True Or False Unity?

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[Music] good Matthew 10 and verse 16 I'm gonna continue where we left off last week says behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves that is a loaded sentence he said I sent you forth as sheep doesn't say Tigers doesn't say bear he says a sheep we are likened unto sheep and if you know anything about sheep sheep are actually very defenseless and they're very directionless they I don't have that story I was going to tell you one sheep will do something in Iraq and Iran was it 450 I'll have to save that for next week I thought I had it here but I have so much to go over but a sheep story that I was going to share with you that was pretty amazing how she just followed the crowd and they don't think a lot and as sheep we have got to stay close to our Shepherd or were in trouble they're defenseless they need a shepherd to protect them you've never heard or ever seen beware of sheep sign you've never seen it be ware of sheep sign you never will because they're very harmless they have no claws they're very sharp teeth they can't run if they're in trouble they can't just I mean they just don't they're not just really super speedy they usually when they're frightened they circle with their with their little friends and they go in a panic attack and they all start running and then they hope that you don't pick them out but they don't have a great roar and they can't swim so basically they're in trouble if they don't have a good shepherd and same with us we need to be close to our Shepherd and he wants us to know that we're not the strong ones as so much teaching us totte now it's all about you and you and what you it's all about him again if you get the analogy of a sheep and a shepherd you know that it's all about the shepherd and we have to stay close to him amen and bugs they get bugs in the Middle East they get them next to their heads and it can multiply and if they don't get rid of these bugs that can actually blind their eyes so that's why he anoints him with oil and so he anoints them with the oil to get rid of all the bugs and they can get flies in their nose that drive him crazy so when the they would be dipped or they'd be anointed with oil for all the bugs and all the Flies and then the in the Bible it talks about devil is called what belzebub he's called the Lord of the Flies so when we stay close to our Shepherd and we have the anointing of the Holy Spirit it keeps us free from demons right so bugs are symbolic of the demons the anointing of the holy spirit and sting and feeding on his word and that's we got to get back to wanting to read our Bibles the movements we've come out of I don't care who are you are the main stream stream stuff of what we've been talking about and going to continue to talk about today it's affecting every single one of us it's affecting the people on TV all of our magazines we've got to go to some deep roots to find out where some of these doctrines have come from and today we're gonna talk a little bit about the New Apostolic Reformation now it's not new it's got a new name that was renamed but it was from the latter rain movement and in in the 48 50s I guess around there the Assemblies of God renounced it is bad doctrine false doctrine but now everybody's embracing this doctrine under a new name which is scary for the time that we're living in because we are not seeing Shepherds or pastors or leaders protecting the Sheep we're just seeing the wolves go in packs and we just see them all you know together and we don't see a shepherd saying we're not going to have that we're not going to have that teaching in our church we're not going to have that preacher everybody just wants to walk in love and just flow together and just mold as one but that's not the way the Lord wants us to be we have to wise as serpents and to be wise as serpents there means the snakes had no eyes eyelids they had no eyelid so they didn't ever shut their eyes so that was a symbol of watchfulness and wisdom that we should be as wise as serpents so we have to be on guard and what are we watching for we're watching for the wolves now we don't get scared and we don't get paranoid and we don't get super critical but we have to know our Bibles because what's happening in our day in our time right before our eyes is there's this ecumenical movement to forget doctrine what does that mean to forget the doctrine it doesn't matter what the doctrine is we'll sort that out the doctor and they're talking about is the teachings of Jesus it's the Bible so no we cannot throw away the doctrines and forget the doctrines and come under a false unity and a false church because that's absolutely coming against what Jesus said he said that you have to be wise and so many preachers today they're not even preaching they're not warning they're not standing in their pulpits sounding an alarm and this is a dangerous hour and it's not to be afraid but it's to be awake it's to be you know to watch and to pray and to know we have got to know what is going on in our midst what are our kids listening to what they think it's all God everything's coming packaged as Christian now I was listening to some music on a YouTube that was exposing the infiltration of Christianity today and right in the music it said the Illuminati is here the Illuminati's here and I was like this is Christian music right in plain sight they're they're putting those words in there and Christian music is an industry it's a business and a lot of the people that are owning