Doers of the word

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[Music] good morning and we welcome you to our talk show this morning Sicily muffled show and understanding to Isaac since 2017 our conflict doers of the word and in studio with me to talk about it is heaven ally doing and we say good morning good morning to you today and welcome and also we'd really want you to know that our show is being sponsored by fantastic memories h&L cool surprise also which is Calypso West our convenience store first-class limousine and charter services a change of pace including looking fabulous boutique and C and G F conditioning and we want to say thank you to our sponsors and for their generosity and as we're getting into this pocket today doers of the word and another description that I will talk about being do it absolutely right actually that script is found in James chapter 1 verse 22 and agrees but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves very interesting company and I find that allows you to leave that part out are you deceiving yourself right because basically what the Scriptures telling us is that if we are not doing of the word of God we are deceiving ourselves why we may be putting on a show for others you gets no credit with God right so today what we want to really dig into is the correlation between God words not us and how when we do apply it to our lives the changes that it brings about but as usual the changes begins from a spiritual arena that eventually manifests itself in our physical world God which is a spirit in order for him to operate in our lives then we are for us to have a mother in our lives to do the things for us that we would want to do according to his word then it is imperative that we follow the instructions that he has needle in his word now I've explained on the show on any number of occasions that the spiritual realm literally dictates to this physical realm however it doesn't do it as it wishes as it pleases we there must be an agreement between human beings and spiritual entities be it God in the kingdom of light or Satan and the kingdom of darkness the way that they manifest their will or purpose in this earth or in or or through us is through us again agreeing with for example when we practice the Word of God when we do the Word of God you are literally coming an agreement with the covenant you're giving God the right to actually operate in your life the same thing the same principle the same rule operates for the kingdom of darkness when you obey the instructions of the Evil One or whatever is that you follow from that side then they now have the legal right to participate in the in many areas of your life now if we go back to Genesis chapter one and two it speaks about the creation of the universal worlds and it also talks about how God made the Scarlet Eden and he placed Adam and Eve in this garden now what was interesting is that he now gave some instructions and he told them that they could eat of any tree of this particular garden but they cannot or they should not eat of the tree of good and evil now as long as they followed the laws of God then God will fully in their lives he is their God he will provide for them he will protect them all of this comes under apply were doing the Word of God so in doing the Word of God in this particular text it's clearly showing us that God the invisible spirit will protect will preserve his own that if you obey Him okay the flipside is also true because it's also going to be proven in Genesis chapter 3 that when we disobey God then we give the spiritual entity would we know to be saving the right now to come into our lives and begin to do those things that are not pleasing towards sickness poverty anti progress and so on so so far the foundation I'm laying on here is that when you are a doer of the word of God then anticipate expect stand-in or because you will see the manifestation of those promises that were promised you in the Bible by Almighty God Satan job is to make you go contrary because he has no legal right in your life unless you reject dismiss or you're contrary to the Word of God meaning that you have to reject God word for Satan now to commit so the reality is while he may be a powerful spirit just power in your life is predicated on your rejection of the Word of God so this is why you know I will do subscription on the show all the time and Deuteronomy 20 which gives clear instructions of that if you obey my lord 28 and 1 then God says as a result of that I will bless you I will prosper you I will bless you in your feel in your house I will bless your children verse 12 says I will open up the treasure of heaven for you it goes on to say your enemies will come in one way enough to scatter seven different ways from you but all of this hinges on you not abnormally observing his word but being a practitioner of his word and then let me drop down to verse 15 of the rule 28 it now speaks of how the same law only in this case when it is rejected where is dismissed when we are in disobedience of it now we begin to receive the opposite of what Deuteronomy 28 verses 1 to 14 was previously giving us this now opens the spiritual right to the evil one - not just influence you anymore but he have the right now to infiltrate your life and to suspend the opportunities to hinder your health to delay your progress but you you had to be a co-conspirator in order for this to happen to you so the bottom line is this hearing the Word of God in a church or listening to a preacher on the radio or even listen to me right now means nothing if you're not going to be a practitioner of it I know many people who are excellent according to Bible who could take you and literally drown you with scriptures but then when you compare all of that biblical memory that they have as opposed to their daily living there is a disconnect that person would be a clear example what I'm talking about right now they are here as only they had to do it that he will tell you do it but they're not going to do it so their life our lives however it's panning out is a direct reflection of our adhering and practicing the laws of God and you're not playing Church when you're in church where you know someone is really anointed and they are preaching and it is the Word of God and it starts expanding everyone gonna be in there amen advertisement right because of what you're hearing because you know that God is a great God and His Word does not lie and you're excited but it just seems like from most questions you would say the Word of God being evidenced in their in their lives it's not the bear right it's not it's always people have to kind of like help themselves believe certain things would you know declare and decree over and over not to say you know you know that that's not what you should be doing but it's almost as if they need to do it to really try to believe it unexpected right because it's not manifesting right no good I gotta pee you said okay and when I'm gonna respond to that right now suddenly I think the key word or the adhesives in making that connection between hearing the Word of God and being a practitioner of that word the hinge that's going to swing this dog is going to be the word love not love let me put that to you let's look at John chapter 14 and we're gonna read verse 15 I'm going to drop down to verse 23 George up to 15 sorry 14 and verse 15 says and this is Jesus speaking and my Bible is written in red if ye which is you or if ye love me keep my Commandments so Jesus right here saying that listen if you truly love me the way you claim you do then you would be a not only a hearer of my word but you will also be a doer of my word and verse 23 of the same chapter John 5014 Jesus again speaking jesus answered and said unto him if a man love me okay he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him so with the scripture saying now that once your demonstration of your love is actually practicing or doing the Word of God as a result of this according to the scripture this formula will now gather the attention of not just Jesus but his father God to be drawn to you and abide with and in you as a result of being a practitioner of the word of God so this is why I say to you there is a disconnect between a person who is excellent at calling the scriptures who was excellent in recalling with different scriptures and Chopp design and really putting a number on you but when you look at their life defeat anti-progress misery you say I say then there's no getting ahead and you would say to yourself how could a person be so knowledgeable in the world the words and making no progress when we just read the the reason for it because this person if they truly love God see love is an action word then I love my life not what it means but what it causes me to do is to want to do something I want to make her happy I want to make her comfortable and all these other things I want to surprise and do different stuff and travel together because this is what love is pushing me to do so when you love God and you're loving his word it pushes you in force not forces you but it encouraged you to want to do what he's requiring you to do so it's impossible this is why he said if you love me if so that means here this is conditional because of you saying you love me then your love should be demonstrated in your you practicing my word but don't say you love God because you come to Church every day of the week don't say you love God because Venice Pastore on Sunday you give the biggest off into the pastor don't say you love God because anytime they call you I assure you they're all in and according to the prison but no no no no that's not what I'm reading here what I'm reading here is that the love for God will cause you to want to do what is commanding you to do it's as simple as that we need know calculus calculate formulas none of that so think about anything that you love the object of your desire and you compare that with something that you don't love or you don't have that much interest in you can immediately determine that you will do more for the object of your desire or your love then you would do for that that you don't feel that sincere about I think about my kids I love them I want to do for them I think about my wife my mother I think about if I see a need I'm almost compelled to see that's what love does it makes you respond to areas of the lives of others where there is a need but why are you doing this if your question because you're following the laws of God alet me let me prove that to you let's jump over here to first Corinthians right chapter 10 first Corinthians chapter 10 and let's look at verse 24 first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 24 and listen what this law says does the word of God it says in first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 24 it says let no man seek his own so so far the scripture says don't don't become interested in you this is a law now but listen what it says next don't want a good news don't be interested in you write it ale about you instead he says but every man another smell or seek the wealth of some but this is so powerful city because this this law while it may be totally contrary to how we operate in this world based on our secular systems we are totally gaudiya get your education get a good job find a man or woman who could help you and your bill together and you know make some investments and but that is what I'm reading in this scripture is saying that as a child of God your interest now shouldn't be based on you what you going out there and helping assisting the needs of others building them or seeking their wealth now why is this this is so silly because what you do for others God will make happen for you so but every 9 another well you see help them and seeking their wealth meaning build them up help them to make sure their resources and needs and so on actually right like the present right now you will find this same principle all throughout the Bible let's