"Spiritual Opposition" - Vani Marshall

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I want to talk to you tonight about spiritual opposition and and there's stuff going on I'm not talking about in the church but in our world so God has a specific vision for CCC and he wants everyone on board this outreach team is not an exclusive club now everyone standing here in the sound of my voice you are reaching out or can reach out to one person because you have the ability the Holy Ghost when you were filled with the Holy Ghost and you were baptized into his name you receive the capacity to move in authority and anointing this is not exclusive to one or two people or five or ten it is the body of Christ as a whole has this anointing has the power and the authority to go into the enemy's territory and pull people out [Music] so I wonder I don't know how I'm gonna do this because my notes are like everywhere there's a bunch of things I want to say so somehow I'm gonna try to make sense but at some point today I want those who are seriously considering joining the team the Fredericton team the team to reach not just internationals all of our neighbors everyone our cousins brothers sisters uncles aunts parents grandparents if you want to be part of the outreach team and I'm praying that's the whole church we're going to anoint you we're going to have a special anointing prayer on the outreach team if you're from out of town I don't care come and join us is that okay can we do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have several scriptures but you know what I'm gonna go straight into exhortation is that okay I wanted to tell you about the story of blind Bartimaeus in mark chapter 10 remember that he cried out Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me everyone tried to hush him and they try to make him be quiet many warned him to be quiet but he cried out all the more that's in mark 10:46 and fifty-two and you have time this week you can go read it in your own time [Music] but I want to tell you before you're seated CCC you're positioned again I said this last night I think I mentioned it this morning you're positioned under an open window this morning we had seven get the holy goes one baptize we have a total of 27 read receive the Holy Ghost to date at this point we don't know tonight but at this point 27 holy ghosts and 10 10 baptized in Jesus name that's the outreach team and all of you that brought visitors and guests the field is white and two harvests can we lift up our hands all over the house just for a few seconds I want you to pray that God gives you revelation on what you individually need to do in the next few days in the next few weeks and months to the end of the year and the coming year that what you need to do to continue to be positioned under this open window can you do that right now lift up your hands lift up your voice let's cry unto God right now God give me revelation give me knowledge give me your knowledge that the field my field is white unto harvest give me revelation of the divine shift in the spiritual realm over my neighborhood my community my city my nation help me to discern the times help me to discern the signs of the times hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus let's clap unto God one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] as I said I just have a series of thoughts I want to share with you and then we're gonna pray is that okay so get ready you may be seated I want to tell you that you shouldn't be surprised at the fact that significant moves of God are often preceded by seasons of discouraging opposition discouraging opposition I was reaching out to a person of a different faith a very anti Christian faith and I was reaching out of this person this was several months ago and her whole family came to church got saved within days there was persecution against his family and as a result the family had to go and hide from their own family because a persecution was I was so discouraged because there was a lot of sowing and reaping and a lot of work that went into getting just one person in the family when the whole part all of the whole family there was a lot of work that went into getting this family into the kingdom of God no we're not the ones that saved them but we sure work hard towards connecting them to God so do you I was discouraged for days the enemy attacked my mind and and and and lied to me that any work that I do in the end it will be not because the forces of evil in this world are so heavy and are so impressive so to speak that I don't have the power to come against them well that was true I in myself in my flesh do not have the power to come against the forces of the enemy but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me he that is in me is greater than he that is in the world and you've got to believe that so don't be surprised that significant moves of God are preceded by seasons seasons I wish discouraging opposition was few minutes unfortunately it's not sometimes it's days but if you're not encountering opposition I've lost my voice in this morning I hope my raspy voice doesn't distract you but if you're not encountering opposition then you are probably not successfully attacking a strategic location or issue within the body or within your community if you are not encountering a fight then you're not stirring up the waters but when the waters were stirred people got healed people were saved but if you are if you are encountering opposition you're on to something si si si you will be opposed don't listen to lies that everything is going to be great now that you're Christian you will be blessed you will have peace in the middle of a storm even if you don't feel peace and this feelings are overrated by the way God didn't say be still and feel that I'm God he said be still and know that I'm God God is not a feeling God is a fact don't go after feelings go after fact if you go after feelings so one day you get up you get up in the wrong side of bed you have a bad hair day I don't even know what that is if you have a bad day or you're in a mood or somebody just didn't treat you right and you're just upset you got stuck in