these corporations and businesses are not even saved did you know that so we have to know that there are wolves in our mitts they're predators are false prophets and it's something interesting that I found the strongest male and female that lead the pack of wolves are known as the alphas you know that alpha and the weak ones are what they named omegas I think but I found that I'm not going to get into this but it's called have you guys ever heard of the Alpha course now if you have an alfa corse going do you know that it's ecumenical do you know that was formed out of the Roman Catholic Church do you know that it's promoted by a lot a lot of churches today and the alfa corse is radically ecumenical program that is helping to build the one endtime one-world church we need to unite the movement of the Spirit will always bring churches together in on and on you can read this I'm not going to go into it but I just thought of that of Alpha when it's like wow a wolf teaching that we should all unite and when Jesus tells us to what come out so we have to know that these things are in our midst and wolves go in packs they live they feed and they travel together to assist with hunting to attack and control their enemy we're going to see more and more ministries uniting and people think well they're all together this is really good but together with what I shared with you guys some of that last week but we're not going to go into that but they they're going to be in packs more and more the wisest serpents again symbol of watchfulness what does it say in 2nd 2nd Thessalonians 2 verse 3 let no man deceive you know there's preachers that have good preaching and then there's error in it we have to learn to discern between what the truth is and what the error is I have a lot of books and I'm like that was really good but the next thing was really bad and you know now the false teachers God just eat the you know what does it eat the meat and throw out the bones a lot of people don't know how to throw out the bones they think that's good so as leaders if you're in charge of a family or a group or whatever you have to let them know this is wrong teaching and we don't see that much today because you're called a divider your hair took your Pharisee well so be it you're going to be called whatever they want to call you but you got to stand for truth we've got to stand for the truth so there's coming now in the Christ's name the New Age Christ and even though it says it's Christ it's a new age Christ everything now that's new it's really it's elevated it's everything is going into enlightenment you have to know that it's all new new Bibles you have to have a new Bible why do you have to introduce new Bibles for the new Christ you have to understand this is part of the plan and we shared last week about the United Nations 10-point plan and I'm just going to go through that really fast and I want you to learn this so much that you can teach it to someone else if you get information and you think well I've heard that but if you can't teach it to someone else you really don't know it yet so we given you lots of stuff here but we have to get it inside of us one lady from one of my friends she said I listened to that tape from last week four times because I had to get so much of some of the teachings that I've had and that's the thing a lot of the things that we have been taught we've got a challenge and I've shared before metaphysics what is metaphysics it's saying that it's a law everything's a law force of faith it's the law doesn't matter if you're saved or not the laws of the universe that is not Christianity and they even say it's the force you know the force be with you there's such a mixture of stuff going on in his name so you have to know what is the mixture but this United Nations plan in its it's it's even though she has passed on Alice Bailey she's was Luciferian the United Nations have adopted this plan in Newsweek in March of 2016 special edition called Spiritual Living page after page of Alice Bailey's spirituality it's not going away to liberate the world from the restrictions in the Oaks of Christianity instead of opposing Christianity the old cult will blend mix and infiltrate and use what the churches the vehicles that these spirits are going to use in the end times our big mega churches to teach what new-age the new Christ all these different things they said don't get away with religion this just mix in with it so Alice Bailey she said whatever change you succeed in implementing get the church to endorse it get the church to officially surrender ground and we're seeing this happening now we're seeing some churches right in their statements of faith you can just see while this the watered-down mixture is here and just quickly whatever her plans she said when you change a nation don't bother with the old people they're too stuck on their old traditions they will not change but go for the children and that's what she did well these 10 points are everywhere this isn't just a small thing this is these are in the house of the Lord's House of Commons in the UK our governments Parliament's schools people are implementing these and the purpose is to change Christian tradition or to redeem the nations of Christian traditions get in other religions so first take God in prayer out of the education system change the curriculum reduce parental authority over the children teachers will be the agents of these new changes destroy the Christian family structure it's oppressive and the family is the core of the nation so they want