let's look at another mister just a compound on this little bit let's shoot over here to proverbs that's the compromise at 11:00 and we want to look at verse 24 and was 25 chapter 11 proverbs 11 was 24 and verse 25 now remember we just read in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 24 where we are commanded as children of God to not be selfish to not be self-centered but to focus our attention or others and building them you know well the scripture seems I'm only really reading difficulty I just like no no I'm just saying that I know particularly given our culture and everywhere laughs you know he will say I'm gonna do me first right right and I'm going to do me right you know what looking for you not right número no but it's it's a what do you remember when I started I'll be there's this culture where oh you've been told that you know you're taking care of everyone else right other than you everyone's getting us to Hannah to do the same yes to everyone and you're tired and you're overworked and you're not doing anything for yourself and so you know there's always this time commercialization where you're invited are encouraged to treat yourself special right do it for you right right well let's look what that word scripture says now remember we just read first Corinthians 10 and 24 it says seek not your own not your own despair a big let you see not your own in everything what we can see right now it says instead as a Christian you know expected from you as a sinner as a Christian he says seek the wealth of help bill others you know what that's going to do in and of itself initially first of all is going alleviate jealousy see because number one if you're jealous of someone you're not interested in building it you're not interested in advancing them so see the Scriptures have been better than it antidotes to deal with hate to deal with business to deal with pry but it comes through going contrary to what has been implemented in us through our everyday living or the way that we were brought up so if God is saying to you okay your question now I want you to start this journey o-on now helping other people but then when you're working with a person and you're healthy it's difficult or other things become in writer jealousy right now right you know right and everything and it deals with you internally because remember you're doing this based on not so much for whatever reason but more so I'm doing this because I love God and he says if you love me you will I think you ain't appeal any you didn't say if you love me you were questioning my commandment he didn't say if you love me you will bring it on a theological audience and do a commentary on how how he should benefit you know he says seek the the wealth of others now in proverbs chapter 11 verses 24 to 25 is now going to expand more on that original commandment that we just mentioned in 1st Corinthians 10 and 20 for a little bit of Syrian province 11 verse 24 to 25 it says there is that scattereth or there is a person that is always giving but yet this person increases but there is someone who's always holding on to more than what they need but it then develops into poverty so let me put this elemental in this particular law is saying to us that the person was always giving the person was always so in good seeds or they're helping others assisting others the spiritual rule dictates that for some reason supernaturally he is going to increase but the world says thus the more you save your money the more you find different investments and hoard of all your money in the bank so you could come on the radio or TV or tell the public your void 4.5 million dollars or six winning million dollars because the first thing my mind go is LaVon you have it because that's when my mind go now who are they you will see because Cindy and just come on practice a little bit the wealth that God has allowed to come to your life or the opportunities and I want you to hear me because it's really based on these two principles of giving right now it is really for you you are position to assess others he didn't make you a multimillionaire so you could go on The Oprah Winfrey Show and said you know what I started off with nothing but I work hard and look at me today anyone can do it anyone can do it put your mind to it work hard and you'll be stars are true I know my Grammy the boycott I will play any people to my god and never get no million dollars no see what they're telling you is do it the world we what we doing it the world where you are going contrary to the Word of God but listen to what the see in proverbs 11 was 24 he said he that is always giving supernaturally this man shall increase meaning people will give to him when you obey this law God who has placed his word above his name God whose word that cannot return unto Him boy God who honors his word must now see to it he is not obligated to meeting your needs and not just meeting your needs according to Ephesians 3 and 20 he his desire is to exceed your greatest expectation you're saying man I just I saw somebody give me $20 go ahead and give you a million dollars God will give you $10,000 but you see the world as treating you so much that boy when I give this 200 water and I know nobody know thousand dollars see you don't miss Arabia because you're basing God's laws or on a secular system and that's already doubt that is not faith at all so the scripture says this man who's always giving shall increase but now listen the law of poverty embedded in the same scripture it says he that holds on to more than what he needs he don't want to give nobody Nucky that's the payment nothing do you want to give nobody nothing the scripture says he will surely come to poverty how do I secure poverty in my life by not giving in to the lives of others let's build more on description drop down to 425 and says the liberal or the word means free the free soul shall not my shall be made fat and other versions I said he shall be wealthy he shall be rich the word the liberal soul that release me this person is always thinking how he can be a blessing to someone how he can improve the life of someone how we could change the conditions or circumstances for someone else for a better so the scriptures say the liberal soul this fellow in his doing this law is setting yourself up for prosperity setting himself up for people to always give to him for no reason in the world because God do not direct people just like the second portion of that verse 25 says he that water it shall one day be watered himself in layman's terms he that is always giving some day or one day someone is going to give to him so these are the laws of God that we ought to be doing if we claim we love this Jesus so now you see Cindy this now goes be all the regular routine thank God waking up this morning praise the Lord God is a good god god is good all the time all the time because it always looks like don't mean nothing if you in doing the Word of God you could say that all you want now let me show you another law that's going to now build more on this foundation so far remember the fresh scripture first Corinthians ten or twenty four/seven ones that we ought to not seek our own wealth or interest but seek that of someone else if you and somebody in class together you you know yourself you know need help somebody else you and someone on the job together you know finish up your part of the way a system with this whether you like them or not it is so much you doing it for them you do it the Creator who you claim the Lebanese commanded you to do it we then came over here to proverbs chapter 11 verses 24 to 25 and says he that scattered or he that gifts it says that he shall increase that's a law but he that who was one to more than what he needs will definitely come to poverty verse 25 says that the liberal soul are the one who's always thinking to be a giver it says he shall become wealthy and the one that is always giving shall one day be given to himself someone can help them now let's go over to proverbs 20 because we can see how this is going to happen now you're gonna see the supernatural power of God how God is gonna have people who hate you who hates you who despise you who are cooking who are even while you're ripping off people and deceiving people God will allow him go but let him do a run his course but what's your description says proverbs 28 in verse 8 he that by usery now what usually means to to lend someone that say money and you charge them this ridiculous similar interest for example somebody you borrowed ten dollars from me I said Cindy you got to give me $50 back now you know that's crazy right now I know incident - ended up in a safe right because the person was serious and the people thought he would be but what's with the Bible says the Bible says in proverbs 28 verse 8 it says he threw he by Ussery this one who is charging this ridiculous interest of people and also by unjust king he is of this swindling people cheating people robbing people what should the Bible says he that by userid unjust gain increase in his substance so the scripture says even though he's crooked even though this wicked what he's doing there isn't increase he will gain more so so far you see God isn't stopping this fellow but watch what's happening next it says next I think if I'm talking here that by user it on your skin he sort of substance and I think doing the bad thing know what effect increase writing as well entry it will increase the second part of says it says but he shall gather it for him that with what pity the [ __ ] this is so powerful because again poor here doesn't necessarily mean someone who has no money for anything he or she lacks in so God is saying you see I fell over there ripping them off Peter and Mary and Jane and all those people over there doing all this wickedness I know there something I'm gonna let it do what you got to do but the day is going to come when I'm going to take what he has and give it to those who are about giving heart for others because think about it the scripture says seek the wealth of others are not your own and I will assume that it means people who want to less sports in a position because you're not gonna run down mr. Bill Gates and say hey buddy I came out let's get something no cuz he's some piece of goods any meal so the scripture is basically speaking to when you see people in your circle however who how they need whatever they need maybe you should make it your business to a system now in doing that you're activating other laws that will benefit you in the future do you think the bubble comes with individuals trying to discern more I go to New York for example somebody would see like a Johnson the faker right or the president but I thought you know you okay people who just want to get from you wrote it and see what they can get right and they're not reciprocating in any way right when you see remember now it isn't up to you it's up to the Holy Spirit to make the determination the Bible said are the spirit or the holy spirit responsible for leading us into all truth so he will be the one to say okay Kevin bless this person excuse me Kevin bless this one over here whatever and in doing that this this is key when you do that Cindy you would have activated a spiritual principle that was panelled for you legal theory which is telling me the other day that they are always like doing something for someone it's very helpful always something but the person never shows any level of gratitude or so particularly acts it's just never it'll ruin right - let's say you know we pull up to the rice groupers and you can I simply know you are not even going to ask you if you want anything right thank you it's going to ask you if you like something because you know I'm driving in the car and I'll say oh one for hungry let me just pull up there and get something to eat right and so I'm in the car you're there but it's not even well you know would you even like a drink but you're the one who's always doing something for me so what they're