Spiritual warefare pt 1

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it's invisible kingdoms or this invisible world so the first thing I want to say look at the first scripture at once and look at is Matthew chapter 12 and we're going to be reading from verse 22 12 verse 28 was 22 to verse 20 and Matthew 12 okay and here's what it says it says then was brought unto Him one possessed with a devil now we're talking about Jesus Christ and he's saying that they had brought the sky who was possessed with a devil to Jesus okay and this is found in Matthew chapter 12 verse 22 it says then was brought unto Him which was Jesus one possessed with a devil blind and dumb and he which is jesus healed him this is the guy who was possessed with the devil who was blind and dumb in so much that the blind and dumb both spake and saw so before we go any further this man who could not speak who could not see it was prefixed that there was a devil that was causing this and this devil you cannot see however the effect of this devil was causing this man not to see and not to to speak the scripture says that Jesus cast is develop okay verse 23 says and the people were amazed and said is not this the son of David okay verse 24 but when the Pharisees these the church leaders now but when the Pharisees heard it they said this fellow can only cancel this devil and I'm paraphrasing with a singer by belzebub which is the Prince of devils so basically what they saying is that Jesus was only able to perform this because he has I will be awake oh he is a witchcraft wicked he is a what he is one who consult familiar spirits and demonic forces to bring up with this quote-unquote power but Jesus in this particular discourse with these guys is about to veal to us something from the realm of the spirit that ordinarily when we read these scriptures we will go past it so watch what happens next in verse 25 and jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them listen carefully every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation okay and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand this is a spiritual law verse 26 and if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself listen carefully how shall then what his kingdom stand so the scripture here in this rebel in this conversation of Jesus explaining what he has done and how he has done it how he's but it's now he has done it he's now identifying unseen forces he's talking about a world that we cannot see and he's saying that Satan has a kingdom but remember Satan is a spirit so in order to have a kingdom Cindy then you must be a king you cannot you cannot be a king without a kingdom and there cannot be a kingdom that does not have a king presiding over that kingdom so Jesus is saying Satan has a kingdom but he is in dunya let's drop to verse 27 of Matthew 12 and if I Jesus speaking if if you're saying that my powers are by Beelzebub and I'm casting out Devils he says by whom do your children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges verse 28 but if I cast out Devils this is Jesus or speaking if I cast out Devils listen very carefully by the Spirit of God watch what he says next then the kingdom listen carefully of God is come unto you in this passage of Scripture Jesus Christ of Nazareth in a conversation that has nothing to do with the spiritual realm but he's drawing reference from that spiritual realm that there are two kingdoms there's the kingdom of Satan who was ruled and which is ruling governed by Satan and then there's the kingdom of God which of course is the king now let's make this clear before we go any further sin because we don't want to get confused by no stretch of the imagination of these two kingdoms equal let's make that clear however the two kingdoms exists now the situation here now is this is that these kingdoms are not physical I cannot say okay go down by a Moroccan when you get by the big tree take a left you can find the kingdom of God or take the right you'll find the kingdom of Satan no these kingdoms are more real than what we call reality that we see every day and they exist in the unseen world the invisible world but those two kingdoms are dominating this earth right it doesn't seem like that because mm-hmm I mean I understand what you're saying because you're saying that the spirit world uh-huh it's Mario it's the beste origin when I'm touching then which you're touching right now okay that's tough that's a tough one to wrap your head around right my hair is not real your hair is real to you in this around but it means absolutely nothing in the realm of the Spirit these things that you're dealing with now including your physical body will become irrelevant when you make the transition from time into eternity eternity is the realm of the Spirit okay I understand that oh if you make that transition mm-hmm well obviously whatever mm-hmm you deal with in the transition right in the spirit world you would know because you're a transition group but right here right now how do you how do you deal with the spirit world understand the spirit world right that you cannot see right that I understand what you're saying but also it's definitely no trust me I know and I appreciate your your inquisitiveness but we gonna get into that piece by piece but watch this because when you say it's more real it's just one physical right right how could the world physical well this is one of many things right it's like right Oh what you think you're dealing with right because because like I've said on the last show the real you send me the real me isn't what we physically see on each other and the reality of that speaks and death because when you die your spirit your spirit the only thing that takes place in death is the fact that the real you which is your spirit is removed away from your body it is extracted therefore your body which became your uniform II or dirt or the legal suit to operate in the earth that now goes back to the dust but your spirit is now transitioned into eternity whereas with the kingdom of God or whereas with the kingdom of the enemy but that's the reality of life I'm just trying to understand a thing physical and it being the Sturgill right being I understand the spiritual part but the spirit world parts what you're saying it's more real it is the parent world to our physical and [ __ ] our world was birthed from that in fact you know what let me let's run to a scripture Street real quickly let's look at Hebrews and then I'm going to get back on course to to my point let's look at Hebrews chapter 11 all right I'm you know Hebrew shopped 11 speaks about fate now finish the substance blah blah blah right now let's drop down to verse 3 of Hebrews chapter 11 it says through fate we the believers understand that the world's Earth Mars Pluto all these are things were framed by what the Word of God so that things which are seen but meaning the material things to construct things the things which are seen okay only were not made of things which do appear meaning that the world the cars all the things that you see when I was in the cars but the window earth was in its original state the scriptures saying that it there were no group of men that God sent to bill earth it says the Word of God which is spirit Jesus say the words that I speak they are spirit in their life John 16 63 so when God spoke there were no materials and a part of that to create an earth the earth and all the other words and everything else was created through spiritual spiritual things so he's saying so things that appear the earth plant the moon the stars they were not created by the materials that we see today so does our reasoning that everything has its origin from the realm of the Spirit okay mr. Valentine Johnson is joining us on Facebook yes Kevin you can remind her I guess me that she's versus Perry oh yes expression through her so I love this guy he's absolutely right so so this is where the difficulty come with the believer this determines his strength or his weakness if he or she does not get this down part then they're going to struggle all throughout their Christian life and here is why because of this isn't thought taught sorry in its infancy stage meaning that when that person become a believe of Jesus Christ if this isn't broken down and assimilated into the understanding then they're going to always be looking for physical things to confirm their fate physical things to confirm their strength they're going to rely and mind you to going to church mind you they're jumping around in the spirit and running boat like a chicken without the head because this is what they're emulating from the other people but they have yet to tap into the understanding that there is a God who preside of all things and he is the one that we now have to tap into to see not only who we are but to exercise the authority and strain that he has given us what happens now is that we have this difficulty but you know I believe in Jesus may God save but when you mention stuff like you know God could heal you of this as you know because they are so used to it but I know nobody waiting for millions now they will tell you in a religious torn oh yeah I believe that but the reality of their belief will be displayed in their speech and in their behavior which will be consumed by duct now I don't want to get off trap because I got a little and then itinerary going on here okay so now that we've discovered according to Matthew 12 verses 28 22 to 28 that there are two kingdoms Kevin didn't make this up you read it yourself there's the kingdom of God and there's the kingdom of Satan both kingdoms has a a hierarchy where God is the head of the kingdom of light and sickness they have the kingdom of darkness I made unequivocally clear by no stretch of the imagination are these two kingdoms equal we got to make that clear and they're not equal there's no equality never will be never was never is could never happen now like in any Kingdom at any organisation there is an order there is a rank there is a hierarchy and I want to point out to you today the hierarchy of the kingdom of the enemy and the hierarchy of the kingdom of God so let's go for the one for the enemy let's go to Ephesians chapter six the Ephesians chapter six and we're going to look at a very very common scripture passage of Scripture which is our verse 12 the fusions chapter 6 and verse 12 and just to bring some background to this scripture this is the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Church of Ephesus and he is now about to reveal some spiritual insight as it relates to the spirit world but more importantly its hierarchy in regards to the camp of the enemy or to the powers of darkness or the kingdom of darkness which is Satan's