Spongebob's Trippiest Episode

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these are five of SpongeBob's trippiest episodes of all time the fifth trippiest is Franken Doodle for one the episode starts off on the surface which is already pretty weird we see some guy in a boat doing art but then he drops his pencil we see SpongeBob and Patrick who are playing rock paper scissors with bubbles and then bam a giant pencil falls into the ground and freaks them out they carefully approach the pencil and decide that it's not dangerous SpongeBob picks up the pencil and begins drawing a jellyfish this is when something crazy happens the jellyfish SpongeBob Drew came to life and just floated away as if was just any old jellyfish this pencil can create life SpongeBob then tries to fulfill Patrick's lifelong dream of having a magic mustache but even that becomes alive and just flies away then we see that the mustache goes to become Squidward's hair now it's Patrick's turn to draw a something with the pencil and he draws Squidward and this thing looks very angry so they decide they should just erase it so they do this is where SpongeBob decides to mess with Squidward and draws a dollar on a string in front of his door he also made s's beautiful hair fly away but this is when he gets a really really bad idea he draws a version of himself to prank Squidward the doodle bob so the drawing goes up and knocks on Squidward's door but instead of just pranking him he starts beating him senseless this is when doodle bob tackles SW and Patrick and steals the Magic Pencil this can't be good they search the town for doodle bob and they find a suspiciously drawn pineapple so they check it out but it turned out to be a trap this is honestly scary even though DoodleBob can't talk he's still smart enough to trap smob and Patrick they try to leave the hole but dudo keeps hurting them with a random drawn weapons like a wrench and a bowling ball they chase doob out to a field and try to surprise him but he bursts through a wall and throws SpongeBob SpongeBob was able to get the pencil back though and he finally erases DoodleBob or does he SpongeBob even gets cocky I am Spongebob destroyer of evil but then we see that SpongeBob left his arm and it crawls away and then of course in the middle of the night doodle bob sneaks into SpongeBob's house and re draws himself doodle bob is back and he's mad this is when doodle bob speaks English for the first time you doodle me SpongeBob DoodleBob is now trying to erase SpongeBob and even erases some of his face and but SpongeBob and DoodleBob fight over the pencil and it snaps in half SpongeBob redraws himself but his clumsy self somehow manages to throw the pencil out the window this is when we find out doodle Bob's weakness he gets stuck to paper so SpongeBob shuts him into a book and now he's trapped forever and he's even smiling now you see doodle bob was unhappy because he was a two-dimensional character struggling to find his place in the 3D World so now that he's back on a two-dimensional plane he's on happiness to end the episode we see some and Patrick launch the pencil and somehow they launch it right back to the artist so it's a pretty happy ending until he breaks it this episode is pretty wild the fact that this random pencil a guy was using ended up being able to create and destroy a whole life form is insane also the fact this pencil could have been used to erase actual people since SpongeBob was erased is terrifying imagine Plankton got this but this entire episode is just so unusual I would have never expected what happen this episode to actually happen a literal allout War war between SpongeBob and a paper Spongebob like what anyways though this episode is just a classic dudle Bob became such an iconic character in genuinely left to impact on my life I have talked about doodle Bop so many times in real life for some reason the fourth trippiest episode is I was a teenage Gary the episode starts off with Gary getting his daily exercise then SpongeBob plays Fetch with Gary and he moves so slow that SpongeBob literally takes a whole nap by the time Gary brings the ball back Patrick burst through the door asking if he's ready for the annual jellyfish convention and ukulele botom the problem is SpongeBob can't go because he doesn't have anyone to watch over Gary this is when Squidward luckily knocks on the door asking if SpongBob can stop leaving his underwear in his yard but he just ignores him and ask Squidward if he can watch Gary for the weekend Squidward rejects the offer at first but once he hears that if he does this they'll be leaving for the weekend he has a complete turnaround this is where SP tries to teach Squidward how to care for snails but he's completely focused on relaxing so he completely blocks out everything which can't be good the Bus shows up and the two friends leave for the trip and Squidward literally spends the entire next 3 days sitting in his chair tanning and doesn't care for Gary at all which is honestly pretty messed up of him he doesn't even get up until the bus gets back this is