saying is that this person just was never on the say continue money do they continue right but just um it was no more that like how can people be that way people are gonna never see it right I don't let they don't see it you know I think they see they see it but again even then being badly they are activating laws unfortunately that would work on kinks them in the future that every principle in the Bible the entire creation hinges on one main principle and what is that whatever you so Cindy you will read it doesn't matter your title it doesn't matter your fate it doesn't matter your skin color in this again what you show in this life you will reap it in this life so in this scripture here where it says some promise 24 state it says that this man through and understand this man who obtained riches and life through plundering and deceiving others scripture says that that will be taken from him and God will assert it to someone who has a giving heart he's going to give it to them who we know will now transfer this into the lives of other self can I prove this let's go over now two sons chapter 41 we'll take a break good you just reading it it is 37 minutes now times 10 it's written see the Finley's wrestling show live here at 8:10 a.m. ride with my guest Minister Kevin Laue and our prophet today doers of the word father's excess reduce sound chapter 41 and we're going to read from verse 1 to verse 3 verses 1 to verse 2 now just to give a small recap remember we started off the but seek the birth of other people and not our own and we jumped over there to proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 to 25 it says that the givers will always increase those who are always finding me in and not giving to others they will actually lose in life the second part of the scripture says he that is constantly helping others would one day be helped himself then we jump down yet proverbs 28 verse 8 and it says that all of those people who are robbing people and whichever way to increase their wealth then the wealth will somehow spiritually particularly from them and move to someone who is compassionate but justifiable description just answered this ahir there's a scripture that church folk loves to quote they love to call the next line the wealth of the richest is laid up for the just right the wealth of the wealth of the wicked for the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just right and you give us all the time all rather bring with it up for the judge but when I look through the Scriptures while the wealth of the wicked may be made up to adjust there is a specific category of the just that this wealth is be transferred to in fact we just run it the scripture not really from what I'm reading you know here it's going to be given to it's going to be transferred to the given the scripture says that God ministers see to the soul why is he giving it to you because you are keyword a so on you are a giver you love to assist people you love to help people and their needs so you have a likely candidate for when the shift of wealth take place more than likely we go to you as opposed to the man who is still just but he is mean he is stingy he is selfish and he doesn't want to share and he doesn't want to gift anybody else so the shifting of that wealth is going to be to him that will pity the poor or him to have compassion towards those who are less fortunate so the last culture that we read really speaks to that in proverbs chapter 28 verse 10 and it says that the wicked person was always gaining through evil means it says that it will be taken from him and it didn't say it will be given to the just it didn't say that it says it will be given to him that would pity the fall now let's go under some more and let's look at pro-choice sounds 21 raised 1 2 3 listen it says blessed is he I love this because they see here now makes a generic it didn't say blessed is to Christian it didn't say blessed is the Pope it didn't say blessed is the apostle it didn't even say blessed is the sinner so this word here he is now speaking to anyone that would participate in this law will get the same result that the Lord it eats proverbs sorry sounds 41 says and verse 1 says blessed is he that consider the poor meaning that I know this guy have a need and I'm going to meet that need now what's the seven things that God is going to do for this person this is why you see a lot of people around here who you convict it and maybe they are but their lives are blessed and things are happening for them and they are progressing in life then you see the question over there suffering can hold on to a job can maintain a status in life and things always going back for him aha so is it how is this well if you ask me let's look at who was participating in the principles because you see feeling a question doesn't automatically make wealth and good things come and happen to you know you have to participate in the law just like an Oprah Winfrey just like a Donald Trump alone all those rich people you wonder how is it they're maintaining their money how come they're getting so much and then we would profess God however when I read online about them they're giving to this charity they do anything wait so description I was saying gonna have an obligation where the day these people save them or not that his law must still protect them so let's watch this in Proverbs keeps a promise sound 21 says blessed is he that considers the poor now what's gonna happen the Lord the first thing that can happen the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble how come this wicked dude always get no trouble but hey he's a give up he's always helping people so God the Gordon said I've been making go to him and he's still gonna accept Christ but he's participating in my law and as a result of that my law says that if he considers those that are less fortunate I God must now protect him yeah Kevin he should be punished for this yeah Kevin he should be punished for that but this man is doing what you're not doing Kevin mr. Christian and that is he is doing my law so the first one it says the Lord will deliver the sky in time of trouble that's number one the Lord will preserve him as the two minute calculus fella no you can't do him in because God see what you don't see why are you saying he doesn't that he make it his business to take off his own and go and help other people my you nor they're broadcasting it here on the radio notes and I just been uh need mark and I to go feed those hungry people don't no no no no he can use and letting is right I know what his lesson is doing you don't see that so you try you can feel you frustrated with God God Here I am in church every Sunday every Conclave every convention every woman our tower I lose every cat doll I lose I am there Jesus why your blessing me Lord and this man smoking all day drinking liquor frolicking all over the place and look like he never invented me when I might so go back to my sin and night they say this I'm telling you what they trust me but when we boil this baby down it's gonna come down to those who are doers of the word and those who are not I'm clearly those who are doers you will see the spiritual manifestation in their lives exactly what the word promises that and then you cried to God and people say and God I'm doing everything you ask me to do right denying them so the second thing that God is going to do in verse 2 he says the Lord will preserve this guy meaning that you could throw a little bit on him all of Luna London because here this were the law saith the Lord God is going to protect him the normal position that's number two and keep him alive December 3 he shall be blessed upon the earth and thou will not God will not deliver him unto the will of it meaning that even though he's deserving of whatever punishment God says I'm not gonna surrender him over to those who should rightfully punish him because he is following my law by looking out for those that are less fortunate he is seeking the well others are not justice all and this is sounds roms 41 I'm making this and all I'm doing right now is breaking it down to give a clearer view of what description you must continue to be a bad no no no no no no see practicing the laws will give you what the end of with the law determines of what it predicts you guys have a you have to get save and accept Christ if you won't be up in his heaven so that's a wholly different story it goes on to say here verse 3 it says the Lord was strengthened him upon the bed of languishing or his bed of sickness so that meanwhile is wicked fellow sick with cancer whatever God is all on I remembered Peter gave to this one I too like when I when I when I moved on Peter heart to bless so and so Peter didn't question even though Peter wasn't saved even though Peter didn't Lumias is gone Teva helped this one Peter he'll don't God says now in his time of sickness I gotta take it I'm not going to the right going back minutes ago is laughing at me with my facial expected but it was all because that this you see into my mind is it almost saying in a way that you can tell me if it's okay or not if you're sick that's perhaps giving it can be related to your perhaps eliminate props because perhaps mean that maybe um I just read here that in your giving an assisting other clear crystal clear God says he will help you in your time of sick you if you if someone is listening to me right now by really all watching me on Facebook and you're in your bed of sickness but you know you are a person who have been giving all your life you could call on the heavens right now you could call god you i god of your words your word says and sounds forty-one that if I consider the if I assist others are less fortunate than I am you will help me in my time of sickness I am asking you Father according to your word to come and heal me to deliver me from the spirit of infirmity from this cancer from this diabetes from this high blood pressure you got a right to do that now because you were a doer of the word let me end this last piece of Igor outbreak verse 3 says the Lord will and straighten him upon his bed of sickness or languaging I will make all his Baroness sickness and I'm thinkin if this is going to be good for the person who is not safe and it's almost of us they're protected because of the right is that they are protected in the sense that according to this law because they are Lord that only applies to the righteous then their general laws like this low rating for example in our Psalms chapter the Christian Allah makes it seem is getting is a really big deal it is a big deal in Psalm chapter five verse 12 this what is it it says this is a law God will bless the righteous and with favor shall he encompass him or surround him like a shield it did not say and God will bless him no the qualified here is that he or she must be righteous for this particular blessing according to some 5:12 and for it to be accompanied with favor so that is a promise for a righteous or a law solely for the righteous in this book of psalm 41 it is speaking generically meaning any human being that seeks and assists those that are less fortunate there are seven things according to psalm 41 verses 1 to 3 that God is going to do for this person wherever they are similar whether they are murderer whether they are terrified it does not matter you can look at this ritual though there are no sub-clauses in the scripture no sub-clauses in Jung this is this is crystal classy because there are people who are teachers and and add certain things based on how they feel no no no let's read it for what it says just a guy you would read a scripture we're going to even bless you exceedingly abundantly you don't put no surprises in them no does it benefit you right so therefore this should be no different so when you read the scripture there are seven things that God is going to do for that person that assists other people let me tell you something it is so powerful to give you you the Bible says he that are give it to