can ever say we haven't so we're in a crowd of people that have failed messed up you know to me it's like why do I always attract these narcissus because of the kind heart you have narcissistic people gravitate towards people that are sympathetic and in kind and they use you right so if you're one of those people you have to know I can no longer be manipulated to give to people things God's telling me not to give because kind-hearted people would give everything not just the shirt off their back but their pants and their boots and their and a place to stay and no not everybody that needs a place to stay is supposed to stay in your house right say go find your own place what's wrong with you because they're leeches and they're gonna leech onto you and suck all your life out and that's not God's will he has other plans but if you don't know how to say no you're an open candidate for spiritual abuse so then we have to grieve hurtful relationships let me share this again what I shared with last week the seduced by life on a pedestal is the name of this article the public performers family contract so if you're married to a very public person this is what you go through and I've lived this life you you go through this and you think it's God so you don't complain people are like why didn't you this is what my role is and I'm supposed to do this because we're serving you know I'm saying so this is what we do my pastor asked me to do this so this is why I'm doing it when you're you have no idea how many abused people in churches that are contacting me right now this is a Demick we're not just talking about Minnesota I'm not talking about one pastor I'm not talking I'm just talking about what we saw it was God and we've all been a part of it not pointing fingers at anyone we just have to know God is not calling families to divide and to just be destroyed because one of you is called in that family you know I'm saying but this is public focused platform people to the children and to the spouse we understand that I and my public performance are more important than anyone or anything else in this family first of all that's not God is it God is not going to have you forget your children not be there for them when they come home from school and they're tormented and troubled and you're off doing your own thing there's times we have to do that but as a consistent basis what this new world order is going to do is totally make sure that mom and dad have to work because none of us can be home so the kids are totally off to themself and there's nobody for them to talk to I know what that's like being raised at five years old having to get myself up get myself ready do my own hair and walk to school with myself at five years old I had nobody there because mom and dad just had to survive we had to live we just didn't have money but that's not God's plan but this is what's happening now in our world and no condemnation for everybody that's working because basically now it takes two people to survive the taxes and everything we're going through but that wasn't God's original intent but when we're being preached you gotta have the best you gotta be this and that it's causing our covetousness to make us go so in debt and we think that's good that means I have faith and I just say have less be content with less and spend as much time with your family those little feet are going to be gone one day and you're gonna miss some rippling in your house you're gonna regret one day that you didn't spend time with your family when you could have because I just have to be successful it's all about me I want to have this I want to be famous I want to be this and that you got to die to some of that and some of that if it's God it'll come back at a later time but people say I lost my family because I was seeking my own success we understand that I will be preoccupied with giving my all to my public performance there's no nothing left for you when I come home I'm tired don't ask me I'm gonna be by myself and to be in my own room there is no time for you do you understand you're not as important my mission is much more important than yours we understand I need to hear of your support your loyalty but not your struggles we understand that I cannot be there for your basketball games we understand that I'll be not there for your cheerleading I won't be able to be there for this or that because I'm on a mission and I'm preaching mostly to a lot of people you understand where I'm coming from we understand that all of you are essentially on your own we understand that you are expected to totally deny all your personal needs so this is why these kids grow up so distorted and weird is because they now seek this attention that they never got and it's not normal attention again no one gets close you never get close these people don't want to get close and then what happens it becomes approval addiction a approval addiction is definitely a problem I got to have so many people tell me that that was good or I have to have so many people this I got to have 5,000 friends I got to have so many invitations it just gets to be really in a whole different different realm how much time do I have left mark where am I okay I want to close with this we're all coming out of situations that we need to say goodbye to we've exited to me it's it I'm grieving for the state of the church right now for the the Spirit of God leaving the Eloi Church is taking over and glory the presence of God leaving and entertainment taking over this has been a three year and a half for me grieving of while things are changing and they're changing fast and nobody seems to notice or care but you might be grieving something else everybody is going through a different place because loss is just a companion we're getting older and you lose things you lose your sight you lose your hearing you lose your great figures you lose even your hair maybe you lose your job there's so many people I know that have gotten laid off that's that's a loss that's everything you were planning now it's a whole different everything's different because this is not in my plan I had something off plan it's it's a grievious time and it's a different season and ecclesiastics three one through six for everything there is a season there's a change that means it's going to be different everything's going to be different than what I planned it to be when you go through a divorce it's it's probably death on earth it's the worst thing it's a ripping and it's a tearing and everything that you knew now is not there when someone dies this person that was your everything your mom or your dad there's you never you never get over the mother or death I don't care how old they are because you'll never have another mother you'll never have another father it's hard to go through a death of a parent no matter what age you are but also no one can replace them and a husband or a wife they have so many hats they did your taxes they did your lawn did your house they took care of you they provided they took care of the other stuff and all of a sudden that person's gone your whole life is devastated and then people at church just go sorry for your loss get over it they feed you for a month and they give you hot dish and then you get nothing people don't have a clue because they aren't going through what you're going through but some losses are bigger than others but it's still you have to know this is a different season how do we handle it because we haven't been taught how to handle loss we're only taught to be a success you can't fail do you fail you don't have any faith no we're living in a world that we're aging we're changing everything about us is changing our economy is changing we're in phil you know that the gas prices are really going up high right now and we heard where was it brazil there was no more gas was a person venezuela different these places if you know what's coming around different countries were in a real season of change and we all thought well this was going to be different but we have to know things are changing but God never changes he's our rock his