Anomalies in Squidward's House! (I analyzed Seasons 1-11)

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hey there welcome to another episode today we will look at Squidward's [Music] house Squidward has many faces he's also considered as one of SpongeBob's best friend at least from Spongebob's point of view but what is squid hiding let's find out so the bad news is I haven't found a floor plan anywhere or a layout so we will try to create one as we go through the seasons and episodes and I hope we can do it let's go in season 1 episode 2 we see for the first time the first floor of Squidward's house it's the floor where he plays the clarinet and has all his art stuff in the next episode we can see the ground floor that's where his kitchen is and his living room and all that kind of stuff so so far you can see we have the ground floor where the entrance is and a back window and on the first floor we saw that there are two windows in the episode Plankton you can see the bedroom and it looks like it is on the ground floor but normally there is like the living room and kitchen on the ground floor so something strange is going on here in season 1 episode 4 you can see the ground floor here you can see see the window and on this picture you can see the window or the view from the outside and also you can see the entrance and then we see the first floor and also on the first floor is the bathroom and we can also see that there is a window that points to SpongeBob's house in season 1 episode 5 we can see how squid is entering his bedroom room through his bathroom so there must be another floor where he has a bedroom and a bathroom or it's all on the first floor and there's also the art room the bathroom and the bedroom in season 1 episode 8 we can see the left side of the bedroom and there is a door and a window and also we can see the right side and there is also a door and and something behind SpongeBob and Patrick looks like a closet or something so at this point I'm very confused and I really can't tell where the bedroom is so let's keep going maybe we get some other clues in season 1 episode 9 we can see the ground floor from the outside and there we can see a door and this door we can also see in the next scene but at this point we can't really tell where the door leads to here you can see see the door that we just saw in season 1 episode 11 we can see the first floor where squid is in his art room and there is also a door that we can see and in the next scene we can actually see that there is a bathroom that leads to the AR room and this also matches our plan if we look at our plan we can see that there is a bathroom and Squid can enter his art room from his bathroom and then we can see the squidboards for real his own private elevator we can also see that there are corridors that lead to different rooms in season 1 episode 12 we see this picture here and you might think well this is the window that is the window from the bathroom but then we see this here so there is a bedroom and this window is clearly connected to it so and it also looks from this perspective that there is an entire own floor where squids bedroom is and if you look close you can see that there is a high difference so it looks like an entire different floor here you can see his bedroom and there is a door on the left side and also you can see that there is a bathroom here you can see the right side of the bedroom and there is a door that looks like a the closet it's full of clocks and also it looks like there is the elevator that we saw previously and in the next scene we see this here so the other side of the bedroom and strangely SpongeBob is leaving through this door so I don't know maybe on the other side that wasn't really an elevator I'm not sure here you can see the current layout and the first floor is now the bedroom room and you can also see the door where SpongeBob left and on the other side is the thing that could be the elevator or I'm not sure what it is also the closet with all the clocks and also the door that leads to the bathroom and the window where SpongeBob looked through and saw squid he saw the bed from the left side so I suppose that the window should be on this side in season 2 episode 8 we have a pretty nice view of the ground floor and we can again see the door that leads somewhere in season 3 episode 4 we can see that on the ground floor there's a closet on the left side and also we can see the window on the back again and then we got episode 17 where we see this here so if if you remember previously we saw that the right side was a closet where all the Glocks were stored and now it's a door to another bathroom but this could also be mirrored we learned previously from the SpongeBob video that sometimes the floors are mirrored and stuff like this so I guess we are leaving the plan as it is in season 4 episode 10 we see a familiar picture so again we see this side of his bedroom and when I zoom in maybe you can see that there are like buttons so I think this must be an elevator in season 4 episode 19 we see that there is a room that looks like a small library and it also looks like the same design as the art room so I think this room must be on the second floor somewhere where also the art room is in season 5 episode 7 you can see the left side of the bedroom and you can see that the door disappeared and now there is a window and also