domain now Satan is the chief of his kingdom he is the king because like I said you can't have no kingdom unless you got a king alright so there's an order that follows that so you have Satan at the very top and according to Ephesians 6 and 12 it says Paul son in the Church of Karlsson let's get it in your head now Church of Maine sorry Ephesus we the believers you can see that word therefore we we are not fighting against each other we are not fighting against flesh and blood that's with me human beings they are not the real fight that's not little warriors in fact they are just the tentacles of the forces of the invisible realm who has now influence flesh and blood to either come at you from a demonic perspective or to work with you as it relates to the purposes and plans of God for your life so he says Church of Ephesus we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against watch the order now you got Satan up top then what should you get next principalities principalities is the highest in the kingdom of Satan just before you get to Satan right there'll be guys and guess what there are guys don't f they don't ever put foot in the air they operate in the realm of the Spirit they re of the evil that ruled over a particular territory or region because the word principality in essence really means a prince that rules over a region or a territory so this for example the prince that rules over the Bahamas in terms of demonic Prince we're talking about now and remember I told you the scripture last week which was proverbs 28 and 2 and it says for the many transgressions of a land many other prince so how what I determine what demonic Prince is ruling over my country my territory then I look for the frequency of sin is it we have an abundance of frequency of adultery and sweet hardened and murder that determines the prince that is ruling over that particular region you say they never they have no data operated or they are the ones who said the rules they are the one that have the consoles and they begin to give their orders give their plants to lesser spirits to now go out there and orchestrate the evil or to carry out the evil Prince and Prince re principalities deal with principalities and we discovered that last week with Daniel and when the Prince of Persia was our ruling over Persia and stopped the messenger Gabriel from coming and another prince from the kingdom of God which we call the Minister of Defense last week which was Michael the Ark letting angels he came and subdued the Prince of Persia but we had to make clear last week that the Prince of Persia was not a physical Prince there are two prints off or they were two prints of purchase but then there was the physical one that ruled the physical people but there was the Prince which the Bible was talking about in Daniel 10 which was a ruling principality we'll be talking about now that ruled the province of Persia and he was the one that was influencing through his minions underneath him to to influence the wickedness and the evil or that that province so back to Ephesians six and 12 so we got principalities they read underneath that you got powers read underneath that you've got the rulers of the darkness of this world I'm gonna come after that then right beneath that spiritual wickedness in high places that's the order of Satan's Kingdom now we want to know the order of the kingdom of God so what we going to do now is we're going to now flip over to Colossians chapter 1 alright and we're going to read from verse 12 of Colossians chapter 1 to verse 16 Colossians chapter 1 verse 12 here's what it says giving thanks unto the father which had made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light verse 13 who had delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us unto the King done watch the word again of his dear son and in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sin verse 15 who is the who is the image of the invisible God now we're talking about Jesus now they say he is the image of the invisible God he was just one who also translated us from the kingdom of darkness of the kingdom of light it says he's also the firstborn of every creature now listen to verse 16 for 16 says for by him who was him Jesus see we will stay in vain as to whom we referring to for by him were all things created now I watch you suck a lot word on and I am on Cambodia but I will make this clear because I tell you man I meet so many Christians and all of them not all of them but most of them have in their head what is evil is of the devil but as good as of God but I am reading in this scripture right here before my eyes in black and white that all things were created for this for Jesus good and bad for by him we're all things created that are in heaven watch this now and that I want earth listen to the next one visible and one invisible so this scripture is telling us so far that there is a world in existence that is physical which we see now you can see me I can see you you can see everything else but there is also an invisible world and this is where the Christian has the problems and I can tell you why they have a problem in Libet it says now he's going to give the hierarchy of the kingdom whether they be Thrones hmm dominions okay principalities powers these are this is the high rocky of the kingdom of God a question Satan is not omnipresent no he's not on my present that's why I made a clear the two kingdoms are not equal not only is he all night not omnipresent he cannot read your mind he cannot tell which you could weaken a he cannot get into you he doesn't have that power that ability and people need to notice because I've heard in certain circles where people truly believe that Satan can read your mind that's not true there's no scripture to even support that so so far we've found the hierarchy of both kingdoms now here's why I wanna go now that we have discovered thus far that there are in fact not by Kevin's opinion not by Kevin trying to switch or twist the scriptures to suit his desire you've read it and radio a lot of reddit if they're reading their Bible so they could always go back to it where we are seeing now that there are two invisible kingdoms in the unseen world or the spirit world of a spirit realm and these two kingdoms have two heads one is God one is the devil these two kingdoms are not equal these two kingdoms have and have a hierarchy now here is where the problem comes in when a person accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior someone has fooled them that that is a cure-all meaning that they don't have nothing to worry about no more the enemy can't touch them they covered by the blood of Jesus no weapon for making some shall prosper the devil is a liar he can't touch me no more really I'm blessed by the Lord highly if you have all that rhythm and right now that sounds beautiful and to be religiously correct it's a wonderful thing to say to give others the impression that you all up in the kingdom of God no yeah yeah that's beautiful but when I look at your life the broke bus it disgusts it cannot be trusted you owe everybody but you save so I have a difficulty now that you save and according to you the devil can't touch you when the kingdom some of the the actual buttes of the kingdom of darkness is poverty sickness confusion why are you to me it appears if you are a grand participant of that even though you are in the kingdom of light and even though you claim that you have Jesus and no weapon form against you but you know I you know either believers being whipped left right and center even though he's accepted God because he don't understand the rules the principles and the laws of the realm of the Spirit I could tell you make it we could tell you make it yeah yeah right listen to this I think it's all positive stuff yes yeah and innocent but that's why we're here today to dispel that nonsense listen to this carefully Cindy and I want you to get equipment but I want you to turn to Ephesians chapter 6 again Paul in his discourse with the Church of Ephesus again it's about to reveal so spiritual insight that again if you're just reading the scripture without being aided by the Spirit of God Holy Spirit then what a likely would miss it now remember he's talking to a people that knows Jesus Christ as their Savior they are Christians that's what they are but listen what Paul says in Ephesians chapter 6 and let's not from verse 10 finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might now watch what he's saying now this is so awesome number verse 11 Paul who is talking to the Christian now these are the questions who say they are highly blessed and no weapon former gang some shall prosper the devil can't touch them because they are safe now if that is the case then why is Paul admonishing the questions in verse 11 put on the whole armour of God Jeter is coming at you so if you save already if you're the believer of Jesus Christ then why is this man misleading the people of God so what Paul is saying here is that listen don't get hang about the things around you don't worry but marry talking about you or your boss oppress you affirm you don't like you or this one OVA will promote you he said surah because your real fight is in the unseen world and he's telling you to go put on your spiritual armor in the spiritual armor Cindy is not an armor that you can go down by Target or Walgreens or Walmart or Kelly's and look in the hardware section Oh last time I got there okay how about the prices on them know you got to pray this on you believer so he says put on the whole armor of God that you may be a boat please talking to the question does he listen he the Cougar fast the Christian is concerned he got Jesus but he's ignorant or she is ignorant to the fact that yes you have Jesus and what you have done when you became a follower of Jesus is that you came into the kingdom but even the Kingdom why are you here alright you have to now God and protect your spirit because that was the only thing that was changed during your course of becoming a question your spirit man was changed now you've got to protect the spirit man by putting on the whole not peace the whole armour of God then in verse 12 he says for we he's telling them why now I'm asking you to put on this invisible suit your helmet of salvation breastplate of righteousness Sheol or fate to quench the fiery darts of the enemy not as other stuff I'm telling you this so that now because we are not fighting each other but there are spirits that are influencing our enemies hello to come and fight against us so why a Christian is always dropping the ball on that where it always goes to the person because there is always is constant reminder because they are not being taught this is