The Special Atmosphere Of Early SpongeBob

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[Music] I'm ready [Music] it's not crazy to say that millions of people have Nostalgia for old SpongeBob so many kids grew up with the show and it helped shape a lot of people's childhoods depending on which era of SpongeBob you watch growing up you will of course feel nostalgic for a different seasons and episodes for me I watched the first five seasons all the time growing up and now as an adult I still love the first three Seasons two and three are some of the funniest the cartoon world has to offer but I have always been drawn to that first season now season one is not as funny as two and three don't get me wrong it's still funny and for sure funnier than anything after the first movie but that is not why I feel a certain way about season 1 of SpongeBob just looking at these images from the episodes at least for me gives me a certain kind of feeling there is something so simple minimalistic or even empty here and I'm not saying that in a negative way whatsoever season 1 has this unique vibe that is so interesting and to me can create warm feelings as well as depressing ones and that's what we are gonna be talking about today foreign [Music] so I accidentally fell and forgot to upload for six months that's kind of crazy thinking about like it's been half a year since I last uploaded to put that into perspective NBA youngboy has dropped four albums since my last drop maybe might be five depending on how much time it takes to edit this video so it hasn't been that long I guess but we are back today to discuss my favorite season of SpongeBob and by far the most unique one but instead of talking about the great episodes they create jokes or the great characters we're gonna talk about the great vibe [Music] so fascinating so wonderful here we see Bikini Bottom teaming with life home of one of my favorite creatures SpongeBob SquarePants yes of course he lives in a pineapple you silly corn streets this gotta be one of the most recognizable places in Old media everyone knows who lives in the streets and it's very familiar been looking basically the same for the show's 24 year ROM but if I put this picture of corn street from season 1 next to this one from a newer episode you might notice the difference obviously the art style is different but at least for me I also get very different feelings looking at the two images I'm gonna flick them back and forth a little bit until you see it as well tell me when to stop so when I see the con street from early SpongeBob I get the feeling of a place stuck in time this is of course an image from an episode airing almost 25 years ago and you can really feel that it's almost like an era long gone the show is still running same characters same locations but it's different right this SpongeBob is a memory a blast from the past that we get to look at through these screenshots or maybe I'm just over analyzing this and theologists seeing a random image from a cartoon wondering what I'm on about but if someone if at least someone else can get the same feeling as me it will his woman helped me feel a little that's crazy [Music] it's a giraffe to me this is SpongeBob this is the SpongeBob I grew up with and this is the one that I will always remember all I'm showing here is from season one which just has the show looking so simple and comfortable there is a reason why this season is my and many other peoples go to comfort watch the immersion from watching us is one episode and just feeling like you're just chilling on Court Street with these idiots is unmatched for me but of course this does not only pertain to the iconic street but to basically every location in season one now I'm not sure if everyone is gonna hit the same for every person I think it might depend on if you watch the specific episodes growing up like if you never saw any episode taking place on Jellyfish Fields as a kid this image might not give you the feelings it gives me but I watched way too much of this show back then and now so it's hard for me to know an example I could do though is this image of the bikini bottom Realty estate business from since one's Opposite Day in this episode Squidward tries to sell his house to a lady from this company here's the thing though this building was never shown in the episode and this is not the case where they brought it back in the show in a newer episode no this image is a hand-painted background frame that was made for the episode but never used if you saw this image and didn't get nostalgic feelings it might just all be simple Nostalgia that makes the season special but if you got the same vibe that you got from conch Street this season might just be special for other reasons some people have posted videos showing liminal spaces in SpongeBob which ties into this whole thing if you don't know what criminal spaces is here read this Wikipedia article about it no but it's kind of like a recognizable place that gives you a certain feeling almost like there is something missing and yeah that's very similar to what I've been saying in this video so far empty SpongeBob backgrounds definitely produced this feeling but that's kind of true for the whole show and not just a season if you take an image of the Krusty Krab with no characters in it yeah it's gonna be him liminal space basically we take any image of the acrostic crab from season 1 I'm not gonna feel a certain type of way I feel like this video is me using my English vocabulary of 100 Words and just repeating myself but y'all are just gonna have to live with that here's the thing most of early SpongeBob is very relaxed and laid back now I'm not even doing the comparison to Modern SpongeBob