the poor shall never lack another scripture says that he that give it to the poor God will repay him I'm going to my breakfast why you can think about it when we go back my dude why does it seem so difficult for Christians together because I think it's it's sad that makes other times in services that has to be this appeal and sometimes even onliest on the program or my offspring appeal and is all to me and I interpreted it right you know begging for the money from the people or I really should invade that might work so let's talk a little bit about that when I'm not focusing on me totally we've I didn't say to and today with us 50 was an exact end we're going to take a break and we'll be back with more you can join us on Facebook and we take it myself a [ __ ] with I'm having a little trouble Danny - while you haven't heard for me but they seem to be okay now during the break off they hide it which we want to disclose thank is going to our viewers watching us on Facebook and if we're tuning in here in the Bahamas locally 35 to 394 from the town the islands one to four to three hundred six to three three we'll be back right after this your memories are irreplaceable that the professional descendants of memories capture utilized in pictures family get-togethers graduation christening passport photos studio portrait wedding an event photography photo cake imagery church services and the bank's corporate functions and so much more than bastard memories also offers digital options including photographic direction don't see the memories under cell phone keep them for a lifetime cost and basket memories today located at number 317 Center for thirty five two five five five two everything you need for school and more is in one place at H&M school supplies and book store and number two arcade building downtown from backpacks roller bags Barbie Dora's spongebob and spider-man bikes drawstring bags lunchbox lack and white composition books and geometry sets two dictionaries thesaurus art supplies crayons markers charts craft books folders Diaries textbooks games toys office supplies and more from 35 to 54 70 where else can you shop the lady's picture than at once etc etc sizes to up to twenty six stylish sophisticated vibrant designs under one roof dresses scarves hats and accessories great for any occasion shop now and save 20% on selected items yet this season's must-have without breaking the bank hang on down to life etcetera etc located in the airport and your gateway to downtown Freeport on three five two four eight six four or four four one one seven zero say once upon a time in Freeport Grand Bahama split spinderella a beautiful Bahama Mama she had two stepsisters and they were fine Cinderella went important and danced till midnight while leading the ball and Deborah haste her shoe came off she had to hurry no time to waste her you teemo's what [ __ ] a girl do she can't wear just one she has to wear two for you pair shoes where should she go to downtown Freeport and purchase Calypso equities you'll find Bank socks and shoes galore you want this one and that one oh you want the whole store with verbal works philanthropy wherever you go your feet will lead the way your closet is full and running over with Jews and there's a grant from Ritchie will keep away the blues lots of color style suits black and meals which is Calypso always has great to you which is good so two hours one in three Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. go three five two eight zero zero seven four three five two nine four five one [Music] CD air conditioning refrigeration as Iranians the most trusted name in air conditioning refrigeration and appliances including sales service and repairs the Kerry trusted name brands like Trane Goodman and carrier for industrial commercial and residential utilization they also have in stock mini-split system step boards air filters and valves copper fittings tubing compresses thermostats AC lawyers and more and affordable pricing don't let the cold or heat wear you down P customer for life call CNG air conditioning or situation and deployments three five two two zero nine seven providing quality service since 1989 Hey ladies looking fabulous Boutique has everything you need to look beautiful sophisticated charming is absolutely fabulous shopping the latest fashion trends and style into a linked to hand nice sunglasses accessories and fashion jewelry all at great prices everything a girl was everything a girl needs to look fabulous best looking fabulous is located in that misery's and you can do store merchandise on their Facebook page looking fabulous is open when they drink Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sundays 1 to 5 p.m. and holidays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. phone three four nine nine zero zero five urine diva and you're gorgeous you shop at looking fabulous boutique CD air conditioning refrigeration as women the most trusted name in air conditioning refrigeration and appliances including sales service and repairs the hairy-chested name brands like Trane Christmas and generator for industrial commercial and residential utilization they also have in stock mini-split system step boards air filter and uncomprehending tubing compression thermostats AC fighters and more and affordable pricing don't let the cold or heat wear you down big customer for life call CMG air conditioning refrigeration and appliance three five two two zero nine seven providing quality service in 1989 a change of pace boutique located downtown churchill squares report south nothing of the finest in browses has except amis casual and to where we're including fashion accessories and so much more school uniforms backpacks socks cool accessories work uniforms industrial and office uniforms in name brands education Edwards you'll also find Valley asthma surgical where bring the whole family and sharpen Toledo and enjoy great savings from wall to wall a change of pace in the Churchill square downtown Freeport open Monday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. from three five two four zero three six there's no living service on this island like first-class limousine and charter services we offer and Bahamas take me to the next level with world-class material for problems parties weddings cool and warm also provide private or air participant level and private sugary love GTA residential good at first-class limousine and car services we're the only one standard they call us today has 4 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 sister convenience stores in the rnd grandma is open to serve you Monday through sending 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. enjoy the clean and fuzzy atmosphere enjoy the convenience fruits vegetables meats cleaning supplies beauty items hands good dairy products necks and lots more weststar convenience store the RMT plasma enzo shopping Lemaitre saturday 7:00 a.m. to the 11:00 p.m. on 3 5 2 7 8 2 3 worst son convenience stores Western says what we don't have you don't need Hey ladies [ __ ] fabulous booty has everything you need to look beautiful sophisticated and charming and absolutely fabulous shopping the latest fashion trends and styles including two handbag sunglasses accessories and fashion jewelry audit great pie place everything a girl was everything a girl needs to look her fabulous best looking fast and the shopping and looking fabulous boutique is fabulous from anywhere coming from succumbing to that ministries and they're having a Cooper things which we can size top get 50% off the next ayah bottom yet to see percent of the next bottom higher drug ecstasy percent up the next threat by a shoot at 50% of the next Shania by that 50% off the next side and I understand come on over and looking fabulous which is Charlie with different last opinions but this event ended mystery it's not over the top and we are done with the first dollars it can be rough ocean doers of the word and today we are talking about going to church sharing the Word of God going to run meetings getting into the Word of God go into novel study and it's not evident in your life if it's not everything like reading your Bible every day and what right see what what this teaching it does is it now shows you why why is it that deep believer is not accessing the promises of God why is life so continuously a Jewess continuously a hustle or a struggle for the believer well so far based on what we've said it all boils down to adhering and participating in the laws of God which we now determine as the topic of the show doers of the word now going back to I think the question behind right before the break I sense a lot about church what was the question about life it's a lot of things for people to just get a dancer right right for much I think over the years it has increasingly become I mean almost I want to be kind now has almost become obscene the way that a lot of preachers has placed emphasis on giving and others perverted it what the main emphasis has been one was just given to a church not all about you but I really cannot tell you of any church that I have been to that has placed as much or equal emphasis on helping the person acts in the pew to you or helping those in your neighborhood and that's being a Christian not just bringing thousand dollar seeds and 500 dollar seats at this place yeah we use all your tithes and your offering and so on but your obligation is to your fellow brother see and this is what we're not taught so here it is you giving all of these seeds to this particular build person or building or whatever and this person who've been sitting in this bench for years you see their plate you see the motor kids this woman have the felon laughter you see her struggling and all you could say to half child go on to bless you go on the Senate man in your life that time you got thousands of dollars keep up on your account you know it's Holy Spirit then speaking to you you're probably tired talking to you bless this lady so when this woman life when the truth is the word is put want to bless you what he needs you to participate in the law of giving in order for blessings are now flow freely and guess what if you can sit on all that money and being so stingy and selfish according to proverbs chapter 11 verses 24 B it says he that holds on to more than what he needs meaning that he's not sharing what nobody else shall surely come to poverty one sickness could knock your bank accounts flat in the - so you want to avoid that by now every time listen every time every time you go to God for a need you said Lord listen I have one more semester I from the I said right now I have not went out of funds to make this thing and they don't have to put me up and I do not want to do this help me Jesus make a way or no way for me now for the most part we sit back and think God to send a sack of money forever and break on there or whatever but guess what's going to happen you know what's going to happen just when you get up off your knees couple days later a couple hours later somebody is going to come in your past requesting something from you just a silly old over ten dollars you definitely and I am an Italian your Lord Jesus God is trying to get you he want to give you but it has a time because he says I am putting people in your way too for you to participate in their life so I could reign the blessing on you he that considered the poor what did it say the Lord will help him in this time of trouble so this person who want to meet this tuition but there's nothing physically around to show any immediately remedy for their problem God says help someone assist somebody else and in doing that you are activating the spiritual laws heaven must now provide for you but we were taught this we are taught ah break the determinate it is angrily they're not gonna call this particular progeny means a televangelist he says open over ah what leaves your hand will leave going on and all these little rhyme and stupid riddles that I don't believe in anything