what I'm saying to you earlier I said to you know if this is not cemented into the understanding of when that person accept Jesus Christ he or she that I've shown that the seed had been planted to cause them them to have a serious struggle through their Christian journey you have to we don't have this teaching we need this type of teaching in our churches on a consistent basis would you agree that with Christian living a lot of it has to do with struggle it's so there's so much struggle right but my point is this though we said this last week the Christians are dealing with an already big cake when the struggle arrived this remember the the physical world is what has been conceived in the spiritual world has manifested itself here so if he or she doesn't understand warfare they're going to always be dealing with the end result Oh Lord Johnny said come come your let's join her and come an agreement because we have a tour more than quarter on it but none that is too late you know the fact of what I'm saying here is that you as a believer should have been entrench in the understanding that when you pray you are dealing with the things are trying to manifest itself in the earth against you all gangs whomever so you start praying father whatever is planned against my family whatever the enemy has concocted or devised in the realm of the Spirit and seeking agreement by human agents the manifested I cancel I destroy it I send the fire of God against it so what you're saying is a lot of what happens in life - Christian hmm could be because of lack of prayer of the armor that's what you're saying well that's a part of it what I'm saying overall is that it's a lack of understanding of the realm of the Spirit and the rules and the laws and the principles that are governed by that world that world is governed but this Bible here is the laws that govern the Bible says that for the law is spiritual is in Romans chapter 7 meaning that when you speak this you are literally literally sorry uttering the laws and the commandments and the precepts that the spirit world must bow to must abide by must line itself up with but if you if you if you listen you all you gotta do is go on YouTube and you listen to the average picture the average preacher now someone come on YouTube or someone go to a church and they going through a state of depression or or sadness and they will hear a word from God the average preach and say all I'm telling from what I experience they have reduced the power of God to sowing a seed no way in the Bible no way in the Bible where I have seen the Word of God has become secondary to a seed here is what I read I have read that the word God has placed his word above his name God said that his word cannot return unto Him void God says is not my word like a like a fire and like a hammer that break the rock in pieces God says that that that that every word of God is peel out of province 30 and 5 and that he is a she under doors that put their trust in him so therefore if what you're saying to me mr. preacher or miss the Evangelist or mr. Bishop isn't saturated is it lace isn't overwhelming with the Word of God which is the laws and the principle that governs the unseen world I know you don't say nothing to me because I need to hear the word don't tell me why so to see it don't tell me if I get this miracle Claud don't tell me if I take this will get away from me unless no eyes no there's nothing wrong with it what I'm saying yet I will make this clear so I want a buddy coming at me later if these devices strategies or whatever is being placed above God word because in essence when you've got a person to sow a seed if a person needs healing and the word goes on there's a creep a free cheekbone and the people in guards to sow a seed of 300 mm-hmm and you're told that so this seed and your situation mm-hmm turn around wipe to me right thanks so what you're saying is no this is what I'm saying you know what if your church need money to put a metal ring on for the children's ministry or whatever then tell me that but here is what I want to hear if I come for healing brother Kevin listen to me carefully forget the seed business the Bible says that he has sent His Word to heal you the scripture says that because of his stripes you are healed if the Word of God cannot return unto Him void Kevin you go home you take that word and you repeat it you believe it you decree it you declare it until you see the Word of God come to pass but don't give me no garbage but go so a seed and then God intend us around you cannot replace and I don't care who don't like it you cannot replace the Word of God with a miracle Claud but a miracle see or whatever you could come to me and say okay Paul and Peter them had on the handkerchief okay that's beautiful I don't but the angle do not say to me that okay put the word got inside everywhere right don't show me the word for this and all throughout my teachings all throughout my writings anyone who follow me I saturate what I say what I write what I teach that the scriptures even when I shown you how to pray just like just now I show you the Word of God Oh take the Word of God even from this teaching and then in check that word in your prayer because I recognize do that in Christianity and even just people in general everyone's at a different level right spiritually so when is just an audience and you say things I got to people everyone will see you differently and the results are not going to be the same so I understand what you're saying with the seed if it's a seed if you just want the people to get me encourage them again if you can you want to give give but don't tell people that giving a three hundred dollars is going to bring them nothing it's going to bring them because you know people always say you have to sow something to reach your hand and so they talk about the seed as well but I understand what you're saying that want me to get a step further for you make people believe that the money that you're giving it's gonna be the sauce to fix our break room for the rest of your life it should be the Word of God now here is why the scripture says and the scripture says in in I always use this as an example I think it's Psalms chapter 41 verses one to three and I'm not looking at it so I'm just going off my memory it says blessed is he that considers the poor for the Lord will help him in his time of trouble now I'm not reading this from the Bible just going off my mind so I could be quoting it wrong I know this is the context of it and it says the Lord will having this time of trouble the law will not turn him over to enemies the Lord will preserve and keep them alive and have them will have better sickness or the King James Version see is a bit of languishing or something like that here is with now remember the Word of God is spiritual law ah and if you look at the beginning of that particular scripture it says blessed is he it didn't say blessed is the Christian blesses the Pope blesses the Sinop he's generalizing it so the law is saying listen you won the spiritual realm to work for you you want to alter some stuff in the spiritual realm so that the Lord could protect you in the future for in trouble come so the spiritual law saying this find someone that is in need and begin to invest in their lives they don't have to be money all the time whatever God leads you to do and the spiritual law says that the man who considers the poor look up for the poor it says the Lord read scripture not money says the Lord will help him in his time of trouble now there's one thing we're sure of in this earth Cindy is we are sure of trouble a low to ease about it so the spiritual law is saying you know what you could deal with your troubles right now even before they happen in 2020 2025 or next week or next year and how he said now take this law and now begin to exercise it do good to those that are less fortunate consider them and a system in their whatever their needs may be and the scripture says that by doing that you have now activated the law where God Himself now will preserve you in trouble where you should have been consumed before so this is just what I'm saying now when you begin to understand the realm of the Spirit you are now more attracted to your Bible because it carries the laws and the principles that you now begin to participate in to get the realm of the Spirit to work for you okay we'll take a break and you'll come back with more thank June and stay with us what's your style wedges platforms wide with Footwear sexy heels oh are you classically sheep we have prices you simply cannot resist so hurry on down to Richie's Calypso located the Church of square downtown or phone us at three five two eight two zero zero seven or three five two nine four five one Richie's Calypso whites etcetera etc at number seven mayor Ford building downtown Freeport has funny ladies of Harold fashion accessories hats and shoes White's etc etc has stylish clothing for every occasion elegant suits dresses sportswear skirts pants blouses evening gowns beautifully decorated purses sophisticated hats and so much more White's etc etc at number seven millpond building downtown Freeport is open Monday through Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. phone three five two four eight six four all major credit cards accepted the views and opinions expressed on this show are not necessarily those of the management and staff of the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas the service of driving since buckle up and drive safely just want to remind you about a hurricane Matthew at 5:00 a.m. the center of Hurricane Matthew was located near latitude 13.3 north and longitude certainly 2.8 west or about 365 miles south of port-au-prince Haiti or 420 miles south east of Kingston Jamaica Matthews momentum or the West at 7:00 our a turn toward the West Northwest is forecast later today followed by a turn toward the North Northwest on Sunday on the forecast track the center of Matthew will move away from the peninsula this morning moving across the central Canada will see today and approaching Jamaica late Sunday maximum sustained winds are near 155 miles per hour with higher gusts Matthew is a category 4 hurricane on the Saffir Simpson hurricane scale and some fluctuations and intensity are possible this weekend Lackey is expected to remain a powerful hurricane through Sunday and the next news item will be issued at [Music] okay welcome back Azhar continuing with our discussion this morning with Minister Kevin Laue and I top it today spiritual warfare it's about seven minutes now before 11 going by two or three if we kind of left off the discourage alarm oh and again this is basic spiritual teaching that everyone that's coming into the