where he finally remembers about Gary and he runs inside to try to take care of him but he looks pretty bad spob sees a floppy sad looking Gary and screams in Terror so spob calls over a vet but he doesn't really help at all he says a shot of snail plasma must be administrated and the reason why is insane but we aren't there yet so the vet doesn't even give Gary the shot and leaves immediately weird Squidward tries to give the shot to Gary but SpongeBob keeps squirming around and Squidward you've injected me with snail plasma he says he feels kind of funny but scriber tells him it's just a little snail plasma and it's all in his head oh also turns out Gary didn't even need the plasma and he was just dehydrated wow after scriber leaves SpongeBob goes to feed Gary but he can't help himself and keeps eating the snail food he even starts to meow he also starts moving really slow then something crazy happens SpongeBob's body literally turns into a snail what we go back to sco's house and he's about to go to bed until he hears something ring the doorbell he opens the door and finds Snail Bob and the next 2 minutes are literally just SpongeBob terrorizing Squidward and it's pretty funny and honestly he deserves it for not feeding Gary anyways after a crazy night of running from Snail Bob Squidward ends up getting hit with the snail plasma and the episode ends with Gary SpongeBob and Squidward singing a beautiful song which is such a creepy trippy weird scene anyways the whole atmosphere of this episode was really unsettling and the fact that SpongeBob literally went through a whole snail transformation was really disturbing this is something you'd only see in a bad nightmare or the worst trip of your life I'd rather see a demon than a snail Bob and Squid Bob but this episode is so iconic I really enjoyed it and loved how weird it was it just brings me back to how odd smob used to be it's just crazy how the writer's brains can come up with the weirdest things and we aren't even on the trippiest one yet the third trippiest episode is Rock Bottom the episode starts off nice with SM and Patrick heading home after a fun day at their favorite theme park glove world they get on the bus but soon they notice something is wrong when they go past a sign that says leaving Bikini Bottom soon they get to some place called Rock Bottom what's crazy too is how the bus driver did this on purpose because sop hit him like a million times with his balloon but even then this is pretty messed up Patrick Sops are freaking out because Rock Bottom is really weird and scary even the fish look terrifying soob tells Patrick to wait for a bus so we can go get a bus schedule but right after SpongeBob leaves the bus comes and Patrick gets on it SpongeBob tries his best to chase after the bus but he has no luck catching up this episode just got a whole lot creepier since swob is now alone in this weird town he heads back to the bus stop but no matter what he can never catch a bus dude can't even tie his shoe without a bus coming and leaving in the same second after he misses another bus he tries asking some weird red fish for help but he just spits at him and takes his balloon s ends up going into the bus station and waiting in a really long line with probably some of the weirdest creatures I've ever seen but obviously not as weird as Snail Bob but anyways when he gets to the front the guy can't understand him because he only speaks and fart so SW learns the secrets of the fart language and he ask him when the last bus will come but of course the last bus of the Night Comes right at that second and he misses it it honestly feels like the bus is torturing him on purpose like he had to see spob standing there for hours honestly the bus driver from earlier probably told every other bus driver not to pick up a sponge kid because he will beat you with a glove anyways SP says he going to stay there until he gets a bus ticket but the Ticket Master shuts off the lights and the place closes loses and now everything is dark even SpongeBob's glove light went out and now he's in advanced darkness and if it couldn't get any creepier SpongeBob hears distant farting smob starts freaking out and running but the farting draws closer smob runs right into the road and he finds out it's just the guy who took his balloon earlier smob starts grilling this guy while he ties the balloon around sm's hand and blows it up allowing smob to float back up to Bikini Bottom he says sorry for judging the fish and thanks him for the help and then of course when spog comes back to the surface we see that Patrick is heading on bus back to Rock Bottom to get SpongeBob at least he's a good friend for trying to go back and get him though this episode is a classic and was really trippy the entire episode just felt like a really really bad trip from the weird talking to the weird terrifying creatures and the unusually loud sounds even the bus scene just felt so unreal it feel like SpongeBob was literally in a whole other dimension if I ever have a bad trip somehow I would hate to end up in the Rock Bottom I would start