is utter garbage that mean I don't care with me because it's nonsense give me the scripture man what does the law say I don't hear your riddle I want your nursery rhyme that can do nothing from the man it make it cuz it sounds nice Venita what leaves your hand relieve God how to leave turning all this other kimbridge listen you want to press me you will grab my attention show me a law what does this law say in this Bible let's quickly look at Ecclesiastes Cindy chapter 2 and verse 26 Ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 26 and listen what it says it says for God give it to a mind that is good in his sight now before we go any further the word good in that particular text means beneficial so go on saying what I'm about to tell you what I'm going to give this guy I'm giving it to him because he's a benefit to other people so it says here God give it to him mind that is good in his sight he's giving him wisdom and knowledge and joy okay but to the sinner he which is called giveth him travail or burden making him work hard to save the money making him work hard and villain all these homes and collecting on this read and and and keeping it all up but what should a sense next it says when he give it to the sky travail and together and to heap up see somebody else now that he may give to him that is good before God so what does that mean God says listen you who are a given which also means that you are beneficial to others God says I'm going to give you good wisdom I'm going to give you knowledge I'm going to give you joy now why am i giving you this because you're gonna need wisdom so when I bring this increase to your life you're going to know that I'm not giving you this for you to parade around and say you was a multimillionaire no you have more resources what you are doing when you didn't have no money you're going to do even more now because you have the resources to do it and this is why I say the people all the time don't tell me Kevin limited something have you ever seen you win the lottery why are you straight you don't even give me a penny when you had five ten dollars and mean you went to lunch together you never never look my basic everyone you only get some of you so you're telling me if you couldn't do that with the small amount in your life how in the world you're going to do when you get first of all I can't find you let's not attack thanks mayor training says you better okay I would need a GPS system to locate you up you get all this money so this is my this is my my understanding my theory in this regard the only thing money does for anyone is it increases their ability to hasten or to speed up what they always did before if you were a giver when you was broke or busted and disgusted or you can give more now that you got more resources if you was a man poisoning Horner when you only had velu you got to do the exact same thing when you get more you can ask you want no one calling you you don't want no one what so don't come to me and tell me all of a sudden a miracle is going to take place in your life that you used to be a main person all you like you give to no one but when you god bless you with this 10 million boy Kevin listen I go by you couple wounds for you you straight boy Yeah right that's what a lawyer and drawed up do something like let me look up because I know you that sign off on this so the Bible says there and Ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 26 and says that the man that is good or beneficial in the sight of God God's God sees his heart and you see that he is a giver he's a benefit to mankind God says what I'm gonna do with this man I'm going to oak fit him with knowledge and wisdom I'm going to give him that so he will know how to distribute how to articulate the resources that I'm going to give it but he said to the sinner man watch this now I'm gonna make this guy work and I'm gonna make him work hard to do we always do and always are there about the almighty dollar and God says what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take from this sinner and give it to the guy who's of benefit to other people so herein lies my theory again where the scripture says that the wealth of the wicked is later for the just what is speaking to a specific set of just people and that would be those who are beneficial to others those who are give us those who seek the need of other people because God has already initiated them initiated them with the wisdom and the knowledge to distribute the wealth feasible to bring to their life so that's important and the more we get into the study you're going to realize that life is about meeting the needs of others you are here as a solution as a remedy as a relief to someone people who you probably don't even know God will send you into their lives to answer a prayer before in four years many times Cindy and this is why I so believe in this and I teach so heavily on this because myself as an example there are many times when God will speak to me I remember one time let me give the perfect example one time I just got paid and because I'm not affiliated any church what I do instead of giving my tie to a church I would take more than what my Titus and I scored to lead me on who to bless and that was what I normally do I remember what I did got just got paid it was a Thursday and I was I was on vacation actually edibles writing an article on my computer at all and immediately this person flash in front of my face clear as day no I would might when [ __ ] I was so deep in the final word this thing I was writing but I didn't have time to think about this person and the Lord spoke to me to go and give this person $200 so I dropped what I was doing when a change went down to the ATM took off the tournedos and I went to this person I found this person is wheelchair-bound and I walk up to them and I said god bless you and I put it in their hand when I remove man about to pull off he did the person held my hand and when they look at it and saw the two bohemian hundred dollar bills developed break down in tears he's told me send me no joke he said to me he said there was a either of function or trooper company there was two hundred dollars he needed he needed at that date and he'd break down the test to say how good god is he was right there Korean ask him going even before then know what make it happen for me and here it is Kevin who was obedient Kevin who was a door Kevin was - own business now can I also tell you I have been blessed tremendously as a result of that repeatedly ongoing see that's why for me and I would say this all the time if you I true man a woman of God if you believe more in the word and you believe in money God will bless you God will send people in your life who listened and gurgling to mix in me on a daily basis people who have never met before I buck in to them they say my listen I listen to I watch your videos I read yourself let me be a blessing to you and my out there selling them so X I'm gonna see it no now you may see what Kevin you will see that because you're in a no church and because you're gonna charge you a little overhead but you still putting your faith in man you use you you still you're not surrendering your will completely to God because once you say this is God's show well as long as you do his lawns he is obligated and I want you to give me not just to meet your need but according to Ephesians 3 and 20 to always exceed your needs scripture says in ephesians 3:20 God says I will do exceedingly and abundantly and above all that you could ever ask or think but watch this or what's the catch according to the power that worketh in you what is the power well let me shoot the idea to two Romans Paul says I am not afraid of the gospel why because it is the work power unto salvation so what power is Paul talking about in seasons 3:20 he is talking about the Word of God and you are putting your entire trust in and that what is in you the Word of God because going to exceed your greatest expectation so this is why I say the people do with God has told you to do how many people how many haters I will do every minute you want Facebook talking talking everybody do you want Cindy sure and even the Freeport Lewis or you in this newspaper all somebody talking but you might need a rest man are you looking for a friend oh yeah man they just little mean I don't care Cindy because I am seeing the manifestation of the Word of God as a result of adhering to his Lord as opposed a hearing to these jealous haters opinion and rely upon I following the law which is general sowing and reaping assisting other people getting God whether they're giving them the understanding through the gift you've given me a wisdom and knowledge to articulate the word and such a way that even a child can understand it I use no big words and in trying to be all educated and to prove I've been to some school of Peola what I want no simple teaching today you could leave from this radio station on Facebook and begin practicing it right now practical stuff heimo real I say I'm gonna give you all seven steps line how to get rich three-step plan how God can bless you know he say he will bless the righteous according to some slave in twelve and he will encompass you above with a shield problems three verses 3 to 4 says that we must forsake not mercy and truth to key words he says but binding upon your neck and write it upon the table of your heart and in so doing shall you find listen to this listen shall you find favor and watch this good understanding before God and mine okay wonderful we have to send how long we haven't been heavily access facebook viewers to make a photon also Sandra no and my position spending rather Chinese in your next-door neighbor the fourth family - mrs. Tameka Marshall also Antoine Jasmine in New Orleans holding impact like born as well and half the Carol Roche is also sugar also TuneIn we say hello to Rose Russell in Palm Beach Moses Cooper including Carol and walk and Sarah and looking fabulous with tape sidney hall good morning off early say hello to the reef Maker Faire in Pinedale as well patria campbell and we say hallo Curtis now goes as well my cousins also a good morning - Hansel Kali and also near Calais original keeping the Comerica also changes as well Ruth we can hello to you in clothing with so many more and so we are Marie as well second one good morning while talking but they're all turning into eat up on this juicy meat this is the Word of God and again this is sound simple teaching and what we're putting emphasis on here is being doers of this great gospel that we consistently hear as a supposed suit of pomp and pageantry but having no application of this work I want us to turn to a particular scripture because I think we talked about it before on a show where it's almost like getting one excited see the picture the picture is probably on Facebook with food writer the rest alone and you're alright do I want to go there and you go to the restaurant where you look at the school but I say whatever it is and then you don't eat right loading work you know that's what I look at in terms of going to church is reading the words having all this word in your life but it's not there's nothing a cloud not it's not what I think and I think it's not being applied mainly to because the Bible says to us in proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 it says wisdom is the principal thing or the first thing in place but and all that getting we must get understanding the word understanding means to to to figure out how something operates what are the mechanics that makes it move or or do whatever it is that it does so I think when do we get a good understanding like this morning people are watching us right now on Facebook people listening to us on the radio and it's they're sitting there almost on the day say and beginning to analyze that and this is what the Word of God does it makes you try to measure up your life with the word not what would Kevin saying you know but what would what