to break the family saying that we don't want these Christian values being passed down so we're gonna divide the families promote sexual promiscuity free tell them sex is free is fun use advertising industry media TV magazines the film industry everything to promote sexual enjoyment as the highest pleasure in humanity so we see this is happening sex is free then make abortion legal and make it easy build clinics for abortion which how many clinics do we have now in America remember this was years ago that these plans were written but they're being implemented health clinics in school she said make divorces easy and legal free people from the concept of marriage for life wide this is Antichrist this is against what God has planned and ordained the family the marriage everything is opposite of what God wants that's why the Bible says that his kingdom isn't of this world we're passing through so when we get people saved what I want to get people into the Lord that's his kingdom the kingdom lives inside of us the Antichrist wants to build a kingdom here focus everything on the material everything on the kingdom now no we believe the kingdom is coming so there's we're gonna go into that a little bit more next week but make homosexuality an alternative lifestyle happened dBase art make it run mad have you ever looked around at the statues and the things on the curbs and all these weird animal figures there are all different colors and it said debase art you know make people look at stuff but let it be ugly that's happened use the media to promote and change people's mindset the greatest channel Ellis Bailey said that you need in other words to brainwash people is the media watch what you're watching on TV the next season of what's coming on everything is I mean you just think can it get worse oh yeah it's gonna get worse so you have to know they're they're changing people's mindsets by media by magazines Christian magazines are owned and controlled one time there'll be a good article the next six are just bad so it's like wow wake up and know that you know you're you're being brainwashed create an interfaith movement promote other face to be at par with Christianity break this thing about Christianity is being the only way to heaven this is what we're seeing right now the ecumenical movement is that break break the thing that Jesus is the only way Mormon is a way all these different ways and the thing is when we stand for truth we are that is the most loving you can be because they're gonna tell you you're a hater if you stand against this what's coming you're an enemy an enemy of the state is coming and it's the best thing you could ever do is give people truth that means you love them love people tell them the truth promote other face break this thing that Christian Christian is the only way to heaven that way Christianity will be pulled down and other face will be promoted all by design what are they so threatened about why so much work to get rid of Christianity think about it think about the truth that you have and that God's opened your eyes think about the preciousness of the truth that you have I mean that's just amazing to me the devil just can't stand it get them all into humanism we're seeing that now get governments to make all these laws and get the church to endorse these changes she said the church must change its doctrine and accommodate the people by accepting these things and put them into its structures and its systems we're seeing this happening now people are like what happened to my church things are happening change is happening well I guess we got to give up all the old traditions just to get the youth in know it's not helping the youth look at the fruit of the kids are trying to reach what are they they're more worldly now than they've ever been because you can't do it the world's way invite the world in and expect to see lives change so it's compromise and then I shared this last week and then we're gonna go into the stuff from for today but this was something that someone shared on Facebook the New Apostolic Reformation and the loosest trust remember Lucis trust is what Alice Bailey formed what's the difference between what she's saying and now the seven mountains dominionism the new New Apostolic Reformation used to be called ladder rain charismatic renewal Joel's army all these different names but it's the same doctrine that's being implemented and now I'm seeing merges different streams coming together but it's all ecumenical it's all trying to get the church as one and it's all what preparing for the Antichrist system so you have to know we are in the midst of a heavy heavy transition and everything's becoming new the new shift the new change and I want to share something at the end of something I just got yesterday so what she says I'm just going to go through this the seven mountains seven sectors in society that mold the way we think the economy the family the education spirituality media government the arts and entertainment we have to have Christians go into all of these well really in the in the Bible we're supposed to go into all the world but they're trying to build something in the world so that Jesus can come back for it we don't he doesn't need our help do you know that we do nothing but make trouble whenever we try to do it on our own so like little kids I do it myself mom new apostolic reformation remember the founders of these and I shared with them last week and I found some more stuff the founders of a lot of these organizations are into a lot of stuff they've