a bad traffic jam whatever it is if you pursue God with your feelings you're on a dangerous slippery slope because one day your feelings might not feel God because your feelings are trapped into the emotions of tiredness or weariness just a little bit of weariness in your mind and body can set you afar from God can build a wall between you and God I don't understand but these days a lot of people they say that don't we woman I felt God well that's good you're referring to perhaps the emotions that was stirred when you and God was present but it is important while you are trying to feel God that you know God and knowing it means when you don't feel him you must believe he's still there he's still watching over you when you don't feel that he loves you know that he loves you when you don't feel peace know that he is peace when you don't feel victorious know that God is there to give you victory that he is giving you victory God is not a feeling he's fact the same with forgiveness a lot of people say that I don't feel like forgiving him well tough if you want to have breakthroughs in spiritual matters you have to forgive no matter how hurtful it is and if you're waiting for a feeling of forgiveness or feeling that God is forgiving you you know one time I was in the prayer room and this lady I'm coming to a point here I'm telling you that I'm talking to you about opposition and these are the ways that the enemy will try to oppose you I was in the prayer room in our church one time and his precious lady she was just praying but I mean I couldn't help it cuz kind of loud so I I have to pass the prayer room to go to my office on the second floor so I was I was listening to her pray and and all she did was oh god please forgive me forgive me forgive me and then when I came back down again after 40 minutes she was still praying the same prayer forgive me well her prayer was not my business that hasn't stopped me before so I went in sat with her and put my arms around her and sort of prayed God you know God revealed to her that you love her and then she stopped praying and I said I want to tell you something sis is there a reason why you feel God hasn't forgiven you 40 minutes ago five seconds into your prayer he said well because I just I need to feel his forgiveness don't get trapped that way that's another way he'll oppose you he'll try to tell you or try to well I need to I've done something bad and so until I feel forgiven I'm going to keep repenting when you ask God to forgive you he forgives you and if it's sincere in five seconds probably four and a half it's immediate his love is immeasurable don't fall for the enemy's lies that you need to feel forgiven feeling is deceptive our emotions are deceptive don't be listening to your heart the heart is deceitful above all else who can know it the Bible says no God forgives you don't wait for a feeling these are the ways that the enemy will try to slow you down if you are facing spiritual emotional mental physical financial opposition you are on to something when the enemy is fortifying his forces that is where you must focus your assault where is he fortifying his forces places that I travel sometimes in the area of forgiveness whether people want to offer forgiveness or receive forgiveness from God or forgive those that have wounded them sometimes if that's the way the enemy is operating then that's where you need to focus your assault you've got to read up and get into the word about the love of God to come against any scripture any lie that God does not love that God requires a penance don't get frustrated when you don't see results immediately those of you are involved in outreach ministry I'm talking about the whole church here those of you trying to reach and don't seem those that you're trying to reach if they don't seem to visibly respond the feelings of frustration feeling overwhelmed and tired not just because you've got two jobs in school and college and you've got to manage the kids and manage paying the bills and so that you don't go under and debt is facing you when you're overwhelmed and tired and weary this is where the enemy's tactics are thrown at you to make you slow down or quit altogether back push back everybody say push back how I'm gonna tell you how you cannot have an harvest if you've slowed down on prayer I know we are busy we are the busiest generation not just jobs families just trying to keep our nose clean trying to be debt-free or at least towards being debt-free we're busy and everything seems to overwhelm us and swallow our time away push back and if you're not praying right now it will swallow you it will overwhelm you your tiredness and weariness will get you your thinking well I know but I've prayed you know why people stopped praying or they slowed down on prayer because they feel that I've prayed for some things for a while and God doesn't seem to be answering unanswered prayers or rather when God is not answered yet can be one of the most discouraging factors to continue to pray but that's when you've got to push yourself you've got to get past your frustration you've got to look past your anxiety you got to push back on depression you got to push back on doubt and unbelief and get back to the closet of prayer with us prayer meetings here it cannot listen your prayer meetings cannot just be attended by the same old people who pray the church as a whole we want to celebrate as a whole the International Harvester local harvest whatever but we want to celebrate the harvest as a whole but that comes with a price see see see God is telling you the only way to focus your assault on spiritual opposition and to receive that breakthrough is get back to the closet of prayer get back to it don't let children don't let your family obligations don't let anything friendship Facebook or Twitter come between you and talking to God [Applause] and where the enemy's fortified there's going to be a fierce fight any kind of breakthrough you're gonna have a fierce fight if you're a faithful child of God you will receive volleys of flaming darts you're going to be attacked on all sides I know this sounds kind of discouraging him this is truth you're living in a world where