so before you all come at me with the pre-movie SpongeBob had whatever as well stop yes of course the very first episode had the scene where hundreds of anchovies attacked the Krusty Krab creating a tidal wave but most of the first season is just this my turn [Music] [Music] it's off to jail for you Mr Krabs Patrick you're fired I don't even work here would you like a job starting now you're fine I want to show a clip from a newer episode to compare here so bad but I'm not gonna do that [Music] thank you I shouldn't have done that because now that is like the freshest thing in your mind so I gotta play another season one clip SpongeBob tackle me Squidward you need bed rest I'll keep you safe until you're well again oh I get it you don't know what day it is do you okay Wednesday why it's opposite day you mean you've never heard of it boy have you been missing out opposite day is the one day of the year when you get to act different there is just such a chill relaxing vibe in these episodes but it's not only the visuals that conveys this but the sound designers will early SpongeBob used a very different soundtrack to the later Seasons with many of the classic background music from season 1 episodes never appearing again after the third season gray cubed another YouTuber made a fantastic video going over the decline of the SpongeBob music he goes over how the chill and frankly fire songs used in the first Seasons quickly were replaced by these Scooby-Doo ass tracks that just doesn't give off the same feeling an ad on top of that that the show went from looking like this to this it's no wonder the first season stands out like it does I always Associated SpongeBob with hawaiian-esque music but it's really surprising to see how much of that type of music was erased from the show so early on I think one of the best examples of how important the music is to create a Vibe is the second episode of the show Reef blower this barely 4 minute episode has no dialogue and all we hear is music and sound effects and yet it's so relaxing and comfortable to watch [Music] okay so I'm gonna reveal some groundbreaking behind the scenes info about SpongeBob right now the show takes place underwater I know right it's crazy no but seriously one of the first season's strongest aspects is the immersion it has and much of that comes from the fact that it actually feels like you are underwater I mean you as a viewer in the later Seasons it barely feels like even the fish in the show are underwater so we gotta upload season one for this now I'm just gonna give a heads up that while this video is primarily or really only focusing on the first season some of it is at least somewhat true for seasons 2 and 3 as well more season two um because I love season two and three but just atmosphere wise they are different to the first one not as different as the post movie seasons of course but I can just put up some screenshots for comparison and you will see just how different from the rest of the show the season one is I think this is the first time in a video I have used the word atmosphere which is kind of crazy since I at least think the video title is going to include that word but that's really what this is all about it's a lot of factors working together to create this atmosphere like I said the music is really important but so is the designs the Landscapes and also the colors of the backgrounds just looking at backgrounds from this era of SpongeBob makes me happy this is something so simple yet so thought out about it all I've gone on for a long enough time without mentioning one of my favorite things in this show the night scenes Bikini Bottom at night is one of the most beautiful things there is a reason why it's an image that I use in all my videos but season 1 SpongeBob at night is something different Sandy's rocket is one of the most nostalgic episodes for me and the night scene in this one just wow I wow look how big it is SpongeBob pretty impressive all right come on we're just here to spray the windows Patrick how do you think we get inside here we go we don't we're just bring them another one I really like when it comes to the night scenes is in the episode org when SpongeBob heads home after playing the board game at the Krusty Krab oh that's 17 times in a row I think we ought to call it a night Mr Krabs I really gotta get some sleep oh you can't walk out of me now I'm sorry Mr Krabs I'll see you tomorrow [Music] no something that might just be as good as the night scenes if not even better or the ones with Sundowns and sunsets the beginning of pizza delivery is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen the hand-painted red background with a dark interior of the Krusty Krab is just chef's kiss or whatever people say it's perfect [Music] now I did say in the intro that this season doesn't only give a comfortable or even positive feelings in the right context since the one of SpongeBob can be a bit depressing for me what I mean by this is that taking screenshots from 25 year old episodes and putting slow down SpongeBob music over it really makes you feel how it's an error long gone the episodes are still here for you to watch but this SpongeBob is no more of course some people like the newer episodes and that is of course totally fine but for me this is what SpongeBob is or this is what SpongeBob once was free movie SpongeBob is one-off if not the greatest show of all time and the memories we created with it will always be here but they will always be just that memories foreign [Music]
Channel: Awe
Views: 82,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S8NraJvWOMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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