word never changes so the devil wants you not to even believe in his word anymore so he has these preachers now just saying you know that's there is no hell don't worry about that God's accepts us all there's not only one way to God there's many ways there's many paths love above a blast so what do you trust and if you don't trust in the Bible know you have to know I'm solid trusting in God he does not change and the Bible tells us this is what's going to happen in the end time so he's preparing us stay rooted and grounded in Christ don't be rooted and grounded in some preacher well I used to listen to him for 30 years and I always loved that man well he might have been okay 30 years ago but his doctrines changing now so I have to exit I have to leave I'm sorry I have to say goodbye and I'm hurting I don't love to say goodbye some goodbyes are hard but I have to learn this is part of growing up I can no longer go along with with whatever it is so there's this loss things you'll never see again loss is something we don't like to talk about so we bury our losses loss is a constant companion the longer you live the more people you love are gonna die when you're 5 doesn't matter much but when you're 60 a lot of people that you know are dying around you a lot of people you're like wow so somewhere along the line we have to learn how to deal with this and we have to deal with it properly and we have to know that it's okay to mourn it's okay to grieve it's okay to ask for prayer it's okay to have a sad day when this fee owner we're going to on Wednesday I got to be with her when she was dying and the next day I was so sad and I know she's going to heaven I know she's in a happy place she was like totally out of it and they told her I was there I was her pastor back in the day and I haven't seen her for a long time and they told her that she's been trying to get a hold of me she wants she asked me if I'd do her funeral and what she was still living and she couldn't talk anymore but she grabbed my face and she grabbed my hand and love you forever and I just saw the glory of God come out of her eyes I just saw the look she was so close to heaven and I knew she was in heaven and I know she's been fighting cancer bla bla bla but I was still sad and I had to grieve and I knew I got a grieve now cuz I got to be strong at these funerals you know it's not too good blabbering and blurbing and snotty-nosed at these funerals cuz I used to tell people no I won't do funerals I can't do them but I can do them now because I've learned how to grieve properly and now I let other people at these funerals this is a fun role we're gonna have fun we're gonna celebrate but we're also going to grieve we're going to cry and we aren't going to be fixed there's nothing wrong with us crying there's nothing wrong with us grieving we are saying goodbye to someone we love and it's really hard to say goodbye and you know what it does it gives people and even when they get up to talk and they're like I'm sorry I'm so don't be sorry just get your Kleenex is out and blow we're with you we with you and we don't expect you to be anything you're not you it you're just showing us you're a great lover and you have the freedom to grieve and to to know that you are so attached to this person that you love them greatly and now you're hurting and we're here with you the Bible says those that weep what are you supposed to do with them why don't we weep with them we always try to get them out of it there's something wrong with you you should be over this by now it's actually been 34 hours why aren't you free I'm winding down so every loss in life it needs the recognition that that tie attachment has been broken life's going to be different some things can't be replaced but we need to learn how to say goodbye I will no longer share my life with whatever I've lost my son Tyrone had a dream to be a basket NBA basketball player 611 and right in his tryouts for Florida team whatever his knee blew out boom and it was like a death of a dream but in his prayer was Lord I know you've called me to preach if this is not you and I always say you're aren't supposed to be doing you are called to preach and he is preaching now but it still was a death of a dream that that he really wanted so there's dreams sometimes that it's it's we gotta say goodbye to and we have to come to a healthy transition because if we don't do it right it's a new beginning and if we don't grieve properly we're gonna bring all that garbage in and we're not gonna really have a new beginning we're gonna bring grief and sorrow ten years down the road you see you find people are still bitter they're still mad about this but I love Allah wouldn't if it been better to deal with it right deal with it correctly and live those 10 years now that you have left in peace and joy instead of unforgiveness and what if you know what they did to me brother yeah we've all been hurt we could all write books how bad has been who nobody wants to hear that after a while there might be a season you need to do that but you know what after that season move on we've got life to live now and all you've got is today and you know make make it right walk in the in the way you're supposed to know but we need to grieve let go and say goodbye or we will have problems with depression discouragement and self-pity and I can always tell when people are in self-pity because it's all everything was wrong and was all their fault and Bev don't you self-pity is really a bad energy zapper so there's lessons we all have to and I'm going to close with this we all could go on I've got a lot more notes but to say goodbye is an art we all have to learn and I learned something with my granddaughter she gets attached to her dolls or her toys or her little things and so when we'd go in her favorite place used to be go to Macy's and we'd you know she'd sing twinkle twinkle little star and we'd go around that star and we'd be singing and you know here was her little rituals stuff so she wanted to bring her toys in and with her parents she'd just give my rough I'm and cried and I was like no we don't cry it was grandma I've had sons I've had no no we don't you'll learn more don't you the second time around we're not doing this game you are going to put that doll down and you're gonna say goodbye to it goodbye we'll see you later because if you don't say goodbye to that doll you know what happens and this is our life too you hang on to that doll you go into the mall and you don't have free hands to experience something new you can't just you can't hold onto this balloon now that we there's a free balloon over there but you can't you you got all your hands full of all this garbage you're cold same with our life we have to say goodbye to things so we can say hello to other things amen I think I'll close here father God we thank you for teaching us how to move forward in life with losses and with failures and all the mistakes we've made we just thank you Lord you haven't given up us and that we can all help each other that we can all be honest transparent that we can let each other know when we're really going through something when we feel like we've been manipulated or we've been used or betrayed or or we've hung on to something we shouldn't have hung on to or we made a left turn and we should have made it right we went the wrong direction for a season but father we just thank you that you're gonna restore you said you would restore what the cankerworm has eaten so Lord we just ask you to restore us restore from our own failures from other people's failures father for us idolizing certain men on our jobs our bosses putting them in a place that wasn't right we just ask Lord that you help us balance and live healthy life when everyone said [Music] cleanse me and me [Music]
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 12,375
Rating: 4.8921833 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: FeVngcKWhJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 34sec (2914 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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