been scandals I won't even go into all the scandals the last one I told you about was one of the founders was reprimanded not taken out of ministry just relocated isn't that's wonderful because he was having women come in to get a word from the Lord and he said to have a pure word you have to be naked who would fall for this you know who falls for it silly women women the Bible warns us of silly women you don't get a lot of men that fall for this stuff but the seven mountains mandate is taught organized and pushed by the New Apostolic Reformation or it's called the NIR teaches that Jesus will only return when the church takes over all the spheres of worldly influence and of course it's for his glory and prepared to hand the king them over to the king the problem is it's the wrong king they're building an antichrist system on the earth a church movement with the same type of agenda and purpose as that of the United Nations a push towards an order of unity and peace in a new age of spiritual enlightenment seven mountains the Bible speaks of something sitting on seven mountains the spirit of the Antichrist is obviously working in accordant with apostate churches to help enact this order of the ages through all means of its deceptive disposal many churches have warned about dominionism and latter rain movements that were causing many to stray from sound biblical doctrine that caused them to run after seducing spirits and doctrines of demons but you don't hear much warning anymore as it appears at churches who used to warn about these movements are now joining them Satan offered all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus why would the church feel mandated to take that which Jesus rejected I'm gonna stop there so we have to know that this is definitely in our midst it's mainstream it's not just a little bit here or there but the Bible says you we are like sheep we're in the midst and Paul warned for three years night and day he was warning them he says when I leave ravenous wolves are gonna come in they're gonna come in and they're gonna what they're gonna try to pervert the gospel this is not new this has happened from the very beginning in the Garden of Eden Satan wants to have a kingdom he wants to have a kingdom to overthrow God's kingdom but he loses but we know that we're not of this world were passing through right and so we have to know of what's going on what where is this that your famous preacher what's who's he following what teacher is he following I've had to put a lot of people on the shelf I was just like so I'm studying I'm going deep into where did this start how did it originate where did this doctrine come from where did this new revelation come from so let me give you some dangers of the New Apostolic Reformation Dominion theology whatever you want to call it through their Apostles and their prophets the church will be led into greater truth now what they're saying is that the Bible was built on the apostles and the prophets right but to close the church age God needs more apostles and prophets so what are they going to do they're going to give you future revelations that this old Bibles not going to give you and I thought this was kind of way off and as I studied it oh no they have strong teachings about you our God bringing heaven to this earth about following after angels worshipping angels which is called Gnosticism which is not new but we have fallen for that we have fallen for all this guys talking to Jesus this guy had a visitation this guy went to heaven that young people are eating this stuff up because they haven't been warned that there are false teachers among us we need to be like Paul that wept night and day warning people every pastor and leader needs to warn his congregations of wolves because you might not be a wolf but if they're outside they're listening to a bolts because they're here so they're saying that the true gospel of the kingdom hasn't been preached yet think of how deceptive that is so they're going to bring new Bibles which they already are I already know a couple names of them they're bringing their new Bibles to bring their new revelations and any time something is a cult it's a Bible added to or the Bible taken away from they have to add to it so what this whole doctrine is is adding to the words of Jesus dominionism teaches their teaching is the belief that God gave Adam and Eve legal authority over the whole earth so they they take the scripture in Genesis 1:26 and 1:28 that God said let's make man in our image according to our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea the birds of the air the cattle over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps in the earth what's he talking about here he's not taking taking Dominion that God had to have a body to come in because God just is so powerless he needs you in this earth think about this he had to use a snake and he had to use this God can use whatever he wants to he is the creator so he's just telling us to be stewards over the animal kingdom every creeping thing over the you don't see fish come out and control you and try to catch you you have been given authority over the fish he set boundaries and he sets limits this teaching takes it too far it adds to the whole authority thing so it takes a word and you're a good Stuart your managers if you make someone Stuart you still own it but they're watching it for you they're managing it for you God still owns this world but he's letting man manage it it's he's the steward of it we most all of us have been taught the whole