freaking out honestly SpongeBob while still being a wuss at some parts did a pretty good job at handling the situation but I just love this episode it's simply just such a beautiful episode there's no doubting it this is just Peak SpongeBob the second trib episode is SB 129 this episode starts off with scuber getting ready for his usual clarinet practice he goes to his window ready to play but SpongeBob's alarm goes off at the exact same second and knocks his clarinet into his throat SpongeBob then to annoy him even more goes to his window and asks Squidward if he wants to go jellyfishing with Patrick he probably tried to say no but instead he makes some funny clarinet noises and Bob takes it as a yes so he says he'll be over in five squibber says he's not ready to go and slams the door in SpongeBob's face Patrick thinks Squidward doesn't want to really play with them but he's just getting ready according to SpongeBob after this SpongeBob knocks on his door like 1,000 times and keeps on asking Squidward if he's ready yet are you ready now how about now how about now Squidward asks why spob isn't at work but it's Sunday so sadly the Crusty Crab is actually closed so scer gets a crazy smart idea to get rid of SpongeBob he says I'll be right back and he Sprints to the Crusty Crab you see he wants somewhere quiet where he can practice his clarinet so the Clos crusty crab is perfect but right when he thinks that he's alone he hears SM and Patrick looking for him so he runs to the back to hide his only choice is to hide in the fridge and he finally got rid of SM and Patrick but something terrible happens squibber gets locked in the freezer he thinks someone will let him out but instead literally over 2,000 years go by and nobody ever opened the freezer once eventually the hinges on the door become so rotten they break and he finally opens the freezer then a flying SpongeBob notices and thaws out Squidward with a laser Hammer Squidward thinks it's SpongeBob but it's actually some robot named spongetron spongetron welcomes sber to the Future where everything is Chrome everything then spongetron shows sber his clones X Y and Z apparently spongetron has 486 clones for every letter of the future alphabet insane squer starts flipping out pleading that he doesn't belong there and he begs for them to do something about it but all the sponge clones say is jellyfishing then a two-headed Patron literally just poofs into existence did someone say jellyfishing Squidward explains that he has to go back home to his own time why didn't you just ask the time machine is down the hall to the left squer enters the weird looking time machine and sets the switch to the past but he ends up way back in the past like prehistoric days bikini bomb doesn't even exist and it's just the Wilderness at first scubber is happy because now he can finally get in some clarinet practice this whole episode is insane because literally all squ wanted was some peace and quiet and now all this is happening but anyways he soon realizes that he's being watched by something he looks into a bush and now we know that there is is a caveman SpongeBob and Patrick named spongegar and patar kind of interesting how there's a SpongeBob and Patrick for every timeline a little jellyfish pops up and spongegar freaks out running around like a lunatic squ kind of just sneaks away from them to go practice his clarinet but he can't because they are so loud so he goes back to see what's happening and spongegar and patar are literally playing hot potato with a jellyfish this is when squibber does something crazy he makes them both a net and teaches them about jellyfishing wait did scuber invent jelly fishing maybe that's a reach but scubber goes to find finally practices clarinet but the noise makes SM and Patrick freak out and they chase scoer back to the time machine and he gets so desperate to leave he breaks a Time Machine by pulling a lever too hard The Time Machine even call sber to Loser a bunch of crazy colorful visuals happen but now sber is in nothing sber got sent to a whole timeline where he's all alone at first he's happy that he's all alone but soon it starts to drive him crazy alone alone he sweats and runs around like a maniac but he can't find the time machine until he somehow breaks the floor and just falls into it he cries that he misses bikini bottom and even SpongeBob and I think the time machine actually hears him because it sends him right back to his timeline squer is finally back home and extremely relieved but this is where we find out something crazy squer actually did invent jellyfishing by showing it to sponge G and patar so that time machine was actually real this episode was insanely trippy and really enjoyable to watch the fact that SW and Patrick existed no matter what left me with a lot of questions do SW and Patrick have the power to transcend timelines the nowhere to mention was actually terrifying too squid was only there for a few minutes and started to lose his mind imagine if he was stuck there forever anyways though I genuinely love this episode and it is a very beloved