you shouldn't be surprised there will be those that jeer you intimidate you and falsely accuse you there will be efforts to destroy your morale your loyalty and your determination sometimes your own friends when you did not expected family members can be the ones that sometimes will come against you and try to undermine your loyalty or determination your morale but this is a call for a holy determination breakthroughs require determination to keep up the assault there are voices there are voices in some of your lives right here right now that's causing you to make hasty decisions that will affect you in those close to you stop right now cease go back to prayer get the mind of God get some godly counsel don't make hasty decisions I don't know what I'm talking to but this is what I feel to say don't move one step further until you've sought the wisdom of God now breakthroughs are not achieved by intentional prayer alone intentional it has to be intentional when I say prayer I like to use the word intentional before that because you have to intend to pray you've got to plan to pray if you don't carve out a slice of your day to pray the day will overtake you and you won't find time nobody today finds time to pray I don't find time to pray I make time to pray I have to make time to seek God I have to decide every moment of every day from the moment I wake up God I'm woken up now I am NOT unconscious I'm conscious when I get out of bed help me to think write or cry do-right help help me to do things help me to walk in the way of righteousness help me to decide to let go of bitterness so prayer alone is not enough intentional prayer is important but intending to pray alone is not enough praying itself is not enough you have got to make up your mind today to make some changes in your life you've got to redeem the time if your time is being wasted by certain things whether it's social media whatever it is reduce it backtrack put a list of stuff that you don't really need to do every day and then stop doing it there are things you don't really really need to do every day then there are things that you need to do every day prayer is one of them combing your hair drinking coffee or hot tea I like hot tea Louisiana people don't know what it is for them teas iced I was born in a British Commonwealth in Malaysia we drink hot tea I made some friends tonight didn't I you have to make some significant changes people you've got to take a piece of paper and put all of the main things you need to do and then the ancillary things that it doesn't really impact you if you did not do it all the time and then make some changes there are works to be done and courage to be exercised in the face of intimidation you see see see see you are an invading force that is why the enemy will discourage you the enemy will lie to you you know the enemy cannot kill you you know that surely you know that if you don't know that you know it now Satan cannot kill you cannot when Jesus went to the depth of Hell and took back the keys of hell and death Jesus took permission back from the devil on who can die and who can't so it's up to Jesus who dies if I dropped it right now it's because Jesus gave me permission to do so the enemy cannot this is what the enemy does do he stands about ten feet away from me and screams lies at me I'm going to kill you I'm going to harm your family you're never going to be happy you're not gonna be joyful those that you're reaching will never be safe your husband will never be saved your financially ruined I'm gonna keep it ruined I am stronger than you you cannot fight me that's what the devil does all he does is then ten feet away and scream lies to you and once you believe it you self-destruct the devil cannot kill you so you must remember that you are an invading force now you can easily slip into a defensive circle the Wagen mindset what that means is you can in you can slip into a mindset of just I will just pray for me and my family and and protect what is mine I cannot do this this outside of the box thinking I cannot be I cannot do bigger than my little family my little life kind of prayers I can I've got enough to do here I'm not gonna be Kingdom orientated but let me tell you God said if you will fulfill his dream he'll take care of yours Jesus clearly intended you and intends for you see see see to be aggresses and not merely defenders you can defend for a time then there will come a time like right now is the time because of that open window you've got to get out and you've got to take it the kingdom of heaven does suffer violence the enemy does want to attack and he throws violence against you but the violent that's you take it by force that means Jesus is saying you have a violent fate you have the capacity to have violent radical faith but you must keep in mind that strategic ground is not yielded easily whether you're battling for breakthroughs against your own or our own stubborn sin or the sin of the city or a nation or the unbelief of a loved one or breakthroughs in the missional advance of a local church reaching the unreached people's rescuing the persecuted believers orphans addicts or even the unborn you are up against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies we don't know exactly what all that means except that these forces are strong remember Daniel he did not see victories for a while and just because you're not seeing victories right away and significant changes perhaps in the life of your backslidden child maybe you're not seeing that your sons and daughters are worshipping here with you now maybe there are setbacks and delays in church growth maybe you're you're experiencing more discouragement of frustration or weariness or doubt or cynicism that's exactly when you don't give up that's exactly when you roll up your sleeves and you say okay this is this is really bad this is hard and it's coming against me real hard well I'm going to go and pray I'm gonna get a few people when I'm not feeling like prayer I'm gonna get them to pray I'm gonna be in the atmosphere of prayer because spirit only can fight spirit increasingly intense fighting always precedes strategic breakthroughs you're up against more