Dominion thing that you have control you have so much power no matter what you say is going to come to pass because you're a creator just like God you are not a creator and you know not like God we have power in our own words you can but you can't create you you haven't been given the power if you could create a command a pulpit to appear now in Jesus name why didn't it work because it's a scam boy you're stepping on some toes you better believe some toes need to be stepped on because we've been scammed stewart's we're to manage or look after another's property we're administrator we're like a foreman we are here and when there's going to be a time where God's gonna make us accountable for what we did hear the words we did say how we treated people did we obey Him you know did we do his will or our will because this this doctrine has mixed in that everything we can just command God around like he's some kind of a stupid idiot Lord I command you to do this Lord I command you to do that and can you imagine him sitting up there going really you have very little control do you know that you can't say when you're oh I can say when I'm gonna die I can see I'm not never gonna be sick again oh really if you've lived long enough you know that that is Error and that is fall and you know some of these just can control the weather don't get me going and they're doing a bad job okay so when I was called the ladder rain the manifested sons of God and I would hear some of the people that I sat under talk about super men just once but I have that prophecy I'm like that's weird that's just sounds so weird it's stuck with me because I thought that's a red flag and it was from someone that I followed and listened to all the time now I understand what that means the manifested sons of God they believe we have dominion over everything the last thing is death that we we even have dominion over death and we are we are changed and in our in the way that we were brought in our movements wasn't the way that it's coming now in this generation but it was the roots this tree is growing do you know I'm saying this doctrine couldn't come out the way that it wanted we'd all say it's false but it comes little little by little deceptions called seduction it's called doctrines of demons and as I study it now and I'm looking that person did say that but I didn't I didn't catch it then so I'll get into some of that does this make sense in other words this affects all of us this affects our life this affects why a lot of people back slid a lot of your kids backs let's say this didn't work for you you don't work the word like it's some kind of a thing we obey the Lord we submit to him we surrender to him we have a relationship with him the whole thing has been so twisted and it's happened over so many years that nobody even knows that it's happened but they believe the Saints will be glorified and ranked as gods in the earth they will be glorified heaven comes to earth they become glorified the manifested sons of God so they do exactly what Jesus did guess what there was one Jesus and it's not me I know it's not you talk about elevating man yes arrogance and pride and some of these preachers I'll turn on teeth I can't even stand it anymore they're so arrogant I was just like you're gonna have to stand before God for what you're preaching you better be humble yourself acting all arrogant how many planes you got how many how and if they just gave money to you that then they'd be as popular and they'd have what you have don't even get me going okay gotta stay focused I don't like people being taken advantage of I don't like people people taking advantage of people that are sincere and hungry and want God so the NIR there they believe the purpose of the church is to take back dominion of the earth from Satan and build and establish a physical Kingdom of God on earth Kingdom now I remember one of these guys came to my old church and he was preaching on this but I didn't get it I'm like and one of my best friend's husband had just died and he's sitting there talking about how there is no heaven they don't believe in heaven and hell they believe that this world is going to be glorified but they don't come out with all of it and she goes word of my husband go there then and I just looked at it and I just thought this is a weirdest teaching I've ever heard very popular preacher bringing all movements and churches together what is this ecumenical ISM and they believe that all these movements and now you guys it's movements now we're seeing streams come together and this announcement I want to give at the very end it's it's going to be in stadiums like we've never seen before this is something very very new that's not hit the earth before but all of these people are coming together and building all movements and churches together and they believe this has to happen before Christ can return it's the end time move of the Spirit they call it revival and they call it the third wave red flags you just have to educate yourself again Matthew 18 36 jesus said My Kingdom is what my kingdom is not of this world My Kingdom is not from God builds his kingdom by people getting saved and the gospel being preached false church in revelation 17 the woman that rides the Beast will work with the globalists their common goal is big build a kingdom on earth and they're going to use religion you have to know that the religious part of that stool the three pointed stool the religion is a key pin religion is not we thought always we're going to be persecuted and we're going