kingdom of God should be they should literally be saturated with this teaching because this is the understanding that's going to govern your course as a believer see this is why you find so many people who are Christians but when you watch them and how they behave how they speak they seem so secular I don't judge them you know what I see I see someone who was clearly not hard to teaching they need that in order to to begin or to journey in their course now we remember we were Ephesians six and twelve there Paul cell-cell it telling their Christians to put on the whole armor of God so that you will be able to stand but remember they already Christians they already accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior so the notion that we have today that once you have Jesus everything is going to be alright that is not true what why would this instruction from the Apostle Paul be given to us and that was the case so that right there is a manipulation of the enemy to show these spiritual Jagan's in there to give you the the understanding that once you got Jesus you got to read your Bible you better go to yoga do things but Paul said here put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the enemy okay he now comes back in verse 13 and he repeats himself verse 13 if Ephesians 6 he says wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day so two things are inevitable here as the Christian and as it relates to spiritual warfare number one according to Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 11 that the wiles of the devil is going to come against you but then he preempted by saying that you must now close yourself in the arm of God in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 13 he said the evil day is coming against you but he is talking to the believer trouble trials temptations Deb famine poverty these are all of these things are coming at you however how great how the Hurricanes you name it however what he's trying to show us here which really is a revelation to a mystery is that where they're coming from the realm of the Spirit so he's saying don't put on a physical armor to fight the realm of the Spirit of the unseen world put on your spiritual armor right because now when you put on your spiritual armor now when you fight you're not fighting things as it relates to what is natural you won't deal with the root so therefore let me give you a perfect example let's say you have a friend and this friend you like this friend your friend for years but your life seems to be going forward and things seems to be slowing down for them and they take on this jealousy spirit and deceptive spirit inaudible telling people rumors and stuff about you and you got wind of this now naturally right what Paul is saying here leave Suzy because you as a child of God understand the basis of your commitment of God as you need to go and deal with this from the root so now when you pray and before you start off your prayer by saying father I will flip myself at the whole I'm of God you need us you know why because in most cases when you don't do this you find yourself prayer and using it in same thing over and over or your doors off while you're praying see because the enemy coming at you to stop you from communicating with the kingdom of God to come and work for you on the earth so you start off by putting on the armor of God and now that you have identified the spirits in your friend you don't pray against a friend she is just an agent being used so you will help her father I pray right now and I have identified the spirit of jealousy the spirit of discard the spirit of confusion that is on my friend and even though the enemy is using her against me physically and trying to create me as an enemy to her father I break that spirit of confusion that spirit of jealousy and every other spirit that's attacking her to put a wedge between us that's how the question deal with these matters her because she's going to deny that it's jealousy right and again she is being influenced by an unseen force that she herself is not even aware of but the Christian should always be be above that and when a Christian sees someone reacting to them in a negative way he or she should not take it personal he or she who has been spiritually inclined by the power of the Living God and the instructions of God if they're reading their body or if they are to church was teaching them this must always recognize the Spirit excuse me that's coming against excuse me them because Cindy if you don't do that here is what you are doing instead you are as a child of God in the army of the kingdom of God what is with you you as it relates to the spiritual realm and the spiritual realm here's what that law says the first one we the believers do not wrestle against flesh and blood 6 and 12 so that's the case then why are you fighting your physical friend why are you cussing out why you some of these little nasty texts and what's up messages the old daily diss blah blah blah why are you doing that Christian why when you know according to the law if you've been taught it or you've been getting into it that you need to fight the spirit let's try to manipulate both of you but you should be of a higher class in terms of the realm of the Spirit I'm deal with the spiritual nature of it now I want to jump to another portion of this not a tree of understand the two kingdoms now that we understand that both of these kingdoms have their superior leaders which is God in the kingdom of light and which is Sigma in the kingdom of darkness we understand that these two kingdoms are not equal we understand that even when we become a part of the kingdom of God or the kingdom of light that we have our suits are made available for us which is the whole armour of God because you have now been enlisted into an invisible war that is ongoing repeatedly now that we know all of this we need to know now how does these two invisible kingdoms that we cannot see interact with mankind can they just add will destroy us can they just that will force us to do what's right how do we notice well we're going to find the answer any Genesis Genesis chapter before you go to - why are Christians always forgetting that it's a spiritual warfare and I would reiterate it again they're not being taught there's a word there's a word called inculcate in that word means to get something in your hair - literally cement that into your understanding simply think about this for a second we talked about this last week if you spend most of your time in a watching SEC your Christian and you watch in lifetime and all these other movies and you listen to the secular movies and all these other stuff what do you think is gonna happen to your smug youth ain't gonna become more godly you think you're gonna want to go there on the street corners and our street meetings no you what you're doing is feeding the Spirit of God that has been translated transforming you with things of the world the Christian unfortunately when he or she goes to church right he or she is bombarded with shouting and screaming God is gonna turn it around I see a shift in the spirit ah and all of this stuff but no one is taking the time and do what I'm doing right now giving people an understanding of what they're really up against you know what they're really doing you got say after day right and then they hurl you where they on the battlefield you out there you ain't I don't know armor you ain't got no sword you don't know how this war running you don't know you don't know what's going on so yeah you don't know what to do so what's going to happen you're gonna be consumed you're gonna be defeated now why is this one happening let's go back to the spiritual law Hosea 4:6 Hosea 4:6 is unequivocally clear it's a spiritual organ he says my people not sinners not the obeah man or the woman or the adults were not the haters he's talking to the people who've accepted Jesus Christ and says see if he says my children you know are you failing in this particular area of your life or that particular area you are failing because you lack knowledge you are depleted of the information that you need to be successful in the area that you're failing it if we go down to Isaiah chapter 5 in verse I think in a verse 13 of verse 18 and Isaiah the prophet says this again he says my people is talking with the people of God ah gone into captivity or they are in bondage why because they lack knowledge the word bondage there leads to means to be restricted or their limitation set on your life so therefore even though you are a child of God and that you are privileged to all of the benefits that comes along with it because of your lack of knowledge to access it or to perform in it then you automatically restricted how many people you know are women and men of God laid on a bed of sickness right now riddled with cancers to mention you name it and these are the people who hero this was a giant of God this was a manned and woman of God powerful who wears your power so you have to ask these questions let me tell you why because the enemy wants you to accept it as normal he watches a well you know God was ready for for brother so-and-so and you know he did his purpose how you know either this pointless can you show me his manual so I could make sure what you say in the straw how come he is dying that or she is dying at such a young age why are you calling them generals of God and so on what is it that they did not know that has concluded in their demise now I'm not saying this is in all cases but I'm challenged I'm challenged when I hear this was a mighty woman of God this was a super-duper man of God but yet you are failing in all of these areas and at the end of the day the devil just make a mockery I have a major issue of that do you think a lot of Christians do not understand the power that they don't they don't and let me tell you why I mean I'm always worried about it is a lack of teaching when when I was growing up as a young man because I grew up in church my grandmother on my mother's side was a what we call jumper church prophecy church got a lot of exercise in there by my grandmother my father sighs she was a Methodist and also my grant my granddad on my my mother side she was also a Methodist so I always knew about church Ike that's my foundation now I would see these people running up and down every Sunday and they would drop mainly women and they would front up and he would run round again and and sometimes they weeks fall off or twisting and people will be boy this woman under the power of God my cup was a woman of God so right there what's being inculcated into your understanding was that for someone to have the power of God the power of God has take them and run them around