than you know but I said it before and I'll say it again he's in you he that is in you is greater do you believe that then clap your hands to the one that is greater the victory the the victory of God this is the victory of God I'm just gonna define it for you the victory of God is this he wants to banish all ungodliness and unbelief from the earth then he wants to gather his elect you are his elect he wants to gather his elect from all nations to establish justice righteousness peace and joy on the earth forever that's the victory of God that's all he wants that's it that's it in one line and then he wants to be worshipped with white-hot affection without end but that's not gonna happen until you feel captured by a cause do you know what will stop you from feeling captured by this cause which is Souls people people that don't know him people of all tribes colors religion faith to come to worship Jesus Christ what will stop you is your distractions what will cause you not to feel captured by this cause is weariness in your mind and Berenice in your spirit so today when we pray for you we're going to come against physical weariness how many here or is it just me you're just many times physically tired thank you for being honest I love Canada you're not too proud to tell you I'm tired zoomy I stay tired I don't know how but I stay tired and I and one of these days I'm gonna rest probably in a casket that's when we'll be my vacation please don't resurrect me don't don't lay hands on me and try to prove that you've got the gift of healing please leave me be I'm not Lazarus you try your gifts on someone else but you and I my husband said to me yesterday and he called and in fact even before I came here brother Marshall now we're talking about CCC and he said he echoed what I felt that we are captured both of us my husband and I and we've told that to pastor Woodward and I've said that a pastor Jack we feel to partner with you I know I live in another country I don't care that's just a border away because I believe that your finest hour is in front of you it's not even now but it's tomorrow next month the next few weeks this coming year and I want to partner with you because I want to see with my own eyes I want to see with my own eyes what God does in CCC I want to partner with you so totally selfish reasons I just want to see God's miracle flow in this place over and over again I want to see every tribe tongue nationality walked through those double doors I want to see you break open these walls and put more chairs because the balconies are full and you're full and nothing else is stopping you I want to see you win that's why I want a partner with you I want to see it and I know I will it's already started push back push back against every opposition every opposing force you can 4ye that is in you is greater [Applause] Muriel is that evylyn those ladies were baptized last night you know you're a soul-winner miru she is even before she went in the water I said you're a soul-winner she's like I am yeah you are and you have authority and after you come out of the water just go on and do Jesus's work you don't need some kind of special kind of a what suit or calling card a business card or laminated whatever you're baptized for crying out loud you're qualified to get out there and get them and speak words of life they were Baptists those women they were baptized last night I'm charging you come for prayer meetings come join these people for prayer meetings and after you got prayed up go there and have coffee with somebody tell them about Jesus they'll follow you cuz they'll send Christ in you the hope of glory captured by a cause how many year you can literally stand up and shout I want to be captured by a cause or shout I am captured by a cause I'm gonna start I'm captured by a cause anyone else [Applause] are you sure you're captured by a cause come on run out and shout it out in it no run out baby come on they need to hear you I'm captured by a car I'm captured by a car come on anyone else oh come on people run out I'm captured by a cause run out I'm captured by a car it's master Jack I'll catch it back home I know you are you played drums like awesome I am captured by anybody else I'm captured by a car I'm captured by a car captured by car captured by the cause I'm captured by the cause you're captured by a cause you're captured by a cause because I discerned that all the forces of hell it's right to oppose you but you're not afraid he's captured by a dog's brain brother I captured by cop captured by a cop shout that again I'm captured by a car surely I'm captured by a car I'm captured by your cause thank you listen this wonderful lady got baptized last night sir she got baptized last night I asked her why you going in the water cuz I knew she said Authority I want Authority I'm captured for a cause anybody else come on come on you can run out come on pass them I'm captured for a car come on I know you are intercessor I know you are you pray the devil away from Frederickson I'm captured by a car captured car cause you're captured by a cause aren't you God is gonna honor what you declared today he's gonna fill you and you're gonna work for God and your family will be saved you know what you're captured by a cause you know what captured people do they are held in captivity so if the cause captures you you're not gonna turn left you're not gonna turn right you're caught all you can see it's people that are broken and wounded and need God that's all you can see when you sit in a restaurant and you look around you're not gonna see patrons and eating customers you're going to see people from different nations and you're gonna say in same our eyes are opened we've become all of a sudden aware that they're not just ordinary people that have ordered a hamburger there are people that need God and you're going to make friends you're gonna connect you're gonna connect you're gonna connect open window over Fredericton here we come we're captured but can you shout that together I'm captured by a call shouted again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] remain standing I've got a few more things to say but I don't need to say it but I