is what is God saying through this man that he wants to communicate to me what is it that he wants to cause me to alter in his life with the primary purpose of following his law and a bond bundling the worldly and which it have been a cycle of defeat over and over because it is a service of cycle where you're just going right and what is it I mean I know we go to church to get guard to pray hoonigan banana to congregate together and to worship you want it cetera but what is it I mean there has to be more because this is like an awesome God that we're serving and look at a promise run our life should reflect know he is awesome listen the company that I work for with Sheila walking will be accompanied by you know sometimes people ever a Christian I've heard people who are not Christian why should I become a birthday because I see so many questions are don't sick yeah diabetes to work and then you know what do you say to that I mean you know salvation is the ultimate all right but you understand to a certain extent why they say that with me I'll say to them what I'm about to say right now as one City just now I work for a round non-us company and like with any company once you come on board they take you through a series of training because they want you to ultimately understand their system in an understanding their system and practicing of making applicable the training that you're getting then you are more than likely to benefit greatly from the company I work in sales when I got the position I went through extensive training they sent me to Puerto Rico and Simon Nassau all over the place to get full training and all of their systems how I deal with the customer blah blah blah and other stuff so now when I go before my customer everything now is based on my training and if I follow the steps that they taught me in training then there's a specific end result that is guaranteed from the meeting between me and that customer as opposed to going in there arbitrarily and hoping that something happens it is the same thing with the Word of God when you know the laws when you know God's principles and God said so X amount of money and impede a life but you know people don't like you you know Peter is the meanest thing or legs but God saying to you do it now you know how you're going to do it one yes because you love God but then when you look at the scriptures that said if I give to the poor shall not lack or might give to the poor scorchin what I learn to the porn world will pay me back or if I consider the poor I'm going to give these seven parameters so I'm saying to you that once you understand principles once you understand the laws that govern whatever is that you dealing with and you see that the benefits are great you are more likely to do it but a view just in a spew sit down and every week somebody screaming and beg and putting this guilt trip on you and and all of that stuff you will be blessed and you feel that only you should be blessing your Minister Church know you have been placed on the side to meet the need of someone else you are a solution to someone problem I speak from personal experience all of the hell I went through in every area of my life I didn't understand it dance but in retrospect did that is the reason for me being everybody had to go and do it all over again I would do it all over again because the wealth and the knowledge and the wisdom that have garnered from those situations I could have never gotten under normal circumstances that's why I'm here today so I wanted to go into this particular scripture are we going to take a little bit naked okay um that I didn't over the comment or two from favorite half Akali said Cindy why did you find this young man this is the second time I've listened to him he's so real and someone else's some tuning in as well we say hello to cliffordville who is watching also I saw mrs. Aneeta Daugherty my principal she was also on as well we've taken money to her my uncle Manav in fish man Russell is I'm watching on Facebook along with Jennifer Ellis as well we say good morning also to Wendy piratical we'll take a short break we'll be back with more stay with it [Music] your memories are irreplaceable let the professionals at fantastic memories capture utilized in pictures family get-togethers graduations christening passport photos studio portraits wedding and event photography photo cake imagery church services and debate corporate functions and so much more than vested memories also offers digital options including photograph right direction don't leave your memories under cellphone keep them for a lifetime called sand basket memories today located at number 317 centers from three point two five five five two everything you need for school and more is in one place at H&M school supplies and foot store at number two arcade building downtown from backpacks roller bags Barbie Dora spongebob and spider-man bags drawstring bags lunch bags black and white composition books and geometry tips two dictionaries for Soros art supplies crayons markers charts rambles folders diaries text books games toys office supplies and more from 35 to 54 70 safety our conditioning refrigeration and deployment the most trusted name in air conditioning refrigeration and appliances including sales service and repairs the Kerry trusted name brands like Trane Goodman and carrier for industrial commercial and residential utilization they also have in stock mini-split system step boards air filters fan belts copper fittings tubing compressors thermostats a/c funders and poor and affordable pricing to let the cold or heat wear you down be customer for life call CNG air conditioning refrigeration and declines three five two two zero nine seven providing quality service since 1989 once upon a time in free more grand bahama slip Cinderella a beautiful Bahama Mama she had two stepsisters and they were fighting and Darrell went to party and dance till midnight while leading the ball and decorate her shoe came up she had to hurry no time to waste her shoe came up what should a girl do she get we're just one she has to wear two for you pair shoes where should she go to downtown 3/4 and booties Callisto at butchie's you'll find bags socks and shoes galore you want this one in that one oh you want the whole store but we're for work school and for playing wherever you go your feet will lead the way your closet is full and wedding over with June another pair from Ritchie will keep away to Blues lots of color style boots flats and heels which is Calypso always has great deals which is good so so hours Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. both three five two eight zero zero seven or three five two nine four five one [Music] everybody's in Chennai looking on this particular Haida down there and diamonds sweet everything basically the store buy one and get the other one that has price track shoes pants flowers counters and there's a lot to help you out some search shopping down there we also figured morning to Ricardo's profit Ricardo's fun International Ministries in Florida also to Quentin Martin Alton and PI know is quite represented on the show this morning we say good my internet allies born in Pinedale and so many of you who have joined also Annalee axonal once she's in Orlando Florida and we say good morning as well great I think we have like a book or nothing 30 minutes yeah now you get 30 to be beautiful so what I want to do all of what we have said so far I'm going to take us to a pastor description that this scripture is it's going to encompass everything that we've just spoken about everything everything and that's what you're going to find in Matthew where the guys are laughing very awesome Matthew chapter 25 and from verse 31 so verse 46 now we're not going to read all of it because we're going to get a gist of it I just want to break it down for us and what you're going to see here the importance the importance of your Christian life the importance of your success in life the importance of you being advanced and you not being stuck in the portals of life by simply giving to others now Matthew chapter 25 beginning at verse 31 what I'm also going to bring up and say is that you can also see in this scripture and this is why it's important to give your going to see a revelation and description is really gonna blow your mind so I mean Matthew chapter 25 and we're gonna start at verse 21 sorry verse 31 of my 25 it says when this is Jesus speaking when the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goat not so far look that last piece there you can see that the sheep will be the doers of the word of God of the givers and the goat is going to be the non doers of the word those who hold on to the things that God has given up the bless others with verse 33 of Matthew 25 says and he this is so Jesus speaking and he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on the left then shall the King say unto them on his right hand which will be sheep come he blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world for I was hungry little now listen carefully Ollie inherit his kingdom now verse 35 of Matthew 25 says for I was hungry and you gave me meat I was thirsty and you gave me drink I was a stranger and you took me in naked and you clothed me I was sick and you visited me I was in prison and you came unto me then shall the righteous answer him saying but not when so really hungry and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink and when saw we thee a stranger and took thee in or naked and clothed thee or when saw we thee sick or in prison and we came to visit you when this happened verse 40 says and the King shall answer and say unto them verily or truly I say unto you and so much as you have done it unto one of the whole lives of your brethren you've done it unto me so you see what our scriptures saying so you see the duty the Christian duty today he named the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and he became a part of the soldier in the Army of God his primary purpose is to help mankind to help his fellow brothers not to be committed to a church in the sense that you give all your resources there no no that is to help everyone we got place in your heart to assist because on the day of judgment he says come on righteous on my right hand cover me up have a seat now let me tell you why you are here today you are here because when I Jesus was hungry you fed me when I jesus was naked you do listen to it but Jesus we never saw you really you didn't see me but when you were doing it for the least of these you were doing it unto me so are you saying that you don't have to give all your money to me I am making it abundantly clear but your children unequivocally clear and whoever tell you otherwise tell them show it to me in the scripture because you see what you just read so you can tell me what do you hate churches beginning to get rich can be exciting no listen I'm not saying I'm not saying that's beautiful that's great I'm not saying that I'm saying to you there is no scripture that you will find that reserves you're giving only to a church this Bible is clear that you must whatever God and press this on you to meet a need where it may be somebody of a different religion it may be somebody of a different beliefs God says then you do this you are doing it unto me you don't know what God is going to do this place in life you don't know by you blessing this points in life this might see they can see the Christian and you will make them change their life and become same and be a blessing to someone else all because of your initial giving to them and also was only once they were sitting in Turkey and it was time for the offering and the quiet started to sing and a third one in to the front so that the people become advocates and some of them give their offering and he said that while he was in church when the moment after the prayer was given and they were many people through my role to come up he said the Holy Spirit spoke to him and told