on the right side you can see that the door is still there but the elevator disappeared in season 6 episode 1 we can see the ground floor so the main room or living room whatever you want to call it and we see that the right door is leading to a bathroom so Squidward has like a bathroom on every [Music] floor in season 6 episode 6 you can see the ground floor and you can see that there is a door or an entrance to a staircase and this staircase leads to the art room so to the second floor somehow in season 6 episode 21 we can see that there are indeed different corridors if you look at the color of the corridor it looks exactly like the ground floor so this might be on the ground floor and now guess where squid boo ends up when he goes through this door here right another bathroom he has like 2 million bathrooms in his house and now look at this this is the ground floor and previously this door was leading to bathroom and now we can see a huge staircase in season 7 episode 2 we see again the right side of the bedroom and we see the door that is a wardrobe where all the clocks are stored and also we see that there is a door where the elevator was then we also see the left side and we can see that the door is there that is leading to the bathroom and there's also the window you know previously there was a door where SpongeBob left but now there is a window in the same episode we can also see the ground floor and the door that was once leading to a bathroom and also to a staircase and now um maybe there is a staircase but it looks a little bit like a corridor or something in season 7 episode 8 we can see that Squidward has also a garden and also there is a garden shed and the window on the back disappeared and now you can find a back entrance there in season 7 episode 15 we get a pretty nice view of the ground floor again and we can see the door on the right side and this is pretty constant in the same episode we can also see that Squidward's house is very much and fully secured we can see the entrance here he has like a million door locks and stuff like this in season 8 episode one we can see the ground floor again and this time SpongeBob and Patrick are walking through this door and they arrive again at the art room so technically in the second floor also we can see the corridors again and if you look close you can see that there is the blue wall and it looks like the bedroom and when they walk through it there is indeed the bedroom so now I'm confused I'm not sure if this is the same bedroom as before or it's like another bedroom somewhere else and also there is another bathroom so guys let me explain my idea here so we see the first floor where his bedroom is and and we saw that SpongeBob and Patrick walked through those round corridors and the only explanation I have is that like you see now there must be like those corridors around that goes around and then you can get access to the bedroom to the bathroom and stuff like this I'm not sure if um the corridors are on every floor or not but this is like the explanation that that I have at the moment in season 8 episode 14 we can see the ground floor again and now we can see the door and also the stairs and when you walk those stairs you arrive at the art room and look at the background it looks like those corridors that we just saw and you know I'm not sure about this the art room could be on a separate floor where you can also find the corridors or the art room is on the same floor as the bedroom and it's just all separated by those corridors in season 8 episode 15 we can see again the ground floor and the door on the right side and this time again we can see the stairs but then we have season 9 episode 27 where we can see the bedroom again and we can see in the background that the elevator appeared again and there are like two windows on on it and it's like a little bit strange in season 10 episode 7 we can see again the bedroom and one more time you can see this elevator and you know the elevator is connected directly to the bedroom so makes no sense maybe this is another bedroom I'm not sure maybe Squidward has like two identical bedrooms or something like this and then in season 11 episode 10 we see this here so I take it as a confirmation that there are indeed three different floors so we can see the ground floor where his kitchen is his living room and stuff like this we see the first floor where his bedroom is and the third floor where his art room is in season 11 episode 11 we can see this here so I don't know what to say about this I think Squidward's house is cursed or something like this the same you can see in season 11 episode 15 we can see the garden again and a back entrance and above this back entrance is a window did you know that Squid's mother lives in a similar house like squid bot in season 11 episode 20 we can see again that there is an elevator and you can see also that there are three floors so scootboard has an elevator and also a staircase so at the end I got this here I'm sure it is not perfect it's not that well but it's like all I got I mean Squid's house is very confusing it's like a mystery so maybe one of you can do it better I'm sure someone can but anyway thank you for watching see you
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Id: pRArxEMklB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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