to have churches no it's going to be huge in fact in revelation 17 the false church is going to be rich rich and very big it's so big it's called a beast any Christian that speaks against social justice social gospel Dominion theology the new world order global governance will be declared an enemy first they're gonna say you have no love then they're gonna call you dividers but eventually if you keep preaching you'll be jailed and imprisoned do you guys see this is coming formerly called the latter rain movement they teach the church is built upon the foundation of present day apostles and prophets twisting and taking out a context scripture to build their self-serving humanistic gospel that will shift and change Christianity globally watch out when you see the word shift a new change something new this is all part of it it's got to emerge it's got to be emergent progressive all those words it's got to morph you know it's got to keep changing let me give you some facts about the NIR it's consistent with a new age basically you're little gods the claim to perfection through progressive revelations beyond scriptures so what do they do and I was caught up in this for a while myself they they have talks with angels angels come into their room and angels give them directions angels tell them all that they're always having conversations and visions of Jesus and angels and of course if if you want to change something you know you have to just say well it's not you're not going to find this in the Bible so now what they're doing is having you surround yourself with the spiritual fathers not doctrine that's why you'll see all these preachers going to the certain churches they're going to be refreshed revived by their spiritual fathers but it's not there it's not a good movement this is bad it's happening everywhere but they're going to get revelations beyond scriptures how are they going to get it through these prophets and remember in the Old Testament same things happening in the new God says I didn't send him and I didn't give him these words they say the written word of God is held in low esteem it's all about experiments now because I mean experiential knowledge if I have an experience with I was somebody sent me something on YouTube and they thought it was good and I was listening to it and it was all about how God said and how the Lord and how the voice and how nothing about the Bible but they'll throw a few scriptures in there of course but what do you do you look to this person you think they're so spiritual so this is a seduction you get your eyes off of Jesus onto something else you get it on to what an angel like I'm gonna share maybe next week about William Branham how a lot of this started he couldn't do anything until his angel came and that angel came and whenever that angel would come things would happen he they said he was quite boring until this angel came now we need to question spiritual supernatural experiences do you believe in him yeah I've had a few myself but they have to be tested because Devils also speak and they want to manifest in these end times with what lying signs and wonders so you don't follow signs signs should follow us but these sons will be equal to Jesus Christ this is the deception they have every right to be called gods and will be called gods now this all hasn't come out yet but if you listen to some of these preachers these na are preachers you'll hear it right in there we are gods we are God's little G you are not a god if someone tells you you are a God there that's a false doctor and that's a lying spirit that's a seduction doctrine of demons and they're everywhere I mean I can't even begin to name the names of people that are preaching you are gods the NA are calls for the unity of the faith calls down all walls of division with all religions to build the kingdom of God on earth men will now gather around father's instead of doctrine they will gather around their apostle instead of doctrine doctrine again is the teaching of Jesus and they'll say the teaching of Jesus doesn't matter after all we had those apostles to start with but now the church age needs something more so now we have these other apostles and prophets and they're going to give you their new revelations but if you stay biblically minded and make the Word of God your standard you will be accused of being judgmental for hindering unity and for being harsh and unloving but remember the most loving thing we can do is point out unbiblical doctrine which leads to an eternity of God's judgment that is love mainstream evangelical wolves are needed to give approval for the persecution of the true Saints lift up the false what's the false gonna do persecute the real how much time do I have mark am i okay still let me just give you this about to church how will I know the to the true church preaches the doctrines of Jesus the Bible false church it's going to be a social gospel the true church individual salvation the false church everything's in mass everything is collective salvation the kingdom will be ushered in cultural transformation this is the thing it's got to change it's gotta shift the cultures have to shift because it's cultural transformation dominionism the true church believes God Kingdom is not of this world the false church believes they have to build the kingdom beware when people even I saw somebody that I know it will dim the kingdom we're not building the kingdom the king that his kingdom is not of this world we preached the word we give God all the glory God doesn't want men to have