them show them some 1 inch in the service and that he should not definite tithe that movement but to give it to this individual work and he did that now what he did the next Sunday was the tithe but he was supposed to give that's amazed I said what some maybe for the month $300 but he gave that plus another $300 for that much but in that moment he just was a little bit and her sister she gave it to the person he's I don't see a franc was a little bit she was very feminine but he said I'm telling you this is what God told me to do and the woman so she she keep that she goes back I would here I wouldn't because like I tell you I am NOT a pretty breeding particular church and I tell you what I do and I always give morning with my Titus I remember one time to give me an example this happened several times there was a lady who God placed on my on it and I was actually getting a bonus on my job for some good sales I did and I already reserved $1000 this was the Lord put in my heart to give this lady a thousand dollars I never questioned it because I've seen two repeated instances and experiences when I move over God says that I will have to also myself elsewhere that I would never happen under normal circumstances someone I knew right and you knew she was in need I didn't know I knew nothing I knew I just was led to give it to us now the the pay period and when that bonus was supposed to come on it didn't come on that paper and I was really upset because I really wanted to do with that but I said anyway you know what I'll just wait for the next pay period and like I always do well I checked my account online when I saw the monies were there I went straight to the bank took the $1,000 off and headed toward that poison address and I went to her but I remember she was little they were told me that she felt that she was at the church do you know very well and she wanted me right now and I went to the church and him having friend me this was big date and I saw up front what a lot of church sisters and I sat in that back bench and I really don't know so lady came the back and asked if I needed help she don't because I was a sinner needed to get saved coming to church that out because they gonna tell what o'clock so I told who I came to see so she went and she call the lady I told let's go inside and I explained I said listen the Lord prompted my spirit to bless you with this she break down crying it she didn't tell me what the deal was going on pride one of this but we spoke later and she told me that there was a situation with a granddaughter who was away in school and she couldn't meet the rent and the granddaughter corner in desperate need Grammy I really needed your help because I can't pay my rent if I don't pay my rent they gonna put me out the granny always she didn't had the money but God moved on Kevin God move or didn't have to explain nothing to me I need to hear nothing and I move immediately in the cave just man she told me that she left from prayer meeting registrated by Canada money transferred to her so what am I saying to you let's go back to the laws of God probably level was 25 Part B she's at water it shall one day be born himself or he that give and assist other people someone will assist him there was a lot of gentleman Cindy cool what happened us every Thursday I would do it was an online ministry they would have me come on by a corner before they have me on their horn light air to all of their own when I see changing right anyway I was moved on day because was a husband white steam and husband the Lord placed in my spray one morning to sew into headlights $800 so I said okay Laura this is you speaking to me then let this man call me today not this wasn't the dad was scheduled to speak in fact this was a this was a Monday so the truth is he had no reason to call me because we know our schedule every sense they would call and they would introduce me and I come on the air and begin to do my teaching right the guy called me that morning just like I said I said not for you to prove to me this is where you want me to so this 800 bucks then you grab this guy communica I call music Evelyn no he didn't call me what he did is he sent me a Facebook Messenger he said I really need to talk to you today that was my signal right there so anyway I call it he didn't tell me the stuff he was going through how he was a he was asking me for any money he said he just wanted me the premium that God will provide a miracle for him because there was a job interview for him out of state but he needed funds of course with gas lodging and all this other stuff so I let him talk for like about 25-30 minutes so I said right if someone's on the meetings number yet the Lord statue it up today I said I told a mystery I said the Lord spoke to me concerning you already I said but I asked the Lord for certainty that if it was you how do you communicate call me whatever today I knew did and I know that that is the case I say I'm going over to MoneyGram right now I got all this information and man this feller I mean he was you couldn't don't let them to do probably probably did quite I didn't know what I'm saying to you is that if you are a child of God if you name the name Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior your life should be about giving your life should be about sharing and let me make this clear not limited to monetary stuff God might tell you take someone to the grocery store and tell them get whatever they want God might say you know while you don't want to strip this year with the children tell your neighbor you don't have two children she's finding it difficult to take y'all get their sizes their shoe sizes their clothing what did he say he say when you are helping those are the people then you are feeding them he said you have no idea you were doing it unto me just if I go on the guy said earlier how he gave his ties to the person go tell him to give it to and most people say oh I don't like to give the type but let's go back let's go back in this way the side business is getting the rival the scripture says that the tie is holy unto God right so that may not belongs to God that's what it says right when we come back in description of everything right here right now jesus said when you give this and when you give that what was you giving it to so God says to you taste outside money and give it to Cindy or take that I'm willing to give it to Peter didn't you just read when the sheet doubles on us right on question said Lord you said when we said you commend me cruel you it's will be fair include others we were given it yes Sydney if you own your car you could lend your car whether you choose to simply view all monies you could give who you want to sort of God says take the money I tell you to put aside for me and give it to Pete or give it to Tom who are you to say no God Angela I can give the judge and I discourage you from giving you touch the judge should know you should give your time here I'm saying to you if God is leading you and specifically giving you a specific set of instructions do you obey God or do you obey man I don't know but you by going on so just ending with dysphoria as we read so far it says that after he put the righteous on his right hand and he now begin to explain to them a why they were righteous and why they were seated now in heaven with him was because they will give us some needed jewelry to anywhere in there and they were there because they always supposed to touch on Bible study when it's daylight did you read anywhere and there they were to every conference and they carried the pastor Bible and they make sure that the Bible that the deposit is robe on or or they make sure that is the pastor parking spot didn't have the worker no I read just now that the reason they will label as righteous the reason they were sitting with us right on was because they met the need of those that were less fortunate unless you read the second part of it verse 41 got me to verse 21 says then shall he say also unto them on the left these are a goats I like that word these are the goats goats are stubborn this is the one we want practice and do the word they just want cold scripture Aldi and tell you the tenure of our long they were say so I don't tell me nothing I was saved for 30 years you just can't milk run your mouth and talk and fall then shall he say also unto them on the left on depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels Wow verse 42 of Matthew 25 for I was hungry and you gave me nothing I was thirsty and you gave me no drink I was a stranger and you did not take me and I was naked and you refused to clothed me I was sick and in person and you did not come and visit me verse 44 then shall they also answered him saying Lord when saw we thee hungry now remember now these people be talking to in their mind they were they were Savior they were righteous they should be going to heaven this scripture also supports the scripture that says Jesus says on that day many will say oh no what haven't I done miracles engineer come on I've done X Y Z you say get from Romney you wicked and iniquity be cast into the burning fire see because again every your Christian evidence to the world without even you telling them you are safe is that you are a giver you are compassionate and I know many people listen to me right now or many people are watching me on Facebook and I say my care when I hear you man believe you Kevin whatever I was given all my life mine Kevin I was doing this [ __ ] I was here that man I used to feel lovely to assure as night followed a Cindy whoever this poison is listening to me now God is going to bless you God is going to send in your Moses God is going to send your deliverer he is going to send someone that's going to change your life in the matter of minutes seconds why because he is not unrighteous to forget the gifts of love that you administered and ministered to his Saints even while you were lacking even when your resources were limited this is the gun who's going to change your life around because you participated and you practices principles now here in the description Matthew the scripture is clear stores they are standing up a-wondering Lord how come we are not with the righteous how come we are not standing up for them and he explained to them because you will never a giver I gave you resources I'll bless you with money I'll bless you with opportunities I've blessed you with jobs and all you ever did was hoard it to yourself all you ever did was give it to you and your children you there your people sitting next you and your pure year after year those pyramids even died and move on and you knew their needs you knew their lacking and you never satisfied it you you turn your head he says what I want you to hear is when you were turning your head towards them when you were ignoring them you ignoring me Jesus so that is a sobering message simply in that it now gives you it calls you to recalibrate how important it is to assist in the lives of other people just quickly if we go we got like several more minutes just quickly less quickly well drop more minutes let's quickly go to second Corinthians we gonna rock over this video second Corinthians chapter 9 and it's just going to add more fuel to this fire second greatest chefs in the night because what is going to give now is the formula for not only see the losses that we give we saw we shall reap but what does not be about to rewrite now is going to show us that that the attitude that we were kids and will determine how things will come back excuse me to us so in second Corinthians chapter 9 and let's look at verse 6 beginning at verse 6 of second print in chapter 9 it says but this I say he that saw it or give it sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully he many gifts he have no problem giving someone we don't even have to know a thousand dollars $800 $1500 mm because he know God is the one that Orchestra could he know the needs that he have and he realized that he must participate in the