The Despicable Me Age Theory

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the kids in Despicable Me have not aged at all let's first look at the kids inable me 1 in this movie Margot is 12 Edith is 9 and Agnes is 6 years old now let's look at the most recent movie Despicable Me 4 the kids look the exact same age how how can this be well let's look at the Timeline despicable Mi 1 takes place in 2009 despicable MI 2 takes place in 2010 despicable Mi 3 takes place in 2011 and as of now we don't know the exact yearsi 4 takes place in we can do some investigating we know that there is a baby in the new trailer that is 6 months old and Accord according to google Lucy was supposedly pregnant in the sigi 3 but she definitely wasn't showing this meaning she probably went through like 6 to 7 months of pregnancy I'm pretty sure I'm not a pregnancy expert and since we know that the baby is 6 months old we can infer it's probably been a year meaning this movie takes place in 2012 so now that we know all of that this means from the first movie to the fourth movie it has been three entire years this meaning Margot should technically be 15 Edith should be 12 and Agnes should be nine but this is not the case whatsoever they look exactly the same they haven't aged a day an hour a minute let's get some real life examples of these age progressions to compare so this is a real person aging from 12 to 15 then 9 to 12 and finally 6 to 9 pretty big differences now let's look back at the progression of these kids it looks nothing like this video at all obviously now some people simply explain this by saying in this universe there is no defined sense of continuity and it just simply doesn't matter that's it finish the video I'm joking this obviously makes no no sense because there's literally a baby that's 6 months old meaning time has definitely passed also I'd be a bad overthinker if I just stopped here and took the feat so I narrowed it down to two possible suspects that could be the cause of this aging problem the first subject is Gru let's analyze Gru before we had these girls guu was a super evil villain who literally stole the moon the literal Moon he seemed depressed and miserable and we barely even see this man smile not to mention it seems his villainous acts only provide him with temporary happiness I say this because of the fact he was to stealing the moon the ultimate villainous act going for a big job like that means the little things were not bringing him the same satisfacation they once were and he had to just go really big not to mention he was extremely lonely and I know he had his minions but at first he was very cold-hearted and didn't care love them as much and simply just use them as minions and yeah he has a dog but this dog was not lovable at all at first it was a loner and just a scary little thing then he also had Dr nefario but they weren't very close or best friends at least from my knowledge this guy was just practically his worker he sat in the dungeon just created weapons and tools I mean that's practically it not times we get literal proof when we see how he treats Dr nefario when Dr nefario created the fart gun guu treated him like a complete idiot it wasn't consider it whatsoever you can't blame gu though because he had no real support system or real genuine love he had no idea how to be a good person now the minions were kind of a good support system but like I said because of his cold heart never recognized it or even gave time to explore that and let's not forget his mother oh oh boy this woman did not love him one bit she completely ignored him look Mom I made a rocket look mom she made him feel extremely unimportant and unseen so now let's fast forward to when grew adopts the kids of course at first he only adopted them to steal Victor shrink ray for his moon mission so at first there was no love whatsoever they were simply just pawns to him but through this journey he started to warm up to them and they brought out a side of him that he never even knew he had crew going to Funland with the girls changed everything he started off absolutely hating it but at the end he genuinely enjoyed it and had an amazing time we see this when he gets back and we see a huge genuine smile on his face which we have never seen in this film so far we also get more proof here that Dr nefaria was not such a great support system which isn't completely his fault to be honest they were simply just villain Partners but upon seeing Gru genuinely happy he shuts it down real quick and tells him they can't afford to have any more distractions practically saying he needs to stop hanging out with the kids or pretty much implying he has to get rid of them nefario is a villain though obviously and of course cares more about their villain plans and gr's happiness which makes sense the next part that changes Gru is when we see that he has no money and can afford to pay for the rocket to get to the moon to which the kids come and give him all their money this also motivates the minion to start funding in and giving him money too this is where we see a little Sparkle in Gru's eyes and he starts to feel genuine love which is something he has never once experienced then during the Montage of Gru building the rocket we see him slowly start falling more in love with these kids we finally see Gru's cold heart fade away as he reads the girls a bedtime story after reading the end of the book which reads your mommy loves you with all her heart and he looks like he's about to cry not only did this part make him feel like a bad dad it also made him remember his trauma his mom treated him so bad and he realized in this moment that he wanted to do better and he wasn't but as he gets closer to crying it scares him and he slams the book shut and starts to rush out of the room Agnes asked him if he's going to give them some good night kisses and while he does say no he genuinely looks sad about this and feels guilty these girls are really starting to change this man to the point he