his kingdom on the earth does that make sense the to church we go into the world to preach the gospel the false church you bring the world into the church so now you can't tell the difference between a church well we don't want to offend anyone they've offended God and he's gone he he doesn't cooperate when there's defilement when altars have been stench all these different things when he's not getting praise the Holy Spirit just withdraws and we're left with a bunch of folk smoke and fog and hysteria and nothing's happening people aren't really getting changed people aren't getting the truth the true church believes truth and error don't mix the false Church believes that mixture brings revival think of that point alone that the mixture will bring revival now I'm closing I just put a few things that I wrote down beware of any man who claims to be wiser than the Apostles in the Bible beware if somebody tells you they're a new prophet all just didn't quite get it right he didn't have the revelation that I have that should be a red flag right there right away just say flake or their holier than the mark martyrs of the early church some of these martyrs they have this religious spirit it's a religious spirit that just drives them and it's not peaceable it's not loving it's just driven some people are just driven the best way to deal with these kind of people is to rise and leave their presence or their church you can't help him and he surely can't help you you're not going to change these people some of them have been filled they're infiltrated some are just deceived but you know you got to wake up yourself first and some of them people I'm gonna wait and change this church and you're not going to change them you're lucky if you can change yourself and this hour this is so massive deception our greatest honor in this hour is to be accepted by those who accept him and rejected by those who reject him loved by those who loved him and hated by those who hate him that's the true unity is we have to preach the doctrines in the Bible stand with the word and the Bible says if you stand in this hour for this stuff you will be persecuted like he was persecuted that means they're they're gonna think you're a little weird you're a little off but you can just say you haven't done your research false teaching either seeks to subtract from the Bible or add to it every cult is either the might the Bible - or the Bible + so now what's happening with this new Dominion is it's not new but it's coming under different names it's going to be the Bible plus what this angel said the Bible Plus this angel walked into my room and told me stuff you don't think this is happening it's happening everywhere so every cult is either Bible plus of the Bible - or it may turn our attention to what angels we're not to worship angels there's whole thing's now on angels and angelic and what does it do it gets you off on a weird religious spirit the devotion from our Lord to something else signs and wonders this movement comes with signs and wonders pushing signs and wonders unity and peace a spiritual wolf substitutes the cross for cash their focus is totally on self on material things on the good life not the holy life a true minister leads you to Jesus false ministers always get you to think about how you can improve yourself self esteem it's it's all about you know you in your dream what about God's dream the wolves build their fortune on the backs of the poor and needy one prominent wolf says I'll pray for you prayer come in this line and it's $500 but if you have cancer it's gonna cost you a thousand dollars and I'll pray for you you don't think this is happening to shepherds won't allow the blood of God's Son to be turned into a credit card to satisfy carnal lusts and will not preach a materialistic Christ's revelation says in one day Babylon is gonna fall you might think I'm so discouraged all this stuff looks like it's prosper and God says when his time remember he is in charge we are not he's going to destroy it the whole wolf ministry is going to be gone in an hour and a day God will bankrupt every wolf ministry I want to be on the Lord's side how about you Babylon falls in one day think about huh thank you for thank you for enlightening us Lord we just thank you Lord you said we're like sheep in the midst of wolves but we were wise a serpent we're just so thankful Lord that you're opening our eyes that we're watching that we're digging we're researching we want to know you we want to make sure that we're following the right path you said narrow is the path that leads to you and wide is the road to destruction and we're gonna see more and more people on this wide path and father I pray for everyone not to have a darkened hard sad heart but Lord they would know the truth set you free you don't have to be under the bondage of false doctrines and false teachings you don't have to try to better yourself you've already the Bible says it is finished you have finished the work we don't need new revelations we don't need new Bibles that add on and take away we just are so thankful Lord that you are more than enough you're our life you're our bread your heart strong Hightower you're our Shepherd we shall not want we shall not lack any good thing we're so thankful to be a part of the body of Christ in Jesus name amen [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 1,938
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: zbflqT02hUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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