law of God by investing in the lives of other people so that the spiritual doors can be open for him so as I see that sort bountifully shall also reap bountifully verse 7 every man according as he purpose in his heart here's hot not nobody put no demand on you but no thousand dollar seed or five we're gonna see it as you of course in you Kevin in this ministry I want you to sow $10 but the FEL of discrimination do you believe if you give the thousand that you obey God no you disobey them now if God telling you just give $10 to Kevin right because he have a specific purpose with it all to get til a person right you right I thought it indicates tandem right but you say that's my past and I love my pastor I love my apostles I'd throw in a time to knowledge but God has send you gift him are you obeying God attended ancestor to the person was asking for the thousand dollar CE o rather than giving the thousand dollar see God is saying to you at that time give ten just like how you said the guy said just now he was about to pay his time but God said to him give your time to this woman but that's not definite no but what I'm saying to you which voice are you going to hear are you gonna hear the leader of your church which is a man are you going to hear what the Spirit of God is telling you so at that moment if someone is asking for thousand dollars what God is saying to you Sydney simply Bobby and so tell us and Igor been sold 50 are you disobeying God by giving the thousand see you got to look at this realistically exceedingly because of you you might say okay go on tell me I'm just - hours and dollars and everything given two thousand I didn't know what I'll go out three but now you send me that if God tells you and you now remember who's saying this now because you think I think it's unjust no no no for you so I just trying to show you how we are quick to override the command of God and submit to a command of a mere mortal I'm just thinking that if a person is at that moment I think the Saudis you are in disobedience Cindy no matter how your skin I can't get God tell you right now Cindy give Kevin fifty dollars and you do not do it are you disobeying going okay so now I'm asking this is not for the preacher this is for a person just sitting in the pews we know doesn't my rule for it's what God is saying to you God says the gift Kevin fifty dollars and you let Kevin Walker of suing you didn't give it did you will be good I mean yeah if God speak to you right now this is the example and he says give me fifty insight no here right now right here right in in the studio and you did not do it and you let me walk or you did you obey God so you disobeyed God it's okay now let's take that same scenario let's take that same principle we are in a church and there's a man screaming from that point that God said there's ten people on here to give a thousand dollars each and you have a thousand dollars in your pocket I have a valid but you know the voice of God and you can select right and you prove this voice all these years and God's speaking to your car and your hands is simply gifted are you in disobedience if you give the tape that's what I thought you were saying right if you give the sounds and you are in disobedience because you are thinking the word of a man as a positive word of God say because and this proves my point you're looking at a person and you said okay okay that's the leader whatever that's the new preacher profitable go ahead I know any dance and run it cuz you can be in disobedience but the way I would I don't know why I don't know why but God will do a lot of things cotton we do I don't know why you do it and I'm not interested in why do it I'm interested in this will be you know feed obedient to him God said sending gifts Calvin $50 right now and you know saying I Kevin Oh need it and you like to have a go you just admit to me that you will be in this obedience okay could not be taking the same principle of disobedience and now we are seated in a church and there's a prophet that came in town and he's screaming $1,000 God to give $1,000 you have 2,000 your pocket but the Spirit of the Lord saying do you go up there and give $10 right but you gave that thousand are you in disobedience to God yes you aren't the something I urge us tonight given Excel ain't no extra you are disciplined I'm a time I've been to church but this is this particular church right this lady I'm the church she was saying God just spoke to her she took the mic oh I just spoke up and said out five people in here five people here that must give fifty dollars five fifty fifty dollars these five people I saw six people seven mmm shouldn't she stopped at the five and say okay you're to go sit back down shouldn't she do it yes because remember what you're saying to me this is why people don't take God serious because you you compromise because you see more money coming now oh yeah I can cut me off you comin no you said that God told you that they're fine in here that must bring 50 now if you said there are at least five there's a different story but you say five people so the minute the six points income well as the man who you should say no no no no sit down because I think you look at giving over and not a problem again it isn't a matter of giving over being a problem we're talking about obedience you're talking about being a daughter don't worry what did the Bible says let's go back and I love the scripture kind of supports it and that may just be a classic oh I believe so I truly believe so God says in Deuteronomy 28 verse 1 he says listen if you ha can listen do my word and my commandments meaning what I tell you then shall you be blessed now you me said but go on and give it out no she's special anybody to give 10 anyway let it digest a little bit let me just finish up in the scripture so going back to second you didn't by using it again yeah but you want to also put emphasis on the fact that I want to obey God not my feeling not my partner in the sense that if God is telling me something that a human being word should not supersede what God is asking me of him so if you truly love God you would say you will obey my commandment living it thinking and again right okay so in verse 7 reduce to the quickly in 2nd Corinthians I said every man according as he purpose in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for God loveth a cheerful Giver and God is able now to make all grace abound toward you that ye always having all sufficiency in all things now what that mean is that as you give to God he's going to make sure that you will have resources do the things that you need to do but what really got me in this scripture I'm trying to find that part we drop the first end he says now he that minister he here being God now he that minister or give seed now who is God giving the sea to this is key he gives sea - so was he gives sea to those who was soda see it didn't say give sea to Horace it didn't say he gives seed stingy mean people here you know that they're not going to stop or or bring a recession to the economics or the economy of God meaning that they're going to keep that thing flow and as soon as simply give me something I'm trying to find somebody to bless or a portion of that yes not a lot of it keep going meeting the need so if every Christian would do what God has been asking them to do to their fellow person no question will be nothing none of them anything that's why this love this love because when they finally get out of there picking what is finally bless them right they now begin to hoard and hold on to every three minutes we have news as well for our audience we getting a lot of great comments on Facebook as well call it starting in that go along with coach Mike Williams I've had right Sean Sean Isaac what can you say that individual happen all of us tuning in today follow or even in a sense for this perfect what would you recommend what would you what would you think what I would recommend first of all we need to get into the Word of God so you have full knowledge of the laws of God and our lives would be dictated by those laws so when God speak to me God says Kevin so this into Cindy or sodas in the fetal life I'm not going to have a hang-up for that you know why because I know what the Lord said that the law says he that considers the 4xyz what happened he that blended to the poor shall never laugh so my giving is going to be predicated on what God saying not on what I have and I wouldn't have enough time for later I'm not being governed by that I'm not being governor but God I only intend on is not as I given as can I have that no I am convinced that the Word of God is sure I'm convinced that if I saw this in the life of somebody else because I'm obeying the laws of God then God is now obligated to Kevin through his words that cannot return on them boy to meet my knee so I'm not mood I'm not I'm not living in fear if I know only Stoller's on my account or I'm not living in fear because I know there's a my son school fee is coming up next semester no I have no reason because I live by the principle of God he that considers the poor shall not might shall not be turned over to the will of us enemies gonna preserve him and keep him like gonna help him in his time of trouble so when my back is against the wall I say God Yahweh declares and sounds 41u says if I consider the floor you will help me in my time of trouble I am in trouble because I cannot meet the school treat help me and as you're thinking about I love that sooner you talk about school see I remember the story you told on your show yes this school it's a pain 20,000 don't know $20,000 they call me and tell me this is what I owe twenty twenty thousand is video this one thirty thousand right see because there's boys here you know we got the of the government grants and all that other stuff right but then when they come at that neck said you were getting arrived like are you a choice here twenty grand and I say how could this be and I remember praying that scripture and make sure what happened I think don't want a different situation what happened in this case here he was having a conversation with one of his friends who was in a similar situation how about that one yeah what do you want to similar situation and the friend said there was this are its corner or like a member Great Lakes a meeting they give like loans you know you just applied for it you just went in there and guess what by that even the twenty thousand dollars was put on his by regal voice vehicle ok so right so what I'm saying here is that if you are helping other people if you are giving your meeting the needs there for their some people God may say go help them with their rent don't question God if you want to say okay lord give me a sign that this is you speaking to me okay fine but once you would have received that that that that's sign that this is God two things you don't want to do don't give sparingly don't give gushingly don't give you see listen necessity if you do it give because you know that the laws of god is going to do exceedingly and abundantly for you you know that god is going to turn the situation around for you and make things happen to you because you may think happen to other people and at the end of the day when you close your eyes from time until 30 he will put you as the sheep on his right hand as the righteous and say you are here today because you were sifting other people whom you were sent in the Exorcist okay and thank you very much hands together dude thank you for tuning in to our listeners as well so without standing up next it's our weekend news with the car delightful [Music]
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 18,588
Rating: 4.7985611 out of 5
Keywords: Doers of the Word, The word of God, Spiritual insight, Religious, Spiritual, Kevin L A Ewing
Id: 799JfPvZ3lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 51sec (7071 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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