literally starts doubting his plans and tries to reschedule it to go to his daughter's dance recital you have to realize in the beginning of this movie this was the most important thing to him ever and he was so excited and now he wants to push back stealing the moon for these girls of course Dr nefario once again convinces him of what is more important stealing the moon this part also kind of seems like he is falling out of love with being a villain and falling in love with being a dad instead Dr nefario by the way being the worst suppor system ever calls up the adoption lady and told her grew wanted to get rid of the girls so he anwers the door and he's completely shocked by this and she tells him that she's taking the girls and we can see how upset this makes him and it's honestly pretty sad Dr nefario would do this but it's hard to blame him you know that he's a villain you know then we get a montage of Gro being depressed and this is just more proof of how lonely he was before the girls but anyways he continues with his plan to seal the moon and we get more proof of what I said earlier about temporary Pleasures as he finally gets the moon in his hands and realiz izes instantly of how unimportant it is keep in mind this should have been the most important moment of his life and then in 5 seconds his mind wanders straight to I can make it to the recital and he does finally make it but they're not there he was late and he finds out Vector captured his kids and set up a trade the kids for the moon and we watch as this once heartless creature gives up the moon in seconds which is insane his life's work the heist that would make him a top villain just traded away for these girls of course Vector being Vector pulled the fast one on him and tried stealing both the girls and the moon then we watch as he risks his life and stops at nothing to save them and we even see Dr nefario coming to save him and help save the girls this part is crazy because it really shows the impact these girls had they changed two coldblooded villains into caring people in a little off topic but earlier the girls literally brought out a side of the mom we have never seen before she looks caring and present it's just in insane anyways in the end Gro does end up saving the girls then he takes them home and reads them a bedtime story he made and in the end he says something very important and now he knows he can never part from those three little kittens who changed his heart now you're probably wondering why I just recapped the entire movie practically and the reason is to really Express how much of an impact these girls really had on Gru and it's simply the best defense to explain why guu would Dage these girls grew in this movie is 50 years old and after 50 years of a miserable unhappy life with an empty voice void never filled it finally got filled and he felt happy for once this has to scare grw pretty bad that book story is really important because he admits that he could never part from them because he is aware they changed his heart at this age these kids adore Gru and love him with all their heart and risking losing that could change everything for Gru even more proof is in the second movie where Margo starts to explore dating and this drives grew crazy at first it seems like a simple dad thing trying to protect his daughter but I think it's deeper than that he is scared that if Margot dates she will spend more time with the boy and forget about him this also could have inspired the idea of daging because he saw that the other girls thought dating was disgusting so he realized that if Edith and Agnes hit margot's age they'd probably want to date too and leave him behind gr is obviously terrified of going back to his past self and being miserable and he has to fear relapsing back into his villainous ways these kids keep him on the right path and make grw a genuinely very good person and keep him happy I mean would old Gru dress as Tinker Bell to make a little girl happy I do not think so now Gru seems very suspicious but we can't rule out anything yet because the next suspect is illumination there's no doubting that these kids are extremely iconic not to mention Agnes the it's so fluffy meme was huge like huge this meme ruled the internet for years everyone thought Agnes was extremely cute not to mention people simply just love the girls altogether I think personally the future movies could have benefited from exploring these girls at an older age it could have been very interesting and added more dep to the other films but honestly most companies like to stick with what works these kids helped make such a successful film that literally became a huge franchise despicable Mi one Despicable Me 2 Despicable Me 3 Despicable Me 4 minions and minions rise of grw not to mention countless shorts changing these characters could mean potentially messing up the successful formula and they probably felt it was dangerous to do so so it's simply just stuck with what worked I mean it's not a very uncommon thing SpongeBob has literally been the same age since the beginning of the show so now let's figure out which suspect is guilty while it seems like the obvious choice is to blame illumination illumination actually saved themselves by exposing Gro in the second movie so grw is putting his girls to sleep and he questions Margot on who she is texting and starts freaking out saying it better not be a boy then Agnes chips in complimenting his bald head relating it to an egg and how she imagines a little chick popping out of it beep beep beep then Gru says good night Agnes never get older did did did you hear that never get older crew just confirmed he doesn't want Agnes to get older grw is guilty or I don't know I don't know I don't know maybe I'm just maybe I'm just just really really overthinking
Channel: Maximo Esco
Views: 376,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NBIn0ynI1QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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