the church and lit them on the ground and flip them over and run them into the pause and then when they catch themselves they was under the spirit or he was slain in the spirit however here is where my issue was you come on in a quote-unquote spirit you're still speaking even about your neighbor you are still broke you are still riddled with Kent there's nothing change now I'm going to take that scenario and I'm going to now make a comparison of it with the scriptures the scripture says that Saul was on the way to Damascus right and Saul was slain under the spirit right and when Saul came back up correct me if I'm wrong but I think this guy wrote like two thirds of the New Testament I hear a bunch of miracles this fella duel or so what I'm saying to you is that those people in my early days and ladies so do today who was running around under the power of God who deals again are you denying that they're not feeling something no I deny another as I've shouted before is a nun wrong without you I hate denying but let me make clear what I say I am saying to you if God saw it fit to slay you under his power is he doing it for the show of those around you or is he doing it to empower you for you to go out there and bring the bondages yokes and unfree people from the captivity that Derek because people would argue that they felt something I can act out something there's nothing wrong with what you feel you know what's the purpose see Cindy think about this for a second but it did something to me when I fell I said what you feeling it under you know it's easy I'm not saying whatever you felt didn't do anything to you know we are defining very clearly what is the purpose of being slain in the spirit of running around with the power of what behold I have given you power watch what it says next to do what to trample over serpents and scorpions and whatever I've given you our power over the evil one so if your slave under the spirit and you come out from being slain and God's a he's given you power then what have you done with it I said after that drama in church of course for me let me tell you what I felt back then shout it I felt like the most evil person ever because I wonder what it's getting in his mouth I'm I'm not running around how come no I was a young boy I was just observing so you've never saw me oh I've shown it oh yeah and I've so for a victory but I've take the Word of God and repeated believe it pray it and I've seen the manifestation of it or now it's time to show now you can show before to give pre-victory because you're convinced of the word but what I'm saying to you is that spiritual things ought not to be based on a performance of someone running and shouting and screaming let's see the work that takes place after you don't do all of that it's what I'm saying to you that's what I'm saying now what you feel from what you didn't feel that's irrelevant that's well fine but now I will hear from you I will hear from you what's going to happen later and let me give you a perfect example of it I'm going to give you my own personal experience I think I shared us two before years ago when my like my son Kevin my owners kid Kevin was going to Freeport gospel and I was at a very very low point of my life financially things were very very very tough wasn't making over time and that time was barely I wasn't making it let me put it on me and at that time the school fee at that school was three hundred and seventy five dollars per turn now you know you can see that no more so there's 375 per time at that time in my life Cindy God is my witness I have four hundred dollars in my name four hundred dollars in my hand what bank account with my hand or by the cop four hundred dollars in my hand mm-hmm send me of course if you're going to pay 375 or 95 whatever it was to the school fee you normally going to be left foot it in right right right now during that period and anyone in new media if you came to my home Cindy my dining room table was just filmed but I would study day and I Twitter stood for a day in day out the Word of God became my life many people who hear about me now wonder where I come from but I was studying during the times you didn't hear or see me and what you sing today as a result of that Cindy I remember getting out of my bed that morning when we don't my knees I was usual no long prayer I said Lord you know my situation you understand clearly what I'm going through here's my words I need a miracle from you got up took a bar whatever God my son ready for school drop him off to his primary school replace whatever and I plan to come back on my lunch break to come and pick us I was running late and I didn't want to be further late by trying to pay the school fee on my lunch break I came back I went there to the school and I said I came to pay the school fee for Kevin Ewing jr. so the lady went into the computer then I see a luck with this quirk on her face on the computer so she said you sure you didn't pay I said no I didn't in fact I had the three-ply receipt in my hand the white the pink and the yellow copy you know once you pay they Stamper would ever sign it you get your copy and they keep this so I said I said well I have the copy so clearly I didn't pay so she'd look at me she said mr. Ewing you sure I said mom I did not pay she went into the back I don't know is there car to know whether she called she came up front there she do unloading on the computer and she says to me she said mr. Ewing based on our records your son school fee has already been paid now they know and I know is impossible because I am literally hauling I'm showing them the receipt did what fast they could say this is what they record say so I say okay ma'am let's make this claim before I leave from because I ain't coming back check your computer now at this time is resonating to me this is the power of God this is the God you can study in a boat this is the God when you've been quoting those scriptures on restoration on on meeting your needs my gorgeous you are now seeing the invisible realm beginning to manifest itself in the natural realm Cindy I walk on a people place and I took their what I believe them they're not lies they're good people and they told me that the bill was paid Cindy I could spend the rest of this talk show telling you how the power of God had manifested and is currently and will continue to manifest my life why because I understand the rules of the realm of the Spirit and how to take god word and make things either activate or deactivate in its original realm to be manifested in this natural realm so no one could come to me and tell me this that every day well that I told you I didn't sort of see for whatever miracle that happened to me there was no and again I'm not discounting decisional hear me clearly Cindy radioline the seed shall not be over with the Word of God says no I have no problem with that I encourage that right but I'm saying to you give them the word though say to them listen what you are doing this base on God's law because there's only that Lord I could activate the realm of the Spirit not your seed not the cloth not whatever and can I give at it I believe this more than you do and that's what you're saying right you said we want to add on to the church we want to fund this conference right on this week you want someone in from the way and you want to pay for the expenses right man conference and just tell people that right just tell them you know you just so $11 go right ahead do it right and then again I always believe in adding the Word of God and do you know why I say that because I was at a conference once and they didn't do all of that asking right and I me personally I was truly blessed by the content and I knew that the person putting on the conference it was their personal you know they were just believing on it for it right and I thought that just go and just go to the line I just gave them later that week I just gave them the check because I that was just because I just wanted to help right see but again to when you do that Cindy you you're activating spiritual laws particularly when you go off your own I'm going to give another scripture proverbs chapter 11 verses 24 to verse 25 and here's what it says it says for he this is the King James Version got scattered what it means that he that give it what with the spiritual law dictates he shall increase so the scripture says if you go distantly and you see a guy out there and the Lord lead or press on you give him 10 bucks and this has happened on numerous occasions in my life and for me because I'm so I know the law I don't think twice about it I just move and do it and walk away some people have given do I even know them I don't need to know them I am following a law that's trying to do something for me greater in the realm of the Spirit to manifest my desires it says he that scattered or he that giveth shall increase so the law of the Spirit says when you give there you are putting a demand or you're activating in the realm of the spirit where spiritual forces start of the kingdom of God will influence others now to bring increase to you the next B of that scripture says but he that holds on to more than what he needs selfish mean what should a sense he shall surely to poverty so those people out there who are hoarding money and don't want to share with nobody nobody give them nothing and they have more than enough the scripture not Kevin the scripture says when they do that whether they aware of it or not they are activating a spiritual law that would now induce poverty in their lives verse 25 says it says but the liberal soul or the one who was free in his mind who's always trying to invest in the lives of others it said he shall be made fat that's the King James Version the new English for she said that he shall be made wealthy and Part B of that says and he that watereth or he that helped others shall one day be watered himself or one day be helped himself so when you do good to other people with good motives whether you are a Christian or not you are activating a law where your whether or not and that law is now going to work on your behalf so this is why in my teachings I every time I'm teaching I love to bring people back to the word back to the word back to the word I will be running off with my opinion and my ideologies this is a what Kevin said this is what the word says the scripture says in Proverbs it says that he that giveth or lended to the poor God will pay him back the next scripture says that he that give it to the poor shall not lack the next scripture says that he that walks uprightly no good thing shall be withheld from him so these are laws that I must be conscious of them and do my best to participate in them physically to cause the