Episode by fans I always see somebody talking about this episode all the time if I was to show a new person episode of SpongeBob I would definitely show him this episode it has every good element of a SP episode but also showing how talented and creative these writers can get I have a hard time believing a sober mind came up with this episode now finally the trippiest episode is squ and clarinetland the episode starts off with s having a horrible day as usual but something is different he's in a great mood which honestly is kind of explained by hinting that SC is actually using drugs when Mr Crab says scubber is in a great mood and ask if he's received any decorative soaps in the mail recently apparently though he has a recital right after work which is why he's so happy but when he pulls out his clarinet a baby drools on it and that was enough to send him right over the edge scer comes to Mr Krabs demanding a place to put his stuff scubber Bargains with Mr Krabs and they come to an agreement Mr Krabs pulls out his Navy Locker which is as good as new and a literal dead Navy Soldier even falls out of the locker like what Mr Krabs tells Squidward that he's going have to share his locker with SpongeBob so they both have a place to put their stuff and SC doesn't really mind but the thing is filthy smob uses his sponge powers to clean the safe and makes it look pretty good honestly then they both go back to work but in between smom does some crazy Renovations on the safe and when SC goes back to the safe he notices that he can walk inside of it now smom says he just expanded a little bit but how did this dude expand the inside of a safe squid just wants to know where his clarinet is but SP so at safe in one of the drawers squitter then tries to go back to work but it's really distracting him hearing sov go crazy on the safe squitter starts getting really worried about his clarinet and goes into the safe again to check on it but according to a note s left it got moved during Reconstruction so he goes to where the note tells him to go but all he finds is another note with the random number on it he tries to find SpongeBob but this place is like a whole entire maze inside of this tiny little safe tell me that isn't trippy squer walks around for a bit until he finds a little space he can crawl through which leads to a stage he then ends up in a giant field full of Nets and even one that's able to move around on its own squid then sees SpongeBob in the distance and chases him and by the way SpongeBob is actually pretty scary in this episode which is crazy that this geeking little sponge is scary but anyways he runs into this creepy eaglehead who is The Keeper of the Hornet Forest he tells the keeper that he's trying to find his clarinet but the being just laughs in his face and tells him that no clarinet is owned squitter makes a big mistake because he ends up making the giant Engle head mad and he grabs him with his tongue I don't appreciate your tone apparently this is a sacred place where clarets are truly free so Squidward needs to learn some respect the Giant Eagle then literally eats Squidward but somehow SpongeBob is also in there too and this is where things get even more trippy squer tackles SpongeBob but somehow he's no longer in the eagle and he in some yellow room squer sees his own reflection come to life and oh my gosh they're honestly terrifying squibber then keeps chasing SpongeBob and ends up falling into a pinball machine as Patrick's prize this is very unsettling after this a vacuum explodes and literally send SpongeBob and squibber into space this episode just keeps getting even more trippier it's hard to even explain it squibber finally catches SpongeBob and the safe opens up Squidward even looks like he just tripped so hard it's honestly hard to tell if his place was even real or if Squidward was on some psychedelics or something spob was never in the safe squibber is really mad though because this whole time SM had his clarinet so he shoves him into the safe ties it up and throws it onto the bus it's finally time for the recital but when Squidward opens up with carinet case it's SpongeBob honestly SPO has to be able to teleport or something cuz there is literally no way he does some of this stuff this episode is easily the trippiest SP episode and the ending has you questioning the entire thing Claret land was extremely weird and don't get me started on that eagle head that thing was terrifying did SpongeBob ever even renovate the safe but I honestly could never explain this episode to anyone I've never done psychedelics but this episode made me feel like I have I genuinely really enjoy this episode though it's easily one of my favorites because of how insane it is it was extremely memorable but I don't know man I'm just a guy watching TV and sharing my opinion and stuff or maybe you're just hallucinating wake up wake up wake up
Channel: Maximo Esco
Views: 194,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nAOjXuQdU7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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