will tell you this the spirit that you're going to have to fight in the next few weeks and you know what God showed me this the moment I arrived he showed me he said some of my children here that's you they think that they're too small and not worthy or powerful or have Authority enough or strong enough to do this tell them that every day of their lives they have to believe in my report tell them to stop objecting to my command by saying I'm too small I'm unsophisticated I'm not educated I'm just an ordinary simple person let me tell you something Jesus chose the simple he chose the ordinary there could not have been a more ordinary band of people than the Apostles Paul was an exception he was kind of educated every excuse that the enemy has leveled at you I want us to pull it down tonight we're going to pull down some stronghold start the strong rule first of all this morning it was we came against fear and I know that God gave us a victory and he's gonna continue to give that victory but I want to come against condemnation that means if you have somehow sinned in your mind and your word we are all human and we make mistakes simple it's not rocket science but if you have felt that sin is holding you back because you feel well I can get a hold of that habit or that thought or I try to pray and for a few days I'm okay and then I go back to that abbot or thought well you know what you can say god I'm not gonna let condemnation stand between you and me I'm not gonna let condemnation lie to me that I'm not good enough I'm covered by the blood and every time I approach you and if I would say I'm sorry Lord you are going to forgive me Jesus God's not gonna let you make excuses anymore excuses like if only my husband was more supportive okay well your husband is not as supportive as you'd like him to be ladies what are you gonna do quit so say it out loud say it out loud okay your husband is not as supportive maybe he doesn't believe what you believe maybe he's not here worshiping with you what you gonna do quit that's what she's you just said that no excuse if only I lived close to the church well you don't what are you gonna do quit I've only my kids were in school they're not you've only had more money well we don't I don't what are you gonna do quit only the devil would stop attacking my mind and my body or whatever well he's not going to that's his job we're on this planet we're in the carnal body as long as we're in this body we're gonna have four migraines to other things that were gonna put up with but Jesus is still God he is still on the throne his blood is still efficient and sufficient for me the other day I said if only I was living in Fredericton well I don't what am I gonna do quit now who's gonna go home and grumble that's all because this unengaged apathetic mindset is one of the things that kept the Hebrew children forty years in a wilderness instead of a making 11 day trip because they kept blaming their circumstances your circumstance may not I know this doesn't sound like a happy clappy message well your real people that's what I love about CC you're real you don't have masks you just want the truth well this is the truth your circumstance may not change at all but God wants to challenge you to look your circumstance dead in the eye and say I am NOT going to quit I'm gonna push back on discouragement I'm gonna push back on frustration I'm gonna push back on worry and anxiety I'm gonna push back against the devil's lies I'm still standing I'm still alive and I'm well [Music] hsiao I'm captured by a call if you want to join the team that's gonna take the city we want to anoint you today pastor Jack is here mr. Kathy sister Woodward pastor Matt your ministry team leaders license ministers of CCC get some oil come up in front and stand facing the congregation these are ministers ministers wives thank you sir can we just spread out so there's more here that's it good thank you well done now all the workers pastor Jack has talked to some of you altar workers don't worry you coming out next I want everyone that you feel that either you're already captured by a cause or you want to be captured by a cause you desire to join the team that's going to take Fredericton to the next level that includes me yes but the marshal and I are part of the CCC team I hope that's okay with you if it's not too bad I'm here I'm coming back November get used to it because I love your city I love this city God has given me such a weighted burden it's not a bad burden it's a good burden very good burden I love this city I want to go walking to all the stores talk to everybody people are gonna think I'm that crazy bag lady mine is the bag I don't care I'm part of you now what are you gonna do quit so there you go I know you're waiting for me to say who but you're the one who ran out saying I'm captured by a cause where are you now when you come out I want you to start from that corner that means the last person standing there and you will walk all the way down this is like a prayer tunnel let me show you how can you help me down here I don't trust my high heels this is what we're gonna do but you got to move fast you can't stand still because this is a big crowd tonight so you got oil sister good anoint me then pray for me and then you keep moving that's it oh the anointing of God is on me now thank you pastor in Jesus name anoint me everybody get in the line now because this this this is the anointing for the team that's going to take Fredericton by force the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence but the violent take it by force take now you gotta move fast move as fast as possible don't stop don't stop at the person that's anointing you just keep walking just keep walking Thank You Muriel keep walking keep walking keep [Music]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 134,407
Rating: 4.892261 out of 5
Keywords: vani, marshall, preaching, preach, sermon, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunwick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic, spiritual, opposition, pentecost
Id: vtNgnlhc_2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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