activation in the realm of the Spirit to give me the results that it says it will give me simple as that take a break it will be come back we will invite your questions and comments and number hopefully 3-5 to 394 from the family islands led to four to three hundred six to three three we'll be back with more on stay with us [Music] everything you need for school and more is in one place at h&L school supplies and bookstore at number two arcade building downtown from backpacks roller bags Barbie Dora spongebob and spider-man bikes drawstring bags lunch bags black and white composition books and geometry sets two dictionaries thesaurus on supplies crayons markers charts graph books folders Diaries textbooks games toys office supplies and more phone 3-5-2 5470 everything you need for school and more is in one place at h&L school supplies and bookstore at number 2 arcade building downtown from backpacks roller bikes Barbie Dora spongebob books folders Diaries text books games toys opposite lines and more from 3-5 to 5470 shop for this season's Fabulous tiles at Ritchie's code so one end to Richie's has shoes for men women and children stress and casuals there's the occasion while there check out our stylish clutches handbags and hosiery so what's your style wedges platforms wide with Footwear sexy heels or are you classy chic we have prizes you simply cannot resist so hurry on down to Richie's Calypso located in the Churchill Square downtown where phonons at three five two eight two zero zero seven or three five two nine four five one Ritchie's Calypso whites etc etc at number seven main port building downtown Freeport has funny ladies of Harald fashion accessories hats and shoes whites etc etc has stylish clothing for every occasion elegant suits dresses sportswear skirts pants blouses evening gowns beautifully decorated purses sophisticated hats and so much more whites etcetera etc at number seven mere port building downtown Freeport is open Monday through Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. phone three five two four eight six four all major credit cards accepted [Music] once again we are opening the phone lines for your questions and comments the number locally 3-5 to 394 the family Islands 1 to 4 to 316 3 3 and we remind you to please turn your radio off when calling in what I want to let's jump to now I'm not even discovered all of the basis of spiritual warfare how do we get the forces of the invisible realm the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light to operate for man because they just cannot invade our early do they want to do if you would turn to Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 and also verse 28 and also some chapter 8 verses 4 to 6 the common thread and all three of those scriptures that I gave you gave you sorry makes direct emphasis that God gave em a n-not SPI RIT s God gave man dominion over the earth so man has the authority - the right he determines what is allowed in and out of this side he has been given that authority not spirits now why am i making this clear again but dealing with spiritual warfare and we need to know the the premises of what we dealing with that being the case as much as God would like to help you in your troubles or as much as the end we would want to destroy there has to be a legal right there must be meat why because see everything is governed by this Bible this is the big constitution of the spirit realm this saying what can happen and what cannot happen so as such in order for us to invite God into our fears and isn't that interesting he didn't even give him himself dominion he said you I'm going to give the ER to you you have the power to determine what happens here so what happens now we invite God in our fair school prayer another weight was how it's done so that little statement people constantly me they'll say something like young people say if God wants me to have any let me have it not only crazy and they have another one that says but let God died for me for me then many things God has had for you that you did not come in connection with because the enemy manipulates see and don't automatically happen the more and I'm going to give you scriptures I'm gonna [ __ ] is very quickly because I would have to cover this before someone calls it but in any event going in the back in the days of Moses and Abraham then I'm going to use a perfect example of it in Genesis chapter 15 where and I use this last week where God came to Abraham in a vision and he's basically reiterating to Abraham what he had promised him in Genesis 12 about his seed and how it's going to be like the stars of heaven and blah blah blah and the Bible but before that happened the Bible says in Genesis 15 that God said to him go get a ram go get a go the get some turtle of make of sacrifice to me a sacrifice which you need to have an altar is to invoke a spirit from the spiritual realm this is the portals that they come into the true true true because there can be no sacrifice not an auto so the altar is the place on a point where sacrifice is done and depending on that sacrifice will determine the spirit that you're bringing in to the earth because remember you and give an example because remember you have been given Dominion so for example in Genesis 15 after Abram began to grumble to God God says okay when we prove to you what's gonna happen go get these animals cut them open and watch what's gonna happen he's making a sacrifice the Bible says that Abram went into a deep sleep this is what the scripture says say heaven they say and when he went into the sleep God began to say to him how his seed would be like whatever the stars of heaven and they were going to bond it for 400 years and he began to tell him all this stuff he says that when the sins of the amorite has come so high then we'll go out come and deal with them and that the children of Israel who were once in slavery will leave Egypt with a mighty hand and of course we know the story we're going told Moses to go back and borrow of their neighbors which was the Egyptian taskmasters and God squash out there thereby killing them to depart don't open sea now here's what I want you to get that spirit which is the Spirit of God that was brought to the earth through Abraham's sacrifice remain with all Christians today because remember now in Genesis 15 verse 18 it clearly states and God made a covenant with Abel now here is the key plus that word covenant is what causes all the spiritual and the physical world in there up in order for manifestation in radioland you have the ears this is divine revelation in order for things from the spirit to manifest in our natural realm there must be an agreement between that which is physical or human and that which is of the spirit for example when you take a scripture let's say you're believing for healing now if you're going to pray to God you want God to come and heal you but God is a spirit and God has given you Dominion in the earth so how do we get God to cooperate with us to give us the healing that we need we now go to his law which is the scriptures and we now begin to extract structures that are relevant to healing why because the Bible which is the all and the New Testament and the word Testament in this sense means covenant and God says to remind me of my word or to remind me of my covenant so now that I want healing I now go to description I said lord I need you to heal me but I come an agreement which you are law and your Lord dictates Jesus that because of your stripes I am healed I come an agreement with that word I believe that would I bind my spirit to that word your word declares that you have sent your word to heal me Father I believe it I come in covenant with it now Lord I reject the spirit of dump the spirit of fear the spirit of unbelief and any other spirit that will try to intercept this connection between me and you through your covenant that's how we pray that's how we invoke the forces now there's an opposite side you're annoyed yeah go ahead okay let's go to the we keep beholding and thank you for holding and good morning on the air I felt that I felt whatever and listening what he felt that right no you got sin correctly I wish we could replay that as I put emphasis I'm not discarding that here is my overall I'm repeating is really for the third time the Word of God is superior to whatever and I'm saying to you and I'm saying to radio loud and the gentleman here that if you are slain in the spirit of where you fall all our pass or whatever it is if if it is going according to the Word of God and God is endowing you with his power to do mighty works to do miracles or to achieve something you couldn't achieve before that's what a blessing is to do bless someone it is a spiritual endowment something you cannot see that is going to cause your physical being in the physical realm to do things that you couldn't do under normal circumstances case in point Genesis 1:28 and god bless them past tense edie something spiritual what now what would it cause I believe to do to be fruitful to multiply to replenish and to subdue so that's something that you could not do before what I said was that if Cindy had a experience I'm not discounting your experience I'm not disturbing how you feel but remember I said in here what were the results of that the gorgeous do a tickle you the gorgeous do it so you could get some fanfare in the church or now you've been empowered with something - now make changes and the changes in your life or speak life and changes into the lives of others that's what I said what you're saying like what we feel when we when that happens it's not just for a feel-good time to feel if it's truly the power of God it's coming to make a change somewhere somehow where is to bring wisdom to bring knowledge to bring healing what I'm saying to you Cindy silly me put it this way let's say I have no money I'm broke and this millionaire guy comes into my life and bless me two million dollars it's been a year now since he bless me this money but I still live in it won't break down Shack I don't have a job are you convinced that he gave me any money you know how could you be when the opener parents and I've made no changes I've not bless anyone else there's no one could say before you don't ever since care about that money I mean he just been helping other people you notice how he change his clock not that you see let's take that's him okay he's saying something to her yes definitely and on what the person was praying about what they are going to do for them because there's different gifts to different people to do different things but and in some cases the person have to ask or what it is and they don't know what if they prefer particular thing and don't give them that belief that is what they their testimony tended to go forward and tell people I see his done hey I played for whatever it is and I got that belief and I thank God for testimony after God get glory just like when I'm on Jesus he'll designer us and I'm the disciples asked about you know was this brother born by and looked for this experience of where within the pieces don't say no he was born future - that I and do what I just did and though I will get the glory for it so a mom you know cities or gives different gifts different pendants you are so whatever come on pivot table so to say that when somebody say well all as well or whatever have you and wanted up system twenty pounds over that points the name would they are for what they're getting they may have prayed and asked for then they says well they go as well and I know my wife's I know same sort of fall into place so you know I'm definitely like I said I understood you saying some of the things you know I have no question thorne think about it come on the goods without me - but caller what I'm saying you agree to what [ __ ] what you're saying to me you're actually agreeing to what I said let's use the thing about Jesus healing the blind man Jesus is now endowed with the power of God and he's actually demonstrating the power of God the evidence of that is now being displayed in the mind who was formerly blind and now he can hear you you agree what I'm saying to you your personal whether is your personal experience or your testimony all I'm saying to you sir is that the evidence of the power of God which is clearly stated in the law of God not Kevin's opinion God said that signs and wonders shall follow those that believe do you agree with that so I'm knocking what you're saying autumns in and we're on the same track we are talking about the evidence of God which is the spirit coming into the earth via our prayers why our worship or whatever we bring him in us to do and to cause things to happen for us in this world sir that we could not do under normal circumstances which will equate to his or her testimony in there they die and they have all these and Families whatever value well first of all I didn't even number measles where they are these we just like all you know after he get become so nice and everything like that eventual fight a bit the Bible says many other infections of the writers Manila's political animal indicated his relevance who died under certain circumstances any in some doors Leo punish them by punishing demonically making them suffer for things that they have done wrong and so forth that only them and God knows or maybe some people know but their mom still at all their weight goes on in the wait Lana Lana but they have suffered for whatever God's we said was when you become a Christian you often person often just began training just begin to come at you and O in expect these things but like I said if I was saying a lot isn't some other the whole you know now watch this again you are agreeing with me because everything you said right there the premises of what you said the foundation of what you said is the Word of God because let's just go what you say they're dying because of some wickedness I needed in the Lord getting about no no no I agree maybe maybe not we're not making that concrete in US law but you said this could be the case where God is but you still using the word God and what I'm now listen what I'm saying to you is this I'm not disagreeing with you what I'm saying and this is the whole teaching what I'm doing this morning and we are talking about the realm of the Spirit and how you operate in the Word of God through it being from ignorance albeit that you know that you are implementing a particular law you're carrying it out the nor will eat up are no good for you if you obey and do what it says to do to get a particular result or the opposite the scripture says that what a man so he shall reap man he didn't say believe on non-believer so therefore I could take the law of God and use it to my advantage or disadvantage thus if I am a Christian and I am doing stupidness of wickedness and so on God says listen even though you were Christian even though you my child remember my law now if you saw a wicked Kevin then even though you're covered by the blood we could gotta come back to you so that's what I'm saying to you the laws of God is the foundation and the premises of good and evil he is the Supreme Being he is the sovereign king he is the lord of Lord and God of gods and all I am clearly saying on he is trying to show people how we give special attention to this unseen world that is governing the affairs in this world simple as that that's your opinion I never knocked down Cindy's joy I didn't do that again that's your opinion because right after that have you listened to me I made extremely clear what my point was and all my point was was that the demonstration of the power of God is going to come true signs and wonders i ain't knocking down Cindy I endure scold my experience all I'm saying to you what is your testimony as the power of God moved in your life one or your life color or my life but ok so what we gonna do call a bigger desk on the fact that the Bible say signs and oneness said should follow them that believe because obviously that's what you say into me because what I'm saying I'm not I'm not fighting you I'm simply saying to you that our teaching is about activating the laws of the spiritual realm through the Word of God but here you are you're trying to just focus in on Cindy's I'm not knocking Cindy's Testim I'm not knocking her testimony I am publicly declaring to you radio-loud I am NOT knocking the testimony of Cindy I am saying that Cindy's you mean if we want to access the power of God then we have to get to our Bibles and begin to to to to so deceit in our head decreed declare it live it and now watch the end result of what God the sovereign God has promised if we follow those laws okay thank you for calling continue to listen thank you sir and maybe you can come back later and call an EFT okay maybe you can come back later after the show and talk to Minister Kevin some more but once again if you like thanks for calling continue to listen once again if you'd like to be planted to shelter 2294 from the family Island one to four to three hundred six to three three and we'll be back with more after we hear from our sponsors [Music] refrigeration and deployments the most trusted name in air conditioning refrigeration and appliances including sales service and repairs the Harry trusted Ling brands like Trane Goodman and carrier for a gas stream commercial and residential utilization they also have in stock mini-split system step boards air filters fan belts copper fittings tubing compressors service that's AC finders and more at affordable pricing don't let the cold or heat you pull we're here down pick up demo for life call CNG air conditioning refrigeration and appliance three point two two zero nine seven providing quality service since 1989 shop for this season's Fabulous tiles at Ritchie's console one and two Ritchie's has shoes for men women and children dress and casual for every occasion Alton well there check out our lunches and bags and hosiery so what's your style wedges platforms one with the wear sexy heels or are you classically sheet we have prices with simply cannot busy so how are you down a Ritchie's Calypso located in the Churchill Square downtown or phone is at three five two eight two zero zero seven or three five two nine four five one Ritchie's Calypso okay welcome back once again if you had to be part of the show three five two three ninety four from the family I was one two four to three hundred six to three three I'm Cindy bustle you're listening to our discussion this morning on spiritual warfare with my guest Minister Kevin Laue you wanted to say something about all just but just before that let's just go to call focus let us go to the phone lines and we said yes good morning thanks for calling okay I don't know what would be their reasons for excluding that I would like to believe that wherever they decide to jump into the Bible they're being led by the Lord at that particular time to speak on that particular topic however the entire Bible is relevant and I know there are some people who believe that the Old Testament is irrelevant I don't agree to that and I will never breathe it out because I believe that the Old and New Testament is the spiritual laws of God that dictates to the unseen world and that will bring about the manifestation of that world in this world but every part of the Bible is relevant whether they pick from Hosea Matthew Genesis Exodus they are all relevant there are times when God would probably speak to you through a specific scripture you may just go and open your Bible something you may go be going through and that particular scripture stand out to you don't necessarily mean he's going to take you back to Genesis just to bring you to that particular scripture but nevertheless the entire Bible is relevant and has been made to be relevant for mankind as long as this I Texas okay thanks for calling okay yeah what I want to get to because I know you only have a couple more minutes and I really want to jump on this because it's going to bring everything to a head as it relates to the spiritual realm and I said to you not because man has given God has given mind dominion over the earth there are certain spiritual laws that has been activated to invoke spirits into the earth of course the Christian is to pray to fast to worship and this is how we invite the presence of God or the air of God to hear us to grant us our requests back in the Old Testament the Bible says that alters we erected sacrifices were made as a result of that the Spirit of God came to those holy sacrifices now there's a scripture that I want us to look out here I think this is an exit I think I know it's an access chapter 20 and verse 24 I think it is and it speaks about the altars of God and what God required from his altars and one saw altar was erected and made with requesting God's presence it says that not only that the Spirit of God visited that altar but it also says that when God came he came with blessings now this is a serious spiritual point this is an exodus 20 hell for what that mean now is that an altar becomes now a portal for spirits to enter into the earth because an altar is a place where divinity meets with humanity or the invisible meets with the invisible and covenants are made whereby spirits are now being given the right to operate in the earth realm as a result of the altar that was erected back in the time of Abram in Genesis 15 that spirit remains rode that lineage because remember remember when our Jacob Jacob when when the Spirit came unto Him or the angel whomever and he says that I am the God of your father's which is God Almighty and he was assuring him that he will be with him and his staff he basically readed the same thing that he reiterated in the time of Abram so you have an altar now where spirit was called in this case the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God like he has promised he was with the children of Israel all throughout the ages now let's take that same spiritual principle and now we're going to use it because this is what's being done now to the kingdom of darkness in the kingdom of darkness as it relates to witchcraft or their black magic Shango whatever labeling sand areola yes what they do is they Iraq altars and these altars are ministered by witches and warlocks and what they do is when you come the out seeking whatever was witches or sorry riches to be heal or whatever it is they're going to ask you to bring something of your person or whomever you want and a sacrifice is going to be made be a gold chicken pig whatever the sacrifice will now determine the type of demonic force that they were invoking from the kingdom of darkness here is where the problem is though whoever's at that altar the one who's the practitioner of the altar the one who's seeking assistance or consultation from the altar they are now becoming a part of an agreement as a result of the sacrifices a covenant being forged which is now tying this poison and by extension their family to that altar as a result of that even when their evil would have been achieved the spirit of that altar will abide with that family until someone would spiritual eyes recognize it and revoke it this is why you hear the term spirits of their ancestors it doesn't mean their ancestors spirit what it meant was the spirits that their ancestors called up that is now operating in their lives today now here is the physical evidence and I'm sure people listening to me now who have people in their family who are engaged in demonic activities namely which wife and so on these are the experiences what I'm about to say are the signs that will indicate that number one when there's a spirit attached to your family through a satanic altar the primary spirit that is attached which ought all testable equalities is what they call a monitoring spirit this spirit is responsible for enforcing the agreement that was originally made at that altar for example let's say when they first summons the spirit they did a blood sacrifice chicken gold whatever so therefore the spirits from that altar will always require a blood sacrifice here is the problem even when the ancestors die now the future generation will know what they did they have no idea but the spirits are still requiring a blood sacrifice so it would be like the great grandchildren great grandchildren and they ahead in life what's going to happen now is you're going to now begin to see mysterious deaths happening the family where'd that why because the spirit is now coming and demanding blood from the original sacrifice then you may have families that are riddled with cancers and adultery or whatever the case may be these were a part of the original covenant this is why the scripture says to us in lamentations chapter 5 verse 7 the trimmin of Israel may say it for our ancestors or our forefathers have sinned but now they're dead but we the current generation are left to bear their evil or bear the results of what they have done this is why I said on the last show when you written breaking these things you'll just say I break this curse number one you must know exactly what it is because the covenants were specific then in your process of breaking it you don't say Lord now forgive me no no no father forgive me of this forgive sins and the iniquities of my ancestors their transgressions then you work your way down to you see because the Bible says that if we regard iniquity and AHA gravan the Lord will not hear you the iniquity of that bloodline on that generation needs to be dealt to it so bring it home today people who have these spirits in their lives or their family awake obey or what have you number one they feel like throughout the night time oh when they're trying to sleep something pressing them down on the bed they are fully conscious the TV on but they can't move their spouse or whoever next to them they can't they will scream but they can't scream aside from that strange things happening in the house for example they put something down but they can't find it no mores like it's mysteriously gone where accidents why because the spirits of your ancestors are now manipulating your life messing with your head you don't notice because don't you can relate to is what you see when it becomes worse you now begin to see apparitions now you know this sounds like scary monotonic scares the reality this is the reality of what's happening and this is what knowledge that people need to understand to bring clarity of the spiritual things that's happening their life they're not hearing it in their churches they're not here [ __ ] no TV Oh ever and and people like myself need to bring people don't want to teach about this they don't want to talk about no obeah and fact i many people see how come every time you talk you talk a little bit because nobody else does and it's a reality and if these are a part of the spiritual restrictions and limitations that have you spiritually wrapped and limiting you in life as a believer so people like me have to come on the scene to fulfill proverbs 11 and 9 and what does that says proverbs 11 and 9 says that through knowledge shall the just be delivered go read it so therefore knowledge becomes the key to unlocking the mysteries of what's going on in your life why is it that every relationship you get into it ends bad why is it that you could never move on to the next level in your career well now let's look at the history of your unsaid what did they do what would they involve it that is causing a spiritual cage for you and that you cannot go forward many people that have suffered as a result right and when you talk about the knowledge not knowing I know we had a conversation once about a woman going on a cruise and not reading the information would understand that the cruise entailed eating as well right that she would eat free well so when she went on the cruise she took crackers cuz she was just happy to be on the cruise to be sailing and to be just but she stayed in a room the whole time because she didn't think she would have been able to afford the fabulous food group in the dining rooms not knowing that that was a part right the package a lack of knowledge a crackers and right Frank water because she's because of a lack of knowledge she didn't know that she had privilege of her participating and those foods and so on I love that example because it's a it's a clear example of what we're talking about today people are walking around and saved for eight million years and they are Ted they are restricted what a good prison worship leaders or they're good at doing their performances in church and catering to their pastors and bishops I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with this what have you as an individual contributed to the power of God that's resting in you to the world whom we have sent you to fulfill is worthless you care because you don't understand the things of the Spirit and your knowledge of the Spirit is either limited restricted or you don't have any at all so you go on based on but it's physical so we'll come right back and you'll wrap things up on our show this morning stay tuned and stay with us [Music] see [Music] like Trane Goodman manyanya for industrial commercial and residential feel like they got a squeeze air filters and boats comprehending tubing compressors thermostats AC runners and more adorable pricing the : or you want to wear you down pick 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very about the storm Matthew and my prayer is really based on the scripture in 2nd Kings chapter 6 verse 14 to 17 well the company of Syria the army of sea riding camp Elisha remote a story and then the Bible says how his servant met on science saw this army and run back inside and said alas master the Syrian army is here against us and Elisha said to him he said fear not and listen what he says that because he recognizes an unseen world he said listen boy there are more than with us he's talking about spirits not from the kingdom of darkness then those spirits that are with the Syrian army so I want us to pray right now sin against this storm that is coming heavenly father name of your son Jesus Christ we call upon you right now according to your word and your word says in Jeremiah 33 and 3 that if we call upon you you will show us great and mighty things that we know not father we are invoking your presence in the earth because you have given us Dominion and we are asking you Father God through your spirit through the angelic hosts that you assigned to us to go and father God divert this matthew hurricane from the bombers we believe father god there's no hurricane there's no storm there's no forces of the university atmosphere that is greater than your power your word declares that greater see that is in us than he that is in the world so we're tapping into the great power which is you that resides in us and we come in harmony of your word speaking against that storm commanding it to be diverted to Beamish routed that the Bahamas will suffer absolutely no loss no loss of life no loss of property none of the sort we believe your word become an agreement with your word and we believe that we can do all things through you who strengthens us we believe that we are co-laborers with you so therefore we take your word we present your word back to you because you said to remind you of this word because it is this word that cannot return unto you void we believe you and we receive it and we thank you for what you have already done and we praise you in advance in the name of your son Jesus amen and amen [Music] thank you yes Oh [ __ ] so first thing next week we go and we need some school book actually cuz we go deep next yep next week sorry that's Billy thank you for tuning in once again our sponsors Philip so one and two lights etc and CNG air conditioning soon with us coming up next it's our midday news with Joan Davis roll [Music]
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 112,631
Rating: 4.7538128 out of 5
Keywords: Spiritual warfare, Religion, Spirits
Id: RFkiiShjcEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 45sec (6405 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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